PDBIJSHED EVERY FRIDAY BY H. G. KIBBLE. Proprietor S t 'B S d U Y T I O S B A T E S O n e Y e a r ......... S ix M o n th ».. T h r e e Month»- ADVERTISING RATES MOSIER BULLETIN P ro fessio n a l C ard s. M arch 3. 1K?§. MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY', OREGON, VOL. V ABOVE ALL MEINS. SINITITION NECESSARI IMPROVEMENTS WABE LET OS INCORPORATE IN RURAL HOMES ON THE DALLES ROAD H. FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1913 “ 3 .0 « O n e -h a lf Column . . . . “ 5 . SO O n e C o lu m n .. “ 9.00 B u sin e ss locals will be churned a t 5 "c e n ts p e r iin « fo r each in sertio n . U -g » i ativ A rtisem ento w ill in all c a s e s 'b e c h a rg e d to th e p arty ot-derinjr th em , a t legral ra te s , an d NO. 13 paid fo r b e fo re affidavits a re *fu rn ish e d . ^ E ^ O L V L D * THAT IT IS A COMFofcTAbLC f e e l i n g T o K n o w Y ou h a v e a S T o c k o f S oar flour , starch , tea M. All property in the proposed That it is necessary that a fam- Improvements have been made j incorporate limits of the Town of ily living on the farm know more; on the road over Mosier Hill be-, Mosier, pay at present 8 mills on about sanitation and hygiene than tween here and Tlve Dalles which the dollar for county road p u r - i a city family, because the farmer have eliminated the worst sec-; poses: if we should decide to in-(is responsible for the health of fion of the road and make th e1 corporate, this amount, instead j his entire little community, while highway now a fairly good onej of being used for road ds. would in the city there are boards of for automobiles. There lias been consideralde be available for street improve health, inspectors and intelligent neighbors next door to mitigate sentiment recently in favor of, ments. any results of ignorance or care- improving this road in order to The estimated taxable property lessness, was maintained by Mrs. encourage automobile tonrists| rs $127.000. At the rate of 8 Henrietta W. Calvin, dean of the who have been shipping their mills on the dollar, it would home economics department of cars from Portland to The Dalles amount to $1016, which, if placed properly would put our the Oregon Agricultural College, to take them off here and make streets and sidewalks in splendid in an address at the recent con- the trip from this city east, and condition the first year, and by ference On the conservation of j vice versa. | The most extensive improve-! continuing to invest that amount human life. “With air filtered through for- ment has been made on Stewart’s in street improvements, which now is used for county road pur- ests and cleansed by meadows Hill near the county line where poses from year to-year, in a few and fields, free horn the nerve- there was a 20 per cent grade years we would have as good wracking noise of cars, unannoy- and a soft, muddy road. H. F. streets ami sidewalks as any ed by the order of packinghouse Daly, proprietor of Morningside town in the state. or manufactory, with the ahso-i Ranch, recently donated a right- By all means, let. us incorpor-1 *ute control of water and food of-way extending for 2000 feet ate, and by so doing make the supply, there seems no reason through his property for road town of Mosier a creditable gate-1 why the dweller in the rural purposes. This has made it pos- way to the unequalled fruit and. home die save by accident or sible to avoid the steepest grade I Trom old age,’’ said Mrs. Calvin, and has reduced it from 20 to 10 farming country hack of U3. “True, the death rate is less percent. This piece of road has THE NEW MARRIAGE LAW among people on farms than been slashed by the residents among townspeople, yet ii is not there and the county will use * nearly so low as it should he. If scraper and put the road in good Owing to the "fact that the last lawyer A, merchant B, Dr. C, condition. The county, under legislature has passed a new state j clerk I), and minister E all live ¡the direction of Road Master * * Taw in regard to the issuing of j n Uie same neighborhood, o f-, Marshall, has made other im- marriage licenses, which goes in- fended by the same ill-kept barn provements along this piece of to effect June 3, and there are of teamster F, it is not necessary road, which is now a good auto- undoubtedly many persons resid- tlmt A. B, C, D and E all know mobile road.—Hood River News, ingin this vicinity who are not the harmfulness of that ill-kept aware of the provisions of this |)arn, it is only necessary that OPTIMISM PREVAILS THROUGHOUT ORE law, we herewith publish the one of them knows this fact, acts] GON'S BUSINESS LIFE most important provisions of the upon it, and starts the ordinary enactment. They areas follows: process of law. Despite the unlucky final fig- 1—That before any County Clerk in “It is not necessary that all the year 1013 promises to this state shall issue a m arriage license the residents of Portland study ' ulf s’ . . . . , , - ,, the applicant therefor shall file with .. * , j .... : set a high record for business and C . O . B u r r o w s , m g r . , . , . the clerk from whom such license iq the water supply, the condition!. . 1 1 industrial progress. A report sought a certificate from a physician of foods in the market,, the sani-j . , , . ___ ¡ j 1 \ r / Y r iF r ir » duly authorized to practice medicine tary conditions of dailies. Ifo n -D us .™ai e y a 6 3 1 com J Jv lO iS H ^ R within the state, made under oath, ]y a few know and insist enough merc't‘ ‘ aKenc.\ states that pros- pects for’a good year were never within ten days from the date of filing on proper conditions, then all the same, showing that thw male per better throughout the Pacific son thus seeking to enter the m arriage will derive the benefit. Northwest Territory. Sales and ■a»»1» »■>»!»■>» NE» relation is free from contagious or in “I t is not that the owner of a collections are good, manufactur In Business fectious venereal disease. Hood Kiuer rural home knows or cares less ing is going ahead well and, best 5 0 Years Oregon 2 — Any physician who shall knowing than the city dweller; it is that of all, tiie prospects for good ly and wilfully make a false statem ent he must know more, because he crops are excellent. 1« a Jeweler and Optician of many years experience. in anyjcertificate issued as herein pro is dependant wholly upon his If you have a “ aick” time-piece, he can cure it. An indication of the confidence vided shall be punished by the revoca own knowledge and care for the If you have eye trouble, he can correct it by fitting you tion of his license to p ractice his pro- felt in the future ¡»shown in the with proper lenses. wholesome surroundings of his announced expenditure of about fession within the state. Hay Grain Feed Mosier. 1.0* O n e -q u a rte r Colum n . — W n tered 'as set*ond-class m a tte r M arch 12, 1909 ar th e p o st orti «• at M»>sier, O regon, u n d er th e A c t o f p e r m onth $ .61 O n e s q u a re ................... COFFEE, SPICES &c IN THE HOUSE- COMETo US, WE , h a v e x ^ t h c BEST Oregon A COMPLETE LINE OF Chick and Poultry Food May be had in any quantity I \ Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Copyrtc^ IF YOU BUY YOUR. GR.0CER.1EJ FR.OM WILL GET CAUJE WHY WE WE CLEAN, JELL KEEP FR.E JH LoTJ THEM ( 1 j M< of and issuing the necessary certificate $75,000,000 by the various cor “ In cities a man is not Oniy porations in and about Portland protected from the carelessness during the current year on im- ^ tn il.y . If you have jewelry of any kind to repair, he can do it. If you want new jewelry of any kind, he ha* it. If you want ANYTHING in hi» line, he i» the mail to consult. Hi» price» are right and »o is hi» work. iL n L rrxce!d ttheaL hr o 7 f e 5 a ' I of l,is " eif ¡.,1,ors’ ’>ut he is often I provements, extensions and bet- P A T R O N IZ E HIM A N D B E C O N V IN C E D prevented 1 rom suffering the con- terments. Bank clearings show 4—The county physicians of the sev sequence ot his own carelessness, a gain every month over the cor- eral counties shall, upon request, make the necessary examination and issue ^ ^le "'¡II not keep his premises responding months of former such certificate, if the same can prop- clean, his Weeds cut, his barn in years and 1913 looks like a big erly be issued, without charge to the order, then the officials of the year for the whole Oregon coun-; TH E W ISE YOUNG MAN applicant, if indigent. iavv wjn d0 these things for him trv- • ¡and force him to pay. j ; always takes along a box of our MASS MEETING POSTPONED “ A ruralhome is defined by Sed- may. Perhaps bring infantile par- chocolates or bon-bons when he goes calling. He knows they will make ----- j wick as being a hoine whfch | a' VSlR” . j his welcome warmer and his stay T. , ■ , • , stands alone, separated by con- Mrs. Galvin then spake of dis- J he mass meeting, which was . , , , . , . lease carried by rats, cats, cows, j pleasanter. A word to the wise Scheduled to be held at Chown’s ¡ a * eia ’ e s!’ Cfc . 10111 ° 101 resl*[hogs and tuberculous chickens, should be sufficient. Take a box of Hall on last Monday evening, to dences' and one in w hich the oc- |)y water supply contaminated candies with you next time. talk over the advantages and His- cupants a,e dependant upon their |)y seepage from the barn or cess- S . E . FRANCISCO , ad vantages of incorporation, ! OW" 8upPly ° { walL er and milk’ pooi’ a" d 1Vt!’.er meanS' ~ ° ' A' C* , was unavoidably postponed until and dlSp‘T for ^e",selves of r ress Bulletin.________________ Proprietor “ TH E OAK S .” some future date, owing to the Sewa* e and wa8te: There are no fact that a numberof our leading statistics concerning the health If citizens were called away Monday in these separate homes. D erby & S tea r n s health on the farm is to lie attain TO to attend court as witnesses in tne Mosier bank robbery case, ed, there must be a constant ed- L a w yer s and were unable to return home campaign with that end, IN YOUR in time for the meeting. |in vlew- H O O D R IV E R . O R F G O N YOU CAN GET We have been informed ‘‘ ^ e may come a time when though, however, by members of men on farms will encourage a the committee, who favor the in sanitary inspector in their com - H. G. K IB B E E corporation plan, that a meeting f \ th ey now do for the N O T A R Y P U B L IC will he called for the same pur- hea,lh ,>f tbe,r fnL,,t trePS- Th* FROM ALL pose soon after the adjournment time may come when a commun MOSIER - - O regon of the Circuit Court, the exact ity will as willingly submit to an O-W. R. * N. STATION* date of which will lie'announced order t,hat, ‘You m,.,St instal1 sep TO in a later issue of the Bulletin, tic tanks for your house’ as they May 28 LOW FARE Home Paper TRIP TICKETS ----- In reference to the fecen f rul- ing of the Dairy Commissioner about branding butter, the fol- lowing information may “ help out’’ numerous small ranchers who make butter tv? sell and have no brand of any kind: “ We cannot say ‘Move your house.’ There were reasons for ' ts location near the road, near to neighbors, near to water, sheltered from winds, etc. We can only say, ‘Improve what you have. Start with the barn. De- LABELS ON BUTTER Butter rolls or bricks should be 8troy the ordore* Do away " ith wrapped in paper labeled w ith, tbe manurt?> the breed id g place the manufacturer’s name and the A'69-’ weight, such as 16 ounces, full, “ Typhoid is not a rural disease weight, or 32 ounces, full and the country fly may not have weight, ’ the words to be plainly typhoid on its legs, but it will printed on the wrapper. have germs of diarrhoea which PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE EAST VIA Final Otturo Chicago ........ 9 FR.EJH. THAT Limit Oct Jl ......... 72.9) D t n v r r 9 59.00 100.50 O m a h a ................. 00.00 Phitarielphta... 100.50 Boston . . . . . . . 110.00 S L P a u l............ «0.00 M inneapolis . . . . m m New T o r » . . . Kqtully Low Round Trip Fares (• practically all other Point» Fast LET ME HELP CliTLIKE YUR TRIP F . A . A t.U N O T O N , Agont O. W. R & N. Co. IJ WHENEVER. COME To UJ AND GET IT AND YOU WILL GET GOOD FOOD. YOU OWE TH U TO YOUR.JELF AND TO YoUR. FAMILY. WE WILL NOT JELL POOR. EooD A T ANY PRICE. M o s ie r & Co., O regon Supply Co. Hood River , Ore. Dealers in all kinds of Electrical Apparatus and Supplies. “What's the matter, Smith? You look all to the bad I Well, I'll tell you. Things are upset at home. The kid's sick— wife worn out. Frankly, I'm up againat it Simply cannot get any help. Your wife trying to do all the work? Yes—and the washing, too. Well, the washing Isn’t so hard. It isn't I W hy that’s ftie longest, hardest day’s work aha does. Do you mean to say that you have electric light and nota Thor Elec tric Washing Machinal A Thor? Sure I Get after that now. Don’t let your wife break her back over a wash board. Get her a Thor Electric Washer quick.** 3 Cents w o rth o f electricity will do the avoroge washing fora family of six. IB DA YS FR E E T e le p h o n e to d a y fo ro n e . _ ..... «w;iiw<i?//iwwM ADVERTISE September 30 now obey a mandate ‘You must spray or cut down your infected orchard’ or 'You must kill your diseased horse.’ OF THEM. BE- ! W. F. LARA WA F 3 —All fees and charges of any physic- Jan making the necessary examination GR.OCER.IEJ, YOU WANT ANYTHING To EAT, i Ì I Retailers of Nichol I ! LUMBER and I i FUEL i i / Electric Wiring & U J YOU Notice to the Public. L. COMINI The Tombstone r— —Man ------ - Tho two leading magazines of the Pacific Coast, the Pacific Monthly and the Sunset, have been consolidated under the title of “ Sunaot—the Pacific Mon thly.” can supply you with any It ia the intention of the pnblisher thing in this line at most to apare no money nor effort to make Sunset—the Pacific Mouthly a credit to reasonable prices. the West and a magazine of national value and importance. To introduce it to new readers we will make the following special offer; Send 50c in stamps, and we will put your name on our subscription list for the next four month», and will send • - you a free copy of the superbly illustra ted Mid-Winter number, and also the ¡ famous Sunset Indian poster, securely packed in a mailing tube. It will make a beautiful ornament for your front room or den. C. H. Davenport and wife re Send yonr order to Fred I/ockley, turned home from The Dalles Northwestern Manager, Sunset—the Pacific Monthly, Portland, Oregon. Wednesday. TR Y HIM AN D BE CONVINCED The Dalles Oregon ^ « W L . U n easy ^ \ l Lies the Head of him whose house has no porch lamp. W hy worry about midnight marauders when it is so well known that burglars fear babies and lamps more than dogs and pistols ? They strictly avoid houses having elec tric lights— particularly porch lamps. And the annals of crime show that such houses arc rarely if ever burglarized. Have your house wired at once for electric service, and then you’ll fully appreciate the feeling o f absolute safety afforded by a brillian* Edison Mazda Porch Lamp. L et us submit an estimate to wire your house. You'll be astonished at the mod erate cost P a c if ic P o w e r a L i g h t C o . ‘ ALWAYS AT YOUK SER V ICE.’’ W -1J