NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK GOV. JOHNSON IS SURPRISED Northwest Advertising Men Ap­ prove Action of California. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST ed up the opposite hill It began ta te a r away In flying wlspe like the sm oke of g reat guns, giving ui glim pses of a narrow slope of turl ending in a cliff, at th e foot of which an unseen riv er m oaned and chuckled. “I helped you loyally—you have no com plaint ag ain st m e?" asked old H earne. tapping me suddenly on the shoulder. "I could never wish a b e tte r com rade,” I told him. “T h at is how I hope you will al­ ways think of me. He was not a kind of m an to talk sentim ent, and I glanced back In sur­ prise. T here w as an expression ol peace upon him, such as I have never seen In a hum an countenance, eith­ er before or since. He sm iled, and, reaching over, gave my h in d a squeeze. “You have th e m aking of a good fellow in you,” he said. “May the fates forget your follies.” We drove on In silence for awhile, and then the old man rose, kneeling upon the cushions of the back seat. "H ere comes the sun, Julius Craig," he said. "T he m ists a re scattering, and the world comes peeping through to welcome you back to freedom. Women and wine and cards—does ths old sp irit s tir w ithin you?" "And who the devil may you be?’’ asked th e convict, turning upon him. "H ave five years changed me so m uch? P erhaps my beard it w hite: than It was the night you fled with her to the yacht In Cadiz bay.” T he convict gave a m ingled cry, like a beast in pain, shrinking back, with his face one gray m ask of fear. "N ot M ortim er?” he w hispered. "It can 't be M ortim er. He died.” “You a re quite m istaken," said H earne politely. It all happened very sw iftly—In on« long breath or so, It seem ed to me. Craig sprang from his se a t and ran wildly down the slope; but th e old man w as not five yards behind him. 1 believe th a t the convict had the pace of him, but the cliff turned Craig to th e right, and the next mom ent they had closed, and hung, swaying upon the edge. The flicker of a knife, a shrill, pip­ ing cry, and they w ere gone. I was alone In the g re a t silence, save for the fain t m urm urs of the stream as it fought the rocks be­ low. It took me ten m inutes and m ore to reach them , for I had to sk irt th e cliff until a slide of granite boulders gave me a path to the bottom. Craig was dead, th e knife had done its w ork; but th e old m an was alive, though his grave blue eyes w ere glazing fast. He recognized me, and sm iled very, very faintly. I raised his head upon my arm and wiped his w rinkled face with my handkerchief. “Is he dead?” “Yes,” I told him. “I w as—m anager of a mine— In Spain,” he w hispered. “My daughter —he took her to his yacht—scoundrel w as m arried already—she died In Lon­ don.” T here w as no vengeance In his face now; he faltered on as sim ply as a little child. “Long search— found he w as In prison—cam e to kill him. I m et you —to help him escape seem ed a bet­ te r way. Then he would know why he had to die— if I had shot him over hedge he would—never have under­ stood— sorry for you—had to do my duty—by him .” His head fell back w ith a long sigh, so th a t I thought all w as over; but presently he rallied again, in tho last blind effort a t life which even a man with a broken back will m ake. “N ot a sin, Mary dear,” he called. “How can they tell you It w as m ur­ der when they know—’’ H e finished his explanation In an­ other world. T h at Is about all I need tell you. I found the horse grazing by the road- Bide and drove to A shburton w ith no g reat care w hether they caught m e or not. Yet 1 was back In London be­ fore they found the bodies. . roriiclesof /riddinolo) Peace General News of the Industrial and Educational Development S acram en to —D isguised as Japanese, the P ortland delegation to the Pacific and Progress of Rural Communities, Public Institutions, Etc. C oast convention o f ad v ertisin g men here caused H iram Johnson, governor of C alifornia, to miss fire on a speech ROAD FUND IS GETTING LOW LOGANBERRY FARM IS LARGE for the first tim e in his life. The governor had ju s t signed the alien Work of Convicts on Columbia Tract of 71 Acres at Springfield Is land ow nership bill and it occurred to Auto Highway Nears End. Highly Developed. D elegate Woodruff to burlesque the Governor Johnson, of C alifornia, event. Hood R iver— The fund o f $10,000 Springfield— R. H. P ierce and R. L. ( o -/1 o / / iús trl/A Cunan D oyle o f TTie floujid c f /he D o ilen /lllo , ¿ t signed th e alien land ow nership bill. Governor Jonhson was called up on donated for th e Colum bia R iver auto­ Landis, ow ners o f the P ierland tracts, C ûjjyr y f t/ Ùy Ú f Ok C ttA O M A H A sm all tornado w recked a church th e telephone and asked to receive the mobile road by S. Benson, th e P o rt­ n ear P leasan t H ill, a few m iles south­ then, as if raised by th ese echoes, land lum berm an who passed the w in­ e a st of th is city, have ju s t com pleted -■ = and several residences a t V alparaiso, delegation. H e fixed 12:15 as th e th ere clanged a distan t bell, a deep te r in Southern C alifornia, has been the p lan tin g o f 71 acres o f loganber- tim e o f th e v isit. A t th e rig h t tim e Neb. voice of loud alarm from the prison the tip w ent out from h eadquarters depleted, according to County Judge ries. T his is said to be th e la rg est I t is reported th a t London m ilitan ts and all th e admen in the city massed George R. C astner. tower, telling the moor th a t a convict H owever, the single tr a c t o f loganberries in the hire women o f th e low er classes to in fro n t o f th e Sacram ento hotel to work, done by s ta te convicts, who be­ world. I t will require 350 pickers to had escaped, th a t Julius Craig was a c t as incendiaries. free and th at I—I, m iserable fool th a t tak e p art. H eaded by the Los A n­ gan th e ir task May 23, 1912, is alm ost g a th e r th e crop when the vines are in I was, had failed In the tru s t which The “ price co m m ittee” of the C hi­ geles band and w ith little Mildred completed. Governor W est w ent from full bearing. had been placed upon me. I t is th e intention of the ow ners to cago B u tte r and E gg board has been T ucker, m ascot o f th e delegation, in Salem to W yeth, th e nearest station (C o n tin u e d .) I tried not to think, but ran stub­ th e lead, th e N o rtherners em erged on on th e line o f th e O.-W. R. & N. com­ dry the en tire crop on the prem ises, perm anently abolished. M atters moved quickly with us. I the stre e ts w earing kim onas and J a p ­ pany, to inspect the work and to con­ and arrangem ents now are being made hired a stout horse and a two-wheel­ bornly on beside the horse w ith th at B ry an ’s la te st reply to Jap an on the anese hats, th e ir faces streak ed w ith fe r w ith Adam Shogren, who is in to erect suitable evaporators for this Infqrnal bell rioting in my ears. My ed c a rt for a month from the landlord alien land ow nership question is being p ain t and c a rry in g um brellas. They charge of th e crew o f convicts. purpose. As the loganberry yields i life on the m oors had put me In to whom I talked neolithic man of an kept a profound secret. Up to th e p resent tim e no ag ree­ about one-third of a crop, or approxi­ w ere followed to the s ta te house by evening, lmj>resslng him with a learn ­ sound condition, and I never slack­ Em ployes of th e P o rtlan d Railw ay, hundreds o f o th er d elegates and c iti­ m ent had ev er been reached betw een m ately tw o tons to the acre, during ing, acquired from th e reports of th a t ened my pace till I had tro tted up the the county officials and th e railroad th e second season, the ow ners will L ig h t & Pow er company are said to be zens o f Sacram ento. w orthy society th e D evonshire asso­ rise to where the track to the ruined I checked the horse The P o rtlan d visitors m arched into company. However, because of the begin im m ediately to m ake p rep ara­ ciation. I preferred to drive myself, farm began. secretly form ing a union. co n tract th a t w as signed recently be tions to care for the crop nex t year. E ngland, France, G erm any and Italy th e p riv a te office o f th e governor, as tw een the railw ay au th o rities and the Camp grounds for pickers will be declining the boy offered for th a t pur­ and walked slowly forw ard studying have all sen t p ro tests ag a in st th e pro­ he was sig n in g bills, and g re e tin g him Multmonah county officials, th e local prepared. In addition to th is large pose. T here w ere no o th er prepara­ the edge of the moor besides the high­ way for the m ark of the grass-grown w ith a bow, u tte re d som ething th a t posed new tariff bill to the U nited tions to m ake; and so, on the day fol­ ru ts I knew so well. sounded lik e “ O hio.” Then the lead­ com m issioners think th a t they will tr a c t o f loganberries th e company has lowing, th a t earn est student, Mr. S tates. e r stepped to the fro n t and proceeded soon come to an ag reem ent w ith the also planted this y ear 40 acres o f Ita l­ I heard the footsteps long before I railroad company. ian prune trees and will dry th e prod­ Abel Kingsley, m ight have been seen saw him, a quick p atter upon the hard C incinnati stre e tc a r men have re ­ to read th e follow ing a d d re ss: smoking his pipe on the cairn hill Local citizens are u rging th a t the uct on the place. I t is also prep arin g turned to work, an ag reem en t having “ Oh hi ru m : English talk not easy surface behind me. As he cam e out been reached to se ttle th e ir disputes fo r lowly Japanese, but A ugustness, Columbia R iver road be made to ex­ to p lan t a t once 20 acres of beans and In a w hite m ackintosh, for w as th ere of the fog he shouted, bringing his not a th re a t of rain In the air? while by a rb itra tio n . you berry sm a rt man. W hile we have tend east from th is city up the Colum will se t out betw een the prune trees rifle to his hip w ith an easy swing. bia gorge to M osier and thence or to gooseberries and g a th e r th a t crop till Mr. Thom as H earne lay hid am ongst He w as a stoutly built m an In the A s trik in g telephone linem an was adm iration much for H ighness Teddy, the stones w atching the effect of the A t th e present tim e a the trees become too large to p erm it badly wounded by a revolver shot in a humble Jap an ese think much more The Dalles. signal through his pocket telescope. neat dark uniform th a t m arks the W e also sm a rt n a ­ road crosses th e range o f hills se p a ra t­ th e'su ccessfu l grow th o f the berry prison w arder. fight w ith Home Telephone em ployes b e tte r about you. He reported all well; Julius Craig had vines. ing the M osier d is tric t from Hood R iv­ tion. W hite man m ake $10 month "Be careful w ith th a t gun," I said; a t Oswego, Ore. undoubtedly noticed the w hite w ater from land. He spend $15 a month. er. The g rad es on this stre tc h are for he still had me covered. proof, and understood th a t we were MANY YOUNG VINES MISSING A c u t to the sta rv a tio n point in the Jap an ese man m ake $25 m onth from difficult. “I beg your pardon, sir," he pan t­ w aiting for him. County R oadm aster M arshall recen t­ w ages o f women w orkers in Illinois, sam e land and save him all. B ut you ed; "but we w ere close to him and—” I could talk to you for an hour of provided an eig h t-h o u r law is passed, have too much sm artness for J a p a n ­ ly inspected th e ro u te up th e side of Big Shortage in Hop Plants Found “Close to whom?" our doings In the next th ree weeks. was th reaten ed in open h earin g before ese. You sign bill before Jap an ese the gorge, w hich he believes is feasi "T here's a convict escaped." he ex­ on Investigation. We lived on the edge of a powder th e s ta te senate sub-com m ittee on la­ g e t all land. Now we never g e t J a p ­ ble, but he declares the tim e for build­ plained. “You haven’t seen him ?" b arrel in which we had set the fuse B uena V ista — A thorough in v esti­ ing it has not arrived. anese governor o f C alifornia. But bor. "No, nor likely to In this w eather.” gation of hop yards in all p a rts of N ever a m orning but we w ere up A ugustness, we now offer you saki, He had got his breath by this tim e W hile a t torpedo p ractice in N arra- and say you le t us live in C alifornia Polk county shows th a t a large per with the sun, staring to w indw ard for g a n se tt bay the d y n am ite cruiser Ve­ and be your bosse. W e let you live in O.-W. R. & N. ORDERS SURVEY cent of young vines in the hills are signs of the w eather. Would It be and stood leaning on his rifle, look­ A ing vaguely about him. suvius was badly injured by a torpedo Ja p a n and be your boss, too ” m issing and th a t the grow th is short today, tom orrow — not at all? "You a re right, sir. We stand a far nervous man would not have stood and Ukiah- Pilot in the la rg e r regions. On th e east she had ju s t launched, which turned in Then the governor w ent out on the Condon-Fossil the w a te r a id struck th e stern o f the stre e t and had his p ictu re taken w ith bank of the W illam ette river, J . R. th a t stra in ; but we were not a neu­ b etter chance of losing ourselves than Rock Routes Considered. of finding him in a fog like this. But ship. th e delegates. As he held M ildred | Surveys for two proposed rail lines, Cooper and Morrison & P ercival, the rotic couple, the old chap and I. one th in g is equally certain —he can’t As hard and keen and clever aB a leading hopgrow ers o f th a t section, re ­ get far, either." M exican c o n stitu tio n alists have suc­ T ucker in his arm s he re m a rk e d : one from Condon, G illiam county, to port much shortage in plants. lad of 21 was Thom as H earne. It It w as while he spoke th a t I heard ceeded in g e ttin g a t le a st one arm y “ T his is w hat we are sav in g C a lifo r­ Fossil, W heeler county, and the other A fte r an inv estig atio n of Polk was he who spent the day In Ply­ from P ilot Rock, U m atilla county, to county hopyards, Mr. Linn, of the mouth, retu rn in g with a wig and long R—th e clink of a boot strik in g a aeroplane safely across th e border, to ­ nia fo r.” U kiah, in th e sam e county, have been firm of Linn & C atlin, o f Salem, in overcoat th a t m ight tem porarily con­ stone, and th a t not a score of yards g e th e r w ith a supply o f g ra v ity bombs, w hich it is believed they intend to WELCOME PEACE CENTENARY ordered by the O.-W . R. & N. com- company w ith Dr. S tackberger, o f the ceal the convict’s Identity until he away. ------------- pany, and crew s w ill s ta r t to work on U nited S tates d ep artm en t o f A gricul- could change his yellow prison unl- drop on th e governm ent gunboat in "I’m afraid you a re only w asting G uaym as harbor. Peace Society Speaker Believes Ilis each project a t once. tu re, s a id : j form for the clothes I had already tim e." I said, as carelessly as I was These surveys are to determ ine the “ I t is im possible to assign any reas-1 bought; It w as he who gathered to able. “A needle In a h aystack Is Forces Are Gaining. A steel um brella rib, swallowed cost of the work and upon the reports easy com pared to a convict In a about four m onths ago, was removed London—“ Welcome to such prom is­ of the engineers will re s t the proba­ on fo r th e shortage in th e yards. The him self all the w eather lore of th e fog." from th e side of a cow belonging to ing incidents as the new regim e of b ility of the eventual construction of conditions of cultivation, the location village until he had become a b etter “I think I m ust take your advice, o f the yard or the soil, have ^apparent- prophet than the w isest veteran of the M artin H orn, of W est Kelso, W ash. peace in A m erica and the celebration e ith e r road. I t is understood, how­ We alw ays moors. Two fogs we had, but dur- sir," he laughed. The cow sustained no suffering, b u t a o f the centennial o f peace betw een ever, th a t if the expense w ill not be ly nothing to do w ith it. W e w ished each o th er good a fte r­ find the conditions changing every lng the first the convicts were kept few days ago a larg e sw elling ap ­ G reat B rita in and th e U nited S ta te s ,” too g re a t both lines will be built. year. S till th ere are several th r ifty w ithin the w alls; while before the noon, and he m elted aw ay as a man peared on h er side, and th e veterin ary was the prom inent phrase o f a resluo- “ We don’t know w hether we ever new yards which show an encouraging His other caught them the w arders had m ight slide behind a curtain. who w as called decided to o p erate im ­ lution adopted by the 97th annual | will build e ith e r ro ad ,” said J. P. re p o rt.” tim e to rush the gangs back to th e ir footsteps died out down th e road by m ediately. m eeting of th e Peace Society a t the O ’Brien, general m annager o f the O.- cells. Yet H earne never lost tem per which he had come as I moved for­ j W. R. & N. company. “ We have W a lte r H. Page, new ly appointed Mansion House. a t these delays, cheering me back Into ward. Orchard Sells for $52,000. The presid en t o f the board of educa- th ese two projects in mind as am ong am bassador to E ngland, is being op­ patience with the stren g th of his own "T h at was a n ear thing, K ingsley,” M edford—One o f the la rg e st orchard posed by 50,000 tra d e unionists in Lon­ tion, Joseph A lb ert Pease, was the ; the most im p o rtan t in the develop- said a voice in the shadow s, and I don, as being a b itte r enem y to labor. principal speaker. m en t of Oregon, and if conditions jus- sales of the p resen t m onth w as closed certainty. “Don’t you worry, K ingsley,” he hum bly thanked my luck th a t H earne “ I t is a m a tte r o f much congratula- tify we will authorize early construc- la s t week, when A. K. W are, of Med­ S ecretary Lane com m its him self to tio n ,” he said, " t h a t w ith in a few tion work. ford, sold his highly developed proper­ would say; “w hat Is fated to happen stepped out upon the road. Federal ow nership o f A laskan ra il­ m onths we shall be able to celebrate ’I’ve no excuse," I began. “It was ty, lying one m ile south of Medford, to cannot be prevented, and Providence ways. J. B. Doner, o f U plands, Cal'., for will see to It th a t Julius Craig comes all my fault, and—” w ith nearly 100,000,000 A m ericans a Curry County Is Progressing. "H ush! keep quiet." $52,000. The tr a c t contains 26 acres, to us soon.” M oreover, the All m ovem ents'of A m erican troops centenary of peace. Gold Beach—The R rookings Lum ­ w hich is in b earin g apple and pear His afTection for the convict seem ­ H e stood for a m om ent listening and w arships are to cease while the strain ed relatio n s which have existed ber & T im ber company, a Missouri trees. I t is im proved w ith a b e au ti­ ed to fill his life. No risk, no labor like a dog a t a door. betw een G reat B ritain and G erm any Jap an ese controversy is on. corporation w hich is developing the If th a t fool of a w arder had not have d isap p eared .” H e closed w ith a large tim b er in terests o f Southern ful residence. Mr. W are accepted as was too heavy; no storm would drive C om panies w ritin g tornado in su r­ w arning ag a in st “ one of th e g re a t C urry county, has filed a m ortgage p a rt paym ent a hardw are business at him from his post. Often when I gone back we w ere done," he w hisper­ smoked by the Inn fire he was crouch­ ed. “The guards chased us right into ance in O maha have been ruBhed w ith dangers o f today, nam ely, th e fa c t w ith the county clerk here to secure a U plands. Mr. D oner also purchased the K iser ing patiently am ongst the rocks on the ruins. W hile they searched them business since th e recen t disastrous th a t an enorm ous num ber o f persons bond issue of $850,000. The St. are pecuniarily in terested in the pro­ Louis Union T ru st company, o f St. orchard, n ear Jacksonville, fo r $ 4 5 ,-1 the cairn hill, as if It w ere his only we slipped down the track. Come storm s. duction of arm am ents, which th re a t­ Louis. Mo., is th e tru ste e w hich is 000, giving in exchange an orange son for whom he w aited. T here was along, Craig, all’s w ell.” The th r e a t th a t any w age reductions ens to become a vested in te re st and The convict rose from th e heather, grove and p roperty in U plands, The som ething Inhum an In his m erciless will be rigidly in v estig ated by the g e t control o f the nation, as the liquor handling the bond issue. i in self-sacrifice; but I had no reason to w here he had lain, and stum bled to­ orchard contains 65 acres and The company is incorporated for b earin g apple and p ear trees. complain, for It lightened the burden ward us. He w as shaking like a man governm ent caused a w arm d eb ate in trad e did a few years b a c k .” $1.500,000, and will spend over $1,- the house. with the ague, and the sw eat was Mr. D oner announces th a t he will on my shoulders. A m essage from S ir Edward Grey, 000,000 in building m ill and o th er im ­ It was a t three o’clock on Tuesday, running off his forehead and down his b rin g w ith him several fam ilies from All French arm y proposals carried the B ritish foreign secretary , to the provem ents in Southern C urry county, Southern C alifornia, who will locate in May 9, th a t Julius Craig escaped. cheeks In narrow streaks. in the cham ber o f deputies, and all m eeting, said th a t though some in­ before they begin c u ttin g lum ber for the M edford d istric t. Poor devil! If he had but known! ‘Am I safe?” he stu ttered , grab­ men whose term s have expired are be­ fluences w ere w orking for w ar, “ I am the m arket. This is the beginning of H earne and I had quarreled th a t bing my arm. “I've money, man, conscious th a t th ere are also g re a te r an epoch o f developm ent for O regon's ing retain ed in th e service. m orning over the fog question. Per- money. You shall have It, I sw ear influences w orking for p eace.” Cheese Factory at Work. bnckward county, y et in n atu ral re ­ W illiam J. Calhoun, re tirin g m inis­ D eschutes -T h e first shipm ent Wed- ! h“pB *>oth our temperB w ere w earing you shall have it all! B ut I won’t go sources one o f its richest. 1 thin, but th a t was no excuse for his back th ere—not alive!" te r to China, says he fears the Chinese Citizens Will Study. S uperin ten d en t W ard sta te d th a t he nesday from the Laidlaw cheese fac­ dropping from argum ent to insults. I "Come, pull yourself together," said will ta k e the w hiskey to replace Philadelphia — Headed by Mayor hoped to have th e p lat o f the new tory to P ortland o f tw o tons ’o f full dare say he thought my language just H earne, with a hand on his shoul­ opium, which is prohibited by the new B lankenberg, a delegation of more town of Brookings ready to file a t the cream cheese, as savory as any ever as bad; but th a t d id n 't make the tro u ­ der. “W e have no tim e to w aste, re­ governm ent. than 100 leading citizens le ft here for Ju ly term of th e County court. W ork m ade in Oregon, m arks the su b stan ­ ble any lighter. T here was fog In m em ber." is progressing rapidly on the logging tia l progress of th is section of C entral the air, he said, though even the land­ C onferences of labor officials w ith the U niversity of W isconsin to tak e a We wrapped the long coat over his So ended th e story of John H ender­ Oregon. the officers of the San Francisco Gas th ree day s’ course on advanced m uni­ road, millpond and w harf. lord laughed a t the Idea when I put yellow clothes, stuck the wig over his son as Inspector Peace told It to Some tim e ago J . B. W irner, of the question to him. Finally the old & E lectric company w ere w ithout re ­ cipal governm ent in th a t in stitu tio n . cropped head, and helped him to the me. Garden Prize Offered. L aidlaw , installed a cheese factory. man walked off In a huff, though I had sult, and th e strik e a g a in st the com­ Mayor Riddle, of A tlan tic C ity, also is front seat. I took my place beside “And you?” I asked. a m em ber o f th e party. The pilgrim s The O. W. R. & N. company will I t is now tu rn in g out nearly a ton of so fa r given way as to prom ise th a t him, H earne clam bered up behind, and pany in th a t city is still on. ”1 suspected th a t ‘K ingsley’ had will be joined in Chicago by Mayor aw ard a ste rlin g silv er cup to the fine Oregon cream cheese each week. I would bring the c a rt to the ruins our Journey began. helped In the escape, but I never Iden­ Magee, of P itts b u rg ; e x -S ta te Sena­ school m aking th e b est score o f points The cheese is finding a quick m ark et by lunch time. The horse w as of the old moor PORTLAND MARKETS to r Flinn and delegations from Bos­ in its garden contest, gardens to be and a good price on account of the ex­ I sulked about the inn until th e pa­ breed. He could have bowled us along tified him with Jack H enderson. Who cellent quality. ton and N ew.Y ork. The heads o f many judged on th e follow ing b asis: pers cam e from Plym outh. W hen I at a good ten m iles an hour If the Thom as H earne m ight be or why he L a rg ­ W heat— Track p ric e s : Club, 92(ii) educational in stitu tio n s are accom­ had finished reading them It was nigh fog had allowed it; but as it was we killed the convict I could never find e st average size v egetables, 2 0 ; la rg ­ 92Jc; bluestem , $ 1 (etition to all of the 28 MillstufTs — B ran, $24.50(1/25 per "N o; they pulled him round. Some ters. The “ m ovies” w ere m ade dur­ meal In com fort. I would lunch be­ If It w ere galloping hoofs th a t he to n ; sh o rts, $26.50(r$l per dozen; to Sorento, b u t to fool the crowd they afternoon of the last day of the fair. ing up proper from the eastw ard. I'm Canby Heavy Egg Shipper. A nother fea tu re will be the exhibition beans, 10(/i!l2c p er pound; cabbage, w ere taken d ire c t to th e statio n . Canby — Canby is com ing to the feared th a t Mr. H earne— " by school children, for which a long 2 |(i/3 c ; cauliflower, $2 per c ra te ; Culebra Cut Conquered. He got no further, for I w as past eg gp lan t, 25c pound; head lettuce, list of prizes has been arranged. The fro n t as an egg shipping center. W ashington. D. C. The C ucaracha county fa ir a t E ugene will be held the D uring the m onth of A pril 2000 him like a flash and out Into the $2.50 p e r c ra te ; peas, 6(u:8c pr pound; peppers, 36(