A l w a y s Making F r i e n d s OBSERVATORIES IN COM BINE WHITE PLAGUE IS NOT CURED PROPER CARE OF CUT GLASS W . L. D O U G LA S VdOMffN* Elaborate Prccaut ors Necessary to Preserve the Beautiful But Ex­ » 3 . 0 0 » 3 . S O » 4 ..Q O Is the fortunate experience o f H ood’s Sarsapa­ tremely Delicate Article. '*4 .50 AND *5 ■ OO rilla. Whole neighborhoods love and praise it Wellington, N. Z.— The mission o f Cut glass is very t ishionable now. fo r the cures it has wade. “ I know by ex­ linking together solar observation and Is used upon the dinner table and SHOES In the drawing room with great suc­ perience that H ood’s Sarsaparilla is a grand, throughout the world, undertaken by FOP. MEN AND WOMEN M t.X cess. But, alas I How easily it can i i- Nun BEST BOVS SHOES In the WORLD i •- ' i ' good medicine. I am more glad in taking it Miss Mary Proctor, o f New York, a be chipped and apoiled. What precau-f $?. PC. $2 50 and S3 00 lions can be taken .vlth the precious i than its proprietors are in selling it. In ma­ daughter o f the great English astron­ The Urgest makers of pieces? laria and loss o f appetite it drove out the chills, omer, Richard A. Proctor, v,ho died in Men’s $3.50 and $4.00 Cut glass must be handled very care- ] •noe« in the world. gave me a good appetite and digestion. For New York in 1888, has been brought fully when it Is washed, so that no risk | A sU v o u r d e a le r to s h o w yo u twenty years I have known and used it, so I to a successful conclusion after five Health Department Makes Strong is run of chipping it. A wooden bowl | W . I - D o i . r I m * 9 4 .0 0 ai will help. MIM'5 ft4 .M ) Rim es. .1 ust a s g o o d in sty >1« call it a good old reliable fam ily medicine. W e years’ work. Criticisms and Public Warned GOTHAM h t a n d w e a r a s o t h e r m a k e * c o s t in g fc.l.OG to $ ? OO Place In a wooden bowl some shav­ —t h e o n ly d if f e r e n c e is t h e p r ic e . Shoe.* in ¿«21 recommend it to all our friends.” James John­ The establishment o f a solar physics to Be Careful. ings of mild white soap and pour over le a t h e r * , s t y le s a n d sh a p es to su it e v e ry b o d y ./ *? these boiling water. I f y o u 4‘o u id v is it W . L . D o u g la s la r g e fa c t o ­ son, 551 E. Indiana Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. observatory in New Zealand was as­ r ie s a t B r o c k t o n , M a ss., a n d see f o r y o u r s e lf When the water has become luke­ h o w c a r e f u lly W . !.. D o u g la s s h o e s a r e in a ile , In thousands o f homes all over the country sured by the donation o f $60,000 by warm wash the glass in the suds, us­ w o u ld tlie u u n d e rs ta n d w h y t h e y a r e n a i ra n te d New York— The Friedmann patients ing a soft nail brush. Then dtp the Thomas Cawthom, o f Nelson, New t o tit b e t t e r , l o o k b e t t e r , h o ld t l i e l r s h a p e a u d w e a r lo n g e r t h a n a n y o t h e r m a k e f o r t h e p r ic e « glass in a second wooden bowl, this in New York are not doing well. In Zealand. N* ! W. I» Douglas shoes are not for sale lit vor.r vicinity, order time filled with clear lukewarm water, (TIRIOS direct from the factory and save the tmddMn.in's proti* fact, some o f them are decidedly ill. Shoes for every member of the familv, at :ill prices, by until all traces of soap is removed. f CAUTION Parcel Post, postage free. \V pit«* fo r I liu .ir u t e « t Is used as a Spring Medicine and blood purifier. It should be in yours. New York — “ Carrying American This fact, combined with a knowledge _ See that C iit a lo g . It will show yon how to ordir by mall, Now dip the glass into a third howl W. h. Doegtss “ -■* why you can save money on your footwear. trust methods into the heavens,” was o f the nature o f the sale Friedmann of luke warm water to which bluing une is stamped H r o r U t o n , M a s s . W . L . D O r U l.A N . 8 U B S T IT U f E on the bottom L I K E F L A V O R O F C H O C O L A T E the definition given by a well known has recently accomplished, tras made has been ndded (for the bluing will writer on scientific subjects to uni­ all physicians connected with the give a brilliance to the glass) and then Addition to Custard Makes Little Ex­ versal solar observation. The method Friedmann tests anxious not only for dry It with a very sol! cloth. Polish BEEF B R A IS E D A LA BRISSE Molasses Pudding. Can g e t you fancy prices fo r W ild Ducks is every way admirable and desirable, their own patients, but for the wel­ It with soft tissue paper. tra Work, and the Children Are- Gilded and patterned china may Mix together one cupful of finely and other cam e in season. W rite us for he added, as much duplication by ob­ fare o f the public in general. Sure to Appreciate It. well he washed In the same carefnl Change From the Familiar Roast is chopped beef suet, three cupfuls of cash offer on all kinds o f poultry, pork. etc. Before the week is out it is most way, hut the blueing should he umit- It is no more trouble to make a servatories will thereby be avoided. sifted flour, one teaspoonful and a half Something That Will Be Appre­ There are, perhaps, a dozen great probable that three, and perhaps four, ted. chocolate custard than it is a plain of salt, one teaspoouful of cinnamon, ciated By the Family. solar observatories scattered over the public statements will be made from one, and the chocolate is a change. a half teaspoonful each of mace, all­ Take a rump piece of beef, weigh­ Children especially enjoy a custard world. Each o f these has been mak­ public institutions, none o f which will spice and cloves, and one "pound of ing at least eight pounds, and lard it seeded raisins. Add one cupful of made in this way. The proportion? ing independent observations o f every be favorable to Dr. Friedmann or his T r y M u rin e E y e K ein ed v. N o S m art in * — F e e ls with half a pound of salt pork, cut in are two cupfuls of milk, one ounce ol tuilk, one teaspoonful of soda dissolv­ W a t s o n F . C o le m an. phase o f solar activity. Universal treatment. F in e — A c ta Q u ick ly . T r y it fo r R ed , W e a k , j Season ed in a little hot water and stirred into Patent Lawyer,Washington, chocolate, two eggs, sugar to taste, W a te r y fc.ves a a d i . runw iated E yelid s, lllu s * . long, half-inch square pieces. solar observation will restrict each ob­ This information has been placed in tra D.O. A d v ic e and books free. te d Book in ea ch P a c k a g e . M u rin e is well with allspice, chopped parsley, one cupful of molasses. Turn Into Rates reasonable. Highest references. Best services. usually about three tablespoonfuls, a servatory to a specific phase o f obser­ compounded by our v. enlists - not a “ Patent Med- pinch of salt and half a teaspoonful vation. Thus, one observatory will be the hands o f the New York health de­ lclno” — b .t used In successful Physicians' Prae- aud a little garlic. Tie up firmly and a bettered mold and steam steadily lico fo r ninny years. Now dedicated to the Pub­ place In the stew partment, telling o f the poor showing pan with four for four hours. Serve with a hard of any preferred flavoring. lic. and sold bv l»ru»rgih? s at 25c and 60c p er Dottle. Melt the chocolate in a double boil­ allotted the work o f observing phe­ which the Friedmann patients, all of Munuo tiye Salvo in Aseptic Tubes, 25c and 60c. ounces of melted beef suet: fry brisk­ M O N E Y TO L O A N nomena attendant upon sun spots, an­ ly until a crisp h ie?'" all over. Drain whom have been watched for the de­ Murine Eye Romody Co.. Chicago Pour the milk in and let it come Low est rates. W rite fo r application blank. W est­ er. off the fat, add a quart of broth made Beat eggs, sugar and salt other will study such observations partment, have made. ern Bond & M ortgage Co.. Commercial Chib Bldg., Portland to a boil. Flowers on Wrong Grave. from bones and trimming, two cups Banana Pie together, and pour the boiling milk from the rim o f the sun, and so on. The statements made are strong. After periodical pilgrimages extend­ over the mixture and strain into cus­ Each will adhere exclusively to its One o f them is supposed to be that Mix one-third cupful of sugar, two tomato sauce: a bunch of parsley: two Second-Hand Machin­ as separ­ some o f the cases treated would have and two-thirds tablespoonful of flour, onions, and about a quart and pint of ing over 15 years to the cemetery at ery bought, sold and tard cups or one large dish as pre­ own phase and all will work Set in a pan of hot water and ate departments o f a monopoly, for been better off i f they had not had the and one-eighth teaspoouful of salt; quartered turnips. Let boll up, then Beeston, J. Daniels of Nottingham was exchanged: engines, ferred. boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st bake in a moderate oven. then add yolks of two eggs, slightly cover and let simmer gently for near­ informed by the local urban council, sun observation. Friedmann injectien and that the S t* Portland. Send for Stock L ist and prices. ly three hours. Take out the beef aud under whose control It is, that during 1 suppose you know how to tell The idea is about ten years old, and presence o f the culture in their systems beaten. Pour on one cupful of hot place on n platter and rub the vegeta­ all this time he has been visiting and when the custard is done. If not, scalded milk gradually, while stirring was first credited to Professor Picker­ seems to have given the bacilli a constantly, return to double boiler and bles through a sieve into the sauce placing flowers on the wrong grave. then the test is a knife put into the middle of the custard. If the knife ing, o f Harvard. Miss Proctor lives chance to work in places which they cook 15 minutes, stirring constantly pan, skim off all fat from the gravy The blunder, they said, was due to a inform ation and booklets o f value to you. in New York. might not otherwise have attacked. until mixture thickens, and afterwurd and reduce to the consistency of their former sexton getting the numbers of PACIFIC GUANO & FERTILIZER CO. comes out clean the dish is ready to occasionally. Cool and add one-fourth sauce, then press the turnips, etc., the graves mixed In entering them In be taken from the oven, while if the It was learned Monday from the 182 Madison St.. Portland. Or. custard sticks to the knife it must be VESSEL TAKES A M M U N IT IO N best o f sources that the Friedmann cupful of thin cream or rich milk, through a fine sieve to make a puree. his book.— London Chronicle. Turn onto the platter and place the left a little longer.— Exchange. pulmonary patients at Bellevue have three-fourths tablespoonful of lemon meat on the puree. Bour some of Juice and one’ large banana cut in one- Guncotton and Cartridges to Phil­ not only failed to show any improve­ eighth Inch slices crosswise. * Cures W hile You W alk. Chill the gravy over the meat and serve. ment, but that with many o f them the thoroughly and turn into a pastry case. A lle n 's Foot-E ase is a certain cu re to r h ot HOLTON and BUESCHER ippines on Rush Orders. T O CU RE A COLD IN O N E D A Y sw ea tin g, callu s, and sw o llen , s e llin g feet. Sold disease was having its course uninter­ Just beror« serving beat the whites band instruments. The most complete stock by a ll D ruggists. P r ic e 25c. D o n ’t accep t any San Francisco — Telegraphic orders rupted. Many o f the pulmonary suf­ of two t s until stiff, and add grad­ T a k e L A X A T I V E B R O M O q u in in e Tablet«. o f Musical Merchandise in the N o rth w est su bstitu te. T r ia l p a ck a g e F R E E . Address D n ip e ls t. refund money i f it fo il, to cute. E. W. W rite for Catalogues. A l i e n s O lm sted, L e R o y, N . Y . from Washington early Wednesday ferers there treated by Dr. Friedmann ually, while beating constantly, two G R O V E ’S «ixn atu re ta on each box. 26c. SE1BEKL1NG-LUCAS M USIC CO. at first showed gains, such as in­ tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar and postponed the sailing o f the United Need Care of Home. 134 Second Street Portland. Oregon Good Dumplings. A Philadelphia physician who en­ States army transport Sherman, due creased weight, but have since fallen one-fourth teaspoonful of lemon ex -; Many cooks fall with dumplings Spread evenly over pie and back. Actual conditions o f the lungs tract. joys a handsome practice and excel­ from letting the mixture stand after lent hospital connections told me as to clear San Francisco for Hawaii and have either remained the same or be­ brown under gas flame.— Woman’s it is blended or from letting the water Interesting although terrible thing the Philippines at noon, to many hours come worse. Only one case was men­ Home Companion. under them get below the boiling About 90 per cent, out of every 100 later, while an unusual shipment o f tioned in which the lungs had im­ point, says the Commoner. Mix and Compressed Sponges. babies that are sent to hospitals foi proved, and that in an incipient stage. A compressed sponge is a bit of sift two cupfuls of flour and four tea- bringing up die. The death rate among ammunition, both for small arms and It was also said that at Mount Sinai toilette daintiness intended specially spoonfuls of baking powder and one- loaded such unfortunates is seven times ai coast artillery guns, was hospital the patients have not made for travelers, though it appeals as well half teaspoonful of salt. Work into great as with infants who have thi aboard the big vessel as she lay in the progress and that the disease is run­ to the stay at home who is an ultra­ this three teaspoonfuls of butter, us­ Our co-operative sales plan en­ immediate care of mothers. Truly stream off the transport docks. ables you to buy a brand new au­ ning its own course. The same is un­ hygienist. The sponge Is of com­ ing the tips of the fingers, then add there is something needed in a child’l While it was said at the Presidio tomobile; only $475 required, bal­ gradually three-fourths of a cupful of life besides food, shelter, and clothing that the ammunition was intended for derstood to apply to the Montefiore pressed absorbent cotton about the sweet milk; put out onto a floured ance easy terms. For full partic­ ulars address size of a twenty-five cent piece, and Home, where Dr. Friedmann also — Philadelphia Record. “ target practice for the troops in Ha­ half an inch in thicknes. Dropped! board and without working, roll out w a ii,” the utmost secrecy was main­ treated a great number o f tubercular Into water it becomes saturated and to half an Inch thick; cut In any Squeaky Boots. sick. expands to the size of a small face shape desired, or in strips, dip in Often when one has purchased 8 tained in the loading, which included flour and lay the pieces close to­ 699 Washington S treet pair of boots, one doesn’t know till 5,000,000 rounds o f rifle and revolver FARM S W IL L N E E D 40,000 M EN cloth, large enough to wipe the face gether in a well-greased steamer; set free from dust and grime. PORTLAND, OREGON. cartridges, 10,000 pounds o f guncotton they are home that they creak. How this over a kettle of boiling water, ever, the disagreeable noise may bf and many tons o f ammunition for 10 cover closely and steam for fourteen In the Telephone Book. Prospective Wheat Crop in Kansas stopped by taking them back to th< and 12-inch cannon. Dear Old Lady (using call-office tele­ minutes, keeping the water below rap­ shoemaker and asking him to spring The major portion o f the unusual Largest Ever Known. phone for the first time, to operator idly boiling. Serve as soon as possible them on each side and insert between cargo was loaded from ordnance stores Be Honest. at the exchange)— “ And as you’ve with portions of meat. Topeka, Kansas— Facing the pros- the soles a teaspoonful of French at the Presidio and Fort Winfield Being honest is the greater part of been so nice and attentive, my dear, chalk. This process costs only a trifle ! pect o f a wheat crop o f more than M o th e r , w ill A nd M r«. W ln t lo W i S oo th in g achievement. When you know that Scott. Work began at 10 o’clock in I’m putting an extra penny In the box Syrup th e te at rem ed y to u w lo r t h e ir c h ild re n you're doing the best wifhin you, you and answers admirably. the morning and continued until dark­ 120.000. 000 bushels, the lowest esti- for yourself."— Bunch. (lu rlu g th e te e th in g p erio d . . mate based on Secretary Coburn’s re­ can’t be downed. Self-respect is an Don’ t buy w a ter fo r bluing. Liquid blue la al- ness set in, every available wagon at ost all water. Buy R ed Cross Ball blue, thl eternal life preserver—no matter how port o f acreage and condition, the Baked Peas. the post being pressed into service. ue that’s all blue. often circumstance wrecks you, you’re The ammunition was part o f a ship­ State Employment bureau already has Now that It Is between times of old bound to float back to solid ground Rather Flimsy Excuse. and new vegetables, try this recipe: ment recently received from the East begun plans for bringing into Kansas again. When men strive for posts of Baked peas: One-half pound dried The case of "any excuse" was ex I by the Western department o f the an army o f Dearly 40,000 harvest trust, they must be Bomewhat post- hands. Secretary Coburn’s report o f green peas, one onion, one carrot, one like themselves and stand steady.— emplifled recently at Capetown (S army. teaspoouful sugar, pinch of soda, a conditions o f 90 per cent in the great- [ Africa) criminal court. A native wher Herbert Kaufman. MB. A. H. POWKLL, generous tnblespoon of butter, water. asked by the magistrate why he hac HIGHER RATES AR E FORECAST ly increased acreage o f wheat was M anufacturing Ohemlst, Soak peas over night, put In bean signed his evidence “ Tom Harris,” hi! Hpokiino, Wash. based upon reports sent previous to Feminine Ambition Rebuked. crock in the morning with the other real name being April Phalander, re Dear H ir : H aving suffered with stomach The instinctive masculine attitude plied that he did so because the pet Railroad President Says Freight the recent soaking rains which fell all trouble fo r a number o f years, and trie d a ingredients and cover with water. through the wheat belt. great many doctors and a great many pro­ toward feminine ambition is some­ was a bad one and his hand was shak Bake six hours or all day In slow oven, Tariffs Must Be Increased. prietary preparations but obtained no per­ Basing their estimates on his re­ times manifest in early years. Three- ing. adding water when It evaporates. ____________ manent r e lie f until l look fo u r stomach Pittsburg— Speaking at a luncheon port, grain dealers, farmers and m ill­ year-old Richard was observed in the remedy, and am pleased to suy that I have no When ready to serve remove onion Child's Pathetic Death. fu rth er stomach trouble nnd can eat any* barnyard one day, following witn so­ tendered him by the Pittsburg cham­ ers estimated that the wheat yield, if and carrot. This dish will) be found th in g I desire and suffer no bad results. I am licitous attention the movements of a A bad school report, which h< ber o f commerce. President Samuel conditions remain the same, will be very nutritious and appetizing. a professional nurse, having nursed fo r 30 hen who was trying to crow. Finally thought would induce his parents tc Rea, o f the Pennsylvania railroad, 124.000. 000 bushels o f wheat. years, some o f th e tim e for Dr. H olb o f New The York City, th e greatest specialist on c h ild ­ he inquired kindly, though with evi­ punish him, caused a boy of twelv? forecast a general increase in freight soaking rains so Improved conditions Laziness and Logic. ren's diseases : also had charge o f W urdner dent disapproval: “ Is anyfing the mat­ years to commit suicide at Rgtnicken rates. Mr. Rea said: Hospital ut W i.runer, Idaho, fo r two years. Why are we still indolent and negli­ that men whose opinions carry | Hlnce learn in g by my own oi| i«rien ce the ter wif you?” dorf, a suburb of Berlin, a few dayi gent and sluggish, and why do we seek “ We find it most difficult for the weight, declared that only -a contin­ great benefit from th e use o f P o w ell's Htorn- ago. The child crept at dusk into a pretenses Tor not laboring nnd not ach Remedy. I have recom m ended It to a Lucky In Love. Three Babes Walked Fifteen Miles. stable and hanged himself with a hal railroads to raise money for improve­ uous drought from now until harvest great many fo r children and adults, and in ments, and there is little light ahead. time could pull the crop under 120,- The optimist had lost heavily. “ Oh, being watchful is cultivating our rea­ each case i t has been rem arkable fo r the Three children— Ida Farrow, eight ter from a low beam. son?— Epictetus. good it has done. I ch eerfu lly recommend W e are asking no favors. All we 000,000 bushels. There is no doubt w e ll!” he remarked, as he rose from years old, W illie Farrow, five, and it to anyone suffering with any kind o f stom ­ Tactful Mr. Cumrox. W a ter in bluing 1. adulteration Glass and wa- want is fair play. The Eastern divis­ but that competition w ill be so keen the gaming table, “ unlucky at cards, Linda Benton, six, of Petersborough— ach trouble, as I am anxious to aid anyone ter make liquid blue curtly. Ilu y R**d Croea Ball lucky at love." "Is that true In your suffering from sickness o f any kind, and I walked 15% miles to Whaplode Drove “ I want to talk to you about becom ions o f the Pennsylvania railroad are as to make wages unusually high. have nover known o f m edicin e t-» com pare case?” sneered the pessimist. “ Sure," Blue, m ake, cloth e, w h iter than «now. one recent Sunday to see their grand­ ing your son-in-law,” said the younf making less than 5 per cent on their — with Pow ell's Ktomach Kemedy fo r all kinds replied the optimist. “ At any rate. I mother. The children, who undertook man. “ I can’t advise you,” replied Mr investment. Considering the amount o f stomach trouble. Yours truly, Guy de Maupassant as a Clerk. Anarchist Attacks Duke. have never been mnrried.”— Philadel­ the Journey unknown to their parents, Cumrox, “ on the subject of becoming o f money involved, and the smsll re- K L H IK N T K IN K K . Guy de Maupassant's manner of life 2121) Hoone Ave. Manheim, Germany— A workman , phia Record. arrived exhausted, and after being fed a member of the family. As your Bin as a junior clerk In the French edu­ ’ tum o f 4.85 per cent, i f the company and rested were driven home again.— cere personal friend I ought to speak armed with a knife attacked Grand ! cation office is the subject of an in­ London Mail. freely, but as a husband and father ) had not been properly managed it Duke Friederich o f Baden as he was teresting article by one of Ills old col­ would not be paying even this small am restrained.” leagues. We gather that lie absented leaving the railroad station. The return. We are, therefore, obliged to Keeping Mind in Condition. himself from his duties on the ground Grand Duke threw off his assailant look forward to a general and moder­ Oh, Sugar. of Illness on an average about three No mind is first class that is not The Duke was The recent and was not harmed. Gradually, but surely, the world is ate increase in rates. days a week, and that was how ho continually reading books and con­ about to drive to the races when the obtained leisure for literary composi­ versing with men that require an ef­ being Americanized. A PariB restaur floods have cost us $3,600,000, which is what ihey all say man jumped on the carriage steps and tion. None the less ho was very anx­ fort to be understood. The novel-soak­ ant advertises: “ Kakes de buckwheal amount has been a cash outlay. We c f our apparently tried to grasp the lapel o f ious to retain his clerkship until his ed intellect, gormandizing upon easy de Américaine.” must rely on the support o f the public literary prospects were secure.- West­ reading, grows flabby. to secure the increase in rates, which his coat, but the Duke knocked him to B a in lesa The Home Sentinel. the ground with the hilt o f his sword Wife so Weak and Nervous minster Gazette. Methods of it is clear we need.” It Is each woman’s duty to under and proceeded. A crowd gathered and Extracting stand the preparation of food so thal Could Not Stand Least Teeth. Three Cheers. attacked the man. intending to lynch Wright Talks of Islands. it may be fit for human consumption him, but the police arrested him. A town meeting had been called to O ut-of-town peo­ It may not be necessary for her to at Noise — How Cured. Washington, D. C.— General Luke devise wayB and means to provide for ple can have their IS THE BEST SAFEGUARD AGAINST tend to the actual work, but shs Wright, of Tennessee, formerly sec­ the poor of the community. After plate and b r id g e Huerta Is Recognized. should be the sentinel, always ot ALL BODILY DISORDERS. many speeches had been made and retary o f war and governor-general o f work finished in one Munford, Ala. —“ I was so weak and guard. Mexico City— President Huerta has muny resolutions offered and much day if necesnary. the Philippines, called at the War de­ been formally notified o f the recogni­ nervous while passing through the time wasted and nothing done, a be­ Way Out. An absolute guar­ partment by invitation o f Secretary Change o f L ife that nevolent German arose In the hack FOR A GOOD DIGESTION IS antee, backed by 26 Knicker— “ A Judge has ruled that i Garrison to talk about the Philippines. tion o f his government by Great Bri­ I could hardly live, j part of the hall and said: “ Mister tain. The British minister, Francis years in Portland. woman shouldn't spend more or M . W. A. I Secretary Garrison just now is con­ W. Strange, with due ceremony, pre­ My husband had to \ Chulrman, I move, before we adjourn, clothes than on rent.” Mrs. Knickei fronted with the task o f finding a new nail rubber on all the we all shtand oop undt gif three cheers sented the K in g’s autograph letter, re­ — “ Well, then, we shall have to pay » gates for I could not for de poor!” governor-general to succeed Governor plying to that, o f President Huerta. bigger re n t”— New York Sun. Forbes, resigned, and o f making other The minister expressed in the name stand it to have a O r r K C HOURS: The Chance. Water and Ore Mixed. H A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday« 9 ta 1 changes in the personnel o f the Philip­ of his government good wishes for the gate slam. Phone«: A 2029; Main 2029. The man who complains that he has pines commission. He also is consid “ I also had back- ' Nearly fifty tons of water were lift­ welfare of the Mexican government. not succeeded because he has nevei ering the question o f when they will ache and a fullness ed from the mtnes of South Stafford­ failing Bldg., Third and W ashington. Portland In reply the president expressed his 1 had a chance expects somebody els< in my stomach. I shire, England, last year for every ton be ready for independence. appreciation o f Great Britain’s atti­ to furnish the chance. noticed that Lydia of mineral. tude. It is announced that recognition E. Pinkham’s Vege­ Riot Halts Socialists. P IL E S C D S S S IN • TO I I D A YS from Spain, will be presented soon. OUT Of TOWN White Wood Work. Exempted from Taxation. table Compound was Y e a r d ru n rist w ill refund m ona; I f I'A Z O O IN T ­ Huntington, W. V « . — One man was Inside painted woodwork can b. For reasons of public policy the law M E N T fa il, to c u r. any ca e. o f Itchinp, Blind, PEOPLE advertised for such cases and I sent and Ironworkers l/ttve Prison. U lc d in a or Protrudina P iles in • to U darn. 60c. exempts from taxation churches and made to look like new by rubbing 1’ shot and fatally wounded and several oaa raral▼•prompt treaV got a bottle. I t did me so much good church property, cemeteries, school well with a rag dipped in whiting. A f others slightly injured in a riot here m «n u o f lloa-Potionoaa, I^avenworth, Kan.— Only 16 o f the M «elth -b «lM iag rentadlas Rosea From Italy. and college property, buildings used ter the whiting dries it should be thor when an alleged attempt was made to 33 men convicted o f complicity in the that I kept on taking it and found it to The rose, so long considered the for educational, literary, scientific or oughly removed with a soft cloth. Thi break up a mass meeting o f Socialists dynamite plots at Indianapolis last be all you claim. I recommend your Compound to all women afflicted as I floral emblem of England, was not charitable purposes and property own­ paint is not injured, as It usually ii which had been called to protest winter are now left in the Federal C GEE W O was.“ —Mrs. F. P. M ullenlkjric , Mun­ known !n that country until the early ed by a city, county, state or the Uni­ by the application of soap and water against martial law in the coal strike prison, the others having been released ford, Alabama. tba Chine*» doctor. ted States. and the process is easy. part of the fifteenth century. Rose district o f Kanawha county and the on bond. These 15 men nearly all are T ry m m m ore i f yon hare hewn d o rto ria g with trees were then brought from Italy thi« one and that on*» And have not obtained per­ imprisonment o f labor leaders. W il­ engaged on the steel work o f the new A n H onest D e p e n d a b le M edicin e and planted In the royal gardens. They manent re lie f. L e t th U great nature h ealer d ia «. nnee your raee and prm rrilm aom** rem edy whcaa liam Taylor, an aged man, was shot cellhouses at the prison, and n.o.t action 1« quirk, «ure and wife. Hie preerripttona is Lydis E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com. were sent aa presents from the holy are compounded from Root*. H. t I w . Hilda and through the head. Missiles were hurled work in that line has been done in the pound. A Root and Herb medicine orig­ father and highly esteemed by royalty. Hark« that have l>een gathered from every quar­ A I J I — . w i t h s p o n g y f e e t c o l l e c t s t h e I n v is ib le It became the custom to carve them on all aides. Speakers were hooted last four months by these men than te r o f the g!ol>e T h e «•or»»t* o f theae m edicine# inated nearly forty years ago by Lydia over the doors of the confessional as ,V J T I V g e r m s o f d is e a s e —s p r e a d s th e i • r e n H known to th e o n U l.t« world, bnt have been em over down and the confusion made it impos­ was done in the year before by the E. Pinkham o f Lynn, Mass., for con­ handed down fm m fath er to «on in th e p h yeiclaar — b m X o a r f o o d m o d p o i s o n s o s w i t h typhoid. ty fa m ilies l a Chian. holy flowers, hence the term sub rosa sible to ascertain who used firearms. unskilled convicts. trolling female ills. (under the rose) used to mean “ with C O N S U LTA TIO N FREE. Its wonderful success In this line haa secrecy.”— Ave Maria. I f you lir e out o f town and cannot call, w rite fo r Foster Parents Liable. 835-Pound Fiah Caught. •ymptotn blank and circu lar, enclosing 4 cents in made it the safest and most de|>endabl« Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets first Kansas City — Foster parents may Centralis, Wash.— A sturgeon H i medicine of the age for women and no ^ OUT ^ veins M AJuAR lA« They regulate administer corporal punishment to feet long and weighing 835 ponnds woman suffering from female ills does put up 40 years ago. children, but i f that punishment is ex­ was caught here by C. H. Ctitlin, a herself justice who does not give it a and invigorate stomach, liver and how T A T E A R E all exposed to such dangers—oar only armor is pood red 162 j nrst St., Car. Marrhoa ela. Sugar-coated tiny granules. cessively brutal the child may recover Kelso fisherman, and was sold to the trial. ■ * blood! Let your stomach be o f good digestion, your liver active Pwtfaaa. Oraaaa. damages. That was the tenor o f a Doty Fish compsny at Kalama. It and yoar longs foil of good pare air and you don’t surrender to any of the dUeaae* I f yon have the s lig h ts«! d o n b t E r -Y a a , H e H ad . bearing germs. The beat known tonic and alterative, that corrects a torpid liver, decision by the Kansas City Court o f was one o f the largest sturgeon to be that l.ydia K. P in k hum's V c g c ta - “ Pardon me, Mr. Peever,” said the and helps digestion so that good blood is manufactured and the system nourished, la Appeals. Lucile Dix, 11 years old, caught in the Columbia in recent bleL'orn pound w ill h elp you, w rite chance acquaintance aa the two helped Na. la—'1 J. r. N . U . to Lydia I ..Pink ham M ecllHneCo. hold up the cafe bar, “ but have you was suing Elizabeth Martin, a farmer’s years. The fish wss worth $150, (confidential i Lynn, M ans.,for a d - ever had a aerioua accident?” w ife. The case came to the court here ▼Ice. Y o u r letter w ill he <>|M-ned« Yuan Shi Kai Threatens. on appeal. Lucile lived with her "W ell,” replied Mr. Peever, "I met W H K .N w rttlaa I - a * > « r t l« m . read a n d an sw e re d by a w om an, my wife by accident!” This famous medicine has been «old by medicine dealen in ita liquid form for " tioa i , < papar. grandparents, but went to the Martins Pekin— President Yusn Shi Kai has nnd held in strict confidence. error forty yean, riving great satisfaction. If you prefer you can sow obtain Dr. to pass the summer. issued a manifesto warning the people Pierrs'i Golden Medical Discovery tablets of your druggist at $1.00, also in 60c a is« or by mail—send 50 on«-eent stamps, R.V. Pierce, M. D.. Buffalo, N.Y., for trial box. that, although he haa refrained, up to Amundsen Gets Life Annuity. fh ir v f in n » n f lA fp f»nr and properly answered la the People’« Medical Ad- the present, from employing military l j u e s i lU n f f U l MslIK bp R. vL f ierce, M. D. All the knowledxe a jmm* Christiana— The storthing has voted force against plotters, in the hope that man ortor Booh containing KM paceo with encrnrinc bound In doth. M a t froo to hnjrooe tending 11 earn to Captain Roald Amundacn, discov­ conspiracies would cease, he would not Color mora good* brighter and faatar colors than any other dvo. On# 10c packaga colors silk, wool and cotton aquaUv emit «tempo to proper coot of wrapping aad pottage. wail ant is guaranteed to glva perfect results. Ass ie.lor, or w e will send postpaid at 10c a packaga. Write lor tree erer o f the South Pole, a life annuity permit conspirators in the future to booklet how to dye, bleach and mix color». MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Quincy, llUnola. o f 6000 kroner ($1620). stir up trouble. World-Wide Work Mapped Out and Each Has Fixed Share. Friedmann’s New York Patients Worse Than Before. \ Hood’s Sarsaparilla PO U LTR Y A N D GAM E Pearson-Page Co., Portland When Your Eyes Need Care P5TENTS Machinery WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE inumi BANDM EN: &££• “FIGURE IT OUT” How can you expect to possess with your Stomach, Liver and Bowels. These organs are the ‘‘controlling power” and must be guarded against weakness. To this end you really should try a bottle of $100 TO $500 SAVED 1 good health if you are careless On Each Automobile. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS imum S HUSBAND NAILED RUBBER ON GATES “DIDN’T HURT A BIT” GOOD DIGESTION THEBESTSAFEGUARD Wise Dental Co. ------------------- \ e M o s q u ito ^ THEC. SEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. g o ld e n M e d ic a l D is c o v e r y PUTNAM FADELESS DYES