PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RATES BY H £. KIliHKK. Proprietor s m s c u iP T io N h a t e s • One Y*iu iUSb -Six •Three Month» •Enteret! ax Mecuiul-class matter March 12. 1109 at th e post k*+re a t Monier, Oregon, uuder the A c t o f M arch :s. 1H79 M0SIER BULLETIN 1.00 One-quarter Column IM O ne-half C olu m n .... 1.90 One Colum n.............. ' Business locals w ill Lm charged at aTcenUTper line fo r each insertion. -• Legal advertisements wiU in all cases*be charged VOL. V MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. Mosier Creek to tbaSoutl, Boundary of J. H. Mosier Donation Land Claim;! tl,ence>E»Si to theeorttht-Hst Corner of At this season-«Pflie year the said Donation Claim; thence North -Orders Placed for Additional thrifty hoirsewife begins her along’the Last Bouiul*l y o f »aid. Dona­ Box Cars for Use on the housecleaning, Lhe farmer pre­ tion Claim to the North Boundary of 'f>-W. R. & N. pares the soil for the plaitting of the Oregon1 Washington Railroad & ! Navigation Company’s right o f w ay;' orchardist cleans The Oregon-Washington Rail- his his seed, seen, the the orchardist clean s t(ience Southwesterly along the Nortti yoad & Navigation Company is • UP his orchard, birdies mate and Boundary o f said right o f way to where *to receive additional equipment. ah Nature smiles. Tlie time has the same intersect*the center o f Rock I a f e w tl'iv s atro a n n o u n c e m e n t! a lso “ c a m e ” w h en , on occasion , | t’rc«k; theace Southerly along the A tew d a y s a g o a n n o u n cem en t . center « f l a n n e l o f said Rock Creek 'Was made of t t unge Older fot \ ’ . to a point due West o f the Southwest iocomoti ves—one of the largest induced to best it themselves and (;orner 0f the J. H. Mosier Donation single orders ever made. Im- start a «rusade of cleaning up Land Claiir>; thence East to the South- ! mediately following comes a cor- the*ow n-not th a t it needs \f, west corner o f said Mosier Dona- rea n n m iin irlv larire o r d e r f o r oh, m y, no; but ju a t-to b e in s ty le . \ ‘ ¡on Claim; ’thence East along the) • ^ f h i i v i l n i t “ P it a r i’ lvw lv'fl 1 Sooth Boundary thereof to the point 6t freight equipment. Tins order O Other. people do tt-- Every I mk I j - s a„ of sajd territory com- j NEW FREIGHT EQUIPMENT Professional C a rd s.................... »e r monili | 6a One square................ FRIDAY, A PR IL 18, 1913 to the party ordering; them, at legal rates, and NO. 7 paid fo r before aflidavits are'fu rnished. CLEAN UP. calls for 5,390 box cars 100 , 000 1 (-<,In8 d. "b y shouldn t we. | prised within said boundaries being in tpounds capacity and 2,050 single It l|as been the custom for the the Court cy o f Wasco ami-State of O re - 1 deck 80 000 pounds capacity citizens to turn out in force, some gon, and the number o f inhabitants of j ••stock cars. The cost of tiiis w it h te a m s , O th ers w it h a ll m a n - sai,) territory herein proposed to be in- can be equipment, which will be (livid- » « r of tools, and rake up and cart 1 "s ved with the Union Pacific end away all the unsightly accumu- C. G. Nichol tQ lations of the past year, or since ?.as:.E',,?ole ’Chicago & Alton System is *P°» . I H M West J. E. Johnson jit was done before. Asa matter! R‘ M‘ K(lss (619,156. 1D. W Hudson E. L. Root 'While the proportion which of fact, the streets of Mosier c. H. Dunsmore present a most unsightly appear- B. A. Walker R. W. Evans will come to the 0-W. R. & S. F. Goae ance, and some of the back yards H- G- Kibbee is not definitely stated in-the iJag rh.rr„ David Robinson announcement, ft,e distribution are he same, only more so. As ^ Mrs. Alice Cherry will he in accordance with de- 16 town 18 not yet incorporated, j,. p El,>ert R. W. Simpson W. A. Husband« mand. The territory along the I ? * ™ « ™ ° ne P^scas'nii author- 1 j . M. Burpee ity to order the cleaning up S. E. Francisco D. D, Ahern fJine of the 0-W. R. & N. is in­ C. S. Bailey Fannie K. Stryker creasing its shipments, and the,d?ne: “ .j1 “ up } ° Pe°- E. A. Race C. A. Sparling managemeitt ;is making everv !’ e 111 U1 Lia •' an< c .ective- A. J. Evans Ralph A. Walter? , 1 1 , , ,, ly, to get together and make J N. Mosier Loduska Chown ■endeavor to be able to meet all . . , _ . , , ... , a Holiday ot it and do tie C- H. Davenport C. A. Allington ¡requirements, lo do Ihis dur- . . . . _ ,, , , work right. Some few liave J. T. Davenport B. W. Veatch ing the harvest seasons necessi-; . . . f , ... . , , ... „ Mrs. Gertrude Arthur j anticipated tins work and the re-; E.-Chown tales an amount of equipment!sults _____ k for u,eH18elves _ about]P- L. Arthur Mrs. Ruth Graham •out of the ordinary, and it IS 181 , . , . John Wellberg Mrs. Bertha Johnson , .... , their own premises; but no one [, „ w proposed to meet this thte and every' ,, , ,, i r 1Lee w " _ Anna H. McLane | p w demand if possible. or two men Will do the public, j E. Coffman Agnes H • Johnson j other j work that all should join in, so, Guy Q. Stryker Drusilla E. W e s t! Robert Hardwick I let us get together and wash the j E- M- Strauss IN REY NEW COUNTY ROAD. H. C. Clark A. F. Lockwood j % ___ ¡town’s face. Who says no? W. A. Marsh C. O. Burrows } A 'delegation of Mosier men, For Sale Cheap J A. Camn V, C. Young consisting of Messrs. C. A. Mc- i aa • | O. E. Wilson H. M ..Landes! Cargar, J. N. Mosier, Dr. Rob- 100 Uravenstein apple-trees— e . F. Middles wart insoig R. M . Ross and J. X. Me- Ly ear-old tops on 3-year-old | gtate of ()regon j Gregor, went to The Dalles ves- -oots, maiket piice 20c, will selljC-ounty of Wasco ) I, James E. Cole, being first du'y terday, meeting tliere Messrs. L. i for 10c. each. Also 10 Black r. , , .j c. a i i Republican cherry trees, worth sworn, say that I am personally ac­ D. Firebaugh and L. E. Adels, 85c>t wi„ sel, for 20c each. Ad- quainted with all o f the persons who far the purpose of consulting. or call at Bulletin office. have signed the foregoing petition, and ¡with County Judge F. S. Gun- ------ -•------- that I personally know that' their sig- \ «na.ures thereon a*e genuine, and that ning in regard to the new county N O T IC E road between Mesier and Ortley. ; rpQ ^LL \yHOM IT MAY C oncern : they are qualified Electors and residents within the limits o f said proposed ill-j This road has been surveyed,! . . . . . . . . . viewed, damages allowed and! Notice is hereby given by the corporation. J a m f , s E . C o l e . | paid and the road ordered opened ' whose names are sub- Stdtscribed and sworn to before me ■'bythe old court. There seems, fn b e d to the petition here.naf- this 7th day o f,A p ril, 1913. rs .however, to be a hitch some ter set forth and neretoannexed, H. G. K s t b e e , Notary Public fo r Oregon. where and nothing is being done! that the undersigned will pre­ • about building the road. It was sent to the County Court of the [ Seal ] fo r the purpose of straightening State of Oregon for Wasco Coun­ THE HABIT OF PUTTING OFF. ¡out the hitch, if possible, that ty, at the County Courtroom in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore­ the delegation waited on the Procrastination has been called 5 judge. We learn that nothing gon, on Wednesday, the 7th day a great fault with farmers, says '•detinfie was accomplished, ex­ of May, 1913, the same being tbe regular May, 1913, term of Peter Snyder, and no doubt the cept that the Judge promised said Court, at 10:00 o’clock in charge is correct, but the faulty that the county court would meet the forenoon of said day, the of putting off fininishing a task1 , a delegation of citizens from following petition for tlie Incor- 's no more comm on-among farm Mosier and Ortley on the 7th day c f May and go over the road jn poration of the City-*f Mosier in peoide • than among . people n<>t Aoo common in, •question and decide the matter said Wasco ' County. Oregon, to- on fa»™». B wjb; driving through the country to . 1 1 t h e f ’fiTTMTV f ’OTTRT fur see all sorts of jobs unfinished— ■The object ,n bmld.n* « w I™ ™ COUNTY COURT OT, H. M. W E S T Mosier, R E LJO LV fO Oregon All VALVES FOR YOUR MONEY BUSTER BROW* Shady Brook Dairy .Feed ** Horse Feed Jt.TM Ivnil IMUKII W E DO NOT BELIEVE in >* *. IN GIVING 365 Retailers of a p r . il IN F o o L l-N d OUR. C U ^ T o M - or a n y o T- h e r TH EM 'G O O D VVAU7E A N D D A Y .^ O U T -OF W H A T ' W E ’ VE G O T ' F O R ¡« m onth , bur GOOD GOo€b5 TH E *Y E V ?R . ' COME, *SfcE YOU. THAT’J ALL. Nichol & Co., f j ; Sole AgentsTfor Ì • r h e r . e Kinds l j V YOU V 0 N T G E T FOOLED Hay, Grain and Feed Of tovm B U TV / i l l GETGOODPLWMPsl Tum -A-Lum Lum ber Co. / in t h i V Dealer in I Ì T H A T T H E R E 15 A STORE M o s ie r O r eg o n LUM BER and FUEL C. O. B j j r r o w s , M O SIER mgr . ORE. - Electric Witter, Smith? Yon /«» Business . 50 Year s Dealers■ in all'kinds o f lobk ¿lttrt the bad I Well) yit Tell v*u, * YHnga are upset at home. T^'lie kid's tick — wifa worn out. Frankly, I’m up against it Simply cannot got any help. Your wils trying to do all tha work? Yas—and the washing, too. Well, the washing isn’t so hard. It tin'll W hy th»,Y«:Vhe lorigfct, hardest day’s work she doss. Do you mean to say that you have electric light and not a Thor Elec trie Wetrttieg -Machine I A Thor ? Sure I Get after that now. Don’t 1st your wifa braak har back over a wash board. Get hhr a Thor > Electric Washer quick.” Electrical Apparatus 3 'Cents Wiring & W. F. L A R A WA Y Hood Hiver * Orfyòn Is a Jewfeler and Optician of many years experience. I f you have a “ sick” -time-piece, he can cure it. I f you have eye trouble, he-can correct ‘it by fitting you ' With proper lenses. • f f you have jew H ry o f any kind to repair, he can do it. I f you want new jewelry o f any kind, he had it. I f you want A N Y TH IN G in his line, he is the man tdcohsiiit. His prices are Tight and so is his work. PATRONIZE HIM. AND BE C O N VIN C ED -j A TREAT INDEED is a b ox"b f rtur chocolates or tMn roMS, or changing old roads is: i , ™ STA1E O r W W wc , bons. No candy could be better at to get better grades, shorter dis- F 0 R A SCO COUNTY. I made ^ * . ba(] .* aay price. None could be more lances, and improve conditions j In the Matter of’ the Petition.for | becauae’ the ds and flhelte; delicately flavored or mdh -sttTact- generally. As we understand the Incorporate«.! of the C i t y , ^ n6t beeT1 TOade ,,ead and ively packed. I f you want to the matter, that is just what thisj of, m Wasco County, many other evidences of an in. please her for fair, buy her a box new road will do. It will short- Oregon. clination on the part of the far- today. not surpass the crop of 1912, ground in his chair, as though he j i„ „ ,i„ «im a n v i* n n le in »11 w a llta 'n f MP«, | visions o f an A o ct , o f the Legislative j many people in all WSlks'of 'life. Since last August not a hog Assembly o f the State o f Oregon en- The man who gets ahead in the owing to the fact that the acre- had a touch of St. Anthony’s Tias’ b&Ml imported into this State, titled An A ct for the General Law for World is he who tackles a job age is less because of summer dance. Talk with him awhile, This is the encouraging news the Incorporation o f Cities and Towns and geejj jfc tb ro u g h to tbe fjnisb> fallowing, reports received by and yo u will discover that he had made public the last week by C. office of-the s l r e t a r T o f ’ s u t e Febru- He is not constantly changing the Business Men’s Association ;made a fa‘ ln,e of every<-hi"K he . .. . . ever tried (except being disagree 'G. Colt, head of the Union Meat a r ^ . the proposed boundaries his plans. When he starts to indicate a yield per acre t hat! . LI_, , • ., . . . able) and nine times out of ten Company, Portland, who says 0f such tnuhihipal corporation being' build a house or a hen coop, he will break all records for this ! Oregon farmers are going exten- particularly described as follows, to- knows what he wants and gets section. he is dependent upon the public for favors or support; you will sively into the business of live wit= i just that, in spite of all obstacles. I of the the ur__ . , , | " E. • “ H. • ‘ French, i e h u i , president („ c n iu c r u m me c , Stock raising ! Beginning at the intersection n o o f f the One (1) Was ever a task seen with loose banking firm of French & Co *1' m a peevish, During 1911, more than half S“ ‘;on ^ tw*e" S* ^ OB*ot M „ ends on such a man’s farm? To has returned from an automo- Jealous- hatefuI- unreliable, nat- ...... . . , . , am! Two (2) Township Two (2) * North the total number of hogs received (of Rlutge Heven (11) Eagt of the Wil. put off is easy; it grows to be a bile trip to Shaniko, in the south- ure; a man who is always com­ at thp Portland market came lamette Meridian, and the South Bound- habit. and in the end a habit is ern part of this county. He pre- plaining and although he has hut 1 from Nebraska. Last year, th is ary line o f the J. H. Mosier Donation faaru to overcome.—Ex. ¡diets that should the favorable little, if any of his own, one l nmnher decreased to a remarks- L“n<1 <^ialm ; thence East along the would imagine to hear him talk j From Independence comes the co.nidi*iona continue all records that he had a quit claim deed to ble extent and now it appears south Boundary o f said Donation Claim broken, farmers who that Oregon will not need to im- to the West Boundary o f Hail s A ddi- 1 report of bi|( profits in lo^dnbcr*! ^ the eartli and a first claim mort­ . tion as the same appears on the re- rje8. o ne gr0wer states that he come to the city support the pre­ gage on Heaven. He knows ev- port any more pork in order to corded plat in the ortk-e o f the County received $206 from one half acre diction, feed its own people. On the Clerk o f Wasco County. Oregon; thence last season. While a new indus- _ _ ____ . erybody’s and wh y ; The fruit growers are also1 - - - - - business - other hand, we may goon be in South along the West Boundary o f try, Polk county people are go- looking forward t o C shouldn' t he? He has none of a harvest of position to make substantial *,id H*il'* A(Wi‘ ion Southwest jng ing into tbe the business 1 — *'----- ~ of s~:— 1 K nusiness raising record-breaking crops of cher- his own to take up his time. Such i . shipments ouUide the state. ; ? ™ rr thenc? Eaat. “ lon* ^ loganberries extensively. 1GY7” _"~ 7 . ....* ‘' T , 1'I people, like mosquitos, were not + rie«, peaches, pears, apples, M r. Colt s u b m itte d fig u r e s Addition to the quarter section w ill u «.. ,, , .. ! created in vain, perhaps, but one a show of prunes, grapes and other fruits. _. __ . ._. ., , .1 S h o w in g th a t th e liv e s to c k Indus- comer between Section» One ( l ) 1 hta> t0n w , l l h a ' e 1 fact remains staple, they do not; fine horses tomorrow. Prizes are Several hundred acres of cher- try in O r e _ g o n IS h v e tim es _ g r e a t- _______ and Tw elve «12»; ___________ thence F.aat ’ add materially to the pleasures er than wheat, wool and dairy to th. center ot Moaier CW k ; thenc. offered in all classes, and th e r e , nes will come into bearing this Gf conducting legitimate busi- 1 'products Combined. down *tre»m along the center o f »»id will be s|K»rts and games. year. rwM. , Supply Co. Hood River, Ore. a n d 1 'Supplies. wort h of electricity •MH d otiie e v e rage washing for a family of six. Ta at t h e T k o r In you r • wa hom i 18 DAYS W h a t pleasant memories are associated w ith the w ord grill! Mem ories o f the cosy grill-room, the savory viands and the happy tete-a-tetes, or rollicking parties. Grill is the magic word in cookery, and— The G-E Radiant Electric Grill Is the magic device in electric cooking.' Here in a single handy little device you have a toaster, broiler^tew pan, water heater, frying pan and griddle for baking pan cakes. L ik e all electric cooking devices it is read) far U f tn m instant, and two or more kinda o f cooking such as broilirtg’ ami frying, or toasting and stewing etc , can be done at the same time. Right on the dining room table too, or in the sitting room, nursery or sick room I f necessary. P a c i f i c L i g h t & P o w er “ ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE.” C o .