W O R TH POULTRY A N D GAME Cfea f t t j o o fan cy prices f t » W iki Ducks aad rth rr fa m e In season. W rite us for cask o ffer on all kinds o f poultry, pork. etc. Pearson-Page Co., Portland I B IG M O N E Y ! B e our representative. Easy sales anywhere. Show samples and take orders. N o risk. Don’ t w a it: w rite today. Dept. U . B e e « 11!. W ilcox J U d *., Portland. Or. Second-Hand Machin­ ery bought, sold and __ exchanged: engines. boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st St.. Portland. Send for Stock L ist and pricoa M achinery B A N D M E ls HOLTON and BUESCHER band Instrumenta. The moat com plete stock o f Musical Merchandise in the Northw est. W rite fo r Catalogues. S El BE R U N G -L U C A S M U SIC CO. 134 Second Street Portland. Oregon HUNTERS! TRAPPERS! Deal direct w ith manufac­ turer, W e pay the highest prices fo r R aw Furs. W rite fo r free price list and shipping tags. N. M. IN GAR CO.. FURRIERS 191 Set«* Street PORTLAND. ORE. SCIENTIFIC HERB TREATMENT For all diseases. No poisons or minerals used. Send for symptom blank. FREE ADVICE. THE DR. YOUNG HERB REMEDY CO. SEATTLE, W A S H IN G T O N . RAW FU R S WANTED HIGHEST PRICES. QUICK * r* a UEBES & CO. J. P . Plagem ann, M gr. MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 298 MfrrtM. Si. Urüft BM l ht Fc* Nil! Buk. F»rttut«n Modern Advancement. Ju »t the use of common sense, the following of personal choice, so far as that choice is moral and measured by the best Instead of the worst of one’s self, and the expenditure of a few pen­ nies will place at the disposal of any worker such means of self-education as were not to be had by the rich of a generation ago. T IM E AND TR O UBLE. Salad Roils Call for Care In the Mak­ ing, but the Result Repays All the Outlay. Soald one cup milk, add three ta blespoons butter, one and a half ta­ blespoons sugar and half a teaspoon ful of salt. When lukewarm add one veastcake, dissolved In one-quarter cupfuls lukewarm water and one and a half cupfuls flour. Cover and let rise, then add white of one egg beat­ en stiff, and foured to knead. Again let rise, shape in small biscuits, place In rows on floured board, cover with cloth and let it rise until light and well puffed. Flour handle of wooden spoon, and make a deep crease In middle of each biscuit, take up and press edges together. Place closely In buttered pan, cover, let rise, brush over with one egg slightly beaten and diluted with one tablespoonful milk and bake 12 or 15 minutes in a hot oven. This may seem quite a process to go through, but when done and ready to be eaten one feels really re­ paid. They are the best I ever ate. Red Orem Ball Blue w ill wash double as many elothee aa any oth er blue. D on 't put your money Into any other. Premium Fruit Cake. Sugar, three cups; butter, one and one-half cups; six eggs; sour cream one and one-half cups; saleratus or soda, two teaspoonfuls; currants, one half pound; raisins, three-fourths pound; citron, one-fourth pound; one nutmeg, flour. Directions, beat the eggs thoroughly, then add sugar and butter and beat till smooth; dissolve the saleratus in a little warm water and put in the cream and make the cake quite thin with flour to prevent the fruit from settling to the bottom. Do not chop the raisins, but cut them in halves and remove the seeds; else use seedless raisins. Then scald a few moments to soften, drain and flour (dredge); then before putting into the cake cut the citron in thin slices, and as you fill in a layer of cake put the citron over evenly, then more of the cake mixture and another layer of the citron and so on un­ til the citron Is evenly divided through the whole. O N L Y O N E "BP.O M O Q U IN IN E ” T h a t (a L A X A T I V E ERO M O Q U IN IN E . Look fo r the signature o f E. W . G R O V E . Cures a Cold in One Day, Cures G rip in T w o Days. 25c. Frightened by Meteor’s Fall. The -h of a ten-ton meteor. Its tail s * * ily hundreds of yards long, lighten, u up the Alleghany Valley for three miles, the other day, just above Pittsburgh, as It fe'.l. Residents of nearby hamlets ran from their homes In fright. The next day the mass of Reconcilable. substance was smoking hot and incan­ The Duke de Roquelaure was told descent in places. that two ladies of the court had a quarrel and had cast all kinds of in­ About as Far as He Could Go. vectives at each other. "Did they call On the first of the month there was each other homely?" asked the duke. "A ll right; then I to be a shift in studies in some of "No, my lo rd !" will see that they become reconciled.” the public school grades, and a young son was consulting his father. He — Life. __________________ had finished with ancient history, Men Who Succeed. which was ancient arbitrarily up to The men whom I have seen succeed the time of the Christian era. "How best In life hate always been cheer­ far did you get in it?” asked the sire. ful and hopeful men, who went about "Down to zera,” responded the heir. their business with a smile on their faces, and took the changes and T o Save Matting. chances of this life like men, facing To save your matting, make a cov­ rough and smooth alike as It came.— er of outing flannel to slip oyer your Charles Kingsley. broom when sweeping. This will be found to take up the dust easily and . Preaerved Cherries. Stone the cherries, preserving every saves the matting much wear. drop of Juice. Weigh the fruit, allow­ ing pound for pound for sugar. Put a Alliterative Attributes. layer of fruit for one of sugar until Apt alliteration's artful phrase as­ all Is used up; pour over the juice and boil gently until the syrup begins serts Its potency In the utterances of to thicken. The short-stemmed cher­ one of the newly enfranchised west­ ries or the Morellas are the best for ern women thus: "Petrified, puttified, preserves. Sweet cherries will not do. predaceous, partisan politices." What Luck! Fond Mama— "W hat have you In your apron?” Daughter (breathlessly) —"O, mama, such good luck! Clara Cray's cat had six kittens and her mama would only let her keep one, so she gave me the other fiv e !”— Judge. __________________ Coneolation of an Early Settler. Is Caused by Catarrh o f the Throat Adam heard them blame the cost and Bronchial Tubes. of living on the middleman. "The only thing they don't blame on the Some coughs are produced by a grave first man," he thankfully observed.— organic disease o f the lungs. Other New York Sun. coughs are produced by heart disease. An irritable stomach will produce a cough. Stomach coughs are more com­ mon than is generally supposed. Catarrh will also produce a cough. is w h a t t h e y a ll s a y Catarrh o f the bronchial tubes. Ca­ tarrh o f the larynx. Catarrh o f the o f our pharynx. PainleHS In a catarrhal cough the amount of Methods of expectoration is limited. It is not so Extracting easy to raise as in cases o f organic dis­ Teeth. eases of the lungs. It may be frothy O u t-of-tow n peo­ or stringy mucus, difficult to expecto­ People will go on for months ple can have their rate. plate and bridgre- with this sort o f a cough and give it no w ork finished in one attention. Ordinary cough medicines that are day i f necessary. A n absolute guar­ intended to lull the sensitive nerves antee. backed by 26 that are irritated by the catarrh will In fact, they do harm. 8ft. W. ft. Wilt. Pnusni urn Mia years in Portland. do no good. What is needed is Peruna, which strikes at once at the cause o f such a cough. Peruna is a catarrh remedy. As soon as the catarrh is removed from OrfICC HOURS: bronchial tubes the S A M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 1 the throat and cough disappears. Phones: A 2029; Main 2029. Usually the directions on the bottle Pollinc Bide.. Third and Washington, Portland are sufficient. In some cases where the cough is very continuous and an­ noying a tablespoon ful every hour is a OUT O f TOWN* better way to take i t But a multitude o f people who are suffering with this PEOPLE sort or cough and yet going about their usual business need only take the Peru­ esn recel r e p rom pt treat m ent* o f Won-Poltenoss, na according to the directions on the Health-bail ding remedies bottle. CATARRHAL COUGH “DIDN’T HURT A BIT” W ise Dental Co. C GEE WO It la chraprr to food oir- ry the heat, was he? An' how did It each. Frost with the whites of tw< eggs, beaten stiff, with two teaspoon* lappenT" “ He fell Into the furnace iver at the foundry, mum.”—Tit-Bits. of sugar. Brown in oven. Serve Pettit's E ye Salve cold. __________________ Queen Victoria Detested Tobaccc The number of smoking rooms no\ distributed over Windsor castlt would considerably astonish Queen Victoria could she but see them. Her late majesty could never bring herself to do more than tolerate the weed ln I t ’s in the Spring you always feel any form, and the smoking room was that way. The system is overloaded always relegated to a very distant with winter impurities, the blood is part of her various residences. Nor were the guests permitted to solace sluggish and the bowels clogged. themselves w'th a quiet smoke In their own apartments, as on their ar rival they were specially warned not to do so. __________________ “AH In, Down and O ut” HO STETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS Step to Your Own Drum. Why should we be ln such desper is an ideal medicine for all spring ate haste to succeed, and ln sucl desperate enterprises? If a man doe: ailments and a trial now will con­ not keep pace with his companions vince you. Be sure it's Hostetter’r perhaps it Is because he hears a dlf ferent drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. It Is not im portant that he should mature as soon ns an apple tree or an oak. Shall hr turn his spring Into summer?— Thoreau. How Pari* Help» Poor. The fact that the receipts of Paris leaters have more than doubled ln ho last twenty years Is a good thing or the Paris poor, since every buyer >f a theater ticket In Paris has to pay a ten per cent tax for the poor, the total amount of which for the last year was $1,300,000. Knew What Ha Was Doing. "I do not see that you are practlo ing economy by buying a flfteou dollar handbag for your wife.” "Its lnterloi s so complex that by the time she inds money for street car fare hei ompanlon will have paid for her.”— iuffalo Express. Method of 8oftening Gold. Pure gold may be softened by keep- ng it at the boiling temperature oi vater for four days. FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN Still, As Servants Go, Old. Mrs. Heath sniffed audibly when her sister happened to mention, with considerable awe, a certain neighbor Thousand • Have Been Helped "D aisy!” the married woman exclaim By Common Sense ed. "W hy Daisy should speak of her Suggestions. help as ‘old family servants' I can’t Imagine!” "But why shouldn't she, if she wants to?” Inquired the sister. Women suffering from any form o f "Because the one she’s had longest Is Woman With Marvelously Beautiful her cook, and so far, she's stayed six female ills qre invited to communicate promptly with th* Hair Gives Simple Home Prescrip­ months!"— Youth’s Companion. w o m a n ’ s privato tion Which She Used With Most Alas, Yes I correspondence de­ Remarkable Results. "Oh, Mr. Tltewadd, do you know, partment o f the Ly­ I passed by a candy store yenterdny, dia E. Pink ham Med­ and actually didn't go In.” "How un icine C o . , L y n n , like you— I thought you said once you Mass. Your letter I wax gTeotly troubled w ith dandruff and fallin g Invariably turned In?" "Why. don’t will be opened, read hair. I tried many advertiaed hair preparationa you remember? You were with me, and varioua prescription!, but they all airnally and answered by • failed: many o f them made m y hair rreaay so it woman and held in P I L E » CU RED IN « TO 14 D A Y S was impossible to comb it or do it up properly. Y ou r drussint w ill refund money if PAZO O IN T ­ strict confidence. A woman can freely I think that many o f the th in ?* I tried w ere posi­ M E N T fails to cure any case o f Itching, Blind. talk of her private illnesa to a woman ; tively injurioua and from my own experience I Bleedins or Protru din s P ile » in 4 to 14 days. U.'c. thus has been established a confidential cannot too stron gly caution you against uaing preparationa containing wood alcohol and other correspondence which has extended over T r y th t Left. poieonoua aubetancee. I believe they injure the " I often wish,” mourned Senator many years and which has never been roots o f the hair. A ft e r m y long liat o f failure*, broken. Never huve they published a I finally found a simple prescript ion which le a n Spouter, "that 1 were ambidextrous, unhesitatingly state is bovonq doubt the most then I could go on writing my speech testimonial or used a letter without the w onderful thing fo r the hair I have ever Keen. Many o f my friend* have ai*o used it, and ob­ es without being interrupted by these written consent o f the writer,and never tained wonderful effeeta therefrom . I t not only pestiferous handshakers.” has the Company allowed these confi­ is a pow erful Htimulant to the grow th o f the hair dential letters to get out o f their pos­ ard fo r restoring gra y hair to ite natural color, No Los*. but it is equally good fo r rem oving dandruff, g iv ­ session, as the hundred* o f thousands ing the hair life and brilliancy, etc., and fo r the Blobbs— "Do you think the death of of them in their files will attest. purpose o f keeping the scalp in first-cla** con- dit ion. It also make* the hair eaaier to comb and old Closeflst will be a loss to the com Out of the vast volume o? experience arrange In nice form . I have a friend who used munlty?” Slobbs—"W ell, I under it tw o months and during that tim e it ha* not which they have to draw from, it is more only stopped the fa llin g o f hi* hair and wonder­ stand the loss is fully covered by In than possible that they poosesa the very fu lly increaned it* grow th, but it practically re­ ■u ranee." sto re ! all o f his hair to it* natural color. You can knowledge needed in your caso. Noth­ obtain the ingredients fo r m aking thi* wonderful Getting His Bearings. ing is asked in return except your good preparation from almost any druggiMt. Th e pre­ scription is aa follow *: Woodchopper—" I seen a lot o’ bear will, and their advice has helped thou- Bay Rum, 6 oz.; Menthol Crystals, H drachm; tracks 'bout a mile north o' here— big srfhds. Surely any woman, rich or poor, L a von a de Compunee’. 2 or.. I f you like it per­ Hunter— “ Good! Which should be glad to take advantage of this fumed add a fe w drop* o f To-Kalon Perfume, ones, to o !" which mixes p erfectly with the other ingredients. way is south T"— Chicago Dally News. enerous offer of assi« tance. Address This, however, is not neceasary. A p p ly night and morning; rub thoroughly Into ydia E. Pinkham Medicine Ox, (con­ Not In Sight the scalp. Go to your d ru ggist and ask fo r an e ig h t ounce Hokus—"Do you think we shall ever fidential) Lynn, Mass. bottle containing six ounces o f Bay Rum. also one- Pokua— "Not Every woman ought to have h alf drachm o f Menthol Crystals, and a two-ounce have universal peace?” bottle o f liavona de Composes’. Mix the ingre­ so long as women continue to play Lydia E. Plnkhain’s NO-page dients yourself at your own home. Add the ftfen- bridge for stakes.” Text Book. It In not a book for HOW I MADE MY HAIR GROW ““ “• " r 1 from tbe cold ware whlca has Ala- bama In Its grip. The flood, which reached Its crest at 9:30 o clock Sat­ urday night, has not subsided, accord lng to dispatches. One life Is known to have been lost. Many have been Injured. The town Is ln darkness and business Is paralyzed. The floods are not expected to recede perceptibly be­ fore Wednesday, and the damage Is estimated at $200,000. There have been Nearest Star Invlsibls. no trains to or from Brewton since New Haven, Conn. — Observations Friday. during some 20 years for parallax of j ------------------------- fixed stars have been completed at i 1 2 states Join Crusade. Yale observatory. They have Included ... 1 238 stars of the Northern hemisphere S P rt»«*«ld . I1L - Lieutenant-Gover of the heavens. nor O’Hara, chairman of the senate The nearest to the earth of these committee Investigating the “ white stars observed and the nearest of all slave” evil ln Illinois, announced that the the . „ Northern . j received letters from governors ,__ _ stars ___, of ____ „» k ,, hemisphere . he had is on© of th© seventh magnitude, invis* « twelve states offering to co-ODerat© lble eye. . Its distance , In „,fh him J, ® to suppress the traffic in in _„ to . the _ naked .. , | wltn miles from the earth Is represen ed women and klnd^ by the figures of 46,000 billion, denoted 1 « . . __. . . . 1 The governors from the following term8 by about elght states have responded: New York, ugnt yeara________________ Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Virginia, I South Dakota, South Carolina, Missis­ Wilson Gets Shamrock. sippi, Michigan, Kentucky, Georgia, Washington. — St. Patrick’s day Wyoming and West Virginia. found President Wilson wearing In hts hat a sprig of shamrock from the “ old Oil King’s Son Is Host. sod.” L. R. Alderman, superintendent of _____________ From Ireland Monday there reached schools for Oregon, who Is now ln the the White House for the president a *• the Fuert of John D Rocke- box of real Irish shamrock, the gift of John Redmond, Irish member of the Rockefeller wrote to Mr. Alderman thol Crystal* to the Bay Rum and then pour in British house of commons. The presi­ some time ago, saying he wished to the Lavona de Composes’ and add the To-Kalon general distribution, aa It to too e. L e t it stand one-half hour and it is But They Never Do. dent’s secretary. Joseph Patrick Tum­ have him as his personal guest when Perfum expensive. Is to free and only ready fo r use. ulty, with a smile, said that he felt he he was In the East Little fault would be found with obtainable by mall. W rite for Mr. Rockefeller became Interested In alone was qualified to receive them. people who tell all they know If they It today. Mr. Alderman through a report filed would quit when they have done that. by the Oregon school superintendent' Serum Supply Runt Low. No. 12—U J l 9. N. V. London, OnL—T w elve patents at the on home credit systems, some time, Disturberà puMic health Institute have been In­ ago There's hardly any way to be such oculated by Dr. Frederich F. Fried­ a nuisance as to have strong convic­ W H K N —ritto * I * ■ MF” on Nickol Dofended. mann with bis tuberculosis vaccine. O n Ulta pepar- tions.— Now York Press. Nearly 80 had been gathered for the Washington.— Protests against the test, but the physician found there Initial “ F” o f Artist Fraxer, appearing was only enough vaccine for the treat- on the new nickel, caused officials of ment of twelve. Preference was given the treasury department to declare to those suffering from tuberculosis that this was customary on practically of ths bones. The demonstration was all the coins o f the United States snd Color more goodo brighter and factor co lon than any dye. One ioc package colon allk, w o o l and cotton equt . _ other ,---------- given In the presence o f many local of other nations. On some foreign w a ll and la guaranteed to give perfect n-------- Aak dealer, ------- or w e w ill send poet paid at 10c a pacluna. W rite lor I booklet h o w to dye. Mooch and mix colt M ONROE DR U G C O M PAN Y , Quincy, Illlnola. medical men. 1 coins the artist’s full name appears. E PUTNAM