T U B E , • iE D K V L iiV Bl* ; ADVERTISING RATES R I D A '! h 7 ^ "W T ito te i H. G. KiliULL. Proprietor 4 I l i A JL HB I . ic.-rK N i: \TKS , V One Year. & IP l 111 1 18 111 j||ij Ip t Profeeelonal 'Jards....................... a*> month « . W One m o m .................................... “ “ Lj I One-quarter Column.................... ■" 44 %j I ' One-half Column...... '** U One Column..................... , .......... 44 ■* Busin««« local« will be ctiacard at S !« n U j a r Si* M h U m 4 fc fo r each insertion. ------------_^-r~ t n u r » l « ...... ru! I - a - : - » - r March l-'. i * B the n e t -.IK » t M «•!•». Orea m , u-irter the A ct March fifiüE SCHOOL CUKTLSÍS .yr tc £fir- w"i t J i'lU íflC J*J I vßtti-.LÜ [Hug an. Mar. 80.J H ood ivi\ ; , Mur. 19. At a mass inciting o f the Hot» River ai»;>l ‘-yi'o\ver.s belli Irene today from 10:3) o'clock until niyht, the proposed plan o f lilt* drillers t'> COltIO! ;.e the sellinp' agencies o f the ;u.d curriculum, is evidenced lu the soumJ aslt*t*|) near the water effort to include in the. studies v. Jn-fi. ’I'lic* hu.v was Micke) linn*«», stm of a pool fuuiily in tlie neighbor ■instruction in the general burin- liootl fulness to the system o f intoxi- The ifoveruor asked the boy why he cating'beverages. A movement wits *o dirty and ragged. The hoy ¿»xplaimnl his mniiier had a large fam- is being inaugurated to have con- ilj ami had to work hard and could tests ; ill th e d iffe r e n t g r a d e s o f i,ot him no l*>tter ckitüe». “ Blit you can keep clean.'* exhorted the s c in o la , p riz e s b e in g g iv e n Larrabce "You could wash your face for the best essays on the vari- and hands if you wanted to. That costs nothing.” oy, Mr Schneider, than l ‘lc 111 ° Mickey here.” he asked to outline the Schneider was obdurate. He hail no subject for the children and to place. The governor and Mickey walked to write an ,<1(l une eat . child e ,i.„ | out of the store, much disappointed, essay on one ot the chosen sun- . .. , , .. , . J . . As they reached the sidewalk Mickey jects. When the essays are \ turned to his benefnetor and asked handed in, let the teacher select I "Mr Larrabee. If I am such a darned ii , .i .. rni line hoy us you say why don't you give the ten i, nest essays. these , me , , . , • .. a job yourself? —Saturday Lveu H. O M.WEST Mosier, R E -S O LV E D THAT HERE! W E A R E A L L - READY To SUPPLY ANYTHING IN THE. GROCERY LIKE .THE £ST QUALITYANDTWC k ^ | 3 E S T PRICE To THE EST JUDGES OF THE EST THINGS JN Oregon Dealer in i Hay, Grain and Feed Of All I j paid for before atikiavits areffumished. Kinds G R O C E R IE S BU57$ Sole Agents for Shady Brook Dairy Feed ** Horse Feed ijp Ur I WHEN YOU WANT GROCERIES COME TO \J3 AND S E T THEM, AND YOU WILL GET GOOD GROCERIES. WE ARE -SATIJFIED WITH REA- JoNA&LE PROFIT S AND WE SATISFY OUR. PATRON J WITH FIRJT-CLAJJ ¿iOODJ. YOU CAN ALW AYS BE JURE OF FREJH GROCERIES IN THU JToRE. BECAUSE OUR GOODJ JELL QUICKLY. in j Rock Springs ) Coal-LUMPj Nichol & Co., Ì a « should be used in a local contest ¡Ug Host FOREST FIRE lift aiSREPRESEHTED and a price awarded the best. In ci y schools a second contest may CURiOUS ACACIA TREE, bï timber brokers be held lietween the difTeren It Gets Peevish and Ugly and Odorous * ? F. A. Elliott, State Forester, S(;hools o f the city, and the best. when Disturbed. ' ’ ’ essay chosen for competition be- In Idaho there exists a species of the under date ot March 1811», says: tween the different schools Qf ■«•«<■ * " » " * ««titled to be M O S IE R O regon I it hda been hniught to the the county or district. T lie prize! life. When full grown it closes its attention o f the State Forester county essay should be used in I leaves together in coils each day at ( Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. \ that some unscrupulous timber competition between the d iffer-! “ taTia CUr‘S ‘U tbt‘ aUaPL‘ brokers are misrepresenting the en^ counties tor the state prize. when the tree has thus settled itself . „ , c , i p ro v is io n s o f the. co m p u lso ry pa- t i o l la w which was e n a c te d by the recent Legislative Assembly and becomes effeclive June 2. Owners o f timber claims have been told that under this law it will be necessary for them to keep a patrolman on their claims all Summer at their own ex­ pense, and this has been urged as a reason for sacrifice sales. Statements o f this kind are made purely for the purpose o f stimu- b itin g the sale o f timber lands, thus increasing the business and incidentally the commissions of timber brokers. “ The law provides that every timber land owner in the State, not residing within one ane half- miles o f hfs nronert v shall fm- m uesoi nia. property, snail rur- nish a sufficient patrol therefor during the dry season, and that in case lie fails to do so the State Forester shall provide the same at a cost not to exceed 5 cents per acre per annum. Any amount so paid by the State shall be a lien upon the land and shall be collected with the next taxes. t , • . • ,, , . It IS obvious that the maxi- mum expense to the owner o f a quarter-section o f timberland cannot exceed $8.00 per year, an amount that should scare no owner into disposing o f his tim- ber claim at a sacrifice. One o f th e b est w ays for , r. , . for tlio uisbt's sleep it is suid that If General Subject: What is the t01ll.hr(J lt wl„ fiHtter 118 „ S ta te d in a g la s s o f b e e r »vine o r **r impatient at tiie disturbanee. The , „ n er. ’ j i ofteimr. It Is averred, the foliage is molested the more violent will become Special Themes: The e ffe c t o f ,he shaking or the branches l inally. It Is further alleged. If the shaking is alcohol upon the nervoussystem. continued the tree will at length emit Why business men demand ab­ a nauseating odor quite sullicieut to induce u headache in tho case o f the » stinence on the part o f their em­ person disturbing the tree. ployes. In Iduho it is called (he “ angry tree,” and It is said that it was discovered by The effects o f tobacco. men who on making camp for the night Markings; Essays shall be placed one end of a canvas covering | over one of the sensitive bushes, using graded one-half on subject mat- it for a support Immediately tiie free ter, one-fourth on Style and'1 began to jerk its brunches sharply, grammatical excellence and one- motlon continued with increasin'.? f,.m M, ■tm.parance o f n o t»r “ nervousness until at last eaiue a l o u i u i o n a p p ea l d iice or p a p e i, sk.lioni„ . ,Ml„ r ,|Ult ,|1B tired which sliall inclliile penmanship, campers to a more friendly location.— and S p e llin g , Harper’s Weekly. Number of Words: The max-1 Q"ue~ En ,ifh. ' niU111 numbet ol void s shall be Tokyo contains some queer speci- 0,16 thousand and the minimum rueus of English. One would scarce- ; five hundred. I & 1,e fnralliar with the name “Uow- Jimlu Maru" painted on the bow of a * rizei The prize shall be Japanese junk, and jet “ Howjindu” is called the “ Mary C, Upham” i not a bad reproduction of "H ow do you j I»ize, and shall he thirty dollars | ^ ^ f ^ ' L r V t h e honl'tarever i in.gold. heard. Having the courage of his ig | AH prize essays, with the ex- «»ranee, he treated it as u single w ord. ; ccption o f the Anti-Naicotic |ilied fo Hnl||llB v,,ssels and K8V# it prize, should be sent to the Na- with pride to his honorable junk tional Superintendent, Mrs.Edith Another Japanese refers to himself as the “cheerful berber,” a laundrvman Smith Davis, 561 33rd Street, i . , gives notice that be is n “ high wash j Mlhvaukie, Wis., before August man,” and a snrtortal artist describe» I 15th o f ea ch y e a r * * *■ j C . O. B u r r o w s , M O S IE R - - m gr . ORE. - . , timberland owners to comply coming show has been with the law is to join County formed and officers elected. The ,urwl ou Beneroslty Fire Patrol Associations that dales are November 1-8. Ex- lhnD *° " * * '’'*' have been organized in most ot hihits of all soil products, both “Illustrate it papa. I think I shall the timhei'ed counties o f the fruit and vegetables, are want- understand tt better.” —New York Jour State. It is expected that every e(jt aI1d farmers throughout the ° Jl ------------------- timbered county will have such Northwest are urged to plant; Entertaining Him. kn otgamzation before the fire their crops this year with the Daughter o f the Doute— Is tt right season arrives. The experience ¡.ipu ;n mind o f nlaeinir their wt",, n,otl,*r "ay8, tliat J»0 are * ’**lf ot these associations, some o f bggt samples on display in Port- , hi!d Bnt what makes you askr which have been in existence land and competing for the many i Daughter ef the House—l was only for four years, -proves that ade- prizes to be offered. wondering what made you give your self such a funny face.—London T ele quate patrol can be secured at a (faph. __________________ cost o f from l i to 3$ cents peri j Shelter of Safety. acre, and if all o f the timber- A conference for the Conser-1 Let ns go into this department store land owners join, the acreage vatioti o f Human Lffe, the^ first ^ th