— LOCAL — Wlmt’x the matter with dropping in and renewing your aubsrription to the Bulletin? It would be appreciated. Why not contract your house? Mrs. L. Garret Carl will speak You get a better job in less time. ¡n Immanuel Church next Sun- See “ Happy.'” Phone 115. day evening. CITIZENS FAVOR TH E C U TTLE F IS H . N O T IC E It» Queer Ink Sac and It» Ability to Cnange It* Color. S«>|)la Ix :i |n><'iiliur animal gubxtance obtitlued from the ink Impi or Ink sacs ot eilttletixh. The I'lillleHxli nre n croup of sini;q- Inr sou rrenturex nllietl to xlocx. snails, oyxtein nml other so called shell tish." The ciittleltsh has a son ot shell be neath the skin (sold under the name ot "cuttlebune” ), a pair ot Ini-p? eyes and a horny beak, lake all molluscs, they have no real limits at nil. hot from around the hend there spline eight or ten long tentacles, each Hnued with numerous suckers. By forcibly squirting out the sett w a ter which It has taken in the sepia cuu shoot hnckwaid through the water with great speed The sepin Is inter esting. too. as being able to change Its color In a measure so us to liarmuuize with its surroundings Just under the topmost layer o f skin there ate dis tributed all over the surface o f the body a ounilier o f cells, containing u dnrk pigment. When these cells are expanded the surface of the body be comes darkly spotted, but as they are contracted the creature looks paler. Though best developed In the sepia and Its nearest allies, nearly every tneuilier o f the ciittletlsh group pos sesses an Ink sac T h e Ink sac coo tains the dark pigment secreted by a special gland. When discovered or pursued by an enemy the sepia dis charges some ot Its ink through a sort ot funnel or tithe The pigment mixes with water very quickly and forms a dark cloud of Inky water, be yond which the seplu will dart iuio sa fety Sepias are often caught in nets with fish. The fishermen, despising the cuttles, throw them out 'upon the beach, and then they may be seen ly ing In tiny pools ot dense black liquid and continually oozing out more ink in n vain attempt at concealment.—C hi cago Tribune. Station Agent Allington re ceived a reply this morning to his telegram o f yesterday, ask ing that Train No. 5 stop here at 10:15 tomorrow (Saturday) morning, for the accommodation of those wishing to attend Prof. Dryden’s lecture on poultry rais ing. given at Hood River in the afternoon. The request was very kindly granted, providing not less than ten passengers buy tickets for the occasion. Those wishing to go will take notice. W. A. HUSBANDS IF YO U W IS H To meet your friends, stop at B l a c k s m it h Horae -Shoeing HO TEL MOSIER. and General ¡Repair Work. Satisfaction guaranteed A ll Modem and under New ! MOSIER - - OREGON Mrs. C. G. Nichol and Mrs. Management. A Rood suRRestion— drop in , Geo. Chamberlain were shopping AUGMENTED BATH FACILITIES .and pay up your back subscrip-1 in Hood River yesterday after- M ilt o n N u r s e r y T r e e s . ,tion. ; noon. GUY Q. STRYKER, Prop. True to Name tor 33 Yean. Miss Alice Mosier who is at- F o r Sale 'tendinR school at The Halles, That the citizens o f Mosier Hardy Climat«*, High Elevation Orchard disc, adjustable, in »pent last Monday afternoon at can be aroused from their leth See R obt T . Newhail, argy occasionally was proven by fair condition. Call pn or ad-; home with her father, Hood River - - Oregon. dress this office. The 1 913 way o f cash and | the large crowd which gathered at Lamb’s Hall on Tuesday eve lower prices is pleasinR the peo ning, in response to a call in last For Sale. D A N C IN G L E S S O N S ple o f the Mosier District. AI L O C A L T IM E - T A B L E week’s Bulletin for a mass meet Thoroughbred young Barred i ready we have saved the people ing o f the residents to discuss No. 7 West hound 7:22 a. m. Frank Middleswart will give i hundreds o f dollars. The Strauss Rock cockerels. «<« the feasibility o f incorporating No. 1 2:45 p. ix dancing lessons at Chown’s |Co-Operative Store. E. 0. WlNANS, the town o f Mosier. East ” No. 2 10:20 a. m. Hall oil Thursday and Saturday 214 2t Mosier, Ore. 44 44 Henry Olsen, who is taking a No. 8 6:35 p. m. H. M. West called the meeting nights o f each \\ee<. 'J hose 1 " " course in electrical engineering <4 44 to order and stated the object of No. 6 wishing to learn the new and 10:40 p. m. hor Sale. ¡n Portland, was a visitor in the gathering. R. M. Ross was old dances will have a good op N ol 17, at 5:30 p. m., flag stop S. C. Brown Leghorn Cocker- town last Tuesday, chosen temporary chairman and portunity. Terms on applica on Sundays only for Hood Ri ver els and hatching also a; L. L E. E Adels Adels arri' arrived the first of Dr. Robinson secretary. The , . V. , eggs; . ,, tion for private or class lessons. and Portland. limited number of laying pullets. the week from an extended trip chairman set the municipal hall ------------- ---------- ------------- Grandview E rr Farm, ; ^ ^ and is spend rolling by drawing comparisons W. G. A Id red, Social Dance H. G . K1BBEE ing the week with his family at between small towns which were Mosier, Or. Another social dance will lie Ortley. N ext week he will go incorporated, with the benefits N O T A R Y P U B L IC given in Chown’ s Hall on Satur to California on business for his1 to he derived from a safe, busi T o Horticulturists. - - - O regon day night, February 22nd— m o s i e r company. ness-like administration o f mu For pruning, planting trees, Washington’ s birthday. A r nicipal affairs, and towns where Saturday Specials: Wyandot The undersigned is thoroughly lawn grading, etc., address P. rangements have been made for there is no government, no prepared to put down open wells A . K n o l l , Mosier, Ore., or leave, Washing Powder, 25c sack. 12c a good orchestra and a first-class initiative hut plenty o f referen 15c large box tooth picks, 3c.; in any part o f the surrounding message at Bulletin office. time is promised all who come. dum—everything which called Boys’ Sunday Shirts, sold at 50c, country. Has a complete outfit, for effort or outlay being “ re Saturday 25c. including pipe cutting and thread ferred” to the other fellow. He Notice to Fruitgrowers Church »1 Christ Notes Strauss Co-Operative Store. ing tools. Does all kinds o f ce stated that it was his observa Please send us estimate o f! ment, rock ami concrete work. tion that unincorporated small amount o f spray material re-! N ext Lordsday morning we BROKE IT GENTLY. Has had 80 years’ experience in towns seldom acquired much ¡quired for this season, as early! will speak on “ A Wrong Stand the well business. May be found Didn't Know What to Do. standing as business communi IN YO U R as possible. ard of Measurement,” and in the, by addressing him at The Dalles, S o T h e y C a m e t o H is R es c u e . Property owners in Mosier ties and seldom exceeded a very j A young author miU critic, who has evening on “ The Change of M o sie r F r u it G r o w e r s A ss ’ n . Ore., or inquire at Maier & District can pay their taxes at limited population. He could come to be an authority upon a certain Heart in Becoming a Christian.” J 31-31 Schanno’ s Store, The Dalles. the Mosier Valley Bank, as in see no reason why Mosier should modern phase ot educnlon. went a tew Remember that you always daya ago to deliver Id» first lecture at A. E. N egus . previous years. not incorporate, believing that a girls' school. Ue had lectured before, receive a hearty welcome at the j Good candy, 10c per pound. R. M. Ross, the time had arrived when it but never at a young ladies semi homelike Church. You are Strauss Co-Operative Store. Cashier. was sensible and practicable, uary, and as two white froeked. curly earnestly and cordially invited D AVID ROBINSON, M. D. haired ushers led him out to the plat from a business standpoint, to form and he sat down beside the ma to attend if you come for the C. A. Frey visited in Hood hysician and urgeon River the first of the week. Who goes to W. W. Vensel arrived Tuesday attain to the dignity and assume tronly principal among the women who right purpose. made up the faculty and faced a sea of the responsibility o f a municipal MOSIER - OREGON Mrs. Kenneth Cooper visited from Pittsburg, Pa., and is girls faces lie was young enough to church for a wrong one? The church room will he nicely relatives in The Dalles this week. spending several days here with ity. Others expressed practi feel a hit o f embarrassment liiuiselt his nephews, who have charge cally the same sentiments in It was rather difficult at first. Imt once warmed and lighted for your the lecture wax started things went nil Wanted: —More country butter comfort and convenience. Come. of his property south of town. I different ways, while two or right and fresh eggs. three objected to the proposition lie finished what he hud to say and We understand that Mr. Vensel j H. C a m p b e l l C l a r k , S tore Y our A pples Strauss Co-Operative Store. down The audience and the ma a house, ham or packing contemplates making some ex-1 because of the added taxation sat Minister. tronly principal and the wumeu who In our New Modern CoM Storage shed to build, J. P. E rhart Mrs. S. D. Fisher was shop tensive improvements on -------. -«*»■-—----- his and the big expense necessary I made up the faculty elupped their will furnish Bonds to build to supply the town with an J ping in Hood River last Monday. place this year. Plant. bands enthusiastically Then the np Dramatic Recital pin use died down and silence settled according to plans and speci adequate water system, sewers, Equipped with the latest H. M. West was a business upon the lecture hall. The young man I want to thank the people ot fications. Phone, 115. sidewalks, etc. It was pointed On account o f sickness, Mrs. visitor in The Dalles on Tuesday tlu* Mosier District for the way sat oa waiting for some one to say D RY A IR SYSTEM out to these objectors, however,! something, dimly conscious that a Carl was unable to keep Iter ap- last. they have taken up the Co-Oper that the city tax levy would he j move o f one kind or another was ex , pointment for last Monday eve W e have every facility for hand The Strauss Co-Operative Store ative way of doing business and I just what the citizens voted it, pected o f him But his lecture was ling, shipping and delivering. finished tie had said all he had to ning as advertised, but will be is a busy place these days. Five I Know you will all he pleased I and that the improvements say There were no questions from | here tonight aL the Immanuel Charges Reasonable •a'espeople are employed and all with your savings when you get would be made gradually, as the faculty or students A few o f the girls j Church, accompanied by her bus-1 PLUM BING . began to fidget, hut no one spoke used to this method. UNION M E A T CO M PANY keep busy. finances permitted, and that it The young man became unpleasantly ! band, who will illustrate the lec- E. M. S t r a u s s . STEAM a n d HOT WATER was not the intention to saddle aware that he was expected to do I ure by slide pictures. J. N. Mosier is at The Dalles Warehouse Dept., Portland, Ora. H FATING. this week, attending court as a Miss Flora Bauer, who has been the citizens with a heavy burden something and to do it ut once, but be did not know what to do lie reflected juror, at the outset. There were ques visiting here the past month with Jobbing promptly attended to. miserably that lie did not know the etiquette ot a girls' school anyhow. Frank Ginger and C. H. Duns- her sister, Mrs. Thos. Gordon, tions which could not he an And then there was a signal from the MOSIER - - OREGON more were visitors in The Dalles left the first of the week for her swered definitely “ right off the principal and a move In the audience, I Friday evening, Feb. 21, there j hat,” as details had, of course,! and the prettier o f the tw o girl ushers home in Portland. on Monday last. not been worked out. A fte r' approached him. a little embarrassed, j will be a special meeting o f the F. A. Shogren, who has em New goods this week. Berk much discussion pro and con, a a little shy. determined to do her duty. I Camp to confer the degrees. ley Cambric Pillow Tuheing, D. ployment in Portland this win rising vote was taken to deter-' "I'm so sorry. Mr B ," she murmur Come. Fun, enjoyment and, ed “ Intt I ’m afraid you'll have to— M. C. Crochet Cotton, Rick Rack ter, spent last Sunday here with mine the feelings of those pres you'll have to start right this minute instruction. AND it you want to make your tra in !"—New Braid. Strauss, The Co-Opera his family. H. C. C lark , ent. Of the 21 w ho voted. 18 fo rk Times. General Surveying, Plat tive Store. Clerk. | It is onr intention to reduce were in favor o f incorporating, ting and Drafting C a r e fu l W it h T h e ir L e m o n s . O. E. Wilson was attending to nearly every article during this only three opposing it. There used “ Ill English Inns," said a man who business matters at the county sale. I f any errors are made we were a number eligible to vote Notice to Fruitgrowers had just returned from a long coaching FOR SALE BY seat on Tuesday last. will gladly correct I hem. Re who didn't express themselves trip In Kngland. "they do uot use lem I have a quantity o f first-class STURGESS CO NFECTIO NERY ous In our haphazard fashion. They member, too, your money hack, one way or the other. J. H. Devlin and W. A Fire- make the use o f one more or less o f a 2-year-old apple trees, which I j STORE DR, H. L. DUMBLE baugli, o f Portland, are spend with a smile, if anything you There were three ladies pres solemn rite l rememlier asking for a will sell at 5 cents each at Hood M o s ie r - - O regon buy does not suit. We are try ing a few days this week at Ort ent and they manifested consid 'horse's neck' In a little Inn In the north PHY8ICIAN Atm SURGEON These trees sell regu ing to please. Help us by tell erable interest in the discussion. country. The landlord had never heard River. ley. HOOD RIVER : OREGON o f the drink, and I explained to him larly at 16 cents each, hut I ing us ho\v to still improve our Chairman' Ross appointed a ttmt It was ginger ale with a lemon offer them at the above low Odd lots of M ens Wool Un- store and methods, Will practice in Mosier and peel In It. He went hack to the bar committee o f three, composed of and returned presently with an empty price in order to close out the derwear, sold up to $1.25. Spe- STRAUSS May be reached by long dis H. M. West. E. A. Race and J. tray T'm very sorry, sir. he said, stock. S. W. IlEPPNER, cial Saturday, 56c. tance phone, Home phone 81, Mrs. Geo. Krause, o f Tin E. Cole, to prepare a petition to 'hut we haven't got a lemon open Just Hood River, Ore. Strauss Co-Operative Store. now.’ " —New York Tribune. Dalles, visited this week with be presented to the county court .'■ lc C A L L ’ S is a la rg e, artistic, hand* Rev. H. C. Clark and E. A. OVER • • Y E A R S’ s m e ty illu s '.ra trd 1« 0 - p a g e m o n th ly her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Haven- j with the signatures of 40 legal M a g a z in e th at is a d d in g to th e k appi* E x p e r i e n c e Race were passengers to Hood n ess an d e f f i c i e n c y o f 1,100,1)00 voters. w o m e n e a c h m o n th . f River on Monday afternoon's *">l KfU'li i'*4if» l< B rim fu l ,,f fn-hion«, faiu y- The question of the corporate Mrs. H. M. West is spending w o rk , iilturovting Mutrl stories, ami scores local. oT lain)i-s;i\ing ami itm n ey-savin g ide.-vw f *i w om en . T h e re nr«* nmn* than in o f i the week with relatives in Port limits was discussed, but nothing tlm new est designs o f f l i c »•.•Irbraled New groceries arriving every M c C A I.L I’ A T T K K N K In each issue. definite was decided upon. This; land. Mt’t ’ A I . L P A T T E R N S lire fumoii!* fo f day. Good flour, $4.60 per bhl. st> le, III. sim p lic ity am i eeon n m y, O n ly matter no doubt can lie adjusted 10 am i 15 m i l s each. D c s io n s Because Oregon was admitted Another shipment of that good C o p y r ig h t s A c . satisfactorily to all parties con T h e |>til>!i-Iters ,.f M e t' A Lt/rf W ill *\wru\ to the Union on February 14. 29c coffee on the way. llioiis.im l.i o f dollars e x trn in the co in in g ___ __________ <» » > t » t r h and dMChptlrm nix, 8hickI» afieert*lti tttir Opinion free whether an m nntlis In o rd er to keep M H ’ A I.I/ S head iMventltlft |i p r m lb l| )l» t «t t s b le . Conimunlra- 1859, a suggestion Inis been mail« cerned. The main point for con and shoulder* aIxm * a ll oth er WofTien’ * Strauss Co-Operative Store. llttdestrfCUi continent nil. HANDBOOK on Patent« maun sides .»a a n y price. H ow ever. You can find what you want at the gratulation is that the majority V ‘ U . f . s is o n ly 50c a y e a r ; iH w itlvrly that this he called the "Valen- w orth $1.00. E. . A. , Race ip K W lnn tit* . without ch a r,«. In t il» v -q M tv Any One MrCnfl Pnllpfn r r-t _ left Wednesdav tine State.” It is claimed that )f the citizens are in line with evening or Spo\ane, to attend (hja pseudonvm has advantages' the march of progress, and no, • 111 v .n ir lies? n r M d 'A L I . 'S , If v» u Scientific Am e rican . Quickly. A handsomely M l N l f d i f Weekly. Largest cir the annual convention of the oubt those will he who now op- culation o f any sclentttIC journal. T e rm s . f3 a over the misleading "W ebfoot” T E KcCALL CC3TJWT. Î36 tV. I 5 » VaA rear: four pi on t ha, 91. A IM by all newsdealers. Western Retail Lumber Dealers’ kwaawaw* A xa »I II a \-.-n v.i-i , ¡-i i , and “ Heaver” which have done iose the movement through, we Association. Ó » r B U W aablu tfl'X i, D .C . •lieve, honest <*< nvictions. dutv for so many venrs. F rom 1c to 25c MAJORITY GREATLY PLEASED AT PROSPECT -FEW ORJEGT TAXES He Fruit Lands Town Lots Fire Insurance D. D. HAIL Mosier, Oregon, The Town With a Future Well Work Well Done ADVERTISE Exactly Home Paper P S If You Have S. F. GOSS Attention, M. W.A.i HAYNES GOO D H EA LTH BREAD GOOD TA S TE P IE S ONCE Uied—ALWAYS E. C. BROCK C I V IL E N G IN E E R Mosier - - Oregon Madam, Read McCall*» The Fashion Authority Valentine Day P atents ....is.... The 1 4 th ......... Don’t Forget Mosier Book Store Spring Dress Goods Special Are beginning to arrive and now is a good time to do a lot o f sewing while you have the time an save your self the hurry and worry h little later. We now have a splendid line for you to choose from, right fresh from the mills, and in prices the most reasonable. Boys’ and Youth’s Shoes Xoa should outfit the Ixivs in Shoes now, while sav ings such as are possible here may lie^enjojed. There are box calf, vici kid or kangaroo calf leath ers. good winter weight soles and roomy toes. Sizes 12 to 64, and in values up to $3.50. Your choice the pair...... ................. $ 1 .9 8 New York Ladies’ White Underskirts Drummers’ sample shoes for men. These come in sizes 6, 6A, 7. 7J and 8. They are made up by special Workmen and as we buy them at a good discount over the regular stock, we make you a like less price and tlu* liest value in shoe leather you ever bought for the money anywhere. Come in and let us til yon out with a pair of these. We have them in all leathers and in all the newest shapes for dress or work wear. We have a few o f these Big Bargains in Ladies’ White Underskirts that we are closing out at Half Trice These are really bargains, just a little soiled from display and handling. Your choice for O N E -H A LF PRICE. We carry a nice line o f QUEEN Q U A LI TY shoes for ladies, as well as the American Lady and White House shoos. The snappiest shoes you can buy, Mckihhin fur neck scarfs, values up to $2.00. Special to close them out.......... .......... 50C V A L E N T IN E S at s|H*cisl prices to close them out. Good assortment to choose from. THE PA R IS FA h Special to close them out, each...... .......... ... ...... 1 5 C IO C Special Values up to $8:00. Your c h o i c e . .......... ............................ Children's muslin pants, hand made,worth Special while they last, the pair These are caps in this lot that arc Vvorth 60c. Indies Long and Short Coats. Furs Special: 25c a iwir. Boys’ and Misses’ Caps Special 5 0 C Wool Underwear Ladies' and Misses’ fleeced lined and wool under wear, vests and pants, worth op to, the garment, 758. Special, your choice............ . ...................... ° ° d r , v e r S L A R G E S T & B E S T s to r e 2 3 C