Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, February 14, 1913, Image 2

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A Brief Resume o f Proceedings o f the People’s Representatives
at the State Capital, Bills Introduced, Passed, Rejected, Etc.
House Says All Companies Should School Fund Must Be Held Intact
Be Allowed to Bid.
by Land Board.
Salem—Attorney-General Crawford
Salem — Open competition will be
had on all road contracts, if the senate has ruled on two important matters
adopts an amendment to the Barrett relating to the administration o f the
and Hurd road bill, officially known as
senate bill 12, made by the house after state’s affairs.
In response to an inquiry from
one o f the hottest fights on the floor
at this legislative session.
The bill i George G. Brown, clerk o f the state
land board, he holds that the irreduci­
was then passed.
Section 24 was the only one to ble school fund is to be devoted solely
which objection was raised. It pro­ to maintaining the public schools of
hibited any state or county official the state. He holds further that dis­
having road work in charge to accept bursements of the state school fund
bids for any patented article for road may be made by the proper authorities
without special appropriation by the
Lewelling, o f Linn, started the fight legislature, and that furthermore the
when he moved that the section be legislature itself could not touch the
stricken from the bill. He was sec­ money in this fund for any other pur­
onded by Forbes, o f Crook,
who pose than to direct in what manner it
charged, that while the amendment may be expended for the cause o f pub­
Bought to prohibit trust grafts being lic education in Oregon.
worked off on the people, “ it in reality
In reply to the railroad commission Driven from the Mexican National Palace by Revolutionists Under Felix Diaz
prevents certain paving companies j Mr. Crawford gives his opinion that the
from bidding and delivers the work American District Telegraph com­
cabinet, he took refuge in the Nation­
into the hands o f a trust that stretches pany, o f San Francisco, comes within
al Palace, where they were besieged,
out its tentacles into every city, town | the purview o f the public utilities act
but with some loyal troops at their
and hamlet from Maine to California and may be considered as a public
backs they succeeded in defending the
— the Barber Asphalt company.”
| utility concern and is subject to regu­
palace from the assaults o f the revo­
After a sharp skirmish, in which lation o f the commission.
The president fortified
Parsons, of Linn, made a desperate
The company is engaged in the
himself in the palace, while General
but futile effort to have the section j manufacture o f telegraph systems.
Felix Diaz, with a large majority of
retained intact with but a few words
the regulars behind him, has virtual
changed, the house demanded the vote $8,287,810 WILL BE ASKED FOR
control o f the capital.
and the roll call showed that the en­
President Madero and his ministers
tire section had been eliminated.
left the National Palace about 10
Requests for Appropriations Likely
o ’clock Sunday night. It is believed
to Break All Records.
they have gone to Chapultepec.
Salem — The magnifleant total of Felix Diaz, Nephew o f the Former eral Huerta has been left in charge of
President, Leads Rebellious
the loyal forces in the palace.
House Passes Ten Other Senate $8,278,819, according to official fig­
ures, as near as can be estimated now,
General Angeles, from Cuernavaca,
Troops to Victory.
Bills in Short Order.
will be the requests that the present
and Colonel Vasconcelos, from Chaul-
Salem — Getting down to work legislature will be called on to face in
co, have been ordered to the capital.
promptly at 10:30 Monday morning the shape o f appropriations.
Felix Diaz and his followers gained
after the week-end adjournment, the
This will be a record-breaker for
control o f the city early in the after­
house made rapid progress, passing requests, but there is no reason to volt Sunday in Mexico City, took pos­ noon. He took possession o f the pal­
ten senate bills and defeating one, believe that when the smoke has blown session o f the public buildings, shot ace and captured the arsenal by as­
which was perhaps the most important away and the final tale has been told down Federal adherents in the streets, sault. Only a few scattered com­
o f them all — the eight-hour law. that this will be a much more expens­
panies of the city garrison main­
This was a measure passed by the peo­ ive legislature than the one two years released General Felix Diaz, leader of tained an appearance o f loyalty to the
ple at a recent election, but it carried ago.
no enabling clause and was held to be
In fact, there are indications that Bernardo Reyes, from prison, and,
General Diaz took possession of Bel­
without effect. It was a bill by Sen­ the amount may be reduced below that falling into line under the Diaz ban­ em city prison and penitentiary with­
ator Smith, o f Curry.
o f two years ago. The scythe is al­ ner, virtually captured the Mexican out opposition.
Defeat o f the bill is believed not to ready beginning to mow down appro­ capital.
Police Chief Figueroa is a prisoner
be of any importance, as it is said in priation bills, over $100,000 being
At least 250 persons were killed in of Diaz as the result of a controversy
the house to have been brought about lopped off.
The committees o f both the street fighting that took place in over the patrolling of the streets,
for the reason that certain members j the house and the senate, having to do the great public square and other Diaz insisting that it should be done
wished to discipline Representative with ways and means, are slashing parts o f ^the city.
Many o f these by his men.
Lawrence, o f Multnomah, who made a right and left on institutional and
speech for the bill.
other appropriations.
In some manner, it is said, he had
Already over $5,000,000 in requests
aroused the anger o f some members, have been put in, and the list shows
who decided to vote the bill down this not only the appropriation bills that
have been introduced, but the esti­
mates that have been made for the
NEW CONSPIRACY BILL FAILS various state boards, commissions,
offices and institutions, so that it
Notice Given o f Movement for Re­ gives a fairly adequate idea o f the en­
tire financial situation that now pre­
sents itself to the legislative assem­
Salem— An effort to put through the bly.
senate a substitute conspiracy bill pre­
pared in the district attorney’s office GIVES GOVERNOR BIG STICK
of Multnomah county failed Saturday.
It received but 15 favorable votes
with Bean and Miller absent.
As a Executive Supplant District Attor­
neys, Sheriffs and Constables.
result a motion to reconsider will be
made. With Miller present Senator
Salem—Only four votes were mus­
McColloch is satisfied that the neces­ tered against the substitute bill by the
sary 16 votes for passing will be se­ senate judiciary
committee giving
power to supplant district attorneys,
The bill as originally introduced by sheriffs and constables, and the substi­
McColloch made it a crime to conspire tute measure passed the senate.
to commit a crime or to conspire to
The drastic provisions o f the origin­
defraud. The substitute bill provides j al bill, which allowed the governor
only that it shall be a crime to conspire summarily to supplant such officials,
to defraud and its introducer stated j were materially softened in the new
openly that the present bill is to hit j bill. Under the new bill officials may
at paving combinations and collusive be supplanted for periods of 90 days,
bidding on all public work.
but only after they have been given a
hearing in court and the Circuit judge
decides that such officer as not been
Goat Meat Big Problem.
Salem — Whether or not goat meat ( faithfully executing the criminal laws
shall be sold for mutton is the weighty o f the state.
Arsenal Captured and Leaders
Freed From Prison.
question which came up in the house
on Senate bill 22, by Burgess.
J| It seems, from the statements made
on the floor of the house, that some
butchers in the state have been mak­
ing the sheep the goat by pretending
to sell mutton chops and other choice
portions o f “ spring lamb,” when in
reality they were selling plain old
goat. The house voted down the bill
compelling the sign “ goat meat” to
be placed on goat meat.
Senate Kills $100,000 Bill.
Sulem—The senate, in a single swat
cut off a bill that contemplated the ex­
penditure o f $100,000 in the next two
The bill provided for furnishing a
pure water supply for state institu­
tions at Salem, appropriating $50,000
a year for that pur|iose for an indefi­
nite period.
It was introduced by Day by re­
quest and was given an adverse report
No effort was
House Pays Injured Militiaman. by the committee.
made to defend it and it died a sudden
Salem—The house passed a bill by death.
Upton, o f Multnomah, granting to
Raleigh Wilson $2500 for injuries he
Senate Kills Several Bills.
received by falling under artillery
Salem—Several bills fell under the
equipment during maneuvers near Fort
Stevens August 14, 1911. Some of ax in the senate Wednesday and they
the members objected because the bill will prabnhly not reappear again this
provided for warrants being drawn session. Among the more important
only on order o f the adjutant general o f the measures to be killed was that
o f the national guard, but it was ex­ o f Howard to teach sex hygiene in the
plained that this is necessary in order public schools. Moser’ s bill regulat­
properly to safeguard the money and ing vehicles: McDonald’s relating to
to see that it is expended so that it! physicians and druggists and the dis­
pensing o f alcoholic liquors, and Bone-
will do him the most good.
brake’s to regulate the sale and use of
poison, were all indefinitely postponed
Textbook Bill Passed.
Salem — With some opposition the and sent into the discard by the upper
Miller textbook bill passed the senate. body.
This bill provides that one-third o f the
Senate Asks Larger Court.
textbooks o f the schools shall be
Salem By a vote o f 22 to 7, with
changed every two years, this thin! to
make up the textbooks for that divis­ Miller absent, the bill providing for an
increase o f the Supreme court from
ion for the following six years.
Thus under the bill no textbooks will five to seven members passed the sen­
be changed oftener than six years, ate. The bill was introduced by Sen­
but a portion o f them will be changed ator Butler, who declared that the
work is now so congested as to make
every two years.
it practically a one-man court.
said so many rases are appearing and
Anti-Lobbyist Bill Passes.
Salem—The house passed the Scheu- so much work to do that all o f the
bel anti-lobbying bill, which is calcu­ judges cannot pass on every case.
lated to keep the lobbyists off the floor Far re I, who is not a lawyer, also sup­
o f both houses and to force them to ported the measure, stating that last
register with the secretary o f state year 286 opinions were written.
their names and the name, or names,
Saddle Mountain Park Asked.
o f the persons, or persons, by whom
they are employed. It also requires
Salem Congress is urged to create
them to make a sworn statement of a Saddle Mountain park, in a memor­
their expenditures at the captital.
ial introduced in the senate by Lester.
The purpose o f the park is to protect
the water supply which is reserved on
Filing Fee Bill Defeated.
Salem Senator Barrett’s bill, pro­ Saddle Mountain, the supply furnish­
viding for a tiling fee instead o f a pe­ ing water for all the Oregon coast
tition, for candidates for office, met from the Columbia river to Tillamook
defeat in the house. Eaton of Lane Head, according to the memorial.
and others held that, although the
Would Purchase Locks.
primary and election laws are unsatis­
factory, this would be no improve­
Salem -The house passed the Ha-
ment. In fact, they argued, it would good bill, consenting to the purchase
forever shut off the office seeking the of the canal and locks at Oregon City.
There was no opposition.
C öpyr/yft/ ò y li/ Cr. C/i/lfr+f/ltf
says: ’Kroll, In my pocket Is a war­
rant that will send yoq back to the
snow places In the East; do you fear
me. my good Kroll?’ And I feared him.
See, now,’ he said, ’we desire to see
your friend Amaroff for a little talk.
We cannot harm him here In this
mad country. Contrive a trick, bring
The serJeant stepped forward and | him Into your private room behind the
whispered The man was sufficiently I bar. Give us the key of the yard door
satisfied, for he dropped the slide at | that w* maY come »ecretly to him—
once, and the door swung back to ad- ! and
you will hear no more
mit us; the hairy-faced porter Bowing I °f Siberia from me. Do you consent?’
a welcome ir polite Bubmiaeion. Tbe !
Gentlemen, I believed him, also
Inspector led the way up the stairs, j having fear of the snow places; and I
and I followed at his heels. The
leant had disappeared.
I " So Amaroff answered my call, and
It was a broad, low room in which
some excuse I left him In this
we found ourselves, the rafters of the room. It was at a time when few
roof unhidden by the plaster of a cell­ members were In the club—about
ing. Round the walls on benches rang­ seven of the clock. And that, as I
ed behind tables a dozen men sat live, la all I have to tell. I waited at
smoking and drinking. The chatter my seat behind the bar. I saw noth­
of talk faded away as we entered. In ing, heard nothing—and at last when
silence they stared at us, calmly, judi­ I went to my room, behold It was
ciously. without fear or curiosity. I empty! I tried to suspect no wrong—
could not fcavo Imagined a more com­ but I did not sleep that night. In the
posed and resolute company. I felt morning I saw In the papers that
that 1 carried myself awkwardly, as an Amaroff, my friend, was dead, and
Impertinent Intruder should; but the how he died I could not tell.”
“ So Nlcolin won the game,” sug­
Inspector sauntered across the room
to a bar on the further side as calmly gested Peace, softly. “ And there will
as If he were the oldest and most be no regrettable Incident when the
Czar enters Paris the day after to­
valued member in the club.
A pale-faced man wife a stained and morrow.”
“ Of that I have no knowledge,” said
yellow beard rose from bis seat be­
hind the glasses. His eyes were fixed Greatman; but I saw a sudden resolu­
on Peace with a weak, pathetic ex tion shine In his face that seemed to
put new heart Into the man.
presslon like a dog In pain.
“ Well. Mr. Phillips,” said the In­
“Good evening. Mr. Greatman.” said
the Inspector. “ Can I have a word spector, turning upon me with a warn­
ing quiver of the left eyelid, “it Is
with you?”
“ Yes, sir. If you will kindly step Into to meet Nlcolin at the studio by seven
my private room.” he answered In ex­ tomorrow morning. We must get to
cellent English, opening a batch in bed early.”
“ Certainly,” I said. I was rather out
the bar. “This Is the way, sir, tf you
of my depth, but I take myself this
will follow me.”
We walked after him down a short credit that I did not show It.
“ Then do you search the studio to­
passage and stopped before the dark­
ness of an open door. A spurt of a morrow?" asked Grea’ man.
“ Yes—it has been arranged.”
matcb and the gas Jet flared upon a
"But will you not first arrest this
bate chamber, hung with a gaudy pa­
per and furnished with half a dozen Nlcolin, this murderer?"
“ My* dttw
SJrdatraaq," said the
wooden chairs set round a (Je^^toble
In the center. In p!dce*ijl a ^ ^ t e t , Inspector, “you have told, ug your
our feet grated upon a smooth sprln- story, and I thank you for your con­
klli^K o f, that grey sand which may fidence. But I advise you now to leave
stllrbe found in old-fashioned Inns. things alone. I will see Justice done—
It was here then. If the detectives don't be afraid about that. For the
were not mistaken that this crime
had found a climax, this sordid mur­
der not thirty hours old.
"If you would like a fire, gentlemen,”
suggested Greatman. “ I can easily
fetch some coals.”
“ Pray do not trouble yourself," said
the Inspector, politely. “ My name Is
Peace, of the Criminal Investigation
Department, and I called to Inquire If
you can tell me anything concerning
the murder of the sculptor, Amaroff.”
”1 know nothing.”
“That is strange, seeing that he was
strangled In ‘ his very room.”
"Here?” cried the Pole, with a stare
of unbelief changing Into sudden ter­
ror. “Here—In my room.”
“ So I believe," said Peace.
The man swayed for an Instant,
grasping at the back of a chair, and
then dropped to the ground, moaning,
his face covered with his hands. In
that crouching figure before us was
written the extremity of despair.
"Come, come, Greatman, pull your
self together.” said the Inspector, tap­
ping him kindly on the shoulder. “ If
you are Innocent, there Is no need to'
make all this fuss.”
- “ It was Nlcolin who lied to me,” he
tried, looking up with bewildered eyes.
Released from Federal prison and plait'd in command by Mexican revolutionists
“Very probably,” said Peace, “ It Is
a habit with him."
“Yet It was I, miserable that I am,
Madero’ s family has taken refuge in
were civilians who were taken by sur­
prise when the firing began.
Several the Japanese legation, and the presi­ who made ibe meeting between them.
women were killed.
The number of dent is making a fight, desperate in Before Heaven, It was with the Inno­
its efforts against what appear to be cence of a child. If those my com­
wounded is large.
General Reyes himself was killed in enormous odds for retention o f his rades of the club but knew------”
He hesitated, his eyes searching the
front o f the National Palace soon af­ power.
ter being released.
Following Gen­
General Diaz, who is the nephew of room In Biidden terror.
“Oblige me* by seeing- that we have
eral Reyes’ death, his son, Rodolfe, the deposed president Porfirio Diaz,
shot himself through the head, dying now is at the head o f a majority of do comrades already at the keyhole,
Grief over his father’s the capital troops, including most of Mr. Phillips." said Peace.
death was the cause.
He was a well- the artillery, and is in possession of
There was no one at the door; no
known attorney.
General Villar, a the arsenal in the city and the powder drc In the dark passage; and when I
In a crumpled heap,
loyalist, was wounded.
Colonel Mo­ works near by.
relos, prominent among the Federal
Madero is relying on the loyalty of returned I found that Peace had lifted
leaders, was slain.
General Blanquet, who has been sum­ the caretaker to a chair, where he sat
“ You can trust us,” the detective
General Gregorio Ruiz, a Federal moned fiom Toluca. 40 miles distant,
officer, two captains and three lieuten­ but Blanquet has only 1000 men under was aaylng “ Believe me, Greatman.
ants, were executed in the patio o f the his command and the rebels are confi­ It will be best for yourself that you
National Palace. It is officially re­ dent o f defeating him should he refuse hide nothing."
And to with many fierce cries and
ported that this was done by order o f to join the revolt.
protestations, this poor creature be­
the government, but another story is
gan bis story.
that they were killed by a detachment
Officer Glides 4000 Feet.
It was Nlcoltn. It seemed, who had
o f their own men because they op­
San Diego, Cal.— Lieutenant L. E. discovered that Greatman. the care­
posed their joining in the revolt.
Added to this is the report that these Goodyear performed a perilous aerial taker of the Brutus Club, was one and
mutinous troops were overpowered and feat here Saturday
He left the army the same with the forger, Ivan Kroll. rest, please to keep a silent tongue In a fraud, Mr. Phillips—rather a fraud,
aviation camp on Goat Island for a 30- of Odessa, who had been wanted by your head—It will be safer. There Is you know. There Is more of a fight­
Francisco Madero, president o f the mile run for a military air pilot’s li­ the Ruaalan police for close upon still Siberia for Iran Kroll Just as er than a dllletante In you, after all.
republic, led the loyal troops for a cense. When at an altitude o f 9000 twelve years. But having a shrewd there may be dangers from your Come, then, over you go.”
time. Later, with members o f his feet he arrived off Lajolla, 16 miles bead on bis shoulders. Nlcolin made friends tn the club yonder for Julius (C H R O N I C L E S T O B E C O N T IN U E D .)
from the starting point, his motor be­ □o Immediate use of hla knowledge Greatman, who arranged so Indiscreet
gan to miss fire. Fearing the escap­ For forgery a man might be extra­ a meeting In his private room. Good
She Says We're Much Too 8lsnder.
Mutiny Part o f Conspiracy.
dited from England. Once in Russia . . . . .
A Russian princess who la now In
El Paso, Tex.-—Rebel agents here ing gas, he stopped the engine and
/" " L i
made a glide o f 4000 feet to the the charge would be altered to nihil | The caretaker
Washington has created a commotion
declared Monday that the ’ Mexico City
In social circles by criticising ths
Then, repairing the ma­ Ism. and then—Siberia. It was not
mutiny was part of a general revolu­ chine, he flew back to North Island, pleasant for the caretaker of a nihil­ opening the door, bowed us into the American women for being much too
tionary plan, prematurely exploded. completing the test.
ist club to be at the mercy of a black-
"American women of good
They connect it directly with the pro­
bearded »py lounging on the step out­ had not taken half a dozen steps when breeding are slender to the point of
gram o f General Trevino, former Fed­
emaciation," says the princess. “They
Tw enty-Six Lost With Schooner. side "It was that which drove
eral commander in the state of Nuevo
the brandy.” sald..,4M$PA(2r**t2err WctWiMf» »<*? Miff tis£)od-4i9. But burry too much, that le the reason.
Leon and a military favorite o f the
alias KrolL... «• * * • * «.
Everywhere you see the American,
"He's gone," I whispered, gripping whether she Is going shopping, visit­
Diaz regime. They say the date for a passengers and seven members o f the
A bg(L :Nk end of August there be
general revolt o f the army had been
gat^Ts*cont!uued. a duel of wlta be­
ing or elsewhere, she It moving fast
"I know. I know. Keep quiet.” *
set for March 1, and that virtually all Granada was wrecked off Grey town,« tween the two men, Amaroff and
as tf she did not have a secoud to
the revolutionary factions in the re­
Nlcolin, the reasons and causes of
lose.” The princess doesn't seem to
public were in league with the move­
which did not. If he might be per­
realize that Just now the one aim of
mitted to say. concern ua NIcolln'a stairway, and then silence.
the American woman Is the eztreme
tion schooner and gasoline boat o f 36
"It appears to me that we shall slenderness which she finds so un­
career wa* dependent on hla success
tons net register and was built in New
have an Interesting evening." said Ad­ lovely.
p « i v Blamed for Corruption.
Orleans in 1912.
The vessal was For him, failure »pelt permanent dis­
Phil elphia — District Attorney owned by Alberto Bernardo, o f Blue- grace Yet tt was Amaroff who was dington Peace.
A twist In the passage, a turn
For a New Umbrella.
Whitman, o f New York, in an address fields. and for several months had playing with his opponent as a cat
Before using a new umbrella Inject
here on the government o f American been engaged in carrying passengers with a mouse, confusing and surpris­ through a door, and we were rattling
ing him at every turn, driving him. down the bark stairs and out Into a a email quantity of vaseline Into tbs
cities, declared that the unwholesome and freight on the San Juan river.
Indeed, when Ume grew pressing. Into moonlit yard In the denser darkness hinge portions of the frame. Vase­
conditions found to exist in municipal-
desperate measures
At the last he under the walls I made out a double line will not spread like oil and spoil
itiea are due to the people themselves
Moose to Found School.
formed a plan, did Nicottn. a scheme row of big barrowe. from which there the covering, and Is a sure preven­
in failing to elect officers to enforce
came a subtle aroma In which stale tive against rust Wet umbrellas
Chicago -Trustees o f the Loyal Or­ worthy of his most cunning brain.
the laws. Mr. Whitman spoke before
From amongst should he stood on their handles to
"This. then, he did." ended the poor fish predominated
the American Academy o f Political der of Moose, in session here voted to
and Social Science.
He pointed out establish a $1,000,000 industrial and caretaker “ He came to me—I who them a tall shadow arose and came dry; this allows the water to run out
that thousands of citizens go to the educational institute near Aurora. III., had so great love and honor for Amar­ slipping to our side.
of them. Instead of Into the pari
“ He's off. sir." said th* serJeant. where the (Ilk and ribs meet, thus
polls to vote for president, but fail to for the benefit o f orphans and poor off. my friend, ! whom be had turned
do their duty at municipal elections children whose parents were or are from crime and aided to earn a wage for It was he "Rushed by. shaking causing the meial to ruat and the
tn hor.eety —he came to me and he his fist and talking to hlm*elf like a allk tn rot.
members of the order.
and then decry municipal coaroption.
F letcher R obihsoh
Co/lu/Aor a'/M /?. Conan D oyle o f ~77)e fJouju/ o f//ie ß to k en /f/k ffc .
madman Where has he gone, do y o
“To Amaroff’s studio; and we mua
get there before him. The nearest cat
rank. If you pleaae. Jackson."
We ran through the yard, huatled ui
the narrow streets, lost ourselves, a
far as I was concerned, In a maze o
alleys, and finally shot out Into a roar
lng thoroughfare, crowded with •
strolling population. No cab was ti
sight. Opposite the lamps of the ud
station the
stopped us.
“It would be quicker,” he said, wltl
a Jerk of the head, and we turned Inti
the booking-office and galloped dowi
the stairs. Luck was with us, and w<
tumbled Into a carriage aa the trail
moved away.
We were not alone, and we Jour
neyed In silence. Station after sta
tlon slipped by, until at last we wen
In the southwestern district again. M]
excitement Increased as we fled ui
the stairs of the South Kensington sta
tlon. Here was a new sensation, keen
virile, natural; here was a race wortl
the trouble It Involved. I did not un
derstand; but I knew that on our speef
much depended. Indeed, I could hav«
shouted aloud, but for the Influence ol
those two quiet, unemotional figurei
that trotted on either hand.
I regretted nothing—an hour of thli
was worth a year of artistic contem
At the corner we found a hansom
and soon were rattling down th<
King’s Road. When the cab stopped,
to the Inspector’s order, It was not
ai Texpected, at the corner of Harder
Place, but a street preceding It Down
this we walked quickly until we cams
upon a seedy-looklng fellow with a red
muffler about his neck, leaning against
the wall.
I was surprised when we halted Is
front of him.
“Good evening, Harrison,” said th«
Inspector. "Anything to report?”
"They’re there, sir.
They cams
about ten minutes ago. Job and Turn
er are watching the door In Harden
Place, and I came here.”
"They didn't see any of you?”
"No, sir, I am sure of It.”
“ You had better Join the others In
Harden Place. Keep within hearing,
and if I whistle, kick In the side door
of the studio—It can be done. There
Is a man who I fancy will have a key
to the door that is due In about five
minutes. If I have not whistled be
fore be arrives, let him through. You
“ Yes, sir.”
The detective faded discreetly Into
the darkness, while the Inspector
turned to me.
"There may be complications, Mr.
Phillips, and no slight danger.
must ask you to go home.”
“ I shall do nothing of the sort.”
"Mutiny,” he said; but I could see
that he was smiling. "You are rather