— LO CAL — Church W anted of Christ Notes To meet yop r friends., stop at Attention Shoeing and G eneral Repair Work. A ll Modern and under New Management. Satisfaction M O S IE R guaran usta OREGON a u g m e n t e d b a m h f a c il it ie s M i l t o n N u r s e r y T r e e s - G U Y Q . S T R Y K E R , Prop; CHEEK IKCGRFDRATE ! A mass meeting will be held in Lamb's Hall next Tuesday night, February 11th, at 8:30,. to discuss the subject of incorporating the Town of Mosier. Every voter and tax payer should attend this meeting. Don't fail. for ladies only at the home of A Social Dance w ill he given Mrs. .1. D avenport'Tuesday a f in the A th le tic Club H all tomor I will give 6, 8 or 10 acres o f ternoon at 2 o'clock. row night, under the apspices of Bind on Dalles road for clearing M r. H. Shogren amt two the A thletic Club. This will in* same amount of logged-olV land in L ittle W hite Salmon Valley. daughters. Miss Shogren and a strictly select a ffa ir none but Easy clearing, little brush: g ru b ' Mrs. M«*Lynn, w ith the la tte r’s ladies and gentlemen attending. Elsie, visited Conduct unbecoming a gentle all summer. House, barn and daughter, Miss man w ill not he tolerated. relatives here this week. water. For a good,social time, he sure] E astman , B ta K lky John Denny has moved his to attend this firet dance of the! Mosier, Ore. fam ily over from the Washing ] ]season. ton side and is occupying his Fruit Lands Town Lots • Fire Insurance D. D. HAIL Mosier, Oregon, The Town With a Future H . G . K IB B E E NOTARY m o s ie r - - P U B L IC - O regon w ife re Mosier F ru it Goes 10 Germany evening they a t The Mosier F ru it Association • relative. last week shipped two ears of apples to Germ any. The pre H arvey Staley, of ( 'asile vious shipment to German m ar Notice to'Fruitgrow ers Rock, Wash., visited here a kets reached its destination in Píense send us estimate of couple of days last week U'illi pi ime condition, so M anager R. sister, Mrs: N i Parke amount of spray m aterial re- his D. Ghaltield inform s us. Tw o| ijuired for this season, as early Sturgess. cars of mixed red' apples were; als |M>ssible: Thos. K ing, who has had also shipped to C alifo rn ia last Mosi Kit F ruit G rovvio ks A sk ’ n I charge o f the development of week. J 31 - 3 t the Sundborg acreage, has taken - Valentine Day High Etevatioi* See Robt. T . Newhall,. Hood R iv er - - Oregon- LOCAL TIME-TABLE. No. 7 No.. 1 No. 2 No. 8 W est hound Rast No. 6 7:22 a. m.. 2'JB p. m1 10:20 a. m. 6:25 p. m. 10:40 p. m - No. 17, a t 5:30 p. m ., dag stop- on Sundays only for Hood R iv e r and Portland. Well Work Well Done The undersigned is thoroughly prepared to put down open wells- in any p art o f the surrounding |co u n try. Has a complete o u tfit, I iiicludingpipebutfcingand thread j ing tools. . Does all kinds of ce ment.. rock and concrete w ork. Has had 30 years' experience ir> the well business. May lie found ] by addressing him a t The Dalles,. Ore., or inquire a t M aier & Schanno’s Store. The Dalles. ADVERTISE F or pruning, planting trees C. S. Littiepage attil Biwn grading, etc., address P, turned on Wednesday A. KNOLL, Mosier, Ore., or leave j from Portland where tended the funeral of a message a t Bulletin office. True to Name tor 32 Years. Hardy Clim ate, C ommittee . residence adjoining town. B l a c k s m it h Horse H O T E L M O S IE R . Noi ice To Horticulturists;' W . A. H U S B A N D S IF YOU W ISH — P arty to do common washing. N e x t Lordsdav morning our Apply to H. W. D a n ik u s o n , at Why not contract your house? theme « ill l*e “ Daily L iv in g ," the Strauss Co-Operative Store. You get a b etter job in less time. and the evening subject will ho See “ H a p p y ." Phone 115. I “ Gospel T rin itie s ,” the second i Mosier visitors in Hi Kid R iver sermon on the subject and chart. (Wednesday afternoon were Mrs. Your presence and interest are A good suggestion drop in G. Q. Stryker. Messrs. K itu-li, asked and they w ill he appreci and pay up your Imck subscrip Burpee and Cole. ated. tion. Miss N o ra Burton arrived last II. C ampbell C lark . week from Albany and « ill re M inister. For Salo main bere w ith her parents, Mr. Orchard disc . adjustable« in and Mrs. A. B. Burton. Dramatic Recital fa ir condition, Cal! on o>'. ad- Mosier visitors in Hood R iver Monday evening, February dress' this ottice. last Saturday « e re Mrs. J. L. 10th, at the Im m anuel Church, j Higley, Mrs. A. B. Burton and Mrs. L in n et G arret C arl « ill For Saie. (laughter, Edw in Sturgess, Pearl give a dram atic recital. A d if. C. B ro w n 1 Leghorn Cocker I Price and Shelly Hudson. mission 25 and 15 cents. els and hatching eggs; also a Miss Alice Mosier came from Or»Tuesday evening Mrs. Carl- limited number o f laying pullets. j The Dalles last Friday night and w ill give a mixed program. Grandview Egg Farm , 'visited w ith her father until An offering w ill he taken. W. (ì. A hired, Sunday evening. Mosier, Or. A tte n tio n ! Mrs. Carl «’ill hold a meeting IN YO U R is A. E. N egus -. The 1 4 t h ......... Don’t Forget D A V ID R O B IN S O N , M. D. You can find what you w ant a t‘ the Mosier Book Store Home PaPer P hysician and S ukgeon a sim ilar position w ith M r. K o l-j The meetillJi o f , , ie Horticui- M O S IE R ’ - O R EG O N N o tic e 'to • Fruitgrowers landsrud, who is general super -1 tlJ,.al S(M.je( v on Thursday of lasL rh a V £ ‘a’,qim ntit,v'of first class visor of the W eber tract, east ol , • , . • ............ ' week was a very interesting one 2-year old apple trees, which I From lc to 25c ,1>" n‘ and well attended. The subject will seli'at 5 cents each al Hood S. W. Heppner, the old reliable for consideration was “ Spray S to r e Y o u r A fp le s R iver. These frees sell regu a house, bam or packing nurseryman ol Hood River,-was and S p rayin g .” Added interest larly at 16 cents each," but I A strong demonstration has] “ B ill’ ’ B aker returned yester- in o ur New Modern Cold Storage shed to build,. J'. P. E r h a r t ’ a business- \ isitbr in town Iasi was given the m eeting by the offer them at- the above low w ill furnish bonds to build5 , Saturday. lie was accompanied talks of Messrs. Jb W. Duncan, been made in favor of the pro-j day from Celiio, where lie has P la n t1 price ill order to close out the j by Ai J. Rosetistild, a specialist posed interstate bridge between j been working on the big ditch. according to plans and speci !of Sherm ernian-vvimams an-W illiam s Co., t o . , Port lo re - >1 — — ....... " Equipped w ith the latest? stock. S. W. H kppnf . k , fications. Phone, 115. ! in pruning, g ra ftin g an d budding. . land, and J. ( ’. Butcher, p resi-i 0 r e K °n an,J Washington, cross-1 This m orning Old Sol came D R Y A IR S Y S T E M Hood River, Ore. ; dent of the Oregon Ainenical ! •»« the (îolum l,ia K lver at V a n ' out in all his glory and dis M r. G Round Hog evidently W e have every fa c ility for h an d Joint committees of (Spray Co., on spray materials. con ver. pelled the fleeting snow clouds knew a thing or two alunit fore the two state legislatures w ent R. M. Ross was a mid-week The subject discussed yesterday j and storm-laden gloom that has ling, shipping and d eliverin g . casting the weather, when he over the site chosen for the) visitor'in Portland. Charges Reasonable was the time for picking the , , , , , pervaded this section fo r the" ; came out last Sunday to take ob ctu re and different varieties of apples. The « tin " "c-uue non looked caretully | (mS[ few days and tlie sheen o f W illiam Marsh was a visitor servations. According to tra P LU M B IN G . UNION M E A T COMPANY subject to lte discussed at next !into ^ m enth. o f .,he ¡ tin glistening hilltops is cer at the county seal on Monday. dition w o w ill have more w in ter STEAM A N D HOT W A T E K Thursday’s meeting, which will At a later meeting in I "G land, tainly pleasing to o the Portland, Ore. the eve.. Great Warehouse D ept., Mrs. D. I). H all spent several before spring. H f a t in o ;. ile held in Stroup’s H all, will he attended bv citizens ot ts>th is Oregon and her vangated (states, strong support was an- c|jma(e W in. Neilson, who is spending “ Orchard Expenses. ” (Jays in Portland the first o f the Jolil'iug promptly attended to. roused for the bridge, and it I tile w in te r in Portland, eiune upj vfeek, M O S IE R - - OREGON5 j seems that the plkn w ill he ac-1 W hy not form a local good on Tuesday evening and attend N . P. Sturgess w ent to Port Newlyweds Serenaded roads associati >n? “ Everybody’s! complished. land last Saturday to seek metli- ed to business m atters connected doing it ’ ’ and getting results. . I f " B ill” Hudson had an ideal w ith his development work on GOOD HEALTH <J h I advice. This would l>e a good move for that he would he slighted by the) the Sundborg tract. He re A ll Oregon seems to he a unit Mosier D istrict. I t would put BREAD J; N: Musici was a business turned tii Portland Wednesday residents o f Mosier, who make in the desire for a suitable ap dollars into the pockets o f the il their business to see th a t new C IV IL E N G IN E E R visitor in Hood River Monday afternoon • AND propriation by tlie legislature to farmers, make more and better afternoon. Peter Knot! retutnCd Tuesday ly married people gel a proper' GOOD TASTE tienerai SufveyiHg;, P la t ¡send-off, be was most pleasantly make a good showing at the two business for the merchant and Mrs Ai Fu MidilleAvvaift it vis- evening from Corvallis, where C alifornia exposition:* celebrat- PIES give plenty of work to home i 'disappointed last Saturday night, ting; and- Drafting; d in g friends Hi Portland for a he lu.s been ill tending the short iitg Hie opening o f the- Panama labor. ONCE u s e d - ALW AYS used when a chosen few assembled ¡course in horticulture at the 0 . flew weeks. Canal. The solons gathered at FOR SALE BY 1 A. C. He was accompanied steathily at his residence on the Salem were visited the past week \ r^j)e f)|(|(,st Messrs. Root and Veateli s h in -, ho|(u. |,v t,is ivjend. P. V anW vk. Heights and serenaded him and newspaper in the STU R G ESS C O N F E C T IO N E R Y .j....... 1 __ t x . , ______ _ The first' selection bydelegationsMfprosontingabout wor||J has come to an end. This ped tw o cars of lumber this o f Everett, Wash., who was de his bridt STORE- DR. H. L. DUMBLE; every part of the state. Corn- week to The Dalles. was Hie K ing-Bao, a Chinese M o s i e r sirous o f1 seeing the country was a tin can- chorus, followed - - O regon ! mercial bodies and business men P H Y S I C I A N a n i > S U R C F O N paper, which has been in ex M r. and Mrs. George Em ery, where the big red apples grow. by a wedding march on the same generally expressed the belief H O O D R IV E R : OREGON tin cans; then came that beauti istence for 15(X) years. I t began of Hood River, spent last Sun E. ¡VI. Strauss opened his co S iat Oregon w ill benefit largelv ful air, “ Oh. L iv e M e ,’ ’ again about the tim e th a t Constxmoin- day here w ith relatives. W ill practice in M osier'and operative store on Monday ntorn- from the expositions and should ople was founded; it dies when by the tin can club. iila d a n *, R ea d M c C a ll's M ay lie reached by long' dis ing o f ibis week w ith a big mark- Charles H jirw ard and son. of make a strong showing, both al Constantinople seems about to By this lim e Mi*, and Mrs. tance phone. Home phone 61. down sale. \Y hi It* the weather Hood River, were business vis San Francisco and San Diego. I'alll It was stopped by tlm new Hudson concluded' that it were on that dav was very unpleas Chinese govern m en t. iltors in tovvti Wednesday The subject is being carefully A L L ’S is a U r j c , n r fis tic . h e r d - * ant. M r. Strauss stales that he w i s e to acknowledge the compli considered at Salem. oven 6 8 Y E A R S ’ M ean r. m e ly i S lu ilr u L - j I'. O -p a g o m o n th l y W\ A. Davis returned the lirst ment intended and, in- order to rvlr.^r.ztn« t h a t i r n d d i n g d n t S 1« h a p p i E X P E R IE N C E is salistied w ith the business while. plans are being outlined i n e s s a n d e f f i c i e n c y o f 1 ICO .I 0 0 Of the week from a visit w ith To The Public slop the infernal racket, they w o m e n e a c h m a n h f done. We call the attention of whereby the slate will he given i - mic i- liri'm fU t o f fitsI:taire, i-,noy- friends in Eastern Washington. tv o ik . m ie re s iin g >L*»rt st«.i»•**. nti.l sonn s The undersigned has been ap our readeix to his page ad in this appeared on the scene and ac suitable exploitation at the C ali "f -.t\ in g ¡tin! m o n e y sav in g UL*as r» r w o m e n . T h i n» an* ttn -tv iL ati 50 o f cepted the congratulations of 0 . L. Craton and w ife, former issue. pointed resident agency manager ill* n e w e s t d e s ig n s - o f I l i e et* 1*1 »rated fornia expositions. M d ' M . l . 1 M T T K K N S In e a c h i.* tie. tli** seivnaders and then pro residents o f Mosier, returned for the C alifornia Stale life In - ■Akc vl.r. l-.VrTKI-.Ns n r - C um «.« f.-r II W. I Mnii-lsen arrived S' i i i - I R A D E ItflA H fi» stv i*». -ill. s ih tp ih l!v a n d e e o u o u iy . O n ly ceeded to “ tre a t” them with this week and will remain sev surance C ompany <ir ^acram en- 10 autl 15 w n ts each. D e s ig n s tlav evening from Denver, Col. apples, nuts and cigars. This C o p y r ig h t s A e . eral weeks. \ \ . A. Husbands, our village p, Persons desiring a safe, T h e p n h lis h e rs ,.f Met A L L S wHI xpem l A n r o n e s e n d ln « a s k e tc h a n d d e s c r ip tio n m a ? llio u sa n d s «»r dollar«« e x tr a ia I l f etnns: w M r, Danielsen is a brother-in* q n lc k l? a s r e r tn lR o u r o p in io n fre o w iie tlie r ai» 1:.««iiilts in o r d e r to k n 1» M d 'A l . I . 's lu- d satisfied the “ g a n g .” and they blacksmith. has recently in- equitable and economical insur- in v e n tio n (s p r o h a b l ? p a te n ta M e . Cm i m n n ie a - The Ladies’ Aid Society « ill law of E. M Strauss and « ill m ul. A-liotthh'iN niiovi* a ll ot; • r t t o n t c u 's t ioni* st riet ly e o n th lc n tf a l. NANQQOOK «>n P a te n t* l tia m iiite s a t a n y |»rjrt». However, left the bride and groom in stallcd ill his shop a set ol «nee will do well to investigate » e n t fr«*e. «»Mest a g e n c y f o r » eeurliiff p u te n ts . M c t'A L L ’S IS oiU y'iO e a y e a r ; l* r i.iv e ly meet w ith Mrs Kuseher, at the assist him in his store, his es r - d e n t a ta to rn t h ro m rh M u n ti & Ce» reeelT«» \v« TtSi $1.00. peace. tpcci.il nwficr. w i t h o u t c h a rg e, in tlu*- slocks to r tile sate handling ot this policy. W ill he pleased to • G t - - * A — home of Mrs. A llington, next pecial work being in the groferv -r«, Tr horses w hile Inung shod. cal! ,)n any ,>ne and give facts f'VMli n m r f l r t»y o f Wednesday. departm ent, in which line he ri»* q u i A h a n d - ^ m e f ? E in s t ra t e d w e e k f? . î.n r g e s t d r - Mrs. T \\ De Bussey wnsshop- r u la tio n o f n u r s e le n i Ille j*>urmd. Teru»«, î " a Dr. Robinson was .a profes- a,,<* figure*.- O M F rrr. zzi r.i3*j."L has had long experience. Mr. Tour ; f o n r m im ili» , f l . S o ld b y ull n e w seien 1er*. WtiKi'j the i with -in-pi>iiig in C o v i : RETT. * W h . ping in I I OI M R iver v estenuo sionnl visitor in Hood R iver yes *m l rern-winif vour Milisci ip tlon to th<- Danielson's family will join him ' Broadway, Mosier. Ore. Brauch 4JlHec. 636 F Rt.. W e h t pu ton, D. C. Hulk-tin? It w o tifl I«- »p|ircn':it<‘,l. in the near future. terday. ernoon. If You Have S. F. GOSS HAYNES E. C. BROCK Mosier - * Oregon The FiGhiO'i AnKiorlly P atents Scientific American. r»& c 0 361 L Boys Suits Ladies’ Suits and Coats You « ili noti ha ve to look fn iT lirr if vi 11 are wisning something in Ibis line, for we prillo ourselve* on tlie liig values we «re giving in (bis class ol' merehandiiH*. We invite comparison, l'or we well kuovv that you can easily sei- thè supariority o f our line over all o llie r* for (he sanie money. l'hev uve limile rig lil. lìt rig h i, look thè I h * s |. ami thè prices are rig h i. t Rnvs’ wo piis'e sulis lrolli S 2 . 0 0 UP M e are o.lo riiig some splendid values irt this line and von would do well to look them over. W e know that we can please vmi in m aterial, style and fit. , Ribbon R em nants at Half Price u ' hnv «> a tin«» line ot tin's«1 ill nil colors and all kintK(. in widths from 1 -S 1'» t itK'llOS Wide, and ih U*Mg| I s from 1 -2 ' aril to 2 v a n i* long. Suitable ft*r hair rihlMiits, Iriniiuiitgs > Hid f.anCv work Men’s Ladies S/iirt Waists, 58c are n sul« tl) I* von will not 1 h > choice 5 Ô C j \W also l»a\» suini» I»i|jf s | h - v \: x \ a in this Uno l>i *>kon liiius ( itili \\ e wisli I «• oloso on! I»t*l usshow thohi to voti Here is a hhrgnin in sliirt wn kts alile to lieat. Values up to .'-2.0 ; 1 Second F lo o r in luti Ha t i lose. Speculi till. in ain anti fancy 15C t ill. leitx i a tte ri s: vi-.iir .................... 15c TH E P A R I S New York Boys' Shoes Corsets Von should not mias this chance to supply the Ixns w ith eith er a high top or a medium to|i shoe at this price: these are mostly heavy times to stand the kicks and knocks that only a ls»y can give them. Values up to ^3.50. This departm ent is most complete and w e can take care ot your needs in this line the liest. We carry a most extensive line in all tin* most popular styles, and prices from 50c up. We particularly wish to call your attention to our line o f Your choice........ 3 1 .9 8 Boys’ shoes o f a lighter « e ig h t, more for dress wear, in e ith e r luce or button, six. s l to 6. the pair . $ 1 .1 7 Tlies«* new Nemo*Corsets, w ith their L-astioop* band- lets. are indorsed by physicians all over the country. 1 hey are p articu larly suitable for tdie stout figure. The broad gores o f elastic, which extend fa r Inflow the hack steels, are laced d e a r down to the emfs. The self-reduso straps in the front reduces fit« abdomen and curves w ith the figure. W h eth er s ittin g or stand ing. these new Nemo Corsets are exceedingly com fortable. S P B C I Â L x M cK ibhin Scarfs o f mink fur. values up to 4>2.(kt; special, while tlie.v la s t................................................... 73c Ladies I oats and Jacket», only I y a few left, values up to Your choice . ............ 50c - 00 » 1913 Nemo Corsets Fricvs. $2.00, $1.50. $4.00. $5.00 R IV E R S L A R G E S T & B E S T S T O R E