Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, February 07, 1913, Image 2

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Resume of World’s Important
Events Told in Brief.
Adrianople Prepared for Long and
Stubborn Fight.
London—The Turks remain on the
defensive at Tchatalja and Adrianople.
ThcjAdrianople fortress replies only
feebly to the Bulgarian bombardment,
and apparently no attempt has been
made in the way of a sortie.
A bombardment of Adrianople, de­
scribed as terrific, was begun Monday
night, the Bulgarians and Servian
troops investing the place being esti­
mated to number 100,000. Military
men who know something about the
several lines of forts which form the
defense of Adrianople look for a pro­
longed defense. This opinion appar­
ently prevails within Adrianople it
self. Shukri Pasha, the Turkish com
mander, who is defending Adrianople,
has declared that he will not surrender
the fortress until the last of his sol
diers has been killed.
The Turkish newspaper Tanin as
serts that Adianople has sufficient
provisions for four months, and other
Turkish reports declare that the fort
ress certainly will be able to hold out
for several weeks. Official quarters
in Constantinople radiate a spirit of
great confidence in the new regime
and declare tjji/t the condition of the
country and the wintry weather pre
elude serious operations long the Tcha
talja lines for the present.
A Brief Resume of Proceedings of the People’s Representatives
at the State Capital, Bills Introduced, Passed, Rejected, Etc.
West Would Repay Cash Used to Legislature Makes Record in First
Pay Salaries.
Three Weeks of Session.
1ta(iyonides of
% v& yñ F letcher ßoßmsoii
in his quick, bird like way. “And what
sort of a club?”
“Foreign, sir. They call them selves
social dem ocrats, but our special
branch men tell m e th a t a full half
of the crowd a re an arch ists, and such
rats as that. I think it m ust be so.
for Nlcolln and his R ussians have had
the place under close observation for
weeks. And you know w hat th a t
m eans, sir.”
"Yes. I know w hat th a t m eans.”
“Amaroff was not a m em ber, but
used to drop in th ere from tim e to
time. He was very thick with the
man who runs th e place, Greatm&n,
as he calls him self. They tell me that
G reatm an sat as a model for some
sta tu e he was doing, back In July. It
m ust have been a funny so rt of statue,
for G reatm an's a weedy little Pole,
and drinks like a fish.”
F or som e tim e the Inspector sa t In
silence, draw ing circles on th e floor
with th e point of th e light cane he
The bartender dropped a
glass, swore, and then, with a stare
a t us, retreated into a little cage he
had a t th e back of his domain. Doubt­
less the presence of detectives was no
incentive to trad e In th e bars of Mal­
den Square.
“T his G reatm an—w hat m ore do you
know of him ?"
“ We have had nothing against him
before; but all the sam e, it's his pri­
vate room th a t has the sanded floor.”
The Inspector's prophecy of the pre­
vious night cam e back to me with a
sudden rem em brance: "Amaroff was
m urdered in a room w ith a sanded
floor, probably a t no g reat distance
from Lem an street, seeing th a t they
carried him th ere In a co ster's bar-
row." I began to understand the mor­
bid significance of th e private room
In th is little foreign club.
We w ere draw ing n earer to our
gam e; th e scent was grow ing strong­
er. A ddington Peace leant a little for­
ward. w ith a tw ist In his Jaw th at
raised a ripple of m uscles under the
"Continue, if you please,” he said.
“T he room Is a t the re a r of the club,
and th ere is a back staircase to a yard
behind, w here costers store their bar-
rows when not In use. It fits In with
w hat you told us to Inquire for. don’t
it. s ir? ”
The Inspector's stick recom m enced
Its Interlacing circles on th e floor;
and we sat and w atched, as If thereby
he w ere disentangling his sordid story.
So still w ere we all th a t the bartender
poked his lum inous nose from his cage
In th e hope th a t we had gone. He
w ithdrew it with rem arks on th e po­
lice force which were distinctly audi­
ble. and opposed to the com plim entary.
Suddenly the Inspector turned to me
w ith a m otion of half-apology, as if
a t the neglect of a guest.
"T here a re tim es, Mr. Phillips,” he
said, "w hen evidence runs in absurd
contradictions. O bserve the present
case, In which you a re so good as to
Interest yourself. We have It from the
R ussian police th a t Amaroff Is their
man, and th a t In th eir opinion—they
being well qualified to Judge—he was
m urdered by N ihilists. We now learn
th a t he w as apparently on Intim ate
term s w ith N ihilists, and we have
good reason to believe th a t he was
strangled In one of th eir clubs. What
do you g ath er from th a t? ”
“They discovered his treachery, and
took an excusable revenge," said 1.
Taft advises Bible study, saying all
Salem—A bill having for its pur­
Salem — At the end of the third (Ó^uY/ior tc/YA d.CorkinÙoyfe o f 77)e S/ íjmh / /YieBdsAervJJJa'fc.
forceful speakers know the Scriptures.
pose to reimburse the common school week of the legislative assembly,
CopyrJy/,/ 6 y M / (r. C/ití/W/f/V
fund for disbursements which have bills have passed both houses and re­
No intimation can be gained from
been made from it for salaries of cer­
Wilson as to who will compose his cab­
e studio for certain private papers
tain employes of the State treasurer’s ceived the signature of the governor.
hich Amaroff had and w hich belong-
office during the past two years, and Of this number 12 are house bills and
d to them . So we fixed the appoint­
Bulgarians resumed the war against
for equipment of the office, has been one is a senate bill.
ment Into which you have Just walk-
Turkey by the bombardment of Adri-
d .”
None of the bills carry an emergency
The bill evidently emanated from the
"And they finished th eir search ?”
The U. S. Supreme court holds that
office of Governor West. It asks for
“You heard them say so."
independent shoe manufacturers have
a total appropriation of $25,822 for
“E xactly: but why, then, did they
a right to combine.
this purpose.
legislative assembly.
I was Just about to announce my want an im pression of the studio
The bill seems to have arisen over
Three Chicago policemen who tried
Probably the most important bill so self, when one of th e men knocked key?”
He turned upon me with a sudden
to break up a dance to which they
among members of the State Land far signed is that abolishing the office over a brass candlestick which stood Im patience in his eyes.
were not invited were thrashed by the
of state land agent. This was some­ on the desk, so th a t It rolled to the
“W hat do you m ean?” he asked.
school fund, or any part of it, can be thing suggested in the report of State fu rth er side. W ith f . g ru n t of annoy­
I told him ,of my arrival, and w hat
The income tax amendment to the
used for the payment of salaries and
I had seen from my - - post behind the
constitution of the United States has
expenses in connection with the ad-
been ratified by the required number
Once out of sight of his com panions. |
,^0? r !iay He did not
minstration of that fund.
of states.
Another act of some import is one however, he whipped out a square of speak when I had finished, but sat,
It has been contended by the exe
puffing a t his short pipe, and starin g
Hollow Horn Bear, an Indian chief
cutive, as shown in the appearance of providing that a wife deserter who is wax from his pocket, and with e x tra­ out over th e horse's ears. So we a r­
of South Dakota, desires to present
this bill, that the expenses of admin­ convicted shall be compelled to work ordinary rapidity took an Im pression rived a t our door.
Woodrow Wilson with a great peace
istration must be paid out of the gen on the county roads for the time for from a key th a t he had kept con­
“If you have fu rth er new s tonight
pipe on inaugural day.
eral fund, and that the irreducible which he has been sentenced, and that cealed In his hand. It was all over In will you call In before going to bed?"
Favorable weather conditions arc
school fund can be used for no other the county shall pay his family $1 a five seconds, and from the sh elter the I asked him as we stood on the pave­
desk gave to him, no one but m yself
credited with giving the railroads of
purpose than for the benefit of the day for each such day worked.
The bills which have so far been could have been th e wiser. He rose, ment.
the United States a gain in business LINKING AMERICAS BY RAIL common schools of the state.
“I cannot prom ise you that. I have
signed by the governor are as follows replaced th e candlestick, and con
for January of 145 per cent over the
some Im portant Inquiries to m ake In
S. B. 73, by Bean — Providing for tlnued his work.
Continuous Trip From New York COMMITTEES MUCH PLEASED
corresponding period last year.
W hether the fellow had played his the E ast End this evening, and I do
penalty for wife desertion.
to Buenos Ayres Soon.
L. W. Fansher, school superinten­
H. B. 5, by Carpenter — Repealing companion a trick or not, I had no not know when I shall retu rn ."
dent who disappeared from Medford
Washington, D. C.—The linking of
I suppose I looked depressed at his
act providing for the publication of an desire to be caught acting th e spy
Or., four years ago, has been found in the Americas by rail would be of Conditions at Various Institutions official
So, pulling the curtains aside, I walked answ er; Indeed the prospect of a
of State Found to Good.
an infirmary at Oakland, Cal., unable great value as a peace propaganda
H. B. 10, by Forsstrom—Repealing Into the room. They all turned quick­ lonely evening In my rooms with such
to remember how he came there.
Salem—The joint committees which act providing that county court clerks ly upon me, the black-bearded m an a m ystery In course of solution out­
among the different countries of North
Mexican rebels attacked a passenger and South America, in the opinion of have been investigating the several should act as county clerks.
starin g hard as If attem p tin g to re­ side, seemed oddly distasteful to me.
train within 45 miles of Mexico City, Andrew Carnegie. This belief was state institutions have returned, and,
H. B. 17, by Campbell- -Repealing call my face. But Peace was the first
“It Is a rough district, as you know ,”
killed or wounded the 20 soldiers es exhibited by Mr. Carnegie at a meet while they have not yet filed their sections relating to time terms of cer­ to speak.
he said, w atching m e; “but would you
corting the train, killed a number of ing here of the permanent Pan-Ameri­ formal reports, it is an open secret tain officers commence.
’’Good afternoon, Mr. Phillips," he care to come along?"
male passengers and carried off sev can Railway committee, of which he that in most instances they were high­
H. B. 41, by Llewelling—Abolish­ said, as If I were a visitor he had ex
“T here is nothing I should like b et­
eral women.
is a member, when reports of the link ly pleased with the administration of ing the office of state land agent.
pected. “You are Just In tim e to drive ter," I answ ered simply.
Miss Clara C. Munson, woman may­ ing of the Americas by rail were read, the places during the last two years.
H. B. 47, by Heltzel—Providing for me back. Have you a cab w aiting?"
“Well—It’s against th e regulations;
The committee which investigated the manner of executing the satisfac­
or of Warrenton, Or., is the only offi­ indicating that progress is being made
No.” I hesitated.
but they allow me som e license. Be
cer in that city qualified to make ar­
I t’s of no consequence. We can ready at nine, and I will call for you.
tion of a mortgage.
Henry Gassaway Davis, former sen­ E. L. Steiner, of the Salem insane
rests, as the precinct constable failed
H. B. 84, by Hinkle—Relating to find an o th er a t the top of the street. W ear old clothes, a cap and a scarf
to qualify after election and the city ator from West Virginia, presided at hospital. Conditions were found to be eliminating indebtedness of irrigation And now, Mr. Nlcolln," he continued round your neck to hide your collar.
the meeting.
marshal has moved out of town.
turning to the big m an, who had never Is th a t understood?”
The committee for the State Train­
In Central America only 18 miles of
H. B. 91, by Hinkle — Relating to taken his eyes off me. “a re you quite
The chief clerk of the Portland Pos­
“Yes," I said, and so It was settled
satisfied, o r do you wish your men to betw een us.
tal Savings bank says most of the de line remain to be constructed to make ing school visited the institution and decrees of divorce.
H. B. 126, by Mann—Relating to m ake a fu rth er search?"
positors who withdraw their money,
We w ere punctual In our m eeting,
No, Mr. Insbector,” he answ ered,
do so to purchase land or small homes, mala City. Construction is well un­ and the boys confined there. They registration lists of automobiles by
and tro tted eastw ard over the roads
county clerks.
with a heavy foreign accent, “we
or to engage in business, and nearly
From this point to the Panama canal, the conduct of the school, but recom­
H. B. 145, by McArthur—Relating are quite content. Nodlng m ore Is we had covered on the previous day.
all save for some definite purpose.
W hen we stopped It was a t a narrow
600 miles away, several links have mended segregating the older and to crimes against nature.
rift In a wall of m ean dwellings. We
A fter four days’ discussion the house been constructed, and plans for others younger boys, and that a large appro­
H. B. 194, by Gill—Repealing sec
Shall you be w anting to come dism issed the cab and threaded our
of lords rejected the home rule bill, are well advanced.
priation be granted.
tion relating to binding children as ap­ again?"
way down th e alley, w hich opened out
326 to 69.
In South America only 175 miles
“No—for us It is sufficient. It Is
Civil Service Is Favored.
H. B. 199, by committee on revision for you to continue, Mr. Insbector. upon a m iserable square. T he houses
Strong Federal reinforcements reach
th a t surrounded it had once been of
Salem—House bill 136, introduced of laws—To repeal sections of code You tlnk you will catch these men some
Juarez, Mex., and the town is now Buenos Ayres and Lake Titicaca and
pretension. In a sim pler age
the line has been completed from the by Representative Applegren, of Mult­ providing for weather service.
safe from rebel attacks.
who kill him, heln?”
m erchants had doubtless lived there,
latter point to Cuzco, Peru, 2000 miles nomah, has found favor with the com­
H. B. 200, by committee on revision
W e sh all try," said Peace, w ith a men who owned the tall ships th a t
Admission to the United States has from Buenos Ayres.
In Bolivia,
on education, which reported it of laws—Repealing sections relating m odest droop of th e eyes.
had lain in th e riv er n ear by. But now
been finally denied Cipriano Castro, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador mittee
back with the recommendation that it to appropriation and condemnation of
Ach—but where can th ere be c er­ th e porticos had crum bled, th e iron
ex-president of Venezuela.
progress has been made.
pass. It will go to third reading in land.
The committee will make a full re­ the regular routine.
This record of 13 bills passing both children, le t us be going. Alexandre, railings had bent and rusted, the plas­
Rev. George Pepper, of Waterville,
te r had fallen in speckled patches
Me., known as “ Lincoln’s double,” is port to the next Pan-American con­
The bill provides for a system of houses and receiving the signature of you have the door-key of the studio; from
the walls. In the cen te r a few
ference, which probably will be held civil service for school teachers, su­ the governor within the first three
dead at the age of 30 years.
ancient trees still dragged on a dis­
in some South American capital in the perintendents and assistant superin­ weeks of the session is a record give him to th e Inspector here.”
So It was th e door-key, thought I,
existence. It was a silent
Two bills introduced in the Wash­ course of the coming year.
So far there has been no of w hich Mr. A lexandre obtained a consolate
tendents of schools in school districts breker.
place w here wheeled traffic never
ington legislature cull for the issuance
having, or which wil have, more than
m em ento behind the roller-top desk! came. And when, through an upper
of $60,000,000 of state bonds.
“ Big Injuns” Talk English.
tive offices, the majority of the bills
20,000 population.
Peace gave a polite good-bye to his window, a woman suddenly poured
going into tfyose offices being bills re­ com panions on the step, locked up the forth
Chicago — Fifteen officials of the
A jury has finally been completed to
shrill abuse upon a drunken man
pealing obsolete sections of the code. little green door, and then started clinging
Lax Officials Attacked.
try Clarence S. Darrow, lawyer for tribes of Pueblo Indians in New Mex
to the railings, each oath
the McNamaras, for attempted bri­
Salem—Town marshals, chiefs of
down th e stre e t at my side.
rang loudly In the furtive silence.
police, sheriffs and others having the BRANCH ASYLUM INSPECTED
“I had no business to come poking
As we paused a t th e m outh of th e
my nose Into your affairs,” I said. alley, a tall man, w ith a drooping yel-
Since the Southern Pacific has been represent the owners of 600,000 acres enforcement of laws in their hands
separated from the railroad merger, of tribal lands, granted by the Spanish will be subject to arrest, prosecution Legislators Pass Busy Day at Pen­ A nything you say I shall thoroughly
and a fine of from $50 to $500 if they
active work has been begun on the crown in 1690.
The Indians, most of them, were in refuse or neglect to do their sworn
dleton Institution.
Don’t apologize,” he smiled. “I
Natron-Weed cut-off.
blankets and moccasins, and were duty in regard to the sale of liquor if
Pendleton—In a special car, which was pleased to see you.”
A council of Indians is urging Wil­ slightly amused at efforts of fellow
bill introduced in the house by Rep­ was set off here when No. 6 passed
And w hy?”
son to appoint Thomas L. Sloan, of passengers in the railroad station to
resentative Howard becomes law.
through Pendleton, 20 members of the
You can do bet*c- things than re ­
Nebraska, an Omaha Indian, commis­ patronize them.
Mr. Howard believes that these offi­ legislature arrived in Pendleton to pass m ain a w ealthy dilettante, Mr. Phil­
sioner of Indian affairs.
“ Heap cold, John,” saidpne travel­ cials should be punished if they fail to the major portion of the day inspect­ lips. You are too broad In the shoul­
The British Labor party has en ing man to a tall Pueblo in a red and uphold the liquor laws, which they are ing the Eastern Oregon state hospital. ders, too clear in th e head, for living
blue blanket.
sworn to enforce, and provides this The delegation was met by officers and in the world th a t Is dead. Such little
dorsed woman suffrage.
"Yes, it is rather cold, but we are
members of the Commercial club, who Incidents as these—they drag you out
The mayor of Berkeley, Cal., re­ accustomed to extremes and don't way of doing it.
entertained them at breakfast, after of th e shell you a re building about
fused to attend a "chairity” dinner at mind it much,” replied the Indian,
Bee Inspector Is Proposed.
which they were taken in automobiles you. T h at is why I was pleased to
$3 a plate, declaring his $3 would do who was Juan Antonio Martin, alcalde
Salem -Bees will be well regulated to the state hospital, where Superin­ see you. I have spoken plainly—are
more good directly applied.
of A coma.
by a state inspector of bees, if a bill tendent McNary and his staff and Cap­
“ Heap big Injun on war path,” ntroduced in the house is passed and tain C. A. Murphy received the visi­ you
A resolution providing for an initia­
“Oh, no,” I said, w aving my stick
becomes one of Oregon’s laws.
tive and referendum amendment to the
to a passing hansom , though I did
The man who gets that job will
The entire forenoon was given over not refer again to th e topic w hich I
constitution was adopted in the Kan­ the “ group.
get stung, in my opinion,” remarked to conducting the legislators through
sas house of representatives.
smoking room; I’ll be there in a min­ Reading Clerk Clarke, when the bill the institution and pointing out its foresaw w as likely to become person­
ally offensive to me.
President-elect had another brush ute,” ordered one of the Indians, was
sent to the desk.
further needs. As guests of Superin­
He sa t back In his corner of the cab,
with correspondents, and greaty en­ Pablo Abeita, one of the chief men of
Another bill will define how any tendent McNary the party had lunch­ filling his pipe with dextrous fingers,
joys his success in keeping secret his Pueblo Isleta. The porter obeyed in real
nice bull should behave when wo­ eon in the dining room of the new while I w atched him out of the cor­
selections for his new cabinet.
a dazed manner.
men wearing red sweaters or red head- hospital.
ner of my eye. W hen It was well
gear arc about. It is entitled “ An
Much interest was manifested by alight, he began again on a new sub­
Graduates Dress Simply.
act to prohibit bulls more than one the committee from Salem in the ject.
I-os Angeles Although many daugh­ year old from running at large.”
splendid architecture and up-to-date
’London’s a queer place,” he said,
methods in vogue at the institution. though perhaps you have not had the
Wheat—Track prices: Club, 86<Vf ters of wealthy citizens were num­
The mammoth bake ovens attracted no tim e to find it out. T here a re fo r­
Woman’s Age Is Question.
87c per bushel; bluestem, 966/96c; bered among the 1600 school children
forty-fold, 87c; red Russian, 84c; val­ who were graduated from the gram­ Salem Senator Miller was approach­ little attention. The two ovens will eign colonies, with th eir own religions
ley, 87c.
mar schools here Wednesday, not one ed by a woman in the lobby of the bake 1000 loaves of bread at a time, and clubs and politics, working th eir
Barley—Feed, $23«/23.50 per ton; of them wore a dress costing more capital who urged him to introduce a and will make five bakings at one way through life Just as If they were
heat. Without an exception the visit­
brewing, nominal; rolled, $25.50«/ than $5 and most of the dresses were
O dessa or H am burg or Milan.
bill which will make it binding and
home-made. The girls appeared sim­ mandatory upon all women who regis­ ing members of the legislature ex­ T here a re refugees—H eaven knows
Com—Whole, $27 ; cracked, $28.
ply garbed at the suggestion of Super
how m any, for we do not—th a t have
Millstuffs — Bran, $22 per ton; intendent Francis, of the city schools, ter to give their correct ages. The pressed with the institution and be­ fled before all the despotism s th at suc­
shorts, $24; middlings, $30.
who believed it was an opportune time Miller. He says he is opposed to lieve in its rapid future growth.
ceeded and all the revolutions th a t
Hay—Timothy, choice. $16(<il7 per to impress upon the children the rudi­ any
failed from Slam to th e A rgentine.
such bill, but possibly will intro­
Penitentiary Probe Starts.
ton; mixed, Eastern Oregon timothy, ments of economy. The absence of
Tolstoi fanatics, dishonest presidents,
$12fu.l5; oat and vetch, $12; alfalfa, ribbons and rutiles was conspicuous.
Salem—The first steps of the in­ anarchists,
A rm enians,
take oath, in registering, that they
$11.50; clover, $10; straw, $6«/7.
vestigation of the state penitentiary T urks. C arllsts, and th e dw ellers In
Oats—No. 1 white, $26.506/ 27.50
Film Monopoly Upheld.
the general feminine shyness in giving were undertaken Saturday.
At 9 M esopotam ia—a finer collection than
per ton.
New York The distribution of pic­ their ages.
of even A m erica Itself can show. On
Fresh fruits — Apples, 50c«/$1.75 ture films is not a utility which might
the joint committee met at the prison. th e C ontinent—well, we should be run
per box; pears, $1.50m2 per box; further the public good. Therefore
“A sound conclusion. And now lei
The first day was almost entirely nlng them In. and they would be low m oustache, brushed by us; and
Two 20-l)a.v Sessions Plan.
grapes, Malagas, $8 per barrel.
throw ing bombs
But here no one when we turned Into a beer house at us suppose th a t Amaroff w as not a po­
the Film Rental Co. cannot compel the
Potatoes — Jobbing prices : Bur­ Motion Picture Patents Go. to supply
troubles them so long as they pay th e corner he followed us, standing a lice spy at all; being. In fact, a dan­
should meet for 20 days and during for the investigation. The policy to
banks, 50di60c per hundred; sweets, it with films.
gerous N ihilist. W hat then?"
“ In matters closely that 20 days do nothing but introduce be pursued and the general scope of ren t and taxes, and keep their hands little a p art in an angle of the bar.
3jc per pound.
T here were half a dozen men and
"W hy set yourself such a puzzle?"
touching upon the public interest,” bills and then adjourn for six months the investigation was thoroughly dis­ out of each other's pockets or from
Vegetables—Artichokes, $1.60 per reads the the decision, "monopoly of
each o th er's throats
They under­ women—of the life w reckage of the
"N ot for am usem ent," he said, w iti
the suggestion that Charles II.
dozen; cabbage, lc per pound; cauli­ trade to the exclusion of one whose
stand us. too. and stop playing at a s­ great city—sittin g on the benches; but his quiet smile. “And now I propose
flower, $2.50 per crate; celery, $5.50; services might further the public good Carey, of Portland, has made to mem­ ful if any future session of the com­ sassins and conspirators. But once before the Inspector was served with a little experim ent. You m ust In tro
cucumbers, 75c(<t.$2 per dozen; egg­ may be regulated or restrained, but bers of the senate judiciary committee. mittee will carry it much farther than in a while habit is too strong for them , the drinks he ordered, they had whis­ duce us to this club. Jadkson; the
plant, 10c pound; head lettuce, $2.50 the subject of this action the distri­ He states that meeting under these this.
and som ething happens.”
pered one to another and m elted door-keeper will know you. and past
per crate; peppers, 10c per pound; bution of motion-picture films is not conditions the legislators could go
away. As the last one slunk through us In. A fterw ards you will go to th«
"As It happened to Amaroff?"
home and for the six months adjourn­
radishes, 35c per dozen; sprouts, 10c. within this class of public utilities.”
"Yes—as It happened to Amaroff.” th e door. Peace beckoned to the tall back en tran ce In the yard you spoke
ment study and digest the bills that
Salem -The bill fixing the salary of
Onions- Oregon. $1 per sack.
of. and watt. It should be easy to
"It was a political crim e?"
man. who Joined us.
are to come up before them for consid­ the secretary to the governor at $3000
Eggs—F resh locals, candled, 25«/
"W ell. Jackson." he said, "you can't conceal yourself."
Paris Is Awaiting Flood.
eration. They could then come back a year had a narrow escape in the sen­
26c per dozen.
“And th e reasons?"
"Yes. sir. Am I to stop G reatm an
hide your light under a bushel in
Paris The river Seine continues to prepared to vote intelligently.
ate Saturday, carrying by a vote of 18
Poultry—Hens, 13)6/14c; broilers,
If he comes o ut?”
“They have the advantage of sim- Stepney, th a t's certain."
to 12. The bill provides that his sal­ pllclty. Amaroff was a m em ber of , "I'm afraid not. sir,” he grinned.
13 j«(,14c; turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, rise and now larks only 40 centimeters
“No. Stop nobody. We had bettei
ary shall be $3000 a year and places it the R ussian secret service, detailed “L eastw ays not In Maiden Square.”
choice, 22i«t25c; ducks, 15(ul6c; of the 4.76 meters stage, which exper­
Marriage Hill Passes House.
be going ”
geese, 100/12.
Salem--“ There are some thin-skin­ on a par with the chief clerk of the to mix with and observe the Nihilist
The square lay desolate and lonely
"W ell, have you found the place?
Butter — Oregon creamery, cubes, The authorities are beginning to take ned preachers who like to know who state treasurer and the chief clerk of refugees. The Czar en ters Paris in : Oh, th at Is all right." for the man had In the bleak moonlight. We crossed
the secretary of state.
36c per pound; prints, 37«/37Jc.
two days, and when the Czar travels 1 glanced a t me with a brief suspicion. It, and stopped a t a house In the
will arise if the flood goes beyond that tive Howard, of Douglas, himself a
It also provides that he shall have
Pork—-Fancy, 10c pound.
point. Rescue parties have been or­ preacher, in presenting his arguments removed as a part of his duties the political police of all the capitals "T his Is Mr. Phillips, who has been shadow s of the fa rth e r side. At out
Veal—Fancy. 146/14|c pound.
are kept on the run. I suppose of much service to me In our little knock a slide flew back, and. In the
Hops —1912 crop, prime and choice, ganized and all boatmen have been in­ for the passage of his bill requiring those activities in connection with Amaroff showed an excess of zeal affair; let me introduce you to S er­ gush of light, a hairy face examined
18<£19c pound; 1913 contracts, l&c
information as to character and his work as clerk of the various state th a t m ade his absence from London jean t Jackson. Mr. Phillips.”
us curiously.
ness in the suburban districts, which that
previous marital experience be given boards.
Anyway, he was found
“V at Is e t? " he said.
I shook hands with th e serJeant.
Wool — Eashern Oregon, 146/ 18c
the county clerk at the time of appli-1
dead, and th e R ussians reasonably | who said th a t he would tak e a glass (C H R O N IC L E S TO B E C O N TIN U ED .)
pound; valley, 21}6/22|c; mohair,
ration for a marriage license, this in­
conclude It Is the N ihilists who killed of beer.
Million I-eft to Partner.
choice, 32c.
formation to be for the guidance of | Salem — The house concurred in a him."
T hs Retort Pertinent.
"And the place?" asked Peace, when
Cattle — Choice steers, $7.30(1/7.80;
New York The filing of the will of the minister who shall perform the senate resolution calling for the final
"Look a t m e!” exclaim ed th s lead
Who w ere those men In the we had seated ourselves on a corner
good, $76(7.30; medium, $6.60(>i7; George W. Crossman. a coffee import­ ceremony.
introduction of bills by the 25th day studio?”
bench out of earsh o t of the man be­ Ing law yer warm ly. “I never took a
choice cows, $6.50(>/6.75; good. $6«/ er, revealed a curious agreement be­
of the session, except by a four-fifths
th e b a r—a bottle-nosed ruffian, drop of m edicine in my Ufa, and I am
Olson Would Prohibit Fishing.
medium, $5.60o/6;
choice tween Crossman and his partner, Her­
vote of the members.
The house, sad of the Russian service over here who w atched us furtively as he rinsed as strong as any two of your patients
calves, $86/9; good heavy calves, man Sieleken.
A codicil to the will
Salem A bill by Olson, of Mult-1 however, will retain its previous de­ I don't know a b etter m an In his pro­ th e dirty glasses
put together."
$6.606/7.50; bulls, *3/./5.60.
showed that each hat) agreed to leave nomah county, introduced in the house. cision to stop the list of bills on its
“Well, th a t's nothing.” retorted the
"T h at's th e address, sir." said the
Hogs -Light, $7.36«/7.60; heavy, the other $1,000,000. In addition to I proposes to prohibit fishing for salmon 20th day. except by such a vote. It fession nor one with few er scruples
The o th er two were assistants. T hey ! serJeant. handing his superior a crum- physician. “I n ever w ent to law in
his bequest to his partner, Grossman j in the Willamette river, except by concurred in order to assist the senate
my Ufa. and I'm as rich as any two
e down to th e Yard this m orning pled sheet of paper.
Sheep- Yearling wethers, $56/6.16; left nearly $1,000,000 to friends and angling. March 15 to April 15 and in making the rule for that branch of cam
w ith a request that thev m ieht M *t*s
- a alut> <s It?” be said, glancing up doaea of your clients put together ~
ewes, $40(5.26 ; lambs, $60/7.26.
from June to November 15.
the legislative assembly.