PLinU SAi D Lv'E lD c A I ' V .& W V -ça FRIDAY f J V t / u V'-- iH. G. IÜ ilSKI.. Proprietor -RJiMUKIMtON RATKS OavYtfsi. Six Mw>m» — Thras Munta.-. . . ....... ..................... ~ ADVERTISING RATES >CTr .................. th * post ofHcdnt Hosier, Or-.»jcon, under th«* A ct o f VOL. IV MOSIER. WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 24. 1913 Ü JÍLBBEN täüs'f 00 THE WOK! epics of a Homer or a Dante. ami its many outlying suburbs. Men who grow n w oes when 1" the afternoon a tine parade they get out of sight o f the skv- ‘ Was pulled off with Veteran scrapers on Manhattan Island, tsam ( hue ¡it the head ot the T/ist year, :.s neitr ¡is we can and some others who still think procession and in the seat of fte la there were about 60.- that there is nothing worth honor on a piece o f fire appara- ¿0011 children engaged in making while beyond'Harlem, would eii-’ t » s which was used in The Dalles ♦ t raising something wilh wiiich ¡i liberal education if the; h a lfa century ago. to compete T or prizes in the’ in-1 A i. - r ilie parade a series of dustrud contest, iiuit was only | would take a T rip across the exlnhition drills and runs were country 1 to 1 'h e PRfcitlc Const. * little start in the work. bairit performed by the tire laddies, was a great stimulus to future! True, it. would lie somewhat kal- and in the evening a banquet, effort. A sa result o f the inspir-¡aidoscopic, wkh little i C chance t mpressions of details, with the usual happy speeches of nation gained last ; ear we hope to ^a l*lel felicitation was enjoyed, followed1 have practically every one o f the butitwould reveal bustling cities by a ball, at the 'V o g t theater. 125,000 school children o or f the me a,u^ Kreat empires o f produ’c live Many business houses were closed state engaged in some ."phase of land. It would sirouse ¡1 desire in honor o f the occasion. to go to San Diego in 1915 to see the work this year. An extract from the Times- the oxpositionof human achieve- To those who did not get in -! nitfi t which will he held there to Mountaineer published in an an­ ■Terested last. >ver. and are not celebrate ihe-openingyf the Pan­ nual in 1885, says that in 1859 'familial with the rules of the ama canal. And to learn what Hook and Ladder company No. 1 ‘'"contest. It may he said that they man has done in this extraordi- was organized, and in 1860 it are very simple. rJ'he most im- , nary country to overcome the in- disbanded. Dalles Diligent Hook portant one ib that the children numerable obstacles which , • , con- and .,„,i Ladder r ...m,,.- company w a s o t g a n - miist i o t ie wt i v .emse \es, i*,, ,Tt t?tl him would Lie an inspira- ized in 1862. O f the original aU( 1 ial 1 u l,aifthat city. Among sacks cost the farmers 12 cents! the,n were: J- Eltelt, merchant; ■ they exhibit. apiece, bht the wicked grain G- A. Liebe. well remembered One o f the main objects of nothing for th e l1’* " “ "? " ° ' v 1,vmg: VVm" Lo‘ these contests is to get the hoys ers allow and girls interest: d in doing sacks. More, they deduct one « an- father (,f 1)r " ' L,'pan: pound tare for each sack., ami Wm. Moahus, father o f Mrs. M. something. To teach them to do Hun keep the sack, selling it T Nolan; J. Michelbacl), a large •something practical, something ¡hack to the farmer for 6 cents. ‘ > owner: J. Eppinger, ‘Worth while, something by wiiich lake a certain celebrated coon "h o kept the Globe hotel on the ‘ they « ¡ ‘ irearn a liVing vhen they j gTOw up to manhood and woman- trap, this arrangement is-meant s,u‘ ot' lhe F,'ench banking ’ em cornin’, ketch ’em lu,use; S' Sava*ie> county .hood. And the only way to .¡to \ “ ketch 'rn, „ miii:„. judge; H. Wentz, first under- learn how to do¡-something i» is to j j £■ ■ . . i • t n o s n - l l taker taker ot of lh The Dalles, and and A. A. W. W. » , e Dalles, do that tiling wifh v a i i i * n w n , uig 1— cents ( ach, is no small them hands. The Dalles Firemen C • C V. H. Mosier, M. 1.00 (Onç-half Column..... .O n« Çqlunm........ , .. . v * oo Busiue«s locals will be charged at 5 'cent». per line (or each ingenien. ■ a N V_/. d / j U the party «uq riii* then, at legal rate», and atHuayAs areSfurnished. paid for before R E S O L V E D 1 OUR, CANNED GOODS HAVE COME DOWN.VE VERECflRRYlMC A BI6 STOCK- WE CAN KEEP 0V£ STOCK. FRESH B y CEEPJN6 MOVING. VE CAN WHAT Oregon IT Denier in H a y , G Of rain and F eed All Kinds |T&U CAN EAT. You CAN . o ea t what w e c a n Shady Brook Dairy Feed S ole Agen ts for •¿.W c Y eüscuks Horse Feed « THE PRI CED ON OUR GROCERI ES TUM&LE — RI GHT IN THE BEGINNING WHEN WE M A R K OUR GOOD A — BUT THE Q U A L I T Y NEVER F A L L J . WE * DON T BELIEVE IN PALMI NG OFF .SECOND GRADE GROCERI ES ONTO OUR C U ^ T o M E R J , A ND T R Y ­ ING TO M A K E THEM BELIEVE T H E Y A R E F I R J T GRADE. ON A L L OF OUR GROCERI ES WE KEEP THE Q U A L I T Y UP. WE KEEP THE PRI CE J ¡Rock Springs \ l Coal-LUMPi Nichol ;& Co., i No. 1 was organized in 1865. 'raised you are cheating yourself! wl,eat growing counties o f Ore- Relief Hose Co. No. 1 was or out of the most valuable part o f I K0,1‘ Two Fwo million ni'lhon pounds ot ganized in September o f the • the conte'st—the experience to be I u 'ieat lost as as Lire, Simply be- same year, disbanding in 1868. cause ■ gained by doing it yourself. c;mse it is sold in sacks, is no Columbia Hose Co. organized small item either. For reasons Not, only'that, but in shewing such as these Representative An­ in May, 1875. ! something that is not the prod- Wasco Engine Co. No. 2 was derson o f Hood River and Wasco 1 uct of his own effort he is prac- will advocate the passage o f Sen- ,,rHa|dzed in 1679, disbanded in : ticing decejuion, cultivating dis­ ate bill 36, when it appears in honesty, and laying the founda- In 1880 a new steam fire en­ the house. This bill is a sort of tion for a life o f dishonor and ! gine was purchased by the city legislative lost sheep. It was in- trouble. _ He may be successful ^ “ " c ^ ^ r î ^ ^ a t ë toward antl ^ ive" t(> Jackson Engine Co. in deceiving Others. No one but j the end o f the last session by j •himself and the members o f bis (Senator, now Congressman, Sin- CHANCE FORECASTS. own family may ever know that nott, but was lost in the shuffle W rite rs o f Old W h o D im ly Poin ted to he lias cheated, but that is ; - .. ... , , . , . , . , . I , , . the committee to which it was fLodfcrn jn ven t.oris. • e'Hotfth. In doing what lie knows , . V • , , . ,■ assigned, this year Senator Chance phrases in Hie litera ry w orks is not right tie loses respect for r, ,, , ,, 7 .. . . . ' . Butler made a new bill in the o f oth er d ays d escribe w ith uncanny self, and that is a long step m . ... . , , exactn ess in ven tion s o f fa r Infer times. same image, stood it upright on , For instance, we laid in the “ I’rolu- . 1 the wrong direction. When a the floor of the sennte, gaivan-1 idousM of Stradu the Roman, which person loses respect for himself ized it with oratorical lightning were published in the year iai7, wimt he soon loses the confidence and and sent it on its way with his scription be of beld, *® era,bbdy n h cruUe Ue- . wireless telegraphy. respect o f others. “ To thyself most eloquent blessing. I f th e Strada represents two friends as car- he true, and it follows as the day hill passes there will he no de- O'iug on a correspondence by means of follows night that to other man duction for the weight o f the :l 'Vertnln lo“ '“« s,“,h . . . .. . . virtue In It that, if it touches two nee- thou canst not be false.” Every Sack W h en grain or fruit is sold. dies when one of tlie ueedles begins to - child should early in life get this --------------- - » • « - --------- -— . move, the otlier, although at ever so j great a distance, moves at the same ■ principle firmly fixed in his mind, Talking Good R o ild s . time and 111 the same manner.” and through life never depart In 1(1*4 Itobert tloote published a from it. Ten senators and represent.-!- wprk wlierelii he observed that as Parents, don’ t think y-on a r e ! tives are lying* awake nights try- improve the vision so wnys favoring your child b y giving o r , mg to think up the best way for sp„s,.s „ Imt tui|)1,ssihle.- « ,,« be. loaning him something to take to Uncle Sam to help improve the j -to hear a w hisper u distance of » fur- the fair to win a prize with, for-country roads o f the nation. an<1 perhaps the nature of the t you are not. On the other hand i They compose a joint commit-; X u g h ^ h a t V u L o n g s ^ o u m Z ^ n ^ t ^ you are doing him an absolute! tee appointed for this purpose, multiplied." This seems to be a fair injustice. You are cheating him : A good many other congressmen forecast of the telephone. out o f the valuable experience o f ' wh o have been givin g the road l n ' ° ,1‘hv,'r s T ’'avi''s’’ swift causes . . . , ' , . . , . , his hero to relate in the voyage to La- learning how to do something, | problem absent treatment and put.-, that the astronomers them -have and at the same time educating the mind cure are also trying to likewise discovered the two lesser star* him to be dishonest. Character solve the riddle. The fact is ar which revolve about Mars - .. . L, , ,. „ , , This has been held to constitute a sn- ouiiding is the most important that the farmers have become tire ou »ham science. Nevertheless part o f the early education o f the interested in the road problem I’rohww ’Astiph Hall a few year* ago child, and the greatest value in and their organizations, such as d,?coverpd ,h,‘ ,Wo ,iay s“ *elll,t‘H these industrial contests is along the grange, have used federal thnt r.ncian gave an account of the that line —forming in the child aid. Congress thinks a lot o f manner wherein the inhabitants of the habits o f industry, economy, what the farmers sav, and so the t“ 0011 drank “air «queered or compress- „ , , . * . ed into a goblet” so tliet It formed a sjstem, honesty, self reliance, question gets pretty serious con- kin<1 Gf dew This clearly suggest» liquid air. and all o f the traits that go to sideration. The dame writer In "Vera Fllstorta" make up the good citizen. — — - . - I t ’ s an error to imagine that Americans have done nothing except to destroy the noble for­ ests. harness Niagara and roll the falls o f some o f their gran- deur, decorate nature with hand painted emliellishments like a dado along our highways o f com- merce. and pull the tail feathers out of the bird o f freedom to enihelHsh a suffragette chai«eau. European newspapers and the comicanistfl may jest alxiut it, but the development o f the ■ United-States is-worthy o f the e “ • “ One-4|uarter Colum n.. # f ■>> d o w n , let \ j s . s u p p l y n / ou w it h the thin gs YOU U.SE FOR Y O U R TABLE. M O o s ie r regon ^ **.>«*.«*»*«*»* h JSf o«. i [ Tum-A-Lum 'Lumber Co. ( ? T n íp e é d ltp IC í* I ^ O tr U tV U V P C Q b ir,. » si,«,», “ rrvs: x that someone else ’ has made or American Achievement. peç jnonth $ .50 One square.................. _r, I-cg-ai ativerpiem ents will in all cases be charged Entered a* second c ’a *» mutter March 1-, 19JU at March IÎ. ISTy. Professional Cards.... BULLETIN "* * Celebrate 50th » MOSIER a c e , m g r ORE. ) . All Sizes ami Prices O f a box o f our high grade choco­ lates, bon bous, etc., involves no risk o f refusal. The box is so dainty, the candy it contains so tempting, that no girl under HO would think of declining such an offer. Ami once the candy is tasted you couldn't take hack your offer under any circumstances. Try it. S. L FRANCISCO, 1’r, prietor “ T H E O A K S .', W.F. LA R A W A Y V. L. I) \ V, - - - - I* nits, p k n t -M a n a o w i vh o ne .A Complete Line of E lectrical N o v e ltie s an d T oy s fo r C h ristm as. F IR S T N A T I O N A L B A N K B U II D IN G II,mJ Khier V. S. A. W h a t pleasant merr.iDrie.s are asso ciated w ith the word ^rilli Memories o f the co»y grill-room, the ».ivory viands and the happy tete-a-tete», or rollicking patties. REACHED Grill is the magic word in cookery, and— Vt A The G-E Radiant Electric Grill In LAND OF PALMS is the magic device in electric cooking. Here in a single hsndy htlle devK*e you have a toaster, broiler, stew pan, wateffheater, frying pan and griddle for baking pan rakes. A PLEASURE TO AN5WEP QUESTIONS AÎK ANY AGENT OF Trt€ 0-WN»N TO HELP OUTLINE YOUN TH1P Like all electric cooking devices it is rratly fo r ute in and two or more kinds of cooking siteh as broiling And frying, or toasting and stewing etc can hr done at the same time. Right on the dining room table ino. or in the sitting room, nurse,>- or sick room n n in ,I,m l, , ,V ii .-»ecewtij. r C *» /* L it . “ AI. wa r w iMa % »N ! t >fj)W E rC C o . Yr,L.. m kvli i .tes r.n aerial ship the sails of which were inflated by a whirlwind, thus Im­ pelling it through space to the moon.— Harper’s. On Wednesday afternoon and w •'Wbat.'* w ro n irT* evening o f this week a gala event ••Soiiiwhfruf «l»out th<* rnnt ot her marked the rounding out o f five stom ach. I urKf#*f*t!tnf flNry don t find Itn ont o f *tyfe. Shi* t| npvpr g#*t ovfr that."— Dalles fire department, Karixnit Journal. Although the streets were not ,n a midsummer festal state o f Tu? Soirit ct Love Von tvff! li»#«i ?»« y«»n k»ofc nim*u Aural beauty, and straw hals, y ottr lift• lit.'» fit*- ttnntN')i(> Minf decollete gowns and gaily lined onf nlaivr t,rs Ml,, « i m i r.*., H a | i I an.sols w ere displaced by ft I*» > a'Hlg.doihes, they were thronged ♦p irli »»I fott* M m r t l»r.M».u w' ( h the beauty and gallantry o f lUapaffP» R ilie »«»ul of hiitiiiipyg, and Ibe metropolis o f Wa«c ro ecmntj notimi« <*o*tribute« nutre ?»# di^paU1! A. ►> « Anniversary ------- E. J »