PO U L T R Y A N D GAM E Can g«t jo u fancy prices for Wild Ducks and other gam# in season. Write us for cash offer on alMrinds o f poultry, pork. etc. SPAIN’S LEADING STATESMAN SLAIN Pearson-Page Co., Portland MOWARD E. PCRTON - Aaaayer and Cfcemiit. Leadville. Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold. Silver. Lead. SI. Gold. Silver. 75o; Gold 60c: Zino or Copper. SI. Mail ing envelopes a id fall pricelist tent on application. Control and Umpire work ao Reference: Carbonate Nat in"H Second-Hand Machin­ ery bought, told and exchanged: engines, boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st S t. Portland. Send for Stock List and prices. Machinery Canalejas Shot in Back by Dar­ ing Assassin. Murderer Attempt* Suicide, But Fail* — Act Believed to Be That o f Individual, Not Conspirator. Madrid, Spain—Jose Canalejas y Mondes, the prime minister, whom Spain regarded as one o f its greatest statesmen, was shot and killed Tues­ day by a young anarchist, Manuel Pardinas. Canalejaa was shot in the back three times as he was walking to the ministry of the interior. He had ■topped to glance into the window of a W e want dressed Turkeys. Ducks and Geese book store. for Thanksgiving trade. Write for our print­ He bad just been to the royal palace ed booklet on dressing and marketing to get to submit several decrees to the king. highest prices. Write today. We also want Veal. Pork and all kinds o f Live Poultry. He emerged smiling and happy. As F. H. SCHMALZ A CO. an attendant opened the door leading Paid-up Capital $10.000. to the street, a strong gust of wind 141-143 Front Street Portland, Oregon ■truck the premier in the face, caus­ ing him to exclaim gaily: "O h, what a wind ! We are going to have a bad d a y !" o f $100 or more by buying your About an hour later his prophecy Piano or Player Piano direct was fulfilled. As he stopped for a from factory store. moment at the shop window, a man BUSH & LANE PIANO COMPANY darted from a near-by doorway. He ran up behind the premier and fired 355 Washington St., Portland, Or. four shots at close range. Three bul­ lets took effect. Canalejas sank to the sidewalk. A friend who was passing at that mo­ ment rushed up cyring, "D on Jose, Don Jose," it being the premier's baptismal name. The wounded man scarcely had strength to murmur, “ The scoundrel has killled me.” He then expired. In the meantime his assailant turned the muzzle o f the revolver on own breast and fired again. A Economical Lighting Co. bis crowd quickly gathered, while the as­ Gasoline hollow Wire Lighting Systems sassin was half dragged to the police Mantles and Glassware station. Mantles for Canchester, Aladdin, all the differ­ The premier was carried to a phar­ ent makes of Kerosene Mantle Lamps. Junior macy and then to the ministry of the Rag Mantles 60c per dozen. Write us. AgeeU Wasted. 597 Williams Are., Pw llano interior, where he was placed on a large marble table in the main salon. The blood flowing from a wound be­ hind the right ear soon formed a pool on the floor. The king [was informed of the tragedy as he was leaving the palace’ to attend the crysanthenrim BUSINESS COLLEGE K X l W A S H IN G T O N A N O T E N T H ST6 exhibition. He sprang into an auto­ f f f l r n PORTLANO. OREGON mobile and went to the ministry with­ HL JSL W R I T E F O R C A T A L O G 1 Tho School that Place* You in a Good Position out an escort. As soon as be reached the Puerta del Sol the crowd ac­ claimed him, crying, “ Long live the brave k in g." YOUNG MEN AND LADIES, become telegraph Operators; easy to learn, steady work, short hours, fine opportunity to travel. Students as­ sisted to good paying positions on railroads, Steamships and in cities when qualified. Wire­ less and Morse telegraph courses taught quickly. W rit* for our free scholarship plana. Pacifie Telegraph A Railway Institute. Weshington Building. Seattle. Wash. TURKEYS WANTED SAVE MIDDLEMAN’S PROFIT minis H fill W S R SALESMEN WANTED To sell Trees for the oldest nursery on the Coast. Pio­ neers of 1849. Since 1863 at the present location Three generations of growing trees. 420 acres Commission paid weekly. THE WOODBURN NURSERIES F. W. SETTLEM IER, Proprietor. WOODBURN, OREGON “ C o s te rm o n g e r .” Ribbed costard apples, a cooking kind, are now to be seen in the «hops. The costard Is referred to In the household accounts of Edward L, In whose reign the street seller o f the apple was called a costardmonger— hence “costermonger" and “coster.”— London Standard. M ary B rok en U p. Mary dropped her eyes on tbs floor M Henry burst Into the room. Her face lengthened rapidly, and she final­ ly pierced him with a glance. As his laugh rose and fell, she dropped her Jaw and her voice broko.—Judge. M a k e Money Act as Our Agent and at the same time get your own Piano at factory coet. W e are the only wholesale Piano bouse west of the Mississippi, and sell by mail in place o f us­ ing expensive travelers. Write at once for full details. You save big money on your own purchase and can make splen­ did profit selling to your friends. N o experience nec- RAMAKER BROS. CO. 1627-29-31 Third Avenue SEATTLE OUT Of TOWN PEOPLE can receive prompt treet- ita of Wos-Poi»eenes. C GEE W O .Try e » more if yon have Teen doctoring with this one end that one end have not obteine4_per- manent relief. Let this great nature healer drag, none yonr r**e an>t prearribe some remedy whose aetion is quick, mire and safe. His prescriptions are compounded from Roots. Her!«. Buds sad P*rk* b*en gathered from every quar­ ter of the globe The secret« of these medicines CONSULTATION Xf rom U n M of u n » 4 en n ot cull. writ, tor «CM to n bina, nad «Ironia,. Tariti«.« « ommu la THE C. BEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 1 « è fir* SL. Car. M irre.» V _______ [ B «tC ««cl iyrak- Taxa* Gomé. IT#« l a tim e. S o ld b f D raggiets. FOR COUCHS AND COLDS T. R. LEADS IN CALIFORNIA. Wilton Ahead for Half Hour, But Soon Falla Back. San Francisco—Returns from all but five precincts o f 4372 in the state, including what were reported to be official returns from 36 of the 58 counties, gave Colonel Roosevelt a plurality o f 24 votes. These returns show majorities for Roosevelt in 16 counties and for Wilson in 42 counties. The figures for the state now are 234,434 for Roosevelt, 234,410 for Wilson. Roosevelt lost his plurality in Cali­ fornia for about 30 minutes and then regained it, as additional official re­ turns came in. When he again ap­ peared at the top o f the column it was with 10 votes margin over Woodrow Wilson and this later was increased to 24. Wilson's Idaho Lead Cut Boise, Idaho—Revised election re­ turns received here cut Woodrow Wil­ son’s majority over President Taft from 674 to 502. With returns still incomplete and two counties, Custer and Adams, missing, Wilson has a total vote o f 28,920 and Taft 28,418. The official canvassing board o f Ada county has completed its task. On president the vote stands: Roosevelt 8512, Taft 3198, Wilson 2569. Cus­ ter county, Democratic, will give W il­ son a majority o f 400 votes, while Adams county, normally Democratic, probably will give Taft a majority of less than 100, leaving Wilson a net gain of 200. Spanish Minister Laments Philadelphia— When Don Juan Biano y Fayangos, the Spanish minister to the United States, learned o f the as­ sassination o f Premier Canalejas, he Baid: "Spain has lost the strongest man in the country. The loss is al­ most irreparable. He was a man o f high ideals and one of the most capa­ ble in Spain. He had enacted many reforms, especially in educational mat­ ters, and he obtained many liberties for the people. I do not know o f any man who can fill his place. He was democratic in all his actions." OREGON GOES FOR WILSON. D O N ’T “ Be Peeved“ because your stomach is unable to do its work properly — or because your liver is lazy and bowels clogged. Cheer U p --G e t a Bottle of H O S T E T T E R ’S Stomach Bitters Today. For 60 years it has been effectual in such cases. Easy Check te Forge. Judge Lumley Smith remarked at the Old Bailey that checks for £8 edd were most frequently altered by forgers engaged in what was now an extensive business. Only a “y” was needed to change the eight Into eighty. In the case before him a check for £8 14s bad been made Into one for £80 14s. Lameness Sloan’s Liniment is a quick and reliable remedy for lame­ ness in horses and other farm animals. '* Sloau'a Liniment enrpassea any­ thing on earth for lameness in horses and other horse ailments. I would not sleep without it in my stable."— M artin D oyle , 432 West 19th St., New York City. Good for Swelling and Abscess. M r . H . M. G ib b s , o f Lawrence, Kan., R .F .D .,N o . 3, writes:—“ I had a mare with an abscess on her neck and one 50c. b o ttle o f Sloan's Linim ent entirely cured her. I keep it ull the time for galls and small swellings and fo r every­ thing about the stock/* SLOANS LINIMENT is a quick and safe remedy for hog cholera. Governor of Georgia uses Sloan's Liniment for Hog Cholera. 111 heard Gov. Brown (who is qulto a farm er) say that he had never lost a hog from cholera and that his remedy always was a tablespoonful o f Sloan's Liniment in a gallon o f slops, decreas* ing the dose as the animal improved. Last month Gov. Brown and m yself were at the A gricultural College building and in the discussion o f the ravages o f the disease, Gov. Hrown gave the remedy named as unfailing." “ OBSERVER." S avannah D a il y N ews . A t A ll Dealers. 20c., 5 0 c . & S I .00. Sloan’s Book on Ilonas, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry sent free. Address Dr. Earl 8. Sloan, Boston. Cake Twenty-Five Yeare O l d . A veteran baker of Quincy, Mass., bad a unique experience shortly be­ fore retiring from business a short time ago. A wedding cake 25 yean old was brought to him by a local man to be refreshed for his silver wedding anniversary. He had baked the cake himself for the wedding, 25 years be­ fore. Well Answered. "Now, my little man," an English bishop once said to a bright young laddie. “ I will give you an orange If you can tell me where God la." My lord,” was the unexpected answer, “ I will give you two oranges If you will tall me where he le not.” Put One Over. Wife—What a wretch that M n. Get- taway la. When she found I was de> scended from King I.unky III. she goes to a genealogist and gets deacended from King Lunky I. Im p ro ve d 8afety Razor. The principle of the double-bladod plane has been applied to safety ra­ zors, so that the operator shaves with two blades at the eame time. Rector’s Pay T oo Small. Sym b o lism . Riverside, N. Y .— A minister cannot Symbolism is all right If the thing | face the high coat o f living o f the prerent day and "maintain bis honor" /ou have to say Is not worth saying on a salary o f $1000 a year, according In good, plain English. to Rev. Gilbert A. Shaw, rector o f Grace Episcopal church here, who gives this reason for his resignation. He has accepted a call to a church at Hazelton, B. C. " I have not the con­ science to ask you for more money," said the rector, "and yet I cannot live on a salary the I am receiving. I could not stay here and pay my bills, and I don’ t intend to tun into d ebt." W hy cough? Stop itl 200 Surgeons in Clinic. New York—Nearly 200 leading sur­ geons o f the world wielded the scalpel for charity in New York’a hospitals Wednesday. In 171 institutions in the city clinics which were held by members o f the Congress o f Surgeons o f North America gathered here, more than 2000 strong, for their third an­ nual convention. European surgeons also are here as guests. The opera­ tions covered a broad field in almost every branch o f surgery. Large Paper Milt Burns. Antioch, Cal.— In a fire that was started through the carelessness of a workman, the entire plant of the Cali­ fornia Paper and Board mills was de­ stroyed. The loas will reach more than $400,000, partly covered by in* Stop coughing! Coughing rasps and tears. Stop it! Coughing ( . epares the throat and lungs for more trouble. Stop it I There is nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. Stop it 1 Ayer’s Cherry Pec­ toral is a medicine for coughs and colds, a regular doctor’s medicine. Sold for seventy years. Use it! Ask your doc­ to r if this is not good advice. Lane Democrat, lor U. S. Senator— Woman Suffrage Safe. Portland, [Nov. 7.—Any lingering doubt that may have existed o f Wood- row Wilson's victory in Oregon were removed by the receipt of fuller re­ turns from Multnomah county and the state at large, but the figures still failed to give final results on the sen­ atorial situation. The returns leave no room for doubt as to any results on the state ticket and congressional ticket. Hawley, in the First, Sinnott, in the Second, and Lafferty, in the Third, are well to the good over their oppo­ nents. Olcott is elected secretary of state Mickle, dairy and food commissioner, and Aitchison, railroad commissioner. If present ratios be carried out, Wilson will have a plurality over Roosevelt of about 7500. There is still an element of doubt as to whether Roosevelt or Taft will win second place, but the outlook seems to favor Roosevelt. In the state outside of the county, Roosevelt and Taft to­ tals are almost identical, but in Mult­ nomah county the returns indicate a final lead for Roosevelt over Taft of abou 2000. With about one-half the vote count­ ed in Multnomah county and the state outside, the totals on president are aa follows : Wilson 21,088, Roosevelt 17,341, Taft 16,196. Returns for about one-half the vote outside of Portland are at hand and these added to the Multnomah county figures, which are also representative of about one-half the vote, give Sell­ ing a slight lead. However the out­ side vote is more nearly compete from the anti-Selling counties than from those that are supposed to go for the Republican candidate. The latest figures are as follows : Selling 20,496 Lane 20,512 Bourne 13,592, Clark 5697, Paget 3095. This gives Lane a lead of 178 votes and indicates a final plurality against Bourne o f about 12,000. SUFFRAGE HAS SLIGHT LEAD Too Many Road Mea.ures Brings On Defeat o f All. Portland, Or., Nov. 7.—The count at 2 :30 a. m. in Multnomah county on woman suffrage was: Yes 8029; no 7627. State, outside of Multnomah coun­ ty: Yes 12,210, no 11,361. The Malarkey public service bill, submitted by referendum, it is indi­ cated, will have a substantial major­ ity. As was forecast, the three-cornered controversy over road measures ap­ parently has resulted in the defeat of ail plans, although the harmony amendment limiting county indebted­ ness for roads is in doubt. Seemingly all tax measures submitted by the tax commission and legislature, except the repeal o f county tax option and probably the bill excepting the ex­ emption of household effects, have been rejected. The capital punishment bill, which, if adopted, would have abolished the death penalty in Oregon, is defeated according to incomplete returns by up­ ward of 20,000 votes. The Cascade county measure is snowed under and the hotel inspector bill is in the run­ ning for cellar championship. The blue-sky law also seems to have gone to its death in the avalanche of "n oee.” It is probable that the anti­ boycott bill has been defeated, but there is still doubt as to the anti­ street speaking law. LISTER BEATS HAY BY 886 S H O ES «3.00 53.50 54.00 54.50 AND «5.00 FOR MEN AND W O M E N Washington Strong for Roose­ velt for President B aya w ea r W. L. U ouplu* * 2 . 0 0 , $ 2 . 5 0 S $ 3 . 0 0 S c h o o l l Si toon, ba ca uuo o n e pa ir will p o s i t i v e l y o u tw ea r tw o palra o f ord in a ry ahooa, aam o am th o /non a mhoom. W L-Doug la» ...«lies and sells m ore $ 3 .OO,$ 3 .5 0 Sc $ 4 .0 0 shoes j than any oth er m anu facturer in the w orld- Many Progressives Get Placss—Fal­ conar and Bryan Elected Rep­ resentatives at Large. T h e w orkm anship w h ich has m ade W . L. D ou gla s sh oes fam ou s the ov e r is m aintained in e v e ry pair. A sk y o u r d ea ler to sh o w y o u W . L. D ou gla s latest fashions fo r fall an d winter wear, n otice the o h o r t v a m p s w h ich m ake the fo o t lo o k sm aller, points in • shoe particularly d esired b y y ou n g m en. A ls o the c o n s e r v a t i v e s ty le s which have m ad e W . L. D ou gla s sh oes a h ou seh old w o r d ev eryw h ere. If y o u cou ld visit W . L. D ou gla s large fa cto rie s at B rock ton , Mass., and see for y o u r se lf h ow carefu lly W . L. D ou gla s sh oes are m ade, y ou w o u ld then un~ derstand w h y they are w arranted to fit better, lo o k better, hold their shape and wear longer than any oth er m ake fo r the p rice . Faut Color Cyototo. C AU TION . — T o protect you against inferior »hoe», W .L . Douglas stamp» his name on the bot­ tom. Look for the stamp. Beware o f substitute». W . L. Douglas shoes are sold in 78 own TH E STAN D AR D O F Q U A L ITY FOR O VER 30 YEARS. world Seattle, Wash., Nov. 12. — Ernest Lister’s lead for governor was in­ creased 123 votes today when a re­ check o f the returns in Snohomish stores and*hoe dealers everyw here. No matter where you live, they are within your reach. If your dealer cannot supply you, write direct to factory for catalog showing how to order county was made. Lister’s plurality by «"*»1 Shoo« sent every whore, delivery charges prepaid. W .LD ougla«, Brockton. Mass. over Governor Marion E. Hay is now 886. The total vote for the state, with 17 precincts still unreported, it: Preclou» Attributes. To Sterilize Cittern Water. Lister, Democrat, 96,469, Hay, Re­ Cistern water can be thoroughly "Why are diamonds so highly val­ publican, 95,573. sterilised by the addition of one-tenth ued ?” “I suppose," replied Mr. of a grain of bypochlorlde of lime to Groucher, "It's because they are Seattle, Nov. 7.— Returns from 961 the gallon. This does not Injure the made of carbon, which la the equlva. precincts out of 1903 give Roosevelt water for laundry and bathing pur­ lent of coal, and at the same time look like Ice.” pose*. 54,745, Wilson 43,406, Taft 34,687. For governor 927 precincts give Lis­ ter, Dem., 43,867; Hay, Republican, 42,079; Hodge, Progressive, 33,261. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO For congressman-at-large, 860 pre­ BUILD A FOUR-ROOM HOUSE cincts give Falconer, Progressive, 88,- 000; Bryan, Progressive, 36,976; Including underpinning, uprights, sheathing, shingles, flooring, doors, windows, Frost, Republican, 4,191; Dewey, glass, hardware, all fitted, and everything else necessary In completing a home Republican, 33,795; Connor, Demo­ suitable for Pacific Coast climate. Not a thing for you to do save follow the crat, 32,082; White, Democrat, 29,- blue prints carefully, which ere included, drive the nails and mova in. The ________ 696. ideal method o f quick homebuilding. $400 Seattle, Nov. 7.— Theodore Roose­ velt’s plurality over Woodrow Wilson in Washington is estimated at 23,000. Earnest Lister, Democratic candidate for governor, was elected by a plural­ ity estimated at 8000 over Governor Hay, Republican. J. A. Falconer and J. W. Bryan, Roosevelt Progressives, probably are elected representatives-at-large over the Republican candidates, H. B Dew­ ey and J. E. Frost, by 6000 plurality. In the First district one-sixth of the precincts give Representatives Will E. Humphrey, Republican, 16,000 plu­ rality over Charles G. Heifner, Demo­ crat. One-fourth of the precincts in the Third district give Representative William Lafoilette, Republican, 440 plurality over F. M. Goodwin, Roose­ velt Progressive. Returns from Southwest Washington indicate the defeat o f Congressman Stanton War­ burton, Roosevelt Progressive, by Al­ bert Johnson, Republican. Warbur­ ton leads in Tacoma, but thia lead, according to available returns, will be more than offset by Johnson’s ap­ parent big advantage in the Grays Harbor section. Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 7.—Com­ plete returns, semi-official, from 26 out o f 86 precincts in Clark county give: For president—Taft 1216, Wilson 1601, Roosevelt 1247. Congressman- at-large— Frost, 1868, Dewey, 1462 Connors 1123, White 1069, Brown, 738, Falconer 766; Diatrict, Johnson 948, Munday 2396, Warburton 728. Governor — Hay 1566, Lister 1426, Hodge 767, Hart 1601, Collier 1210, Teats 720. Secretary o f state— How­ ell 1631, Ryan 1184. Treasurer— Ford 746, Meath 1661, Gilbert, 1127, Corey 826. Auditor—-Clauaaen 1617, Stevenson 1116, Moberg 718. For attorney general—Tanner 1686, Jones 1125, Mill* 736. Land commis­ sioner— Savidge 1714, Scbooley 1078 and Kaufman 708. Superintendent o f public instruction — Mrs. Prescott 1600, Mrs. Monroe 1122, Beach 798. Insurance commissioner— Fishback 1677, Murphy 1129, Collins 794. The vote on the [amendments to the state constituttion follow : No. 1, removing limit from terms o f office, for 902, against 1214. No. 2, recall of judges, for 1722, against 689. No. 8, Initiative and referendum, for 1682, against 565. No. 4, setting time for new laws becoming effective, for 975, aganst 806. College Wireless Successful. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ vallis— A wireless message sent from San Diego station, 1400 miles south of Corvallis, was heard perfectly dis­ tinctly by Joe Hallock, junior, and Cliff Watson, freshman, both electri­ cal engineering students at the Ore­ gon Agricultural college. They had temporarily hooked up to a tree in front of the Gamma Upsilon house a “ Watt” and "D ry*" Break Even. 30-foot single wire aerial, to call some Seattle— The “ d ry" and “ w et" is­ of their friends who are operating Marconi wires along the coast. They sue in Washington was one o f the also picked up Victoria, B. C., San most important local questions to Francisco and several steamers at sea. come up. The victory it about even for the saloon and anti-saloon forces. Licensed saloons won out in several Michigan Conceded to Roosevelt. Detroit— Returns from 145 out of instances but the general tendency waa to maintain prohibition. Kenne­ 2116 state precincts show Taft 12,347, wick, which has waged a bitter fight, Roosevelt 20,330, Wilson, 16,66. This voted to remain dry, and Vancouver, does not include the incomplete count after a spirited contest, decided to in many Detroit precincts. It is con­ stay wet. ceded that Roosevelt will carry the state. _________________ Oil Dividend Declared, Socialists Second In Florida San Francisco—The 16th dividend Jacksonville, Fla.— Returns indicate on the stock of the Standard Oil com­ that the entire Democratic ticket is pany incorporated in California was elected by a majority o f about 220,000. declared Wednesday by the board o f The Socialists apparently polled a directors o f the company at a meeting larger vote than either the Republi­ held in Richmond, Contra Costa cans or Roosevelt Progressives. county. A dividend o f $2.60 per share will be awarded on December 16 to all Chohalis Goes Republican. stockholders having stock o f record on Aberdeen, Wash. — Twenty-three December 2. The issued stock is now complete out o f 67 precincts, in Che- valued at $46,000,000. It waa in 1910 that the last dividend was declared. halis county give Taft 1149, Wilson 796, Debs 806, Roosevelt 721. Hsy Kansas for T. R. By IO.OOO. 1635, Lister 789, Hodge 529. Johnson Topeka, Kan.— Returns at the latest 1517, Munday 640, Warburton 714, Frost 1405, Dewey 1417, Connor 693, indicated that Roosevelt would carry White 606, Bryan 608, Falconer 680. Kansas over Wilton by probably 10,000 Socialist Candidate Aller ran ahead of plurality. Taft apparently was run­ Warburton in Aberdeen by round 100 ning a poor third. Capper, Rep., for governor, waa vote*. Johnson wilt go out o f the county with 1800 or 2000 plurality. leading Hodges, Dem., and Stubbs, The entire state and county ticket Re­ Rep., for United States senator, was slightly ahead of Thompson, Dem. publican. Jut* Grain Bags Doomed. Walla Walla, Wash.—Jute bags for grain are doomed in Washington, Ida­ ho and Oregon if the resolution adopt­ ed at the tri-state meeting of the Farmers’ union in this city has weight. The resolution porvidea that in the future the unions are to dis­ courage the use of the jute bags, sub­ stituting instead cotton bags. These cotton bags can be secured cheaper, and it is asserted they are as practi­ cal. The adoption o f this resolution followed a two days’ debate tm the Unless there is daily action of the bow­ sack question. el*, poisonous products are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia. We wish you would ssk you» South Carolina 60,000 Democratic Columbia, 8. C. — Indications are doctor about correcting your constipation by liking laxative doses of Ayer’s Pills. that Wilson hat carried South Caro­ H«d* u i u j o i l i a co.. u m i . a w . lina by more than 60,000 majority. W .LDOUGLAS SEND AT ONCE FOR OUR COMPLETE CATALOGUE Mill Material From Mill to Home N O R T H W E ST DOOR COM PANY, P o rtla n d , O re. Be Careful In Speech. If In our speech w# would need oonelder how our word« will affect those to whom they are spoken—If we would try to hear them with their ears and consider how they accept in their hearts, there would not be much pas­ sionate or unadvised speech; certain­ ly there would be few spirits wounded or live* embittered by the words of our lips.—W. Q. Horder. N EW P E R K IN S H O TEL new “DEAD SHOT DR. PEERY’ S V ER M IFU G E FOR W O R M S ROMAN EYE BALSAM For In fla m e d E y e lid s P rep a red by W riqht ’ s I ndian V egetable PILL OO . NEW YORK Thanks to ths C a rtoonist. Party emblems that figure on bal­ lots represent the more serious pur­ poses and type the traditions of vari­ ous political followings; but the em­ blems that the cartoonists and humor­ ists have established are the more popular, because they represent that cheerful mood In whtch a majority of persons attack politics without aban­ doning the earnest aim that underlies Its manifestations.—Judge. Pettits Eye Salve He F O R EYE ACHES Belonged. The accomplished and obliging pianist had rendered several aeleo- tlans, when one of the admiring group of listeners In the hotel parlor sug gested Mozart’s Twelfth Mass. Sev­ eral people echoed the request, but on* lady waa particularly desirous of hearing the piece, explaining that her husband had belonged to that very regiment.—Everybody’s Magazine. N o thoughtful person use. liquid blue. It’s a pinch o f blue in n U r ,« bottle o f water. Ask for Bod Cross li.il Blue, the blue thmt'a oil blue. V a rio u s F o rm s of H iccoug h . Allied to the rare forme of nervous hlooough there Is also the emotional idcoough, which arise« In connection with a moral shock, aevere fright and aadden emotion, the hiccough due to Irritation and hysterical hiccough. The latter la a particularly nolay form, with a rough, coarse sound. It I* sometimes a sort of yelping or barking nolae, persisting for toms minutes or even hours. K oth en will find Mrs.'W inslow's Sootaiat Syrup t fe beet remedy to use fur their fu r l» *