POULTRY AND GAME Can £et you fan cy prices for W ild Ducks and other gam e in season. W rite us fo r cash oder on all kinds o f poultry, poik. etc. Pearson-Page Co., Portland NEW PERKINS HOTEL PIG A SNAKE CHARMER HE JU8T LOOK8 BOA STRICTOR IN EYE. zoo Gum .. Thu. sav.s h i . CON­ u rn - Th.n Calls on Lizard, Who N ev.r Did Car. for Him—Again Hit Glare Wlna. TAFT URGES FARM CREDITS Presents Plan to Governors for C h e a p e r F o o d s tu ffs . ----------- New York.— A very fat guinea pig, Says States and Nation Should As­ sume Responsibility for Hon­ a fluffy ball of white and brown, with est Institutions. snappy little beads of eyes that gaze out upon the world fearlessly, has furnished Raymond L. Dltmars, cura­ tor of the Zoological park in the Beverly, Mass.— Radical legislation Bronx, and Charley Snyder, his as­ in favor o f the American farmer and sistant, with another Interesting puz­ zle, which they are still far from solv­ consumer as a means o f solving the ing. The guinea pig was one of a question o f the high cost o f livin g was fast Increasing group which are from urged by President T a ft in a letter to time to time killed off to replenish the the governors o f all the states. snakes' bill of fare. The act which President T a ft proposes to reduce lifted this particular pig above the the cost o f foodstuffs on the American NOTE REDUCED RATES others of the family and brought It to dinner table by reducing the cost to Most Centrally Located the attention of Curator Dltmars and the farmer o f producing his crops. Snyder occurred when several days This would be done by establishing in f-IOW ARD. E. BU BTO If — Aaaayer and Chemi&t, ago he managed to get into the ln- <■ Loudvil.e Col.'m^o. Kpeoimen prices: Gold. the interest o f the farmer a financial Silver. Lead. fl. Gold. Silver. Too; Gold. 5fa; Zino closufe of two huugry boa constrictors, machine which would give him access o r Copper. SI. Mailing envelopes a id fu ll price list and not only lived but so liked his to all the money centers o f the world sent on application. Control and Umpire work so United. Reference: Carbonate National lianJs. experience that he sought further ad­ and afford ’ him credit at greatly re­ venture In the retreat of the eight- duced rates and upon more advan­ Opportu nity fo r industrious young man w ith foot monitor lizard. tageous terms than he now receives. some capital to buy h alf interest in splendid coun­ The little animal was kept In a The complete development o f our ag­ try business. W ell established; did $29,000 last ear. O w ner needs partner to help cover field. room at the north side of the reptile ricultural resources which this would lo u s e fo r .xoney unless hustler w ith it. Can house, and back of the glass front make possible, thinks President Taft, make back invested mo ie y in six months. W rite Box 131. Portland, Or., fo r fu ll particulars. lnclosures containing the various would go a long way toward settling members of the snake family. It was the problem o f the high cost o f living. feeding time for certain of the big “ What this plan offers,’ ’ writes snakes, and Snyder, with a supply of President T aft, “ is a means to secure Gasoline Hollow Wire Lighting Systems fresh killed guinea pigs and rats, was this country greater productivity, at Mantles and Glassware In the narrow passageway back of less cost, from the farms that are now Mantles fo r Canchester, Aladdin, all the d iffer­ the snake house feeding several In­ under cultivation, and, above all, to en t makes o f Keros* ne Mantle Lamps. Junior dian rattlers. The little brown and give us more farms and more farm­ Ray Mantles 60c per dozen. W rite us. Agents Wanted. 597 Williams Are., Portland white pig, which had become accus­ ers.” tomed to his quarters, wandered out The plan suggested is based upon Into the space where the keeper was the principles o f agricultural co-oper­ working. The little animal was very ative credit now in use in practically Inquisitive, but Snyder gave him no every country in Europe. Uniform more than passing attention. state legislation, in the opinion of BUSINESS COLLEGE He gave the rattlesnakes their al­ President Taft, is essential to the W A S H IN G T O N A N D T E N T H S T S . lowance of food and stood for a few successful adoption o f this plan and he PO RTLAND . OREGON _____ . W R I T E F O R C A T A L O G minutes wachlng them in the process has invited the governors o f all the I School that Places You in a Oood Position of slowly swallowing their portions. states to a conference upon this sub­ Then he turned to the door of the boa ject at the time o f the annual meeting Second-Hand Machin­ constrictor cage, and as he opened it o f governors in Washington in Decem­ ery bought, sold and be saw’ a sight which filled him with ber. _ exchanged: en gin es, surprise. In some way the guinea boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st S t* Portland. Send fo r Stock L.ist and prices. pig had climbed up to the cage and B A TTLE IS GENERAL. gained entrance to it. Both snakes were hungry, for It Montenegrins Take Another Fort— had been several days since they had Hospitals Filled. been fed, and one of their especial I t pays to g e t our prices before selling elsewhere. London— The Turkish losses in the Mention this paper and send the names o f five delicacies Is guinea pig. Yet neither progressive farm ers; w e w ill send you booklet, had made any attempt to eat up the battle o f Detchitch mountain were 600 'M arketing Instructions to G et H igh est Prices.” fearless visitor, and when Snyder and those o f the Montenegrins 400, F. H . SC H M A I.Z & CO. Paid-up Capital $10,000. caught sight of the little animal he according to a dispatch to the Stan­ 141-143 Front Street Portland, Oregon was In a comfortable position along­ dard from Cettinje. Check sent by return mail. side the tall of the longest snake. Montenegrin Headquarters, Podgor- The other snake, half colled, he said, was regarding the pig with In­ itza— The battle following the capture terest mixed with amazement. The by the Montenegrin forces o f the Tur­ o f $100 or more by buying your guinea pig appeared to be content, kish position on Detchitch mountain Piano or Player Piano direct and was sitting, regarding the half- and the fort on Schipchinck hill, dom­ inating the town o f Tushi, still con­ from factory store. colled snake with a steady stare. BUSH & LA N E PIA N O CO M PANY Evidently stimulated by his adven­ tinues. The fighting is now general ture In the boa constrictor cage, the on almost the whole length o f the 355 Washington St., Portland, Or. pig went hunting more the day after Turko-Montenegrin frontier. General Martinovitch, with the his visit to the snakes. This time It g o ^ n to the sun room at the east end southern army, is operating with suc­ of Wle reptile house. In this room cess against the extremely strong are the reptiles that are sick in the Turkish fortress o f Tarboch, which dominates Scutari from the south. process of shedding their skins. When Mr. Dltmars heard of this A t noon Saturday the Montenegrins second visitation, the pig was en­ captured the Turkish fort Rogame near Tussi. deavoring to make friends with the The hospitals here are overflowing big monitor lizard. Now, the lizard with wounded men brought from the feeds upon eggs, which It bolts, shells battlefields. King Nicholas visited and all. and It does not feel amiably the hospitals and kissed upon their disposed toward guinea pigs or rats. W rite about your wants in this line to foreheads the dead and badly wounded When discovered the little animal men. Afterward he addressed the was sitting comfortably In front of wounded in tones o f deep emotion, 183 Madison St. Portland, Oregon the lizard, regarding It with a steady saying he thanked all o f his brave look that was returned with Interest troops in the name o f the fatherland. by the reptile. When Dltmars ap­ A Definition. proached the lizard ambled forward, The dream is conversation arranged. changing Its course so as to move —Lady Gregory. around the guinea pig. The whole affair was so extraordi­ M o th ers w i l l fin d Mrs. W in s lo w 's S o o th in g nary that Mr. Dltmars and his assist­ Byrup th e b est re m ed y to uso tor th e ix u h ild ra a d u r in g t*re t e e th in g p erio d . Watsonville, Cal.— The submarine ant are giving much study to it. Why two hungry snakes should refuse F -l, champion diver o f all the under­ London’s Coal Consumption. such a tempting morsel as a brown sea fighting craft, is ashore near here, Cbout three hundred and twenty and white guinea pig, and not only with her nose rammed in the sand, seven thousand tons of coal are burn reject him as an appetite satlsfler, and two o f her seamen are dead. T. Ad 0 V « r V TVr> >->1- I — T A but show a desire to make friends J. Turbett, o f Newark, N. J., and G. with him, is so contrary to the natu­ A. Schroeder, o f Minneapolis, were ral course of events that both men swept from the deck of the little ves­ are seeking a reason. Snyder Inclines sel and drowned when it was torn to the belief that the guinea pig pos­ from its moorings at daybreak. The extent o f the damage to .the sesses what he calls a hypnotic eye and that In this the snakes recog­ submarine, which was grounded after nized one of their own kind, and the a six hours’ fight by the 13 remaining lizard also found in the pig's stare members o f her crew, has not been de­ termined. an all-compelling force. REDMEN T O CONVENE. All North American Tribes to Organ­ ize for Mutual Help. Spokane— Representatives of every Indian tribe in North America will be invited to participate in a big con­ gress to be held in Spokane next au­ tumn, having for its purpose the ad­ vancement o f the Indian’s interests by thorough co-operation. Each tribe will be asked to send five accredited representatives, who, with the large attendance o f Pacific North­ west tribes assured are expected to make a total assemblage o f at least 5000 Indians. Robert H. Cosgrove, manager o f the Spokane Interstate fair, and Lew S. Hurtig are making plans for the con­ gress, which will be the first o f its kind ever held in America. Noted Indians who have gained reputations in various fields o f endeavor w ill be asked to take the lead in the work of the congress, particularly in outlining a program for the advancement o f the race in agriculture, education and other ways. “ We will ask every tribe in Amer­ ica to send five delegates at our ex­ pense, ” said Mr. Hurtig, “ and I con­ servatively estimate an attendance o f at least 5000 at the congress. This will be but the beginning o f what we hope to make a forward movement for the Indian to give him his proper place in business, science and states­ manship. From this first step we hope to see started a real march of progress for North American Indians. “ The congress w ill not be without its amusement features, as we intend to have the Indians participate in the dances for which they are famous, as well as give other features that would make the event pleasant for them and entertaining for visitors. “ There is no doubt but that we will have the co-operation o f Pacific Coast tribes in this undertaking. For a number o f years we have had several hundred Indians encamped in Spokane during the fair, and they have come to a thorough appreciation o f how they can help themseves by being thor­ oughly organized.” ASSASSIN FIRES W .L .D O U G L A S AT ROOSEVELT *3.00 *3.50 SHOES *4.00 *4.50 AND *5.00 FOR M E N AN O W O M E N Bullet Penetrates Clothing and Makes Flesh Wound. Colonel Proceeds to Hall and Makes B rief Address, Then Retires to Private Car. •sure * u r W. L. O tu g lu a $ J.OU, $ 2 .BO £ $ 3 .0 0 S o fto o l Shoom, b e ca u s e one u a lr w ill ttou llltroly o u tw ea r tw o rnalrm o f o rd in a ry ahooa, sam e aa th o m e n 'a ahoea. W .LD ougU s make, and le ll. more $3.00,$3.50 & $4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world. TH E STANDARD OF Q U A L IT Y FOR OVER The workmanship which has made W . L. Douglas shoes famous the world ever is maintained in every pair. Ask your dealer to show you W . L Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice the s h o r t v a m p s which make the foot look smaller, points in a shoe particularly desired by young men. Also the c o n s e r v a t iv e styles which have made W . L Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. I f you could visit W. L. Douglas large factories at Brockton, Mass., and see fo r yourself how carefully W . L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then un­ derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape »" 4 wear longer than any other make for the price. ratt Color Cyolrtt. Milwaukee, W is.— Colonel Theodore Roosevelt was shot in the abdominal region shortly before 8 o ’clock Monday C A U T IO N .—T o protect you .s .in .t inferior .hoe., W . L. D ousla. it.m p . hi. name on tho hot tom. Look for th . .tamp B e w a r. of .ubetitute.. W . L D nugla. .h oc. . r . .old in 78 owt night, white sitting in his automobile •tor*, and .h o . deafer, .v a ry where. No matter where you live, they are within your ranch. If your dealer cannot tuppiy you. writ# direct to factory for catalos .howmg bow to order in front o f the Gilpatrick House in by mail. Shoe. M . t everywhere, Jalivery charge, prepaid. W .LDougLaa, Brockton, M a u . Milwaukee, about to start for the au­ ditorium to deliver his scheduled ad­ Hla Reply. dress. According to latest accounts Likely to Keep Him 3uay. She (for the 'steen-hundredth, more Mra. Bacon—I never saw a puzzle the bullet is imbedded in the muscular my brother couldn't do. He's really or lesa, tim e)— "Oh. darling, do j ou tissue and the wound is not serious. The attempted assassination and all a wonder. Mr. Bacon—I wish you’d really and truly love me?” He (a grimly)— "Now, look-a-here, its accompanying scenes were dra­ take tbla timetable down to him and trifle matic in the extreme. The would-be aeo It he can make anything out of i t Gladys! Do you want me to put dp a cash bond?”—Judge. murderer was John Shrenk, o f New — Yonkera Statesman. York city, a man apparently demented on the subject o f the third term. He was captured and locked up. Unconscious o f his wound, Colonel Roosevelt proceeded to the auditor­ N o matter what you not'd in building House, Each piece is marked and accompanied by ium, and when his condition was dis­ blueprints. Architect’s drawings fur­ Barn or a Shed, we will supply all the ne­ covered, in spite o f the protest o f his cessary Building Material, uU ready to put nished F R EE O F COST for dwellings vary­ in place, hardware all tilted, requiring only ing from $400 to $1500. physician, he made a stirring address the use of the hammer to complete building. on the subject o f his attempted mur­ der. Weakened from loss o f blood and at the conclusion o f his speech he ► It will be mallet! IM M E D IA T E L Y , upon request. It contains a C O M F L E T E LIS T of M IL L was taken to the Emergency hospital, M A T E R IA L , such as doors. B u s h e s , fram es, windows, colonades. buffets, cedar chests, flour bins, stairways, balusters and flooring. Prioes all quoted in P L A I N FIG UR ES. Buying where, after an examination by phy­ D IR ECT FROM M IL L , your S A V IN G W I L L S U R P R IS E Y O U . Place your next order sicians, the nature o f his wound was with us. Send for C A T A L O G U E T O D A Y . ascertained. It was not considered serious enough to compel a stay in Milwaukee, and at 12:50 a. m. he was -w -w a . - a— a.— a.— — — -- — — — — — — — — taken aboard his special train on a slow run to Chicago. The colonel announced that he New Idea for Display of Gooda. Varying Life of Plant*. would Bpend the night on the train and Called a “ roundabout,” a motor The ivy outlives 200 year*; the elm. after a few hours here would go on to driven display rack for atorea Invent­ 300 to 350 years; the linden, 500 to Indianapolis to fulfill his engagement ed In England carries gooda to be 1,000 years; the locuHt tree and the there. shown on the ends of arms that re­ oak, 400 years; the flr, 700 to 1.200 volve vertically and at the same time years, and palm trees, 3,000 to 6,000 Chicago— Colonel Roosevelt arrived awing around n vertical shaft years. in Chicago at 3 :30 o ’clock Tuesday morning. The colonel was said to be resting easy. He had experienced no W HALE A T T A C K S VESSEL. discomfort during the trip from M il­ n. / i Its Furious Rush Smashes T w o Steel waukee. He had slept all the way. Eat Golden Cereal Foods and recommend them to your acquaint­ His temperature was normal and his Ribs o f Ship. ances. You get better quality and more for your money. They are pulse 84. made in your home state from the best Oregon Oats and Wheat. Seattle — How a gigantic whale Large packages contain a Handsome Premium and all goods are 0 A f* ? * y broke two steel ribs o f the steam That the wound was not more ser­ guaranteed. Ask your grocer. whaler Tyee, Jr., and disabled a dyna­ ious was due to the fact that the bul­ Golden Rod Oats. Golden Rod Pancake Flour. mo and one engine when harpooned off let was spent from passing through GOLDEN «O Ò K Golden Rod Wheat Flakea. Ralston Select Bran. Sitka Bay, Alaska, August 1, was told the colonel's army overcoat, spectacle RILLIN G CO. P Golden Rod Wheat Nuts. Golden Rod Chick Food. by the crew o f the whaler, which ar­ case and the manuscript o f his con­ rived from Barnof island. templated speech. The battle with the whale began Henry F. Cochems seized the as­ Answered. when Gunner Sigurd Blick, formerly a sassin and held him until policemen Teacher (In lesson on Holland)— lieutenant in the Norwegian navy, came up. A mob surged around the and the champion whale gun marks­ man, who apparently is a radical on “ Why, Willie, don’t you know what man o f the Pacific, harpooned the big the subject o f Roosevelt’s running for country the geography lesson Is about T Think hard. Who were the fellow. The whale dashed at the another term for president. vessel with terrific speed. There was The assassin, who is small o f sta­ people who made war on akateaT’’ a crash as he struck amidships on the ture, admitted firing the shot and said W illie— "De Anti-Saloon league.”— port side. Dishes in the galley fell to that “ any man looking for a third Judge. the floor with a clatter, and the vessel term ought to be shot.” N o thoughtful person uses liquid blue. It’s a shivered from stem to stern. In notes found in the man’ s pockets pinch of blue in a large bottle o f water. Ask for The force o f th i collison increased at the police station were statements Ibwf Cross Ball Blue, tho blue that's all blua. the whale’s fury, and after a hard that the man had been visited in a Ha» Pig for Her Pet. struggle it escaped. dream by the spirit o f William Mc­ lSlsa Ethel Albright of Palmyra, N. As soon as the blow was struck Kinley, who he said, indicating Roose­ Y., has an unusual pet, a tame pig, REGULATE .S T IM U L A T E . P U R IF Y Captain S. B. Shaw went below and velt, “ This is my murderer; avenge which she raised by artificial means. rHE BOWELS THE U V E R 'THE BLOOD * t a l l d r u g g is t s examined the hull. He found that my death.” It was taken from the litter when a two steel ribs had been broken and The colonel felt no pain at the time few days old. The little animal show* the machinery put out o f commission the shot was fired and was not aware great affection for Its young mlatreaa, In th* Name of Justlca. by the shock. Members o f the crew that be was shot until he was on his following her about, aa would a dog, When a man la in a rage and wants regretted the loss o f the whale, which way to the auditorium. His attention and showing its jealousy of her other to hurt another In consequence he can was nearly 90 feet long and worth was then called to the hole in his pets. always regard himself as the civil arm. $1200, more than the damage to tho overcoat, and he found that he was of a spiritual power.—Oeorge ElioL vessel. not badly hurt. A superficial exam­ I.iqulil bin. 1. a weak solution. Avoid It. Buy During the six months’ cruise o f the ination o f the wound was made when Red Croee Ball Blue, the blue that', all blue. A i t Tyee, Jr., 61 whales were bagged. he reached the auditorium, and three your grocer. physicians agreed he was in no imme­ Express Train Held Up. Uncla Pennywlae 8aya: diate danger. “ A girl with several applicants for Colonel Roosevelt’s life was probably Fort Smith, Ark. — Rock Island her band la apt to worry because the train No. 41, westbound, was held up saved by the manuscript o f his speech demand for her la so much greater which he made. The bullet struck and the express and mail cars were than the supply,” the manuscript, which retarded its for relieving and overcoming such robbed near Howe, Okla., according force as it passed through into the ills aa to a dispatch from the station agent j GOOD I SORE flesh. EYES 1 FOR 1 at Haileyville, Okla. Safes in the The assaisin was prevented from express car were dynamited. The firing a second shot by Albert H. Mar­ W lih et Ever Unsatisfied. amount stolen has not been learned. tin, one o f Colonel Roosevelt’s two sec­ We can never give up longing and Passengers were not molested. Howe retaries. Colonel Roosevelt had just wishing while we are thoroughly is 25 miles south o f Poteau, where a stepped into an automobile when the alive. There are certain things we Kansas City Southern train was held assassin pushed his way through the feel to be beautiful and good, and up a few days ago. The robbers crowd to the street and fired. Mar­ we must hunger after them.—George brought the train to a stop by waving tin, who was standing in the car with E liot a red lantern. the colonel, leaped to the man's is the famous shoulders and bore him to the ground. Commons Talk o f Titanic A wild cry o f “ lynch him” went up London—The first sitting o f the au from the crowd. Colonel Roosevelt a tumn session o f the house o f commons Bpoke to the people and told them to Cigarettes Sold to Girls. 1« oor pride—onr hobby—our atmly fo rw en t* end TOO TICKLISH FOR ROBBERS Redlands, Cal.— Charges that many was occupied by a debate o f the re­ spare the would-be assassin. Boff our aueceaa. and our* ia the j . At pnlniees work ports on the Titanic disaster made by In spite o f the entreaties o f physi­ to be found »m w h rr«, no matter how much yoo Redlands schoolgirls are addicted to gr*y. Cum im re o u r P rice«. the hoard o f trade and Lord Mersey. cians, Colonel Roosevelt insisted upon Woman Just Could Not 8tand for Wo finish plat« and cigarette smoking crystallized in the Leslie Scott, a member from L iver­ delivering his address. Hold-Up Man to 8eareh brMgt «o ra for out- ot town natrons In arrest Saturday o f William Titus for pool, and several others oppose the Backache is a symptom o f organic Her. “ I will make this speech or die, on« H * y (f rfeeired. selling cigarettes to three girls rang­ I’alnlfHW «rtraatioa weakness or derangement. I f you have board o f trade’s rule calling for boats one or the other.” fro« wbnn piatoa o » ing in age from 12 to 18 years. When for all. Mr. Scott said the rule would brida«« work ia order- backache don’ t neglect i t To get per­ Kansas City. Mo.— Being tlckllsl 80 YCAItS THI If ADII TRY IT TO0AY CocuuiUlioe Irta. Justice Mclvor, compel many steamers to carry such a manent relief you must reach the root saved Mrs. Frances Justine the othei arraigned before One o f Chief Towns Taksn, Motar Crown« S 5 .Ç o f the trouble. Read about Mrs. Wood- night from' losing her purse to rob­ Titus pleaded guilty and was fined $30. load o f boats that they would be an- Podgoritsa, Montenegro — The ¿2k Bridge T#eth4a* Titus, who conducted a pool hall, ad­ Premier Asquith’s time all’s experience. bers and a meeting that might have mitted that for some time he had been seaworthy. Northern Montenegrin army under table gives 32 days for the discussion Morton’s Gap, Kentucky.—“ I suffered been terrifying turned Into an amus­ Theory, selling cigarettes to girls. His ar­ in all stages o f the home rule bill. General Vukovitch, which recently two years with female disorders, my ing affair. She was on her way home “ Why la there no great American rest is the first result o f a cam­ emseed the border into the Sanjak o f health was very bad when two armed men commanded her dramatist?” asked tho art pessimist. paign to break up the selling o f to­ Novinazar, gained a firm foothold by Gould Dodges Duty, and I had a continual to walk back with them to the shadow “ Because,” replied tho aardon'o man­ bacco to minors. .6 0 New York— Frank J. Gould obtained capturing Bylopolye, one o f the chief ager, "when an American ia capable of backache which was of a warehouse. ML W. A. Will, PmwfaT ia* Muuui Paint«** iitr'tio « . 5 0 towns o f the province. Bylopolye simply awful. I could release o f all of the (400,000 worth of tt mat uiK’.um* m rtrniaa B U T METHOD« thinking up a first class practical plot “ W e want money, that Is all," they Railway Men Are Warned. fell after prolonged fighting, but no not stand on my feet said. “ So throw your hands up.” baggage which the customs authori­ information has been received regard­ and dressing It up In good speeches, A l l w ork fully «u a ra n tra d fo r f.ftoea yaan. El Paso, Tex.— Mexican rebels have long enough to cook he doesn’t bother about the theater She obeyed and Informed them that The Montenegrins a meal’s v ic t u a ls her purse was tucked In the top of given warning that all American rail- ties seized when he and Mrs. Gould ing the losses. He goes Into polities.” Painless Dentists have set up a provisional governmenL w it h o u t my back her corset, under her arm. One of | road men captured while operating and her sister arrived from their Mini Building. Third aad WisMnctM PMTUM.M* Under protest, Mr. The Serb inhabitants o f Bylopolye Otflaa■•era: lA-M tol t.wL lu4*ia.tUl nearly killing me, the men tore open her waist and trains in certain portions o f Mexico home in Paris. after October 15 will be shot, accord-1 Gould paid $2844 on the dutiable ar­ welcomed the Montenegrins as libera­ and I would have thrust In a hand. It came out In a ing to testimony given before the sen- ticles, but the greater part o f the val­ tors from the Turkish yoke. such dragging sensa­ hurry to clasp over the woman's , ate investigating committee. W it­ uable jewelry was shown to have been tions I could hardly mouth, as she screamed “ Don’t ! ” OUT OP TOWN Maryland it Sent South. nesses said the rebels had warned offi­ o f American purchase or to have been bear it. I had sore­ “ I didn't mean to cry out that way.” cials o f the Mexico Northwestern ra il-! assessed before by the customs au­ Seattle— Orders to sail immediately ness in each side, could not stand tight PEOPLE for Nicaragua have been received by clothing, and was irregular. I was com­ she laughed, as the hand dropped and road not to attempt reconstruction of thorities. can recelvennvmpt treat- gave her a chance to speak, “ but I am menta of Waa-PHaaaaa«. the line. ¿A was said the warning re- the armored cruiser Maryland, which pletely run down. On advice I took Hc ti’ii fcalldiac raaaedlee fruía Great Revolt Averted. arrived here from the Orient. The Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ awfully ticklish and I just can't stand I lating to American railroad men ap- I plied only to the Mexican Northwest­ Maryland is at the Puget Sound navy pound and am enjoying good health. It I t ” New Orleans— Lee Christmas, com­ The continued efforts of the men ern lines territory. is now more than two years and I have mandant o f Puerto Cortes, Hondruas, yard, coaling for the southern trip, to find the purse, while Mrs. Justine’s not had an ache or pain since. I do all th« ChüMaa doctor. said that the intervention o f the Unit­ and will get away within 24 hours. Governor Reprieves Four. my own work, washihg and everything, protecting arm wouldn't stay up, threw Try on«* more if you have bean doctor!»« with ed States in the Nicaraguan revolution The Maryland will call at Acapulco, th la one and that on« and * have noto obtained per. her Into fits of laughter, which so dis­ and never have backache any more. I Phoenix, A rif. — Declaring that had averted what otherwise might Mexico, and proceed from there to manrnt relief. Let thie t notare • h ealer d W your race and pr*wsrri»«e acme remedy whose think your medicine is grand and I praise turbed the robbers that, as aha sank capital punishment had no more place have proved the bloodiest general re­ Corinto, where she will join the war­ it to all my neighbors. I f you think my to the pavement, they ran. in the present day order than the volt in the history o f Central America. ships under command of Rear Admiral Harka that hev«> been «sthered from every «war- ter of the glo»«e. The aecreta of theee medic!nee testimony will help others you may pub­ The Mary­ burning o f witches. Governor Hunt “ I f the rebels bad won in Nicaragua, W. H. H. Southerland. are not known to the outeide world, bet have baa« Fired Whole Fores. lish it.” —Mrs. O l u e W oodall , Mor­ granted reprieves to William Camp­ the revolution would have spread to land will put in at San Francisco on Batsrla. 111.— When he found one- bell, Eduardo Peres. N. B. Chavez and Honduras, Guatemala and possibly the way down the coast. ton’s Gap, Kentucky. CONSULTATION I f t o « h a r e th e s llg lilc s t d o u b t half of the police force Intoxicated, Miguel Peralta, all o f whom were to Salvador,” said Christmas. I f yo* live ont o f town and a th a t L y d ia E . P in k h a m 's V e g e t a ­ and the other half talking to a young have been hanged here Friday. Gov- New Alfalfa is Solution. • ra p te n ' etaaipa. b le C o m p o u n d w ill h e lp you. w r it e woman, while on duty, Mayor Grels i ernor Hunt expressed the hope that Cabin Holds Body Long Dead Washington, D. C.— Secretary W il­ t o L r d i a E .P in k h a n i M e d ic in e C o . fired them both and acted as police the legislature would pass at its next ton expressed belief that the agricul­ Dawson, Y . T .— Reports were re ­ THE C. SEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. (c o n fid e n t ia l) L y n n , M a s s .,fo r a d ­ force himself. seasion a bill abolishing capital pun ceived here that the body o f E. E. tural problem in the arid lands o f the v ic e . Y o u r l e t t e r w i l l b e op en ed , | 162è Hrst St., Car. Morrison ishtnenL Collins, a trapper from Stratton, Col., West had been solved by the alfalfa r e a d a n d n n s w e re d b y a w o m a n , Po Latest Dancing Thing. gm d h e ld In s tr ic t c o n fid e n c e . has been found in a cabin near Mc­ brought from Siberia. “ Draw a line Short Beach. Conn —The Ella Whee­ Attor Estata Pays Tax. Millan river. Apparently be died last from the northern b o u n d a r y o f North One of Ayer's Pill* at bedtime will cause ler Wilcox guide is the latest thing Albany, N. Y .— A check for $3,- February, after a lonely illness, prob­ Dakota down to the Gulf o f Mexico,” an Increased flow of bilo and produce a PISO S R E M E D Y » . N. V. N o. « H I 1 In wlerd dancing things. She Invent­ 160,000 was received by State Comp­ ably appendicitis. The body was left said Mr. Wilson. “ That’s arid land. gentle lexative effect the day following. [ Beat C ra s h ty r u p . T aatra 0 « e d . t*#e j ed It and gave It to the world at a big troller Sohmer in payment o f the ad­ in the cabin pending a police investi­ Up in Siberia they are getting alfalfa Formula on each box. Show If to your ta U w e . Sold b y D r a r r t t a . | dancing party In her own home. It Is vance inheritance tax on the eetate of gation, which may not take place un­ and that hardy product we will put in­ doctor. He will understand at a gltnca. ■ § ä 1 pill st bedtime, just one. eeld to be poetic. I the late Colonel John Jacob Astor, til spring owing to the lateness o f the to the arid taction. It w ill be the sol­ Dose, ono L " j t r o t « , o. araa oo., u m i, m m . I who perished on the steamer Titanic. vation o f tho arid country.” S Economical Lighting Co. OLPIESi Machinery V eal, H o g s , P o u ltry MILL WORK, DIRECT FROM MILL, AT MILL PRICES You will find our big FREE catalogue very valuable < NORTHWEST DOOR COMPANY, Portland, Ore. ( ¡ o » REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES flakes \ SAVE MIDDLEMAN’S PROFIT F IN K E B R O S. CHAMPION SUBMARINE OF NAVY IS BADLY WRECKED BACKACHE HOT A DISEASE But Symptom, a Danger Sig< nal Which Every Woman Should Heed. The People’s Choice Indigestion Poor Appetite Flatulency Constipation Biliousness and Malaria Eye EBB Hostetter’s Painless Dentistry S to m a c h B it t e r s It invigorates—tones— strengthens—rebuilds W i s e D e n t a l € o .,i-c . jo Years withCoughs We have had seventy years of experience with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. T h is makes us have great confi­ dence in it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. We want you to have confidence in it, as well. Ask your own doctor what experience he has had with it He knows. Keep in dose touch with him. C GEE W O