PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY H. C KIBBEK. Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES . C n e Year................................... ••• J 3 ix M u n t h s .. ......................... ................................ Thre** Months ........................................... Entered «eefnid-class matter March I*!. Dir* at the pout office at Moaier, Oregon» under tn*» Art e f «March 3. 1379. MAJORITY RULE A M B IE N T Among the 38 measures which will appear on the official ballot to bewofted on by the electorate ..of Oregon at the cemiug election ,on November 5th, will be the Majority Rule Amendment. This Is an amendment to the Consti­ tution of the State of Oregon so as to require a majority of.all electors voting at any election to adopt constitutional amendments and pasfc iriitiative measures. VOL. IV MOSIER. WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. without fear of successful con- tradicLiou, that a! ¡east sevc lim it of the ten will admit they h a i e not read the pamphlet at, all, and if so, have only given it a superficial glance. I f such be the case with the man who is supposed to give these matters' close attention, what can be ex­ pected of the busy mechanic ami laboring man whose attention is centered in other directions and whose environment is all along other lines? Thi« measure is proposed for The remedy suggested at the the express purpose of preserv­ present moment by.some of the in g the Initiative-Law for the most prominent 'newspapers of •»people of Oregon by preventing the state is. “ Vote ‘N o’ on all .¡its over over-use bv its friends, measures unless you are sure.” and'by preventing its abuse .and Not'having studied the merits of ’possibly its repeal by its enemies. the 38 measures, how can the It scarcely admitsof argument rthat the Initiative Law as orig­ in ally intended by its sponsors, ¡is a most worthy measure. But we find it today “ working*«ver- itime” in Oregon. We find it Being grossly abused and perverted— turned from the pur­ pose for which it was originally | intended, namely, to be a power­ f u l weapon irt the bands of the «j) 2 T/>!'> villi which to get import-1 cant-and necessary legislation af-| ter the same had been neglected <*or refused liy lhe State Legisla­ ture. Governor Woodrow Wilson says: It is to he regarded as a ' “ gun behind the door’ ’ — to he fused only when the people’s rep-, resentatives fail to represent | them. sure; If lie votes “ N o " most all the measures are turned down, how about the one, two or per­ haps three or four meritorious measures for which there is a genuine need or demand by the people? A '-e they to meet the same fete as the dozens of ordi­ nary measures which should have gone to the Legislature in the first place, or the vicious, or fa­ natic measures which should be turned down with a vengeance? If we are to preserve ihe in­ itiative law for the people of Oregon, both present and future, we must protect it by surround- it with with a safeguard which will prevent its misuse and abuse by those who would use it to fur- ( PUBLISHER) Department o f The Interior, lb August 27th, 1912. NOTICE is hereby given that Benja­ min W. Veatch, wnose go t-offioh ad­ dress is Mosier. Oregon, diet. on the Kith day o f February, 1911. tile in this office Sworn Statement and Applica­ tion, No. 08121, to purehase th ■ NYVj SE'i, NE1SW *j, SE1-4NWI-J. and Lot 2, Section 1, Township 1 North, Range 11 EW M ., and the timber thereon, un­ der the provision#1 o f Ihe act o f June ;l, 187S, and acts amendatory, known ? "hoBvZ? W . F. L A R A W A Y A fter its eight years of use and | abuse we find that it is fast push­ ing the Legislature into a subor­ dinate and secoudtti.w place, be­ ■H M K BK aRSM e sw ri*:?* ginning with a few measures and a comparatively small official The last time this stupendous aggregation appeared •pamphlet,it has grown until today «there are 38 measures to be voted thousands were unable to see them— on account of upon, and an official pamphlet living in other parts o f the country. «containing over 250 pages for the ivoters of Oregon to grope thru ■in order to arrive at anything •like an intelligent conclusion in / t /T y y | ? C C I C l f l regard to the proposed measures. A ll Home Talent lie the bounden duty of every: voter to do so, because iu this conglomerate mass there may be important measures affecting vi­ tally all of the people o f the state. A'large majority of these 38 measures are ordinary matters o f legislation which should have »gone to the Legislature wire re unembers elected by all-of flie •-_r- jpeople are paid for the purpose -of passing upon the merits or de-j merits of such measures, and ■who are at least supposed to be «competent to render an intelli­ g e n t decision thereon. And yet, we cannot expect any «change in the number of meas- utres on the ballot so long as we -have an unbridled and unpro- tfectedrinitiatrre law that allows •every paid propagandist, every ■faddist and fanatic who may be ■able to raise the price with which to hine an army of pro­ fessional petition circulators ’to go forth and solicit signatures to a petition at so much per name. J /V l///? r U n C ie i 12 And The Way fe Via I J /P /C Ò « i IT YOU WANT GOOD GROCERIES YOU I WHAT YOU WANT FROM VS , BECAUSE GAN GET WE KEEP NOTHING BUT GOOD CROCERIEJ INoUR JToRE. IT I I S A CRIME TO YoURYELF To US E ANY OTHER KIND. BUT, BECAUSE THE QUALITY OF OUR GOOD J I S HIGH, DON’ T THINK THAT THE PRICED OF OUR GROCNRIEA ARE HIGH. WE BELIEVE IN CELLING A BIG QUANTITY OF GROCERIES FoR LITTLE PRICED. WHEN YoU WANT ANYTHING To EAT, THEN Co ME To US. O F. A. ALLINGTON, r eg o n 4^ OVEN ets YCAFtS’ î..1F E H ItN C E A HANDSOME SCREEN DOOR in the summer time as essen tial as a fine doer is during other seasons. You can get i t here, for we have many new designs to choose from . Window screens too, o f course, with all tne "fixin g s.” Any size you want, all ready for use. Come now. Don’ t let the flies, etc., get ahead o f you. T rade M arks C . Scientific Am erican. A hnndsomo?> JUnstrstod w eekly. T.nrueat c ir ­ culai Imi o f a n y s fie n lliiq jo u rn a l. T e r m s , #3 a y e a r : f o u r m o n t h * , fL . B old by a ll iiaw M loiih rs. W. E. CIIOWN, rvlUNN & Co.38,“ a' New York Brauch Oftlco, G2ô F B L Washington. D. U. Oregon Mosier D e s ig n s o p y r ig h t s A c A n vnne ««‘ruling r nkelrh and deacrlnflnn nm r qulrkly AMCoriulii o*ir opinion ireo wlietlior an in volition is probably twit eut able. < !< »rum un »ca­ tions srrfctly confident loi. HANOnOCK on Patenta •eut free, oldest uueney for nttruiing patents. I ’;11«‘iifs ta k e n th ro u g h IMuuu A . ••«■ ♦ •ive tp tcin l notice, w itho ut c harge, in the S tore KNOXALL Y our A pples In our New Modern Orilil Storage Plant, ,'T,: Electric Wiring & Supply Co.? Oregon G-E Motors Cuts down the cost of labor, superintendence, fuel, supplies, repairs, insurance, depreciation, bookkeeping, and many other items chargeable against v o i r present Power Plan, Costs. Let us give you tire “ whv” in detail. “ A lwags at Your Service. ” Agent, Mosier, Ore. trier selfish interests to the d el- j rim entofot the greater number of Ibe people ol liie state. The Majority Rule amendment| will do tins by driving all ordi­ nary measures of legislation into the Legislature where they be­ long, and by driving the selfish land pernicious measures into ob­ livion where they, also, belong The Majority Rule amendment, passed, will reduce the number iof measures on the ballot to a sam- basis by giving notice to abj that a measure, in order to| staml a chance of passing, must have real merit and tlmt there • j must he an actual demand for 'the same, in which case there will be no difficulty at all in get­ ting a majority to vote in favor I of it. Take the time and pains to look into the Majority Rule amendment and if you do, you will vote for it and preserve the initiative law for the people of Oregon, What is there to prevent spe-l Equipped with the latest cial interests from initialing DRY AIR SYSTEM measures containing jokers, which, if let pass, may work un­ W e have every facility for hand­ told injustice to the people of ling, shipping and delivering. Oregon? Will the electorate of Charges Reasonable Drives ‘Oregon take the time and trouble *v8l<6Vfs Vote 322 X Yes UNION MEAT COMPANY The Them •to study this official pamphlet ■sufficiently to select the good A w a y Warehouse D ept., Portland, Ore. Bite No 322 measures from the vicious ones­ Price 25cts. tile wheat from the chaff, so to I MAJORITY RULE LEAGUE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION A rth u r & B u rt D ru g C o., speak, and pass favorably on the Paid adv. (P u b l is h e r .) good ones and reject the had Sales Agents Mosier, Oregon. ones? We say no, and to sub­ L |,ar,mrTt n T , ’; Oregon, r or,L Septem S- V*nd ! Mr. _ and Walter S. . Dun- . Office at The Dalle*, __ Mrs. , . stantiate our claim we need only Ler 12 th, 1912 . can, 0* Portland, are week-end ■ call attention to the fact that Notice is hereby given that Fred , guests of Mr. and Mrs. P.d. L. A. 1,. PAY, P resident -M anager you may go fottìi today— less remplemire.of Mosier, Oregon, who, on Howe, at LelloWa. August I2th, 1907, made Homestead, than a month before elect Mrs. A. Stewart returned last ^o. 15670 Serial No. 010598, for NWJ -and consult 10 business and Monday evening from a week’s SE|, Sec. 15, Tp. 2 N, K. 11 EWM, FIR S T N A T IO N A L B AN K B U IL D IN G •eessional men whose business has filed notice of intention to make visit at Turner with her mother, and professional training has Final five year Proof,to establish claim to thn land ai»ove described, before the Mrs. A. C. Warren. She was 'taught them to look carefully in­ E verything Electrical Keister and Receiver of the U. b. accompanied home by her moth* to important matters before ren­ Land Office at The Dalle*, Oregon, on er and two sisters, Mrs. S. M. ' the 21st day of October, 1912. dering a decision thereon, and A new stock of fixtures of all kinds now on display. Payne, whose home is in Califor­ Claimant names as witnesses: W. E. ask them if they have looked Huskey, Elmer Root, Robert Evans nia, and Mrs. Emma Kingsbury, carefully into the 38 measures and Willie Rowland, all of Mosier,Ore* o f Farmington Wash. Mrs. » 01 », proposed and if they have read Payne and her mother will prob­ * C. W. M o o se , ■the 250pfges of the official pam- Register. ably remain liere this winter. .phlet. We make the statement Mosquito Lotion With PALM S Let us outline your trip. Local Agent for the OLIVER TYPEW RITER— the kind that costs-only 17 cents a day. Typewriter rib­ bons for all makes and Supplies of every description. Electric Power Co. TO THE O regon Reduce Your Expenses Power & Light LIMITED OF : ' THENCE LAN D : The PO RTLAN D Mosier Book Store Hood River N IC H O L 8 c CO., -M o s i e r TO) SHASTA M o s ie r nr IT S F IN E 50c 75c 25c Reserved Seats H^ sm r i i i About That CALIFORNIA TRIP? Saturday, October 19,1912 WE Register. HAVE YOU' THOUGHT ' EAT IS W h a t . ke . ep 5 us alive : and well . T he v ery best m lines or food IS THE ONLY KIND WE gfc SELL R E S O L V E D - T H A T V h a T C . \V. 'M o o r e , It is not so long ago that people were content to choose glasses In much the same way tbat-lhey would buy liootsat a “ bargain counter” or some *’cure-all” from a touring quack. Buteyesight is to precious to experiment with and today most people realize it. If you have any eye troubles we will give your expert examination and precisely the help you need. t I Stroup’s Hall What percentage of llte voters ■will take the trouble to give these 38 measures the requisite lime •-and attention in order’to vote in- F t t i t H telligently thereon? And yet, il A - ' t l l l U f t £ 7 7 iber ami Stone L a w ," at such value as might be fixed by ap- 1 1 rais. ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land und-timber there­ on have bi en appraised al $.'¡97.18, the \ timber estimated at 201,500board feat; that said applicant will offer final proof, in support o f his application and sworn statement on the (