— LOCAL — • ‘"•;!LVgA»lFranz Wants You toy^u. When you are in need Compare Prices and Quality Miss Carrie Zihble returned ! on F R A N Z I Wednesday to her home in C 1 forma. TT7 I I P* A f J J iFRANZ Why not contract your house? Mrs. A. Stewart left Wednes You get a better job in It iS lime. day morning for Turner, Ore., Oil A See "Happy.” Phone 115. where she will visit her mother, j 'Mrs. A. 0. Warren, and join in a family reunion with her broth FOR SALE He cannot, show you the q »lity in this "a<l,” but just note the following prices on goods ers anil slaters. All kinds of yellow pine l im you know.- Can you equal Ithem any whera? And your purchases all delivered to Mosier,. The second number of The ber, including flooring, c ¡ling, Remember that we have the. best on sale and in stock—tie* t o o !! Run over, anti see our new Fall s'sowings in Rugs, Furniture, etc. It will, ba Maupin Monitor has readied-us. i rustic or moulding. Can save worth your whiife BEST because—they are S1TDEBAKER9. you money on all hills, delivered It is a newsy 7-column sheet published at Maupin, on tlie Dos or at mill. chutes River, l»y i'h 11. Overman, 9x12 Rugs, Wood £ q - y r Our line of Shoves and Ranges Best Sanitary Gbucli makes,1 S amuel B radlky , ID - • * O ¡s the most cempirte in Centrr.i bed,.couch or davenport, $4.95 Mosier, Ore. who also edits the Shaniko Star. , and Fiber......... Wagon, Hack or Buggy, Alex. Stewart, Mrs. Laura McDonald, who 9x12 Scotch Wool, 1 3 7 1 ' , 0 , egon ." ----------------------------------------------- at one time conducted Hie Ifol.J plain t f l e e t s . * Extension Tables. Eastern For Sale. here, arrived Iasi Friday with i * - l x Axminister 2 0 . 9 0 No. 7 Cook Stoves......... $ 8 .2 5 made* solid oak, non-dividing Bunch »»f toying hens, iuu*l Wi if* ................. Leghorns, a f«*w Plymouth II<; .. h . her son, Gideon,. from her home No. 8 "* “ ......... 9.50 pedestals_____ _______ $13.75i Price vi vy reasonable, in Salt Lake City. She is spend- 9x12 WilUm Velvet No. 8 M rs . IU ukr , I ing the week visiting acquaint- .................. ... . ic\ Roll and fiat 19 n~ 75 Office Office Desks! 34 nu,les south of Mosier, on creek jances, and will soon leave for I*1 luitl Linoleum, 9 8 c 1 reservoir top. Largest assortment east of 2^>ad. Portland. per yard............. iNo. 8 6 8-inch hole Portland at Eastern prices. Heavy Print Lino Range with high closet; NOTICE! Mosierites visiting in Hood j leum, jaw yard.. up I will pay $7.50 per ton for the River last Saturday were Mrs. Heavy print linoleum. N. P. Sturgess, Mrs. C. (J. better grade of apples. Hammocks and Camp 4 yds wide, per yd, Nicliol. Mrs. DeBussey, Mrs. It. C. A. H ack . J. S.. McCOWN, Prop. Furniture: W. Evans, Mrs. F. A. Allington, DEALER IN $ 3 .5 0 The undersigned is thoroughly, When in need of Apple Boxes, Mrs. S. I). Fisher, Mrs. V. C. Young, Mary lligley, Laura prepared to put down open wells Stools,and Chaita* 30c. anil 99, or address S a mukl Just ask us for samples and Riiiheo and Ed Sturgess. in any part o f the'surrounding Fresh and Cured. Meats to . B radley , Mosier, Or«. $ 1 2 5 prices i f you want window country. Has a complete outfit,, Prof. E. Johnson and wife Country Bftxiuce shades. Camp Stoves, Why he all Summer when you 1 .7 5 including pipe cutting and thread and Miss Hazel Huntington, tin qan get "Happy” to build your ing tools. Does all kinds o f ce teachers in the Mosier school, Rouse in from 15 to 20 days? ment, rock and concrete work. Miss Hendricks, teacher of the Boyd Sturgess was a visitor in Has had 30 years’ experience in, Greenwood school, and Mr. „ _ Portland on Tuesday. the well business. May be found! Ahern, of District No. 8, left on j A ll B usiness entrusted to by addressing him at The Dalles; Mrs. I). Robinson is visiting Wednesday to attend the Teach-, T he C are oe the Ore., or inquire at Maier & relatives in Portland this week. (.rs’ Institute, in session, at The K C e p i l l g . Schanno’s Store, The Dalles. Mrs. DeBussey was a visitor Lillies this.week, A. E. N egus . I in Hood River Wednesday morn- a . P. Bnteham and daughter of The Dalles. Oregon ifig Miss Maud, left on Wednesday j Notice to Tax Payers; WILL HAVE PROMPT* ATTENTION S. I). Fisher was transacting morning for Portland,, where 'f.isiiies’j qt the co.ml.v sea* o q j 1 hey have taken apartment« f-«r The County Board o f Equalization) Capitai. - - $100,000.00 will meet at the office o f the Assessor Monday. the winter, 4r. Rateham-is de Surplus ard undi.vid 130,000.00 ot' Wasco County, Oregon, on the 3rd ed profits-' - voting mucii o f his time to tlfej J. E. Carpyiiter left last Stm- interests of the Land Product»! | Monday in Octohsr, 1912, for the pur- J. S ..S G H E N C K , PRESIDENT pose of correcting any;, errors and day for a visit to hjs >ld home : expos*! ioir, to he held in Port-i E d M. WILLIAMS M a x A. V o g t equalizing values on Tax Roll for the in Ohio. land next month. Vice Pres. Cashier ensuing year. The Board will remain Mi’s. John, Lantry, of Lyle, j in session for the period o f four weeks. Messrs. Reginald II. Harsons is visiting here this week with J oel K oontz - sfi-ftt County Assessor. iter mother, Mrs. A. Sellinger., and C». A. Malboeuf, president and secretary respectively of the ¡. H. G. KIBBEE Next Wednesday, October 9, Northwest Fruit.' Exchange, and j I DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. !hc Ladies’ Aid Society willmeet Herr Gustav Sci-pio,.<■»!" Bremen, - N O T A R Y - P U B L IC : I F Y O U W I S H at the home of Mrs. T. 1, i-L>!t. Germany, general ag*uil for M O S IE R - - - OREGON! P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n ; Mrs. V. C. Young, Mrs. J. R . Germany of I he above-mentioned j To meet your friends, stop at Wilcox, Miss Cavil Zibbk- and association, were in Mosier last : HOTEL. MOSIER. MOSIER OREGON' G, A. Frey were visitors in Hood Sunday, the guests o f A. P. ■ ■ ♦ — River Tuesday. Batelmm, who took them on a 18.75 57c. 69c. Shades “ “ Mosier,. Oregon. imic.w.w. *22.00 ,,n<i $ 3 0 .0 0 MOSIER MARKET Well Work Well Done Equal GiMMe,lal Cots- You can’t it Anywhere Young married couples wilt find this store a mighty con- Mosier veil lent place to secure everything needed to begin house- - Oregon First National Bank A J. A. Hood River, Ore. Patronize the merchants who advertise in your home paper Q Fruit Lands Mrs. J. N*. Master left. Sunday , ,(’m' in1Hl,.w , !0.n ° f ,a . n,,mn,8!r afternoon for Portland, when- oi t,us v! T ty‘ she will continue treatment for Rentlemen expresses! themselves rheumatism. i,s highly pleased with the ap pearance ot the country and the Miss Alice Mosier came down |,ountiful crops, from The. Dalles last Saturday ^ U> visit her parents, returning Mi v* Sara Bard Elvrgotl spoke Sunday evening. to an appreciative audience last - H. C. Bowers, manager of the Tuesday night on the question Multnomah Hotel, Portland, was-of woman suffrage. She is an q week-end guest: of Mr. and enthusiast on the subject and Mrs. Ed L. Howe at Lohowa. handled it in an able and con- Ed L. Howe is in the market, vi" c5» « manner. Judging from for Spitzenbergs and Newlowns, I remarks overheard atter-itertalk tils to 64s, delivered in orchard Mrs. Ehrgott made a number of lioxes at Lehowa Fruit Farm. converts to woman suffrage. All Modem and muter Neur Management.. Improves the quality of the milk Produces more milk for less money For sale only by . M il t o n I T . HAY- - GRAIN - Hardy Climate, We Carry New Fall Suits for Men and Hoys Come in any day and see what we have, whether you want to buy or not. You are welcome any time Ami now we are able to offer you complete stocks. HAIM’. SCH AFFNER & MARX a n d ULOTHCBAFT FALL SUITS a n d OVERCOATS in all the latest styles. Hood River Mosier Oregon - - D. D. HAIL Mosier, Oregon, a house, bam or packing: shed to build, J. P. E rhart will furnish bonds to build, according to plans and speci fications. Phone, 115.. S. F. GOSS The Town With a Future Oregon.. PLUMBING. m Jobbing promptly attended tt»;, MOSIER Ortfey, Oregon H Expert Horse Shoer ting and Drafting Mosier - - Oregon: I Automobile Repairing a Specialty VV. A. HUSBANDS B l a c k s m it h REFLECTION that you have enjoyed a perfect smoke without having to accuse yourself o f extravagance is made possible by the purchase o f a Fran cisco FULL VALUE cigar. Try one and get all the enjoyment the best tobacco can afford without the ex pense o f the best. / * - .*% «^1, aw»- ORE.. I S. E. FRANCISCO, ■ * » ^ i «* Proprietor "TH E OAK9.’..' ■n— m n n You should get ¡ it on the bargains we are offering on Wt? know that we can save you good money on tin’s- those High Top Shoes on our Bargain Table. Values class of goods and our hall line is one of the very $ 3 .9 8 nicest that we l.ftve ever had. Good, conservative pat up to $6.50. Your choice, the pair............. terns something that is dressy as well as serviceable. For the ladies we have some exceptionally good values Lot us shew them to you. You do not need to buy. in kid. patent leather and gun metal shoes that are worth tTp to$4.gp a pair. We have put out a new lot We want you to see what we have in this line. and now Wave about all sizes. Your choice. $ 1 .4 8 The latest patterns and colorings in shirts, beautiful cravats and 4-in-hands from QUEEN QUALITY. AMERICAN LADY and WHITE HOUSE Shoes for Ladies—»three o f the very best, snappiest, durable and satisfactory shoes the market affords. THE PARIS b i b i w Shoes Boys’ Suits and Overcoats M IL L IN E R Y VW are sure that we can please you and save you some money on your millinery purchases, besides giving you the largest assortment in the city to select from. 2ud Floor. . Horse THE PLEASANT Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. I - OUEGOI? ¡General Surveying, Plat.-' and Wheelwright Repair work of all kinds promptly done m MOSIER - C IV IL E N G IN E E R J m mgr . - E. C. BROCK * E. A. R a c e . HOT WATER: and HEATING. A. B. Strong I Shoes to $ 1 . 5 0 Fire Insurance STEAM New Fall Furnishings I O C . up High Elevation. --------- riiooe connections. Lime Brick / \ i Plaster I Cement i / T rees . See Robt. T. Newhall, FEED I F. A. Allington received a tel- A. Grosser returned Wednes- qgratn last Sunday announcin'; day frota The Dalles, where tlie death at Minneapolis, Minn., .attended tin air. <*f his sister, Mrs. Win. Ltecu C. (i. Stoll/, drove over to The burn. Dalles yesterday to take in the Miss M. B. Lamb, of Hood District Fair. ___ ______________________ H River, will be at Graham’ s Bakery Friday and Saturday, I October 4 and 5, with a line ol 1 Millinery. .... * A full line of Cigars, Tobacco Mosierites attending the dis trict fair at The Dalles on and Confections. Wednesday were L. Lamb, J. M. Cive ns a call and we will Elliott, Amos Root, Clyde Root prove to you that our slock is and Ole Olsen. I up to date. Mrs. Amy L. Gove of lIoocFjSTlj r u ESS CONFECTIONERY»* * River, attended the annual ban STORE quet of Manzanita Lodge, D. of «. • . Oregon| R., last Friday night, returning1 home Saturday morning, S A N IT A R Y HAIR W O R K Mrs. R. Mi RosS and little . I Switches, Puffs and Curls A dadgliter, Betty, left last Sat for sale. Also made to order urday, via Portland, for New from combings. Mexico, where she will spend « M rs . C. H. D avenport , tlie winter and spring with old * i Mnsier, Oregon. M u rsery True là.Naœe ior 33 Years. General Commisson Merchant — P; R. HOWARD, Prop.. TT If You Have Town Lots i Shoeing and Generali Rfepair Work. Satisfaction guaranteed OREGON MOSIER DR. H. L. DUMBLH PHYSICIAN a nd s u r g e o n HOOD RIVER : OREGON Will practice in Mosier and May- lie reached by long dis* tance phone. Home phone 61. i i i h Special LADIES’ HAND BAGS AND PURSES We were fortunate while East this trip in securing a splendid assortment o f ladies’ Hand Bags and Purses at a fraction o f their real worth, and we are going to give you a chance to secure one of these right now at the same big saving. They are made of genuine leather with gold plated and silver and dull metal mountings, full kid lined and are worth regularly from $3.50 to $6.00 each. Your choice............... ................................. $ 2 .9 8 S P E C IA L - Boys’ Wool Underwear, worth from 50c to 85c a garment, natural wool and camel’ s* hair color. Broken lots Hut about all sizes in the lot. Your choice, the garment............................ 35C H O O D R IV E R 'S L A R G E S T & B E S T S T O R E