CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. ARM Y OFFICERS ARRESTED. Raid on Hotel to Cap'ura Mexican Rebel Brings Clash Douglas, A riz — In a clash o f civil and military authorities Manuel Cues- ta. Mexican consul at Douglas; Pow­ ell Roberts, chief o f the Mexican gov­ ernment secret service, and four offi­ cers o f the United States army were arrested by the county sheriff and charged with unlawfully entering the Hotel Mexico and assaulting the pro prietor, D. J. Genardini, or aiding therein, in a search without a war­ rant for a rebel leader, whom they designed to take into custody. Consul Cuesta and Powell Roberts were re­ leased shortly after their arrest bonds. The Mexican consul, the chief o f the Mexican secret service and First Lieu tenants Holderness and Howard, of the Ninth cavalry, will be arraigned on justice o f the peace warrants. Holderness is acting adjutant o f the regiment. He and his fellow officers are said to have acted under instruc tions from Colonel Guilfoyle. The arrests are the result o f the at­ tempts o f the Mexican authorities to utilize he United States army officials after the county and state authorities had refused to act. A few days ago the county authori ties were asked to arrest Joaquin Es quera, a supposed rebel leader. The county authorities refused to issue warrant or make the arrest. Mean while, it is alleged. Colonel Guilfoil commanding the Ninth cavalry, had received orders to arrest any rebel leader found on American soil. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE SH O W S S T A T E ’S INDUSTRIES. DEEPER RIVER IS T O P IC . S tanton wins The morning’* work had begun. It was always a couise race, th« Cup event, and In many places the way lay over hastily prepared country roads Here and there men were still at work, banking turns or smoothing the ground. On the second time around, the Mercury struck an edged stone and lost a tire with a sharp re­ port. Stanton drew up by the road­ side, and Floyd ran back to pitch the mischief-making rock into the fields. "George and Palmer are out,” he ob­ served, returning. "They might come to grief on It, too. Besides, we our­ selves might hit It again. I like e track race." “ So do I. How many tires left?” “ Three.” They worked rapidly, both for prac­ tice and from force of habit The Duplex roared past at a leisurely ga it while they were busy. Its driver wav­ ing a hand in sympathetic greeting. Floyd paused to wave a response, and presently the Mercury sped after Its riva l Before ten o’clock they had lost an­ other tire. “ Those tires In yet?” demanded Stanton, when he again drew up be­ fore the repair pit. The harassed assistant manager shook his head, exhibiting a sheaf of yellow telegrams. "N ot yet. The Ruby Company tele­ graphs that they shipped the order last week by express: the express company telegraphs that they sent the carload on from Chicago two days ago and it must be here.” "The freight car must have been left In the New York yards, Instead of being sent out here.” deduced Stanton exasperatedly. “ New York says It Isn’t there.” "Perhaps they shipped the order to the Mercury factory by mistake,” Floyd suggested. Mr. Green looked at him In scorn. “ Of course I ’phoned there first of all. The chief says they are not there, either, and to telegraph all along tbs line until we trace the car.” “ Have you done It?” Stanton In­ quired. "I'm doing It now. I've got as far west as Utica and each freight yard denies having them.” “ W e’ll go to lunch. Floyd. The an­ swers will come In meanwhile." There was a hotel near-by, which Mr. Green made his headquarters, and where Stanton and Floyd cboso to stay. A good many of the other driv­ ers and officials all o remained tor that night. “ I ’d run Into little old New York,” the drivtr of the Atalanta car ex­ plained to Stanton, “ only I’m afraid It ain’t healthy to go through Brooklyn so often." To the hotel the answers continued Maps In Forthcoming Book o f Great Albany Calls Conference of Valley Statistical Valus, Cities on Subject. A valuable statistical description of Albany— A conference o f represent­ the Btate o f Oregon, its resources and atives o f the cities o f the Upper W il­ its industries, will be provided in a lamette valley will be held in this Sanerai Resume o f Important Eventa booklet now being prepared under the city to consider proposed plans for the o f TI iq Game, Presented in Condensed Form direction o f the Oregon State Immi­ improvement o f the Willamette river, | Hie FJytn^Morciay etc. gration commission and its chief offi­ whether to concentrate all efforts fo r Our Busy Readers. cer, C. C. Chapman, state immigra­ toward the proposed system o f locks tion agent. The first edition w ill be which will insure a six-foot channel in j out about ¡November 1 and w ill be the river, or to work for the present China has borrowed $60,000,00 from 600,000 copies. for the improvements recommended A tousled head appeared from the a Belgian syndicate for railroad work. This book will be the first reliable by the United States engineer corps, SYNOPSIS. third in the row of repair pits. record or condensed statistical com­ which will give a 3.5-foot channel. The German government strongly “ Let Floyd alone, he’d rather hear A t the boKlnnlnx o f g r ea t automobile pendium o f the resources and indus­ The commercial clubs o f Albany opposes a Chinese loan o f $20,000,000 race (lie mechanician o f thi M.-rcury. me whistle than you talk,“ jeered the tries o f the state that has ever been and Corvallis have decided heretofore Stanton's machine, drops dead. Strange offender. "Besides, he’s working. Is by Hamburg banks. prepared. Every figure and state-1 in favor o f devoting present efforts to vouth. Jos«*, l-'loyd. volunteers, and Is a c ­ it true, Floyd, that you can make a In the rest during the twe nty- A stingless bee has been produced ment will be based upon data which j the leaser project, and, with i t com- cepted four hour race Stanton meets a stranger. worn-out taxicab motor run like a new by an apiarist o f England, and they has been obtained from every availa- | pieted and all-year traffic as far as Mi-s Carlisle, wh o Introduces herself. T h e Some one told me er cu ry wins race. Stanton receives foreign engine? are said to be fine workers. ble source o f national, state and local ; Corvallis assured, then working for M flowers from Miss Carlisle, which he I g ­ so.” records, and will have been rechecktd j the six-foot channel plan. Commercial nores. Htanton meets Miss Carlisle on a Out o f 101 veniremen, only two “ Why, yes. Jack; but I haven’t any T h e y alight to take walk, and several times and revised to present bodies o f other citie9 are discussing italn. were accepted 'in the Lawrence, train leaves. Stanton and Miss Carlisle time to fix your ear now,” came the fo ll ow In auto Accid ent hy which S ta n­ date, so far as possible. the question, and this conference has Mass., murder trials against strikers. “ Come crank the Mer­ ton Is hurt Is mysterious, l-'loyd, ut lunch sweet reply. The only illustrations w ill be 13 been called to outline a plan o f action with Stanton, tells o f his boyhood. S ta n­ A great gathering o f 100.000 per­ maps showing complete statistical di­ on which all o f the cities o f the valley ton aga in meets Miss Carlis le and they cury for me. one of you, I want to sons took place in Sheil Park, L iver­ dine together. Stanton comes to track hear her run.” rections upon the following public can unite. Ç'-lt. hut m ak es race. T h e y ha ve ac ci­ pool, to protest against home rule for One of the laughing mechanics ran themes; Educational institutions of The Albany Commercial club, in its dent. F lo y d hurt, hut not seriously. At Ireland. dinner F lo y d tells Stanton o f Ills twin forward, but paused as a tall figure the state, creameries, cheese factories meeting, decided to call this confer­ sister. Jessica. Stanton becomes ve r y ill It is announced that not a single and condenseries, precipitation map, ence, and an invitation will be sent and lo-n-s consciousness. On recovery, at advanced from the shadow of the hotel Stanton receives invita tio n and stand ship flying the American flag cleared map showing the distribution o f pop­ out to the commercial bodies of all the tils visits Jessica. T h e y go to th ea ter t o g e t h ­ Floyd straightened up from bending from an Australian port during the er. and meet Miss Carlisle. Stanton and ulation by counties, map showing cities o f the Upper valley. meet a gai n and talk business. over the unhooded motor, shlnlng- rural population distribution, a com­ year 1911. The club will also invite Represent­ T T-'loyd h e y agre e to op- rah aa ut om ob lle fa cto ry pendium of the forest reserves in Ore­ ative Hawley and Major Mclndoe, of as partners. F l o y d becomes suspicious o f eyed and vividly aglow In the raw, salt The D. Ghirardelli Chocolate com­ Miss Carlisle Stanton again visits Jes­ air that swept across the bare Long gon and separate maps locating the the United States Engineer corps, to sica. pany was proved not guilty o f viola­ and t h e y become fa st friends. Island meadows. distribution o f swine, horses, dairy attend the conference and outline tion o f the pure food law in misbrand­ “ Stanton!” he gladly welcomed, and cattle, beef cattle, minerals, railroads plans fo r river improvement. Both CHAPTER X— (Continued). ing its goods. stripped off a rubber glove to give and fruits. Each o f these maps will have signified a willingness to come. "Jes and I do not tire of our greeting: Floyd was girlishly careful Ex-King Manuel, o f Portugal, de­ cover half a page in a 92-page book friends.” she rebuked. "But beyond of his hand* and always protected clares he is still loyal to hiH country with pages sized 5J by 8J inches. that, how can any one tell what will them during work when possible. FAIR DRAWS CROWD. and that the flag o f imperialism still There will also be brief descriptive happen? We can Just live our best “ I Just arrived here, by train," the waves in his hands. every day and wait to see further. other explained. Newport, R. I.— The explosion of articles upon the soil, climatic and “ L)o you want to Best Products o f Old Yamhill County geographical qualities of Oregon, Sometimes things get twisted wrong." A prominent business man o f Bir­ the forward end of the port turbine, take the car out?” Are on Display. written by eminent authorities upon “ What is the matter? What is twist­ mingham, England, declares that war together with the steam chest, on the “ When you’re ready.” those special lines. The book has McMinnville — The first day o f the ed wrong, Miss Floyd?” to the finish between Germany and torpedo boat destroyer Walke, off “ I am ready now. Get some warm been arranged by Lester Davis, of Yamhill County School Fair and Stock Brenton’s reef lightship, killed Lieu She shook her head, smiling across things on, it is going to be chilly un­ England is inevitable tenant Donald P. Morrison, the chief Salem, who has served as active ed­ Show opened here with the largest at­ her shoulders at him. till the sun Is out.” Inhabitants o f Valparaiso, Chile, engineer, and wounded eight others itor. Many o f the maps and figures tendance for the opening day ever had ‘Nothing—nothing but me. Only I It was not an emotional meeting, but camp in parks for fear of earthquakes two o f whom, J. W. Rumpf and H. I. were prepared by the department o f and the exhibits on display at the pa -1 feel disgustingly gloomy to-night; as If both men were content Stanton had which have been predicted and of Wilder, both machinists mates o f the animal husbandry at the Oregon A g r i­ vilion exceed all others Itretofore. Jes and I were very far apart. Never felt the thrill of relief and pleasure which several shocks have already oc­ first class, died on the hospital ship cultural collgee. Garden products, stock, colts, horses mind, I wish you all good luck and upon seeing his mechanician which The pamphlet was designed primar­ o f every description, cattle and every­ curred. Solace. victory for the race.” surprised him Into recognition of how E. B. Crawford, gunner’s mate, of ily to benefit and inform the prospect­ thing that farmers produce came “ What was that song you were sing­ much uneasiness the Incident of the The late Henry F. Dimock, a the destroyer Patterson, one o f the ive Oregon immigrant, but will be for pouring in until late, and many are ing on the first day I came here?” he night before had caused him. wealthy steamship owner, le ft $1,- umpires named to watch the speed free distribution within the state, an4 still to come. Some farmers utilized asked irrelevantly. “ You will have to be kind to the 867,229 as a g ift to Yale college. tests o f the Walke, and John Delaney will serve as a valuable reference their automobiles to bring in poultry, tires,” Floyd warned, as he compiled She hesitated, then Btruck a few hook for everyone. It will be bound large baskets o f plants, fruits and with the directions. “ We have only Sixty children from a New York a tirst class fireman, o f the Walke, in paper and be fit for use as a text every variety o f the vegetable kind. chords upon the piano. “ That?” foundling asylum are on their w ay to were said to be in a critical condition “ Yes. W ill you sing It to me, got one extra set here. The shipment book in the public schools. Many ap And every road leading into McMinn for the race hasn't arrived yet.” Nebraska, where they have been Others injured are: now?” Lieutenant Robert L. Montgomery plications have heen received already vilie was crowded with wagons loaded “ Why not?” adopted by farmers. With her charming trick of prompt hy the commission from persons who to capacity with the farmer’s “ best.” o f the destroyer Fanning, and umpire "Goodness knows. Mr. Green has knew that the book was in the process I f anyone doubta the statement that obedience, she at once seated herself telegraphed to the tire company. I A Seattle man sent a small black o f the speed tests. at the Instrument. o f production. Their names will be bear as a present to his uncle in the Yamhill county is a garden spot he D. S. Kelley, chief machinists suppose they will be along to-day, or It was no ornate classic, no love- placed upon the waiting list prepara­ should enter the pavilion for a quarter East, who promptly returned the ani­ mate. to-morrow at the worst.” song, that the velvet-and-gold contral­ mal without thanks. o f a day while everything is to the W. E. Kraus and F. B. Conway, oil­ tory to the first distribution. "1 should hope so. lleadyT” to voice braided into Stanton's mem­ Issuance of the book and an appro front. ers. The estate o f the late John Ar- ory, to be In the near future a torture priation o f $25,000 to cover the cost The explosion came just as the buckle, the “ coffee king,” appraited more acute than physical pain and per­ o f publication was authorized by an SALM O N C A N N IN G ON, at $30,367,790.66, wifi be divided be Walke started on a full-speed teat, in act o f the 1911 legislature. sonal grief. How company with other destroyers. tween his two siBters. The discipline o f the crew is said to ever, there was no provision in the C oot Bay Season Promising With " O f t , In the stil ly night E r e slumber's chain hath hound n s , President T a ft and Woodrow Wilson have been perfect, and their conduct bill making anyone responsible for the Tw o Plants in Operation. F on d m e m o r y brings the light stopped at the same hotel in Boston on in leaping down into the ateam-filled disbursement o f funds, so Governor O f other da ys around m e . " Marshfield — The salmon canning engine-room to carry out their wound­ West refused, temporarily, to release their campaigning trip, and had geason on Coos Bay has started and the funds, although he approved the ed comrades brought the highest friendly visit together. That was the quaint stiff melody of the run promises to be a big one. praise from their superiors. Lieuten passage. It was not until last April Two canneries w ill be operated on the fifty years before, that Jessica Floyd that he designated C. C. Chapman, An Indian 80 years old rode 60 ant Charles It. Train, the commanding bay. One is at Empire and is owned sung to Stanton before they parted. On reaching home, an hour later, miles on horseback to pay a $5 debt officers on the bridge at the time, state immigrHntion agent, to superin­ by the Southern Oregon company, and tend the publication. Since that time Stanton found a letter awaiting him he had owed for seven years to an El handled the situation in a way to the other is in Marshfield and was thi3 commendation from the book has been in the process of from the assistant manager. Green. It lensburg, Wash., man, and had been gain personal year purchased by W. E. Tailant, o f Rear Admiral Hugo Osterhaus, com preparation. The state will pay the was dated from Long Island, and re­ unable to pay Booner. Astoria. The salmon this year are cost o f distributing 200,000 copies mander o f the Atlantic fleet. minded him that the course would be About four Baroness de la Roche, a noted avia- The Southern Pacific railroad has or­ especially large and fine. open for the last day’s practice next tons a dHy are now being brought to trice, whs dangerously injured in an dered a purchase o f 100,000 for its morning during the early hours. BREAD AND B U TTE R EXTRA. automobile collision near Belleville- own distribution and the Hill officials this city, but soon it is expected that “ The car Is at last ready, and If the catch will be much larger. Many Sur-Saote. Charles Voisin, an avia­ are contemplating a similar order. you see Jes Floyd, tell him that we New York Hoielmen Also Stop Split fishermen are engaged in the work. tor, was killed at the same time. can not get along without him any ting Single Portions. The Tailant cannery is trying a new Students are required to sign i Potato Harvest Begins. longer,” ran the concluding sentence. experiment, employing young women pledge that they are not members of New York— With butter selling at La Grande— To accommodate the Stanton put down the letter, frown­ instead o f Chinamen to do the work. any student society and will not be 41 cents a pound and flour at $6 a mmense potato crop o f the Elgin ing at It In Irritated astonishment come such, before they are enrolled in barrel, the hotel men o f New York country, H. H. Weatherspoon is huild- The young women employed were Had not Floyd gone to prepare for the the Vancouver, Wash., high school. have decided that their patrons will ng a frost-proof addition to his ware­ brought here from Eureka. race, with Green and by his direct or­ On the Coquille river the run is der? How then could he, Stanton, have to pay for their bread and butter house in Elgin. The addition is 240x President Eliot, o f Harvard univer­ now by portion, just as if it were an larger this year than ever before and know anything about his mechanician 40 feet and will house 410.000 sacks sity, says late marriages are a great entree. f potatoes. The potato digging will two canneries there are kept busy. and why did not Green know every­ mistake, and advises men to marry as The fishermen will make big money So if you want bread and butter begin at once, and a hundred or more thing? Possibly Floyd had been kept soon as they start out in life. with your meals now it will cost you men will be needed to care for the this season. at the Mercury factory; but In that case Green would surely have sent Dr. V. II. Hallman, o f Hot Springs, ten cents extra, that being the price crop. The excellent prices obtained Old Willamette Growing, there for him. Instead of trusting to Ark., declares persons sleeping near agreed upon hy the members o f the for potatoes last year and the public­ Moreover, ity gained by that neighborhood by its W illam ette University, Salem— At the faint chance of Stanton’s encoun­ quantities of dynamite or other high Hotel Men’s association. explosives often get splitting head no more single portions o f anything shipment nf a full trainload o f pota­ the close o f the first day’s registration tering him. Of course Floyd must be are to be served to two persons. From toes to Kansas City has given impetus ready to go out for the delayed prac­ aches therefrom. heavy increase in students over the tice work next morning—Stanton rose now on only one plate and one Bet o f to the industry, which has caused the corresponding time o f a year ago is impatiently; of course he would be Prof. J. S. Rickard, weather observ­ knives and forks go with a single planting o f several hundred acres. recorded. Three more days remain ready. er at Santa Clara University, Cal., order. for registration and the attendance is Waldport After Creamsry. A thought like a needleprlck halted Hy these little economies hotel men predicts warm waves for the Pacific certain to be far in excess o f anything him when half-way across the room, a Waldport— Waldport is elated over Coast Oct. 7 to 12 and 24 to 29, fol­ figure they can save a large sum an­ nually. The hotels that have actually the prospect o f a fruit cannery here old Willamette has ever experienced. wild fancy. Could It be conceived lowed by hard frosts. put the "te n cent bread and butter” next year. Parties have been looking The boys’ and girls’ dormitories are credible that Valerie Carlisle did wish plan into effect include the Plaza. Im­ for a site. The coast counties are es­ already filled, every room being taken. to prevent the Mercury car from rac­ perial, I’ark Avenue, Waldorf, Bres- pecially adapted to the raising of Lausanne hall, the young women's ing. and. failing to reach the driver, PORTLAND MARKETS lin, Astor, Manhattan, Prince George, small fruits and vegetables, hut owing dormitory, as the result o f refinishing might attempt to keep away the mech­ W heat—Track prices: Club, 77(u) St. Regis, Victoria, Martinique and to the cost and risk o f transportation another floor, is now accommodating a anician she knew to be so valuable? third more girls than last year. He recalled his own strange illness on 78c; bluestem, 81(i:l.60 dozen. “ Fined me all the law allowed— stood before Its camp.—“ Afraid ol Woman Take to Cigars. ly resumed. “ He'll he on his Job when Salem—The Northern Express com­ the summer, and now wish to give the Onions—Oregon. $1.10 per sack. which the Mercury Company paid— wearing out her last pair of shoes.“ London— Smoking is becoming far service of a sending and receiving sta­ pany has reported to the State Rail­ you need him. Stanton; go a bit easy and suggested the wisdom of not doing Floyd informed solicitous questioners. Potatoes — Jobbing prices : Bur­ banks, 60(i/.76c per hundred; sweets, more common among women in soci­ tion to the eighteen other young men road commission that it has never sent on the poor kid. He Isn't a machine." It again. I didn't suppose Miss Floyd _ “ Can't you buy them somewhere Stanton exclaimed something ugly ety. The habit is indulged in more o f the fraternity who will move into liquor shipments c. o. d., either in- 2Jc pound. would be interested in police court de­ else?" chafed the Irritated Stanton. Vegetables — Artichokes, 65( i !75 c openly than it was, and it is not an the new club house about October terstate or intrastate, that it has way­ and hung up the receiver wKh a snap. tails. Get in.” (T O B E C O N T IN U E D .) billed such shipments accurately as to Bailey was a fool, he mentally sneered, per dot ; beans, 2c pound; cabbage, uncommon sight to see a woman mo­ 10th. and Green was another, and he him­ classification and that there has been torist who is making calls puffing l h ilic ; cauliflower, $ 1 ( 0 ) 1 .25 dozen; no false billing o f such shipments, nor self the third. As for Miss Carlisle, Large Sheep Sh pment Made. celery, 60«t76c; corn, 76c(u$l sack; away at a cigarette between visits or cucumbers, 60c box; eggplant, 5u'6c a woman golfer doing the same thing. I,a Grande The largest shipment have such shipments been sent to fic­ he had not seen or heard of her since the trip to Indiana. No more orchids pound; head lettuce, 20oi 25c dozen; At many o f the West End restaurants f sheep which has left Union county titious consignees. ind laurel. He smiled in sardonic re­ peppers, 6(o 6c pound; tomatoes, 40 women no longer take the trouble to this year passed through here Wednes­ Whita Lilacs in Bloom. lief and went to open a window to We Are Prone to Judge by Externals. | a whole. If he notices any detail. 1» conceal their liking for the cigarette. day night enroute from the range near (o 60c box. is apt to be a sign that something li Albany— A white lilac tree full o f the pungent October air. T /-morrow Many women, however, have gone be­ Enterprise to Wapato, from whence Eggs Oregon extras, 35c dozen. Declare« Harrison Fisher, the wrong. Carelessness, however. In th« Butter—Oregon creamery, cubes, yond the cigarette stage and smoke they will he shipped to Seattle. Famous Artist. The blossoms is the September novelty in he would see Flojd at the course and dress of either men or women. It cigars— mild Havanas. 33c pound: prints, 34(u34$c. shipment comprised 8000 head and the yard of Mrs. Margaret K eifer in begin the work which Intoxicated him usually betrayed by details. Pork — Fancy, 1 1 ( a 114c pound. were driven from the Enterprise range ^*n. ^ay August as It does all those who once acquire We are all of us prone to Judge by Suppose that we ourselves have •« Auto Makers Help Roads. V ea l—Fancy, 14$rn 15c pound. to the Hindmand ranch, near Flgin, Mrs. K eifer picked off all the dried-up the fearless mastery of a ear at high externals, our early training in copy­ Poultry— Hens, 14c; broilers, 14c; Atlantic City, N. J.— Announcement here they were loaded for shipment, spring blossoms and all o f the laaves speeds and taste the strong excite­ book maxims notwithstanding, says far developed our minds and ■enilblll ties that we form our opinion* bj ducks, young, 12c; geese, 10