PUBLI SHED EVERY FRIDAY bv \\. C. KIUBEE. Proprietor .V» a " m ^L'BSCKIITV^N KVCKS H«è Quo Year S ix Months Three M onths. \ & $ 9 ' v X . ' uv f Pi ■ 6s W I ¡V E B BM JL JÍL£a Ä * ^ 1-, V i -ial C ard., ..................... par month t .5» One squ are............................................. “ “ ] .00 O ne-.,uarter Coli;in n .......................... “ ** 3 .CO O ne-half C Huron................................ “ ** 5 ¿0 O ne Colum n .......................................... ** “ 9,00 U usinesf lot-aia w ill be charged at ojeen ts per lip# for each Insertion. ■ < - Entere1 U i U VOL. IV The registration books clc I W h a t's th e m a tte r w ith dropping in iil renew ing your suLw subscription to > the . ‘ ,.. . and rfplion i< INTEfitST IN BtJAT LAM01K6 LIVELT on October l0 instead of the 5th, BulMill? „ wouW be dated, as stated last \v,;i x. W»\| FRIDAY, OCYOD l E 4, 1P!2 us It s ••’lim b e r and Stone L aw ,” ai such value as m ight t , fixed by ap­ ( p u b l is h e r ) praisem ent, and th a t, purs unit to sueh D epartm ent of The In terio r, U. S. application, the land ill d tim ber th ere, I Land Office a t The Dalles. O regon, i on have been appraised a t $397.18, the tim ber estim ated at 281,500board feet; A ugust 27th, 1912. th a t said applicant will offer final proof NOTICE is hereby given th at lien ja- in support of his application and sworn sta te m e n t on the tith day o f Novem­ , min W. V eateh, wnose pest office ail- ber, l’.il2, before the R eg ister and Re­ ■ dress is M osier, Oregon, did, on the ceiver of the 1!. S. Land Office, a t The 13th day of February, ItH l, file in this l>u!lcbs, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest office Sworn S tatem en t and A pplica­ tion, No. 08121, to purehase the NW | this purchase before en try , o r initiate a contest at any tim e before patent S E I, N E iS W q , SE1-4NW1-4, and Lot issues, by tiling a corroborated affida­ 3, Section 1, Township 1 N orth, Range vit in this office, alleging t'aels which 11 KW11., and the tim b er thereon, un­ would d e fe a t the entry. der the provisions of the act o f Ju n e ! C. W . M o o r e , 3, 1878, and acts am endatory, known I R egister. A num ber of enthusiastic citi­ Announcement zens met a t the Bulletin office on Card of Thanks W ednesday night and discussed I hereby announce myself as a A. Evans and children ... , . . . plans for securing a boat land­ 1 Mrs. • * ,, „ . 1 candidate for D istrict desire to tnank the people ot . . . . . Attorney ... . ; ing. Figures w e r e given showing Mosior for their assistance am t ,01' the Seventh . . Judicial istiict. th a t$275 in money had been sub­ sympathy in their recent be-1 on the Independent ticket. If scribed, and sufficient labor to do reavement, occasioned by th e'elected I will conduct the duties the grading, etc., providing tlie death ot their daughter and sis- 0f the office to the best of my ability. work could all be done at once. ter. Miss Ora May Zibble. M r s . A. E v a ns |‘ ' j. w . A llen , But as it would no doubt be im- 1 a n d C h il d r e n . PaD adv. tf. possible to get all the men and team s out a t one time, it will re­ quire more donations of labor. Many of the citizens of the i ÍS--3Í 3»*» « i 03* district have already subscribed money and labor, showing their interest in and desire that the It is not so long ago th at people were content to project be put th ru . There are choose glasses in much the same way th a t they a num ber of Doubting Thomases, « would buy boots at a “ bargain counter” or some S however, who lack faith —not in “ cure all” front a touring quack. But eyesight the project itself, but in the abil­ is to precious to experim ent with and today ity of Mosier to put anything most people realize it. If you have any eye thru. P erhaps there is some | troubles we will give your expert examination and precisely the help you need. foundation for this feeling, and Hood River perhaps, again, it is the i-ndi- In Business V. S. A . 5 0 Years fevence of these same D. T ’s to ^''7.- 'C. "3 «¿-'Té their own and tlreir district’s welfare th at has heretofore made ■vf ~vr it so difficult to accomplish any­ thing for the public good. It' - they would get in and work as; hard as their neighbors do for a public necessity which will beuefit them equally with the, i t oilier fellow, there would be no difficulty in.securing this or any I ether public improvement. Mosier is the only town on the i o f- Columbia River without a boat Cb u landing. True, other towns may j be more favorably located natur­ n rix T T > 9 ally, still a good one can be bad 1 1 A 1 1 . here. It is practicable and a ne­ cessity, Why then, in the name i»*» of business and common sense I should we not have one? And The Way Is Via I employ the method which is absolutely painless Vi A ways and means committej and safe. was appointed a t Wednesday | n ig h t’s m eeting, consisting of E. A. Race, S. D. Fisher and H. G. Kibbee, who will make it then- business to solicit subscriptions from those citizens in the dis­ trict and those having' interests here who have not already sub­ TO scribed to the- fund. No one i s 1 asked to put irp a cent of cash PO RTLAN D until it is known th at a sufficient, THENCE amount has been subscribed to insure the completion of the pro­ S H A S T A L IM IT E D ject. When this is done the TO THE money will be collected and work will be a t once begun. LAN D O F PA LM S Now, when any one of th e L et us outline your trip. comm ittee approaches you with -Oro, Local Agent for (he OLIVER TYPEW RITER—-the F . A . A R L I N G T O N , Ay, tl. M o> a subscription paper, d on't try kind Unit, costs only 17 cents a day. T.v t ewriUT rib- 80 make a “ get-aw ay,” or claim Iwip» for .ill makes and Supplies of every ti< serrplien. Miss EsWhln Ik B arker le ft that we never can g et a boat yostviday for Mu!hem City, in Handing here and th a tif we could O regon LÎOSiEK E astern Oregon, whore she id it wouldn’t do you any good, but; teach school. Miss P arker h ;s “ come th ru ” w ith som ething— | recently closed a term in Dis­ w hatever you can afford to give, trict No. 64, and proved herself A HANDSOMK SCREEN DOOR n very successful instructor, as in money or work. Don’t lei it be said that you were the only in the sum m er tim e is just, hs essen­ is evidenced by the progress her tial ns a line door is during otliyr pupils have made. One of them one wbo refused to assist in de­ seasons. You rail g e t it h ere, fo r | in partictular, Teddy Harvey, veloping the district, or th at you we have many new designs to choose reflects much credit on her sys­ were willing to let the other fel­ fro m . Window screens too, of tem of instruction. When the low pay your share and receive course, w ith all tile “ fixings.” Any school closed Teddy was in the no more benefit, perhaps not so size you w ant, ail ready fo r use. 3 rd grade, but v t en he went lari Come now. D o n 't let tiie fli s, week 1o St Johns to school lie much, as you yourself will re­ e tc ., g e t ahead of you. ceive. Besides the immediate was a t once advanced to the 4th benefit to be derived, it will be a W. E. CHOWN, grade. m atter of pride with you in a fte r Oregon Mosier - - years, when Mosier lias come in­ S t o r e Y our A pples to her own, to know th a t you w ere instrum ental in h e r devel­ In our New Modern Cold Storage opment. Believe that we CAN Plant. accomplish things and we WILL. Equipped w ith the latest C. A. Hage, who owns part DRY AIR SYSTEM of the land thru which the road; We have every facility for hand will pass to the landing, has very ling, shipping and delivering. kindly allowed a change in the C harges Reasonable line which will give a better grade, requiring less labor and Relieves Drives UNION MEAT COMPANY m aterial to complete than the The Them W arehouse D ept., P o rtlan d , O re. one a t first surveyed. Bite Away 1 " E. A. Race has been in com­ Price 25cts. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. munication with a company in ( P u b l is h e r . ) regard to a suitable boat for the D epartm ent of the Interior, II. S. I .and landing and states th at it can be Office a t The Dalles, O regon, S ep tem ­ Sales A'yents Mosier, Oregon. secured for $275. This boat is ber 12lh, 1912. 20x40 feet in size, quite sufficient Notice is hereby given th a t Fred for our needs for some time to T em plem ire.of Mosier, O regon, who, on come. A similar boat in P o rt­ A. L. DAY, rilKSttvENT-MANAGKR A ugust 12th, 1907, made H om estead, land would cost from $500 to No. 15670 Serial No. 010508, for NW i Mail $1000. It will be necessary to SE1, Sec. 15, Tp. 2 N, It. 11 EWM. act quickly in the m atter as the has filed notice of intention to m ake \ FIRST N A T IO N A L BANK BUILDING company will dispose of it soon. Final five y ear P roof,to establish claim to the land aliove described, before the ; A m eeting will be held in the R eg ister and Receiver o f the U. S. | Bulletin office next Wednesday Land Office a t The D alles, O regon, on night at 8 n’clock. when the com­ the 21st day o f O ctober, 1912. m ittee will report progress. It A new stock of fixtures of all kinds now on display. C la m a n t names as w itnesses: W. K. is desired th at everyone in terest­ H uskey, E lm er Root, R obert E vans e d —this means YOU —he present and Wrllie Rollin, all o f Mosier, O re- j to hear w hat is lteing done and goo. to register kicks, if you have any. * C. W. An o|*en meeting is the place for R egister. I them. But come anyw ay. i n I Consult Painless Dentist S W. 4 0 + F.LARAWAY 2 Coming to Mosier V ou ndvt Saturday; O ct ft 'aid for before affidavits are'fu rn ished. D L V E D - T H A T Wi.'AT WE E A T lS Mr L KLEP5 VS ALIVE AMD WELL.. *7 HE VERY BEST JN LINES o f FOOD. !5 THE ONLY KIND W E m V « an Eye Specialist c « V U i U t NO. 31 NO'iiCE FOR PUBLICATION i 11 « A ' / C ~0 “ S c CL *4 U 5 IF YOU W A N T GOOD G R o C E t U E - S Y O U CAN GET W H A T YOU W A N T F R O M V S , b E C A U . S E WE KEEP i NOTHING BUT GOOD C R O C E R I E J I N O U R .STORE. IT U A CRI ME TO Y O U R J E L F T o U J E ANY OTHER KIND. BUT, B E C A U J E T H E Q U A L I T Y OF OUR G O O D i U HIGH, DON’ T T H I N K T H A T THE P RI CE . S OF O U R G R O C N R I E J A R E HIGH. W E BEL I EV E IN J ELLI NG A BIG Q U A N T I T Y OF G R O C E R I E S FOR L IT T L E PRICL’J . WHEN YOU W A N T A N Y T H I N G TO E A T . THEN COME T o VS. î $ N IC H O L & C O „ For One Day. M o s ' er : O regon Reduce Your Expenses IT ’S FINE Please Come Early. : «atCiSÄ.-^ v.V’i About Th l LIFORNIA tl •. •¿sementa w ill in 'a ll casesTbe' charged t-> tl - ! -i tr ordering them, at legal rates, and l C o I Electric With ÚC MGS G-E Motors Cuts down the cost of labor, superintendence, fuel, supplies, repairs, insurance, depreciation, bcxikkeeping, and many other items chargeable against your present Power Plant Costs. Let us give you the “whv” in detail. Co. Mosier Book Store . Power “A lw ays at Your Sendee.’ The \ KNOXALL 0 ■UT Oman Until Nov. I 1913 More than an Entire Year, Mosquito Lotion For 75 c. Din ing the Bargain Period Ending Oct. 31, 1912 Arthur & Burt Drug Co., To N ew or present Supperibers Who hand us their 7 jc N ow Electric Wiring & Supply Co. TH E - Everything Electrical Hood River Oregon or bring you r subscription to the office o f M O SIER B U LLETIN Bargain Day Agent for the Weekly Oregonian M o o r f ., %