We LOCAL — ¡week were muchly tickled this F R A N Z to receive a box o f fin e. P A Y S ' ' Early Crawford peaches, thru R. It. F Why not contract your hpuse? Hie kindness o f Mr. It. D. Chat You get a better job in less*ime. field. See “ Happy.” Phone 115. | The Mosier public school will, U F ranz Wants Y on to j Compare Prices and Quality you ave „ ,■ ,» „ T OF A Wagon, Hack or Buggy, I open on Tuesday, September 3, : next, instead o f Monday, which He cannot show you the quality in this “ ad,” bui just note the following prices on goods is ------- Labor — Day, therefore a holi- ..... . . „ . . All kinds of yellow pine lum­ you know. Can you equal them anywhere? And your purchases all delivered to Mosier, day. b e r, including flooring, ceiling, Remember tlait we have the best on sale and in stock—the too ! ! Run over and see our new Fall showings in Rugs, Furniture, etc. It will be Mrs. S. made, solid oak, non-dividing Fresh Tobacco and Cigars at scales aL the lumber yard. This 9x12 Axminister . ^° Rugs................. Boyd Slurgess’ . will lie a great convenience to 9.50 pedestals..................... $13.75 No. 8 9x12 Wilton Velvet Wm. Marsh and Frank M id -1 the public, No. 8 Rugs................. dlesw'art ware visitors in 1 lie Mosierites going to Hood River 19 75 Desks. Roll and fiat with reservoir ....... Inlaid Linoleum, top. Largest assortment east of JPalles Wednesday. Wednesday afternoon were Mr. per yard............ No. 8 - 6 8-inch hole Portland at Eastern prices........ Why be all Summer when you ,ani1 Mrs. E. J. Middleswart. Heavy Print Lino­ Range with high closet, can get “ Happy” to build j o u r j M « . Ruscher. Miss Ruscher and leum, per yard.. $12.50, $18-00, $22.00 Mrs. F. A. Aflington. house in from 15 to 20 days? Heavy print linoleum. Mrs. T. Decker and daughter, Hammocks and Camp 4 yds wide, per yd. Mrs. John Crate o f The Dalles- Clarissa, left Sunday for her C. H. DUNSM0RE, Prop. Furniture: was the guest o f Mosier friends home at Fruitvale, Cal., after this week. DEALER IN The undersigned is thoroughly $ 3 .5 0 spending two months with her Jus. Camp and family return- parents, Mr. and Mrs. George1 prepared to put down open wells Stools and Chairs, 3 0 c . Just ask us for samples and ed Sunday from a visit with rel­ Wood. in any part o f the surrounding Fresh and Cured Meats to . $ 1 2 5 prices if you want window1 atives at Gresham. country. Has a complete outfit, Country Produce Mrs. M. E. Gray and daugh­ shades. Camp Stoves, ; 1 .7 5 ! includi ng pipe cutting and thread Mr. and Mrs. Ben Reeves are ter. Mrs. O. Green, o f The J in g tools. Does all kinds o f ce- here visiting the former’ s pa­ Dalles, the latter with her three! j ment, rock and concrete work. rents at the ranch. children, are visiting at the home ------------- ( Has had 30 years’ experience in Royal Table Queen bread for of Mrs. Gray’s daughter, Mrs. the well business. May be found A l l B u s in e s s e n t r u s t e d t o sale at Sturgess’ Confectionery Fred Evans. by addressing him at The Dalles, I T he C are oe the : Store. : H. M. West’ s warehouse is Ore., or inquire at Maier & Schanno’s Store, The Dalles. Mrs. H. M. West and Mrs. R. completed and Mr. Geo. Wood II. Cummings were visitors in , has this week been dressing it in A. E. N egur . of The Dalles, Oregon T h e Dalles vederdnv. » !5;iil o f re(1 l>«ml. Mr. West is now ready to do business with V -rl M; u L'*; i lefl Wednesday the public or the individual, and W ILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION J fo r a ten days’ \isit to Portland m O u i Í l j ¿\ ■ve call our readers’ alien lion to Capital - - $100,000. (K and other valley towns. his announcement in this week’s Surplus and undivid­ ed profits - 130,000.00 C. L. McKenna and family, of issue. Portland, spent last Sunday on J. S. SCHENCK, P r e s i d e n t H. M. West and wife, Mr. and Razors put in first-class condition. the ranch east of town, E d M. W i l l i a m s M ax A. V ogt Mrs. Wm. Neilson, the Misses t Vice Pres. Cashier W. FI. Chown and family left Maude Bateham and Suzanne Monday morning for a week’s Johnston,, the latter from Seat­ outing at Ocean Beach. tle, and Messrs. F’olger Johnson, 4 Chas. Hindman and (5 E. West, i H. G . K I B B E E • J. B. Breneman was an early morning visitor in Hood River o f Portland, were the guests of NOTARY p u b l ic D AVID ROBINSON, M. D. J. B. Breneman at a dinner parly ‘ Wednesday. at Hotel Mosier, last Sunday ( P u b l is h e r . ) m o s ie r - - - - - O regon P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n When words fail, give her a evening. Dcpartmunt of t!iu interior. 1I.S. Land | box o f “ Ideal Sweets.” They Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 21), 1--------------------- MOSIER - OREGON Last Sunday afternoon, while will do the rest. For sale by 1912. Shannon Weller, the younger Sturgess Confectionery Store. Notice is hereby given that Johh O. f r i l i t L a n d s ■ ■ «• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ C T n s B e s w iT O r M B B B B B n n B K a k 1 ' • • l son o f Mr. and Mrs. B. J. VVel- DcUUn, or M osier, Oregon, who, o n -------------------------------- P. L. Arthur aiul and w ife ile are vis- |er> vvafl ,.¡(|¡njí ¡n()) town from November 2nd, 1910, ma.de Homestead, Hing relatives this week at ( as- Mayerdale on the Shetland pony, j No. 07(160 for W.JNW'+ . and W'.SW 11 tie Rock, Wash. Sec. 20, Tp. 2 North, Range 12 EWM., the pony bucked him off and he I l a house, barn or packing has filed notice o f intention to make Thomas Godl ersen and sis'.er, fell on his arm, breaking one! commutation Proof, lo establish claim shed to build, J. P. E r h art HAY - GRAIN - FEED Miss Anna, visited friends at bone of the wrist. The litll to the land above described, before the will furnish bonds to build Hood River last Sunday. fellow was plucky for In- picked Register and Receiver o f Ihe U. 8. Warehouse Facilities for Storage and Forwarding according 1» plans and speci­ Land Ginc ■ at The Dalles, Oregon, on Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stark, of lnmse d f up and led the pony into fications. Phone, 115. lb-- 9th !av of September, 1912. Hood River, are visiting relatives town and then went to the doc-1 Hay in car lots a specialty Claimant names as witnesses: Gjul ,1. | tor’s office, where the fracture j and friends here this week. E. Garlson, Richard Evans, Joseph Osborn and Clifton Rhoades, all o f I f you look up our record in was reduced and he is now get­ Mosier, Oregon. the bakery and pastry line, you ting along nicelv. O. W. M ookk , Phone connections. 'will find that we keep the lies! The Town With a Future Register. PLUMBING. Notice to the Public there is to be found. Those w ishing encumbers for Sturgess Confectionery Store. STEAM and h o t w a t e r pickling can get them by apply­ Mrs. Geo. Emry, o f Hood Riv­ h e a t in g . ing to Mrs. C. B. Metzger at her er, is spending a couple o f weeks Jnbbing'pjiomptly attended to. i place on Mosier creek, or leav­ 'in Mosier, packing prunes. ing orders &t either of the Mo­ C_ J B *n Veateli and George Alger- sier stores. aJJm slu inier wen* business' visitors at llu* county seal on Tuesday. FOR SALE Reeder and two Alex. Stewart, 13.75 20 00 18.75 98c. Mosier, Oregon. 57c. and up MOSIER MARKET Well Work $ 30.00 69c. Well Done You can’t EqualGM Medal Cots it Anywhere Shades uregon Young married couples will find this store a mighty con­ Mosier venient place to secure everything needed to begin house- keeping. First National Bank E. A. F ranz Hood River, Ore. B a r b e r Shop Patronize the merchants who advertise in your home paper J. E. COLE. H. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. M. WEST Town Lots Fire Insurance General Commisson Merchant D. D. HAIL Mosier ; Oregon, Mosier Mrs. Kretzerand children, o f The Dalles, visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wvss. i Mis. Jessie Burghoff, o f Port­ land, is here visiting her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hardwick. - I C. E. West, of Portland, was a guest here over Sunday of his brother, H. M. West, and wife. S. 1). Fisher returned'last Sat­ urday from an oxtended trip thru Western and Southern Ore­ gon. SANITARY I1AIR WORK j' Switches, Puffs and Curls for sale. Also made to order from combings. * M rs . C. H. D a v e n p o r t , Mosier, Oregon. , Rock To meet your friends, stop al Alt Modem and under New Management. NOW Hardy Climate, High Elevation. See Robt. T. Newhall, Hood River - - Oregon. S. F. GOSS MOSIER - - OREGON E. C. BROCK C IV IL E N G IN E E R Expert Horse Shoer and Wheelwright General Surveying, Plat­ ting and Drafting Repair work of all kinds promptly done Mosier - - Oregon Autom obile Repairing a Specialty HAND W. A. HUSBANDS Í B l a c k s m it h Pound rn Car Load i on LONG SMOKE I Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. ! / I a HAVANA TORA cigar affords and you’ ll say it is the best smoke for the money to he had on earth. The H AVANA TORA is not just an ordi­ narily good 5 cent cigar. It is a cigar that you cannot match for the price the world over. » \ MOSIER E. - Horse enjo y t h e g o o d , * * « * S. W. Heppner, the jolly flood F. K. HOW ARD, Prop. R iver nurseryman, was allend­ A * in g to our orchardists’ wants on M il t o n m u r s e r y T r e e s . Tuesday last. True to Name for 33 Fears. Arthur Bauer came up from Portland last Friday and visited Saturday and Sunday with the home folks at the ranch. Strong Ortley, Oregon COAL / • « > IF Y O U W I S H HOTEL MOSIER. ♦ A. B. Oregon If You Have A. R A C E . MGR. - S. E. FRANCISCO. Proprietor “ T H E O A K S .” Shoeing and General Repair Work. Satisfaction guaranteen OREGON MOSIER DR. H. L. DUMBLE PHYSICIAN asm SURGEON HOOD R IV E R : OREGON Will practice in Mosier and May be readied by long dis­ tance phone, Home phone 61. S P E C IA L—Norfolk Waist and Skirt for Misses, made Ladies’ suit o f brown diagonal weave, one o f our reg­ S P E C IA L — Ladies’ Chiffon Waists, splendid values at S PE C IA L—Misses blue chambray dresses, nicely made ally ............. $3.25 o f good grade white linen. $3 values. S ocial. $2.35 ular $16.50 values. Special, $8. This is a big bargain. $3.00. Your choice while they last......................$1.98 and finished, $4 values. Special. Boys’ Extra Trousers We have just received a large shipment o f extra trousers for boys, in ages from 2) years up to 18 years. Knickerbocker style, and made by one of tin* best makers of boys'clothes in the country. Well made o f the best materials and good, serviceable patterns, together with our very moderate price. make them most desirable. You may need some o f these before school starts and we would be pleased to have you look this fine assortment over. Prices. 40c, 50c. 65c, 75c. up. Boys’ Suits for School We have part o f our Fall goods in this line in now and they are ready for you to make vourse- lections from. You will be surprised to see what splendid values we are offering this fall in this class o f goods. Suits that are right in in color, in fit and in ls*f us show you. 2nd Boys’ make, price. Floor. We also have quite a number o f extra specials in this line in broken lots that it pay you to look over and save money on. THE Meti s Suits Whether you are ready to buy a suit or not at the present time, we would like to have you step in and see what a tine line we carry and how reasonably we can supply you in this line. We carry the very excellent line o f HART. S C H A F F N E R & MARX for our better grade and we can assure you that if you once try one o f these suits that when you wish another you will want no other make. These clothes are guaranteed in every way and we will stand back o f this guarantee. Then for the lower priced line we carry the CLOTH- GRAFT CLOTHES, also fully guaranteed in every w ay—to he all-wool material, to hold their shape and to give perfect satisfaction. We have an ex­ cellent line o f all the newest weaves and styles. Suits 'fo r men for $6. $8, $10, $12 and on up to $25. We also have a few 2-piece suits at half price that are the biggest kind o f values. These suits are good style and of splendid material o f light weight. $8 values now $4. $10 values now $5, etc. Wednesday, Aug. 21st, we will place on special sale our line o f Shawknit Mercerized-L i s l e socks with heavily reinforced toes and heels, with twisted yarns, made from carefully combed cottons. Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction. This is one o f the very best 25c H alf Hose Special P Ä E IS FÄ IE, hcod river For one week, commencing S LARGEST & BEST STORE hose on the market. Special for one week, the pair___ 19c.