I w LOCAL — FRANZ Hoy Abernathy is home from F R A N Z a visit with relatives in Port- P A Y S land. R,. R, F A R E Why not contract your house? Mrs. E. U. Phillips, with her! You get a better job in less Lime. two little daughters, of Portland, i See “ Happy:” Phone 115. is here visiting her sister, Mrs. | David Rbbinsom — I Franz Wants You to I Compare Prices and Quality PAYS FREIGHT When you are in need OF A. Wagon, Hack or Buggy, FOR SALE Mi's. C. A\ BNnvn is enjoying Ha-cannoh show you the quality in this “ ad,” hut just;note the following prices on goods All kinds of yellow pine lum- a visit with Iter father, Win. you know*. Can you equaJ them anywhere? And your purchases all delivered to Mosier, Her, including flooring, ceiling, Bancroft', who arrived from Remember that we have the best on sale and in stock — the- too ! ! Run over and see our new Fall showings in Rugs, Furniture, etc. It will be rustic or moulding. Gan save| Portland Hut waek. you money on all bills, delivered worth your while. BEST because—they are STUDEBAKERS. The electrical! storm Wednes­ or at mill. , day night burned out the fuses ( S a m u e l B r a d l e y ,. in the transformer and left the 9x12’ Rugs, Wood q n^L Our line o f Stoves and Ranges Best Sluutary Couch makes,! Mosier, Ore. town in darkness from 10 o ’clock ' Rid Fiber......... the most complete in Central lied, couch or. davenport, $ 4 .9 5 until daylight. Tom Lowrie. the 9x12 Scutch Wool, Oregon. 13 J 5 plain affects..... Anolhercarloadi of It'Ei at S. “ trouble man” for the light Extension Tables. Eastern I company, came down from The 9x12: Administer E. Francisco’s. 2 0 . 0 0 No. 7 Cook Stoves......... $ i£25rnade, solid oak, non-dividing Dalles yesturday and repaired Rugs................... INo. 8 “ ......... 9.50 pedestals........................ $13.75 Watch Boyd Sturgess’ front the damage. ¡9x12 Wilton Velvet window:. No. 8. “ ^_____ Rugs................... Hosier, Oregon. Office Desks. Roll and fiat Dr. C. A.. Macrumi and vwife 9 8 c w* ^ ‘ r'e3erv°ii‘ ....... 19.75 top. Largest assortment-east of Rural Delivery Route Inlaid Linoleum, are spending the week in Port- , . . . . . . , per yard.............. [No. 8r-6- Srinch hole Portland at Eastern prices......... A petition is being circulated 1 Ifand. Heavy Print? Lino­ 57c. j Range wi tin high closet, among the residents of East l léum, per yard.. »12.50, $18.00. $22.00 and u,, H OSIER M A R K E T Wefl W ork J. M. Elliott and L. Lamb left Mosier for the establishment of Heavy print linoleum. on Tuesday for a sojourn at the a lured delivery route. The 69c. Hammocks and Camp 4*yds wide,, pen yd, Well Done seacoast. route will he about 17 miles in its C. H. DUNSMORE, Prop. Furniture: Fnesh- Tobacco and Cigars at circuit and will serve seventy- DEALER IN The undersigned is thoroughly. five or 80 families. $ 3 .5 0 Shades Boyd Sturgess’ .. ¡prepared to put down open wells-, Stools and Chairs, 3G c. Just ask us for samples and C. A. liage was a business in any part of the surrounding Fresh and, Cured Meats Falls- Ftom Hay Loft ...... to prices- if you want window- $ 1-25 visitor in Portland the first of ¡country. Has a complete outfit* Frank Pboctor; the young son Country Produce shades. Camp Stoves, Hie week. 1.75 i including pipe cutting and thread of J. E. Proctor, was painfully Mrs. O.. L. Craton left yester­ injured'Wednesday afternoon by ss. jing tools. Does all kinds of ce- sier day-for ai visit with lier parents falling from-the hay loft in the u r e g o r i j m e n t , rock and concrete work. Young m arried couples will find this store a m ighty con ­ ■ Has had 30 years’ experience in at Hood River. barn to the flbor below: Two ! the well business. May be found ICE for salk at S. E.. Fran- ribs were broken and he was se­ venient ptace to secure everything needed to begin house­ A l l B u s in e s s e n t r u s t e d to by addressing him at The Dalles, verely bruised' about the head. eisco’s. T he C ar e o e th e Ore., or inquire at Maier &. Dr. Robinson* was summoned at keeping. Mrs. Edna Evans and Emily once and the little fellow was First National BankiSchan"',’sSt<"e' A. The E. , D N “"'‘s- Husbands visited! in Hood, River attended to. The doctor slated egus . of 'l’he Dalles, Oregon ! _______ _________ _________ Wednesday afternoon«.- yesterday that! he couldn’ t tell Sweet confections of ill kinds I yet how badly the hoy’s head WILL HAVE HROMPT ATTENTION I , was hurt, but if is hoped that it at Boyd ¿burgess’ store*.. ! Capital - - $100,000.00 I will prove not serious. Surplus and undivid­ J. E. Cole was attending lo ed profits - 130,000.00 business matters.in Portland (lie Prune Season Opens finstof the week. J. S. SCHENCK, P resident Razors put in first-class comUtiou. The prune season opens today E d M. W illiams M ax A. V ogt If you are looking, for- good and a number of the earlier or­ Vice Prq^. Cashier Blead, go to Boyd Sturgess’ chards are sending in prunes to store. the Association) warehouse for Miss Minnie Monner arrived packing. About twenty women H. G . K I B B E E on Wednesday from Madras and and girlb started packing this is visiting her sister; Mrs. Saull. I morning and the number will be NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. N O T A R Y PUBLIC DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. increased' to the full amount next Why he all’ Summer when you ( P u b l is h e r . ) M o s i e r - - - O r e g o n P hysician and S urgeons onn get “ Happy” to- build your week, or about twice the present Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land Fuir, Amusement, Information and Instruction number.. Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 29, house in from 15 to-20'days? MOSIER - OREGON The crop this year is above 1912. The A'unual Wasco and Hood River County Fair will be held Mosier visitors in. Hood- River the average- in yield and the Notice is hereby given that Johh O. J T V f / / / T fL Ytffs at The Dalles, October 1, 2, 3, 4, 1912. This exhibition will Beldin, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, on , _____________________ lfest Saturday were Mrs.. N. P. quality is said to be excellent. comprise horses, cattle,, sheep, swine, poultry, f§rm products, November 2nd, 1910, made Homestead,. Sturgess. Ed Sturges and Albert Pkrt o f the- output is already tSiuit, flowers, merchandise,.manufactures, machinery, wom­ No. 07660 for W JNW q, and W*SW| ' Medenwald. sold and will net the growers at, an’s work, art, children’ s exhibits of art and gardening, speed Sec. 20, Tp. 2 North, Range 12 EWM., I has filed notice of intention to make I a house, barn or packing contests, novel attractions and entertainments that will tickle Mrs. Win. Johnson and chil­ least five cents more per box than they have ever before re­ commutation Proof, to establish claim j you very muchly. shed to build, J.. P. E hh art dren returned Wednesday eve­ to tlie land above described, before the ceived.. will furnish bends to build Come and have the best time o f your life and you will live ning from a three weeks’ visit to Register and Receiver of the U. S. accordin g to plans and speci­ fifty years longer. DON’ T FORGET THE DATE. the seaheach. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, on School Notes, District No. 6-1 fications. Phone, 115. the 9tli day of September, 1912. JUDD S. FISH, Secty. .Iliuk Clark, returned the first Claimant names as witnesses: Carl J. of Hie- week from Washington, Maud-Hamlin has been drop­ E. Carlson, Richard Evans, Joseph where has been with a surveying » Osborn and Clifton Rhoades, all o f ped from the1 register. She is in ; ■ F. GOSS party. Mosier, Oregon. Idaho with her parents, Mr. and C. W. M ookk , J. K. McGregor and wife left Mrs. I1'. II. Smith. All are ex­ The Town With a Future P L U M B IN G . Register. on Monday for Vancouver, B. pected home soon. 0., where they may possibly re­ STEAM a n d HOT WATER Lois Osburn and Hester and main this Winter. Blanch Lenox have been neither HEATING. flTss Phi soil la Foster left yes- ahsent nor tardy during the Jobbing promptly attended to. tfcwday for Portland, where she month ending August 8th. Will join some friends anil go to MOSIER - - OREGON Miss R >'tier, of Nebraska and tft t'.il. forma l'or a two month’s Miss Ruth Clement were visitors } visit. it school twice last week. $ Alex. Stewart, 18.75 $ 30.00 M er J. P. Carroll. Mr. Wollam also has the contract for building Dr. Robinson’s apple house. i The grades, reporting Home i Industrial Work, rank as fol­ * lows: Hester Lenox, second grade, 809 credits; Alex Carlson, sixth grade, 655 credits; Elsie Carlson, first grade, 459 credits. IF YO U W IS H To meet your friends, stop at HOTEL- MOSIER. ♦ M ursery T rees . J. M. Carroll and family have i Hardy Climate, High Elevation. returned from a visit with Mr- 1 See KobK T. Newhall, And Mrs. M. H. Craft at Ml-. ’4 ood. . Hood Rivet* - - Oregon. We made a good buy while East of some wash suits and dresses for ladies. There is not such a great lot of them but they are splendid big val­ ues f o t you at the special price for which we sell them. No. 1815--$2.00 values-nicel’y made o f striped gingham. Special, your choice . . . $1.50 No. 929 -Blue ami Tan Chnm- Ortley, Oregon NOW bray. Waist has Dutch neck, open front with embroidered collar and cutis; skirt plain, buttoned in front full length. Good $4 values. Special, $8.40 No. 930——Beautiful striped batistVr dresses in blue, black and lavender. Waist has sailor collar and revere with piping and-clunte lace: chemisette of lace and embroidery; Flench cuffs; Skirt plain gored flounce effect with embroidered but­ tons. Good $4.50 values. Special, your choice.. $3.50 C IV IL E N G IN E E R General Surveying, Plat­ Expert Tum -A-Lum J MOSIER Lumber Co. E . - A. R a c e - , mc - r . ORE. Horse Sheer / j For ladies are arriving and We are showing some lovely new models for this Fall and Winter wear. Nothing like buying early and getting all the advantage of the newest in styles and weaves. Come ! in and see them.. 2nd' Floor. B oys’ School Suits We have never been better able to supply you with suila- Mosier - - Oregon W. A. HUSBANDS B l a c k s m it h Horse ENJOY THE GOOD; a HAVANA TORA cigar affords and you’ ll say it is the best smoke for the money to-be had on earth. The HAVAN A TORA is not just an ordi­ narily good 5 cent cigar. It is a cigar ttiat you cannot match for the price the world over. S. E. FRANCISCO, O REG ON Proprietor “ THE OAKS.” hie suits for School Wear than now. Our new Fall suits for hoys are now in and we would he pleased to show them to you. Men’s Dress Shirts See what a neat pattern, well made shirt we can sell you for on ly..................................... 50c Or, if you wish something a little better, examine closely o'ir line of 95c shirts with either band or soft collar. Without any exaggeration they are equal to many a shirt that- ........... 1............ o r. „ , , . 1 -SI C O you have given $1.25 and $1.50 for and were perfectly satis­ fied with your buy at that price. All nice fresh goods in plain colors and neat stripes and figures, plain and pleated fronts.. Ask to see them. Each..................................... 95c MANHATTAN SHIRT •SPECIAL For one week, commencing Friday. August 16th, we are going to give you a chance to lay in your supply o f the cele- HOOD Jbrated Manhattan Shirts. n . A o U . r „n i’ a , , and a r ., 1 r new. .Q „ - V You ,» tl mostly crisp are fortunate to he able to se­ cure these fine shirts at these prices, for there are no odds and ends. All sizes. Fine, mercerized fabrics, imported madrases. Russian cords, in smart stripes and small figures galore; plain or pleated fronts, laundered or soft French-cuffs. $1.50 Manhattan Shirts. $1.15 1.75 and $2.00 M. “ 1.38 2.50 Manhattan Shirts. 1.88 3.50 “ “ R IV E R S L A R G E S T & B E S T S T O R E 2.53 Shoeing and Generai Repair Work. LONG SMOKE Local Agent for the OLIVER TYPEWRITER— -the kind that costs only 17 cents a day. Typewriter rib­ bons for all makes and Supplies of every description. N ew Fall Coats* and Suits- ting and Drafting A utom obile Repairing a Specialty Mosier Book Store M OSIER an if Wheelwright Repair work of alt kinds promptly done * * ^ THE P A R IS FAIR. ___ E. C. B R O C K Pound F. R. HOWARD, Prop. True to-Name for 33 Year s. Dresses—Special * A. B. Strong All Modem and under New Management. F. A. Allington and wife visit­ M i l t o n ed in The Dalles last* Friday. Ladies' House i i s.. Mosier, Oregon, I I Ì E. L. Burt returned Wednes­ day from the harvest fields of Eastern Oregon- and is- now “