Tonic ------- A ltera tive W hat is a “ t o n i c ” ? A medicine that increases the strength or the tone o f the whole system. W hat is an “ alterative” ? A medicine that alters or changes un­ healthy action to healthy action. Name the best “tonic and alterative” ? Ayer’s Sar­ saparilla, the only Sarsapa rillaentirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor about it. SYSTEM AND REGULARITY ARE REBELS WRECK IMPORTANT POULTRY FACTORS RAILROAD TRAIN E n t h u s i a s m o n th e P a r t o f th e B e g in n e r Is A l l R i g h t , P a tie n c e , S o u n d T h i n k i n g a n d H a r d W o r k a r e th e E s s e n t i a ls — N o t th e E a s y O c c u p a t io n T h a t M a n y B e lie v e . But Many Passengers Also Slain-W ound­ ed Are Murdered— Dead Are Burned In Wreckage. Bilious sttacks, sick-headsches, indiges­ tion, constipation, dizzy spells—theso are some of the results or an inactive liver. Ask your doctor if he endorses Ayer’ s Pills in these cases. The dose is small, one pill at bedtime. M*d. bj- tu. 1. O. 1YEB CO.. Lowbll. Huh Every-Day Diplomacy. Gen. Horace Porter was giving an Illustration of every-day diplomacy aft­ er having compared It with world diplomacy. "W e will say, for In­ stance,” he observed, “ that our every­ day wiseacre Is Introduced to a man from Iowa. He talks corn with him. He meets a man from Boston and talks beans. Should he happen to be thrown In the company of a man from Iowa and of a man from Boston, he would discuss succotash.” T r y lT T n r in e E y o R e m e d y f o r R e d , W e a k , W a t e r y Eye:* and O ru n u lo ted Eydiida* No —Juut E y e C o in fort. Turn to Motor Vehicles. The advent of motor vehicles in Madras is of comparatively recent date, but within a very brief interval they have to a great extent supplant­ ed carriages drawn by horses, which formerly constituted the chief means o f transportation among the European contingent. Operation Successful. Agnes— "Was Emily’s operation a Success?” Gladys— "Glorious! She got fifteen gifts, a hundred dozen roses and had two hundred calls of •nqulry.”— Life. When Your Eyes Need Care T r y M u rin e E y e R em ed y . N o S m a rtin g — F e e ls F in e — A c t s Q u ic k ly . T r y i t f o r R ed , W ea k , W a t e r y E y e s a n d G ra n u la te d E y e lid s . Illu i tra te d B o o k in ea ch P a c k a g e . M u rin e is compounded by our Oculists—not a “ Paten t Med­ icin e” — but used In successful Physicians’ P ra o tlce fo r many years. Now dedicated to the Pub­ lic and sold by Druggists at 25c and 60c per Bottle. M arino Eye Salvo In Aseptic Tubes, 2 dc and 6Ua. Sturdy Incubator Chicks. As a rule the beginner starts in the poultry business with great enthusl- ism. He carefully looks after the letalls and he gives the best of atten- :ton. In time, however. In many :ases, the enthusiasm wears off and ie becomes neglectful, then he fails. If, on the other hand, he does not Secome discouraged, but keeps up his faithful work, he succeeds. The plant jrows. There Is an Improvement In tils stock, and his enthusiasm, instead if flagging, Is Increasing. Now It Is well not to be too enthusl- istlc at the start. It Is apt to breed rver-confldence. The beginner In such 2 ases Is apt to build air-castles and get to that point where he "knows It ill.” A little knowledge is some­ times a dangerous thing. It Is necessary, of course, to have tome enthusiasm. All enterprises re­ quire It. Unless ^ heartfelt Interest Is taken In the work assigned us we are zpt to poorly perform our duties. Helter-skelter methods are disas­ trous. Every muscle should bend to Ihe proper performance of the work. The man who begins poultry-culture with the Idea of becoming rich, Is very apt to, sooner or later, sell out it less than cost. W e must not aim too high. Two Important articles are neces­ sary to success. Capital Bud experl- M urine Eye R em ed y C o., C h ica go Costumes Indicated Conditions. Peasant girls In parts of Europe de elare their unmarried condition by modes o f dress and coiffure, and bach­ elors are sometimes Indicated In simi­ lar fashion. The zone or girdle had Its significance In the Greek world, and the Roman husband wore &f such garb of his own. SAVED FROM AH OPERATION Mine Track and Nearly Exterm­ inate Federal Troops. W *rX f 1 Langshane. ence. All businesses require both capital and a trained mind. Some years ago the poultry business was How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, Ill- boomed with the false inducement that raising chickens was an occupa­ Escaped The Sur­ tion that called for very little labor, geon’s Knife. practically no capital and a very small amount of experience. These false In­ Peoria, 111. —“ I wish to let every one ducements were handed out in order know whatLydiaE.Pinkham’sVegetable to create sales for stock and machin­ Compound has done ery. But Instead of being that easy occu­ forme. Fortwoyeara I sulfered. The doc­ pation, it was found to be one that tor said 1 had a tumoz required brains, energy, and every and the only remedy requisite needed In any other busi­ w a s th e surgeon’s ness. He who Is easily discouraged, knife. My mother a victim of the “ blues,” or he who bought me Lydia E. soon tires of the sameness of work, Pinkham’s Vegeta­ ar the close confinement It entails, ble Compound, and bad better leave the poultry business today I am a well and entirely alone. W hile It cannot be said that the I healthy woman. For I m o n th s I suffered care of poultry is hard, muscular from inflammation, and your Sanative work, at the same time getting up In Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell the morning and repeating what every anyone what your medicines have done morning before was done during the for me. You can use my testimonial in week, working at night when a lan­ any way you wish, and I will be glad tern is necessary, duties to perform to answer letters.” — Mrs. C h ristina an every day, Sundays and holidays Included, soon tries the grit, the push R eed , 105 Mound St., Peoria, 111. and the patience of a man. M rs. L y n ch A ls o A v o id e d But If the man masters all these O p e r a tio n . obstacles, and sticks to his business, Jessup, Pa. —“ A fte r the birth o f my he will, as a rule, succeed. There are fourth child, I had severe organic inflam­ times In all enterprises when It looks mation. I would have such terrible pains as though the business would fall, but that it did not seem as though I could I by pegging away It is soon discovered stand it. This kept up for three long that only a dark cloud had appeared. months, until two doctors decided that But it Is at these times that the an operation was needed. faint-hearted begin to reason that the “ Then ond o f my friends recommended days for success in "this line” are Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- gone by. ound and after taking it for two montln When a man gets to that state of was a well woman.” —Mrs. J oseph A. mind that he cannot see a silver lin­ L ynch , Jessup, Pa. Women who suffer from female ills ing In the cloud, he Is ready to accept In the should try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta­ the first o f f * to sell out ble Compound, one o f the most success, majority of cases he makes his losses ful remedies the world has ever known, all the greater by selling out below before submitting to a surgical opera« cost The writer has seen days When there was hardly a cent of Income, when he had to go into debt to buy feed and pay other expenses, and days, too, when he couldn’t even see a pros­ pect of some business for a long time to come. But he stuck to the work, and when the first money came in. it was soon followed by other money, and In time the debts were paid, and ever since there has been more or less regularity of Income. During those trying times, when H seemed almost Impossible to keep the wolf from the door, the writer would meet men In other walks of life with the big rolls of bills In their pockets, with flourishing occupations, but nevertheless, he held on, never losing an opportunity of making a turn foi the good. He was rewarded. Some of those men with the big rolls of banknote! were not satisfied; they wanted t< make more money, wanted to grow wealthy, read of the great sums realized by men who Invested In stocks, who became rich by the own ership of mining shares— they gav« up their present occupations, saert fleed the "goose that laid the golden egg” and became slaves to the stock gambling lure, which finally left then high and dry. So the beginner must not forge* that he who sticks to his work Is th< one who will finally come out on th* right side. Trials are often angels lr disguise. The beginner must know that hit fowls deserve and mult have the besl of care. He must keep a close watcb as to conditions, must provide com fort, cleanliness and plenty of room Likewise he must study the appetite« of his flock. Both system and regularity are im­ portant factors, never forgetting that shiftlessness Is costly and filth la » dangerous stumbling-block. The qual­ ity and quantity of brain work pul Into the concern determines th« amount of success. "Trained thinking and wise work­ ing” Is a secret that will, In the end bring about success. "Bad luck” If merely another terra for bqd manage ment. No duty Is rightly performet that Is done In a mechanical manner The beginner must stop and think He must notice the little matters. H i must never assume more work thnr he can accurately perform. He must never overestimate his capacity, and he must never rush to get done. Haste makes waste. Map out • plan, and then work by It. Scrub treatment will bring scrub results. The lack of good business sense ha» been the cause of more failures than has anything else. A man never shirks his duty when he Is In dead earnest In his work. Making the Harness Last. You can make your harness last twice as long by giving It proper care, and It takes but a very little time to do It. "A good set of double harness," says C. R. Chase, assistant In farm mechanics at the Kansas Agricultural college, "If properly cared for should last the working life of a horse.” Mexico City— More than 60 persons were killed and many were wounded in an attack by Zapatistas on a pas­ senger train between this city and Cuernavaca, Morelos, Sunday. The Zapatistas, said to have num­ bered 500, placed a mine under the railroad track, which exploded as the locomotive passed over it. The over­ turned engine hardly had settled when the Zapatistas sprang up from ali sides and poured a murderous tire into the train. The first object o f their attack was a second-class coach in which were riding a federal m ilitary escort, with a captain and two lieutenants. The federate got out o f the car as quickly as possible to answer the Are o f the assailants, but their efforts were fu­ tile. The command, with the excep­ tion of five wounded and two who es­ caped, were killed. Thirty passengers in the second- class coaches were killed and many were wounded. In the flrst-claBS coach no one was killed, but one was dangerously wounded and may die. The conductor, an American named Alter, is not expected to live. A fte r the train had been swept by fire, the Zapatistas rushed on their stricken victims and began killing the wound­ ed. A priest, unhurt, pleaded with DeLoa, the rebel leader, to stop the slaughter and it ceased. A fte r sacking the express and bag­ gage cars the rebels poured oil on the cars and, putting the bodies o f the dead into them, set Are to the train. When the relief train arrived there was nothing but debris and a few per­ sons, most o f whom were hurt, to tell the tale. The train between Matamoras and Publa, in the state o f Puebla, was fired upon and windows in the car was were shattered, but so far as known no one was hurt. C LO U D B U R S T H ITS GRAIN BELT Walla Walla Region Suffers Damaging Rain Storm Walla Walla, Wash.— From ont o f the Blue mountains a storm traveling approximately 55 miles per hour broke over Walla W alla valley Saturday night about 6:45 and paralyzed all traffic in the city, uprooted trees, damaged wheat and fruit crops and blew over buildings, among others three warehouses. The storm was the most severe known here in recent years, and though no one w ill hazard a guess as to the amount o f damage done, it will amount up into the four figures, it is feared. Reports from the storm-swept zone are very meager as yet, tele­ phone lines being down in a great many instances. The only.hopeful news was that the vast wheat region known as the Eu­ reka Flat escaped. Harvest here is in full Bwing and a great deal o f the wheat is threshed and Rtacked in the field. A ll wheat wet w ill not pass a No. 1 inspection. The Puget Sound warehouse at Sud- berry and one at Thiel, on the North­ ern Pacific, were blown down and grain fields are washed out near Thiel. The storm almost assumed the propor­ tions o f a cloudburst. Homettead Rules Made Washington, D. C. — Regulations governing entries under the Borah three-year homestead law were issued by Secretary Fisher. Credit for the three-year period must begin from actual residence. Proof must be submitted within five years. Cultivation for three years, counting from date o f entry, is re­ quired, including actual cultivation o f not less than one sixteenth o f the land beginning with the second year and not less than one-eighth begin­ ning with the third year and until final proof. Absence from the land for not more than five months in one continuous period is allowed, but bona fide con­ tinuous residence during the remain­ ing portions o f the three-year period must be shown. Palatablllty of Ration. While there may be no greater nu­ trition In a certain feed added to a Mexican Federala Loot Stores. dairy cow’e ration than In the food Colonia Oaxaca, State o f Sonora, Bhe has been accustomed to, still. It is a fact that a new food adds to the Mex. — Federal soldiers looted the palatablllty of the ration which 1* store o f Haymoore Brothers here of nearly always healthful. several thousand dollars’ worth o f goods and robbed Millard Haymoore, Killing Weeds. Sr., o f 6200 cash. The soldiers did Troublesome weeds or grass of al­ their work in the daylight and made most any kind may be gotten rid of no pretense o f concealment. This is by scattering rock salt plentifully on the second store that has been looted. it. The stock will eat It off does When the affair was reported to the every time It comes up and tramp government officers they promised to It ou t investigate, but made no effort to do so, although Haymoore said he could tion. identify the robbers. ered, as confined. It possesses consid­ erable explosive torce. Strain It and Beach Girls Want Men. add a peck of salt dissolved In warm Los Angeles— The management of water, three pounds of ground rice one o f the biggest and most expensive la our prida—our hobby— our study fo r y»*«rs and put In boiling water and boiled to a a o v o c rin o c e «, and our# ia th« 5 k at painit'M work hotels at Long Beach has leased to bo found anywhere, bo matter how much you thin paste, half a pound of powdered urgent invitations to more than 100 £ * c e lle n t a n d Q u it « In e x p e n s iv e Com pare o u r Price#. Spanish whiting and a pound of clear iW e fln iiih plate and P la n o f I m p r o v in g G e n e ra l eligible young men o f this city offer­ Ibndtfc aori *o> ou: glue dissolved In warm water. Mix A p p e a r a n c e o f tlie l o t tovn patron» :u ing almost free room and board for a Iona «*ay i f Heairad. these » ’ell together and let the mix­ H o m e . |Painl**4S ex're.tio* month as sn inducement to become Ifm a whan p a t«« or ture stand for seven days In a rea­ patrons. The cause o f the unusual I bridge work is order sonably cool and shaded place. Keep le d . ConauiUt 9R free. There are many brick and stone offer is the fact that fully 160 young the wash thus prepared In a kettle, I MalarCrents $ 5 . 0 0 women with their parents or chape­ walls, as well as wooden outbuildings, and when It Is helng nsed put It on |22kBr.4.tO rones are at the hotel, and not half a fences and the like, about a auburban SuJ rilling. 1. CO as hot as possible, using a painter’s place which, lacking paint, detract or an ordinary whitewash brush. Al­ dozen young men worth while are in­ EiisiMi Fiifirf* 1 .0 0 $!hr«r FHiiny# . 5 0 much from the general appearance of ways use magnesian lime for white­ cluded in the list. The young women a~o or style prisoners now on trial. His summary I or men. Brims 3 ami 4 'inches. Light Igh weight, banishment deprived his accused ' ‘ Sent t postpaid on receipt clients o f his services almost on the o f price. ------- Money — refunded if not M satisfactory. Get a — ---- -----_v. tiuaeti.,. __ — -v durable, Htylinh hat for the half o f what it would coh % eve o f their trial under capital you elsewhere Address NEW MODE HAT Ot). C. H Meussdorffer, Prop, 227 1-2 Washington Ht. charges. Twenty years in Portland. Portlund, Or. Another o f the exiles was arrested several months ago. In the course of Making Reproof Effective. the tortures inflicted upon him during Being to advise, or reprehend any1 the police inquisition to which he was then subjected, the main nerve trunk one, consider whether It ought to be o f one arm became paralyzed, leaving In public or in private, presently oi his hand useless. A third member of at some other time, and In what term« the hand o f unfortunates ic one who to do It; and In reproving show no had suffered the Japanese “ third de­ signs of choler, but do It with sweet­ gree” last spring and who after two ness and mildness.—George Washing months’ imprisonment had been re­ V>n. leased as innocent o f complicity in the plot against Count Terauchi. On regaining his freedom he told his friends in detail just what he had - ^P o rtla n d . Oregon * land, been made to endure. He was re-ar­ ^ Real dent and Day School fo r Girls Jf charge o f Bisters o f Ht. John Baptist (Episcopal? rested and banished. Gali sfiata. Academie and Elementary DepartasaaU. O f the remaining four exiled Chris­ Made, Art, Elocution. Gymnasium. For catalog address T H F HI P E M O S tians, one was one o f seven teachers O ffic e 30. Ht. H elen a H a ll employed in the Syen Chun mission academy. Another was a student in the same institution. The third was B O LT H ITS O B SE R V ATO R Y. Picking the Good Ones. an elder o f the church in Wiju and a “ You see a group of girl children, fourth was a graduate o f Syen Chun or schoolgirls, or university girls, or Lightning Plays Havoc Early Sunday academy. factory girls, or ballroom girls— you on Council Crest. Two others—non-Christians— were can pick out, ns plainly as If they Portland— A bolt o f lightning crash­ included in the sentence o f banish­ were branded, the ones whom men ed through the lookout platform o f ment, making the total number nine. will want to marry and the ones whom the observatory on Council Crest dur­ no man will want to marry.— "A ing the electric storm at 2 a. m. Sun­ BOY RAISES PRIZE LE TTU C E . Touch of Fantasy," by A. H. Adams day, set fire to the structure and played havoc with the electric system Mammoth Head Weighs 24 Pounds, anywhera, at­ that had been installed on the Crest. DAISY FLY KILLER placsd tracts and kills all Is 66 Inches in Circumference. flies. Neat, clean, The bolt struck about three feet ornamental, conven­ Portland— A mammoth lettuce head, from the station o f the searchlight. ient. cheap. Lasts all season. Made o f It drilled a hole in a two by-four tim ­ weighing 24 pounds and measuring 66 metal, can’t spill or tip over; will not soil ber, splintered the plank beneath and inches in circumference and 24 inches o r injure anything. after setting fire to the observatory in diameter, was pullod Saturday by Guaranteed effective Bold by dsalsrs or leaped several hundred feet to the Titus Rayl, 14 years old, who lives at 6 Kent prepaid fo r tl. 1402 Rodney avenue. Titus Btarted house o f Arthur Duchamp, proprietor HAROLD BOMERo. 160 DeKalb Avo.. Brooklyn, M. ¥. o f the Crest, melting the electric out to raise his big lettuze head as a switch above his bed and givin g him a prize winner in the garden contest Silent English Crowds. frigh t as it ran about the metal o f the which was held recently at the Wood- Silence Is a great characteristic ef lawn school, but when he saw its mam­ bed in which he was lying. an English crowd, It Beems. The Eng The flames started in the observa­ moth growth he couldn’t resist the lish people are generally very qulst tory were quenched almost immediate­ temptation to let it grow to the lim it Once I went to Shepherd's Bush with Saturday the boy discovered the ly by a heavy downpour o f rain. Aside my. French friend. He said to me, from melting the electric switch in head was about to burst and to pre­ ‘‘Can you believe that there are some Mr. Duchamp's house, the lightning vent the catastrophe he pulled it up. ten thousand people In this ground? burned out fuses and fixtures at sev­ Titus did not get a prize, but he has (lust shut your eyes, you would feel eral places and linemen passed a large the satisfaction o f knowing that his part o f the day repairing the damage. head o f lettuce is the biggest thing, you woro standing In a desert!” Yea, so far as record goes, ever grown in ho was only too true. In France oi Japan they would make deafening Portland. PREACHER W A N T S A T H E IS T . noises.— Observations of a Japanese Is England. _________________ T U R K S ARE V IC TO R S . Methodist Pastor 8ays People Need Liqu id blue is a weak solution. A vo id it. Buy Another Ingereoll to Stir Them. Rod Cross Ball Blue, the blue that’s all blue. A s k Italian Torpedo Boats Repulsed and your grocer. Chicago—“ Oh. God, send us another Tw o Destroyed. Bob Ingersoll to arouse the people,” Looking Far Into ths Future. Constantinople— Eight Italian tor­ was the plea made by Rev. Charles B. Italy has added to her agricultural Mictchell, pastor o f St. James’ Meth­ pedo boats attacked the entrance to area by draining the great Fuclna odist Episcopal church at the Des the Dardanelles at 1 :30 o ’clock Satur­ marshes and thus providing a living Plaines campmeeting Sunday, “ t hey day morning. for hundreds of thousands of her pow The Turkish forts replied vigorous­ erty-stricken population. It will prob­ sit in the pews with dull, dead, in­ ly, sinking two o f the Italian war­ difference that breaks our hearts. ably be hundreds of years before " I t would be better I f they threw ships and damaging the other six. America Is so thickly populated that The cannonade lasted 45 minutes. bricks at us, as they did at Wesley, additional area will of necessity have The cabinet ministers were hurried­ but they don’ t even talk back. This to be acquired for farming, but when is an age o f doubt. W e ministers ly called to the palace where, at s (he time arrives there will be engi­ need more than Apostolie succession council o f war, it was decided to close neers able and willing to drain ths in this scoffing, indifferent and God­ the Dardanelles. treat lakes. less age. The pendulum, I believe, Train Outruns Flood. Mothers w ill find Mrs. Winslow's Boothia» rill soon begin the awing back By ru e th e b es t re m ed y to u to tor ih s U c h U d is a gain.” __________________ Riverside, Cal.— Passengers who l u r in g t h , te e t h in g p eriod . were aboard a train on the way here Thieves Loot Wreckage. Cleaning Glass Bottles. when a cloudburst broke near Perris Reno, N ev.— Because theives are A glass water bottle, when constant told how their engineer raced against looting the wrecked homes o f the sur­ a towering wall o f water which swept fy used, soon becomes discolored. This vivors and victims o f the Mazuma and through Valverde Canyon, in order to may easily be cleaned by pouring «« Seven Thoughts cloudburst. Governor save his train from being overwhelm­ little vinegar Into the bottle and add­ Oddie has sent state police to the ed by the flood. The trainmen noticed ing a pinch of salt. Allow this M scene. The thieves have been making the wall o f water rolling down the stand for several hours; thqn rinse a systematic search o f the wreckage canyon toward the railroad tracks. with clear water. The bottle will be for property, while pretending to aid The engineer opened the throttle and perfectly clear and bright. the work o f rescue. It has been def­ managed to beat the flood into Perris. A u t o m o b i l e F y - I n m im n r o s m 4 « 4 a l M initely determined that the number o f The floods softened the roadbed and E x p o .u r. to Sun. W inds ami Dust. M u rin . I S f n d y applied A ffo rd s R aiiabl. R ,lf ,f. deaths from the cloudburst was seven, caused some delay in traffic. —Ju st E r a C om fort- T r y M a rta s while as many more are seriously in­ jured. A great crowd o f sightseers Nations Act In Harmony. Key Ring for a Bride. visited the scene. At a marriage service at C h slte» London— Francis Dyke Acland par­ liamentary under secretary for foreign ham pariah church recently. It wae Yuan Deplores Delays. affairs, in reply to questions in the found that the bridegroom had forgot Pekin— President Yuan Shi Kai has house o f commons on the sub­ ten the ring. At the euggeatlon ot informed the deputation representing ject o f the atrocities in connection the clergyman the key of the ebureh all parties, which recently was ap­ with the collection o f rubber in the door, which bad a ring at the end, wae pointed to discuss the cabinet situa­ Putuimayo district o f Peru, said the commandeered, and the ceremony was tion with him, that the premier, Luc- British government throughout has 'lompleted.— Pall Mall Oasette. heng-Hsiang, the only minister le ft in been in close communication with the I f , thou gh tfu l portum u w liquid b ia s TVs a office, had consented to submit a new i United States government. He as­ pinch o f b ill- in a In rg , b o ttl. o f w a tfr. A sk fo e cabinet liet. The president expressed sured the house that whenever Am eri­ Rod Cram Ball Blu«. t h , b io , that’ s sit b lu e the hepe that the national assembly, can sympathy and support would be Value ef a Laugh. which a few days ago vetoed all his helpful they would be readily forth­ When you go to vlelt the tick de nominees for a cabinet portfolio, coming. not forget that a good laugh Ie one ol would recognize that the policy o f ob­ the beet tonlce and a bit of humorous struction was impolitic and would de­ Liners Encounter Ice. goaelp or piquant eaylng Is bettei lay recognition o f the republic abroad. New York— Icebergs and ice fields than any drugs. Make the Invalid were encountered by the steamships ■mile If you cannot atari up a lapgh, Desert Battle Fierce. Mauretania and Adriatic on their but make your v iilt short; remembet Misrata, T rip oli—General Fara at­ last trip. The largest berg was that too much of « good thing Is a* tempted to dislodge a large body of sighted by the Adriatic on Saturday had as too little. afternoon within a few hours’ steam­ Turks, which has been harassing the ing distance from the spot where the region from the oasis near Misrata. I Titanic went down in April. It was The enemy, however, made • tenacious variously estimated at from 300 to MEXICAN stand in the desert beyond and a fierce I 1000 feet In length and from 100 to engagement enaued. The Turks were ; 200 feet in height. On the same day forced to retreat after four hours’ the Mauretania escaped sn ice field. sharp fighting. They suffered heavy Trestle la Dynamited. losses. The Italian casual ties were IB killed and 87 wounded. Lexington, K y.— A large trestle be­ longing to the Roe’s mine in Bath ■ SAVES POULTRY LOSS. Sheep Dressed In l:&6. county, where 200 miners are on I * * » • » • W i i m , S .M t l* . W m k Seattle— A t the butchers’ picnic at strike, was blown up Saturday night. " M r flock o f ch icken « had R o e and Advice o f a friend I tried M tutting Linii Fortnne Park Sunday, G. E. Bennett, A railroad tie, heavily charged with I And it a w onderful remedy AncJ m y the Portland champion, won the sheep­ dynamite, was discovered juet In time « r # im s fB v ia * fast. • A m sure th A t I n ot lose any. I Am very grateful killing contest. He slaughtered his to prevent a train from being wrecked. I tell m y frien d « it is n o t »a le t o be sheep and dressed it in one minute and The company has placed additional I M exican M u sta n g L in im en t." 66 guards about the planL I ZSc. 5 0 c .» 1 . b * t U . t D r o , A C W I Machinery KODAK PANAMAS S t .S jf i r n s 2 ^ all I MUSTANG LINIMENT