— LO CAL — Why.not contract your house** V«tt gèt a hnU'Mnrjph in lem tira» t e e •‘Hippy.'" IWmne Ilf). ftoR sale All kinds of velina- nine luw- tier. including ftrtnring, fceifiwr. rustic or moulding. Can «irve you money- hn all Bilia, delivered or at.milk. S amuel H raw . ry , Mosier, Ore, REW ARD „ t wiU pay- ».reward rtf $25 for teforrtfatfè't» rending to the arrest bid otffcvfetran of thè person or ìprsdtig who stole the crop o f , Vherries from tW-Sfttt (formerly ihe (f Ai Htrgel*place. D. D. H ail v------ ----- a------------------------------ N*tfc»tViKruit Growers Ifeb very important that we mve ^our estimate of all fruit, Including apples by varieties, Before August 1st. The Big When you are in need Franz Department Store OF A. Wagon, Hack: or Buggy, at your door. Remember that we have the best on sale aud in stock—the- BEST! beeause—they are 3TUDEBAKER3- Just “ over the hill,” with excellent train service, is a st< n> that’ ia reaching cut, winning new friends, extending its service everyday. We have already annexed a nioe list of customer* in Portland, down the Willamette Valley amd ever» up in the “ famous” Yakima, too. We have easily proved the folly of looking for bargains in “ City” stores. Glaring announcements of Special Sales reveal prices Alex. Stewart, fully 25'/< above our regular price for identically the same articles^ We’d like you to run over and become acquainted with our. big Home Store. A stock carefully selected, in cluding every article of Home furnishing. And FRANZ LOW PRICES and accommodating service is building up the most splendid business of the kind in the Columbia Valley. M o j I e r F r u i t G r o w e r s A s s ’ n . M o s ie r, O r e g o n .. M O S I E R M A R K E T W e ll W o r k H. DUNSMORE, D EALER IN The undersigned is thoroughly prepared to put down open wells in any part of the surrounding Fresi) and Cured Meats country. Has a complete outfit, Country Produce including pipe cutting and thread ing tools. Does all kinds of ce M o s ie r - O r e g o n ment, rock and concrete work. ---------------------------------------------I Has had 30 years’ experience in A ll B usiness entrusted to j [he business. May be found ¡¡by addressing him at Ihe Dalles, TfiE C a r e of the Ore.,, or inquire at Maier & Why lie all Summer when you | t*in get “ Happy” to build your Wo»seitt*fhyr»il5-to 20 day»? , ft&fftifMlte at the Arthur & Hurt Drug Co. I*Ted Evans is spending the week at Green Point. F ranz pays freight and Railroad F are Mrs. E. A. Race is spending t(he week wiiW her parents at Moro, Mrtff-W-Ef ChV/tvif is spending: SteverÉH’ v/èèks with her parents Ih the valley. Quitè a* nomber of Mósièrites Mtend&d- th r Wild1 West Circus ««H ’WJd River yesterday after- hoon. First N a tion a l B an k Schan,,o's Sf,,re- The Dalles- E. A. WII.I. HAVE PROMPT J. 3. SCIIENCK, P resident E d M. W illiams M ax A. V ogt Vice Phes. Cas-hier FRANZ CO 1 *!!i:.S*tUn,5 f” T * '« '* " * » » * andspent the day on the ranch \WI1 spèndi sererei montila- with' ; eft!if of town. They were ac ber sisèbri-MV»-Hl-Gi- Kibbèe.- companied by Miss Etta Gauld, R I -*+*- « 1 ^ ’I , ä c e «a» 1 j . k . mcgregor REAL M o s te a r UrSOi; Serial No. 03981, focN -R fN W ’i , Sec. 9, Tp. 1 North, Range IT EWM... has fileii notice o f intention to make five year Proof, to establish claim to the land al»>ve (ieswibed. before the Register ItéceiVel' of! (tie it. S'.. I Laud Ottice at T-he Oregon, ou the I A day o f Augusti 1912. Claimant names- as'w itnesses: John West, Irtt Dungy, and J. P. Snyder, all o f Fir, Oregon/, and V. C. Young, aft Mosier, Oregon. m g r . ORE. -«« & - - - O regon PHYMCtAN AND SURGEON- MOSIER G. W .-M oorr , Register.- * Fire Insurance D. D. HAIL , Mosier; S. The Town With a Future Expert Horse Jobbing promptly attended to.. MOSIER / /v Ladies’ and Misses white and black lace hose, our regular 15c sellers. Special, pair... 10c Ladies’ and Misses’ black and white Tee and plain hose. Ar mor Plate and other m hrain’a, regular 25c values. Special, 15c ] /\ i / W S General Surveying, Plat-- ting and Drafting Horse THERE’S A HEAP OF COMFORT in a box o f good riKars. They make a mat»!» troubles seem less, make the world look blighter for him. A box o f Havana Tora cigars means fifty hours o f solid enjoy ment. It means having smokes on hand that*have alb the virtues o f good tobacco and none o f the faults o f the poorer kind. O regon S. E. FRANCISCO, L ot 1. Ladies’ and Children’ s ox fords. | ms mps and shoes, val ues up to $3.50, Special, 98c. S pecial —Ladies’ and child ren's canvas oxfords,, values up to $1, Special, the pair, 50c L ot 2 Ladies’ and children’s shoes, lace and button, the pair, $1.30 Ladies’ Tailored Shirt Waists, worth up to $2.25, Special, 58c HOOD Moulding ----------------------------------------- I / LADIES’ SUITS SPECIAL $20 Ladie»’ suit of dark blue diagonal weave. Special, $15.00 Ladies’ dark blue suit, fancy- braid trimmed, $20 value. Special.......................... $11.00 L ot 3 Ladies’ Wash Suits» s’dghtly Ladies’ ami misses’ shoes and1 soiled and have long jackets. oxfords, values up to $4, Values up to $10. Choice, $1.49 Special, the pair............$1.47 L ot 4 Ladies’ Washable Skirts.$1.60 Men’ s and ladies' shoes and values for 80c; $2.1*0 values for oxfords, values up to $5, Special» the pair.............. $1.98 J $1: $2.25 values for $1.13. IR, M o s ie r - - O regon B l a c k s m it h . S to re /* V i OREGON W. A. HUSBANDS Proprietor “ THE OAKS. j band collars, values up to $1.25. ; Your choice................ . . 41k-. - Automobile Repairing a Specialty Local Agent for the OLIVER TYPEWRITER-—the kind tl.al costs only 17 cents a day. Typewriter rib bons for all makes and Supplies of every description. S pecial — Men's Dres.«i Shirts, - E. C. BRO CK Shoer and- Wheelwright M oney to loan on improved property. $22 Hart, Schaffner á Marx HOT W A T E R a nd H FATING.. A. B. Strong We solicit your business on the basis of “ A Square Deal” . suit o f dark grey worsted With , fine white pin stripe — ' Special........................ $15.00 GOSS CIVIL ENGINEER We are here tl> stay, know values, and oan offer you reliable service.- : F. PLUMBING. Repair work of all kinds promptly done : OREGON a House, barn or packing shed to Build, ,T. P. E r h a r t will .furnish bonds tie biyltT according to plans and speci fications.. Phone, 115. STEAM -^ 1 O S IE R F R U IT L A N D S A S P E C IA L T Y H o s ie r - I f You Have Town Lots , Oregon co. t* ESTATE M o sie r B o o k E. C O L E . DAVID ROBINSON,. M, D. gust 13th, 1906, made' Homestead,. No. M O S IE R Messrs. Olsen and Shaw fin Elks convention are: Mrt and M ished wiring thehotel yesterday,- Mrs. J. N. Mosier, Mi-»s Alice | doing rtie-W'Jidi- for* Al L.-Day, Mosier,-Ed-L. Howe aifd wift (>f Hoed Rt VerV who 'seen tvd theJC. Al MbCdt-gar ¡mrt'family, Hi'. | Amtract. iC. A. Mat-rum and wife. J* iVI. S. H. Snyder, special agent t'^'dt, E/- Ai- Raes :nul VV.-E. ftir the Horticultural Fire Relief Gh°wn. Company of Salem, was here CARD OF THANKS Vesterday in the interests of the io m p t n r f.- We take this occasion to ex press to the people of Mosier atnl V.YS. OkttÄ vidnitv our deep appreciation <*f Aim-MW. .... of .cosier, and thtfii help add-syrtipathy ill our Mrs. Minute E. Oatts, of Monti- time of trouble, flcllo. Ky., were married at the T homas K ing Itotel Dalles on Tuesday.-Jidy 2.- and F amily . T / A. / Fruit Lands Tum-A-LumLumber Co. f B. Razors put in firat-olas'r condition. Notice i s - hereby given that Joseph T. Hart, o f Fir, Oregon, who, on Au- j ----------------------------------- », Messrs. IntPand^LetfEvans.-Gj of Fon du Lac, Wist,-who itc-vis- fi. Rhodes, Ed Burt and Ralph iting them (Sonley left on Tuesday for the Those who are spending tile Harvest fieldsof Eastern Oregon. week in Pori lino dfiring the big MEN’S SUITS*AT H a r t , S c h affn k r & M a r x , SPECIAL PRICES CLOTHCRAFT and other makes NW is the time to get you a reduced from 10'/, to 50'/r. rigHt nice suit at a truly bar- These clothes are so good that gfciil* {»rice. You should not any less thannisual price makes mish this opportunity for it tlie bargain a big one Young means a good saving in money men’ s suits,- just a few left; ages. 12, 16 and 17 years, to you. worth $8 to $13....... ......$1,98 Every suit in the liouae re Man’s suit o f medium grey duced except blues and blacks. cashmere, line pin stripe ef We have not an undesirable fect, $12 value... . . . . $0.47 suit in the lainch. There is not Man’s suit of dark grey cash a single suit that is not* all mCie, in strfpe pattern, $14 right in color, style and pat value .................... $11.93 tern. hut we have a hig line Special $17 Hart*, Sc iffnei for FaH bought,- ifnd we need & Marx suit of grey and brown all the room that we can get. mixed cashmere. rio*v ..*14.2?' ( P u b l is h e r .) / Dt|i*Tttnent>of the Intëriàr*,IÎ.S: Band O fficiâ t The Dalles'. Oregon, June 14, ■ 1 1912. Dan Snow returned to Mosien nity. I N O T A R Y PUBLIC NOTICE FOR* PUBLICATION?:. -« *- 1 Windows Doors Hist 'Aùesday from Glenn's Ferey, »- Master Clare Bickford, of rtlfche.» where he has* ifftule his Portland, is visiting friends at lkjmè‘fl»f*'a‘ jtear*'or more. Fairmont’ Ranch;- He is a **n Mrs. John Hartron and two of A. F. Bickford, manager i of oí i » itile daughters, of Iotke City, the Terminal Ice and Cold »SI 5 to r -1 9 jliuii.. visited last week with age Co. of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kuhn. 'A S. J. Spear and1 family c:fim Priscilla Foster arrived up from HoodIRiVAjr last Sunda'v ^ Miss _ . , _ MOSIER B arber Shop H. G. K IB B K E 115. .«+** i* ATTENTION Capital - - $100,000.00 Surplus and undivid ed profits - 130,000.00 Hood River, Ore. ¡Ml*. WìT- • Johnson and cHlfl-i Millard Brooks dren rétUHfièd oil Monday from a' fbrtnight’s visit with relatives! Oh Wednesday of this week the furtmtl' of Millard Brooks, at Wapinitià. the tHreie-year-old son of Mr. J. B. Brennamart; B. Ji Wetter arid Mrs. IrU Brooks,- of Cleone, and Miss Loretta McNeil we re took pi Ace at Mosier. The ser casse ngera on WcfdheSdffJf's lo-J vices were conducted at Imman dal to Portland. uel Church by Rev. J. R. Har Mrs»- N»« A. Hunter left last greaves. The cause of death Sunday for Medford, Ore., to! was ¡»cute inflammation, the boy Visit a brother whom she has not b eing sick onlj: thrice days. Mrs. dfcen for 36 years. , brooks is a r*f Mm.- Win. D. D. Hail returned on Mon- Cook, of this place. Tliift is the day from Chicago, where lie"at- 1 second child the young parents: tfended- ttitr Republican national' have lost and they have the sin- cere sympathy of the commu- (fbnventiftn as a delegate. A. E. N egus -. of The DaJlâs, Oregon This is Ihe inrflie'Cnienl offered our out-of-town friends. Every piice is marked in plain'figures—they are lower than any others. New Fall stock ol Furniture, Rug*. Linoleum, Steel Ranges, Builder»’ and Orchardists’ hardware and supplies are arriving daily. Spend a pleasant day with your neighbors in Hood River! You’ ll find a cordial welcome awaiting you.- I’ m the fastest and most accu- irate mechanic in the country— more work in less time. Phone W e ll D o n e Prop. r iv e r s l a r g e s t Ladies’ brown worsted suit, $16.50 value, Special.. . $8.00 DRESS GOODS SPECIALS In this department you will find such splendid values in a BEST store Shoeing ami General Repair Work. Satisfaction guaranteed MOSIER OREGON DR. H. L. DUMBI.E PHYSICIAN and s u r g e o n HOOD RIVER : OREGON Will practice in Mosier and May be reached by long dis tance phone. Home phone 61. summer dress goods that you cannot afford to miss this chance to secure some splen did values suitalrle for school and other wear. See what values we are offering at 5c, 7c, 8c, 10c ami 15c. S pecial — Men’ s white soft finished handkerchiefs, the kind that you pay 10c for else- where. Special................... 5c. S p e c i a l —Men's Work Sox. These are good 10c. values elsewhere. Our special price 5c