PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY1 * y - BULLETIN H. G. K1I3BEE, Proprietor SU B S C R IP T IO N K A TES. O ne Y e a r ........... S ix M o n th s ... T h r e e M on th s. - ADVERTISING RATES .$1.3« .. .75 .. .60 Professional Cards per m onth $ .60 O ne s q u a re ..................... 1.(0 i O n e -q u a rte r C olu m n . ; O n e -h a lf C o lu m n ___ • 44 M 3 10 44 5 .¿ 0 O a e C olu m n . i B u sin ess locals w ill lx? c h a rre d a t flu e n ts p e r line fo r each inset lion. L e g a l ad v e rt L a m e n ts w ill in Tall case s be ch arged E n t» r o .l lu asoond-«'.»*» n m t f r M arch 12. 1» * a t t h " p .» t o in c e a t *l.»¡H r. O r w n . u n d *r th e A c t o f V O L . MOSIER. WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 21. 1912 I V NO. 16 to th e p a r ty ord erin g them , a t legal ra te s , and paid fo r before -Jtid a v its a re fu rnished . M arch 3 . 1 « » . is sure to appear and if the pro­ cess has been properly conduct­ W. Cooper Morris, the con­ ed the grafts lrom it will come true. Mendel’s laws enable victed bank wrecker of Portland, plant breeders to predict with C. says the Hood River Glacier, has almost complete certainty what been brought from Salem and is the outcome of a certain cross bow assisting in the construction will he. Hybrids are no longer J of the Portland-Hood River auto a subject fur vague guesswork, j road. Morris, it is declared, is The art of producing new varie­ an ememplary laberer and is ties with any desired trait has' become as well understood as toiling with a will on the high-, plowing. way. He spent the first few j The trouble with the seedless days on the regular pick and quality in apples is that it is not shovel gang, blit because of his a particulaaly desirable trait. willingness and intelligence he Very few object to the seeds. has been added to Engineer Mur­ Many persons relish their flavor and tradition has invested them j ray Kay’s surveying gang. with fancies which it is just as j The work on the road is pro­ well not to sacrifice needlessly. gressing rapidly. Adam Short- The core is a different matter, j gen, accompanied by one of the Its scaly parts are annoying,and i prisoners, a skilled steam shovel to remove them causes trouble [ man, was at Dee Sunday to in­ and expense. If somebody would spect a steam shovel near there propagale a coreless apple, re­ taining the spicy seeds, the owned by the Mount Hood R. R. world would be grateful to him. One of these labor saving de­ — Oregonian. vices will probably be soon added to the equipment of the 20 pris­ Greenwood Gleanings oners at work on the road and Children’s Day was observed at will hasten its completion. Greenwood Sunday Scliooi by a Mr. Kay stated that the cost short hut well rendered program of making the cut around the c o n sistin g of so n g s a im re c ita - most difficult part of Shell Bo« k ii : . v ¡g»U belongs to would he far smaller than e.sli L; U J . i t . : ' . . o v- • -1. V-«. Ail) It -»v i 1 mated by the railroad company. L u j Li i > l * L/C i ' o L i i l t / i ‘ L i i l i \ \ a j l l i t ? j planned and managed the pro­ Estimating the cost of moving gram, as well as for their rendi­ solid rock at $100 per yard and tion of Lowell’s "Vision of Sir loose rock at 30 cents per yard, | Launlal.” A basket dinner was the route surveyed by Mr. Kavj enjoyed in the shade of the pines as compared with the railroad! on our regular picnic grounds, officials’ figures will mean a sav­ and the afternoon was spent in a social way ing of $1,524. Those who went to Portland to attend the Rose Festival last Independence Day will be cel­ week were Mr. C. A. Brown, Mrs. G. A. McCutcheon and ebrated very widely in Oregon children, Ruih, Mary and baby this year. Perhaps the general­ Harry. ly fine crop outlook throughout A large delegation went to The the state has had the effect of Dalles on Circus Day, namely: making the people unusually G. A. McCutcheon and son Tom, keen to enjoy a notable holiday. R. VV. Simpson, Mrs. C. G. Stoltz, Misses Vera and Irene Anyway, many places will hold Olsen and Dorothy Godbersen, big celebrations. Albany will Mrs. G. Godbersen, Gus Godber- celebrate the coming of the Ore­ sen and Franklin Olsen. Pre­ gon Electric, as well as the Glo­ sumably they all went to the rious Fourth, and is making big circus. At any rate, none got preparations. Ashland will have home before midnight. The annual school meeting of a barbecue. Rend will celebrate District No. 76 resulted in the Tor three days, as will Elgin. re-election of T. C. Godbersen The Dalles will have a week- as clerk and the election of it. king event in connection with a W. Simpson as director for a Chautauqua session, Hood River term of three years. Steps were is making elaborate plans for a taken toward furnishing the school house in a modern way. big time and many other points Rumors are afloat that Green­ are arranging for celebrating the wood intends celebrating the nation’s birthday. Fourth in its usual quiet but hearty way, on Pine Flat. Friends, neighbors and others State Engineer Lewis charac­ will be warmly welcomed to par­ terizes the Dos Chutes river as ticipate. the most wonderful stream in t ’ne world, after a trip through its entire drainage basin. He says the possibilities for irriga-j tion are tremendous and the fu -; ture development of water power no less so. He estimates nearly | 900,000 horse power can be gen-1 erated in this stream by 16 dam , sites already located. An enor-| mous increase can be made by Relieves The harnessing tributary streams. Bank Wrecker Builds Roads ^to to MOSIER MARKET H. DUNSMORE, Prop. Country Produce I J I ; [ I t 7FH,. a li i tf//ij i h i ji Y ' l H8 L i c im •» -£r ' "VV**4*! Nichol & Co., M o s ie r - - O regon AT HOOD RIVER A splendid program continuing thru the entire day has been arranged GRAND AUTOMOBILE PARADE at 11 A. M. Handsome Cup for best decorated vis­ iting car. HOSE RACES between THE DALLES and HOOD RIVER departments. ATHLETIC SPORTS of all kinds. AQUATIC SPORTS. We can supply you with any needle to fit any sew­ ing machine; also the best machine oil. General Merchandise CELEBRATIO N ! The Pacific Power & Light Co. Patriotic exercises, exciting, novel, laughable Diving, swimming, log rollihg, boat races. Now offer to the property owners of MOSIER special inducements in wiring houses. The Company has 'made arrangements whereby they will do wiring at cost, which [means that the property owner saves Baseball Game at 3 O’clock ■— — money by having his wiring done NOW. The Pacific Power & Light Co. guarantees the best work at the Music by Band All Day smallest cost. Brilliant Fireworks in the Evening The Dalles, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Drives Them Away Bite Price 25cts. Arthur & Burt Drug Co., Mosier. Oregon. J . E. G EIG ER A. L. DAY V ic e -P r e s .-M anager P r e s id e n t Electric Wiring & Supply Co. FIRST N A T IO N A L BANK B U ILD IN G 3 - N IG H T OR DAY Everything Electrical Engineering, House Wiring, Repairing, Contracting, Fixtures, Lamps, Motors, Heating and Cooking Apparatus . Estimates furnished upon request. A llwork guaranteed Mosier people desiring information as to estimates can leave requests for same at the Bulletin Office. Hoocl River July Of V rE- an»»£ \ Hood River U. S. A. W. F. L A R A W A Y Fourth Mosquito Lotion PHONE f ç ( 32 N m AI m , S h u ttle s and B o b b in s fo r u se In A ll M akes o f Sew in g M ach in es. KNÖXALL Sales Agents In Business 50 Years Oregon Big Seedless Apples The seedless apple has been discovered again, for perhaps the twentieth time. It is a Dela­ ware man who comes to the front now with this inestimable boon. When we last heard of it, five or six years ago, it was heralded as the epoch-making product of a Wisconsin investigator’s genius and patient toil. The seedless apple reappears regularly once in about 5 years, j There are only two objections to it which we can think of. The first is that it is not seedless. The second is that it is not fit to eat. The only seedless apples we have ever seen had well- marked seeds in the usual places ' and a perfectly perceptible core. But that was of little conse­ quence. Seeds and a core are no particular drawback to an apple if it is otherwise desirable. Rut when the fruit is small and hard and hitter, the fact that its seeds are inconspicuous does not atone for its other defects. If areally seedless apple should he pro­ duced, it would not be w o rth i while. Tf it were worth while we should hav© had it long ago. for if Involves no insurmiounta- hle difficulty. AU that an or- ebardist has to do to evolve o seedless annle is to select cr>oei. j mens in which the seed «xhihits a tendenev to abort and prona-! frate from them. Tn a few sitive andjpowerful factor in promoting the success of ail who avuil themselves of its benefits. It means thst this Company is giving practical assistance to earnest people everywhere by supplying them—for pennies—with the best typewriter in the world. The “ 17-Cents-a-Day” Plan ia directly In line with the present-day movement to substitute typewriting for handwriting in business correspondence. Ownership of The Oliver Typewriter is fast be­ coming one of the essentials of success. T “17 Cents a Day” and the Airrtyp«— O LIV ER T / p «*n i| p The Standard of Visible Writer There ia no patent on the “ 17-Cents-s Day” Pur­ chase Plan. We invented It and presented it to the public, with our compliments. "T h e "17-Centa-a-Dmy” Plan leaves no excuse for writing in primitive longhand. We have maile it ao easy to own The Oliver Typewriter that there's no need even to rent one. Ju st say "17 Cent« a Day” —save your pennies— and soon the machine la yours! The Oliver Typewriter ia selling by thousands for 17 Cents a Day. When even the School Children are buying ma­ chines on this simple, practical plan, don't you think it is time for you to get an Oliver Typewriter? 17 Cents a Day Buys Newest Model We sell the new Oilver Typewriter No. 6 for 17 Cents a Day. We guarantee OUT No. A to be absolutely our best model. The same machine that the great corporations use. Their dollar* cannot bay a better machiue than you can get for pannie*. The Oliver Typewrit» r No. 5 has many great con­ veniences not found on other machines. We even supply it equipped to write the^ wonder­ ful new PR IN TY P E —for 17 Cents u Day. Make the machine Pay Its Cost The Oliver Typewriter is a money-making ma­ chine, It helps "b ig business" pile up huge profits. Tens of thousands of people rely on The Oliver Typewriter for their very bread and butter. A small first payment puts the machine in your possession. Then you ran make it earn the money to meet the little payments. I f you are running a business of your own, use The Oliver Typewriter and make the business grow. If you want to get a start in business, use The Oliver Typewriter as a battering ram to force your way ini The ability to operate The Oliver Typewriter is placing young people in good positions every day. Get The Oliver Typewriter on the "17-Cents-a- Day Plan —it will help you win success. Ask About The Easy Way to secure the newest model Oliver Typewriter No. 5. The Art Catalog ami full particulars of the "17-Centa- a-Day” Purchase Plan will be sent promptly on re­ quest. Address THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY Agencies Everywhere 418 Union Streei. Seattle. Washlngt»n