PUBLISHED EVERY M0SIER H. G. K1BBEE, Proprietor S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S One Year....................................................* S ix M onth *............................................................. Three M onth *......................................................... 50 Professional Card*................. per month $ CO M j.g f j One square................................. “ , One-quarter Colum n.... ................ “ “ ! One-half Colum n............. On# Colum n......................................... “ £.'. q ** 5 50 “ 9^ 1 Bu*ii:e*^ local» w ill be charged at 5*c«n t* per line fo r each insertion. L ra. >ulvei lisem enta will in ail* be charged Entered ae «eoond-c’-sss matter March 12, lit)# »t the post office at ADVERTISING RAPES FRIDAY BY Mosier, Oreiton, under the Act of VOL. IV M O S IE R , W ASCO C O U N TY , OREGON, F R ID A Y , M AY 31, 1012 NO. 13 M arch 3. 1879. TAXPAYER OBJECTS Ñutes From Sundborg Hill We said the program was all good. We are willing to believe E ditor M osiek B ulletin : lt was- vXhwt we h*a^ Mrs. Emily R. Manse, o f Port- ",as’ i land is visiting Mrs. Wra. Neil j Consult an Eye Specialist but that was perhaps halt o f i t , It is not so long ago that people were content to t Will you kindly allov\ ataxpa\- onjy. f()1- there was a constant!30” ' choose glasses in much the same way that they er space in your columns to state movement of feet antl chairs.and 1 uMr- JoB*> who recent,yf V "r' i would buy hoots at a “ bargain counter” or some a few plain facts and to Place, t&Mng jn the aui|ience> making! « ha9* d a 10-acre traet o f the i “ cure a ll” from a touring quack. But eyesight himself on record as objecting ¡t difficult to hear the speakers. Sundboig tilace, has his lumber is to precious to experiment with and today most people realize it. I f you have any eye strenuously to the action o f the i The term of school just closed “ :l tlie ground for a dwelling troubles we will give your expert examination County Court of Wasco in fore-, hag bee„ very successful, with h,mse and other bu,ldings' and precisely the help you need. ing the people to pay for the Mr j E. Johnson as principal. Work on the various tracts o f In Business H ock I Ritvr building of a new court house. Mrs. Johnson in the intermediate the Sundborg acreage is being 50 Years U. S. .4. simply to gratify the avowed ,.0o;n and Miss Hazel Huntington pushed rapidly and much (level- J ambition of a retiring count>’ J in charge o f the primary depart- opment has already been done, j v _ _____________________ officer who wishes to leave to the I ment. All the pupils seem to By another year this section ot DTTM Rl F H. G . K I B B E E county a monument -to his ad- have made very satisf aetory pro- Mosier Distnct ^ |H beconie wel1 p h y s ic I a n 1 n „ surgeon ministration. Igress. We understand that the settled and wdI eomPare most| H O O n R IV E R ORFGON N O T A R Y P U B L IC We claim, with many others, others, L hool board haJJ engaged the favorably,' in point o f develop- , IV ™ . M J . that the people o f the count>' 1 same corps of teachers for n ext, Inent and tl,e progressive ness o f Will practice in Mosier and M o s ie r - - - O regon have not been given a s(l uare! year and it certainly fair to pre- its PeoP^e’ with any other part o f May lie reached by long dts- . . . ... , thp distripr 1 tance phone. Home phone bl. deal; that they have had J no W. A. HUSBANDS ! isume that they will beeven more cne aisinct. j 1 1 voice in the matt, matter; that, by the: guccegst.u, lJ)a|l lhey iS,ere this Mr. Bradley has a large amount r_ B l a c k s m it h secret action of the county court j ¡o f good dry lumber on the yard Horse Shoeing and General year. ... they have been saddled with a | ________ . . . ________ ,at his mill and one might think Repair Work. burden that they are not willing that he would never dispose o f q j j D U N S M O R E , P rop, or ready to carry, especially it: but the indications are that it Satisfaction guaranteed The question now arises, A r e jwj]j be g 0ne before long. W ei D E A LE R IN MOSIER when they are told in a “ public- OREGON be-damned” manner that the their a sufficient number o f peo- understand that The Dalles ' l a l l o f i Lum T J i m - -1 * Fresh and Cured Meats court house would he built if 90; pie in Mosier and vicinity who ber Co haa engaged 210,000 feet; per cent of the taxpayers should • would like to lay aside a day’ s f rom Mr. Bradley and that it Country Produce ■object. It is not so much a ques- work and worry, and who have! VVill begin to move out soon. £.* - N. *./ tion with tha county court as to a sufficient amount of patriotism _ __ _ the real need o f a new building lo heip in getting up a good old Clyde Root was a visitor at as it is a determination to have time Fourth of July celebration? V IA The Dalles yesterday. Í A l l B usiness entrusted it. It is not so much a question I f so, say ' ‘I ! ” There has been Mrs. Amy L. Gove, o f Hood with the people as to the expe “ nothing doing” in Mosier on T he C are ok the diency of a new building. It is the nation’s birthday for about the fact that they are being three years. The people either forcedinto it,and the method the stayed quietly at home, or went Thursday o f last week Lines Protected By Automatic county court employed in gaining elsewhere to celebrate. Let us Slock Sinynals. stay at home and celebrate and theirobject. I f there is one thing NOTICE FOR PU B LIC A TIO N W IL L HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION j Round trip tickets to principal that the American people object invite the outsiders to come see ( p u b l is h e r ) Capitol $100,000.00 cities in Middle Western and us. There are numerous cool to it is being coerced. Department o f The Interior, U. S. Surplus and undivid i Eastern Slates on Salo during It is a fact that, when asked i f ; and shady spots where picnics Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, ed profits 180,000.0°; MAY AUGUST MAY a new court house would be built, ¡can be held, within easy walkiag May 27th, 1912. ). S. SCHENCK, P resident j J U N E County Julge Lake r e p lie d : j distance from the town. If the N O TIC E M hereby gtvvu that Alfred S E P T E M B E R E d M. W illiam s M ax A. V ogt "T h ere’s n o t h i n g d o i n g ,” j idea meets the approval o f the Yackie, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, on JULY Vice Pres. Cashier when lie knew that negotiations j people, we would suggest that a May 5th, 1910, made Homestead No. Going limit 15 days; final re were then pending for a contract \ mass meeting be field at an early 06686, for S E tfS E !, Sec. 80, Tp. 2 N, turn limit October 31, 1912. and that he was a party to them, date—it’ s time to get busy if Range 12 EWM., has filed notice o f in NOTICE FOR PU BLICATIO N. tention to make Commutation Proof, Now this, Mr. Editor, is th e1 anything is to be done—and d e to establish claim to the land above de (P ublisher .) L IB E R A L STOPOVER PR IV ILE G E S situation as it stands, and the cide what will he done. L e t’s scribed, before the Register and Re Department of the Interior, IJ.S. Land CHOICE OF ROUTES. Taxpayers League of Wasco wake up and astonish the natives. ceiver o f the U- S. Land Office at The Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 29, Dalles, Oregon, on the 29th day of 1912. County is taking steps to change j B h I t im o r e $ 1 0 7 .5 0 June, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Charles C h ic a g o the complexion o f affairs by is-1 N ext Sunday will he observed 7 2 .5 0 Claimant nntm-s as witnesses: Abernathey, o f Mosier, Oregon, who. D on ver 5 5 .n 0 suing an injunction against the ' Thomas Gordon, C. J. E. Carlson, on April 4th, 1910, made Homestead, as ‘"Blossom Day” at Immanuel K a n s a s ( iiy Cl» o ) County Court, and also to invoke , Church. Special music by male Roy Abernathy and Walter H- Kers- No. 06402, for SW I N W , and N W jS N ew Y ork 10 8.50 lake, all o f Mosier, Oregon. the recall on the court, individu-j W I, Sec. 31, Tp. 2 N. R 12 EWM., St Paul 6 0 .0 0 quartette and others. Cordial C. W . M o o r s , has tiled notice o f intention to make ally and collectively, for the fol T o ro n to 9 1 .6 0 welcome to all. Bring flowers. Register. Final Commutation Pooof, to establish lowing reasons; W a s h i n g to n 1 0 7 .5 o W 111 to the party ordering them, a t legal paid fo r before affidavit>- dre III* .HJ fi •B O Y E " W. F. LARA WA Y i MOSIERMARKET Shall We Celebrate? FIRES FIST Mosier rates, a n f fnrnl«bed ill Needles, Shuttles and Bobbins for use In A ll Makes of Sewing Machines. 111; ffl j W e can supply you with any needle to fit any sew- ing machine also the best nnvehine oil. Nichol & Co., General Merchandise M o s ie r - - O rego n Oregon j y ¡s¿t-the Old Home i O-W. R. & N. ct:L“ » l ^ S xc„r„jFirst National Bank! 0.5. L. MB UNION PACIFIC of The Dalles, Oregon First: That they do not en force the plain provisions o f the law. Second: Their acts as public officials have been so arranged that the letting of important DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, contracts for public works was F A N C Y AMO T O I L E T A R T IC L E S not properly advertised, result ing; PERFUM ERY - T O IL E T S O A P S - C O N F E C T IO N E R Y ( A ) In stifling competition STOCK F O O D - RUBBER G O O D S - C IG A R S and thus preventing local and Physician’s Piescriptions Carefully Compounded. other citizens from bidding on contracts for the said public works. (B ) Preventing competition1 Mosier, Oregon. in bidding on contracts for pub lic work, thus resulting in infe rior work being done for the A. L. DAY J. E. GEIGER P r e s id e n t V i c e - P k e s . -M a n a g e r County, and increased cost o f i same to the taxpayers and citi zens of Wasco County. STATIONERY Arthur & Burt Drug Co., ELECTRIC WIRING & SUPPLY CO. Third: Their acts as public officials have been extravagant, and unbusinesslike and careless ly done, making them unfit to transact the public business of; the citizens o f Wasco County. On the strength o f these and other reasons, the Taxpayers League o f Wasco County has cir culated petitions for the signa ture o f the taxpayers of the county, asking for the recall of the members o f the County j Court. Very truly yours, G eorge H arth . f l « S T N A T IO N A L B A N K B U IL D IN G fH O N E 3 -N IG H T OR DAY Everything Electrical Engineering, House Fixtures, Lamps, Wiring, Motors, Repairing, Contracting, Heating and Cooking claim to the land above described, be fore the Register and Receiver o f the Proportionately Reduced Fares to Many U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore Other Points. gon, on the 11th day o f June, 1912. THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE TO THE EAST Claimant names as witnesses: Frank STRICTLY HIGH-CLASS. E. Crum, Gerald Wyss, Fedal Yackie all on your Local Agent and let him and Roy Abernathey, all o f Mosier, assist you in outlining Oregon. A D ELG H TFUL SU M M E R OUTINIG C. Hood River Mosier School Closes Mosier’ s public school closed last Friday and on Thursday eve ning. in Stroup’s Hall, the pupils « f the three room* entertained j the public with a lengthy and in« I teresting program consisting of songs, recitations, dialogues, 1 drills, etc. We have not the space to dwell on the individual excellence o f tbe performers, hut they were all good, and the ‘ ‘Sunlx.nnet Drill” w as certainly all right. The entire program reflected earnest and painstaking effort on the part o f the teach ers in training the pupils, es pecially the smaller ones, in their various part». Oregon ELECTRIC TALK Your Lighting wants will be taken care of through ourstore at The Dalles and all work in Mosier can be handled an short notice and at satisfactory prices. We will be pleased to fur nish estimates of all electrical warka Lighting and Power on application. The Dalles Electric Works, The Dalles, Ore. inducements in wiving houses. F. A. The Company has made arrangements whereby they will do wiring at cost, which means that the property owner saves money by having his wiring done NOW. The Pacific Power & Light Co. guarantees the best work at 1.1 w smallest cost. W. M oore , Register. A R LIN G TO N , L o ca l Aj'puf. The Dalles, Oregon Notice to the Public. The two leading magazines o f the Pacific Coast, the Pacific Monthly and the Sunset, have]!been consolidated under the title o f “ Sunset—the Pacific Monthly.” It is the intention o f the publisher to spare no money nor effort to make , Sunset—the Pacific Mouthly a credit to the West and a magazine o f national I value and importance. To introduce it to new readers we I will make the following special offer: ■ Send 50c in stamps, and we will put your name on our subscription list for j the next four months, and will send ! you a free copy o f the superbly illustra ted Mid-Winter number, and also the famous Sunset Indian poster, securely packed in a mailing tube. It will make a beautiful oraament for your front room or den. Send your Order to Fred Lockley, Northwestern Manager, Sunset —the Pacific Monthly, Portland, Oregon. LOCAL TIME-TABLE Apparatus. Estimates furnished upon request. A llwark guaranteed Mosier people desiring information as to estimates can leave requests for same at the Bulletin Office. Now offer to the property owners o f MOSIER gpecasil No. No. No. No. No. 7 West bound 7:22 a. m. 1 2:45 p. m 2 East 10:20 a. m. 8 6:35 p. m. 6 10:40 p. m. No. 17, at 5:30 p. m., flag stop on Sundays only for Hood River and Portland. T IM E TABLE FOR RIVER BftATS B A IL E Y G ATZAR T. Leaves Portland fo r The Dalles Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves The Dalles for Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. TEAL. Leaves Portland for The Dalles Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Leaves The Dalles for Portland Mon- I day, Wednesday and Friday. TAH O M A. Between The Dalles and Cascade Locks Leaves the Iaicks Monday I morning and The DallesTuesday morn ing, making trips one way each day. Steamers Teal and Tahoma stop on flag at Bateham’s Landing. Tahoma ,-stops as flag at lower landing. “ 17 Cents a Day” T The Plan That Promises Success I HE “ 17-Csntg-a Day’’ Plan of purchasing The <iliver Typewriter means more than promoting unit:* o f this wonderful writing machine. This plan is a positive and powerful factor in promoting the success o f all who avail themselves o f its benefits. It means that this Company is giving practical assistance to earnest people everywhere by supplying them —for pennies—with the best typewriter in the world. The “ 17-Cents-a-Day” Plan is directly In line with the present-day movement to substitute typewriting for handwriting in business corres|M>ndencc. Ownership o f The Oliver Typewriter is fast be coming one o f the essentials o f success. ‘‘17 Cents a D ay” and the OLIVER TyptVlrrittp fV irrty p a __jk . The Standard o f Visible W riter There is no patent on the ‘ 17-Cents-a-Day” Pur- chase Plan. We invented it and presented it to the public, with our compliments. “ The “ 17-Cents-a-Day” Plan leaves no excuse Tor writing in primitive longhand. We have made it so easy to own The Oliver Typewriter that there’s no need even to rent one. Just say “ 17 C«jnts a Day’ save your penntes- and soon the machine is yours! The Oliver Typewriter is selling by thousands for 17 Cents a Day. When even the School Children are buying ma chines on this simple, practical plan, don’ t you think it is time for you to get an Oliver Typewriter? 17 Cents a Day Buys Newest Model We sell the new Oliver Typewriter No. 5 for 17 Cent* a Day. We gnarantee our No. 5 to lie absolutely our best model. The same machine that the great Corporation» use. Their dollars cannot buy a better machine than you can get for pennies. The Oliver T j | < writer No. T> has many great con veniences not fnn .d on other maehines. We even sup y it equipped to write the wonder ful new P R IN T V P L —for 17 Cent* a Day. Make the machine P ay Its Cost The Oliver Typew riter is a money-making ma chine, It helps “ big business” pile up huge profits. Tens o f thousands o f people rely on The Oliver Typewriter for their very bread and butter. A small first payment puts the machine in your possession. Then you can make it earn the money to meet the little payments. I f you a.e running a o f your own, use The Oliver T ) p, writer anil make tin* business grow. 1/ you wa to ge4 a start in business, use The Oliver Typew < r as a hatteriug-rani to force your way in! The aiiilit i perate The Oliver Typewriter ia placing young pe le in good positions every day. Get The Oliver Typewriter—on the *‘ 17-(’enta-a- Day Plan it will help you win success. Ask About The Easy W ay to secure the newest mode! Oliver Typewriter No. 5. The Art Catalog and full particulars o f the “ 17-Cents- a-Day” Purchase Plan will be sent promptly on re quest. Address T H E OLIVER T Y P E W R I T E R C O M P A N Y Agencie* Everywhere 418 Union Street, Seattle. Washington