. ¡Sin SENATE OPPOSES PITNEY. Farmers and Merchants Write us for our cash offer on your Farm ami Dairy Produce. If we don’t handle it will refer you to re liable buyer. p e a r s o N-PAGE CO. — Nominee for Supreme Bench Attack ed on Picketing Decision. Washington, D. C.— For more than three hours the senate, in one of the Portland. Oregon. stormiest and most protracted execu-v tive sessions in recent history, debat PORTLAND FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU ed the confirmation o f Chancellor Pit W ill furnish you any kind o f help you w ant, male ney, of New Jersey, whom President or fem ale, skilled o r unskilled, farm , sawmill, log g in g or any m iscellaneous labor. Call, w r it e r ? Taft nominated to succeed the late phon e. N o fee* o f any kind charged in this office. P h ones—A 5624; M ain 3555. 215 btcum« St, Portland. Or. Justice Harlan on the Supreme Bench. A rough canvass made by Chancel Wanted—Men and Women lor Pitney’s supporters after the fray To learn barber trade. Tools free. W ages w hile showed the vote probably will be learning. Positions guaranteed. International B a rb er School. 89V* N. Third St., Portland. O regon close, and that there was some danger o f his rejection. Senator Culberson, Second-H and M achin ery bought, sold and o f Texas, led in the attack, and in his _ exch an g ed: e n g in e s , boiler«, sawmills, etc. The J. E. M artin Co.. 76 1st speech and those of other senators, Et.. Portland. Send fo r Stock List and prices. the New Jersey judge was assailed in bitter language, which extended to an FUBBER STAMPS Signs. Celluloid Buttons attack even upon his general fitness and Ribbon Fadges. Good Goods, Q uick Service. for the bench. Send for com plete C atalogue No. 26. Acm e Stamp The fight was based mainly upon H orks. 1015 A SL, Tacon-.a. Wash. Chancellor Pitney’s decision in the glass bottle blowers’ case. That de Arnold’s Asthma and cision restrained journeymen green glass bottle blowers, their officers and Catarrh Remedy. the members who struck against a Guaranteed to cure Catarrh. Asthma. B r o n ch itis , Hay F ev er and I o e C olds, glass works in New Jersey some years o r m on ey re fu n d e d . ln<vo « *1.15 lo r A sth m a B em ed v, o r 50c in stam ps fo r ago, from using coercion or persuasion C a tarrh o f th e H ead and S tom a ch . Ask f o r address o f {»eople cu red in I'o rtlu u d , to make loyal employes leave their 1 n. o w u o r S ea ttle. Arnold’ s Asthma Cure Co., 333-4 Arcade bcaiue, Wo. work in breach o f contract or o f the master and servant doctrine. The decision prohibited the strikers from personally molesting the strike breakers in any way, and interdicted —T h e great skin i f ju ven ator. i f you have sallow picketing or boycotting. skin, w rinkles, pim ples o r roughness o f the face Senator Cummins, of Iowa, pictured or arm s, the ap p i c a t ion o f F U C H I w ill bring back the glow and fre>hn«'ss o f y o u rh. P r pack: g \ $1. the decision as oppressive to Ameri (B ran ch ) Fuchi Laboratories, Suit 9, 342 1-2 Wash' can labor. SSC • iiigton St., P ortlan d, Ore. Machinery FU CH S R A W FURS W e p o s:tive!y pay »he hi hest market, prices, as we are m anu factu rers and th erefore can pay m ore than dealers. Send for free p rice list and sh ip p in g tags and get full value fo r your skin«. N. M. U ngar Co., ¡he Rcliublj Furriers. 202ty 7th Si.. Portland. Ore J H oi W u e r . Cupper Tank S.II Regulating. Cluck I FREIGHT j'P A I D ® Nursery. Safety lam*». tested thermometer, be»t FREE OTRlAL corurruciion oi l i t e r vs alls a'l over with asbestos G oA R A J^TE CD between each wall Sc »mipie dial anybody can make big lu'.vlics G el our catalogue and low delivered price B ro o d e r * fr o m S X .7 S up Halans Incubator Co., Toledo, Washington HOUSE HAS FILIBUSTER. Agricultural Appropriations Bill Pass es After Hard Fight. Washington, D. C.—The second fili buster within four days preceded the passage of the agricultural appropria tion bill in the house. The measure, which carries approximately $15,- 800,000 was delayed in its final legis lative stage in the house by Minority Leader Mann. He waged a fight against it in an effort to obtain appro priations for the national forests and eliminate those voted for drainage purposes. The fight was filled with roll calls and lasted until 8 o ’clock, when it suddenly terminated. The bill now goes to the senate. Representative Fitzgerald, o f New York, chairman o f the appropriations committee, led an assault on the bill earlier in the day. Using points o f order as his weap ons, Mr. Fitzgerald defeated senate amendments for increase, forced out an item o f $10,000 for expenses for the division o f accountants and lopped off salary increases for officials of that division. Rather Fishy. Richard Crokcr, at a banquet In New York, said of a political move ment he disliked: “ The thing was f.shy—as fishy as tho young girl’s explanation. “ Her father, extending an open let- tor, said sternly to this young girl on morning: “ ’Here is something I found in the upstairs hall.’ "She blushed. “ Oh. yes,’ sho stammered; ‘it’s Just a letter from Tom Drown.’ "Her father, frowning heavily, went on: “ ‘And that line of queer marki at MERGER FIGHT RENEWED. the end—what are they?’ "She answered, blushing still more Brief ot 600 Pages Sets Forth deeply: “ Facts” In Case. “ ‘They are stars, sir Tom is giv ing me lessons in astronomy.’ ” Washington, D, C.— The govern When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy ment’s fight to split the merger o f the N o S m a r t in g — F e e ls F in e — A c t s Q u ic k ly . T r y Union Pacific and Southern Pacific It f o r R e d , W e a k , W a t e r y E y e s a n d G r a n u la t e d E y e lid s . I llu s t r a t e d B o o k in e a c h P a c k systems has opened in the Supreme a g e . M u rin e is c o m p o u n d e d b y o u r O c u lis t « Attorney- — n o t a “ P a te n t M e d ic in e ” — b u t u se d in s u c court of the United States. c e s s fu l P h y s ic ia n s ’ P r a c t i c e f o r m a n y y e a r s . N o w d e d ic a t e d t o th e p u b li c a n d s o ld b j General Wickersham and his special D r u g g is t s at- 25c a n d 50c p e r B o ttle . M u rin « assistants, Frank B. Kellogg and Cor- E y e S a l v e i n A s e p t ic T u b e s , 25c a n d 50c. ■denio A. Severance, filed a comprehen M urine Eye R em edy C o ., C h ica g o sive brief o f their argument to be made orally in court shortly after Water Power In Iceland. April 1. Engineers have figured that one wa In addition to the brief o f argu terfall in Iceland can be made to ments, a second brief o f 600 pages yield 60,000 horsepower and another was required to set forth the “ facts” 60,000. _________________ in the case. The court was told in the second brief that the railway com Act at Once. Defer not till tomorrow to b* wise; bination now sought to be dissolved tomorrow’s sun to thee may never originated with Edward H. Harriman, Jacob H. Schiff and associates. rise.—William Congreve. It brought under a common control, the government contended, the Union Pacific, the Southern Pacific and the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake, with various ocean steamship lines, among which was the Pacific Mail Steamship company, which forms a part o f the Panama route from New York to San Francisco; in addition it secured an influential voice in the management o f the Atchison, Topeka FOR FROSTBITES. & Santa Fe railway. ! G . W . Palmer, Knik, Alaska, write« t MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT “ I find M ex ica n M u s ta n g L in im e n t th e beat rem edy for Frostbite« we have.** Copt. J. Lindeboom, Rampart City, Alaska, writes: *‘ I use M u s t a n g L in im en t an d g iv e it m uch 1 c r é d it a s it a n s w e rs the pu rp o se w on derfu l- ly- I highly recommend it for Frostbite«.” 2 5 c . 50c. $1 a bottle «it Drug 4c G en’ 1 Store* | [ I | | Y íí ' albers I bros . DAIRY FEED: ¿EST AND CHEAPEST' Ask your dealer for it. I f he does not handle it drop us a postal card and we will furnish you the name of a dealer who does ¡ALBERS BROS! ¡¡•¡MILLING CQjjij ¡P ortland , orecon ! Painless Dentistry la nor pride—our bobhy-oer «lady for year« and now our snccem. and oars is the beat palnJau» work to be found anywhoro. no matter how mech you pay. Com pare our Prices, W « finish plate and b rid g e w orl •M for out- o f - t o w n p a tro n s o n e rf*y d eeired . P a in i*«* e x t r a c t io n fr e e w hen p la t* « o r b rid g e w ork is o r d e r ft •d- Consultât-cn fro«. S5. 22VB~jn T^tk4. tl s w n » -n f... 6.00 fcith llalW , _ rwiM 7.50 F i M m R tlfr’ IlM . 5 0 A H work fully guaranteed fo r fifteen yearn. W ise Dental P ainless Dentists H U a t S e S g e t. T M rt M a lm mti W a s M ie ta a P M T U M .M S I A M U I fM. la b n .IV > Reopen Patent Case. Washington, D. C.— Aroused by the tremendous bearing of the Supreme court’s recent patent monopoly decis ion upon the government’s anti-trust campaign, Attorney-General Wicker sham turned his attention toward the probability o f a hearing o f the case. The department o f justice, it was said, would assist in presenting the case to the Supreme court, if a rehearing was granted. The attorney-general in quired o f the defeated litigants to as certain whether they contemplated asking a full bench. Want Tariff for Protection. Washington, D. C.— A decision o f sweeping importance in the adminis tration o f the tariff law, declaring that an importer can appeal from an assessment of duty by a collector o f customs on the ground that the assess ment was too low, was rendered by the United States court o f customs’ appeals. The decision means that manufacturers disagreeing with the Treasury department can import a test shipment and appeal to the cus toms court to get more protection through higher duties. Fort Bill Meets Favor. Washington, D. C. — The fortifica tions appropriation bill, carrying a total o f $4,186;236, including $160,- 000 for the purchase of a site for the protection o f the entrance to Chesa peake Bay, was ordered^favorably re ported from the senate committee on appropriations. Serious opposition to this provision appeared in the bouse and it was struck out. The senate committee put in this item. Tsft Would Recompense Texas Washington, D. C.— President Taft sent to congress a brief message rec ommending an appropriation sufficient to reimburse the State o f Texas for the pay o f additional Texas rangers employed in policing and patroling the Mexican border. Irresistible FarneetneaS. ■How can any man be weak who dares to be at all? Even the tender eat plants force their way up through the hardest earth, and the crevices of rock; but a man no material power can resist. What a wedge, what a beetle, what • catapult is an earnest man! What can resist him?"—Tho reau. Hood’s Sarsaparilla STRIKERS MAKE LARGE GAINS ------------ T extile W ork ers W ill Benefit $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Annually. FOR ALL SPRING AILMENTS It is impossible to find a ii - - ervous c V E T E R A N C HARM ER O r BIRDS Aged Frland of Feathered Tribe ! Decorated by French Minister of Agriculture. Pari«.—M Henri Poll, the world I famous and venerable bird charmer of Tuilertes Garden In Paris, has beer, decorated by tho French minister ot agriculture. By dint of wonderful pa j tlence and study. M. Poll, who la now | 76 year« old, has won the Intimacy of hie feathered friends, who know ex actly at what time, morning and Thin? Pale? Are you easily tired, lack your usual vigor and strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood must be thin, your nerves must be weak. You need a strong tonic. You need A yer’s Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsa parilla entirely free from alco hol. We believe your doctor will endorse these state ments. Ask and find out. 275,000 Wage Earners Share Raise better or more reliable rem —Negotiations Pending With All edy than the famous Mrs. Marion Bruce, Cumberland. Remaining Mills. Me, writes: ‘‘I have taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla for a great many years, and I think it the best blood medicine In the world. I >*ke it both spring ami ; Boston— Wage increases aggregat fall. This last winter and spring 1 was in very poor health. I was weak ing more than $20,000,000 will go into an d had lost all my appetite and I was the pockets o f New England textile all run down. A s soon as I b eg a n to We guarantee it absolutely take Hood’s Sarsaparilla m y stren g th workers in the next 12 months, ac pure and you will find it a c a m e back an d m y a p p e tite retu rn ed. cording to authoritative estimates of I am n ow w ell, d o m y h ou sew ork , and the result of the present upward trend great benefit in cases of no lo n g er h a v e that tired fe e lin g .” o f wages in cotton and woolen mills. Get it to d a y in u su al liq u id fo rm or If you think constipation is of trifling INDIGESTION, COSTIVENESS. On the basis o f an annual payroll of c h o c o la te d ta b le ts ca lled S a rsa ta b s. consequence, just ask your doctor. He $79,000,000 in the woolen mills, the BILLI0USNESS, will disabuse you of that notion in short increase there will amount to $5,600,- order. “ Correct it at on ce!” he will COLDS, GRIPPE, MALARIA. BRONZE DOG CAUSES TROUBLE 000, while cotton mill operatives will say. Then ask him abou; Ayer’s Pills. ________ receive an advance of $5,000,000. A mild liver pill, all vegetable. MT * BOTTLE TOOAT. IT DOES THE WO I at »Jo a j til* J . o . AY S it CO.. L ow ell, M u « . | Fully 275,000 operatives will share Is Removed From Statue In England in the increase by April 1 if all the After Riots Led by Vlvi- mills that have not yet joined the sectionlsts. movement follow the lead o f the larg JUST F O R B IT E O F TOBACCO HEALING ART IN NINEVEH Lcntlcn.—Tho famous figure of the er concerns. Announcements o f con Medicines and Other Cures Employed brown dog has disappeared from the templated advances affect upward of James Whitcomb Riley 8tarte ■ Com motion That Hae George Ade There 650 Years Before the fountain at Battersea. England. It 200,000 millworkers, while other cot- • Guessing. Christian Era. created a lively sensation while it was ton’ manufacturers have indicated an there and it was the cause of a great intention of equaling the wage ad James Whitcomb Riley was a guest, The patient work of tho archaeolo many encounters between the police vances. The New Bedford offer of a 5 per a year or two ago. at Hazelden farm, gist enabled people In 1911 to form a end its friends and enemies. The very fair Idea of medical science as It brown dog was a bronze and stood on cent increase will be acted on early George Ade’» big country place In existed In Nineveh 650 years before a granite fountain. On this fountain this week by the textile council, which Western Indiana. Ade had Instructed recently presented a demand for a 10 all the farmhands before the guest's the birth of Christ. Of the 20,000 tab was the following Inscription: arrival to see to It that Mr. Riley wnnt- lets taken from the library of Assur- “ In memory of the brown terrier per cent advance. Although there is a division o f opin od for nothing while there to make banlpal, the great King cf Assyria, dog done to death in the laboratories who conquered Egypt and Babylonia of the University college, Feb., 1903. ion among the operatives, many are hie stay pleasant. Rut he wasln’t pre said to favor accepting the manufac and established his subjects In the de pared for tho commotion he saw look- after having endured vivisection ex serted cities of Samaria, hundreds tending over more than two months turers’ offer, reviving their demand lug out ot his bedroom window the deal exclusively with medicine and and having been handed over from for 10 per cent when business im morning after Riley came. The chief Birds Hie Friends. contain numerous prescriptions: thing that attracted his attention was ono vhUectionlst to another until proves. The textile council, representing the sight of one of his big motor cars evening, ho will appear. Many of “ If a man has colic make him stand five unions o f Fall River operatives, whizzing out the driveway and off them come to his call by name and up and pour over him a decoction of has voted to reject the offer of an ad toward Brook, the nearest village, on have been trained by him to perform hyperlcum and he will recover. vance of 5 per cent and demand 15 per high sreed. tricks at his bidding. They submit “ Or make him crouch down on his cent. Negotiations between the labor "Something awful has happened,” to being picked up by him, perching heels and pour cold water over hie representatives and mill agents will Ade muttered, "and they're going for on his hands, and, as shown In the ac head.” continue. Faith healing seems to be Indicated a doctor." And he didn't lose aDy time companying photograph, will ex Close observers believe a compro getting Into his clothes. change positions with one another at In a prescription which runs “If he Is mise will be arranged. On the ad Out near tho barn he found Riley his word of command. in a weak Btate, make him bend down, vance in Fall River will depend the then raise his legs, and say; 'May strolling about, taking In the early probable final attitude of the New If you use Eye Salve use the best you get quite well.' Strike him also morning air. P e t t i t ’ s E y e S a l v e is the standard, Bedford unions. “ What's—what's the matter?" In is reliable and costs no more than infer . on the head fourteen times with your Although a few of the big Lawrence quired Ado, breathlessly. ior goods that ure unknown. Used by j thumb.” mills are nominally under the ban of "What do you mean?" asked Riley. Physicians and Oculists, helps where all Many prescriptions deal with the the strike, indications point to a gen “ Why, that motor car. Aren’t they others fail. It is not the T u b e or Box cure of a disorder which was very eral return to work. that cures, it is the SALVE that does the common at Nineveh, and which seems Statisticians figure the injury by going for a doctor or something?" work. Guaranteed by Howard Bros, to have been due to overindulgence in “ Oh, that," replied Riley. "I’ve Just under the Government Food and Drugs the Lawrence strike to manufacturers at $1,500,000 in business in hand and been wondering myself whatever pos- Act. Don’t be deceived or misled. Tnu food and drink. “ When a man is bil advance business lost; a forfeit by i sessed your chauffeur to take on only really antiseptic Eye Salve that has ious rub him with an onion, and let the strikers of about an equal amount | the way he did. I came up to him been in the market for years. Sold by him drink nothing but water and ab in wages and a cost to the state and a few minutes ago and asked him If he Druggists throughout the known world. stain from food altogether.'’ Among the medicines used by the city o f $100,000 for militiamen and had any chewing tobacco, remarking Detecting the Chinese. that I had bought a lot to do me physiclnns of Nineveh were sesame, extra police. Two men have Just been convicted whllo I was here and then forgot to olive oil, castor oil, syrup of dates, put It in my grip. Without saying a of smuggling Chinamen Into the coun honey and salt. Fasting and massage Dynamite Plot Seen. word he ran away and began to crank 1 try. The detectives adopted a plan were frequently ordered. Caa’t figure out : marvelous In Its simplicity and effect- San Diego, Cal.—Accused o f having up that machine. lveness. They wanted to be sure Worth the Finding.- conspired to terrorize the city by what his game Is.” Battersea’s "Old Brown Dog.” One strong thing I find here below— wholesale dynamiting, six men, as But tiie explanation came In a few whether tho four Celestials In ques tlon had ever been In the country be the Just thing, the thing true.—Se serted by the police to be leaders of moments when the chauffeur came death came to Its release. Also .n the street-speaking agitators who chulj chuffing back, still at full speed, fore. They were dressed In American lected. memory of the 232 dogs vivisected at have been making a campaign here with a dollar's worth of chewing to fashion and the detectives took the couts off the men and required them to the same place during the year 1902. | for a number“o“f week., w etiT arrest^ bacco for the ooet. put them on again. They put them on Men and women of England how long The names o f the prisoners are shall these things last?” backward. BLUE CLEAR THROUGH. withheld from the public, but Chief of Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’ s Soothing Police Wilson says that he has posi Batik of England Employes. The one, reliable, satisfactory and Syrup the best remedy to use tor their chilUreu tive proof of the dynamiting plot, and Thcro are about 1,060 persons on economical bluing for laundry use is luring the teething period. that it has to do with the street RED CROSS BALL BLUE—the blue the staff of the Bank of England, of speaking campaign. that is all blue. Makes clothes white whom 840 are at the head office In Reminders of Napoleon. According to Chief Wilson the men and clear. Dissolves Instantly and London and the remainder In the "I never knew Missouri was filled j always ready for use. branches throughout the country. with reminders of the Napoleonic wars did not contemplate taking lives, but A s a rule, a few done» o f M unyon’s Cold R em edy You will ’ never use liquid blue did contemplate the destruction o f a until I took a trip over the Missouri again after once trying RED CROSS Five hundred porters and mechanics w ill break up any cold and prevent pneum onia. It number of large office buildings and relieves the head, throat and lungs alm ost in are also employed. Tho bank prints MALL BLUE. Price 10 cents. ALL Pacific's river branch to Boonville,* industrial plants here. The dyna j GROCERS. Its own notes and Indian rupee notes, stantly. Price 25 cen t» at any d ru g g ist» or sent a traveling man remarked postpaid. mite was stolen two weeks ago from together with all postal orders and "Thoughts of the great struggle In I f you need M edical advice w rite to M unyon’ s the magazines o f the city sewer de Leave It or Take It. old age pension orders; this work Is D octors. They w ill c a refu lly diagnose your c om France commenced to dawn upon me partment. A t that time the munici He had the poet's Instinct for leav done at the head office. and giv e you advice by mail, absolutely free. when the brakeman went through the pal authorities gave no hint that they ing practical matters to others. But A d dres» P rofessor M unyon, 53d and Jefferson train calling ‘Napoleon.’ I recalled "P in k E y e " 1» Epidemic in the Spring. streets, Philadelphia, Pa. believed the explosive had been stolen father-tn-law-to-be did not know this. the career o f ambition of the Corsican Try Murine Eye Remedy for Reliable Relief. for any other purpose than that of “ Look here, young fellow." be eald, general and was allowing my thoughts financ^ , U n fo r e s e e n R e s u lt. "I think It's about time the date of to wander In that vein when the next j your marriage with my girl was “ I notice that you courteously re station was announced. Waterloo. I frain from mentioning the name of Plot Against King Seen. fixed.” began to recall further Incidents and "Yes. perhaps,” the young man your political rival in any of your Rome— Several arrests have been thoughts of the victorious general who agreed. "But I am leaving that en- speeches.” ” 1 can’t sny my practice blasted Napoleon’s hopes of a great made in connection with the attempt In that respect Is so much a matter of j tirely to Mabel.” empire. Imagine my surprise when I to assassinate King Victor Emmanuel I once "Ah! Is It to be a quiet or stylish courtesy as of prudence found the next station was Wellington. last week. Among the prisoners is wedding?” started In to denounce a rlvul, but hb The next stop had nothing to do with Nicholas Tacito, a Roumanian, who ” 1 think, sir.” answered the young soon as I mentioned bis name the the French wars, so I thought the co was mentioned in a report recently man quietly. ” 1 can leave that safely audience burst Into deafening and incidences were over. But I wanted to sent to the government by the Italian In the hands of Mrs. Bullion.” contlnuour ’’______ learn the why of it all, eo I asked tho consul at Geneva as being connected “ Yes; qul'-e so!” nodded Mr. Bul conductor. He didn’t answer. II* with a plot hatched there | to kill the lion. “ But a young fellow generally Went Out of Life Together. king, Premier Giolitti and Foreign has some Idea with regard to the ex M. and Mine. Varay, aged 81 and waa Grouchy.” Minister Di San Giuliano. Tacito pense—bridesmaids' gifts, you know. 79, both died of old age at Correze, Thousands of Consumptives die ever) rear. Consumption result" from a neg- was arrested in Rome. Antonio Del- And, by the way, what Is your In France, the other day. The date was the anniversary of both their birth- reted cobi on the lung". Hamlins Wiz ird ha, who fired the shots at the king, in come?” Oil will cure these colds. Just rub it into sists that he alone is responsible. lay*. _________________ “ Well, that, sir,” said the young the chest and draw out the intluiumation. No U - ’ IZ. P. N. U. man modeetly, “I am leaving entirely Good Advice. Rail Deal is Confirmed to you." Don’t brag before you make good, To Keep Nuts Fresh. Seattle— G. C. Hyatt, general man W H E N writiri, to arfrartlMre, p l « M and after you’ve made good you won't If walnuts or any other kind of ager o f the Bellingham Bay & British Onlr One “ BROMO QUININE” ” Ito . thU pa por. nuts are packed In layers of sand Columbia railway company, has tele That U L A X A T IV E BROMO Q U IN IN E . look need to.—Life. tha eien.lure o f E. W . GROVE. Ueed the and kept In a cool place, they will graphed a long statement from San for World over to Cure n Cold in Ono Dm/. 26c. keep fresh for an Indefinite period. Francisco saying that the company Soak them In warm water for an hour and its allied properties has been Naturally He Was Sick. before using If you would have them purchased from the Mills & Cornwall He came creeping In at the usual peel as If they had Just been gatb estates by a syndicate o f Bellingham, hour when a man finds It convenient ered fresh from the tree. Seattle and Tacoma men and that a to enter his bouse with as little com joint traffic arrangement is about to motion as possible. He replied, In j s q u ìr r e l Blame Mountain Rallroade. be concluded with the Chicago, Mil response to the usual wifely query The Swiss peasants are of the waukee & Puget Sound railway put to gentlemen who arrive home at bplnlon that the constant shrinkage of whereby Milwaukee cars will be han that hour of the night that he had the Alpine glaciers is due to the bulld dled by car ferry from Seattle. been sitting up with a sick friend. og ot mountain railroads. "A sick friend. Indeed! And what ailed him?” “ W-why, he lost $87.” Chinese Brave at Fire. Russian Limit for Marriage. San Francisco — Fire, supposed to No person over SO years of age can PILES CURED IN S TO 1« DAYS marry In Russia, according to tba law have been caused by spontaneous com Y o u r d ru ggin t w ill refu nd m or.ey If P A Z O OIW T- REQUIRES NO M IXING OR PREPARATION, ALWAYS REAOY FOR US M E N T to cu re any cane o f Itch ing, Blind, bustion, started in the cotton cargo in B leeding fail» of that country. o r P rotru d in g Pile* in 6 to 14 day«. 6uc. w /a/r you euv, o r h a n d m e a ts r. c er re/£ " woodiara b r a n o ' the hold of the Pacific Mail liner Man MONrreACK/rMOTASCLA'HID CLARKE,WOODWARD DRUO CO. P ortland , ori . churia, as she lay at her dock here. Hardest Kind of Work. Members of the Chinese crew who T want you to understand that I were called to aid the fire-fighters dis got my money by hard work.” “Why, tinguished themselves by their gallan I thought It was left you by your try, a Chinese boatswain’s mate hav uncle.” “So It waa, but I had hard ing been the first to go below and lo work getting it away from the law cate and ascertain where the flames yers.” _________________ were. ___________ Magazine Standard. • 2 i 5 * 2 .5 0 *3.00 * 3 .5 0 * 4 0 0 & * 5 .0 0 Japs Quit Caucasians, We have had acant opportunities Far MEN, WOMEN and BOYS Seattle— The Japanese liner,'Sado for observation, but personally we T H E S T A N D A R D OF Q U A LI TY Maru arrived here from the Orient, in have never seen underwear fit aa per FOR SICK COWS FOR OVER 30 YEARS command of Captain I. Isakawa, who fectly anywhere as In the magazines. Heulthy cow« (ire more milk, make richer TH E N EXT TIME Y O U NEED SHOES butter, and require lea« care. HOW KL’ RK ia a displaced Captain James C. Richards —Galveston News. wire W . L Douglas shoes a trial. W . L cow medicine, sot t food. It regulate« the as master. It is said ¡that Captain digestive and generative organa and tone« up Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar Favorite Hymn Translated. Richards was the last Caucasian offi the entire aratea. A positive care and preven antees superior quality and more value The hymn “Abide With Me” baa cer on any Japanese liner. When the tive for LOST APPETITE. BARRENNESS, ABORTION, SCOURS, MILK FEVER, and all for the money than other makes. His big Japanese steamship companies be been translated Into Yiddish and Es other ailment«! hat cap the strength of miikiag name and price stamped on the bottom gan service 15 years ago, European peranto, and both of the translators cow«. Tbouaandt of proitable herd« owe their masters, mates and engineers were are Baltimoreans. protects the wearer against high prices health to ROW KURR. Be »«re to «end for our valatble free book, employed altogether, but they have and inferior shoes. Insist upon having Her Preference. "More Money From Your Cow«.” been dropped one by one. the genuine W . L Douglas shoes. Take Consistency, tbou art a Jewel, hut DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO, MFRS. no substitute. It ,onr -.rmot «nr-vlT W.UDonRlM the average woman would rather have Orozco'a Father Takes Field. Lyedoaviiie, VL, U. S. A. sho**, w rit* W . I .P — ■>■«, B rockton, M a m ., for ca ta log . Shoe* Bent r w here delivery cl targes prepaid, f e d C s l e r I g r l r i s «•««*. a diamond.—Washington Poet. El Paso— Colonel Orozco, father of the inaurrector chief, with 300 men*»» a permanent garrison, arrived at Juarez to relieve General Antonio 2n3E 23zn$zz: Rogaa who will take hia force to Fale- Co«/-k Syrup. Tail« Gond. In t:m*. hold hr Dmrrwti ________ _ One 10 c package c olon silk, w o o l and c o t t o n __ mir. Rojas' purpose ia said to be Color more goods brighter and faster colon than any other dye. w ell and is guaranteed to give perfoct results. Ask dealer, or w e w ill send postpaid at 10c a package. W rite tor fl to capture the federal garrison at Oji- booklet .row COUCHS AND COEDS K- m MONROE DRUO COMPANY, Quincy, mtnoU. h ow io dye, bleach and mix colors. naga. Cures All Spring Ailments. H O S TETTER ’S STOMACH BITTERS GOL DS CURED IN ONE DAY f ERRY s KILLS GOPHERS ,v/7_ _ -■. O ^ SAGE RATS SQUIRRELS AND ^ PRAIRIE DOGS’ - ii P O IS O N W. L. D O U G L A S SHOES PUTNAM FADELESS DYES