.1 , of the butter substitute. Prob-| Airs. P. L. Arthur I■ • 11 y ->ie.- What’a tlie matter with dropping in pQ COUNTY COMMISSION _ I -------- ably this was due to the demand «lay to visit her parents at Castle » "‘1 renewing your subscription to th. ER. _____ by hotel and boarding I -u.se Rock, “ W»«h I Bu,U‘ti,1? U would be appreciated. ___ Wash. | To the Voters of Wasc > County. I keepers. The public at large f« ~ | I hereby announce myself as a II. Wilson arrived yesterday j ^ «•« *• « O" J For Rent. , not yet so aoen«toni"d to tiie , from rorlland to v:c:l ..Ir, and candidate for the nomination for SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Five room house, pantry and ' of af artificial or imitation butter j Mrs. Geo. Wood. the office of County Commission- fo Wasco County Voters: bath. Beautiful location. Also | as to • buy it knowingly, although ; ------— — | \ hereby announce to thri er, subject to the approval of Our BARGAIN TABLE for the week ending February furnished rooms to rent. it may be quite wholesome.! CAN DID ATE FOR DISTRICT j voters o f Wasco County that I the Republican voters at the 24th will show great reductions in prices on Shoes for all, D . W. H u d s o n , Many persons would probably be | ATTORNEY, am a candidate for the nomina- primaries, to be held April 19tb, from the “ littie tot” to the old lady or gentleman. Mosier Oregon. surprised to learn that they have To the Republican voters o f't io n o f County Clerk of Wasco 1912. ] been eating oleomargerine, or All shelf stock will be sold during the week at a good discount. If nominated and elected I will, Wasco, Crook and Hood River County, Oregon, at« the coming FOR SALE. ‘butte line, ’ for years believing Counties: Republican primaries, and if during my term of office, perform Do not fail to take advantage of this opportunity to get a A few Buff P. Rocke and Biack j all the time that they were eat- I heaeby announce my candi- nominated and elected, I will the duties of the office along pair of GOOD SHOES at LESS than W H OLESALE COST M inorca pullets, Inqure at Bui- ing “ creamery butter. dacy for the Republican nomina perform the duties of the office economic and business-like lines' le tin office. tion for District Attorney for to the best of my ability, and and, as far as my power extends, 1 the Seventh Judicial Diftrict for the best interests of the Tax will do my best to see that people School Notes. comprised of Wasco, Crook and payers and citizens in general,. get value received for all public : Say! Why don’ t you take that Our game with The Dalles C. Hood River Counties at the com- along sound business principles, money expended. Recognizing *nv to “ Happy” and have it B. C’ s last Friday resulted in a ing primaries, te he held April giving all the people a clean and that good roads are one of the fixed? score o f 12 to 34 in favor of The greatest aids in the development 19, 1912. If nominated and economical service, If you haver any carpenter Dalles. \ of any country, I promise to give : elected, the duties of the Dis- B. Fox.- work to do and want it1 done The slippery ground of« an trict Attorney’s office will always i my special attention to their im *** fight, get” ’Happy.” : open court held its disadvantages have first consideration. I shall TO TH E V 0 1E R S Oh WASCO provement. For intelligent, careful «pruning, ad j for uS' the firfet half, the score C. J. L i t t l e p a g e . strive fully to enforce all laws, COUNTY, dress A. J. BKUNqmsT, Hood River, being 4 to 20, hut at the end of and protect, to the utmost of my J hereby announce myself a Ore. Best references in both valleys. the first half we had become ability, the interests of the whole candidate for the Republican To the Voters of Wasco County, the office, and will personally If nominated and elected, I will« assist the officers in each county conduct the office on an economic somewhat used to the open and people <1 my District. I pledge nomination for county judge of FOR SALE. I hereby announce myself a .... „ , „ ... with the enforcement of the business basis to the best of my so played a faster game the myself to give my personal at“-1 Wasco County, subject to the candidate for the Republican Criminal Good work team of geldings. Law, and especially ability, for the benefit of all the second half. tention to the needs of each of approval of ihe voteas at the nomination of Sheriff at the Weight, 2400 pounds. Are in will I exert myself to enforce people. Tonight we play our second the Counties comprising the primaries to boheld April 19,1912. coining primaries, subject to the tl,-cir prime. True to pull, will the law against vice, immoral E. C. H aight . Fv -S. G un ni &G/ approval of the voters thereat. work anywhere. For price, see game with the U. B.' team of Seventh Judical District. in white acts, and the traffic C a r l t o n L. P e p p e r . : _ ! -------------- Should I be nominated and or writfe to Ralph rf. Cummings, Hood Rivet. slavery. elected I-will continue to serve TO WASCO COUNTY VOTERS. Today the Literary Society Mosier, Ore. f!6 -3t \V. A. B ei . i To the Voters of Wasco County: H. S. RICE FOR TREASURER. gives its first program of the I desire to announce to the the people to the best of my I desire to announce myself a I hereby announce myself a voters of Wasco County that" I ability. second semester. Everybody is candidate for the office of county Candidate for County Treasurer. Harry Weber, of The Dalles, cordially invited. candidate for county treasurer shall he a candidate at the com L evi C hrisman . sheriff at the primary election was a visitor in town last Mon at the Republican primaries. If ing primaries for the nomination | I hereby announce my candi- j April 19. If nominated and elect- nominated and elected I promise of County School Superintendent To the Several Electors of Was- day, THEIR 23rd ANNIVERSARY. dacy for the nomination for led I promise to conduct the to conduct the office in a way at the hands of the Republican [ co County. R. R. Morrison and family, county treasurer on the Repub- affairs of the office to the best What is believed to he the voters of the county. VAn. Thurston and Peter Knolls most successful party of the satisfactory to the people. Having decided to seek the liean ticket at the coming pri-iof my ability in a manner credit- C lyde F. B onney . H allie S. R ice . were visitors in Hood River last kind ever given in the Mosier nomination for Assessor at the maries, and if nominated and | able totfiecounty.. Saturday. ------------------- -------------— ----- — hands of the Republican voters, elected I shall give my earnest district was the 23rd wedding R. R. M c D o n a l d . A KEEN a p p r e c ia t io n I hereby announce' myself a attention to the duties of the anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. E. McKenna came up from of the value o f quality in tools and j candidate for the same, subject office and promise that they will Portland 1 rtf SJnday and spent N. Mosier. hardware i - ! our guide in obtaining | to their approval at the primaries lie fulfilled to the satisfaction of The guests, upon assembling part of Ihe day: looking after o fr supplits. W e don’ t buy any- to he held April 19tll, 1912. the people. at an early hour, found the home Kis interests here. thing that we wouldn’ t be willing , j Ag ^ ] ) a v IS C laud S. K night . most attractively decorated in to use ourselves. That makes it J. M. Davis, general manager many colored cupids and hearts impossible for you to biiy an i '- * of the various lumber yards of and the spirit of welcome arid To Wasco County Voters: ferior article here. Come here next W. A . B ELL PGR DISTRICT AT tu « Turn-A-Lutu Company, spent time and get certain satisfaction! TO RN E Y. good cheer prevailing as it always I desire to announce my in Wednesday in town. does in the Mosier home. w it!r youi purchase. To the Republican electors of tention of seeking the republican 1 Razors put in (irst-el»ss condition. Mrs. Decker arrived yesterday Games ot several kinds kept Crook, Hood River and Wasco nomination for sheriff of Wasco from California to he with her the guests in a high state of county at the coming primaries. Counties: - mother, Mrs. Geo. Wood.‘ whose good humor for many hours and I hereby announce myself as condition still remains critical. this, with the splendid music, a candidate for the Republican r~\ . r i made a combination which will nomination for District Attorney I / lilt LOTlClS Mrs. II. E. Waite and Mrs. L. he remembered by the fortunate at the earning Primaries, April j E. Ward, of Portland, arrived on guests for many a year as the 19; that I have resided in the Tuesday evening to see Mrs. DAVID ROBINSON, M. D . event of the season. District twenty five years, atj (¡eo. Wood, returning to their Those enjoying the hospitality P hysician and S urgeon Prinfeville and The Dalles; Or- i homes Wednesday afternoon". of the Mosiers were, Prof, and egon, and have been in the j On account of Ihe cave-in of a Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. MOSIER - OREGON active praclive of the law forj tunnel ¡on the North Bank road Akers, Mr. and Mrs. Hail, Dr. the past eighteen years; that, if of Lyle bn Tuesday, the and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. nominated and elected, I will trains on that road wert run R'«ss, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur," and during my term of office devote ! over the 0 - W. R,- & N. rails Mr. and Mrs. McGregor, Mrs. my entire time to the duties of a house, barn or packing .wworal days this week. J. Grate and Miss Gofdion of shed to build,- J. P. E rhart I'he Dalles, Mr. Droshach, Mr. .1 C Snyder, of White Salmon will furnish bonds to build was in town last Saturday in- Ed Hail and Miss Alic e Mosier. j personal attention, and first ; according to plans and speci The Town With a Future 'I'he guests returned to their t rviewing the gardners in a consideration to the business of I fications. (A t Hotel Pines.) now blight proof, tomato which homes at an “ early” hour after * * Me has propagated and which 1 e extending congratulations. A POPULAR CONFECTIONARY ——--------- . will have for sale this spring in STORE, Mrs. Shogren Entertains large and small quanities. Mr. where the most delicious candies « can be procured, is always a source Snyder also has cabbage and The Womans Club was enter D P A I . Shoes! Shoes ! ! Shoes ! ! ! Alex. Stewart, Mosier, Oregon. MOSIER B a r b e r Shop J. E, COLE . Town Lots Fire Insurance AN Y D. D, HAIL If You Have Oregon, ¡Quantity - Qualityj AT t i Right Prices s oaiiliflower plants in wholesale bid're tail lot«1, hut he is making i specialty of his blight proni cianato, which will greatly Mi limiate the raising of tin ‘ love apple.” It is Mr. Snyder’s intention to establish a depot ol supplies in Mosier. ORE. MOSIER Regarding tin* competition in tin* Hiool children’s Industrial Fair, to he he I 1 at I’hc Dalles October 1—4, Superintendent J. T. Nelf writes to the teachers ol Wasco county: It is desired «‘»•at all the school children ot sVhsco county shall enter the com petition' for priv.es. Teachers and parents are therefore urged to have the hoys and girls begin at once the work of preparation. Explain the plan to them, inter so,dal dance will lye given est them in the work, and give them the advice and encourage in Stroup’s Hall February 24th. ment necessary to insure their Newman’ s Orchestra w ill furnish The floor will lie taking it up intelligently and the music. J polished and put in the best con systematically and with the en dition. Dancing will begin at thusiasm essential to success. 18:'10 and continue until 12 Plots of ground should be O ’clock. Come and enjoy ymir- seed red and set apart- for gardening. The ground may he ; S'«lf. Hotel accommodations for plowed for the children. Boys - visitors from out of town. should bevin workingwith tools, ID*..!».. icr.s . m sm , and girls should begin sewing You remember, maybe and cooking. This work may that story about Mark Twain, l>e done either at .home or ai who said he was a bigger school. Those wishing to enter man than Georg«« Washing tiie poultr. cbnte.it should secure ton; because while George settings of eggs from breeders “ couldn’ t tell a lie,” Mark of pure strains of cleikens or could hut wouldn’ t. ducks.” Washington’ s fame is secure because he did what The Oleo People. he thought was best for all; It looks as if the butter trust and his judgment was good; had over stepped its reasonable personal profit or advantage limit recently when it made its didn’ t sway him. list raises in the market quota Hart Schnffner A Marx tions. Tli ’ maker of oieomarg- clothes are made of all-wool erine promptly saw their oppor fabrics, carefully shrunk, tunity anlt advanced arguments, j based largely on the price, why (J “ oleo” should I k ; used instead of f* bitter. In consequence there hj .vdj a large increase in the sale o f attraction to a girl with a sweet tooth, which is the reason for the demand upon us at all times Every one that likes rich and luscious chocolates, dainty marshmallows, tine bon-bons and cream caramels, rhade from high grade and pure in gredients, always find their way to T H E OAKS. Tum-A-LumLumber Co. I tained at the home of Mrs. F. A. Shogren on Wednesday, Feb. 5 S * 14th. A very pleasant afternoon E . A . R a c e , M G fc . was spent. The program was * in the form of a Valentine party.-1 Mrs. Arthur was the fortunate winner in the games. The lunch table was beauti I’uIly decorated in pink hearts and ferns. Pink and j green being Ihe club colors, t ie center piece was a large bouquet <d Pink Carnations. The mem-1 hers of t he club who were pres-! ent are the following, Mesdames Mosier, McGregor, Ross, Robin MOSIER FRUIT LA N D S A S PEC IALTY son, Akers, Chown, Kibhee, J. We are here to stay, know values, and can offer you Johnson, Arthur, N . Johnson, reliable service. Hail and Evans. We solicit your business on the basis of “ A Square Deal” . Social Hop. Money to loan on improved property. » EGGS! . I ---------------------------- J. K. McGREGOR & CO. REAL ESTATE I SCHOOL HOOKS and all sorts of School Sup- O regon perfectly tailored. They could use cheaper cloth, cheaper trimmings, cheaper tailoring, and you would probably never know the difference; but they won’ t. These clothes are made to give y i «• the Imst service; they’ re the cheapest clothes you can buy, for that reason. New House Dresses and Waists Wo have the first ship ment of these high grade clothes now ready for you to make your selections. Come in and have first choice. H. i. & M. Suds fo-’ -MS’ We have just unpacked one o f the nicest lots of House Drosses for Ladies that we have received. They are made nicely o f a good grade o f material ami and up. Other makes from $6. up to $17. THE PARI S FAIR, thoroughly reliable Matings $1.50 per setting of 15. $6.00 per hundred. A limited num ber of day-old chicks. F rf . d E vans , Proprietor “ TH E O A K S .” T he Mosier, Ore. a F, GOSS Local Phone 114 Pacific Phone M ain 2211 PINES HOTEL H . R. DUNSÌYIORE, Prop. PLUMBING. STEAM and hot w a te r h fa tin g . Good Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and up Agency for Model Laundry Also Pressing and Cleaning A large line of Tablets and Stationen’. MOSIE-Ï- From S. E. FRANCISCO, Chicken Dinner Every Sunday Mosier Book Store plies. ! S. C. R. I. REDS. S. C.- W H ITE LEGHORNS, MOSIER, finished in a first class mari ner. Why should you worry alwiut the making of these when you can come here and get one all ready to put on and wear for less th tu you could get the material made up for. I,Mik them over. We have them from $1. up. 1 , S lD .t S New Spring for Boys We have just receive«! our first big shipment of Ijoy’s new spring suits and th \v OREGON are sure fine, all the latest styles and weaves in Cassi- mere and worsteds. Serges ami mixed suitings with knickerh« cker pants, one and two pairs to the suit. Boy’ s grey worsted suit with wide sailor collar and tie: collar has white braid trimmings on the inside. 2 to 8 years. Each. $3.60 Boy’s suit of light tan cassimere with very fine whit «2 -dlk thread pin stripe: Russian style. W e have this same stxle of suit also in a blue serge and brown H O O D R iV Z R 'S L A R G E S T & B E S T S T O R E Joblang promptly attended to. MOSIER e . - - OREGON c. I b ro c k ------- .------- ------ ------------ C iv il E n g i n e e r General Surveying, Plat-' ting and Drafting Mosier - - Oregon worsteds;fir-St class in every way and very nifty little suits. Each. $4.27. HOSIERY. We harry a toil line of Wundler Hose for men, women and children. These are guaranteed hose and one o f the very best on the market today. You take no chances in buying these for if the four do not wear as long as they are guaran teed for. you need have no hesitancy in sending them to the factory and getting a new pair in their stead.