Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, February 09, 1912, Image 3

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Cures all blood humors, all
eruptions, clears the complex«
ion, creates an appetite, aids
digestion, relieves that tired
feeling, gives vigor and vim.
When cane seats are relaxed turn
the chair upside down, pour boiling
water over It. scour In hot soapsuds
and rinse again in boiling water, when
the cane should be found to have con­
A polish that may be used for floors
and furniture Is made of equal parta of
vinegar, boiled linseed oil and methy­
lated spirits. Where the polish has
worn off this renews It, and when It
is well rubbed In It gives a brilliant
surface to the floor.
If the painter has left marks of paint
on the floor apply to them a paste
made of equal parts of lime and soda
moistened with a little water. Leave
this, apply very thickly, for 24 hourd,
then wash It off and the stains will
be found to have disappeared.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs«
Stencils and Brass
IH JDD LA O lA lV ir o Signs. cellu loid
and Ribbon Padges. Good Goods, Quick Service.
Bend fo r com plete Catalogue No. 26. A cm e Stamp
W o rk s , 1015 A S t , Tacom a. Wash.
Second-H and Machin­
ery b o u g h t sold and
exchanged: e n g in e s ,
boiler«, sawmills, etc. The J. E. M artin Co.. 76 1st
B t . Portland. Send fo r Stock List and p ricea
Wanted—Men and Women
C O R N S R f M O V E D sim p le plaster; no strings:
------------------------------------ 10c; no grease; safe. sure.
speedy. W hy be m iserable? Money back if not
aatished. At.dresa R E X S P E C IA L T Y CO.
Box 164, Seattle, W ash.
$200 AND UP
Runahouta, 5 and 7-pamen-
irer uttu-hines and trucks. We
have bargains in ull kinds of
second-hand machines. Gall
or write.
W H IT E .
B L U M A U E R -F R A N K D R U G C O .
The troublesome problem of wash­
day solved by RED CROSS BALL
BLUE. The blue that is all blue.
Solid package; no liquid to leak or
spill. No adulteration. Made for 20
years and used everywhere.
A large package only 10 cents.
Makes the clothes snow white. Less
bother, less waste. More satisfactory
results and practical economy. ASK
D o you w an t to be your ow n dentist? D o you
w ant to do aw ay w ith b ig dental bills and the
dread o f the dental chair? D o you w an t to have
good, sound and beau tiful teeth? I f you use Fuchi
Dental Paste it will absolutely preven t d ecay and
g iv e to the teeth that pearly w h ite appearance
and to the gum s the firm ness and colou r o f health.
Tubes, 50c; large tube, $1.
Natural Occupation.
Now and then the childish com­
ment goes right to the heart of a
difficult problem or situation. A little
boy who longed to stand on the seat
of a car and look out of the window
was sternly reproved by his mother.
"What a 'frald-cat mamma!” exclaim­
ed another youngster, seated near.
“ Yes, I suppose she is nervous,” was
the adult reply, "but then, you see,
she has to take cere of her little boy
and It keeps her buBy.” “ Well, Isn’t
that what she’s for?” was the Inn»
cant, pertinent question.
H er
P reserve the beau ty and y ou th fu l appearance
o f the fa c e by the application o f F uchi Massage
Cream, w hich feeds the skin, thereby filling out and
p reven tin g w rinkles and destroyin g blackheads,
and gives the skin the blush and glow o f youth.
The m arvelous com plexion o f the h igh class O ri­
entals. w h ich has been a m ystery to Europeans, is
due to the use o f preparations m ade from this re­
ceip t. P u t up in glass. $1.
This is the first tim e the above-m entioned pre­
parations have been offered fo r sale in A m e r ic a
A lim ited su pply is to be had b y addressing
Suite 9 . 3 4 2 1 a Washington SL.
Portland, Oregon
In the Dog Watch.
Objection Is made In New York to
drowning stray dogs, for fear so many
sunken barks may obstruct naviga­
tion.—Christian Advocate.
Painless Dentistry
I . oa r prldn—our hobby—on r .tally f o r year, and
Bow onr ■ui'cfla, and oura ta the b . at p alolan work
to be found anywhere, no m atter how m uch you
C o m p a re o u r P ricea.
I We finish plate and
] bridge work fo r out-
I o f . town patron. In
Io n a day i f desired.
I Peinlem extraction
I free when platen or
I bridge work I, order.
I ad. ConoulMtion Ire,.
Real Life.
The mintage of wisdom Is to know
that rest Is rust, and that real life 1s
In love, laughter and work.—Elbert
Hubbard. _________________
MoltrCrowns 55.00 j
Good Rubber
_ . .
B««t Red Rubber —
Gold .'illingt
Et.m.1 Filling,
Silver Filling-«
M . W. A. WISf, PmwfiT am M asami
t l TRAM UTAtllSIlie IS W H A M
Painleu Extr’ tion . 5 0
A l l w o r k f u lly g u a r a n t e e d f o r f if t e e n y e a n .
W i s e D e n t a l C o .,i» c .
Painless Dentists
Fafllnf Building, Third and Washington PORTtANO, ORE
om«< Bou.: aa s .u a r .k . annanra, a a, i
The Paper Wedding.
The "paper wedding” marks the
completion of the second year of
married life, and is sometimes the
first one celebrated, since the cotton
anniversary seems to offer very few
possibilities In the way of unique en
tertalnment. For the paper wedding
we can decorate our rooms and table
with some of the beautiful paper
flowers that are now being modeled
moat exquisitely after the natural
flowers.—Haroer’s Bazar.
Woodpecker's Hearing.
It 1* not easy to explain why wood­
peckers select one tree rather than
others of the same kind In the for­
est upon which to begin their opera­
tions, or why they attack one side of a
tree and leave the other untouched.
Commonly It will be found, no doubt,
that worms or ants are concealed be­
neath the point selected and that the
woodpecker Is guided In his search by
the sense of hearing.
Woman’s Age.
A few years ago after a woman had
passed thirty-five she was relegated
to the fireside and she looked and felt
old. She lived In her memory, and all
the money that was spent for little
frills and follies was given to her
daughter; for mother, all was over.
Suddenly woman awakened to the
feet that after thirty-five she la at her
beat, and that her beauty need not
fade unless she wishes It.—Home U fa
Entirely Inadequate.
"I offered to let him have • hun­
dred.” "That would only be A drop In
the bucket-shop.”— Life.
« f
The Clever and the Wise.
To clever people almost everything
!• laughable—to wise people, hardly
Only the Belief of Snj^e.
The Idea that trade ta vu ulgar
lgar Is one
of the atlllest Idea» that ever cerne
(ate the brain of n>*
More indictments o f Los Angeles
labor leaders are expected soon.
Idaho mining men are preparing to
fight the reduction o f the tariff on
Fire practically destroyed St. Cath­
M urine Eye R em edy C o ., C h ica g o erine’s Home, in San Francisco.
Thirty invalids were removed by at­
tendant Sisters.
Novel Dalntle*.
A Chinese student in the University
The kumquata or ‘'llttla orange»'
that come In boxes at the fruit store o f Washington will play “ Hiawatha”
are a source of wonderment to many in an amatuer theatrical performance
peraons who have never used them to be given at the college.
themselvea or happened to meet them
San Francisco chow houses are after
on other*’ tables. The way they are Ishi, the primitive Indian captured in
■erved by an uptown chef 1 b thla: He the forests some time ago. He is in
covera a plate with endive leaves that the care o f the University of Califor­
have been chilled and then covers tho nia.
leaves with kumquats that have been
General Orozco has been appointed
sliced very fine and allowed to stand
for an hour or two with a covering governor of Chihuahua province, Mex­
of eugar and sherry. The salad Is ico, and it is believed the plan is for
him to establish a sort of dictatorship
dressed with oil and vinegar.
Alligator pears are another mystery in Northern Mexico for the complete
to a good many American housewives extermination of the rebels.
who have departed from traditional
Steeplejacks scaled the walls o f tho
lines. The pears to be delicious should burned Hotel Helena, at Helena, Mon­
be a little soft, and they should also tana, and recovered diamonds valued
be very cold. Cut the pears In half, at $6,000, a $600 chunk of melted
arrange them on individual plates cov­ gold coin, and also the ashes of a roll
ered with white lettuce leaves and of currency, from an upper room.
fill each cavity with French dressing.
The Oregon Drydock company has
The pears are eaten with a spoon, like
raised its rates for all classes of ves­
a muskmelon.
W e positively pay the hie heat
m arket prices, as w e are m anu­
factu rers and th erefore car. pay
m ore ihan dealers.
Send for*
free p rice list and shipping tags
and get full value fo r your skins.
N. M. Ungar Co., the Reliable
Furriers. 202 V* 7th SL. PartUai Or«
F. 0. M m » Order preferred.
The Borah-Jones three year home­
stead bill hus passed the senate.
N o w d e d ic a t e d t o th e p u b lic a n d s o ld by
D r u g g is t s at* 25c a n d 50c p e r B o ttle . M u rln «
E y e S a lv e in A s e p t ic T u b e s , 25c a n d 50c.
(B r a n c h )
General Resume o f Important Event*
Presented in Condensed Form
for Our Busy Readers.
King George and Queen Mary have
returned to England from their cor­
When Your Eyes Need Cars Try Murine Eye Remedy onation trip to India.
N o S m a r tin g — F e e ls F in e — A c t s Q u ic k ly . T ry
Universal war is being made on the
It f o r R e d , W e a k , W a te r y E y e s a n d G r a n u ­
la te d E y e lid s . I llu s t r a t e d B o o k in e a c h P a c k ­ “ tipping”
system, and a Chicago
a g e . M u rin e is c o m p o u n d e d b y o u r O cu lis ts
— n o t a “ P a te n t M e d icin e ” — b u t u se d in s u c ­ judge has branded it as “ illegal and
c e s s fu l P h y s ic ia n s ’ P r a c t ic e f o r m a n y y e a rs . un-American.”
T o learn barber trade. Tools free. W ages while
Positions guaranteed.
B arber School. 429 E. 5th S t . Loe An geles, Cal.
266 114 St.
Doings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
Mlgnt Be Worth Knowing-
The mechanism of the band Is suet
that a cigar held between the second
and third fingers will not drop from
-ha hand should the smoker fall asleep
Express companies are to be prose­
cuted for making thousands o f over­
Objections by
Senator Heyburn
have blocked progress on the peace
Prosecutor declares the marks of
Conner’s teeth are on caps used in dy­
namite explosion.
Edwin Hawley, noted railroad mag­
nate, died in New York.
The Oregon-Washington Railroad
company has reduced class freight
rates to all points on the O. R. & N.
Woolgrowers are assured o f an
early and active market for wool ac­
cording to reports from Eastern mar­
Captain Sverdrup ¡8 en route from
New York to Seattle to take charge of
an Arctic expedition which will es­
tablish a floating headquarters for the
Alaska Whaling company.
Postal banks are causing a noticea­
ble decrease in the amount of money
sent abroad by foreigners.
A receiver has been appointed for
the Washington Orchard Irrigation &
Fruit company, which was organized
to develop desert lands on the Colum­
bia river near Kennewick, Wash.
A demented woman at the Oregon
insane asylum broke away from a
band o f patients who were out walk­
ing and hurled herself into a blazing
brush pile, from which she was imme­
diately rescued without serious in­
Wheat — Track prices; Bluestem,
88( il 89 c ; club, 86@87c; red Russian,
86c; valley. 86c; forty-fold, 86tq)87c.
Millstuffs — Bran, $23 ton; shorts,
$25; middlings, $30; rolled barley,
Barley— Whole, $40 ton.
Corn — New, whole, $34; cracked,
$35 ton.
Oats—No. 1 white, $32(ft:32.50 ton.
Hay—No. 1 Eastern Oregon timo­
thy, $17wl8; No. 1 valley, $15(wl6;
alfalfa, $13@14; clover, $12; grain,
Cranberries. $10(^11.50 per barrel.
Potatoes— Buying prices; Burbanks,
I M r. S te p h en H o lb ro o k e, S e c ’ y
90c^u$1.20 per hundred.
T a c o m a ( W a s h .) P oultry A s s ’ n w r ite s:
Vegetables — Artichokes, $1.26 per
“ I w ill g iv e M e xica n M u s ta n g L inim ent I
dozen; cabbage, $ 14 (hiil 4 c per pound;
I an u n e q u ivo ca l e n dorsem en t a s a rem edy 1
I fo r B u m b le fo o t an d C a n k er in th e T h r o a t. I
celery, $5(0,5.60 per crate; garlic, 86ii
1 H ith e rto I h a v e fou n d these diseases o f m y I
10c per pound; hothouse lettuce, 50cCo
su ltry v e ry difficult t o cure b u t M u s ta n g I
E inim ent p ro v e d t o be a p o s itiv e r e m e d y . I $1
per box; pumpkins, IK'tZc per
I 2 5 c . 5 0 c . $1 a bottle at D r a g A Gen’l Stores I
pound; spinach, $lftll.S6 per box;
sprouts, 8c; squaAt,
\\U t2 c
pound; turnip«, $1(0 1.10 per sack;
rutabagas, $lti£L10;
carrots, $1(0!
(1@ 1-10; beets,
O ur 1912
Annual Catalog
Onions — Association price, $2.25
Is u p -to -d a te and tells all about
per sack.
th e b est S E E D S , P L A N T S A
Apples— Fancy Rome Beauty, $2.50
T R E E S . IN C U B A T O R S .
P O U L T R Y F O O D S an d S U P ­
per box; choice Rome Beauty, $2;
P L IE S , S P R A Y S . P U M P S .
fancy Yellow Newtown, $2.50; fancy
F E R T IL I Z E R S . E tc .
A reliable, truthful guide for
Spitzenberga, $2.76; Delaware Red,
W estern buyers. A sk for Book
$1.75; Wineaap, $2; Northern Spy,
Not » 4 .
$1.60; Baldwin, $1.50(0,2; Ben Davis,
Rootledge Seed t Floral Co.
$1.25; Red Cheek
Pippin, extra
1 6 9 Second S L Portland. Ore.
fancy, $2.50.
Butter—Oregon creamery butter,
solid pack, 334c; prints, extra; but­
ter fat, average buying price, 844c
Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, candled,
30(0 31c per dozen.
Pork— Fancy, 74'®84c per pound.
(Form erly C ure-A ll)
Veal— Fancy, 13(0 134c per pound.
Poultry— Hens, 14c; springs, 13 (a,
Portland. Or.. 22 D « . , 1*11
134c; ducks, young, 22c; geese, 124c;
Sayers U. P^i^ocnpany. Tacom a. Wash..
Dear Sirs
A s I fail to find any agent o f yours
turkeys, live, 18c; dressed, 20Oz22c.
in this city. I enclose you t l fo r tw o 50c bottles o f
Cattle— Choice steers, $5.76(0,5.96:
your rem edy.
W e have used this remedy six
years ago with good results.
Yours truly.
good, $5.60(0.6.75; choice cows, $4.76
'Oih, good, $4.25(0,4.50; choice spayed
5909 41st A v e S. E .. City.
heifers, $5.36(0.5.50; good to choice
KOc and t l by mail. Money returned i t it fa ils
heifere, $6(ri 5.26; choice bulla, $4.26
VtA. 60; good, $4(04.25: choice calves,
2 1 4 B a n k ers’ T ract B ld g..
T a com a. W ash
$7.60(08; good, $6.75(47.
A pent* W ant i
Hogs— Choice light bogs. $6.25 (a
6.76; smooth heavy hogs, $5.75(06;
rough heavy, $6.50#$6.76.
Sheep — Choice yearling wethers,
$4.76(0 4.85; choice killjng ewes. $4
good. $4.60(04.75; culls. $3.76(04.
Man wants but little her« below,
and he gets it when he goes to the
grocery with less than $6.
Chinese Flagrantly Violate Law Since
Outbreak of War.
Why will you
c o n t i n u e to
suffer from a
bad stomach,
c o ns t i p at e d
bowels or in­
active liver
Pekin — One unfortunate result of
the revolution has been a revival of
opium consumption.
A fillip was
given to the trade when Kuang-tung
and Yunan joined the movement, and
proclaimed their independence. These
two provinces, with Szechuen, were
the largest consumers o f opinum in
the empire, and the suppression of
poppy cultivation and opium smoking
was keenly resented by a good number
of the inhabitants.
As soon as the authority o f the im­
perial government was thrown over­
board there was evidently a reaction
among those addicted to the habit.
Even before the revolution, and in
will m ake you w ell and
spite of the stringent rules, there is
reason to believe that opium houses
keep y ou so.
T ry a
continued to flourish secretly. Now it
b ottle today.
is said that they have begun to carry
on their trade publicly in Canton and
in other places, the bad example once
set being quickly followed. Owing to
the suppression o f poppy cultivation
enough local opium is not available
and the foreign article is in great re­
"D a d ."
Prices have risen and clear­
"Dad” and "daddy” were wall known
ances in Hongkong and Shanghai are In this country In the sixteenth cen­
very satisfactory from the trade point tury; "papa" did not come In, borrow­
o f view.
ed from abroad, until the sevententh
century was well advanced. Florlo,
at the end of the former century, de­
Money Provided for Expedition to fined the Italian "pappa" as "the first
word that children are taught to call
the South Seas.
their father, as ours say ‘dad,’ ‘dad-
San Francisco—That the failures of dle’ or ’bab....... Dad" seema to be the
adventurers o f the past to find hidden commoner to mankind of the two.
loot o f bygone buccaneers amid the N sub I csb In the “Odyssey" calls her
enchanted isles of the South coast and father "pappa phlle," dear papa; but
coral reefs of the South seas, fails to Greek baa "tata" also, and Welsh has
discourage persons with a belief in the "tat,” and Irish “dald.”
legends o f wealth, became apparent
Qualities That Make for Success,
when another story of a contemplated
“ The qualities of honesty, energy,
expedition leaked out here.
James Morton, just arrived from frugality, Integrity, aro more neces­
Topeka, Kan., is searching among the sary than ever today, and there la
hulks o f Oakland Creek for the sort of no success without them. They are
craft he thinks he needs to carry on a so often urged that they have become
search for millions.
commonplace, but they are really
Morton said that the money already more prized thuu ever. And any good
was provided for the undertaking and fortune that comes by such methods
all that was needed was a schooner or Is deserved and admirable.”—Mar
barkentine capable of holding supplies shall Field.
and possessing accommodations for
the score of men who will make the
He refuses to divulge the nature of
the princely fortune which will be
brought into port several months after
the vessel sails from San Francisco,
but admitted that it was of immense
bulk. In weight it would amount to
several hundred tons.
How Mrs. Bethune was Re-
“ It is really a very expensive com­
stored to Health by Lydia
modity,” said Morton. “ If I were to
tell you the real value you would only
E. Pinkham’s Vegeta­
smile, b o I shall not discuss that part
ble Compound.
of it. What I want ia the right ship.
We have the money and are ready to
Sikeston, Mo. — “ For seven years I
pay cash. This is not a game, but a
suffered everything. 1 was in bed for
straight business proposition.”
four or five days at a
Inventor Loses Life.
time every month,
and so weak I could
Paris— Francois Reichelt, aged 35,
hurdly walk. I had
a ladies’ tailor, was instantly killed
cramps, b a c k a c h e
here when a parachute which he had
and headache, and
invented failed to work as he jumped
was so nervous and
from a stage o f the Eiffel tower,
weak that I dreaded
nearly 200 feet from the ground.
to see a n y on e or
Reichelt had been working two
have anyone move in
years on his invention, which he in­
the room. The doc­
tended for use by aviators when aero­
tors gave me medi­
planes began to tumble because o f ac­
cine to ease me at
The parachute was made of silk and those times, and said that I ought to
was attached to the back like a sol­ have an operation. I would not listen to
dier’s knapsack. It weighed lesB than that, and when a friend of my husband’s
20 pounds. Reichelt ascended to the told him about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg­
first stage of the tower, which is etable Compound and what it had done
about 187 feet from the ground.
He for his wife, I was willing to take it.
placed a table near the edge facing Now I look the picture of health and feel
the Seine and got ready for the jump like it, too. I can do all my own house­
while a crowd o f reporters and cine- work, work in the garden and entertain
him on the company and enjoy them, and can walk
as far as any ordinary woman, any day
Reichelt jumped out from the table in the week. I wish I could talk to every
with the parachute on his back. For suffering woman and girl, and tell them
a second it seemed as if the parachute what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
was about to open in accordance with Compound has done for me.“ —Mrs.
the theory of the inventor, but it D e m a B e t h u n e , Sikeston, Mo.
Remember, the remedy which did this
shrunk together again and he fell like
a stone, striking the ground in less was Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
that four seconds. He was picked up Compound.
His legs and spinal column
It has helped thousands of women who
were broken and his body made a hole have been troubled with displacements,
several inches deep in the frozen inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irreg­
ularities, periodic pains, backache, that
bearing down feeling, indigestion, and
Troop* to Be Held Ready.
nervous prostration, after all other means
Washington, D. C.—To meet any have failed. Why don’t you try it?
emergency that may arise in connec­
tion with the unsettled conditions in
Northern Mexico, General Leonard A.
Wood, chief o f staff o f the United
States army, has issued orders to com­
î|| jIUBS IM I jjjj
manders of several army post* in var­
ious parts of the country to hold their
troops in readiness for duty along the
General Duncan, in com­
mand o f the department o f Texas, was
H i!
____ Î
instructed to “ use his own judgment”
in moving the troops under him in en­
Ask vour dealer for it. If he do««
not handle it drop us a postal card
forcing neutrality laws.
and we will furnish you tne name of
a dealer who does
Elks Will Ride in Specials.
Portland, Or. — Practically every
î iiji
Elks lodge in the Pacific Northwest
will come to Portland for the grand
lodge reunion by its special train.
¡¡¡¡ milling cpijij
Within the past few days negotiations
have been closed with the railroads
¡P ortlan d , orecon !
for an aggregate o f nine crack specials.
These comprise nearly 100 standard
sleepers, capable of handling 3,000
people. The lodges which will use
these specials are Lewiston. Wallace
and Moscow, Idaho; Walla Walla and
North Yakima, Wash.; Baker, Pen­
dleton, La Grande and The Dalles, Or.
v»recept ana Practice.
"Do you wish to go to church this
evening? Father Is going to preach,
you know,” the minister's fair daugh-
ter asked. Tho young man considered
“ Urn. The last time I went he rather
fell on some of my email fallings. Do
you know what his text will be to
night?” "Yes, 'Love One Another.’ "!
He regarded the round pink cheek ap-1
provlngly. “ Suppose,” he suggested 1 Stop coughing 1 Coughing
softly, “ that we let the old gentleman
rasps and tears. Stop it!
go preach while we sit ou the porch
Coughing prepares the throat
and practice?"
Why cough?
Stop it!
Stiff neck! Doesn’t amount to much, but
mighty disagreeable. You will be surprised
to see how quickly Hamlins Wizard Oil will
drive that stiffness out. One night, that’s all.
and lungs for more trouble.
Stop i t ! There is nothing so
bad for a cough as coughing.
Stop i t ! Ayer’s Cherry Pec­
toral is a medicine for coughs
and colds, a regular doctor’s
medicine. Sold for seventy
years. Use it! Ask your doc­
tor if this is not good advice.
W o r k c f Heal Fo re ste r.
The modern forester undertakes to
make orchards profitable. There are
orchardlsts, to be sure, who know very
well how to care for their ireee and
who do care for them; but thero are
also orchards' that ato neglected or
handled unsklllfully.
The forester
will take a run-down orchard and by
intelligent, scientific treatment of the
trees, with systematic care, make It
produce big and handsome applet lu
Unless there is daily action of the bow­
els, poisonous products are absorbed,
causing headache, biliousness, nausea,
dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your
doctor about correcting your constipation
by taking laxative doses of Ayer’ s Pills.
Kxda by th * J. O. AY EH CO ., L ow ell. M . . .
Will pull them all, large and small, and pile them just like a 100-H. P.
DONKEY ENGINE. Will clear TWO acres to the Donkey’sone, using less or
no powder at all. Am operated by one horse and one man.
Write and find out why you should know about the AMERICAN STUMP
PULLER. THINK THIS OVER; Stump land does not pay TAXES, but when
cleared it pays everything. This Machine is guaranteed to stand wear and tear
and pull your stumps, or no pay. Address
•2.25, *2.50, *3, ’ 3.50,*4 & *5 SHOES
Oyster Fleet ia Lost.
Tilghmans, Md.— Six oystermen are
believed to have been drowned in the
Choptank river when their boats were
carried into the open water« in the ice
jam that began to move early Monday
morning with the gale that swept over
Tilghmans island.
The iceboat An­
napolis, up to a late hour, had found
no trace o f the boat«.
Five other
launches managed to fight their way
through buffeting cake« and made
clear water.
Troops Held in Readiness.
Leavenworth, Kan.—Colonel Daniel
Comman, acting commander o f the
army post at Fort I^avenworth, re­
ceived orders to lol I in readiness to
go at a moment’ s notice to the Mexi­
can border, the Seventh infantry, o f
which he ia ia command, and the sec­
ond squadron o f the Fifteenth cavalry,
under command o f Captain William T.
Health? cow« give more « ilk , make richer
batter, end raqsirc let« cere. ROW EURE 1« •
cow Medicine, not t food.
It regulates the
digestive end generative organ« end tone« eg
the entire system. A positive cere and preven­
other ailments! hat tap the strength of Milking
cow«. Tho«««nd« of proAtabie herd« ewe their
health to RO W EURE.
•e «ere to tend for our valuable free book,
"M ore Moncp From Your C o w s."
Lyadosvllk. VL. U. S. A.
2012 15TH AV E. W EST, S EA T T LE, WASH.
All Stylet, All Leathers, All Sizes and Widths,
for Men, Women and Boys.
FO R O V E R 3 0 Y E A R S
’ve W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L.
ouglas name stamped on a shoe guar­
antees superior quality and more value
for the mcney than other makes. His
name and price stamped on the bottom
protects the wearer against high prices
and inferior shoes. Insist upon having
I the genuine W. L. Douglas shoes.
Take no substitute.
^HOW TO ORDER BY HAIL. Shoe« Sent Everywhere
All Charge» Prepaid.
V.L.DouglHS shoes are not «old In your tow n, semi direct to fa ctory. T ak e meaurem ents
o f fo o t hs «liow n In m o d e l; «Lite style desired ; size and width usually ; plain
or cat* toe ; heavy, m edium o r liirfit sole. I d o t h e l a r n t u t n h o e m a i l o r d e r b u » l -
n e t t i n t h e w o r l d . Ulus. O atslog Free. W.L. DOUGLAS,Ifl08 p»rk 8t.,B ro ck to n ,H w .
Can be hnndloil very erurtly. The itfk are eared, and all othera la
aamo .table, no matter how “ pitim nd." Ue"t from lo o i nu the d i M.
pare, by m in i HPOIINB LIQUID D IS T L M P h li GURU, d iva on
tha toneue o r In feed. A r t. on tho blood and rip p le germ , o f .11
fo rm , o f dl.!eniper. llent remedy ever known for mitree in foal.
One l*ott lo ftuarnnteed to euro one core. SOe and SI a bottle; Ihrnd
110 dor.eti. o f dru eai.t. and hit mem, dee ere. or *r*ot f i n re.« paid hy
m anufacturer.. Out .h o w . how t o poultice throat*. Our Free
Booklet » Ire . ever-rlilnre. lo c a l amuit. wanted. I.aruval Ml t in .
h o n e remedy In «xl.ten ce—twelve ywnr..
Chwmlate end Bactarioloariata. GOSHEN, IND.. U. S. A.
Qot Any?
Arlctocratlo Dairy Farmers.
The fall of the year always lays a
Dairy farming ia popular as a gent».
special strain upon tho nation s finan­ Ine source of Income to the British
cial resources. For not only la there aristocracy.
the money needed to move the crops,
but also those great rolls of bills which
prudent men. In putting away tbelr
light clothing, do not forget to forget
Plant thoroughbred »ecd».
In the pockets thereof, In order that
oughbred »eeds do not happen.
they may come Joyfully to light. next
If you use Eye Salve use the beat.
' s E y e S a l v e is the standard,
is reliable and costs no more than infer-
ior goods that are unknown. Used by
Physicians and Oculists, helps where all
others fail. It is not the T U B E or Box
that cures, it is the S A L V K that does the
work. Guaranteed by Howard Bros,
under the Government Food and Drugs
Act. Don’t be deceived or misled. Tne
only really antiseptic Eye Salve that has
been in the market for years. Sold by
Druggists throughout the known world.
e t t it
Dr. Stone’s Heave Drops
Numbers of people are suffering
just now from Irritating colds In the
head. A very simple home remedy
which brings almost Instant relief Is
to pour half a pint of boiling water on
to a dram of pulverized camphor, and
to Inhale the vapor for about ten to
fifteen minutes. The annoying tits of
sneezing, running eyes and heavy
feeling In the head will quickly yield
to this remedv
For the cure o f heaves;
a liquid m edicine riven
w ill
not refu se. Fro«n on« to
six bottles will cur« th«
in the feed, w hich
moot fastidious horse
moat stubborn case.
Price f l per bottle, or
six bottles for 16.
sale at all d ru ggists, or
write to
O n ly O n » "B R O M O Q U I N I N E "
T h a t 1» L A X A T I V E B K O M O Q U I N I N E . I « > k
fo r th e sign atu re o f E . W . G R O V E , lined the
W orld over to C ure a Cold In O n e D ay. 25c.
Today the Appointed Tim«.
**Th« future Is on Illusion; It nev«t
arrives; It files before you as you ad-
vance. Always It Is today—and after
death and a thousand years It is to­
day. You have great deeds to per­
form and you must do them now.”—
Charles Ferguson.
How to
Get Well and
Keep So.
T h « em inent C hine«« doctor, treat« w ith
n on-poisonous, non-Injurious herb« and
cure« «uch diseases o f the Throat. H eart,
Liver. L u n ««, Stom ach. Kirlni^ys. A sth m a.
Pneum onia, C onsum ption. Chronic Cough.
Piles, Constipation, Dysentery, N e rvou s­
ness. D izziness,
N euralgia.
Lu m bago. Appendicitis, Rheum atism . Ca­
tarrh , E czem a, E tc.
All Too Frequent Mletske.
The »owl le Intended to guide the
body In the journey through life; the
chief mistake which man makes Is
that be permits the body to guide the
soul.—London Truth.
It Is bettor to call than w rite, b ut th e m
w ho are unable to com «, «end 4 cen ts In
stam p s and secure sym p tom blank. A fte r
carefully g ivin g sym p tom s the«« w onderful
h ealth -givin g herbs can be secured, which
will p u t you on th « road to recovery.
P IL E S C U R E D IN « T O 14 D A T S
T o u r d r -ig g i-t w ill refund m oney if P A Z O Or.-fT-
M E N T f e l l , to cure en y cede o f Itchin g. Blind.
B leeding or P rotruding P ile , in » to 14 tiers. 0bc.
Norwegian Industry.
Norway sells matches and paper to
the United States, the East Indies,
the United Kingdom and Germany.
Mental Hurt Added.
What makes a sore toe hurt worse
Is for the man who steps on it to
walk away without apologising.
Color more g node brighter and teetor colora than any other dye. One 10c ]
and lo guaranteed to give perfect rsiuWq Aokde ----- or w e wtUr— —
n e w to dye, tloech and irta o a Iras
Wo Chinese Medical Co.
2 9 0 V 4 A ld e r 94 . C a r . T h ir d , P w t l a e d . O r
r. N. u.
No s - ’ ta.
Horn this pepar.
, woe 1 and cotton «
go. Write for I
F a x t , Quiz