Hood’s AMERICA NAMED BY GERMAN ABRO G ATIO N IS UPHELD. Martin Waldtesmullsr Published Flrat Map With That Tltla Given the New World. Congress Promptly Ratifies Termina tion ot Russian Treaty. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE Washington, D. C. — Congress very promptly ratified the president’s noti LAHEVIEW AW AITING ROAD. K LAM ATH FALLS ANXIO US. In the lntereetlng town of St. Die. fication o f the termination o f the Rus In French Lorraine, there was recent- sian treaty o f 1832 ana sent the meas Cures all humors, catarrh and ; ly held a celebration of special Inter ure to the president for his signature. Impetus to Business Result o f An Will It Remain ’ ’ Premium Station” nouncement o f New Line. Is Question Now Uppermost. rheumatism, relieves that tired est to the people of this side of the The house disposed o f it according to Lakeview— The coming o f the new feeling, restores the appetite, i world, and in a lesser degree to Spain program within 75 minutes. Klamath Falls— This city boasts of and Italy. It was In honor of the four Speaker Clark signed it at 2:56 p. railroad here means an impetus to one o f the few stations on the South cures paleness, nervousness, hundredth anniversary of the publica business o f which few outsiders have builds up the whole system. tion there of the geographical work of m .; Vice President Sherman signed it any idea. Many people believe that ern Pacific system classed as perfect G e t It t o d a y In usual liquid form or : Martin Waldseemuller. In which Amer at 3:51 p. m., after the senate had re the coming o f the railroad means by the great corporation which holds mained in session purposely to permit c h o c o la te d tablets .called Sarsatabs. ica was suggested as the name of the him, under the rules, to affix his sig merely better methods o f transporta it. For this reason there is a sign New World. tion for those already settled, but the over the front o f the structure which nature while it was in session. There have been many theories and D o It N o w . It was a perfunctory proceeding in importance o f the growth has already I expect to pass through this world much controversy as to the origin of the house, for Democrats and Repub begun to be demonstrated. There are reads, "Premium Station.” The local but once. Any good thing therefore the name America, and not a few have licans voted together, Macon, o f A r a number o f new people who have structure has held this distinction for that I can do, or any kindness that I resented the slight which was put kansas, Democrat, alone voting in the come here to engage in business o f re two successive years, the silver medal can show to any fellow creature let upon Columbus in this connection. negative. He explained to the house cent weeks, and the real estate busi having been awarded in 1909 to F. M. me do It now. Let me not defer or Some have denounced Amerigo Ves later that he voted against the resolu ness is attracting some who believe Thompson and last year to Clarence B. neglect It, for I shall not pass this pucci—who, like Columbus, was an tion in a spirit o f levity. that the approach o f the ateel rails The present agent, S. J. Italian sailing under the flag of Spain way again.— Edward Courtney. One Mills. In the debate Republicans joined means higher values for land. —for “ stealing” the glory due the real with their political opponents in trib long-felt want in the town is being Bailey, would like to take the medal Always Friendship. discoverer. utes to Representative Sulzer, o f New filled by a new lumber yard, and as this year, and is awaiting with inter In the hour of distress and misery But the chief wrong. If any was York, the Democratic author o f the soon as freight trains begin doing the eye of every mortal turns to done, was committed by the German house bill, for accepting the senate work it is expected to start the new est the verdict o f the 1911 annual in spection. which is now under way and friendship; In the hour of gladness geographer In the book which was measure amending his own. enterprise off with about 40 carloads and conviviality, what Is our want? It published in 1607, and on the map which will be completed within a “ Mr. Sulzer has shown that he is of lumber. Is friendship.— Walter Savage Landor. which he published a year or so later. acting through the promptings o f pat The town already has one lumber couple o f weeks. On that map the name America was riotism, not politics,” Republican yard am1 planing mill, but the demand Once every year the general super D e m o c r a c y a n d W e a lt h . applied, however, only to the southern Leader Mann said. for material has overtaxed the facili intendent o f the Southern Pacific, Anatolo France said that "In every part of the New World. The northern The Russian reply to the notice ties. The new yard will help the with the assistant chief engineer and well-ordered state wealth Is a sacred part was called Parlas. from Ambassador Guild that America builders to get plenty o f material, all the division superintendents, go thing.” But he added, "In a demo It Is possible, perhaps probable, that wished to terminate the treaty o f without using freshly sawed lumber over the entire railroad system and cracy It Is the only sacred thing.” Vespucci, not Columbus, first reached 1832 has been received at the State or carrying stock for a season and determine upon the nearness to per the mainland of America; and It was department. The officials decline to waiting for it to cure. fection o f the different classes of Vespucci who grasped the Important publish the text o f the note, but ad Streets leading to the depot are work, each superintendent in turn W anted— Men and Women fact that a new continent had been mit that its contents have been well being graveled and put into good shape being disqualified as an inspector when T o learn barber trade. Tools free. Wages while found, and not simply a part of Asia. outlined in the news dispatches from for traffic to and from the station. learning. Positions guaranteed. International his own particular division is under Of that fact Columbus died In Ignor Barber School, 429 E. 5th St., Los Angeles, Cal. St. Petersburg. examination. Prizes are given for ance. the best divisions, the best sections, A N A LY S IS SH O W S PU R ITY. But rightly or wrongly, the name RIIRRFR ^TAMP^ Stencils and Brass GIRLS BARTERED FOR GOLD. IMIDDLA Jlrtmro Sitrns Celluloid Buttons the best pieces o f roadbed, the best and Ribbon Radges. Good Goods, Quick Service. of Amerigo Vespucci, trader, traveler Klamath Falls Water, Under Test, depots, the best pump houses, section Send for complete Catalogue No. 26. Acme Stamp and writer, was given to the New Russian Miss Who Wants to Wed houses and grounds. Last year 20 Works, 1015 A St., Tacoma. Wash. Declared Free o f Bacilli. World, and given to remain forever. American Tells. stations on the system were awarded And now a lofty tower rises among Klamath Falls.— In the controversy silver medals for perfection. One of Los Angeles — Declaring bitterly ASTHMA CAN BE CURED the hills of Lorraine to commemorate over the quality o f the city water the first to secure this last prize, for Instant relief. Try our great Asthma Remedy. the suggestion which resulted in the that the local Russian colony of 3,000 Send for FREE FIRST TREATMENT. is a marriage market wherein young supply, which has caused residents which there is much competition over H enri M illar R em edy Co., 721 St. L Si., Tacoma. Wash. designation girls are bartered by their parents here to boil the water used for domes the entire system, was Klamath Falls. like so many cattle, Elsie Navikoff tic purposes for months past and re W i oo Second-Hand Machin sulted in the city spending much ery bought, sold and Fresh from the lecture on polite braved a hundred pairs o f eyes in SITE CHOSEN FOR S T A T IO N . exchanged: engines, Judge W ilbur’s court and screamed money in an effort to find pure water boiler«, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co., 76 1st ness the street car conductor went on so it might go into the water business, St., Portland. Send for Stock List and prices. duty resolved to extend courtesy to that she would bare the secrets o f her the Klamath Falls Light & Water Southern Oregon Experiment Farm all. From the car barns up to 99th people rather than submit. In Rogue River Valley. Beside her stood Raynor Haliack, a company, which has been subject to A utom obile B u sin ess T au gh t street he put his resolution Into ef sturdy much criticism, has at last turned the American, who served five Corvallis— Twenty-five acres of land He assisted the feeble and In six weeks. $25 to $30 per week earned by com fect. years in the navy and to whom bhe tables on its critics. petent men. ANGELES AUTO ACADEMY, heavy-laden, he smiled serenely under with $2,500 worth o f buildings, for 269 Union Ave., Portland, Ore. It has an analysis, the fourth one unmerited abuse and he hurried no clung because she loves him and he made by Dr. Calvin S. White, secre merly part o f the Jackson county poor wants to marry her. She is 17, edu one unduly. At 98th Btreet he no tary o f the Oregon state board o f farm, has been deeded to the Oregon ticed that a woman in the middle seat cated, Americanized and pretty, the health, at Portalnd, which shows that was preparing to leave the car at the daughter o f John Navikdff, and she the water is now free from bacilli Agricultural college by the county for Wo positively pay the highest next corner. The child beside her asserted that her father and mother and that the two samples taken from use for the new Southern Oregon market prices, as we are manu Branch Experiment station, eight facturers and therefore can pay was too big to cause her any particu had sold her for $500 gold to a man more than dealers. Send for lar trouble In alighting, but the con she had never seen, so she ran away. the main spring contain only three and miles south of Medford and half a free price list and shipping tags 50 organisms, respectively. The com mile east o f Talent on the main coun and get full value for your skins. ductor had been pleased with the way That is why she was before the judge pany’s officials declare that the water ty road. N. M. Ungar Co., the Reliable the woman smiled upon the child, so in the juvenile court. Furriers. 202Va 7th St.. Portland. Ore This winter the The g ir l’s testimony constitutes as is absolutely pure. As there are four distinct types of he hurried forward to help. city w ill be furnished water only The woman stepped down first and sensational a chapter as any ever from the springs which have stood the soil on the property, some o f the most the conductor, with one sweep of his heard in a local court. She asserted, test, as indicated, awd these springs important commercially in the Rogue arm, set the child down beside her. and offered to prove, that there are will be securely walled off from possi R iver valley, this is an unusually well adapted site for experimental work. His signal to go on was followed by a 600 young Russian girls for sale here ble contamination. There are two different types o f the scream, then another and another. at an average price o f $500 to men “ Boo hoo,” howled the boy, and "My wanting wives; that their parents are COLLEGE SECURES SPEAKERS Bear Creek river bottom soils which are good examples o f the soil in the child! Bring my child hack here,” the sellers and the higheat bidders the valley flats, and two upland soils o f a cried a woman In the car. Half a buyers; that the personal charms of girls are inventoried like the points of Invitations to Address Short Course more gravelly type, which represent block further along the car stopped. the hillside soils in the western part Accepted by Prominent Men. "H e Isn’t mine,” gasped the woman livestock and constitute the criterion o f the valley. A spring with perpet when she and the boy had caught up o f sale. Corvallis— Dean A. B. Cordley o f ual flow has made it possible to have Her frail form shaking with the in with the car. “ I only Just smiled at tensity o f her feelings, she flung the the Oregon Agricultural college has over half the acreage under irrigation him.”— New York Sun. denials o f a score o f Russian patri received the acceptances o f six prom at present. archs present back into their teeth. inent Oregonians asked to deliver ad Q u ills a n d T h e ir U se s. Judge Wilbur continued the case and dresses before the short course stu Eugene Spies Full-Grown Deer. Quills are things that are sometimes a thorough investigation o f the colony dents Jan. 3 to Feb. 3. Eugene — Two full grown deer, a taken from the pinions of one goose President Ackerman o f the Mon will be made. buck and a doe, were seen at different to spread the opinions of another. Officers o f the court declare the mouth normal; President Newell o f the State board o f horticulture; H. times within the city limits o f Eugene g ir l’s statements are true. Shortly after M. Williamson, secretary o f the State on Sunday afternoon. Gompers Courts Investigation. board o f horticulture; C. E. Whistler noon, E. J. Crow saw a large buck Washington, D. C.— " W e are ready o f Medford; E. C. Thompson, presi deer in his pasture near the g o lf links. at any time for the agents o f the law dent o f the Hood River Fellowship as The animal was apparently entirely to begin investigating.” So declares sociation; and Prof. W. H. Lawrence, undisturbed, and was walking around R iver Fel with the cattle in the pasture. A Samuel Gompers, o f the American expert for the Hood Federation o f Labor, in an editorial lowship association, have all signified short time afterward L. L. Godrich COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT FIKE’S BOOKLET cn "L a b o r’s Position Lawful and Pro their intention o f being present to de saw a large doe come down from the gressive,” which w ill appear in the liver lectures. A number o f other hills to the south o f the city, cross the ON EIGHTH G RA D E EXAMINATIONS January ¡Bsue of the American Feder- men o f prominence have been invited streetcar tracks, and jump the golf (Compiled by Jay V. Fike, Superintendent o f Schools o f Clarke County, to speak during the four weeks o f the links fence. The animals were seen ationist. Washington, and consisting o f 85 pages,) will assist Eighth Graders to Mr. Gompers pledges his full co course, and announcement will be by several people, and did not seem to be at ail disturbed by their urban sur operation in any investigation that made o f their addresses. pass the State examination. I t contains seventeen full sets o f State roundings. Tiring o f sightseeing, may be made. The forthcoming num questions used during the past seven years. Teachers and pupils should they jumped the intervening fences ber o f the official organ o f the Federa DECISION DUBIOUS. EACH have a copy for review work before taking examination. These and returned to the hills around Spen tion will be the first to appear since booklets are for sale by County Superintendent Fike at his office, or will cer Butte. organized labor’s defense o f the Mc Effect o f University Referendum be sent postpaid upon receipt o f 35 cents per copy by addressing Namara brothers collapsed by reason Action Not Fixed, o f their confession o f the outrages Baker Industry Is Sold. Salem—The effect o f Judge Gallo charged against them. In his editor Baker— The purchase o f the Lime ial Mr. Gompers confines himself to a way’s recent opinion in the University and Gypsum works, near Huntington, 605 1 -2 Main Street, Vancouver, Washington discussion o f the issues raised by the o f Oregon referendum cases insofar McNamara case, saying o f the case as it construed the effect o f fraudu was consummated when 17 instru itself that he and his colleagues will lent petitions and the requirements as ments were field with the Baker coun stand by the statement they author to their proof, is being liberally dip- ty clerk, conveying the property from For I M C T C I i n c n Pink Eye, Epizootic, ized soon after the confession o f the cussed here and there seems to be Charles E. Ladd and General Charles varying degrees o f opinions as to the F. Beebe to the Pacific Lima and Gyp Shipping fever brothers and Catarrhal Fever ultimate result o f the decision on the sum company. The articles o f con Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how horses a t any asre future o f the initiative and referen veyance set the consideration at $1, Shuster May Have to Go. are infected or “ exposed.” Liquid, Riven on the tongue; acts on the Biood and Glands, expels the poisonous germs from the body. Cures Dis Teheran — The cabinet has won an dum, especially as to the referendum but a first mortgage, 6 per cent gold temper in Dogs and Sheep and Cholera in Poultry. Largest selling live bond for $200,000 was recorded in fav stock remedy. Cures L a Grippe among human beings and is a fine K id important victory over the national itself. Should the opinion be upheld in the or o f the Commonwealth Trust & Loan ney remedy. 50c and $1 a bottle; $5 and $10 a dozen. Cut this out. Keep It. Show to your druggist, who w ill g et it fo r you. Free Booklet, “ Dis council which foreshadows the accept Supreme court, it is believed by many company, o f New York. The filing temper. Causes and Cures.” Special agents wanted. ance o f Russia’s demand for the dis that the result o f the opinion would fees were $51. missal o f W. Morgan Shuster, the be to have a clarifying effect on the American treasurer general o f Persia, referendum and its usages and on the Irrigation Report Made. unless public opinion proves too means and methods o f gathering Salem— According to a compilation Dumas’s Mslon Contract. strong. The national council, in a names for referendum petitions. by State Engineer Lewis, Powder riv Alexandre Dumas, pere, was ex session that lasted from 8 o ’clock until er and its tributaries irrigate 107,- T R A D E M ARK tremely fond of melons, and an auto after midnight, finally accepted the 056 acres, the land being watered by Orchard Brings S30.000. graph letter of his has Just come Into proposal to appoint a commission o f Sheridan— One o f the largest prune 791 ditches having a length o f 880 the possession of the library of ths five deputies with plenary power» to town of Carpentras by legacy which deal with the Russian ultimatum. orchards in the United States was miles. Baker county, according to proves the fact. It Is perhaps one of The Democrats opposed the proposal. sold this week when the W. G. San this showing, embraces one-sixth o f COUGH AND CONSUMPTION the 686,129 acres o f irrigated land in the strangest contracts ever made by derson tract was transferred to a the state. O f the Baker land. Eagle man of letters. The letter la ad Portland Cargoes Large Portland syndicate for a consideration valley is the most highly developed, dressed to M. Seguln, the deputy- T IE 0L0 k RELIABLE REMEDY FO I CHRONIC Los Angeles — Ocean freight and o f $30,000. J. C. CasteMo and Philip having 8,600 irrigated acres. From maire of Cavalllon In the Caucluse In k RECENT COUGHS. HORSENESS. BRONCHITIS, passenger traffic to Los Angeles is Phelan, both o f Portland, are the pur August, 1864, by the author of "Lee greater now than ever before in the chasers. Several years ago this same T h ief valley to Snake river are 20,649 INFLUENZA AID COLDS. Trols Mousquetalres,” who was then history o f the city, and local steamship orchard was bought o f the Grames irrigated acres; from Sal ¡sherry to P R I C E 25 A N D 50 C E N T S living at 8L Gratlen, near Engheln. agents declare that their accomoda heirs, the land at that time being T h eif valley, 6,885 acres. A S K roue D C A L E N S. B. MEDICINE MFO. CO. He says: “ On receipt of your letter I tions are taxed to the fullest extent. rough and unimproved. The Mills 82 Killed on Railways. PO R TLA N D . ORE. have Immediately arranged with my D. W. Ferguson, local agent for the bro’ hers, now o f Corvallis, bought Salem— There were 82 people killed publisher, M. Michael Levy, for him to North Pacific Steamship company, the land, A i l t houses, setting out the and 290 injured on the railroads o f the send you the two or three hundred which operates a line o f steamers be first trees. State o f Oregon in the year ending volumes which have already appeared tween this port and Portland, said November 11, 1911, as shown by the of my works, and that In the future that during the past two months the Fins Spuds From Benton. State Railroad commission. O f this as they appear he will send you tbs amount o f freight brought from Port Albany— E. E. Williams, who has number eight passengers were killed others, end I am very pleased to bo land hefe by his line has increased at been engaged in potato culture in the and 66 injured. Three persons car able to reply to the great honor which least 200 per cent. Cloverdale neighborhood for a number ried under contract or agreement were you do me. But please have the good o f years, has made an unusual auccesa injured; four trainmen were killed ness to tell your honorable malre, M. Will Consider T ariff Reform. in his efforts to produce potatoes o f and 62 injured; eight yard trainmen 1 Tourel, that I Impose one condition. Washington, D. C.— Congress will large size and excellent quality. This were killed and 16 injured; 17 other If the town and the authorities of Car begin consideration o f the tariff legis- year he produced a number o f excep employes were killed and 88 injured. valllon like my books, I like their ! lation in the committees o f the two tionally long and heavy spuds. Twelve melons, and I desire that In exchange 1 houses after Ask your dealer for it. I f ho d~»a the holiday recess, o f these potatoes were formed into Jetty Makes New Course. of my three or four hundred volumes though Democratic not handle it drop ua a postal card leaders o f the a cross, being attached with wooden Wheeler— Due to the construction ■nd we will furnish you the name o f there shall be constituted for me, by house say that no measure will be pegs. The crosa measured seven feet o f the jetty the north channel at the * dealer who does ‘municipal decree,’ a yearly tncoma of ready to be reported for several weeks. ( in height and four feet spread o f arms. mouth o f the Nehalem river has twelve melons per year. Ths cost of Republican leader Penrose, o f the The combined weight o f the 12 pota shifted a mile south, and one hour carriage will naturally be at my ex senate, said the finance committee toes was 56 pounds. after high tide recently the depth over pense.” Need on* add that ths con- ' would begin ita work in advance o f the bar was found to be 14 feet. The . tract was faithfully kept on both the house, though the bill would not Industrial Coursa Known Soon. steam schooner Patsy followed the be in final shape until February. ___________________________________ Salem — Superintendent Alderman new channel, its master reporting the announces that a plan is under way to deep sounding. The jetty is under ¡.PORTLAND. OREGON Putting It Oantly. Portland Bill Favored. make industrial work one o f the re construction by the Port o f Nehalem Ha—What do you consider la a nlos Washington. D. C.— The secretary quired courses in the high school and government engineers are in name for a girl? o f the treasury submitted a favorable course o f study throughout the state. charge. She— Yours, dsarl report upon the bill appropriating Only a tentative plan has been arrang $1,000,000 for the Portland Federal ed and is being held subject to criti Milton Ranch Brings BIO.BOO. building. Supporters o f the measure cism and approval, but before long the Short but Active Lived. Milton—The old Warfield ranch on hopeful o f getting the hill entire industrial coarse as it will be Basket mountain, 510 acres o f hay apd Ths working bee lives six months, are w vfll I m m e d i a t e l y r-e-1 [ r v e th« drone four months and ths quaaa through the senate soon after the required in the .high schools will be cattle land, was sold this week to holidays. announced. be* four years Herbert March for $10,640. Sarsaparilla ' Machinery RAW FURS Eighth Grade Students DELK PRINTING CONCERN D IS T EM P ER SPOHN MEDICAL C0„ ¿¡¡SS/wt GOSHEN, IND., U. S. A. R E M E D Y Ç R P F f A Brand N ew , Handsomely ^ ^ * Illustrated, M ail Order CATALOG of Household Supplies, Groceries, Furniture, Clothing, Etc, R ed u ce^ Y ou r^ ^ G ^ ^ By purchasing at Wholesale Prices. Largest House Portland. Lowest Prices. We save you Money. GEVURTZ & SON 171 FIRST ST.. PORTLAND, ORE. “ W E SELL A N Y T H I N G U N D E R THE S U N ” F ix in g p r lc s s of D iam on d s. Knew What 8ha Wanted. The prices of polished diamonds are A kid with fiery red hair and scorn ing any such protection as may be controlled by prices of the rough afforded by shoes and stockings, walk a ton as and are really made In London. ed Into a pharmacy and nervously Truth Eternal. stood about until one of the clerks ao- Truth, like genuine gold, will always costed her. "I want some o’ dat stuff to die a Sear the touchstone, and appear ths Srlghter the more It Is examined. switch wld,” she said. “ What color would you like?" In quired the facetious clerk. “ Ked, green, purple or what?” “ Quit your klddln’,” admonished the young lady. “ I dunno the stuff, hut It’s suthln’ like hopper-grass an’ It smells orful.’ Without a moment's hesitation the man handed out a nickel's worth of copperas— which makes for black dye while It disinfects the material as well. __________________ about the unhealthy condi ARE YOU WORRIED BEST AND CHEAPEST ALBERS BROS.1 jjiiW JK CÒijij „ R is e r s aSPUGHS & COLD* tion o f your stomach, liver and bowels? If so, you only make matters worse. Just get a bottle of When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy N o Sm arting— Feels Fine— Acts Quickly. T ry It fo r He'd, Weak, W atery Eyes and G ranu lated Eyelids. Illustrated Book in each Pack age. Murine is compounded by our Oculists — not a “ Patent Medicine” — but used in suc cessful Physicians' Practice fo r many years. N ow dedicated to the public and sold by D ruggists at* 25c and 50c per Bottle. Murine E ye S a lve In Aseptic Tubes, 26c and 60c. Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters M urlno Eye R em ed y C o .. C h lo a g o Middle Course Difficult. To see the good nowhere— that is pessimism, and thlB Is easy. To see tho good everywhere— that Is optim ism, and this is not difficult. But to find the good somewhere—that le sobriety, and this Is In no wise sasy. —Ivan Panin. Was In the Tolls. “ Gee I Now tell me as man to man what you would do If you were mar ried to that woman.” “ You teii me what you would do; I am married to her.”— Houston Post. FACTS ABOUT BLUING. Since the placing of RED CROSS BALL BLUE on the market there has been a rapid falling off In the sales of all liquid bluing. Why buy water containing a small percentage of bluing when you can get a solid package and dissolve It as needed. Makes clothes whiter, lasts longer, and Is cheaper. Large package, 10 —nts. ASK YOUR GROCER. today and watch results. Your stomach will be toned and strengthened, your liver become active a n d bowels regular. Then good health is yours. A trial will con vince you. I f you use Eye Salve use the best. S a l v e is the standard, is reliable and costs no more than infer ior goods that are unknown. Used by Physicians and Oculists, helns where all others fail. It is not the T u b e or Box that cures, it is the S a l v e that does the work. Guaranteed by Howard Bros, under the Government Food and Drugs Act. Don’t be deceived or misled. The only really antiseptic Eye Salve that has been in the market for year«. Sold by Druggists throughout the known world. P e t t it ’ s E y e Circumlocution. ”1 am Inclined to think,” said the man who speaks with firmness though with caution, "that our friend Mr. Grafton Orabb was created on the Rabbath.” "For what reason?" "W e are told that an honest man Is the noblest work of the Creator, and also that on the seventh day the Crea tor rested.”_________________ MEXICAN- m u s ¡XA tang IMI E N T L IN IM • SAVES POULTRY LOSS. I Mr«. N. Warren, Seattle. Waah., w rite«i . ' ‘ ‘M y flock o f chicken« had Roup and upon I . advice of a friend I tried Mustang Liniment, a I find it a wonderful remedy and ray bird« I are improving fast.*) Ain sure that I «hall I not lose any. I am very grateful and will I tell my friends it 1« not safe to be without I I Mexican Mustang Liniment.” L I 2 5 c .5 0 c .fl «b ottle at Drug dkGen’ l Stores | Land Without Trees. Thorshaven, the capital city of the Faroe islands, la said to be absolute ly treeless. The claim Is made that for some reason, perhaps soli condi tions, trees absolutely refuse to grow there. The AIR-O-LITE Do you e v e r have Headache, Toothache, or Earache? Moat people do. Hamlins W izard Oil is the beat household remedy and liniment fo r these everyday troublea. A Lamp built on a new principle. A mar vel o f simplicity, effi ciency, economy. Bet ter than anything you ever saw. Valuable By-Products. Albumen Is made from blood se cured at the packing houses and used for setting the colors of printed fab rics. Ashes from the hickory and cobs used in smoking meats are used for fertilizer. Certain hard bone Is ground up and used for case harden ing steel. In this process the steel Implement is heated while Immersed In the powdered bone. Glue Is made from the hoofs and slnews.of animals. posrnvnv g u a r a n t e e d tor 5 y ear s . $10 Complete, Excrete Paid. Money refunded if not aatlafled Would you like to get one Absolutely FREE? W rite T O D A Y . NOW ! L A KLEIN 4 CO . he. 18 fret Strut Puthei On. M AKES ORE EVES IVtiits t ve.Sdlve [S I W ELL BE CU RED Neoessary Change. Rev. Mr. Hollers— “ Mlstah Johrstng, what fob you call dat son of yoh's Izaak Walton, when he was baptised George Washington?” Mr. Johnson— "Because, sah, dat rascal’s reputashun for verac'ty made dat change lmper'- tl-e.” —Christian Register. Rheum atiim , Skin D ;sea«es, Stomach and Lung Troubles Cure«I perm anently at httih II font. NO F A K E . tl.(X* tria l iiitnknu« 25 cnntH. AiMrom* I.Htig'n Miu- e r * l Vtouaer Co.. ‘A il Main Ht., 1'ortUiul. Ora. 957 Droadwity. Oakland. U»l. H. W. I,*m r St Kon. May 17. UHL }'o ri bind. O r«.. Gent lu m en :-1 iuu*t « i p r i M m.v mirnriae and ploHNiirtt hi th « work o f your M lnornl W onder in relation to myself. T h e pnrkiiMe I received from jo u r repreaen ativB here, abhotiKh used hut f o r * few week*, hna wrouuht mtrpriaingly pieaNant, re- null* in my condition. A* * kidney and Idadder cleaner it ia k in *. Very respectfully. Mothers w ill find Mr«. Winslow's Boothing Syrup th « best remedy to use for their chlldroa duriug to«thing period. W. R THOM AH. V Selfish Interest. "You seem to be developing a great Interest In conservation." "I am,” re plied Mr. Cumrox. "If they keep cut ting down the trees, there won’t be any woods for me to take to when mother and the girls get up these rounds of social gayety.” - eeley ALCOHOL (ure O P IU M — TOBACCO Habits Positively Cured. Only authorised Keeler In stitute la Oregon. Write for illustrated circular. KfllfY IMITITI)™. 71 LUTUM. IPORTLANI O r e g o n . How to Get Well and Keep So. ¡Vi'ALBËRS'BROS. fili DAIRY FEED! in Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Is a regular cough m ed icin e, a strong medicine, a doctor’s medicine. Good fo r e a s y coughs, hard coughs, desper ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don’t take it. Never go contrary to his advice. yers W « pu blish our for n u i * « 9 W o banish «leohol from our moddoln«« W o n r «# you to consult you r doctor The dose of Ayer’s Pills is small, only one at bedtime. As a rule, laxative doses ■re better than cathartic doses. For con stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick- beadaches, they cannot be excelled. Ask your doctor about this. » —> « U by lb . J. O. i f l f Co.. U n l l , I t s . — DR. WO m T h « «minent Chine«« doctor, treat« with non-poisonous, non-lnjurious herb« and rurea such disease« of the Throat, Heart. Liver. Lunua, Stomach. Kidneys. Asthma, Pneumonia. Consumption, Chronic Cough, Pile«, Constipation, Dysentery, Nervous ness. Dizziness. Neuralgia. Headache, Lumbago. Appendicitis, Rheumatism, Ca tarrh. Eczema, Etc. CONSULTATION FREE It la better to call than write, hut those who are unable to come, send 4 cents in stamps and secure symptom blank. After carefully giving symptoms these wonderful health-giving herbe can be secured, which will pu‘ you on the road to recovery. Wo Chinese Medical Co. 2SOH AM tr St. Car. Third, P a r t i« * . Or m u Qv; No. 82- ’ l l I EN w ritin g to M ■sentios th is ps g ar. -