Special Prices Vera Conner, Jennie Carroll, Christian Church Notes Mrs. John K< :s will entertain threat reported to have been made by the husband o f the Regular service at the Chris­ Myrtle Conner, Roland Depee, the Ladies Aid Society Wedr.es- 1 by her drink 1 woman murder tian Church Sunday morning. i Oren Depee, Georgia I is her, day, Nov. 16th. ,i not yet Lecture by .Mrs. Silbaugh, ofi , Mary Higley, Laura Kibbee, [ crazed son, the Fred Wilson, o f The Dalles, for he declares he will “ get” ,he For RenL j Lois Osburn, Blanche Ross, j Seattle, in the evening. spent last Frrt ;:y on his apple saloon man who sold the lit lor I Marion Wood, Dewey Wood, Five room house, i>antry and K. H. SlCKAFOOSE, dosier. to his son, who had been war bath. Beautiful location. Also ranch south o f j and liab le Yonish. Minister. .furnished rooms to rent. J. H. Coolid ge, the jeweler not to let him have any. . m _ R o ll of H onor . D. W. H u d s o n , was up from H od River Wednes­ Primary Dcp’t. j Three murder cases 1 b School Notes. day, making his regular weekly Mosier Oregon. tried in Wasco county next week Wilkie Carroll, Bert Johnson, visit. i when District convenes. One F or . S a i . e Mr. Neff, County Superintend­ Eugene Root, Caroline Scearce, Miss Mildred Cooper, who has 0f t|ie murders was commited in Harry Wilson, Marion Yonish, i Bay Horse, weight about 1050 been visiting her borther and The Dalles, when one man kiiled ent, visited the Mosier schools Bernice Fisher, Ruth Higley, ’ lbs. Good single driver; will Thursday afternoon. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth another in a quarrel over a tent. laxvvell Kibbee, Cecil Sellinger, work double anywhere. A good The ninth grade pupils have George Wilson, Bennie Carroll, Cooper, returned last week to ; The second was done by Dell ■cart, with lines and bridle, her home at the Dalles. j Howell when he wantonly shot completed the study of “ The Arvilla Husbands and Darrel thrown in. Will sell very cheap, W. E. Fivers and son, E. J. down J. C. Fowlie, mayor of Gold Bug,” by Poe. This is one Evans. or trade. This is a bargain if Fivers, arrived this week from j Shan»ko. and the third murderer o f the four classics required ■ ■ ------- < »► ------------- •taken at once. Portland and will reside this ■ is Bill Glisan, who brutally stab- during the year. Trumphs of the Air. winter on a place near town bed his old mother in the back, The tenth grades are reading Notice At the rate aviators arr^ the tax- Tennyson’s “ Idyls o f the K in g.” A? which they purchased last sum­ near Antelope. -All persons wishing pictures succeeding in the completion of payers will settle the bill d ex- mer. Edgar Waldon has withdrawn the conquest o f the air, there i Blalock. The shooting San D iego ! cludes the following: James position in 1915. vas good and each nim rod b a g ­ ; town this week securing further Carroll, Shelley Hudson, Emily than will offer to the world, if je ft a tt h e Bulletin Office. I contracts from the citizens for fed a half dozen. Husbands, Willie Depee, Stark the ¡dans o f Director-General i the use o f electricity, ft appears Notice. Notice Vlr. James Cherry and wife, Akiters, Grace Higley, Robert Collierare carried out, a com- ! that the contracts obtained last On and after the first'day of! I am prepared to dig your ni San Francisco, arrived in Seearee, Edwin Sturgess ar.d plete exemplification o f the art August were not sufficient to potatoes, whether in garden Mosier Monday evening and will o f aviation from its inception. November next, the Mosier Meat Bernard Nichol. warrant the expense o f defiver- „pints or acerage. My prices are visit relatives for several days. . Jhe ..juice„ tf) Mosior Col. Collier is himself an en­ Market will do a strictly cash R o l l of H onor and thusiast on this subject, a mem­ business. Please do not ask for 10c to 12jc per sack for digging Mrs. Cherry was Miss Alice (jay»> s mission here is to Intermediate Dep’t ber o f the San Diego Aero Club, credit. and picking, according to land; I Davenport until a short time secure enough more to guarantee Ed.el Akers, Clara Carrol and one of the chief promoters! C. H. D u n s m o r e expense s. mi - $5.00 per acre for digging only. ago. — LOCAL - On all lines for month of OCTOBER. Must have more room. Alex. Stewart, Mosier, Oregon, Alex. Stewart N otary Public and , Mosier Mosier had her first snow fall | yesterday morn- Mosier, Oregon. | ing,. when about two inches ot the “ beautiful” covered the Ladies’ elotj'.es cleaned and ground. It melted rapidly, how­ pressed. All work guaranteed. ever, and by evening little was 'Jas. E. Cole, resident agent. to be seen except on the sur­ H. E. Dean returned Friday rounding hills. from a week’ s visit at Portland. Quite a number of the mem­ o f the sport. He has a firm ally i in Glenn H. Curtiss, who bases- 171 •/ j r , tablished his winter aviation -* F U ll L j QTXUS I school at San Diego. Curtiss has been made Commissioner of / Aviation for the Exposition. He will not only superintend the ; gathering, but he will make a special study o f meterological conditions on the Coast, and will do all he can to further the success o f the $ 10,000 flight from ; Panama to Sail Diego, scheduled to take place on tiie opening of the canal. Call on or address. MOSIER Fire Insurance |B Q. vbev Shop D. D. HAIL Mosier, Oregon, J. E. COLE. C i ia s . D a v e n p o r t , ,r A. L. Sundborg and family Mrs. W. A. Husbands and left on Tuesday for Portland .Mrs. Geo. Rorchm were visitors where they will spend the winter. in Hood River yesterday. Mr. Sundborg has disposed of F. G. Powers and Bob Evans I most of bis holdings near Mosier were transacting business at the and with his proceeds, he has cou ity seat on Tuesday. decided to take life a iittleeasier. F i t S A LE :- A good 6 -foot wal j Mr. Sundborg is one of the sub­ tent, 24x28. Inquire at Bulletin I Htantinl citizens of this district, office. ¡one hi whom we can ill all’ord to C. A. McCargar has moved : l"se, and he and his family will with his family to Portland, be missed from llie community, where they will spend the winter, j Count Sohieski Coming. C. L. McKenna was up from Don’ t forget that the first o f a Portland last Sunday and was the guest o f Mr. and Mrs. Geo. j series of five entertainments to | be given this winter will he held Chamberlain. 1 Fur and feathers cleaned a next 'Thursday night, Nov. 16, Gray & Rand’s, Hood River when Count, Col. John Sohieski O.v. Jas. E. Cole, Mosier Agent. will deliver a lecture to the people o f Mosier. Press notices from C. C. Thayer and family, of jail over America and foreign CastD Rock, Wash., are the I countries are highly compliment- g ie it s this week of Mr. and !ary as to the Count’s ability to Mrs. P. L. Arthur. | [entertain an audience and the The Misses Ijenora Adams and l Mosier public should not miss Helen Armstrong, o f Hood River, I this opportunity to hear him. are the guests yesterday o f Mrs. Season tickets now on sale' at David Robinson. the hank, Bulleiin office, Drug Ernest Evans and Dick Wilcox store, Oliown’s store and Hail’s One night return'd Wednesday from Mon-1offic* at $1.50 each admission, 50c for adults, 25c, tana, where they have been for children. Season tickets ' packing apples. for children, $ 1.00 We iley Brown, from “ all over the West,” is in town this week It would appear that Wasco Shaking hands with old acquaint- county is returning to the “ wild ' anees. Wesley was assistant at and woolly” days o f its early the depot two years ago. history, when crime was ram­ Uncle Frank Hunter and Mrs. pant and murder frequent. Hunter came up from Alsea lust Within two months three mur­ Monday evening and will visit ders have been done, two within here with relatives and friends a week, and, according to a for a week. Men’s $5.00 Shoes, Boys’ $2.75 “ 85c. 60c. The question is still being asked, “ Will Mosier have nn apple exhibit at Portland?” Are the fruit growers answering it in a practical way? $3.90 now $2.25 70c 45c Overalls Work Shirts V/. E. CHOWN, Mosier - - Ore Cash Prices Only CEMENT PLASTER E. A. R a c e , m g r . ORI: M O S IE R j. K. M c G r e g o r & REAL ESTATE co. M O S IE R F R U IT L A N D S A S P E C I A L T Y We are here to stay, know values, and can offer you reliable service. We solicit your business on the basis o f “ A Square Deal” . Mosier Book Store SCHOOL HOOKS and all sorts of School Sup- P. E. Hancock and family, of La Grande, left for their home on Tuesday, after a week’ s visit with Mrs. Hancock’s brother. Mr. Stearns, and family. Mosier visitors in Hood River on Tuesday were Mrs. Win. i Marih and children Mrs. John ; E- ans and children. Misses Mat ! tie Hu Ison and Marga rette 4 "i 1 Denny. At the Immanuel 1 Church next ,1 Sunday nt »ruing Mr. H i rgreaves Sermon subject will lx* “ itesiKin sibillties o f Citizens hip” locali) applied. Voters, and voters-to- he. are o r liallv inv IlFil. ¿5 í 6 u C£"2 3 8 •-iüf“-'1"1 Tï T 1 # J .VT* - THE OAKS Sckitifiic American. MUNN £ Co.36,Bro>d"»' New York W M O SIER : : T C O R S I; TS We c and 1111 any win that v< HR he J. P . E R H A R T , Prop. Good Accommodations rj íes of n find price IV . If should , nates k »: k x c -! j r\r\ vV) 1 . 0 0 1 t per day and up ixrcxi& iejoocKmKM i&jieM eiieiiM Chicken Dinner Every Sunday Agency for Model Laundry M O S IE R , ' H SO M I ; 3 9 36. Each, $ 5.00 Other makes in latest styles in the corset line for 50c, 75c, 90, $1.00, $1.25, Special Dress Goods Drices We •ave placet on ■ i ard 19c Good quality black Sicilian 45 inches wide. A richly finished fabric, good color and will give the best o f service, worth anywhere 75c a yard. Special, the yard, C'all in and look at the fine assortment that we have on our bargain table. It means a good saving to you. SPECIAL-Ladies’ Suits & Coati We are offering some extra big special in ladies' long coats and suits, in Black. Tan, Castor and mixed materials, silk and satin lined, in values up to $30.00. Your choice, to close them f>ut quickly, only $5.00 o if 6 L 1 e l l The undersigned is thoroughly prepared to put down open wells 1 in any part o f the surrounding [country. Has a complete outfit, including pipe cutting and thread­ ing tools. Does all kinds o f ce­ ment, rock and concrete work. 1 Has had 30 years’ experience in ; the well business. May be found by addressing him at. The Dalles, Ore., or inquire at Maier & iSchanno’ s store, The Dalles, Or. For further particulars, in- 1 at Bulletin office. A. E. N e g u s . Also Pressing and Cleaning O regon figure ami eat care to see that ; eu got the model best Rllitei No. 208 Nemo soliti service Corset» fi or tall slender fig­ ures, Sizes 19 to 30, $2. No. SIS Nemo Self-Reduc­ ing corset for stout, short waisted figures, low Inist, •t medium length with ten nut hack effect, four Last i hose 19 h J6. No. 5; tali and im im ist and atikops s 20 to Local Phone 114 T1 ■ ,v butt un-thr ough See th*> the K¡ iglans : the Overeo.’ lish box, the ulste rette English c •liar. Suits with adjustable ad $18. and up. Ovt Tcoat** $16. in and up. Other inn uni Suit » ami Overt* iati ! and up. HOTEL Pacific Phone Main 2211 l ablets and Stationery. M W E w r n iR B fla p - L w t r & B s x r m a x u a r , It is a pleasure for us to sell the kind of suits and over­ coats that HARTSCH AFFF- NKtt & M ARX have made for ns. We like to see men walking around town well dressed, prosperous, and bellied t< know that R MARX Clothes areali wool fabrics, feel rigl it on a man and look right 0111 him. They “ Tailor” better than cheap goods; the> fit 1 »etter and nn.| \ ou pun rt,»M [inti just as well h: ivo thoui 21 s m<| s«*D the >• niy Ti' |L]i qo.i k miif t lut oO \ Mrs.!tv. The Town With a Future Money to loan on improved property. A large line of Razors put in first-class condition. ■ D A V ID ROBINSON. M. a Explosive Mosquitoes. From Tarry tow 11 , N. Y., comes P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n a pleasant tale o f mosquitoes P. L. K r e t z e r , MOSIER - OREGON which get on gasoline jags and E X P E R T W E L L D R I L L E R then explode, to the terror o f the inhabitants o f Tarrytown, and DR. J. SOWERBY one James Brady is mentioned as CHIROPRACTOR All work guaranteed having been badly burned by a N E R V E S P E C IA L IS T fire in his mattress started by a I,ady Attendant—Experienced ! mosquito with its tank full o f TH E D ALLE S - ORE. P h o n e 222 | gasoline, which came too near Address -J02 W 7th St. FFRG USO N BLDG., HOOD R IV E R while Mr. Brady was filling his P a c if ic P h o n e pipe and exploded. This is Black -1771 about the meanest thing the OVER SS YEARS’ mosquito has done yet. When j EXPERIENCE | we had all thought we had dis- JOHN (J. ZOLLS & SONS : covered a sure way to get rid o f I ! mosquitoes and malaria by using ! Uontrartors ill Stone, Brick and Con- | liberally the product o f the j crete Work A Standard Oil Company, it appears Mood River T rade M arks Oregon ^ that the mosquitos are trying t > j D esigns C opyrights & c . become immune by absorbing A nyon e sending n sketch end description may fpitokly ascertain our opinion free whether an gasoline into their systems. This ¡ invention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patenta is going to make i t more difficu t sent free. Oldest agency fo r securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive to abate ihe mosquito pest, and tptria l notice, wit bout charge, In the Is the ¡dace to get your choice in a way it is a blow at the Presidential aspirations of the C ig a r s , T obacco A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir­ lion. Woodrow Wilson, who has culation o f any scientific journal. Term s, $3 a year; four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers. C andy , and S oft D rinks been taunted with the fee! that P ool and B illiards while President Taft has rid the Branch Office, G25 P 8 t„ Washington, D. C. Isthmus o f Panama of mogqu*- S. E. Francisco, Prop. toes. Governor Wilson has not I yet, proven his ability to -do the W e ll W o r k Mosier, Oregon ¡same thing for N ew Jersey. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. j ■w- plies. , own Lots bhr John Evans was a business bers o f Immanuel Church, in­ visitor at The Dalles on Wednes­ cluding tlie Mosier Male Quartet, went to lidod River last Sunday day. afternoon to attend the evening Leave your clothes with Jas. service o f Rev. Mr. Hargreaves, E. Cole to he cleaned and press­ at the Baptist Church. 'The ed. quartet rendered a number of J. W. and W. E. Huskey were songs. visitors in The Dalles last Tues­ Mrs. Silbaugh, of Seattle, day. will lecture at the Christian i Chas. Davenport returned Mon­ Church Sunday evening. She day from a business trip to Port- comes under the auspices o f the ' land. W. C. T. U. She is a trained » elocutionist, and a very forcible I f you have any carpenter speaker. You cannot afford to work to do and want it done miss hearing her. right, see “ Happy.” Fire Insurance Oregon R IV E R S L A R G E S T & B E S T S T O R E - V