BULLETIN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY H. G. K IBBEE, Proprietor SU BSC RIPTIO N R A T E S •One Year. S i x Months 'T h ree Months .II.8C .. T5 .. .50 Professional C a r d s ....,....................per aeealh $ ! One square........................................ March 3.1879. VOL. Ill Nine Million Dollars For Irri­ ii:e new syndicate v iU he able to place under control nearly gation Project. one-seventh of all thepower of (Portland T elegram .) this slumbering industrial giant. Nine mil lions of British capital MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. Sec LARAWAY 3.0» » One-half C olum n............................... 44 "** 5.89 One C o l u m n . . . . . ........................ 44 44 .9*88 Business locals will be charged a t 5.'cents per Uae NO. 31 FR ID A Y, OCTOBER 6, 1911 1 .•» 44 | for each insertion, ----- ------- -— Entered a¿ second-class m atter March 1-. ^ the poet office ill Mosler. OnetoiK antler the A ct of 44 44 J One-quarter Column.......................... “ | Legal advertisements will in all cases* be charged I to the party ordering them, a t legal rates, aad j paid for before arfk1uvitv areTfurnTuhe*4 Guy Wilson, it. t,. i b r a n e r , hm Thurston, IL A. Cameron, Ed Jeter and Sam Lafette. Wafum Nichl? will be available in Portland with­ Who Wants an Auto? Does any one know, can any in 90 days for the development 5 J I one tell, why Mosier did not have of the greaiest individual power The city of Detroit, Mich., each any exhibits of her fancy fruit project in the Pacific northwest. year holds a Water Carnival at The Dalles Fair? Every other Not only that, hut the gigantic The week of July 24, 1912, the section of Wasco county was rep­ deal means the pouring into next one will he held, and the He can make your watch keep time resented in the exhibits, and it | Oregon of the largest sum of Detroit Board of Commerce is ***** strikes us that Mosier let slip an 1 London capital ever invested in j offering a new Flanders auto to excellent opportunity to let her any industrial project of that tiie person suggesting the most light shine before thousands of! character in the west and it is appropriate name for the carni­ visiting strangers who w ill take! also said to be the heaviest in-! val. This is what the “Detroit o s ie r regon particular pains to investigate! vestment of foreign money in j i Saturday Night” , a weekly the products and advantages of these parts , for any single newspaper, saysialniut it: the various districts of Wasco In Detroit they are looking for venture outside of transconti­ County. If Mosier district, nental railroad development, a name for their annual Water | collectively, had not enterprise! A handsome new which is, of course, not' purely Carnival. NOW is an excellent time to G e o . C h a m b e r l a i n ! Flanders automobile is to he sufficient to get together a good local in application, as this is. drop in and renew your subscrip­ display of her choice fruit and This money is to he used for ' awarded to the person suggesting tion to the B ulletin . You want REAL ESTATE vegetables surely there might the paper and we need the, There are no the construction of huge dams at the best name. The regular price o f this stationery runs from 1 5c ----- :—---------- ____ -■ have been one or two individuals money. the Deschutes river, near its ¡strings tied to this offer,—a few to 35c. p er box. vvitli enough district pride to take i mouth, which will he callable ot minutes of thought and a little Fruit or send up something to prove to! AUTOMOBILE OWNERS developing a minimum of 15,000 originality and the auto may he Come early and avoid the rush. I rands strangers what we have here, i If your auto is in trouble, horsepower, although the right u yours. The contest is open to Warum nicht? held at this point carry a theor­ people everywhere. come to me for relief. I The City of the Straits is etical maximum of 140,000 horse have a mechanic’s certificate Mosier Oregon po\ter. Tlie harnessing of the ideally situated for a gigantic Telautograph machines, which and know m .v business. water fete such as is proposed. turbulent waters of the Des­ reproduce a written message at W. A. HUSBANDS chutes, whose hundreds .of The beautiful Detroit River with T h is is th e tltlo of a b eau tifu l 64-page book, w hich dwin ail more or lets distant stations, w ill show any boy or g irl how to SUCCEED. Drop a thousand of potential horsepower its crystal-clear water flows by p o stal In th e m all TODAY and It w ill be sen t FREE. B l a c k s m it h j which have been introduced into T he aim of th e College la to dignify and pop u larise have flowed idly on to the sea on its way to Lake Erie, only ‘ --------- -**-------------- th e In d u stries, and to serve ALL th e people. I t offers ! desk drawers, for use by bank Lying •.ourses In A g ricu ltu re, C iv il Engin eering , E le c tric a l since the dawn of time, will be sixteen miles away. presidents and public men, en-l E n gin eerin g , M ech an ical Engin eering , M ining E n gln , Horse Shoeing and General done at a cost of $7,500,000, right opposite Detroit is her re­ ee rln g , F o re stry , D om estlo. Scien ce and A rt, Com aiding the latter to make inquiries m orce, P h arm acy and M usic. T h e C o lle g e o p en s nowned fairy-land, Belle Isle, a Repair Work. approximately., while the balance Sep tem b er 33d. C atalog free. of clerks and secretaries without A d d ress: REGISTRAR, OREGON AGRICULTURAL of the heavy bond issue will I ■ great island park, which is gen­ t he knowledge of the caller. It COLLEOE. C o rv allis, Oregon. C iv il E n g i n e e r Satisfaction guaranteed used in the construction of a erally conceded to he the most MOSIER OREGON is possible to write a message transmission line and mammoth beautiful in all the warid. Up under these conditions and re- Genera! Surveying, P la t- pumping station on the Columbi; stream, just ten miles, is Lake A l l B u s in e s s e n t r u s t e d t o ; ceive an answer concerning the ting and Drafting river, along whose shores many St. Clair, and further on, the personality or business of the in- C o l u m b ia R iv e r V ie w P o u ltry F arm T he C ake o f the thousands of acres of fine agri Venice of America, Detroit’s BR E ED ER O F STA N O W D PO U LTRY ! dividual seated at one s elliovv,1 ^V^OSilUF *- — 0 1 * 0 ^ 0 1 1 cultural and'fruit land are to hi unique summer resort. | without leaving the desk or Detroit’s water-front is twenty-! placed under water. In other seeming to make any inquiries. — i B U F F P LY M O U TH HOCK, S. C. B LA C K M INORCA, M O TTLFD words, the big plan is In real it.\ four miles in length, and across of The Dalles, Oregon Scientific American. I Have your clothes cleaned by ANCONA. A few choice cock erels'fo r sale. My stock is Stand­ an irrigation scheme, which can the River, Canada affords a W ILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION only he carried out by the aid of ■simitar stretch of river-front. ard Bred and from the best laying strains on the Coast. Railroad Through Wasco County ! G R A Y 8c R A N D Capital - - $100,000.0© pumping from the one river So, from the manv vantage Signifying its intentions of! HOOD R IV E R . O R E G O N Surplus and undivid­ through the power furnished points, huedreds of thousands d ed profits - 130,000’. 00 transacting business in this state, j All work guaranteed. from the onrushing flood of its can see tiie magnificent river! Mosier.'Oregon. the Nevnda-California-Oregon I J . S. SCHENCK, P r e s i d e n t mighty tributary, the Deschutes. spectacle by day and by night. Ladies’ work a specialty ■j railway yesterday filed with the E d M . W il l ia m s M a x . A . V og t The two big dams that are t< The Carnival of 1912 will lie held J as . E. C ole , Mosier Agent secretary of state a copy of Vice Pres. Ga&hier be constructed and the pumping during the week of july 24th. its articles of incorporation and plant will probably he completed The Detroit Board of Commerce also a declaration setting forth so that water will he available appreciates the magnitude of the names of its officers and its for the reclamation project with­ this event and so has offered the j attorney upon whom legal service Flanders car ’as a prize. The in the next 18 months. The re- PLUMBING. I may be lmd. name must he “catchy” and in (ir mation lands are to he devoted We have here a plan to stimulate our circulation—to induce From an amendment to the or- STEA M a n d HOT W A TER to alfalfa and small fruit culture j some way charcteristic of Detroit. CAY YOWELL, Mgr. The contest closes October 16th those of our subscribers who are i mar rears (we are proud to I iginal articles of incorporation on a large scale. H FA TIN G . Harness and Saddlery Goode To handle this titanic project ; and all names must he sent to -say they are few) and those who will pay in advance in order I the inference may he drawn that Tents, Wagon Covers, !Ktc Jo b b in g promptly attended to. ! tiie company contmeplates rail-! there is being perfected in Port­ the Contest Committee of tiie ! Hand-made Harness a Specialty to get the benefit of this offer, and those who are not on our ! road building in central Oregon. | land today the organization of a Detroit Board of Commerce, MOSIER - - OREGON ¡HOOD RIVER - OREGON The original articles called for the | subscription list to have their names placed there. We are not syndicate which expects to get Detroit, Michigan. 1 construction of a line from Reno I actual construction under way j offering you something for nothing—can’t afford it. But you j to G os • Lake on the boundary j FOR SALE T h e M il t o n N u r s e r y within 90.'days or as much sooner OUR PORTLAND LETTER DO get something, and a very handsome, useful something, 'line between this state and Cal-! as it is;possible, for the entire Ten acres just starting I »ear­ M IL T O N ,-E A S T E R N O R E G O N ! The amendment not! with every cash subscription, at a third what it would cost you jifornia. bond issue h a s' been approved Portland, Ore., Oct. 5, (Special) ing, set to commercial ap­ l only calls for construction of this and the money will he here ready T hirty-th ree years The first knock is yet to be ;£t-any store. Here is theddea: ; line, but also for the building of j ples, “ Famous Davenport ti l l 8. for work within that time, the heard on the Pendleton Roundup. Tracts.” Part cash, balance We have secured a iimited supply of crockery from the fa­ a line from Goose Lake through ' entire $9, 000,.000 of it if nec­ For an affair tiiat attracted the R. T. NEWHALL, Agi.. the counties of Lake, Oook and ! long time, 6 per eent. mous pottery works of Seabring, Ohio. This consists of Berry Mood River, Oregon. essary. wide attention this unique cele­ Wasco, the terminal to be at a! Address, F. S . S t e w a r t . The new syndicate will be bration enjoyed, this is indeed Sets, Salad Sets, Fruit Sels, Lemonade Sets. Fish and Game point near The Dalles. The! 770 North Capitol Street, known as The Deschutes Rimrock an enviable record. The North­ C a r l t o n L. P e p p e r Sets. These sets retail at from $2.50 to $4.00 each. The sul>- amendment was made in No­ Power company and is being west .press gave wide publicity Salem, Oregon. ------- - ....... vember of last year. ______________________________ scription price o f the B u l l e t i n is $1.50 per year. For $2.75 capitalized at $1,000,000. Its! to the Roundup and in not a L A W Y E R The capitalization is given as president will be Malcolm A. single instance so far found after we give you the paper and any one of these sets. In other $2.200.00» „nd the prindp.1 3054 E a s t Second S t., Moody of The Dalles, from whom careful search, has been an ad­ words, you get a set for $1.25 that would cost you $3.00 on an officers are; C. Cornyn, president, „ Loug/IJtataiice Phone, Main 2201 the syndicate has secured the verse criticism of either’ the, New York; T. F. Dunaway, H . D U N SM O R E , Prop, average in any store. You don’t have to wait until you save valuable water-rights needed for amusement features, the event The Dalles Oregon vice-president; W. J. Barry, I DEALER IN the development; the treasurer as a whole, or the treatment of! coupons representing $50 or $75 worth of trade, hut can carry I general counsel; W. A. Dunaway, Fresh and Cured Meats will he Leroy Park, formerly a s-' visitors by Pendleton. NOTICE TO TA XPA YERS the article home with you by dropping in and paying your sub­ superintendent, all of Reno, and Country Produce sociated with John F. Stevens, ' The Rogue River Valley Indus­ The ( ounty Hoard o f Equalization consisting o f the County Ju d ge, County former head of the Hill lines in trial Fair that has been attracting i scription to the paper and the additional small sum of $1.25. I A. D. Moran, am | office a t Th Dalli», Oregon, 1911, of Wasco County Oregon. Trunk line up the Deschutes, a doubt that it will succeed. Next is hacked by the Western Pacific, J . W. K oontz , July 22nd, 1911. project which represents an in­ year it is planned to have a government. A plant to extract ! Elbert. A number of little i a Gould line. County Assessor. NOTICE-: hereby . given d bot John ¡ The Western vestment about equal to this new competition het \\ e .n all * e‘ the salt will then probably he ne*f?hbors were there to help Pacific some time ago took over H. W right, whose post-ofiiee address j . power development scheme. The districts of this Coast and finally ^ j make a racket and enjoy them- a narrow-guage line extending is Htarbuck, W ash., did, on the 19th j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION other officers and directors will enlarge the annual event unt Q s . „ . M , j selves, and these, with the “ big from Reno to Alturas, a small day o f August, 1909, file in this office t (Publisher.) Sworn S tatem en t and Application, No. | be chosen at a meeting late this includes exhibits from all over The O^gon State Hotel Men s . kida/. made a hou8e full 0f town about 85 miles due south of Department of the Interior 05182, Jo purchase the N iS E j, and | afternoon, and then actual work the country. Association will meet at the Port-■ merry guests who spent the time Lakeview. This road has been SW | SE , Sec. 26, Tp. 1 North, l ” ’ S ’ L* n r f B t T *1* B “ 11»’». Oregon, may be expected to commence . Sept. m i 9 1 1 . Hood River’s annual apple land Commercial Club auditorium \ until after midnight most jo y -! widened to a standard guage and «•*>*•• n - KWM- a'"1 U,H tim b e r1 Notice is hereby given th at Erne i t as soon as the material equip­ fair, an event of wide interest, October 30 and 31, when plans1 ously in games, music and con- preliminary work is in progre-« th, r,<’n* u"d,r O* Provi!*i,’i' o f tiie i K. Lenox, o f Mosier, O re., who, rth ment, supplies and outfit can will be held this year on October will be discussed for increasing versation. a c l o f Ju n e 3, 1878, and acta amenda- Delicious refresh-