CURRENT EVENTS n Doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. General Resume of Important Event! Presented in Condensed Form for O ur Busy Readers. Dr. Dudley A. Sargent, of Harvard, says vacations do more harm than good to most people. Portland singers "captured the first prize in the North Pacific Saenger- bund meeting in Seattle. Fire on a pleasure boat in New York harbor gave the load of passen gers a good scare, but did little dam age. Twenty more cities have been des ignated as postal savings bank loca tions, among them being Walla Walla, Wash. Judge McGinn, at Portland, holds that a man can not be extradited from Oregon for non-payment of alimony in another state. The Denver & Rio Grande railroad will have to pay a large sum for tim ber taken illegally from government land many years ago. Aviator Atwood lost his bearings in the darkness while flying from Lyons to Auburn, New York, and was forced to land to find out where he was. During a test of new electric fire alarms installed in the department of justice, at Washington, the building was emptied in less than one minute. A man has been arrested at The Dalles, Or., who answers perfectly the description of the robber who held up the Shasta Limited near Drain on June 16. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson was the lafft witness in the investiga tion of Dr. Wiley’s office, and declared he would rather resign than go through another “ bureau row.” A hailstorm in Alberta, Canada, has practically destroyed about 1,600,000 bushels of wheat. W. B. Bourne, a wealthy resident of San Francisco, has purchased a large estate in Killarney, Ireland. S T A T E H O O D B ILL SIGN ED . Joint Resolution, However, Eliminates Recall of Judges. Washington, D. C.—President Taft signed the joint resolution for the ad mission as states of the territories of Arizona and New Mexico at 3:08 o’clock Monday afternoon. The resolution went to the president after Vice President Sherman had affixed his signature. Senator Penrose, Representative Weeks, of Massachusetts, ‘and Barch- field, of Pennsylvania, the delegates of the two territories, and a number of citizens from New Mexico and Ari zona, witnessed the signing of the document by Mr. Taft. There was but one resolution, so that the presi dent used three different pens in order that some of the relic-hunters might be satisfied. When the resolution was laid on his desk, he looked up at the crowd around him and said: “ Has anybody read this?” Nobody answered, and to make cer tain of it the president read the reso lution himself. “ Well, gentlemen, it’s done,” he said, as he put the last stroke on the parchment. The resolution signed by the presi dent provides that Arizona shall elim inate the judiciary recall clause in its constitution. ___ Old Santa Fe Makes Merry, Santa Fe, N. M.—Immediately upon receipt of news that President Taft had signed the statehood resolution, Miss Madeline Mills, daughter of Gov ernor Mills, hauled up on the capitol staff a large flag with 48 stars. A monster non-partisan statehood celebration took place at night in the public plaza, while the city was lit up with bonfires and a great fire on the top of Fort Marcy overlooking the city. Among the speakers were seven judges of the supreme court, the gov ernor and four ex-governors of New Mexico. Rough Rider George W. Armijo presided. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE G O O D O F C H IL D IS AIM. WAR SECRETARY FOR NEW LOCKS NEW RAIL LINK S EEN . Alderman Urge* Importance of Hy Articles Are Filed for Line giene in School Study. Dallas to Toledo. Salem—A shorter course in techni cal grammar, a complete course in drawing, nature study, agriculture, industrial work and music and manual training, opening with a course of study in physiology and hygiene, in which special emphasis is laid on prac tical hygiene, are some of the features in the new course of study for the schools which has been prepared by Superintendent Alderman. The man ual of the revised course of study will be ready for distribution about Au gust 30. Clean finger nails, well- brushed hair, shiny shoes and clean clothes arc other recommendations. In commenting on the new courses the superintendent says: “ In carrying on the work outlined in this course of study 1 hope the teachers of Oregon will, first of all, look to the health of the boys and girls. See to this then, if there is any time, teach the other work offered in this course. The primary object of the study of physiology in our sschools should be to teach an intelligent care of the body.” Teachers are advised to return to the old-time recess of not less than 15 minutes during the morning session and again in the afternoon, but it is said that the recess will do no good unless the teacher makes a supervis ion of the playground a serious part of the day’s work. The more simple facts of sanitation are expected to be taught. In speak ing of this Mr. Alderman says that it is of more value to the boy who ex pects to live in the country to know that the well should be dug in a place where it will not receive the drainage from the barn or the closet than to know the exact number of bones or muscles in the body. The teachers are also advised to teach this work by examble as well as by direct method. The school grounds and the outbuild ings are to be cared for; the interior of the buildings should be kept clean, and, where the buildings have not special ventilating system, every win dow is to be provided with a window- board, so that the children may have an abundance of fresh air. GOVERNMENT PURE FOOD EXPERT WHO TESTIFIES IN HIS n WN BEHALF BEFORE HOUSE INQUIRY BOARD. Reject Proposition To Buy Ore gon City Plant From Salem — Articles of incorporation filed with the office of the secretary of state indicate that there is a move on foot to construct a railroad line from Toledo, in Lincoln county, to Dallas, in Polk county. In event this railroad should be constructed it would give a new railroad lir.e from Portland to Newport by making connections. This would be so at least when the Salem, Falls City & Western, which operates from Blackrock to Salem, through Dallas, completes its bridge across the Willamette river at Salem. The new company is capitalized at $1,000,000. The incorporators are C. R. Vrosno, Ed J. Avery and John Kenta. The road is to be called the Toledo & Siletz Railroad & Naviga tion company, and its principal place of business will be at Toledo. The company also desires to operate a sys tem of boat lines on the Yaquina river, according to the articles. Should the new line become a real ity, tourists from Portland could come to Salem either on the Oregon Electric or Southern Pacific, transfer to the Salem, Falls City & Western to Dal las. transfer to the new road at Toledo and from there take the Corvallis & Eastern to Yaquina. Price Is 'Deemed Excessive— River Would Not Have to Be Closed During Construction. PH O N E WAR END IS L IK E L Y . Subscribers' Committee to Examine Company's Books. UH. H. W . W IL E Y . Washington, D. C.—The Secretary of war will soon approve the report of the army engineers recommending the construction of the new canal and locks on the east side of the Willamette river at Oregon City, at an estimated cost of $754,000, and immediate steps will be taken by the government to ac quire the necessary right of way. It is estimated that four years will be required to build the canal after the right of way is obtained. The army engineers have agreed with the opinion expressed some time ago by Major Mclndqe that it is bet ter and cheaper to build a canal on the east side of the river than to acquire the existing west side canal now owned by the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, and rebuild and enlarge it. Not only is it found cheaper to build the new canal, but by the adoption of this plan the Willamette will be kept open to continuous navigation during the time the canal and locks are under construction, whereas navigation would have to be suspended for from 18 months to three years if the west side canal should be rebuilt. It is estimated that engineering work on the proposed canal and locks would cost $624,000, and that $130,- 000 additional would have to be spent on right of way. This is very muclv cheaper than the cost of purchasing and rebuilding the old canal, for the engineers estimate that a total expen diture of $1,142,500 would be neces sary to make this canal suitable for all commerce. The engineers propose to construct a canal with locks 45 feet wide and 300 feet long, with a navigable depth of six feet. This is the same depth as the channel below the Willamette Falls. While the cost of the proposed new caral and locks is $154,000 greater than the amount originally thought necessary, the engineers are of the opinion that work should be under taken in the interest of free naviga tion. Oregon has appropriated $300,000, and congress has appropria ted a like amount, of which $5,000 has been expended in surveys and es timates. Therefore it will require an additional appropriation by congress of $159,000 before the canal can be completed, but with $600,000 immedi ately available, no further appropria tion by congress will be necessary be fore 1915, in the view of the engi neers, who are of the opinion that Oregon, having appropriated $300,000 has borne its fair share of the cost, and they recommed that conrgess, at the proper time, appropriate the ne cessary remainder. Enterprise—The committee having F A M O U S P A IN TIN G S T O L E N . New York grower prophesies that 50 charge of the fight against the recent cents will be easily obtained by the advance in rates by the Home Tele phone company has secured permission Picture for Which Great Britain Of Oregon grower and declares that on top of bad conditions, New York fered $5,000,000 Disappers. from the directors of the Home com growers, with a few exceptions, have pany to have a committee appointed by Paris — The art world has been the subscribers examine the books of thrown into consternation here by the absolutely failed to take any care of the company and from their finding re announcement that Leonardo Da their hops this year, which condition commend a reasonable and just rate Vinci’s masterpiece “ Mona Lisa,” has has figured largely in the poor yield. C O N V IC T S DIE A T W O RK . to be charged for the use of the phone mysteriously disappeared from the lines. C U T C O S T O F LIVIN G. Louvre. Committees from Wallowa county Construction of Russian Railway Is The famous'painting hung in the and Union county met at Wallowa and place of honor in the Salon Carro, and Immense Fruit Crop Will Bring Prices Beset With Hardships. agreed to co-operate in the examina not a clew was left to aid the detec Way Down. St. Petersburg—The Amur railway tion of the books, and to work to tives in tracing it. line is being constructed under diffi Chicago—Stop eating meats and gether afterward. The committee A search of every nook of the Lou culties of climate, of soil, and above was authorized to obtain estimates on vre from roof to cellar only brought vegetables and live on fruit. This is all, of labor. Most of the workmen the cost of construction of a new line to light the valuable frame in which one way to decrease the cost of living. are convicts. They appear to have under the co-operative system, which the picture had hung and the glass Never in years has there been a better given satisfaction on the central and information will be used both as a that covered it. These were found on INDIAN H O P P IC K ER S B USY. western sections, but in other places prospect for bumper crops in all var basis in arriving at a settlement with a back staircase. the state of things that exists and has the Home company and for the con The government has set to work its ieties of fruit, say commission mer been witnessed by ex-Speaker Gutch- Growers Near Chemawa Say Aver struction of a new line if finally de entire force of detectives to recover chants. age Crop is of Fine Quality. koff is almost incredible. The Colorado Medical association cided on. the painting. Prices are to be slashed from a third At Razlony, for example, the work Chemawa — Hoppicking has begun unanimously endorsed the work of Dr. "Mona Lisa” is one of France’s to a half under those of last year. is directed by the Orloff prison board, in this locality in the Lewis Savage Wiley as U. S. government food ex M ED FO R D T O SH O W PEARS. greatest art treasures, ranking with Here are a few of the predicted retail which has no knowledge of the place yard. This yard is being picked by pert. the sculptures "Venus de Milo,” “ The prices: Concord grapes, 16 to 18 or the people, and pins its faith to the Indian pupils of the school, as it A new strike order directs 100,000 drastic measures against the men. If has been for the last 12 or 15 years. Annual Exhibit Is Proposed by South Victory of Samothrace, ” and Murillo’s cents a basket; peaches, 25 cents a “ Immaculate Conception.” one-fifth bushel basket; apples, $1.75 ern Oregon City, skilled railroaders in England to quit a convict is disrespectful the officer in In addition to this yard the Indian The picture appeared to have been to $3 a barrel (all varieties); pears, work immediately, and if obeyed it command simply empties his revolver boys and girls will pick the George Medford—This city will give a dis taken away early Thursday morning. $1.50 a bushel; plums, $1.50 a bushel. Prisoners who Savage yard, the McNary, the Bent trict fair October 3 to 7, which will will tie up practically every mile of in the fellow’s face. masons who passed through the South Water street merchants esti are obviously ill are taken to work. Jones and the Yerkes yards. railway on the British isles. be the beginning of a pear show that Two Carro at 7 :30 a. m. say they saw mate that fully 10,000 carloads of M. Gutchkoff saw many such work The demand for help in the hop it is hoped will eventually rival in im salon Oil prospectors in New Mexico have men hard at work, although they were “ Mona Lisa.” An hour afterward fruit will be shipped from the Michi portance the Spokane apple show. yards comes from miles around, and discovered a large deposit of fine suffering from scurvy in an advanced an attendant says he noticed the pic gan fruit belt this fall. Not only the schol authorities are able to sup The state appropriated $1,450 in ture grade asphaltum, the only deposit of degree. was missiing, but believed it had from Michigan but from ‘Eastern vine ply but a small proportion of those re all for the enterprise, and in the last the kind in the United States. The food is unfit for use. The quested. The Indians are very clean few days about $3,000 has been raised been removed by one of the photo yards and orchards, come the same re An Ohio banker lost 100 pounds in prisons in which the men are con pickers, and the high prices this year among Medford business men. 14 is graphers who have the privilege of ports of bumper crops. The first of the Michigan peaches, weight while serving 13 monhths in fined would disgrace any other coun will require that the hops be picked intended that in all $5,000 shall be taking pictures in the Louvre. On the other hand, another official the early Alexanders, were shipped prison for misuse of the U. S. mails, try. One gang of worken, all of whom extra clean. subscribed. but the prison authorities declared he were ill, had to do without any kind The girls of the school are taken to There is great local interest in the believes he saw the painting at 3 from Ludington Augugt 4, fully two weeks earlier than in the previous of warm food for eight days. The the yards early each day in carryalls enterprise, and it is already planned o’clock the same afternoon. was much improved in health. Just 13 months ago the “ Cri de years. This is not the best variety. doctor reported in another place that and hayracks, chaperoned by the to have automobile races and aviation A Tacoma man was given one-fourth Paris” announced that “ Mona Lisa” teachers of the school. Their noon exhibitions. Mayor Canon, of Med had been stolen from the Louvre of a large estate provided ho married one of the men was dying of hunger. Gates Mourned in Texas. B OR DER AGAIN G UAR D ED . luncheon is sent to them and they re ford, has been elected president; A. through the complicity of an official within 30 days of the death of the Z A P A TA A T T A C K S FED ER ALS, Port Arthur, Tex.—While the fun turn in the evening to the school for a K. Ware secretary, and George Davis and that a copy had been substituted testator. He advertised, found a eral of John W. Gates is taking 'place late supper. The boys are sent out to treasurer. bride, and was married with two days in the frame. Rebel Leader Accused of Making the yards in charge of an employe and in New York Thursday memorial ser Renewal of Conflict With Mexican to spare. Disturbers Expected. The paper asserted that the original vices will be held in Poit Arthur, par False Promise to Surrender. go into camp, remaining until the BIG D IT C H S U R V E Y BEGINS. had been taken to New York and sold ticipated in by the Elks’ lodge, the Washington, D. C.—A patrol of the Mexico City—A fight has occurred yard is picked. They take along a P O R TL A N D M A R K E TS . to an American collector. This report city administration, Catholic and Prot California frontier by United States Wheat—New crop, bluestem, 81c; between the Federal troops I under camping outfit, and each day meat and Engineers to Lay Permanent Line for was repeatedly denied. estant churches, more than 1,000 em troops, abolished only a short time club, 77c; red Russian, 75c; valley, General Huerta and Jthe followers of bread and fresh vegetables are sent to “ Shoestring” at Ontario. The police are hunting for a myster ployes of the Texas company, 5,000 ago, was orderd re-established by the Emiliano Zapata, at Cuatlixco, accord them. 77c. Ontario—Active work has begun ot\ ious German, whose continual presence to 6,000 citizens of Port Arthur and war department because of a threaten The hops this year are only an aver MillstufT 8 — Bran, $24.50(1/25 per ing to meager dispatches reaching the permanent survey of the Ontario- in the salon Carro recently attracted several thousand others from | Beau ing situation just south of the border this city. Unconditional surrender age crop in this neighborhood. The ton; middlings, $32; shorts, $25.50 mont, Houston, Orange, Galveston in Lower California. Nyssa irrigation project, sometimes the attention of its guardians. was demanded of Zapata by the Fed quality of the hops is excellent. 6/26; rolled barley, $280/29. “ Mona Lisa” is one of the world- and other Texas cities. All places of A ‘company of Coast artillery in called “ the Shoestring” ditch. A eral government. Following an Corn— Whole, $33; cracked, $34 famous paintings. At one time the business in Port Arthur will close_for San Diego was instructed to take the corps of engineers left here with camp S C H O O L FU N D LO AN O U T . agreement between Ma/lero and Za- per ton. field for patrol duty from San Diego, supplies and will run the permanent British government offered $5,000,000 half a day. Barley— New, feed, $25.506/26; pata, the latter appeared to believe the work, Which was refused. It Cal., to Yuma, Ariz. that rthe Federal demand would be Farmers in State Quick to Borrow on lines of the canal, which will irrigate for brewing, $306/31 per ton. is the most celebrated portrait of a Mexican rurales are now proceeding Dropped Revolver Kills. 10,000 acres of fine orchard land. First Mortgages. Oats Old white, $25 per ton; new, withdrawn, in view of his promise to woman in the world. Its most strik to Tia Juana, traveling over Ameri The preliminary lines were run last submit to disarmament. He sent a New York—While searching his $24. ing characteristic is the smile. Salem — Within 16 days the state pockets for a cent with which to pur can territory with the consent of the Hay Timothy, valley, $156616; al detachment of his men to oppose the board received appplications for over winter, and the permanent survey will Da Vinci’s model was the wife of chase cover more land than at first intended. advance of Huerta. The forces met a newspaper from Mrs. Rose United States government, for the falfa, $11; clover, $8.506/9; grain Francesco Del Cicondo, a Florentine, I late in the afternoon. At the depart $260,000 worth of school fund loans The officers of the company, headed by of the 16th century Malchorde, a Park Row news-woman, purpose of suppressing the trouble in hay, $9.506/ 10. When Da Vinci and as a result it has been necessary Lower California. Fresh Fruits—Cantaloupes, $1.256/ ment of the interior it was asserted for the hoard to again shut off appli Mayor Trow, have already received painted her she was about 30 years James C. Henderson, aged 76, of San It is feared by the State department 2 per crate; peaches, 60c6/$1.25 box; that no agreement had been made cants. This condition indicates that bids on the pumps and electric motors old. About the mouth is seen the Antonio, Tex., accidentally drew that the Mexican soldiers arrive watermelons, K/i'lfc per pound; with Zapata and that none would be there is an immense demand for and will award a contract for the ma sweet smile which has been the chief forth a loaded revolver, which fell to on the when scene to clear out the disturb chinery late this fall. No one thing made. The opinion was expressed the sidewalk and was discharged, kill plums, 90coz $1.75 per crate; prunes, characteristic in making the painting money throughout the state. All It is be ers, some of the disturbers may seek $1.76per box ; new apples, $1.756/2.50 that he was deceiving Madero with loans from the school fund are made will be of more benefit to the Ontario famous. It is said that Da Vinci, in ing the woman instantly. and Nyssa territory than the building false promises of surrender. lieved Henderson can be charged only refuge in the United States. per box; raspberries, $26/2.50; black order to obtain this effect, had musi on first mortgage farm lands and the of this ditch. berries, $1.75.«/1.90; pears, $26(2.50 cians, singers and jesters near his sub with carrying a concealed weapon. loan cannot exceed one-third of the Third Mate is Defiant. Although he declared it was an acci Model Prison Is Failure. box; Casabas, 3}c pound. ject to amuse her as he painted. value of the property. Farm Names Popular. dent, and witnesses agreed with him, San Francisco—E. J. Thomas, third Pekin There has been a model pris Vegetables—Beans, 56/10c; cab A limit of $2,500 is placed on the he was charged with homicide. mate of the steamer Santa Rosa, who Eugene—Interest has been aroused bages, $2 per hundredweight; corn. on in Wuchang, but it has turned out loans. The board has been passing was in charge of the vessel at the in Lane county by the new state law to be far too expensive. It is lighted NEW Y O R K H O PS F A ILU R E . 306/40c per dozen; cucumbers, $16/' favorably on those loans which are permitting the registration of farm Noose Just, Man Admits. time of the wreck off Point Arguello, 1.25 per box; eggplant, 106/ 12Jc per throughout with electricity, and the for $ 1,000 and less, as a greater num Carson City. Nev.—Patrick C. Casey through his attorney, served notice on pound; garlic, 106 / 12 c per pound; let food given to the prisoners was bet ber of people will be served this way names. A large number of the farms Willamette Grower's Brother Gloomy was executed here Friday for the mur inspector Buger that he would go to tuce, $1.266/ 1.75 per box; peppers, ter than what they got at home, so before passing to those applications of the county have been named, and Over Crop in East. der of Mrs. Lucy Heslip, of Goldfield, jail for comtempt if necessary to test 86 / 10 c per pound; radishes, 121 c per that a great many became permanent which are for larger amounts. It prob many of the ranchers are displaying Salem—Advices received here by \ just two years ago. In a brief state the power of the steamboat inspection dozen; tómateos, 90c0/$1.26 per box; residents. It has been resolved to re ably will be several months again be the names on pretentious arches erec new carrots, $1.75 per sack; turnips, duce the expenditures by a considera fore the board will announce itself as ted over the farm gates. Search for George L. Rose, an Independence hop ment from the gallows he said he was department to compel him to testify ble sum monthly, to remove electric ready to receive further applications. euphonious names has also had the grower, from his brother Ra^ Rose, a about to pay the penalty for an atroc- at the inquiry. Thomas, with Captain $1.25; beets, $1.75. effect of stimulating interest in im well-known hop grower of Otsego I ious crime for which he believed he J. O. Faria, is charged with unskill Potato«« New Oregon, 116/1 le p e r ligths and withdraw a number of the provement and beautification, and county. New York, indicate that the ! had been forgiven. At the time of fulness and negligence. Faria is un jailers. For food each prisoner will ’’ Fires In Crater Reserve Few. pound. many farms which have been christen- New York hop crop will not be 20,000 killing Mrs. Heslip, Casey, whose der trial separately and Thomas has Onions—Walla Walla, $1.76 per in future get two bowls of coase rice, Medford — "Campers and hunters etl with poetic and beautiful names bales, and probably will be consider name is thought to be assumed, wound been subpenaed to testify. and also will provide his own clothes. hundred. are much more careful this year than are being worked over to harmonize. ably less. ed a Mrs. McMann and stabbed an offi Poultry Hens, 1510/ 16c; springs, ever before about setting forest fires "Green, dirty, lousy, mouldy,” is cer who attempted to arrest him. Asylum Cruelty Alleged. Army to T ry New Plan. 156/ 151c; ducks, young, 16c; tur in the National forest.” says M. L. the way Mr. Rose describes the entire Medford After Colonists. keys, 186/ 19c. Chicago—Seven attendants charged Washington, D. C.— Concentration Ericcson, supervisor, who has returned Never before Mason-Dixon Line Goes. Medford — To bring Medford her New York hop crop. Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, candled, of the army at large stations, strate with cruelty in the treatment of pa from an inspection tour of 75 miles of share of the colonists who start west have clusters been picked before Au Oklahoma City—“ The' greatest ac tients in Cook county institutions have 27c per dozen. gically situated for military purposes, recently-constructed telephone lines in gust 25 in New York, but this year September 15, when the colonist rates complishment of the soldiers 'i n the been suspended and formal complaint Butter City creamery extra, 1 and 2-pound prints, in boxes, 30c per and abandonment of the small posts, the Crater forest reserve. Though are in force, the Medford Commercial picking began August 18 to save the | war with Spain was the obliteration has been filed against them with the the forest is dry and steady breezes club has shipped five large boxes of crop, such as will be produced. The I of the last faint trace of the Mason Civil service commission, as a resut pound; less than box lots, cartons and is under consideration by the War de have been blowing for the past few and Dixon line,” said Colonel J. W. of Presidet Bartzen’s investigation. delivery extra. partment. The idea, which requires weeks, there have been no fires of con literature to an agent in Minneapolis Railroad Hospital Aided. Johnson, counsellor of Oklahoma city, Among the literature Pork Fancy, 106/ 101c per pound. The reports accuse Pearl Miller, an the sanction of congress, is to con sequence. The added facilities for to distribute. San Francisco—Mrs. E. H. Harri- addessing the United Spanish War attendant at the detention hospital, Veal—Fancy, 126/ 13c per pound. struct compact barracks, each to hold fighting have enabled the rangers to sent were several beautifully illus trated booklets and many of the busi man has given $50,000 to Dr. Ains Veterans at the second session of their of binding a wet towel around a wo Hops 1911 contracts, 406/45c per an entire regiment, near cities or The contest for the man patient’s neck and choking the ness men's bulletins that the club has worth, chief surgeon of the Southern reunion here. pound; 1910 crop, 40c; 1909 crop, 30 large towns. Most of the officers are discover and stop fires. been issuing in cooperation with the Pacific system for the establishment next encampment has narrowed down victim until she bled at the mouth. 6(35c; olds, 206/25c. to find accommodations within the Yamhill Has Heavy Timber.* Southern Pacific. and endowment of a bacteriological to Tampa, Fla., and Atlantic City, This means is said to have been used Wool Eastern Oregon, 96/ 16c per city, obviating the necessity of build McMinnville—A cruise of the tim and pathological laboratory for the N. J. pound, according to shrinkage; val ing extensive officers' quarters. when the patient refused to eat. ber lands of Yamhill county by the Pears Bring #40 a Ton. benefit of the employes of dse com ley, 15/1/ 17c per pound. assessor’s office has revealed a quarter Portugal Quake-Shaken. Salem Shipping a carload of pears pany. This announcement was made Cattle Choice steers, $5.60oz Shark Gorged With Junk. Rostand Hurt By Auto. section of fir timber that is generally Lisbon — A series of earthquake 5.75; good to choice, $5.256/5.50; Biarritz, France—Edmond Rostand, Lewes, Delaware A curious assort conceded to be the peer of any other at $40 a ton for cannery purposes, by Dr. Ainsworth, who said the labor William H. Egan topped all prices for atory would be in the Southern Pacific shocks, gradually increasing in vio poet and dramatist, was the victim of choice cows, $1.506/4.75; good to ment of bric-a-brac is on exhibition choice, $4.256/4.50; good, average here, all of it found in the stomach of quarter section of timber in Oregon the past 15 years by $22. saying that general hospital in San Francisco. lence. were felt in Southern Portugal. a serious automobile accident near and Washington. This body of tim for the 15 years before he has never Negotiations are now on to engage an At Mortela, Albufeira and other here, and lies in his villa at Cambo 1050 pounds, $46/4.25; common, $2 76 a man-eating shark, 17 feet in length, 6/3; choice heifers, $4.906/5; choice caught at the mouth of Delaware bay ber lies on the north fork of the Yam sold pears to a cannery at a better expert from the Rockefeller institute, points near the coast, considerable les Bains surrounded by physicians damage was done and some persons who thus far have been unable to pre bulls, $3.506/ 3.76; choice calves, 200 by the crew of lightship No. 69. The hill river and contains 94,700.000 feet price than $18 a ton. E. W. Powers of New York, to take charge. were injured. At Lagos the disturb dict the ouUxjme of his injuries. He pounds and under, $7.256/7.35; good invoice of the shark’s interior furnish of saw timber, valued in the county also shipped a car of loganberries Oil Trust to Reorganize. ances were accompanied by^a tidal is suffering from serious contusions of to choice. $5.60<(/6; common calves. ings includes one umbrella, one barrel assessment at 50 cents per thousand, which he said was more valuable than a train load of wheat. A definite $46/5; choice stags, $ 4 . 50614 . 75 ; stave, a (quantity of steel and iron which totals $51.400. New York—Arrangements are be wave which caused a panic. the head and body and it is feared he good to choice, $4.256/ 4.50. price on the berries was not given. ing made, it was announced Thursday, is hurt internally. M. Rostand was junk of different kinds and enough oil Eccles Gets Government Pine. Hogs Extra choice light hogs, $8 cloth to cover the floor of a good-sized Tw o Frozen on Mountain. in the reorganization of the Standard motoring from Cambo les Bains to Copies of State Blue Book Out. 61 . 8 .25; choice heavy, $76/.7.50; heavy kitchen. ^Portland —One hundred million feet Oil company to provide for holders of Colorado Springs, f Colo.—W .’ 'A. SL Jean de Lux. rough, $6.256/ 6.50. Salem—Copies of the Oregon blue fractional shares of stock in the Stan Skinner and his wife, of Dallas. Tex., of white pine timber located in the Tw o Dia In S I.000,000 Fir«. Sheep Choice yearlings, wethers, government timber reserve in Sumpter book and official directory are ouL dard’s 33 subsidiary companies. The were frozen to death near the summit Manila Records Quake. coarse wool, $3.256/3.50; choice Frankfort, Germany — The Opel valley has been awarded to W. H. Ec The new blue book is something earnings of the corporation continue of Pike's Peak Thursday. Their bod Manila—Seismographs here record yearling wethers, east of mountains. Sewing Machine and Bicycle factory cles & company, of Ogden, Utah, on a hitherto not attempted in this state. at the rate of more than $80.000.000 a ies, almost covered by snow, were ed a series of strong earthquakes as $3.256/3.50; choice two and threes, at Russelheim was destroyed by fire. bid filed by Mr. Eccles in June last. It includes not only a comprehensive year. Attorney^ for the company are found side by side by a man walking occurring at an estimated distance of $36/3.50; choice spring lambs, $5.266/ Two persons perished and many were He has just receive»! notice of the survey of Oregon's resource», but the now engaged in reorganizing its con down the peak. Skinner and his [wife 2,000 miles from Manila. The tre 5 50; good to choice, $66/5.25; choice injured. The loaa is more than $1,- awan! from the department in Wash constitution and directory of the state stituent companies and electing offi had started to walk to the .top ofj the mors continued with evident violence killing ewes, $2.756/3. officials, assessed valuations, etc. ington, D. C. cers and directors. 000 , 000 . peak. for a period of two hours.