Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, August 18, 1911, Image 3

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    y D rillin g W e d s
O n * M an C a n H a n d !«
If Yeu He»* Never Taken Count Yew
Will l e Surprleed at Ola
tance Covered.
‘isfiissBi¡ k p s
H u a re co rd of d rillin g 130
fe « t and d riv in g casin g l a
one day. O nly th ro e Ivvara.
tr a a la
E x tr
* r g e ro p e aheavae.
_ o a s it-----
itiv e ly
w ill d r ill
----- ev
--- er» _
k in d o f fo rm a tio n . Avoid delay » fro m se n d in g b
H L e a n
s t t..
., Buy fr
o m ns. W e b
u ild t th
h e e s e a p -to -d
-o a te
naohinne. W ill te ll you all l a c a ta lo g . W r ite f o r It.
i i i u u s a i c M i i i i i n . , h a i f i s ., r u T u u , u i M *
H O W A R D R. R U B T O If - A w e re r
n U .J ..l l ....C o K .r ¡^ ú i l l B
an d
C hem lrt,
Ü .R
>pet a id f a n pri
and P m p lr e wi
» N ational Bank.
H riiglieat
i * h « » t p r ic e s p aid f o r S il v e r , O
C ld J e w e l r y , G o ld
T T e e e e tl»
th . , e C t tc.
K S.
F o r t y y e a r » in
P o r tla n d . 71 S i x t h , b e tw e e n O a k a n d P in e .
P ■ Mssafsr"* wm‘*
" *
P iiu iti Sinici
0. 0. MARTIN, *M '•«« «*'«•
^ d, , kl° ^ *
W r it e f o r c a t a l o r u e e an d li te r a tu r e .
D ev elo p in g
a n d p r in tin g
M ail o r d e r s g iv e n p r o m p t a tte n tio n
F o rtla n d P h o to S u p p ly C o.
T h ird S t r e e t
plassd anywhere, at*
traato sad kill« aU
ftlss. Neat, cleaa,
ornamental, conven­
ient,cheap. LseUall
m ssss
Can't »pill or
tip over, will not toil
¡or injure anything.
Guaranteed affect­
ive. Of all dealer* or
tent prepaid for 20c.
I UO D* KaJb I t *.
Braoklyn, I . Y.
East 23d aid Minima, fartiaad. Or.
M ost e co n o m ica l a n d e f f e c tiv e f o r ho u ae
an d sch o o l h e a tin g .
front and Market Sts.
Portland, Or.
s r . th e s a f e s t a n d m o st r e lia b le c a t h a i t i c a n d
s y s te m c le a n s e r. T h e b est re m e d y f o r T o rp id
L i r e r , B ili o u s n e s s a n d S i c k H e a d a c h e .
At Druggists' or by Mall, U Canta
C b a m
ic a i .
C o .
P o a T L A Jto . O a s o o w
Jewish Customs.
In Israel everything, even to a fun­
eral, had to give way to a marriage
proceasion. Every one who met eith­
er a marriage or a funeral procession
had to turn back and go with it.
The More Worthy.
The men who try to do something
and fall are infinitely better than
those who try to do nothing and auo-
ceod.—The Caxton Magazine.
Duty to the Children.
' Children are travelers newly arrived
In a strange country; we should there­
fore make conscience not to mlalead
Hava you ever counted up the nut»
bar of atepi which you hava made In
the course of one da?—In going to
bualneaa, In walking from one room
to another at home, and ao on.
throughout the courae of the day T If
you will take the trouble to do so,
you will be surprised to And what a
distance you have covered without
realizing It Multiply thoa distance
by S65 and you will find that It will
not require many years before you
have made up the 25.00« miles which
la equal to the circuit of the globe
Moet people would certainly be sur­
prised If they were informed that
during the course of their Uvea they
have walked a distance as great as
the length of the equator. Y e t how-
*vw sedentary we may be, however
little Inclined to gain the reputation
of a globe-trotter or of an Alpine
•Umber, moet of us have, unknown to
ourselves, covered a distance equal
to the full circuit of the earth, or a
cUmb to the highest mountain peaks
In the world. More than that, we
have accomplished a task still more
ooloeaal. Without having had occasion
to explore the unknown regions be­
neath the crust of the earth, we have
descended as far as the depths of the
most unfathomable abyaaea, evan as
far as the vary center of tha earth.—
Strand Magazine.
Tm |rt A» aaat tharsogii attmdiaai a ¿mint
and prac'kal work dtal on be produced, aha
lathe work, drill preta and farm .
Kaefy equipped aamk (hop and school
ream Tehoa lae $35 cask. $40
payaenb $10 per week.
New Booklet Just Out Can Be Had
for the Aeklng.
The Portland Young Men's Chris­
tian Association Is about to entet
upon a new era In Its work, In ex­
tending the advantage of its educa­
tional department to the entire
While a great majority oi
the 1400 students enrolled in night
and day classes are residents ol
Portland, yet a large and Increasing
number are now enrolling from towns
and cities outside of Portland.
The different courses offered In-
] elude a full Commercial course,
comprising Shorthand, Bookkeeping
and related subjects; a college pre­
paratory course, a graded course In
elementary subjects for bqys and
vocational courses such as plumbing,
carpentry, Bheet metal, bricklaying,
electrical work, automoblla repair
and driving. Many students trained
In these classes are now occupying
Important positions In the business
houses of Portland.
An attractive booklet entitled "Ac­
tivities" has Just been issued by the
association and contains a statement
of all Educational Courses. The Edu­
cational Director will mall this book­
let to all persons who desire It.
Classes for day school open Sep­
tember 5th, night classes September
25th. From present Indications an
unusually large registration Is antici­
Had No Use for Earring*.
The Qreeks and Romans, good
judges of feminine beauty, did not re­
gard the earring aa Indispensable.
Neither the brush nor the chls«l of
the representation of Venus or any
poetic figures with pendant* In the
e a r s . ________________
World's Wheat Cultivation.
Must Have Meant Paragon.
Ther* a n ovor 170,000,000 acres un­
They could not have been otherwise
der wheat cultivation I n tha world.
than rather young, though I oould not
see them on account of the screen.
“You’re the only girl for me," h*
told her—"you’re all my fancy paint­
ed you—the very paregoric of worn*
anklndl"—Success Magazine.
“ S am S lo a n ”
(io o il
i 14 0 r
C - O i.lS Y o u
W o»
li M o i e
D istributers,
P o r tla n d , O r .
A h ealth y body defies d isease: C h iro p ra c tlo
ad ju stm en ts m ake h ealth y hod.e» by rem ov in g
th e oauae o f d i*ea»e. No kniveii: no druv»; no
o steo p ath y . F a s tin g and d ie tin g d ire c te d aci-
• n titica lly , T ra in e d nurses.
Sufferers fro m A p p en d icitis. B r o n c h itis . C an ­
c e r . <’ tu r r h , D iab etes, Dropsy. D eafness. E«»l-
lepsy. E cz e m a . G o itre . G all S to n e. H e a r t Dis-
eu*e. H e rn ia . L u m b ag o, N e u ralg ia. P a ra ly sis,
R h eu m atism . S c ia tic a , o r any o th e r disease,
a r e inv ited to w rite us. W e show you how to
ra is e vour v ita lity and keep w ell. (W r i te to ­
day. Y o u r c o r e w ill be q u ic k e r.)
When a man begins by saylngt 1
want to tell you a go«.* joke on my­
self," you may be sure that he la go­
ing to try to make somebody pise
appear ridiculous.
Limitations of the Brain.
“You cannot educat* or draw out of
any brain more than nature haa al­
ready put Into It. Some day, perhaps,
w* shall try to adapt our aducatlon to
possibilities.”—Anatole Franc*.
Not of Much Acoount.
A man who can’t stand prosperity
Isn't likely to bear up very well under
^ P o r tla n d , O rs fo n
^ / R e s id e n t and Day School fo r G irl» ii_
charge o f Slater» o f fit. Joha Baptlat (EpiscopalF
Coll «fla t*, Aoadamle and EUmantary Department*,
lfaal«. Art, Klocvtl»». Gymnasium.
For catalog addreaa T H E S IN T E R S U P E R IO R
O f f ic e 30. 8 t . H e l e n a H a l l
S T .
M A R Y ’ S
A I’A O f M V
C O L U C i:
For G irla Connected by ikm ÔISTER 8 Ô Ï THE HOLY
NAMES OF JESU S AND MARY. C r « u . A ttA m U tm A
C t lh g ia u C tu ru i. M arie. Art. EJocntiea and Commer­
cial Dept*. R trid tn i mmd Dmy Studenti. Reined Moral and
Intellectual T railin g . W rite for Anaouacrmcnt. Addreaa
S IS T E R S U P E R IO R . » . M m n 'i J<m A *m r. P tn lm u d
on all iin e i on a c c o u n t
A ak y o u r t i c k e t ««ren t fo *
fu ll d e ta il«
*>QJ9rLA #*, a*£*rw ______
'V, .rramun „gü?
A U G . 1 0 to S E P T . 9
1 fltfíno&wm
fchat y w \fn n t
A p m rm anm t C u rt i t » M i 1 g ir t.
WHITTEN GUARANTEE M y w r itte n g u a r a n te e m e a n t a e w r « o r
n t r.ny. I g u a r a n te e t o c u r e c e r t a in a il m e n ts o r re fu n d e v e r y
d o lla r y o u h a v e P *.< L M y - T r i e r . c o s t y o u n o th in g a n ie n s I
c u r e y o u r V a rio o e e V e i n s H e ro in . P ile s , F is t u la , B lo od P*»4
non. or any ailment I guarantee t o eure T e r m * are reasonable
and ao m o m than you am able and willing to poy for boos fits.
l t. M
I e s Asar»— I A i U l f M
lM«»r$, It A M te
R I sa* Piofrssof Ehrlich’» wonderful sew dis­
si SfcnAc Mood Foiaea. It c»re» is OM tm»t-
meat and is the rrearesr marvel «f sedie»! shenee. This new remedy
wx n a w r - »
U d i r s e l i RT c o i
' " 'I'* -.
r o t T L A ND O llO O l
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
Valuable Bit* of Advice for Houee-
kaspsrs and Others, Given by
English Magatine.
Mimyon’s Stomach Treatment One Killed, Many Injured, In
Performing Miracles.
Street Battle.
Munyon Telia You How t* Get Well Extensiv* Movement It Threatened-
Free of Charge.
Strikara May Ti* Up Entire
Transportation o f tal*«,
A few days ago I received a letter
from a youug man, who states he Is
28 years of age, and has occupied
several Important positions, but ow­
ing to Indigestion and inability to
sleep he has been unable to concen­
trate his mind upon his work and
has consequently been discharged on
the ground of neglect of duty. He
goes on to say that he Is a young
man of steady habits, but for years
he bus suffered from dyspepsia, whicb
has so affected his nerves that he
is unable to sleep, and that It Is not
neglect upon his part, nor lack of
Interest, but simply physical weak
ness. He asks my advice in this
For the benefit of a large number
of those similarly situated I propose
to answer this letter publicly, hoping
that It may be the means of helping
many who may be affected In this
In the first place the stomach must
be well before the nerves can be
made strong. The nerves must be
made strong before one can sleep
well. No one Is capable of doing his
beBt who is in any way troubled with
Insomnia or any form of nervousness.
The greatest generals have been men
of Iron nerve and Indomitable will.
They have had perfect digestion, be­
ing able to eat well and digest all
they ate.
It Is said Napoleon lost the battle
of Waterloo because of a fit of in
digestion. Grant's enormous reserv«
power was due to a well stomach.
Abraham Lincoln said that “he did
not know that he had a stomach."
Grover Cleveland, It lg said, could
work 18 hours a day, eat a hearty
meal at I or 3 o’clock In the morn­
ing, go to bed and Bleep soundly un­
til 9 o’clock and get up refreshed,
ready for a new day’s work.
Pres. Taft Is another type of a
healthy manhood. Who thluks for
one moment that he would be the
President of the United States today
had he been a dyspeptic or affected
with some nervous ailment? I claim
that two-thirds of all the failures In
professional and business life are due
to weak and deranged stomachs.
No business house would care to
employ a dyspeptic representative
to sell goods for them on the road.
One-half the men who stand behind
counters today, earning from $12 to
$15 a week, will never get beyond
these figures, for the reason that they
are physically weak. They lack
the nerve power and commanding
strength that come from a good
Bound etomach.
No one cares to hear a dyspeptic
preacher. No matter how pious he
may be, he Is bound to reflect his
bilious and jaundiced condition. Ha
will unconsciously inoculate his hear­
ers with his melancholy feelingB.
No one would think of entrusting
an important legal cage In the hands
of a dyspeptic lawyer, any more than
he would care to entrust his own
life, or that of a dear one In the
hands of a physician who le nervous,
irritable or a dyspeptic. Men must
have good digestion, strong nerves
and vital manhood In itrder to ren­
der a clean, clear-cut decision either
in medicine, law or business.
I believe more than half of the
divorces can be traced to 111 health.
I want every dyspeptic to try my
stomach treatment.
It makes old
stomachs almost as good as new. Its
marvelous power for digesting food
and getting the best out of it makes
for good rich red blood. This In
turn strengthens the nerves, builds
up the general system, and will sure­
ly prolong life and make It a pleas­
ure to live and do the things allotted
to ua.
Professor Munyon makes no charge
for consultation, or medical advice;
not a penny to pay. Address Pro­
fessor J. M. Munyon's Laboratories,
Fifty-third and Jefferson Streets, Phil­
adelphia, Pa.
Truth’s Revelation.
I looked at my Brother with the
Microscope of Criticism and I said,
"How coarse my Brother la !* I
looked at him with tha Telescope of
Scorn and I aald, "How small my
Brother la I" Then I looked ta tha
Mirror of Truth and I said, “How
Uk* me my Brother Is !”—Bolton Hall.
London— Great Britain appears to
be confronted by a grave labor move­
ment, compared with which the Lon­
don strike ju st ended would be a small
Together with the furious street
battle* in Liverpool in which one con­
stable was killed and 40 policemen,
including the superintendent, were in­
jured, and serious riots at Glasgow,
comes the news of meetings of rail­
way employes at Liverpool, Glasgow,
Manchester, Bristol, Sheffield and oth­
er large cities, at which threats were
made of a general strike of all rail­
way men, transport workers and dock­
ers, unless existing disputes ate set­
tled promptly.
In London itself both railway and
streetcar strikes still threaten.
men discussed the situation but have
not taken active measures for going
out. As in Glasgow, London’s tram­
way service is run by the municipal­
A serious feature of the situation is
the deep resentment the speakers dis­
played at the employment (of military
and police from other towns. The So­
cialist party is doing its utmost to fan
this resentment.
At a meeting of 2,000 railroad men
belonging to the Midland, Great Cen­
tral and Metropolitan lines it was de­
cided to call a general strike on all
the railways and tubes in the London
district unless grievances were reme­
died within a week. It is rumored
that the London tramway men have
also sent an ultimatum to the county
In Glasgow, where streetcar service
was discontinued, 80,000 workmen
met on Glasgow green and the strike
leaders threatened drastic measures if
the nonunion men continued to sup­
plant strikers.
Pacific Coast to Get Three New
Government Depositaries.
Washington, D. C.— Encouraged by
the successful trial of two weeks of
the postal savings bank system in the
great postoffices of New York, Chi­
cago, St. Louis and Boston, Postmas­
ter General Hitchcock has decided to
extend the system rapidly to all the
large cities and disgnated aa potal
savings depositaries
Kansas City,
Pittsburg, Detroit, Buffalo, San Fran­
cisco, Cincinnati, Seattle, Wash., In­
dianapolis, Denver and Portland, Or.
The deposits in New York, Chicago,
St. Louis and Boston for the first five
days amounted to $ 110 ,000, at which
rate the annual deposits for the four
cities would amount to about $7,000,-
Socialist Mayor Woeful.
Milwaukee, W is.— Emil Seidel, So­
cialist mayor o f Milwaukee, in review­
ing the alleged wrongs that the party
had suffered at the hands o f local cap­
italists, bewailed the fact that he had
been deposed as head of the police de­
partment, and acknowledged that the
present city government was a ma­
chine, but explained that it was only
a machine to help the workingmen.
He said that when the Socialists got
Good Advlo*.
Rub elbows with the least of the possession of the courts they would be
world’» people. If you would qulokao used to define the law in the interests
ir brain end soften your hanrL— of the working classes.
eh m a m
Or It Would Walt Lan»
This work of h*lp4ng tha world ter­
rore happily goes mot wait to be den*
by perfect men Oeerge Eliot
Has Stood a
58 Year Test
It* merit is, therefore,
proven in cases of
A trial today will convince
you that it is the medicine
you need. All Druggists.
Boms nsw hints for tha housekeep­
er, or lor any woman for that matter,
are given In an English magazine
called the Matron. For example, on*
aeedn1 be a housekeeper, or even a
woman, to be glad to know what to
io when a fishbone Is stuck tn one’s
According to this authority the prop­
er thing Is to hand the sufferer a
lemon. If it Is sucked for a little
while the bone will move on. I d one
case It succeeded after the bone had
been In the throat two days.
Another use for lemon Julc* Is to
remove warts. This Is done by drop­
ping It on twice s day.
To- retain the oolor and gloss of s
white silk blouse after washlug put a
teaspoonful of alcohol Into the rlnstug
water. This keeps It from turning yel­
low sad gives It when Ironed the gloes
of new silk.
To clean the lace yoke and sleeves
of waists sprinkle the lace freely with
powdered borax, then roll It up and
fasten with pine. Let It remain for at
least twelve hours, then shake out
and brush with a clean soft brush.
To remove Ink stains from carpets
take a saucer of fresh milk and a
clean soft rsg. Renew the milk If
neoeesary and wash finally with clean
To lake coffee stains from any ma­
terial rub a little glycerine Into the
stain and then wash with hot soap
and water.
To prevent milk from scorching
when It la being boiled sprtnkle a lit­
tle sugar Into th* sauoepan after th#
nsllk Is poured Into i t Do not stir
the astlk even though the pan la a
very thin one. The milk will not burn,
hut will leave the saucepan aa clean
aa II only water had been In 1L
North Bank Cuts Rates.
Washington, D. C .—To enable the
Spokane, Portland A Seattle railway
to meet the competition of a more di­
rect line between points in California
and eastern junction points in Idaho
and Montana, the interstate Com­
merce commission has granted to that
road permission to charge lower rates
on both class and commodity freight
than are concurrently in effect to in­
termediate points. The arrangement
will affect rates favorably to shippers
throughout th* Northern Pacific ter­
Warship Launchss .Crash,
Provincetown, Mass.— Eighteen offi­
cers and seamen on the battleships
Nebraska and Delaware, of the North
narrowly escaped
drowning a mile off shore in the dark-
I ness of night, when two launches from
the ships were in collision.
launch from the Nebraska sank in 12
fathoms of .water, and the men on
board got to the Delaware’s launch
ju st in time. They were picked up by
the Delaware.
It tha best of »11 medicines for the cure of diseatet,
disorders end weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the
only preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradu­
ated physician—en experienced end skilled specialist in
the diseases of women.
It ia a safe medicine in any condition of the system.
T H E ONE R EM ED Y which contains no alcohol
and no injurious habit-forming drugs »»H which
creates no craving for suoh stimulants.
T H E ONE R EM ED Y so good that its maker»
•re not afraid to print its avary ingredient on
•eoh outside bottle - wrapper and attest to the
truthfulness of the same under oath.
It is sold by medicine dealers everywhere, end any dealer w h o h a s n 't it
it. Don't take e substitute of unknown composition for this m ed icin e o f
kn o w n c o m po sit io n .
N o counterfeit is as good as the genuine and th e d ru g g ist
who says something else is “ just as good aa Dr. Pierce's" is either m ista k e n
or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such e man is not to bo
trusted. He is trifling with your most priceless possession—your health-
may be your life itself. S ts that you get what you ask fo r.
M o r ris o n S t . , P o r t l a n d , O r e g o n .
T w o - y t a r courses fo r te ach e rs, read ers and public sp eak ers.
G rad u ates a f t e r c o m p le t la f
tw o y e ars o f p o e t-arad u ate w o rk , g ran ted p r o f e s s io n a l d ip lo m a s . C ontinuous class«» fro m 9 to
1 o ’clock, t i v t day» p er w eek. Individual lessons w ith e ith e r t h e p rin cip al o r th « a a ti a ta a ta .
a f te r n o o n s a n d even in gs.
Plant Feign* Death.
In South America there 1* a plant
—a species of mimosa—which feign*
death for th* purpose, naturalists
think, of preventing grais-eattng anl- i
mol* from eating It. In It* natural
state It la bright green, but as soon
as It la touched It collapses Into a
tangla of apparently dead brown stems.
Blue that’s all blue. RED CROSS
BALL BLUB delights the laundress
A wash dav necessity. Once tried
always used. A standard bluing foi
20 years.
More eatlsfactory than liquid blue
and more economical because It it
not 4-5 water. Easily handled ant! Made S a fe by Lydia E. Pinkham ’s
cannot spill. Price, 10 cents. ASK
Vegetable Compound.
Net an Old Man’s Gomel
1 may have lost my golf ball,*
thought th* old man, as h* crept on
*11 four* round th* bush Into which 11
had rolled, "but I will not lo** my
Bo he continued to grovel and
grop*, and to wear * persuaatv*, pe
tleot smile. His knee* bagged, hi*
book ached horribly, and the bush be­
stowed upon his hands a generous
quantity of thorns. But h* refused to
dlaoard his smile, and kept on re-
» • a tta r
“Wo, I will not loss my tampan I
will not!"
Suddenly th* elusive ball caught hi*
•ye. Flopping flat, he stretched his
hand towards It, grasped it among It*
neat of thorns, and gingerly withdraw
“Hoity-toity! “ *xolalm*d on old
w«m*n behind him. “You ought to be
ashamed, birdnesting at your time of
Hie I"
And then he did lose hi* tamper.
Human land Animal Bones Dug Up
Are Fantastically Engraved,
San Jose, Cal.—One of the strang­
est relics the Santa Cruz mountains,
with their 5,000-year old trees and
other curiosities, have ever given up
was found by R. S. McWhorter, of
this city, and presented to the cham­
ber of commerce. It is the skull of a
giant mastodon, engraved centuries
ago with fantastic designs of inter­
linked human and animal heads, or
else eroded into these shapes by count­
less yearB of wear.
McWhorter exhibited the skull in
the city. I t is apparently only the
upper part, the jaw s having been
worn away. It is partly petrified and
has been lying partially exposed for
some time in a wet spot, moss having
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate
grown on its sides.
A t first it ap­
peared like an old stump, hut investi­ and invigorate stomach, liver and bow­
els. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Easy
gation Bhowed it to be ancient bone.
to take as candy.
▲ man at Munich who lost $10,000
In bank notes In the atreet a few days
ago, and advertised $800 reward to
the finder, received * check for $9 r
700 from the finder, a man of a busi­
nesslike turn of mind, who wrote that,
to avoid delay, be had kept off his
reward. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
K o « e v e r t o p e r a tio n » , m a n y cum *» p e r m a n e n tly r u r e d In o n »
tre a tm e n t
M o it tin i» -a a » iB g , m o a t n a tu r a l, n o i l a a fa . A
r a d ic a l an<l p e r m a n e n t c a r » . I g i r t m y w o rd an d w ill e l t »
D to o th e r m e d ic a l a u th o r it ie s t h a t ti»ia is a f a r t . I am c a r -
n l r p r e p a r e d to c a r e b y e x p e r ie n c e an d e q u ip m e n t, w h ich
« r e t h e k e y s to n e s t o e u e c e a s .
I h a v e t h e b e s t e q u ip p e d
m e d ic a l office on t h e C o a s t. I w ill g i r t $300 to a n y c h a r i t y ae
g u a r a n te e t h a t « v e r y s t a te m e n t in th i s a n n o u n r e m e n t l s tr u e .
I in v it e y o u to c o m e to m y office. I w ill e x p la in to y o u m y
tre a tm e n t fo r V
> a r ic o e e V ein
e in »,
s , H e r n ia , X
N e e r r v v o o u n # « D e b ility . .
B lo o d P o iso n . P i l e » , F ie tu l a . B la d d e r . K id n e y , P r o e ta ti e a n d
»11 M e n 's A ilm e n ts a n d g iv e y o u F K E B a p h y s ic a l e x a ro ln a -
f n e c e e a a r y a m ic r o s c o p ic « ! m id c h e m i c a l a n a ly s is o f
iona. t o d e te r m i n e > a th o ln f lc a l s a d b a c t e r to lo f u *
d itio n a . E v e r y m
_ t a k e _ a d v a n ta g e o f I b is o p p o r .
a n _______
sh o u ld
t u n i t y to l e a r n 't h e i r t r u e c o n d itio « . A t>rrm
rrm a n tn i C u r t i t
Drives away Flies, Mosquitoes and Ousts.
It protects horses and cattle from attacks
of insects, enabling them to feed and
sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight
and strength from worry caused by
attacks of insects, and from the Irritation
of their bites and stings. There is a
satisfaction in the relief it affords
domestic animals from the sconrge of
maddening parasites and flies, besides the
profit in returns. Horses do more work
on less feed and cows yield more and
better milk when relieved from the frenzy
incited by constantly fighting a swarm
of voracious, insatiable insects.
Four sizes, 15c, 50c, 75c and $ 1 . 1 $ .
Ask your merchant for it.
Graniteville, V L — “ I was passlx1*
through the C’hangnof Lifeandsuffereil
f r o m nervousness
and other annoying
symptoms, ana I
can truly say that
Lydia E. Piukham's
V e g e t a b l e Com­
pound has proved
worth mountains of
gold to me, as it
restored my health
and s t r e n g t h . I
never forget to tell
my friends what
Lydia E. l ’lnkham't
Vegetable Compouna has done for mo
during this trying period. Complete
restoration to hoaltn means so much
to me that for tl 1 sake of other suffer­
ing women I am willing to make mv
trouble public so yoy may publisn
this letter.”— M its. C i i a s . Il J a u c u a y ,
R .F.D ., Graniteville, V t.
No other medicine fo r woman’s Ills
has received such wide-spread and un­
qualified endorsement. No other med­
icine we know of has such a record
of cures as has Lydia E . l'lukham ’a
Vegetable Compound.
F o r more than 30 years It has been
curing woman’s Ills such as Inflamma­
tion, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irreg­
ularities, periodic pains and nervous
prostration, and it Is unequalled for
carrying women safely through the
period o f change of life.
M rs. P in k h a m , a t L y n n , M uss.,
In v ite s a ll s ick w o m en to w rite
h e r fo r ad v ice . H e r a d v ice la fre e ,
a n d a lw a y s h e lp fu l.
H oyt C h km ical C o .
Going Up Aloft.
A woman nine feet ln height has fel*
obliged to consult a specialist ln dis­
eases of the heart. Can you picture
that specialist, with stethoscope In
hand, going up a stepladdert—Cl*v*>
land Plain Dealer.
Religion In Dally Lftot
Your dally duties are part of your
religious life. Just as much aa you*
N la, curlouely eaoagh. aot alwayi
vertical. Irregular! ti«* of drnetty ta
th* emet of th* glob* may »rodee*
thl* pk*nom*aon. A r*aark ab l* fe­
stono* la poiat waa fouad tm th« to­
tead of »orto B le*. wh*r* th* d*vta-
tton from th* vertical la a* greet that
1» isappiag th * 1 stand th* eerthere
■M wathara coaet Un«*, aa sh*wa
t» th * oid*r mapa, bad saah ln b#
laward half a m il*
•ala* Preaant Hepplneea,
Wlth moat people bapplneas la
■otnethlag that la always Just a day
off. But I bave mad* It a ruta aaver
to put off baiti* happy ttll tomovrow.
D oni aecept nota* for happtaas*. be­
one** rotili And that wtan thay'rs
de* thay’re aere» peld, but juat re
aewed for reother tblrty day*.—Lev
Women Ju ro rs Called.
Tacoma— Thirty-four women arc in- tare from a BeU-Mad* Merchant te
| eluded in the venire of 129 jurors for
th* September term of the Superior
Varie* Inetruotlefb
' court.
This is the first time since
Wtoe mea are lnetructed by reasoa,
Washington was admitted to the Un­ n e a of Ica* uadcretandlag by ex peri-
ion that the names of women have «ne*, th* moet Ignorasi by a eoe»alt/.
: been drawn on the regular venire.
Ayer’« H«lr Vigor, as now
made from our new improved
formula, doei not »tain or color
the hair eve» to the «lightest
degree. Gray hair, white hair,
blonde hair is not made a
shade darker. But it certainly
does atop fallin g hair. No
question about that.
2 vers
n o ^ h a n £ ^ h ^ e o jo r^ ^ h ^ t^ tr
tr»ala with tuk k*uit
• Shew it t« j»wr
d * o to r
i l l him I t e t i It.
then d o t» h» »«y»
Indeed, we believe It will stop every c ts *
of felling hslr unless there Is some very
unususl complication, aometbing greatly
affecting tb* general health. Tnen you
should consult your physician Also ask
him about th* nsw Aysr’s Hair Vigor.
Mt i t by to e J . C. A rte Oo.. Lew eii. M m .
SOSTIAMO, o a t/
'C T -
r i n o a t In Q u a r t * . L a r g e s t In V a r i e t y ,
They m eet •• t r y r»q u ire m -n t fo r c lt a a lu f uu4
polishing sh o ts o f a d kind» and oolors.
PJ5u *i*f
Does Not
Color Hair
Bolentffle Phenomen*«.
Wtn* a »lumb-lta* may be MrelghL
Y m - P f u n d e r ’ s
A T o n ic , A lte r a tiv e a n d R e a o lv e n t T h a
b e a t re m e d y f o r K id n e y s , I ,iv e r a n d D ow els,
E r a d ic a te » P im p le s , E r u p tio n s a n d D isord er»
o f th e S k in .
P u rin e s th e B lo o d a n d f i v e *
T o n e , S tr e n g th au d V ig o r to th e e n tir e s y ste m .
Young Nature Faker.
A small boy recently became the
proud possessor of a donkey which
was not a very young or a fine-looking
animal. On* day the lad was snjoy-
lng a rid* on Its back when the min­
ister of the parish met him. “Hallo,
Determination Wins.
sonny I” said lb * minister. "Quite a
Tha longer I live, the more I am
rare beast you hsv* there!” "Yes."
replied th* boy, “but I suppose there oartaln that the great difference be­
•re a great many of ’em In th * theo­ tween m en —between the feeble and
the powerful, th* great and the Insig­
logical gardens 1“
nificant—la energy, Invincible deter-
mlnatioa, a purpose once fixed, and
Lightning Spared Thsm,
Three laborers sngsged on a thresh­ then death or victory.—81r Fox well
ing machine at a farm at Malong, Aus­ Buxton.
tria, had a wondsrful escape from be­
Conquer telf-DlstrueL
ta» killed by lightning a faw days
Self-distrust Is the cause of most of
ago. Th* lightning struck the sheaf our failures. In the aasuranoe of
carrier, shattering It to matchwood strength there Is strength, snd they
and was then diverted Into the earth, are th * weakest, however strong, who
whloh it tore up to a depth of eight hsv* no faith ln themselves or their
Inch** for several yards. T h* msn, powers.—Dove*.
who had oamp*d under th* machine,
Learn how to Shake Hand*.
were considerably dased for
Few people know how to shake
hand* well; th* general run of folk
Mothers wtn find Un. WlnSloWe Sonthlai
Syrup the bait romedr tu uee lot their chitares either glv* n limp paw and allow It
to b* shaken, or else grasp yours In
lurlag the tee thief period.
their* and nearly dislocate It with
their violence.—I-ondon World.
Elopement Is becoming highly pop
Secret Camera*.
alar in certain circles la America
A number of secret earners* are on
young oouple* rushing off to distant
States to gst married without the th# m arket One resembles a pair of
knowledge of their parents. "Is field glasses. While th# photographer
many Instances, we gather," says a (a apparently looking at a distant
writer la the London Evening New*, view ha to ln reality snapping tha
“th* greatest secrecy ha* to be oh unsuspecting person at hla aid*.
carved for fear that th* parents might
Her Critlolem.
h*ar of th* projected match and give
“I wish m t i would writ* hla figure*
th a t oooaent.”
flaloer. I can’t poealbly tall from hla
latter whether It Is 1,000 or M.Ù04
■ Cecee Wklle Yes Walk.
AAssh Tool Kan la e rertzln cure for hot ttose* that ha a*nds m#.—FUagaod*
{weawse. czllui, end •«ollen, erhl ni feet. 8old Blast ter.
w i u X u ie $ X f.tñ,UL-ts* J
Portland, Oregon
. V.t
£ 4 ?
r . D
m G . n
B th#
. . . to
™ .j
a » I pMltlT.lT cnnL»nu OIL M ack, and F f l U U
tadl.k* and a h IM r..’, boot, nnd fh o ca .sines
w l i b . n t rn W b ln a , W c .^ V rM c k
atom," I t a
h A V u f uombla»tlOB lor nW nlnf »»d politala*
,11 Sind# or rui»tTtprt*ii »h o .., Wn. nt*1" t i t ., ion.
g r i l l i W I1 I T * m .k tt d ir t, e n t r â t t k t t t
d e n n añd w h im , In IlgaJd form to It
and r . i a t l l l l y r cp
p lb d . A IP
c C a a l le
e b k I lr r zed
tpooyr In t r t r r
JO tujj.. to always r e n a r fot l u , _ Two tUee, IS
If ro iT r " ¿ 1 e r d o e r not keeptke kind yon wept,
! rend nt kit td d rett tad Ike prIM Is tUm pt fa*
» full
full »Ixt^j
tlte p «rk.*e.
W H ITT » M O R » B R O S . « OO.,
* ““
------------ ' ' - m b r i d a » .
S h o t P o litk tt
Ma »a.
M a n u fa ctu ra r* c l
t a tha
(Ae W
I V o orld.
rld .
K è cle y PFIUM
0 0 «
P o
rtlan d
»R U
, O r e g o n
N*. *»—’l l
I T T T « * W w rit;
r itin g t a od T e r s is e la o t a
M t n - t l f * toi* ri»— ' ■