, A M a k e B iff W HEN YOU HOTEL FOSTER Third u d D i r k Suetts, Near Depot 200 Room« w ith H ot and Cold Running W a te r and Telephone. F ree Baths. Spec al rates for —— « J D rillin g W ells I IM P R O V E D STANDAR D D R IL L IN G M ACHINE O u e M a n C an H a n d le Hm« » record of drilling 130 feat end driving casing la «ne day. Only thr«»lever«. " nl“ «“ ».“ “wlf?früf“ Vrj kind of tormnllon. Avoid d a i.r . from M odln« baùk E a»t.. Bug from as. W© bai Id these up-todnto machines. Will tt»ll you all in ra ta lo g /W rite for It. U l f ISON MACHlliRT C0.. M A IflS ., MITLAMI,01 EMI ^ m . P f u n i d e r ’ s v - n K NBLOOOPLlRlFlfK Rates 50c, 75c and $1.00 per Dap Room and Board. A T o n ic , A lte r a tiv e a n d ReaolvenL Tha b est re m e d y fo r K id n e y s, L iv e r au d Bow els. E rad icates P im p les, E ru p tion s an d D isorders o f th e S k in . Purifies th e Blood an d g iv e s T o n e , S tren gth an d V igor to th e en tire system . r r * e a u t o b u s m e e t s e v e r y tr a in o r b o a t l M o n ey GO T O P O R T L A N D . 8 T O P ▲T T H E N E W DEATH BEFORE 100 RICH MAN COINS YEARS IS SUICIDE BOGUS MONEY ignorance of Laws of Health Ex­ Wealthy San Franciscan Is An Expert Counterfeiter. plains Early End of Life. Noted 8 olenti*t Ha* Encouraging Formerly Accomplished Metal Work­ er, Claims He First Made Bad Word for Detpondent Men Coins As Pastime. and Womtn. K O D A K S AN D K O D AK S U P P L I E S W r it« for cataloguas and literature. Developing and printing. Mail orders given prompt attention No Time Wasted. Olaf Laraoa, working la a millinery warehouse, backed Into an elevator shaft and fell down five stories with a load of boxes. Horror-stricken, the other employes rushed down the stairs, only to And him picking him­ self unharmed out of the rubbish. "Ess de boss mad?" he whispered cautiously. ” Tal’ ’em Ay had to com* down for nails anyway."—Success Magazine._________________ Portland F ho to Supply Co. 149 Third Street P O R T L A N D . OR E . P A T E h N TS 11 1 w 1 GIVE YOU PlltOUl Invici 0 . 0 . MARTIN, «• '•«« *«•««• ‘ VoC »T L A »D O0 « " “ Wrrt* t0r I M W e » WE BUY OLD GOLD Hlkhont p rice, paid for Silver, O ld Jew elry, G eld T e eth , Etc. U N C L E M Y E R S . Forty years in Portland. 71 S ixth , betw een Oak and Pine. A Lost Art. Another art has been lostl There was a time when the elegant woman took a legitimate pride In her manner of ascending a stair. In this day of elevators, if there still exist women who have the manner, there are few stairs worthy to serve as a stage on which they may exhibit It. Envelop.* for Packing. Envelopes used In packing small ar­ ticles will b . found better than boxes, as they take up leas room. Stout, col­ lapsible envelopes, which may be bought where office supplies are sold, will be found satisfactory. Oloves, handkerchiefs, neck arrangements, etc., may be kept nicely In such en­ velopes. _________________ St. Reiette ijafl , ^ P o r t la n d . O r e g o n / _ _ Resident and D«y cohool for Girls l r ^ a I charge of Sister« of St. John Baptist (Episcopal)« I Ciliegiai«, Academic and Elementary Departments, I I Music, Art, Elocution. Oymnaainm. I ' For catalog addre.- T I I E S IS T E R N C P E R I O R I O ffic e 30. St. H elen a H aU , Juggling Good Exercise. ' Juggling haa been recommended as a desirable form of mental and physi­ cal exercise for persons of sedentary habits and those afflicted with nervous troubles. S T . r l u * i anyw here, at» raeU aad kill# aJI flies. R cat, clean, ornamental, cflhven- ient,cheap. Lasts all «a . Can't spill or tip «ver, will not soil or injure anything. Guaranteed effect­ ive. Of all dealers or sent prepaiil for 20c. HAROLD 80MEBB 160 Ds Eslb Avs. Brooklyn, N T . M A R Y ’ S * A C A llE M V ANI» (O I J J X .E For GirU. Conduct«* by tLe SISTERS OFTHI HOLY NAMES OF JESIS AND MARY. GraJa. AteJemU and CtlUfiau C outh ). M usic . Art, Elocution and Cummer* dal Derpta. Rnidrnt and Day Studmti. Refined Moral and Intellectual T raialng. W rite for Announcement. Add'esa MISTER SUPERIOR. St. Mary't Atadamy. Portland BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL Y m get tbe most thoroagh instructions in drivinj ' prac iral work that can be produced, also ------ US* »«rk. drill press and form« Finely w om oi nudue Aeg and id>o«l room Tuition lee $35 caafc $40 payments $10 per week. ran be/bund crey where pointing toffiiT) the reason for their reiharka%JUonrLA\pL qrt & ov Eaet 23d and Mernaen. Pertland. Or. SEN D FOR FREE Skylights Tanks Gutters Down Spouts Steel Ceiling F IR S T L E S S O N S 1. C . B A Y E R 2v4 Market DilCITIAM fob students r w iliu n o WHEW COMEBTETTT -w Portland. Oregon S E N D FOR C A T A L O G U E . ^ G R E IN E R ’ S C H IR O P R A C T IC ^ H EALTH HOM E A healthy body defies dise»*©: Chiropractic adjustment« make healthy bodies by removing the cau*e of diabase. No knives: no drugai uo osteopathy. Fasting and dieting directed sci­ entifically, Trained nurses. ALL DISEASES PIRMAMENTLY REMOVED DY OUR METH00S Sufferer« from Appendicitis, Bronchitis, cer. Catarrh, Diabetes, Dropsy. Deafness, lepsy, Eczema. Gall Stone. Heart Dis­ iepsy, buxema. Goitre, u all «tone. ease. Hernia, Lumbago. Neuralgia. Paralysis, Rheum atlsu, Sciatica, or any other disease, are invited to write us. W e show you how to raise your vitality and keep well. (W rite to­ day. Your cure will be quicker.) MATILDA M. QREINER, D. CM SUPERINTINDINT 775Va WILLIAMS AvtNUf PORTLAND, 0REB0N ^7~ Kêeley ALCOHOL O P IU M — TOBACCO ltlv .ly C [nad Koalc P o r t l a n d .O r e g o n . C Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor T h is w on deful man has tnade a life stu d y o f the properties o f Rts. H e r b s an d B arks, and is g iv in g th e world th e benefit o f his N o M e rcu ry , P o is o n s or D ru gs U sed . No O p e r a tio n s o r C u llin g G u arantees to eu ro C atarrh , A sth m a , L u n g, S tom ach and K id n ey troubles, and all P rivate D iseases o f M n and W om en. A S U R i CANCER CURE J u s t received fro m P ek in , C hin a—sa fe , su re an d reliable. U n fa ilin g in its w orks. I # you cannot cail. w rite fo r sym p tom blank •nd circular. In close 4 cen ts in stam p «, CONSULTATIO N TREE The C . Gee Wo Medicine Co. 1U H D rat S t., c a r . M o r r iio n , P o r tla n d . O r . I Drive* away Flic*, Mosquitoes and Gnats 1 It protects horses and cattle from attack: of insects, enabling them to feed and sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight and atrength from worry caused by attacks of insects, and from the irritation of their bites and stings. There is a satisfaction in the relief it affords domestic animals from the scourge ol maddening parasites and flies, besides the profit in returns. Horses do more work on less feed and cows yield more and better milk when relieved from the frenzy incited by constantly fighting a swarm of voracious, insatiable insects. Four sizes, 15c, 50 c, 75 c and $ 1 . 25 . Ask your merchant for it. H oyt C hemical C o . Portland, Oregon “ Death before 100 years of age has been reaohed U nothing wore or lea* than slow suicide. A man (or woman) who dit*) at an earlier ag* la simply Ignorant of the laws of health.” 8 uch was the original and rather startling statement made by Profes ■or James M. Munyon. the famous Philadelphia health authority, who Is establishing health headquarters In all the large elites of the world, for the purpose of getting In direct touch with his thousands of converts, Professor Munyon is a living e:u bodiment of the cheerful creed he preaches Virile, well-poised, active and energetic, he looks as though he would easily attain the century age limit which he declares is the normal one. He said: “ I want the people of the world to know my opinions on the subject of health, which are the fruit of a lifetime devoted to healing the sick people of America. There Isn't a building In this city big enough to house the people In this State alone, who have found health through my methods. Before I get through there won’t be a building big enough to house my cured patients In this city alone.” ” 1 want, most of all, to talk to the sick people— The Invalids, the dis­ couraged ones, the victims of nerve- wearing, body racking diseases and ailments—for these are the ones to whom the message of hope 1 bear will bring the greatest blessing. ” 1 want to talk to the rheumatics, the sufferers from stomach trouble, the ones afflicted with that noxious disease, catarrh. I want to tell my story to the women who have be­ come chronic Invalids as a result of nervous troubles. I want to talk to the men who are ‘all run down,” whose health has been broken by overwork, Improper diet, late hours and other causes, and who feel the creeping clutch of serious chronic Illness. - “ To these people I bring a story of hope. I can give them a promise of better things. I want to astonish them by showing the record of cures performed through my new system of treatment. "I have taken the best Ideas from all schools, and embodied them in a new system of treatments Individu­ ally adapted to each, particular case. I have no ’cure alls’, but my present method of attacking disease Is the very best thought of modern science. The success which I have with these treatments In this city, and all over America proves their efficacy. Old methods must give away to new medical science moves. I know what my rerpedles are doing for humanity everywhere. I know what they will do for the people of this city. Let me prove my statements—that’s all I ask.” The continuous stream of caller* and mall that comes to Professor James M. Munyon at his laboratories, 53rd and Jefferson streets, Philadel­ phia, Pa., keeps Dr. Munyon and hi* enormous corps of expert physician* busy. Prof. Munyon makes no charge for consultation or medical advice. Not a penny to pay. Address Prof. J. M Munyon, Munyon's Laboratories, 53rd and Jefferson Sts., Philadelphia, Pa Our Life’s Work. We are not lent Into this world to do anything Into which wo cannot put our hearts. Wa hava certain work to do for our bread and that is to be dona atrenuously; other work to do for our delight and that la to be dona heartily; neither ta to ba dona by halvea or drifts, but with a will; and what la not worth this effort la not to be done at p H —John Buskin. SanJKruncisco— George Wilson, the most skillful counterfeiter o f gold coins ever captured in San Francisco, was arrested by secret service opera­ tives and has made a complete con­ fession. At his home, a $10,000 house in a fashionable street o f the Richmond district, the secret service men found a complete outfit for mak­ ing counterfeit $5 coins. When W il­ son was searched 15 coins of his own make were in his possession. He is reputed to be moderately wealthy. The perfection o f the molds and the startlingly fine workmanship of the counterfeits drew from the officers the statement that the coins are the most nearly perfect ever seen. W il­ son formerly was an expert metal worker. For some time the secret service men worked quietly in tracing the authorship of the almost perfect $5 counterfeit coins. When arrested Wil­ son at once confessed and led the secret service men to the hiding place o f his molds and counterfeiting tools. These were kept in 'a desk drawer in the living room of the Wilson home. Mrs. Wilson, a nervous woman, who has lived for weeks in terror o f just such a termination o f her husband’ s work, collapsed when the officers crossed her threshold. Wilson had not been content with the plaster o f paris molds used bv the unskilled coun­ terfeiter, but constructed his of cop­ per, cast with wonderful skill, and in both the old and new designs of the five-dollar coins. In his confession Wilson implicated his wife, but said that she did not pass any o f the illegal coins and had no part in their production. She was not arrested. Wilson bore a good reputation. He was well-known in the Richmond dis­ trict, where he had livqd for some time. His handsome home is sur­ rounded by residences of many of San Francisco’s best-known business men, many of whom were hia friends. W il­ son said that he began making the coins experimentally, and they looked so good to him that he could not resist the temptation to make more o f them. WRECK GIVES UP BONES, Engineers Find Relics o f ¡Maine Vic­ tims on Every Hand, Havana— With the gas-blast appar­ atus installed by the engineers, the tangled barnacled mass that was once the United States battleship Maine is being dislodged from the muck o f the harbor, where it was sunk by a mys­ terious explosion in 1898. Within the past week almost every step taken by the engineers in the ex­ ploration o f the wreck has revealed the bones o f ill-fated men-o’-warsmen who went down with her. Of the remains found this week, only one set o f bones has been identi­ fied, and in thiB instance it is possible that the engineers are mistaken. The identification was that o f the bones o f Assistant Engineer Merritt, pos­ sible from the fact that the upper jaw contains two gold teeth, and from a peculiar mark on the skull. The bones supposed to be those of Merritt were discovered at the precise spot where Midshipman Boyd testified that he and Merritt had been separ­ ated by the inrush o f water while struggling to make their way from the junior officers’ wardroom to the main deck. Bones of two other men were found near the warrant officers’ quarters on the port side o f the berth deck, but identification is impossible. The total number o f bodies recovered is 2 1 . Tha Difference. European cities certainly bav* a laughing, contented air, people teem to take life easily, they have time for pleasuree, If it’s only a choir hired for two cents on one of the broad, shaded boulevards to watch the crowds pass of a Sunday afternoon, says Orison Swett Marden In Success Magazine. What ami ling, care-free faces! One remembers with a shiver the facee In a New York crowd—grim, anxious, frowning, self-centered. No doubt this atmosphere of Joy- ousnsss. along with the external beau­ ty and picturesqueness of European oitles, has Its attraction for our heir esses, but, of course, that alone would not make them live abroad and mar­ ry foreigners. There are other con­ siderations which bring them to this Important decision. M o th e r * W ill D ad M r». W i d o w ' s S o o th in g b v . t roraedv to n w t o . tiis tr ohUUrsn lu r in g t b . t e s t b l u g p e r io d . Syrup to o Ask your doctor Rbout the wisdom of your keeping A yer’s C herry Pectoral in the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. If he saya it’s all right, then get a bottle o f it at once. W hy not «how a little foresight In auch matter*? Early treatment, early cure. For ease of action— the ftgpi/ngtotl.-l/M C P u m p G u n . Its short leverage enables shooter to''doub!e” at trap or blind without "kinking" or “ cramping". N ot ■ second lost when seconds count Five shots at the shooter’ s command. A T h e only bottom-ejecting pump gun. Solid Breech, Hammer less. Safe I Remington: UMC — the perfect shoot» ing combination. Send fa r Descriptive Folder USIMCTON ARMS-UmOft METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. 2M I m i n j , Haw Tat City W s pmbi!«h ear ferm ala« » F l i P l/y y r X J W a banish aleehal fr o m e r m ©Aloin«« r w ta — S iU — Many a boy is called dull and stupid, when the whole trouble is due ta a lazy liver. V e firmly believe your own doe- tor will tell you that an occasional dose of Ayer’ s Pills will da such hoy* a great deal of good. They keep tha liver active. ■ ■ ■ «* S W IS S *. 0 . A g s s O a ^ • — t ** T ill , P r ■ J >ier,CZ ' ^ C ? “ mon S* n,e Medical Adviser, In Plain English; or, Med-' teine Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-data r-dition paper-bound, sent for 21 i..ie-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing • n /y . Cloth-hound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V . Pierce, Buffalo, N . Y . SAVED FROM AN OPERATION S i f ' S h oe Polished 1 S o lid -b re e c h , H a m m e r le is , S a w I t your d ealer o f t e n eomethlng ’ taut am pood ,“ It la probably better F O R H IM ..... Vrn,, metier, • It p a y better. h u t you are thinking 0/ the cure not the profit, aa there’ a nothing •• luet aa g o o d •• tor you. Say aa. HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTERS M M fem ores . PUMP. GUN The great success ol Dr. Pierce’* Golden Medical Dis­ covery i d curing weak stomach., wa.ted bodie«, weak lung., and ob.tmate and lingering cough., i. baud on the recognition of the fundamental truth that ‘ ‘ Golden Medical Discovery” euppliee Nature with body-build­ ing, tissue-repairing, muscle-making material*, in con­ densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies the Decenary strength to the stomach to dige.t food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. Tho "Discovery” r-.-establishes the digestive and nutritiva organa in sound health, purifiea and enrichea the blood, and nourishes tha nervaa—in short establishes sound vigorous health. In His Power. “ How effusively sweet that Mrs. GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION 5 3 4 M orrison S t ., P ortlan d , O r e g o n . Blondey Is to you, Jouesey,” said With­ T w o-year course* for tanchara. reader* and public speaker». Graduate« aftor com pleting ered. “What’s up? Any tender Unit tw o years o f poet-graduate work, granted professional diplomas. Continuous c la v e s from 9 to romance there?” “ No, Indeed—why, 1 o ’clock, five days per w eek. Individual lesnotnt with either the principal or tho aosbtants, afternoon* and evenings. that woman hates me,” said Jouesey. EMMA W . GILLESPIE. Principal. ’’She doesn’t show It,” said Withered. “No; but she knows I know how old she Is— we were both born on the same day,” said Jouesey, "and she's Canadian Heroine. Your Own Opinion. afraid I’ll tell somebody."—Harper’s "Monument to Madeline de Ver- Public opinion Is a weak tyrant com­ Weekly. _________________ cheres to be erected at Vercherea— pared with our own private opltlon. $15,000.” Thla Item, which appears for What a man thinks of himself, that AVOID LIQUID BLUING. the first time this year In the esti­ It Is which determines, or rather In­ The reason so many housewives mates of the public works department, dicates, his fate.—Henry D. Thoreau. prefer RED CROSS UALL BLUE is marks the tardy recognition by Canada because It is ad blue. Liquid blue of one of the heroines of French Cana­ contains a large percentage of water. dian history—the maid of fourteen, I Why buy water when you have it by who for one long week In 1693 defend- | the tub full? ed her father’s seigniory against the Buying solid RED CROSS BALL attacks of hostile Iroquois. After two BLUE is real economy. Dissolve it centuries the little heroine of the Cas­ h * you need It. A large four-oz. pack­ age. ad blue, for lOe. Used In thou­ tle Dangerous Is to have her memory sands of homes. FOR SALE AT ALL perpetuated by a bronie statue to be erected at Vercherea, P. Q-. on the spot GROCERS. made memorable by her explolL Pleasure of th* Children. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets first put There should be soma time during the day, even In the busiest household, up 40 years ago. They regulate and an hour at least, set apart In which invigorute stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. In its work o f digestion and th* older members of the family should devote themselves wholly to assimilation by beginning Punished for Yawning. the children. Little object lessons or your meals with a dose of When Henry Brown of Brockton, stories containing practical knowledge Mas*., awake the other day he yawned, told In an Interesting way will be tried to close his mouth and could not sure to bold their attention. The story of the gradual formation of the Ha had fractured his Jaw. With his fruits, flowers and vegetables will de­ mouth wide open he walked more than light them and will be eagerly looked a mile to a physician’s office and L-d the fracture reduced. Aa he was forward to and always remembered. It w ill p r e v e n t leaving the office hia Jaws unlocked again. Finally he was placed under SOUR S TO M A C H The Craze for the Weird. ether and the jaw permanently fixed. The artletlo craving today la for IND IG ES T ION DYSPEPSIA novelty—for new expressions of form Y. M. C. A. EXPANDS. and combinations of color, the more SICK HEADACHE atrange and weird the better; hence New Booklet Just Out Can Be Had H EAR TB URN M A L A R IA tha passing fashion for post-impres­ for the Asking. sionism and other kindred cults, In T r y a b o ttle to day The Portland Young Men’s Chris which neither truth nor beauty ta the tlan Association Is about to enter Inspiring motive.—Connoisseur. upon a new era In Its work, In ex­ tending the advantage of Ita educa­ P r o te c te d A g a in s t B o re s. tional department to the entire To save himself from loss of tlm« state. While a great majority of the 1-100 students enrolled in night caused by callers who are a long) and day classes are residents of while In coming to the point, a Paris Portland, yet a large and Increasing functionary has put on his office tabl» number are now enrolling from towns s card bearing the words: “ Be so and cltlra outside of Portland. The different courses offered In­ good as to abstain from speaking o f clude a full Commercial course, my health or the weather or of th« comprising Shorthand, Bookkeeping Bourse quotations, three subjects) and related subjects; a college pre­ with which I am perfectly well aoi paratory course, a graded course In qualnted. Start at once on the matter! elementary subjects for byys and that brings you here.“ vocational courses such as plumbing, carpentry, sheet metal, bricklaying, Juvenile Misapprehension. electrical work, automobile repair and driving. Many students trained “ Papa,” whispered Johnny, who By Lydia E . P in k h a m ’s In those classos are now occupying was in attendance at the Sunday morn­ Important positions In the business ing services, “ why do the people look Vegetable Com pound houses of Portland. so sad when they drop their money An attractive booklet entitled “ Ac­ In that plate?” Peoria, 111.—” 1 wish to let every one know what Lydia K. PTnkham’a remo- tivities” has Just been Issued by the dies have done for association and contains a statement mo. For two years of all Educational Courses. The Edu­ I suffered. The doc­ cational Director v-ill mall this book­ tors said I had tu­ let to all persons wno desire It. Classes for day school open Sep­ mors, and the only remedy was the sur­ tember 5th, night classes September sre the ufe.t a n d m o a t reliable cathaitlc sod From pregent Indications an eystem de.nier. The beet remedy for Torpid geon’s knife. My 25th. and Sick Headache. mother bought mo unusually large registration Is antici­ Liver, A t BiliousneM D r u t t f a t e ’ or b y M a ll , 2 3 C en te _________________ Lydia E. PiuKham’s pated. H a V I C u v m il a l C o, T o st l a k u . oaaoow V e g e t a b l e Com­ pound, and today I Desp Mines Don’t Pay. am a healthy wo There Is little or no ground for th* man. For months belief that valuable metallic deposits I suffered from in­ Me very deep In the earth's crust. flammation, and yourSauativo Wash re­ lieved me. Your U ver Pills have no With few exceptions, ore deposits be­ equal as a cathartic. Any one wishing come too lean to repay working below j C O FFEEC ) Nine mines In ten, tak­ roof of what your medicines have 3,000 feet. T E A S P IC E S one for me can get it from any drug­ ing the world as a whole, are poorer «AKIN0 POWDER gist or by writing to me. You can use In the second thousand feet tbau In j * 1 EXTRACTS _ my testimonial in any way you wish, the first thousand, and poorer yet In JUST RIGHTS and I will be glad to answer letters.” — the th % thousand than In the second. Mrs. C h r i s t i n a U kkd , 105 MoundSL, C lassera DEVERS l ’eoria, 111 . •PORTLAND, o a r 7 Wealth Not Always Advantage. Advantage, opportunity, chance, luck! They are all on the aide of the boy born In obscurity, brought up In poverty. Provided he be endowed with the will that brook* no obstacle, with the mental abtllty to conceive great Babe Fall* O ff Bridge. thought*, to plan great undertakings, A n oth er O peration A voided. the boy 1 * all the more blessed who la Spokane, Wash.—While toddling at not handicapped b v wealth. New Orleans, La.—“ For years I suf- his father’s side over the McKinley street bridge at Kellogg, Idaho, which fem l from severe female troubles. Victoria Fond of Jewelry. crosses the main flume o f the Bunker Finally I was confined to my bed and Queen Victoria, although almple In Hill & Sullivan Mining company, Sun­ the doctor said an operation was neces­ her tastes, had an almoat oriental lik­ day afternoon, 3-year-old Sula Tanti sary. I gave Lydia! K. Plnkham’s Veg­ ing for beautiful and coatly jewelry. slipped through the railing, fell into etable Compound a trial first, and was saved from an operation.” —Mrs. Even If she rarely wore It, it* posses the poisonous waters o f the deep L ily 1 ' e y r o u x , 1111 Kerlcrec St., New ■Ion gave her pleasure and ahe la re­ flume, and was drowned despite his Orleans, La. ported to have «pent hours In looking father’s frantic efforts to save him. The great volume of unsolicited tes­ over her collection. The body was recovered 30 minutes timony constantly pouring In proves later about a mile below. Tanti and conclusively that Lydia K. Pinkham’s Foolish Wager Caused Death. Vegetable Compound is a remarkable ▲ workman named Celestln Leroy, his son were on their weekly Sunday remedy for those distressing feminine aged fifty, died In Paris, France, the afternoon walk. ills from which so many w uneu suffer. other day while trying, for a wager, Aviator Dive* Into Sea. to sat a largo beafateak at one mouth- Long Beach, Cal.— A fter thrilling a fuL _________________ great throng o f Sunday visitors to the Naturally Opposed to Change«. beach here with a spiral dip close to When a new government le estab­ the wave tops, Aviator Frank Cham­ lished, by whatever meant, tb* people pion startled the spectators with an or* commonly dissatisfied with It.— unexpected plunge into the surf a hun­ r i n u u t I n Q t y . L a r g e s t In V a r i e t y . reri r©outr«m*nt for H tau ln g and Tn«jr Hume. dred feet from shore. Bathers and »olUhtng «ho©« o - - f a*l kiad« and rolnr«. life guards swam to hia assisstance, unfastened the straps which bound •— -(Vh him to his seat and brought him safely ..¿¡.J OANDV ashore. He had been blinded, he said, by oil flying from the engine o f his monoplane, and steered down hop­ ing to land on the beach. ' F : v You May N e e d It A ids Nature REDUCED RATES “ Sam Slo a n ” on all line« on account A (ioocl Cigar ASTORIA CENTENNIAL PAGEANT Costs You 5c Worth More ALLEN ,1 )istribuU*rt, Auk your ticket agent for full detail« AUG. 10 to SEPT. 9 F N U & 1 KW IS P o r t l a n d , Or . N a 32^11 I Y T l I I l f w r itin g to a d v a r t liu n p le a « « I f f m e n tio n th la p a p e r . COME T O PORTU INO AND BE CURED IN FIVE D3V8 VARICOSE V E I N S , H E R N I A , B LOO D POISON No «©T©ra oparatloo«, many caa©« parmaneutly rarod in on© tr©atm©ot. M«»*t time aaving, umut natural, Pioet «afo. A radical and p©r»an«nt cure. I fir a my word and will «ita u to otb©r medical authorities that this is a fa« t. I am eer- C al ily Jail Fseda Fira Fighter*. -'■ j V UhlJiL . San Bernardino, Cal.—The Are situ­ ation continues to improve and within ¿ u s , 48 hours it is believed every vestige o f flames on the mountains north of this city will be extinguished. No CJT1.T B U G I th « only »odi©« «ho« drs-mln« arrangements have been made appar­ (hat poeltlTely contain* O I L Blo-rhe end Pollati«’« end children’« boot« su d «ho©«, « lo ia « « ently to pay off the stranded fire fight­ lodi©«' withaat rabbin«, *W\ ••Prandi Olona," 10c. A N D Y combination for claanln« and r»oll«hlnf ers, many o f whom were sent back to all D kind« o f n$««©t or tan «hf>©«, IV?. “ Star’ els«, 10c. this city from the front several days Q | |( K W H I T E mak*’ « dirty r a n v a a ubo«*« e ir a a aad w h i l e . 1« llq ald form « o i l ran l*a ago. Those o f the exhausted men a a t r h ly aad « « a l l y a|»pll©d. A «ponga la ©vary who were absolutely penniless were par ka«©, no alw ays r e a d y for uae. Tw o ■!*©«, 10 •ad IS ©•«»«- _ ^ fed and lodged at the city jail. If your daalar do©« not h©©p th© kind yna w ant, prepared to cur© by © i portene« and equipm ent, which tha keystone« to «ucce««. I h a r« the b©«t equipped . .. ■ ay i m edical offlea on the ( ’oast. I w ill f i v e $500 to any charity aa guarantee that e r e r y «tatam ept la th i«a n n o u n c e m e n ti« true I In rite you to com e to m y office. I w ill explain to y o o my treatm ent fo r Varieoaa Vein«, Hernia, N ery ou « D ebility, lilood Poison, P ile«, Fistula, Bladder, K idney, P rostatie and all M en '« A ilm en t« and g ir e you F R E K a ph ysica l ©«»m ine Won; if necessary a m icroscopical and chem lcbl analysis o f aecretion :, to determ ine pathological end bacteriological eon d it ion«. E v ery man ehould take advantage o f th is op p or Sanity to learn their true condition. A permanent Cura i i w h a t y you o u le ant A erm a n en e n t (S want. A p perm an i'u tr re e l ie o w k a t 1 y ir a WRITTEN 8UARANTCE - M y w ritten guarantee means a enra or ____ iim m iiar an tee to cu re certain ailm ent« or refund every I f uni©«« 1 M y aorvieeeeoat you nothin. ca re you r Varieoaa Vein«, Hernia, P lla a Fiatula. flo o d Poi non. or any ailm ent I guarantee to cure. T erm s are reaaoni T»la and do morn than you ora able and w illin g to pay for banei Off!«a kamia— t A M U I T M. landay«. I t A M. ta 1 f M ” fM A H » r a t t a l Ma Ik rtk V * wonOert«! now 4U- ] «w ary. ' ’AOò" la can’ t of Boeri Ac Mo »4 Poitoa. If extra* in OB« tTOBt- «and ue hie addraw m l tha prlca la stam p« for a fall «I«« aa©ba«©. m « n t and i« th« rrrote« marvel of medical «cianca. This new remedy I British Warship Ashore. W H IT T « M O R I B R O S . « O O ., Halifax, N. 8 .—A wirelesa dispatch » 1 « A l b a n y A t . , C a m tor I d a « . M a e « . _ BKIOOB A t . CO* I i Oidrttl and ¡Asrgtnt Manu[tictur9T9 o/ rotT L A B D . OtBOOB received here saya the British cruiser SKot toliJidd in the World. Cornwallis is stranded on the ledges of Cape Sable, a few miles from where the Canadian flagship Niobe went on the rocks July 30. The message said that the Cornwallis was not tak­ ing water and apparently had sus­ Oolor mors good* brighter and faster colon than any othor dv*. On* 10c package colors silk, w o o l and rito for ttee booklof tained no serious damages. Quincy, filinola ■r- PUTNAM FADELESS DYES