W HEN YOU GO TO PORTLAND. STOP AT THE NEW HOTEL FOSTER When you need a tonic, appetite restorer, a real digestive help and a preventive of Cramps, Diarrhoea, Costiveness, Malaria, fever and Ague, take nothing but Third and Davis Streets, Near Depot 2UU Room« with Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone. Free Bath«. Rates 50c, 75c and $1.00 per Day Special rates lor Room aod Board. Free aulo bus meets every train or boat QUICK RESULTS Moderate Rates H O S T E T T E R ’S Sausage Brown the con­ tents of a tin o f Libby’s Vienna Sausages in the frying pan and I / Easy to serve —fíne to eat and all disorders o f the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bowels and all F e ­ male Weaknesses. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat troubles are quickly reached by our new methods ana over 1100 satisfied patients gladly testify to the permanent relief obtained from uur treatment which may be taken at our sanitarium or office, For full particulars address or call on PORTLAND, ORE. Use of Attar of Roses. More than $50,000 worth of attar of rosea la brought Into thia country every year. The beBt la from roaea frown near Constantinople. Not only doea thia bring a higher price than the product of the Bulgarian rose fields, but Us superiority Is recog­ No Time for Hesitation. nized by a separate classification in In transferring the two thousand the trade. Where does the $50,000 passengers from the sinking steamer worth of this oily perfume go? Some Republic, the greatest difficulty was of it as "base” for other perfumes, found in getting the women to leap and some of it where few suspect— at the very instant-they were told to. to the manufacturers of smoking and [ if they hesitated an instant a wave chewing tobacco. carried the boat too far away, and they fell into the water, and had to be fished out. One woman who so fell had a bag of jewels in her hand, which she lost. Have an Aim In Life. Go into a factory where they make mariners’ compasses, and you may see the needles before they have been magnetized. They will then point in any direction, but from the moment they are applied to the magnet they point to the north, and are true to the pole ever afterward. In this they are like the young man before and after he has a purpose in life. BAKING POWDER » EXTRACTS i JUST RIGHT -d a a a s E B a m » -1 OOSSET a DEVERS L PORTLAND, ORE. ) W H Y PAY MORE?, School of the Ladies’ Two-Strap Velvet. ! Corduroy and Satin Pumps i in Black or Tan, reguar $2.CO \ values, at half price— $1-25 ' PORTLAND ART ASSOCIATION Third year begins October 2, 1911. DRAWING. PAINTING. PORTRAIT. LIFE, SKETCH. ILLUSTRATION, Dl SIGN AND CHILDREN’ S CLASSES. For circular Apply to P A IR A LL SIZES Mail Orders Promptly Filled ROYAL SHOE CO. 229 Morn,on Si., Let. First aod Strand. Portland, Or. G R E IN E R ’S CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH HOME M U S E U M OF ART, Fifth and Taylor Streets. PO RTLAND . OREGON $>t. H elen s S»afl , -u— ^P or tl an d, Oregon / Resident and Day School tor ( j charge of Bister« of 8t. John Baptist I Collegiate, Academic and Elementary D I Mu*ic, Art, Elocution, Gymbasi For catalog add ret« T H E SISTE Office 30* St. Helens - I WHERE ALL DRUGLESS METHODS ARE USED. S T . M A R Y ’S Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause of disease. A healthy body defies disease. We co­ incide with nature and adopt nature’s methods. Sufferers from Appendicitis, Bronchitis. Cancer, Catarrh. Diabetes. Dropsy. Deafness. Epilepsy, Eczema. Goitre, Gall Stone. Heart Disease, Her­ nia. Lumbago. Neuralgia. Paralysis, Rheumatism, Sciatica, or any disease, are invited to write us. We solicit your inquiries, for we desire to show you how to raise your vitality, remove the cause of your disease and keep well. A C A U E M Y A N D CO LLEG E For Girl«. Conducted by the SISTERS OF THE HOLY MMES OF JESUS AND MARY. Grads. A tadsm it and Cslltgiau C tu ru i. Music. Art. Elocution and Com m er­ cial Depts. Rsiident and Day Studsnts. Refined M oral and Intellectual Training. W r ite for Announcement. Address S IS T E R S U P E R IO R . St. M a n ', Ac^drmy. Portland All Diseases Permanently Removed by Our Methods. No Knives, No Osteopathy. No Drugs. Fasting and Dieting scientifically directed. Trained Nur­ M ills College ses. MATILDA M. GREINER. D. C , Superintendent. 775 J Will aim Avenue, Portland, Oregon C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor NEAR OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA W ith t h e b e g in n in g o f t h is y e a r M ills C o l l e d d o e s o n ly c o l l e g e w o r k . T h e r e a r e n o lo n g e i a n y S e m in a r y c o u r s e s . T h e on ly W o m a n ’ s C o lle g e on the Pacific Coast. Chart ered 1885. Id e a l climate. Entrance and graduation re quirements equivalent to those o f Standford and Universitj o f C alifornia. W e ll equipped laboratories. Grounds com prise one hundred and fifty acres. Special care fo r health, out door life. Pres. Luella C lay Carson. A . M .. Litt. I )., I . L I) F or catalogue address Secretary, M ills C o lle g e P . O ., Calif This wondeful man has made a life study o f the properties o f Roots, Herbs and Barks, and is giving the world the benefit o f his services. r ..’. ¿ ' I Em ZU m kansm. Palimi I» Guarantees to euro Catarrh, Asthma. Lung, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases o f M a and Women. A SUKE CANCER CURE Just received from Pekin. China—safe, sure and reliable. U ..failing in its works. I f you cannot cail. write for symptom blank «m i circular. Inclose 4 cents in stampr-. CONSULTATION EREE eeley ALCOHOL OPIUM— TOBACCO Habit« Positively Ctirfxl. Only authorised Keeler In» •titot» In Oregon. Writ® The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 1 U H fir * « St., toe. Morri»on, Portland, Or. A- ______________ _____> I BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL I V’ m f * 1 the mast tliormigh lastroctions id dn»i*r 1 »nd arac «tal work ih^t ca t be produced, als« I lathe work, drill press and far ra g I Finely p ctrpf ed machie shop and * h«*o im « T in t* , lea $ 3 5 cash: $4! I payments $10 per week. - - » ■ — ■L - ! BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL ft jr J /Y ^ g y GARAGE. | No Mercury. Poisons I or Drugs Used. No i Operations or Cutting M P 0 T e I for Illustrated cintilar. ELIT INSTITUT^ 711-11 TF IL o r t l a n d . o r e g o n COME TO PORTLAND AND BE CURED IN FIVE DAY8 VARICOSE VEINS, HERNIA, BLOOD POISON No «ever« operations, many t aws j orasnently cured in one treatment. Most tiuie-(ia\ mg. most- natural, most safe. A radical and permanent cure. I tfive my word and will cite you to other medical authorities that this isa fact. I am cer tainlr prepared to cure by expeiienre and equipment, which are the keystones to success. I have the best equipped medical offc.-e on the Coast. I wi’ l (five to any charity aa guarantee that every statement in thisannoun« cmenttft true. I invite you to come to my office. I will e i plain to you my treatment for Varicoee Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood I’oison. Piles,'Fistula, Bladder, Kidney, Prostatic and all Men's Ailmenta and give you FR E E a physical examina­ tion; if necessary a microwopiral and cbcrni< al analysis of ®e* ret ion a. to determine pathological and bacteriologies* con d.tiona. Everyman should take advantage o f thia oppor­ tunity to la m th» ir trno condition A permanent Cure %e %chat vou irant. .4 permanent Cure i i rchat / girt. WHITEN GUARANTEE -M y written guarantee means a cure or Ao pay. I guarantee to cure certain a. menta or r* fund every lollar you hare paid. My aervi< ea cost you nothing unless I cure your Varicoee Veina, Hernia. Piles, Fistula. Pdood Poi­ son. or auy ailment I guarantee to cure. Terms are reasonable and no more than you are au « and a tiling to pay for benefits. Offl-« hoar»— t A M to I P M ft-.aftsy. 10 A M U 1 P . M W T f 8 1 IIC 00 FPX0N I ase P Aeesae Ehrfisfc’ s w cfrC i f a l new Axe- ■overy, ” 606'’ ia case« o f Spar.&c B.ood P t»i»«a . It caret in OOI t r e a t - n e u t a n « ia *be rreatew marvel of wed ¡cal anenee. T h ia n e w rrm e A f 1 e- rr.ee »pia:.. ■■ v > n "i- ' " » ‘ .1 • u / i •-*» ’ ■ C O » i f COBO 77Ü T tM Kfipirao* « . , W EAPO N OF THE POITLâWD. OEE0CN Weak Heart PAMPAS Many people suffer from weak hearts. They may «»peri*, ence shortness of breath on exertion, pain over the heart, or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after meals or their eyes become blurred, their heart is not sufficiently strong to pump blood to the extremities, and they have cold hanua and feet, or poor appetite because of weakened blood supply ta> the stomach. A heart tonic and alterative should be taken which has no bad aftereffect. Such is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, which contains no dangerous narcotic# nor alcohol. Th« Ingredients, as attested '**4er oath, are Stone root ( C o llln s o n la Canaden - u ls ), Bloodroot (S a n u u la a rlti C a u n d e a »»»), Golden Seal root (N y d ra jtlM Canadeo • Queen’s root ( Stilliasrim S \ l\ a tic a ) , Black Cherrybark (P ru ttu s l irjfin la a a ). Mandruke root lP o d o p h y llu m n l l a t u m ) , with triple refined glycerine, prepared In a scientific laboratory in a way that no druggist could imitate. This tonic contains no alcohol to shrink up the red blood corpuscles; but, on the other hand, it increases their number and they become round and healthy. It helps the human system in the constant manufacture of rich, red blood. It helps the stomach to assimilate or take up the proper elements from the food, thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, heart-burn and many uncom­ fortable symptoms, stops excessive tissue waste in convalescence from fevers; for the run-down, anaemic, thin-biooded people, the “ Discovery” is refreshing and vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sane remedy, and refuse all *1 just as good ’T medicines offered by the druggist who is looking for a larger profit. Nothing but Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will do you half as much good. Prlmltlvs, but Formidable, Is tha Bols, Effectively Used by the Patagonians. In pre-equine days, terminating with the Spanish invasion, these sons of the pampas lived a much more athletic ex istence; for today the Tehuelche, like the gauebo, will not walk a hundred yards if his horse Is closs at hand, and it usually Is. To the horse is probably due ihe disappearance of the sllug and the bow and arrow, as well as the more prevalent use of that unique and characteristic weapon of the pam­ pas, the boleadores, or bolas. This consists of two or three raw­ hide-covered balls, connected by raw hide, to be swung around the head, and hurled from the saddle by one of the balls, slightly egg shaped, called the manllta, or hand-ball, with the re suit that the quarry la entangled around the legs, and Incidentally struck and pounded by the balls them selves. The more primitive bolas were round stones, to which rawhide guanaco thongs were attached in a groove. Later these were covered with rawhide for horses, and the lines doubled, and now many bola leathers are filled with shot or Iron. Three- balled bolas are used tor horses, while two balls serve for ostrich and some­ times guanaco, which are bolaed about the neck. A single ball, called the bola perdlda (lost ball), with an at­ tached string, used as a hurling stone, was undoubtedly the most primitive form of this formidable weapon Horses are nsver bolaed by a man on foot, for the obvious reason that they must be taught not to fear a man coming thus, this precaution enabling a lone dismounted man to approach his horse —Charles W. Furlong, F. H. U. 3., in Harper’s Magazine. Brussels.— The steel interests of Amer­ ica, Canada, Germany, Belgium. Italy, Austria and Spain, were represented by 160 delegates who met in conference It has clearly proven its recently preliminary to the formation of an international association, right to be called “the broadly similar to the American Steel best.” Institute, hi. H. Gary, chairmau of the United States Steel Corporation, presided. Judge Gary explained his views con­ cerning co-operatiou in business. "Suppose," he said, “ that a com­ Y m . P f u n d e r ’ s -n pany of men engaged in business and possessing much capital, power, and influence should by their con­ A Tonic, Alterutive and Resolvent. The duct, unjust and oppressive, secure best remedy fo r Kidneys, L iver aud Bowels. Eradicates I'imples, Eruptions and Disorders universal disapproval, disgust and an­ j o f the Skin. Purifies the Blood and gives ; Tone, Strength and Vigor to the entire system. tagonism on the part of the public— in a brief time these men would be driven out of business." "There should be established and Skylights Tanks Gutters continuously maintained," Judge Gary Down Spouts Steel Ceiling said, "a buslnes friendship which compels one to feel the same concern A C. for his neighbor that he has for him­ 2u4 Market Portland. Oregon self. it is no less in principle, than SEND FOR CATALOGUE. the golden rule applied to business. “ If it is, it will be certain to pay. True it is that sometimes, and too of­ Mothers writ find Mrs. WinSloWi Soothing ten, deceit is practiced and that Syrup the best remedy to tine for their children advantage has been taken by those luring the teethiug period. A sample o f Clover Leaf Catarrh Remedy, the who have been given confidence by best remedy ever offered for the treatment and relief of nasal catarrh and cold in the head. Ask others, but this fact should dishearten Don’t Let Old Age Come. your druggist for a free sample and if he has not no one." Let us have a movement against it send to us with the name o f your druggist and Judge Gary sketched conditions in we will send it free. Sold by all druggists; price mental surrender to old age at any f>0 cents. Prepared by Clover Leaf Pharmacy. the United States, where, he said, ad time. Buch a movement would make Cloverdale, Cal. vantages had been given to the steel i for sane moderation In all things, a men. Americans, he said, were anxi­ cheerful spirit, appreciation of the joy The Perpetual Change. ous to be and keep near to their Eu­ and delight of living Buch a move­ The things of the world are ever ropean friends. rising and falling, and in perpetual It is the expressed wish of many of ment would dwell on the marvels and change; and this change must be ac­ I the representatives present to form beauties of nature and the great pos­ cording to the will of Qod, as he has an international association for the sibilities of good In the lowest of uieu. bestowed upon man neither the wis­ Interchange of opinions and Informa- THE TRUTH ABO UT BLUING. dom nor the power to enable him to 11ion between iron and steel producers check It. The great lesson In these of the world concerning all questions Talk No. 9. things is that man must strengthen ¡relating to the industry and organi­ This common article fools many. zation distinguished from and broader himself doubly at such times to ful­ in the scope of its activities than the Think o f it, large bottle, little pinch fil his duty, and to do what Is right, existing great institutions. of blue, fill it up w ith water. There and must seek his happiness and in­ Herr von Bodenhausen, of the you are. Does it look good to you? ward peace from objects which can­ Krupp works, speaking for the Ger­ Buy R E D CROSS B A L L B L U E , a not be taken away from him.— W il­ man group, warmly supported the idea pure blue. Makes beautiful, clear, helm von Humboldt. j and one by one the members repre­ w hite clothes. You w ill lik e it. senting all the nations and groups L arge package 5 cents. A S K Y O U R fully accepted the project, M. Kes- 3RO CER. tranek for Austria; M. Didex, for Fiance; Sir Hugh Bell and Sir John • Phillips on Matrimony. Handle, for England, and M. Greiner, Tbs late David Graham Phillips had, for Belgium. All present had known like many bachelor*, a cynical vlaw by correspondence the purpose of the of matrimony. Mr. Pbllllpa, at a re­ meeting and had decided in advance union of Princeton’« claaa of ’87, at to join the "golden rule” movement. Another meeting will be held to­ tha Princeton club, eaid of marriage; morrow at which a committee will be "The Persian! have » proverb that appointed, representing all the groups every young man should consider well ¡to consider a plan of organization. before proposing. It runs: ‘He that T'lie conference then will adjourn to venturath on matrimony la like unto one who thrusteth his hand into h meet at the call of the committee. — aack containing many thousand* of serpents and ona eel. Yet, If the SURVIVORS BACK OFFICERS. prophet l k in d « an d color«. fiD Gli ORIS SING • J V $ cû4«ir(vif«t M tICKRV COlOff' ■ f id * Li’htre * |r are the safest and most reliable c a th o lic and system cleanser. The best remedy for Torpid Liver. Biliousness and Sick Headache. A t Druggists’ or by A\all, 25 Conte H o y t C u k m i c a i * C o . F o k t l a k d . O jlkuoiv f i l L T E D G E the only ladle* sh *« dreoataa that positively contain« OlL. Blacks and Polishes la d les’ and children’« boot* and shoes, a h ln e e w it h o u t ru b titn a . s v . “ French Gloss, luc. D A X D Y combination fo r cleaning and polishing all kinds o f russet or tan shoes, 9Se. “ Star" size. loo. O U I t ’ K W H I T E makes dirty cu n v h i shoe« c le a n and w h i t e . In liquid form s o il can ba q u ic k ly and e a s i l y applied. A sponge in every package, so always ro u d y for use. T w o *l*e«, It and 25 cents. . . . . I f your dealer does not keep the kind you want, •end us his addresa and the price lu «tam p* fo i a fu ll also package. ____ To Remedy Corrosion. Corrosion in metal* la safd to bo W H IT T E M O R E BRO S. & OO., prevented by the passage through the * A l b a n y S t., C a m b r i d g e . M a e * . metals of a weak current of electric­ 1 2 0 M - 3 Oldest um l lAirgtat U a m ja c lu r t r t uj ity. This Is a "like cure like" treat­ Shoe I ’ulishes in the H orlU. ment, for the pitting of metals Is said to be due to the local electrical action, placed «« y w h * r « , at­ tracts and kills «11 that la, feeble current developed by flies. Nest, clesa. the acldular water on dissimilar met­ ornameaUl, coovea» lieut.cheap. Lasts «11 als, often Impurities In the metal It­ I bp «sou. Can'i spill o* tip over, will not toll self. at the point of corrosion. lor injure any thin*. Illuminating Ga*. Bacon—How wae Wlndam's *p*sch *t ths dinner? Illuminating? Egbert —Ob, yes; there was a lot ot gas In Itl Don’t cringe— don’t flinch, Should fortune pinch A nd all seem lostr With might and main. T R Y ; T R Y again A t any cost. M UNYON. jr Vegetable Compound f Destroys HairGerms R ece n td isco v erie s have shown that fa llin g h a ir is c a u s e d b y g e rm s ai the roots o f the hair. T h e r e f o r e , to sto p falling hair, y o u m ust first c o m p le t e ly d e ­ s t r o y th e se ge rm s. A y e r ’s H a i r V i g o r , n e w i m p r o v e d fo rm u la, w ill c e r ta in ly d o this. T h e n le a v e the rest to nature. Does not change the color o f the hafr. A uers Formula with sach botti* Show it to your J doctor 38 Llvee Are Sacrificed. Chicago—Revised figures on the number of deaths and Injured in the United Stales, due to the celebration of the Fourth of July show that to date 38 lives were sacrificed and 1217 were Injured as compared with 44 killed and 2485 injured last year, and 62 killed and 3340 Injured reported in 1909. Fireworks claimed 18 victims; fire­ arms 12; gunpowder, 5; and toy pis tols, 3. Bixby Exonerates Spain. Washington—The loss of the bat­ — ... tleship Maine was caused by the ex­ plosion of her three magazines No Recent d:scoveries have also proved that such effect could have been caused dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp. i by an explosion from without. Such Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing ! is the opinion of General W. H to do is to completely destroy these din- Hixby. chief o f engineers, U. S. A . druff germs. Here, the same Ayer'* Hair who has returned from a personal Vigor a ill give the same splendid results. supervision of the work of raising — Sail t i i u i . e . Ay a* O»-. L o m tU . Maaa ■— Irresistible desire to kill some wom­ an. This weapon belonged to an an­ cestor whoso wit* deceived him and drove him mad. H* swore revenge against the whola sex, and with ths dagger killed hia wife, bis wife's slater and another woman before he was dis­ armed and secured. H O W A R D C. B U R T O N - A m y e r an d UhemlsC, ■ • v illa, C olo rad o . H peciuien p ric e «: G o ld, riilv er. L o a d , SI. G o ld , S ilv e r. 76c; G o ld . 60n; Z in a o r C o p p er, t l. M a li in * en v e lo p e « • *d f u l l p ric e II«« •o n t o n a p p lic a tio n . C o n tro l an d U m p ir e w o rk a » l lot ted. ■ e fa r v a o a : C a rb o n a t e N a t io n a l N a n * . Hew OeeS Health Tells. Poor physical health handicaps many girl worker* and prevent* the highest development of their powers An eneemlo brain produces poorer work than on* that Is nourished by blood rich in red corpuscles The dys­ peptic girl Is Irritable, seedy, and out of sorts when all her vitality Is called on to make s special effort In her work. "Nerves” may make nil the dlf ferenc* between success or failure. To keep her health up to s good standard ought to be the elm of every girl who wish** to make something of her life. Too many girl* allow themselves to drop Into poor health, which 1* so apt to become chronic un less the tendency Is checked at the be­ ginning. A girl owe* e duty to herself to keep fit end well end attend to her digestion, her muscles, her breathing The habits of breathing properly, chewln« the food thoroughly, dally ex orclsee out of doors, sr* all small mat ter*; bat on* or two rules of dally conduct occasionally broken contrive after a time to affact physical health and personality both. One* let a girl make her mind up to cultivate a habit of self-development, end she follows these rule* almost automatically. Each detail may be unimportant In Itself, but the sum of them Is not. They era the points that tell la the making of whet should be every girl's elm to obtain- h sal Ik and personality Guaranteed effect­ ive. Of all d*»lers of sent prepaid for 200 » HAROI.0 NOUKH* 1 AO 0 * Kalb Avs. U ravtljm , N. Y. 8almon Roe for Caviar. Owing to the diminishing supply of sturgeon caviar, Siberian fishermen have been experimenting with salmon roe, a commodity that was formerly thrown away ns valueless or even In­ jurious to health. A M taking tha nhov« text to r the M reason that I want to Instill Into the I people self-reliance, «elf-nobility, self- Hoverelgnty. I want every person to Thankful for Escape. Dr. Pierce’ s Pellets, small, sugar- Scottville, Mich.— “ I want to tell feel that they ure above deception, hatred, you how much good LydiaE.l'ink ham's | Seattle. — "Survivors from the coated, easy to take us candy, regulate selfishness, Jealousy, envy or revenge. I wunt the person who Is pinched by V e g e t a b l e Com­ wrecked steamer Spokane, particu­ and invigorate stomach, liver and bow­ poverty, who hus suffered great reverses, pound and Sanative la rly from the East, after they were els and cure constipation. . . -------- who Is weighted down with some great Wash have done me. safe on the beach. Instead of being sorrow to become ac­ The Wealthy One* of Earth. 1 live on a farm and overcome with a spirit of thanks­ quainted with ths re­ deeming power o f Taking Into account Australia and have worked very giving at their rescue from imminent Hope. I want them hard. I am forty- death, acted very much as if they all o f the lalanda of the tropical seas, to take Hope a« a five years old, and the world may have 10,000 million­ companion, as a coun­ am the mother o f expected the officers of the vessel aires, outside of North America and sellor, as a light, as a medicine, for Hope t h i r t e e n children to serve them with pink tea and Europe, Russia excluded. The Unltod chocolate eclairs, and a number of Is an ambassador Many people think from Oori. It Is a them were loud In their objections States alone must have more mil­ it strange that I am teacher that »hows not broken d o w n to the ship's biscuits and condensed lionaires than the total for continent« us the beautiful. It milk provided In the face of the fact fills our souls with which contain two-third« of the peo­ with hard work and songs and our tongues the care o f my fam­ that they knew they would be taken ple In the world. with praise. ily, but I tell them o f my good friend, | away on board the Admiral Sampson To be hopeful one Straw Hat Comparatively New. must tie well, and to your Vegetable Compound, and that | in a few hours.” well one must be hopeful. there will be no backache and bearing Such was the statement made by Headwear made of straw, was In be That the lower bowel la responsible for down pains fo r them if they w ill tako T. J. Richardson, of Pacific Grove, uae among the ancient Greeks, but most bodily Ills Is now being recognised it as I have. I am scarcely ever with­ Cal., one of the rescued passengers straw hats as worn did not com« Into by the leading physicians throughout the out it in the house. | of Ihe Ill-fated Spokane, before the ' use In Burope until half a century world. There is no further excuse for be- belng bilious, for having headaches, for “ I w ill say also that I think there is Federal Board of Steamship Inspec­ suffering with dyspepsia or Indigestion, for __________________ no better medicine to be found for tors, which is making an investiga a«o. putting up with n sluggish or lazy liver, young girls to build them up and make j tlon Into the sinking o f the ship. for poisoning the blood as a result of con­ Shake Into Tour Shoes stipation, for Munyon’s P a w P aw Laxative them strong and well. M y eldest Alton's Foot-Ease, a powdrr for the feet. It cu re Pills are positively correcting all these ail­ daughter lias taken Lydia E. Pink- peinfut, swollen, emmrtlns, eweetine feet. Mekee ments They assist in digesting everything ham’s Vegetable Compound for pain­ new nhoee eesy. Bold by ell Drusslete end Shoe that 1« put Into the stomach. They stlm Gold Output $6,000,000. 3toree. Don’t accept any substitute. Semple ulate the liver Into activity. ful periods and irregularity, and it has They start ths secretion« of the stomach, which carry Seattle.— Advices received by Be t'KEK. Address A . 8. Olmsted. Le Roy, N . Y. always helped her. off all the bile and poisonous matters “ I am Buraya ready and willing to attle banks from their correspondent? A Grawaoma Weapon. through the bowels. They strengthen the «neak a good word fo r the Lydia E. lower bowel, so thut It empties Itself nat­ A certain English family owns * l ’inkhanvs Remedies. I tell every one at Fairbanks. Alaska, stale that the urally, without the aid of cathartics or I meet that I owe my health and hap. ■ season's gold output of the Tanana stiletto which Inspire* every on* who foreign substances Munyon'i P aw P a w Pills for sale at all piness to these wonderful medicines.” district will be at least $6,000,000 I hold* It with a horrible and almost druggists. Price, 2$ cents. Munyou’s. and may reach $6,000,000, exceeding —Mrs. J. G. J oeinson , Scottville, Mich., by $1,500,000 Ihe estimates made two R.F.D. 3. Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- ! months ago. With plenty of water iound, made from native roots and and enough men to enable operators lerbs, contains no narcotics or harm- ♦o work unhampered, $1,000,000 worth ful drugs, and to-dav holds the record of gold had been cleaned up from fo r the largest number o f actual cures winter dumps by June 1. The second o f female diseases.. I consignment of $65,000 gold has ar­ rived at Ihe assay office. A Barber-out Idea. In Chicago a voice has been raised Lords Favor Referendum. against the cat’s whiskers, which are T,on