WHEN YO U GO TO P O R T L A N D . S TO P A T TH E NEW HOTEL FOSTER Third aid Davis Streets, Near Depot Steamship Spokane is Lost on Alaskan Shore. Q U IC K LY R EG U LA TED 20U Room* w ith H ot ami Cold Running W ater and Telephone. F ree Hatha. Rates 50c, 75c and $1.00 per Day Loss of Appetite al­ ways means — Stomach w eakness— and this re­ quires Special rates for Room a ad Board. Free auto bus meets every train or boat HOTEL NETHERLANDS PORTLAND, OREGON S. E. Cor. I3th and Waahington Sts. CENTRAL, MODERN, QUIET. RATES 75c PER D A Y UP School ol the PORTLAND ART ASSOCIATION Th ird year begins October 2. 1911. D RA W ING . PA IN TIN G . PO R TR A IT. LIFE, SKETCH. ILLUSTRATION. DESIGN AND C h llD R f N ’ S CLASSES. For circular A p p ly U> M U SEU M O F ART, F ifth and Ta ylor Streets. P O R T L A N D , O REG O N I ATEN T S 1 oiVE you |n ■ ■ ■ w P ersonal S ervici RHEUM ATISM , E P IL E P S Y , A P P EN D IC ITIS , ASTAM M A, INSOM NIA, PNEUM O NIA, N EU R A LG IA , H Y S T E R IA , A N A EM IA , CA TARRH and a ll d is o rd e r« of the Stom ach, L iv e r, K id n eys, B o w els and a ll Fe­ m ale W ea k n esses. Eye, Ear, N os« and T h ro a t trou bles a re q u ick ly reached by our new m eth ods and o v e r 1100 s a tisfied p a tien ts ' g la d ly te s tify to the p erm a n en t r e lie f obtain ed from our tre a tm e n t w h ich m a y be ta ken at our sa n ita riu m or o ffic e . For fu ll p a rticu la rs address o r c a ll on DR. H. W. FREEZE, 308 Merchants Trust Bldg. PORTLAND. ORE. 0. 0. MARTIN, *■» " " 40i„ÎÏÎÂ,!!T,0 ï,r** *nle lof Information rOKTLAMJ, ÎS Una. KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES Writw for cntmlovu«* and literature. Developing and printing. Mail orders given prom pt attention F o r t la n d k h o t o S u p p ly C o 149 Third Street P O R T L A N D . ORE. P h ilo so p h e r’s V ie w of L if e . When all Is done, human life la, at the greatest and the best, but like a froward child, that must be played with and humored a little to keep It quiet till It falls asleep, and then the care la over.— Sir William Temple. W H Y PAY M O R E ? La dies’ Tw o-S trap V elvet. Corduroy and Satin Pumps in Black or Tan. reguar $2.50 values, at h alf price — $1 : \ P A IR (OMPO unddandelio H PIUS a re the safest and most re lia b le cathattic and system cleanser. T h e best re m ed y fo r T o rp id L iv e r , Biliousness and Sick H eadache. A t D ru g g is ts ’ o r b y M a ll, 25 Cants H o y i C u E u tcA i. Co. P o k tlano , okcuon M i l l s C o lle g e k Mail Orders Prom ptly Filled 229 Morrison St., bet. First and Second, Portland, Or. PO RTLAN D 20 HOURS COOS BA Y S. S. Breakwater 1440 Horse Power and Equipped with Wireless S A IL S E V E R Y 5 D A Y S A t 9:00 a. m. from Ainsworth Dock. C. J. MILLIS, IL Gen. Mgr. N E A R O A K L A N D , C A L I F O R N IA W ith th© b e g in n in g o f th is y e a r M ill« C o l i e g « d o e s o n ly c o l l e g e w o r k . T h e r e « r e n o lo n g e r any 8© m ln ary c o u rs e s . T h e on ly W o m a n ’ * C o lle g e on «be Pacific Coast. C h a rt­ ered 1885. Id e a l climate. Entrance and graduation re­ quirement* equivalent to those o f Standford and U niversity o f C alifornia. W e l l equipped laboratories. Grounds com ­ prise one hundred and fifty acres. Special care for health, out­ door life. Pres. Lucila C lay Carson. A . M .. Litt. L)., L L . L>. Por catalogue address Secretary, M ills C olle ge P . O ., C alif, S T. M A R Y ’S A C A D E M Y A N D CO LLEG E For Girls. Conducted by the SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY, O ra d t, A cadtm it and ColUgiait Courui. Music, Art. Elocution and Cummer* cial Depts. Rfridtnt and Day Studentt. Refined Moral and Intellectual T raising. Write for Announcement. Address S IS T E R S U P E R IO R . St. M a r r 'i Aeadttnt, Portland üêt.%elem Sijial! - ^P S - 'P o o rtla rtla n n d d . , O O regon regon r Resident and Day School fo r G irl* I i^ ■ charge o f Sisters o f St. John Haptiat ( Episcopal ^charge Academic and Elamantary Departments, I | Collaglata, C ollagi Music, Art, Elocution, Gymnasium. | For catalog addrean T H E S IS T E It S U P E R IO R | O ffic e 30, St. H elen a H a ll Improved Train Service F R E E T O YOU. TO A sample o f Clover L e a f Catarrh Remedy, the best remedy ever offered fo r the treatm ent and re lief o f nasal catarrh and cold in the head. Ask your dru ggist fo r a free sample and i f he has not it send to us with the name o f your druggist and w e will send it free. Sold by all druggists; price 60 cents. Prepared by Clover L e a f Pharmacy. Cloverdale, Cal. CENTRAL OREGON VIA Oregon-Washington Rail­ road & Nav. Co. Daily Train Service between The Dalles and Madras. Leave The Dalles 12:50 p. m., A r­ rive Madras 5:45 p. m. Leave Madras 9:00 a. m., Arrive The Dalles, 1:55 p. m. Direct connections with trains leaving Portland at 7:50 a. m. and 10 a. m.; also fiom Walla Walla, Pendleton and intermediate points at Des?hutes Junction. WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Paaa. A gt„ Portland, Oregon. A T o n ic , A lte ra tiv e and Resolvent. T h e best re m ed y fo r K id n ey s, L iv e r and Bowels. E rad icate* Pim ples, Eruptions and Disorders o f the Skin. Pu rifies th e Blood and giv es T o n e , S tren gth and V ig o r to the en tire system. K ê e le y I ¡ALCOHOL OPIUM-TOBACCO (u re Habit© Positively Cured. _ In* Only autlionz*«! Keelej Is -------- ti tute - — in Oregon. J rep o— - _"1_ fo r 11 lastrated circular. PORTLAND.OREGON. ÍF BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL PLAN YOUR VACATION NOW THE r -v ■os! thorough i«stnKt3 grapples with woman’s weak­ nesses and stubborn ills. IT M A K ES W E A K W O H E N STRONd IT flA K E S 5ICK W O M E N W E L L . No woman’s appeal was ever misdirected or her con­ fidence misplaced when she wrote for advice, to the W o r l d ' s D isp r n sa r y M b d ic a l A s s o c ia t io n , Dr* K. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N . Y . P ie rc e 's P ir a te n t P ellets Induce m ild n a tu re l bow el m o v e m e n t o n ce a day* They Knsw—the Little Dears I With reference to Sir Almroth Wright’s opinion that, from a hy­ gienic point ot view, waahlng la an evil, It la Interesting to note that chil­ dren have alwaye shown a wonderful Instinct In this respect. T o B rea f: >n N ew Shoes. A lw a y s sh a k e in A 1 leu ’s Koot-Kase, a pow der, it r u n s hot, sw e a tin g , s e llin g , s w o lle n feet. lir e , corn s. In g r o w in g n a ils and bunions. At i l l d ru g g is ts and shoe »te re s , ¿ V . D out accep t m y su bstitu te. Sam ple mat led F K K h . Address A lie n s. O lm sted, l.e R o y, N . Y. MUNYON. S w e e t D rin k s In B u rm a . A M taking; the a bove text fo r the There are no soda fountains In reason that I w ant to In still in to the l people a elf relian ce, s e lf n obility, self Rangoon. A large amount ot aerated s o v e re ig n ty 1 w ant ev e ry person to* feel th a t they a re a b o ve deception , hatred, water Is sold throughout Burma. The lelflsh n ess, jealou sy, en vy or reven ge English population cousuutes an Im­ 1 w ant th e person w ho is pinched bv p o verty, w ho has s u ffe re d grea t reverses, mense quantity of soda tor the na­ who Is w eigh ted dow n writ It some grea t tional drink of whisky and Boda, and sorrow to becom e a c ­ qu ain ted w ith the re- I also some ginger beer and bottled deem in g p o w er o f 1 lemonade. The natives, however, Hope. 1 w ant them prefer the highly sweetened and col­ to ta ke H ope as a com panion, as a coun- i ored drinks, such a rose water, pine­ sellor. as a ligh t, us ! apple, cream soda, etc. a m edicin e, fo r Hop© [ is an am bassador M others w ill fin d Mrs. W in s lo w 's S oothin g fr o m God. It is a te a c h e r th a t sh o w s ' Syrup tue best rem edy to use lo t Ih s ir e h tld r e n lu r in g tu e te e th lu g jiertod. us the beau tifu l. It fills our souls w ith songs and our tongues M u n icip al S tre e t C a ra P a y . w ith praise. T o be h opefu l one In the last ten years the English must be w ell, and to city ot Hull received from the profits b© w e ll on© must be h opeful. T h u t the lo w e r b o w el is responsible fo r of the municipal street car system most b odily Ills Is now being recog n ized by th e lea d in g p h ysician s th rou gh ou t the $700.000, which lessened local taxa­ w orld. T h e re is no fu rth e r excuse fo r be- tion by that amount. bein g bilious, fo r h a v in g h eadaches, fo r s u ffe rin g w ith dyspepsia or in digestion , fo r W a n ted A live representative In this town. pu ttin g up w ith a slu ggish o r la zy liver, fo r p o ison in g the blood as a result o f c o n ­ T o hundle best selling irrigated lands in California. stip a tion , fo r M unyon's P a w P a w L a x a tiv e Liberal commissions. Address Hanscom Si Kim- P ills a re p o sitively c o rr e c tin g a ll these a i l ­ bull, 302 Monad nock Bldg.. San Francisco, Cal. m ents. T h e y assist In d ig e s tin g e v e ry th in g th a t Is put Into the stom ach. T h e y stlm Generous Proportions. u la te th e liv e r Into a c tiv ity . T h e y start the secretio n s o f th e stom uch, w h ich ca rry The length of the nose of the statue o f f a ll th e bile and poisonous m a tters th rou gh the bowels. T h e y stren gth en the of Liberty la four feet six Inches. The lo w e r bow el, so th a t It em p ties Its e lf n a t ­ distance across the eye Is two feet alx u ra lly, w ith o u t the a id o f ca th a rtic s or Inches. The right arm. which holds fo re ig n substances. M u n yon's P a w P a w P ills fo r sa le at all the torch, is forty-two feet long. d ru g gists. P rice, 26 cents. M u n yon ’s. jr t “ S a m S lo a n ” A Good Cigar Costs You 5c Worth More ALLEN & LEWIS Distributer*, Everybody corned beef. Everybody lilces Libby's because it is g o o d and it ready fo r serving as soon as taken out of the tin. Constipation causes many serious dis­ eases. It is thoroughly cured by Doc- P ro b a b ly H o ld s Reco rd . Jne a Oi tor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets, Mr. Ellaa Taylor, pariah dark of laxative, three for cathartic. Felated, England, haa retired on reaching the age of ninety, after fifty- Man’e Best Friend. one years of service. During his term 8tate appellate court rules that a of office he dally ascended the church dog Bleeping In a hallway la not a tower to wind the clock. He dis­ public nuisance. Can’t Imagine any­ charged that duty 18,600 times, and where else that a sleeping dog would climbed 100 mllea of stairs. be a nuisance. Only Marrlad Men Count In Corea marriage le even more Im­ portant and eeeential for a man than It Is for a woman aa, until a man be wed, be is a being of no account. If a father haa not aeleoted wives for his none ere they reach the age of twenty he Is considered worthless and naglectful. B u y Libby'm Nmmk Timm THE TR U TH AB O U T BLUING. Talk No. 8. Avoid liquid bluing because it’s at best only a weak solution o f blue in an expensive package. The customer pays the cost o f glass bottle and heavy freight charge by getting half cent’s worth o f bluing. Buy RED CROSS B A L L BLUING. P a sto r to H is F lo c k . Best blue, nothing but blue. Makes a "When I look at you fellows,” said basket o f clothes look like a snow­ (he Jail warden, who was something drift. A S K YO UR GROCER. ot a humorist, "I somehow feel that the Lord didn’t make good." plaaod gay where, at- (raeta gad hills »11 the*. Neat, clean, ornamental, conven- lent,cheap. Last* nil •eaaoa. L a n 'ta p illo r tip over, will not to il or injure anything Guaranteed eflett- |ive. Of all dealer« or *ent seepeld lot HAROLD HOMKHS I AO l>* Kalb Ava. Ureeklya, I . T. DOCTORS ADVISED OPERATION- DECIDED TO TRY GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY. I want to tell you in a few words what your Swamp-Root did for me, be­ lieving that my testimony may do some other suffering person a great deal of good. About six years Hgo I was danger­ ously ill, consulted three doctors, all of whom said I had kidney trouble. One of the doctors analyzed my urine and reported that I had gravel, and further said that in order to regain my health and life, an operation would be neces­ sary. I did not want to he operated on as I was afraid that I would not re­ cover. Someone told me of Dr. K il­ mer’s Swamp-Root and said it was a reliable medicine for kidney trouble, so I decided to try it, and I went to Mr. Rose, the druggist, a t303Central Ave., Minneapolis, and bought a bottle, took it, noticed results and continued taking it until I was entirely cured. Having been free from any kidney trouble for over six years, I consider that I am absolutely cured and know that Swamp-Root has the credit. I never fail to tell my friends about your remedy, as I believe it is the best of its kind. Your U At O Ointment is also very good. We are never without a jar in our house. Yours very truly, MRS. M ARG ARET E. ANDERSON, Minneapolis, Minn. State o f Minne«ota, I ga County o f Hennepin f B ‘ Personally appeared before me this sept., 1900, . Mrs. ” Margaret 23d day o f S < . E. Anderson, of the City of Minneapolis of the State of Minnesota, who sub­ scribed the above, and on oath says (hat the same is true in substance and in fact. M. M. K k r k i p o e , Notary Public. Commission expires March 26, 1914. N o. *7 - ' l l P N U [w H K N w r i t i n g t o sdv ertlaen pie m e n tio n t h i s p a p e r . REMINGTON UMC A uloloadim S h o lg u n Five shots ell under absolute control — three to get the cripples. T h e action it simple, powerful and ture. T h e trigger pull is smooth and eaty. T h e hammer is light and quick. Pa rt of the recoil, ordinarily absorbed by shooter’* shoulder, is utilized to operate the mechanism. Not one single ounce of muzzle energy is lost. Handles the heaviest loads with ease and safety. Solid Breech, Hammcrlest, Safe I R enilngtoiL-U M G — the perfect shooting combination. S t n J f o r DmmmipUom F o l d : Rmisglos Anas-Uaiaa Metallic CortrUg* Co. 2St IrssJw s,. N«w Ysfk City COME TO PORTLAND AND BE CURED IN FIVE DAYS VARICOSE VEINS, HERNIA, BLOOD POISON r¥ Latter t© Dr Kilm er * Oe. UnfNnmton W T Prove What Swamp-Root Wig Do for You Send to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Bingham­ ton, N. Y.. for a sample bottle. I t will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, tell­ ing all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. For sale at all drug stores. Price fifty-cent* and one-dollar. Portland, Or. N o ©ever« operation©, many ca©**© purmannntlj cared I d on© mont natural, m o il aaf©. treatment M u it tune ©e* mg, *».■ radical and permanent cure. I give my word You toother medical eutbortti**© that tin© i©a fa* t. (amiv prepared to cure by experience and equiptnt are the key atone© to success. I bav© the beat equipped medical offl* a on the Coaat. I w ill fiv e $500 teeny charity aa guarantee that arery ©UUtment In thisannoiinreuientla trua. 1 invite you to come to my office. 1 will explain to yon my treatment for Varico©« Vein©. Hernia, Nervoua Debility. Blood Poiaon. Pile©, Fistula, bladder. Kidney. Proatatle <* l 4 nil Men’s Ailment# and fiv e you F K E K a physical ex.«*» tlon; if ner«©aary a microscopical and ch©iui*:al analyai© of •erretiona, to determine pathological and bacteriological eon ditlona. Every man should take advantage of this oppor tuuity to learm'tbeir true condition. A perm anent Cure ie uhnt | u a n f A perm anent Cure ie tenet l give. u h .it mou WtfTTEN 8UARANTEE -M y written guarantee meane a e n r«o r guarantee to cure c©rtain"aiimeutaor refund --------- no nay. I guarantee---------------- * ------‘ ---------— dollar you hava paid, My aervicesrost you nothm« uni« w I I I « * Flatttla, Fistula, flo blood o d I Pol- cure v your Varicoee Vein©, . Hernia, PH* ___ erma are reasonable aon. __________________ or any aliment I m____________________ guarantee to cur« Term■ and no mom than you are able and willing to pay to r benefit«. Offl«© b e a r e — • A. I f . U • t A . f i . N m lth M . D . I ©a the only «pr«ialiti In Pontead wke I d o r t n et alvcmoc a Act itimi© a ta « e r j « ho« of rapii. If • « 1 * 7 «. 1 0 A M %• 1 P. M m • m R M S PIISM I nor P iote— * Ihrlick’ * wonder»«! n ew dta- eovery. "M fi” in emaea of Spente Mood Tol*©«. Hear*© in on• t m t - •nd te the fre©t«w marvel e l awdical «rienc©. T k i* new remedy I publish m f tr i e pbofofrapk. t e n t e s I nun« and pervenally conduct m j offcrr Uñe M e We # N II I n POETI.AND Oft American Fork. Utah—The fight 1 for the lives of the two miners Im prisoned In the Whirlwind tunnel by a cave, bids fair to succeed. The rescuers, after 36 hours' work, have forced an airpfpe through the ob­ Color more good* brighter and faster color* then any oth*» dv*. On* 10 c package color* allk, w o o l and cotton equally w ell struction and can talk with the and is guaranteed to give perfect reaulte. Aeit oeaier, or a,r w U »and poetpald at 10c a p a c k a g e. W r U e lo r rreebookl*« shut-in men who are unhurt. b o w to d> a, M eect an© i u color*, MONROE D R U G COMP A N T , Quincy, fill n »40. Entombed Men Unhurt. i l l l i a abbai I«, t i l l da mm h , m m jt The new Ayer’ s Hair Vigor will certainly do this work, because, first of all, it de­ stroys the germs which are the original cause of dandruff. Having given this sid, nature completes the cure. The scalp is restored to s perfectly healthy condition. ■ Honored by Women TWO KILLED AS BOAT HITS ROCK A POOR APPETITE QUICK RESULTS Moderate Rates Prats* for Plsno Plsysrs. In tha course ot the past tsw years an lngsnlous Invsntlon has made all departments of musical composition In s certain degree accessible even to thoee who are not expert pianists. I rater to the mechanical piano players, which were at first looked upon with suspicion and often with abhorrence by professional musicians, but which are proving themselves an agency ot Immense usefulness In diffusing good music among the people.—Prof. K. Dickinson, "T h * Education of a Mu N ight tlo Lover.'* PUTNAM FADELESS DYES