PUBLISHED EVERY FR ID AY BY H. G. KIBREE, Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES O n e Y e a r............................................................. Six Months............................................. "5 T h re e M onth s......................................................... 50 Entered as second-class matter March 12. 1909, at th e post office at Mosier, Oregon, under the A c t o f March 3. 1879. AD VERTISING r a t e s M0SIER BULLETIN VOL. I l l MOSIER, WASCO CO U NTY, OREGON, F R ID A Y , JU NE 30, 1911 LARAWAY Hood River's Reliable Jeweler for ! Professional Cards.................. i* . . p o r l I One square...................................... ** One-quarter Column. I One-half Colum n. .. . t 0Q G o « Column. Business locals will be charged at 5 cents par liai I for each insertion. NO. 17 Legal advertisem ent* frill in all c be charged I to the party ordering them, at le g s 1 rh^es* and I paid for before altkhW iU areTfurnished. Protect the Ffcrests. ished machine within 90 clays, Orchards Lands Saits Brisk. That the forest fire season o f tha market for which is already Develin & Firebaugh, Selling 1911 approaches with Iretter laws established. Agents for the Hood River Orch­ and stronger patrols than were From a pamphlet, which is in ard Land Company, report the in effect at the beginning o f last Penenral circulation by the cdm- sale o f ten acres o f Mosier View season, but that the last general pany, we quote a few paragraphs, Orchards to Mr. Robert C. rains cannot be counted on to Hie stock o f this Company I French, Educational Director o f postpone danger beyond June, is always sold for par—$10— up the Y. M. C. A. at Portland; the substance o f a statement is- until December, 1910, at which ! Miss Vera Darling, Insructor in sued today by the Western For- time it was advanced to $11 per Botany in the V ashington High- estry & Conservation Association share. Five thousand shares of H e can make your watch keep time j school o f Portland, also purchas­ after a systematic canvass o f of this 10.000 share block is to be ed ten acres o f the same property, field conditions through its con- sold at $12.50 per share, and the while W. E. Adams and B. E. stituent fire fighting association remaining block o f 5,000 shares Smith, two Portland business in Montana, Idaho, Washington will be s» 1(1- we believe, at $15 men, have each purchased five and Oregon. or above per share. acre tracts o f this fine orchard Rainfall was about normal R *s safe to say that there land. Mr. Adams, who for a during May and April but light never was a machine placed on number of years was connected in March and February, so the the market which 'had as large a with the Pacific Coast Construct­ o f Mosier, Oregon, total from New Years to date is held ° f probable and ready ion Company, will soon move his less than 1910. While May rains customers as the machine man- family to Ortley, the new town- G eo . C h a m b e r l a i n F o r your Drugs, Sundries, Patent Medicines, Station­ relieved the fear o f another ab- »factored by this company, site at Mosier View Orchards, REAL ESTATE normally early fire season, they Hie following has been well where he will engage in the gen­ ery, Toilet Articles, Candy and Cigars, Ic e C re a m and also prevented the burning o f said by our leading captains of; eral black-smithing business. Soda Water. Everything in the D rug line. settlers’ and loggers’ slashing at industry: Plans for a commodious black­ Fruit the safest time. State and ^ ne it°°d investment is smith shop, which will be built -From All Points on- Lands association fire officials emphasize worth more than the savings of and equipped by Hood River Oregon-Washington Railroad a a life time.” —The late E. H. that the removal of these fire- Orchard Land Company, are now Specialty & Navigation Company traps now must be under permit Tfo* Human. being prepared by Kroner & resentative delegation from Port- BE A BOOSTER “ All our self-made men began with the exercise o f every care Henn, Portland Architects. fares Mosier Oregon TO : land will go and officials o f the The Mosier district, owing to Chicago................................... ................................. $72.50 ! --------------- to prevent fire from escaping or as small investors.’ ’ —Schwab. state league will attend, giving petty differences and unintelli­ ‘ ‘The foundation o f wealth is Council Bluffs CO. on lingering to spring up later. W. A. HUSBANDS all the help possible in getting gent advertising, has not become S PE C IA L NOTICE TO W ATER Imaha the first $1000 well invested.” All the timber owners’ associa- the new organization started known to investors and settlers USERS. | Kansas City B lacksmith tions are making their patrols F- Morgan, along right lines. ! St. Joseph ' nor advanced to the extent which more efficient than ever before. • Buy when the stock is first t r C ft • f ------------------------------- --------— i Your attention is called to the ! St. Paul i apman o Jiave other less favored sections following Ratos and Rules for : St. Paul via Council Bluffs, Shoeing and General In Idaho forces have betfii out offered.” — Chauncey M. Depew. I., ^y, e a i i rv 63.00 Horse t S and “ Don’ t d e la y -g e t in while Mosier and.the val- the use o f water, and which j Minneapolis, direct, 60. 00 I since May 1 exten d in g____ ___ Repair Work. Minneapolis via Council Bluffs 63.00 ' (telephone system and some T°(1' can- ~John D. Rockefeller, will attend and before returning ley have been, until .lately, noto-i must he strictly adhered to. to Portland will traverse a part riou9 for backwardness in claim-1 There is plenty o f water for Sl Louis 70.00 Satisfaction guaranteed associations already have a man l ive thousand Americans are o f Eastern Oregon he has not 82.60 I MOSIER - OREGON . .. , ,. T, ing the attention and interest o f everyone if used properly, but! i?**™'*’ Michigan, to every 16.000 acres. The Wash- worth a million each because 110.00 « yet visited, reaching Burns, the vvorj(j a ------- 1 ___ b* ___ • . • ... . | Boston, Mass. A number o f enter- if some persist in sprinkling at n ,. w y'ort. association has its men th "«* o v e r b u t l e r b a n k i n g c o m p a n y Oreo-on-Washirurtn,, RHilrr,u,l «ml states are greatly increasing $100 invested in Merganthaler , , United States Land Office, TWe July 10-12 and the gathering and'ORAN Conmpanies and who phones : v ^ fct r ad and their warden force. The precau- Linotype Co. returned $25,000. Navigation Company from all Dalles, Oregon,'June 22nd, 1911. will he held in the Commercial f(,r the past year has had charge h o o d k i v T f r * R“ w*n<:* * 11 tions required in burning slash- j The Burroughs Adding Machine To Oren C. Hogg, o f Mosier, Ore- OREGO N points on its lines in Oregon, Club Convention Hall. A feature o f the publicity work o f .H a W ' ing and operating Engines are Company in the first two years Washington and Idaho. Tickets* gon, O ntestee: much more rigid. returned a stock dividend o f 1000 o f the meeting will he the attend- County with headquarters at on sale June 22nd, July 1st umj! You Hre hereby notified that JolAi ance o f a large number o f East- Baker Citv Mr Ashlev has n NOTICE FOR PU B LIC A TIO N The Western Forestry & Con- Per cent; now paying 7 per cent 6th. With going limit July loth ! Burtchett, who gives Mosier, Oregon, a his fxmt-ofllce address, idd On March ,S0LATED TRACT’ servation Association is making annually or $70 on $100. They ern practitioners who will stop wide acquaintance among in -! and final return imit Sept. 15th (P U B L IS H E R ) 24, 1911, file in this office his duly cor­ in Portland on their way home f|uential people o f Portland as special effort to secure public co- sold over 20,000 machines in 1910, 1911. Stop overs allowed at Port­ roborated application to contest and Department of The Interior, from the American Medical As- weu as ¡n otl)er parts o f Oregon land and south thereof within go­ secure the cancellation of your home­ operation with all these agencies anfl are now doubling the capa- soctetion convention held in Los an,j },as convinced Mosier’s most U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, by distributing immense quanti- c'Lv o f their factory. | ing and returning limits. Choice stead, Serial No. 01368, made OctohAt June 1st, 1911. Angeles this week. cautious advisers that his adver- N O T IC E is hereby given that, a» o f routes via steamer from Port- 19, 1908. fo rN J S W I Section 3, Town­ ties ofnposters, stickers and fold -, 1 be National Cash Register A “ get-together’ excursion tjsing plans will be result-bring- directed by the Commissioner ship 2, N .t Range 11, E ., Willamette ers calling attention to the laws. Company in 1906 paid for stock of land at slightly reduced fares. Meridian, and as grounds for his con­ l from Bend south to Klamath jp g , and we bespeak for him and *,*le General LarfU Office, under pro-j .1 __ ____ 1 I . . . • •____ „ • °J . i For more detailed information, test he alleges that said entryman hat the steps necessary to prevent dividends, $5.000,000. Are now - ,, T «keview Paislev and his work the hearty support of visions of Act o f Congress approve!! e fires, and the injury to the com- making 11,000 registers per X r ciUes o f ’ South-Central June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), we will ‘ ares* ect- cal> aay Local wholly abandoned said land and been the people o f Mosier and the offer ^»t public sale, to the highest Agents o f the O-W. It. & N. ( ' ahseAt therefrom for over one year mumty caused by destruction o f j month; have sold to December Oregon was a pleasant event of Mosier district. last past,ttliahsaiik land is in its naturàl bidder, at 10 o ’clock a. m., on the 4th resources, life and property. It -31, '1910. over 810,000. the past week in the interior. condition, fenced orf-one'side only, open day o f August, 1911 at this office, the N O T I C E F O It P U B L I C A T I O N believes that i f the public can be The Mergenthaler Linotype to the public range and has never betfti The trip was made in automobiles following-described land: made to realize the extraordinary i Company have paid 62 dividends from Bend and a number of cultivated. S W I N W i , Sec. 11, Tp. 2 N. Range (P U B L IS H E R ) You are, therefore, further notified effort being made-by the Govern- (1894 to 1909—arrogating $23.181,- 11, K W M ., Serial No. 07749. Department o f The Interior, U. S. Portland people, lnclddinfc an Any persons claiming adversely the . Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon that the said allegations will be taken ment, State and timber owners, 057. official o f the Oregon Develop­ J. E. Cole left Wednesday for by this offee as having been confessed above-desrrihed land are advised to 44 «y 3rd, 1911 it will reciprocate by avoiding The Underwood Typewriter ment League, went long. A l>et- ^Portland, where his w ife is ill. file their claims, or objections, on or, N O T IC E is hereby given that Albert by you, and your said entry will be the carctlessnefcs which caused so Company *re now making about! [gr fe e in g was established and B. Combs, whose post-office ail Ires canceled thereunder without your fur- before the time designated for sale. Mrs. ; J‘ J. . ,J‘ J. S™ Smith much distress and damage last 84 510 machines dhnually, or 270' ' , kn7 w le d g 7 'g 7 in e d T f | . M” th ant d her Portland, Oregon, did, on the 13th ihur right to be heard therein, either C. W. M o o rk , daily. I . x . .. .* daughter-in-law, Mrs. F. W. year. day o f May, 1909, file in this office before this office or on a^pek* if ydu Register. the'fountry visited. la ^ n u „ r i Smith, o f Portland, have been J y 28 Sworn Statement and Application, No. fail to file in this office within twenty --------- Histoty Repeats Itself.” 04866, to purchase the NE1-4NW1-4, days after the F O U R T H publication of ¡spending a few days this week A Big Concern This, we believe, will be and S4NW1-4, Sec. 10, Tp. 1 North, this notice, ar shown below, your ans­ NO TICE TO CREDITORS. 1 on the form er’s ranch near town. A S A L A R Y OF wer, under oath, ‘specifically meeting The United States Cashier absolutely true, inasmuch as this In the matter o f the estate o f Joseph Range 11, E W M ., and the timber thereon, under the provisions o f the ami responding to these allegations of Uncle Lee Evans returned this R, Huskey, deceased. Company o f Pert’ and, is getting Company will repeat the large $500.00 P L R MONTH contest, or if you fail within that time Notice is hereby given that ’the un­ act o f June 3, 1878, and acts amenda­ ready to manufacture an auto- dividends paid by other com- I f it is spent as fast as j week front his fishing trip on to file in this office due proof that you tory, known as the “ Timber and Stone matic cashier, or change maker, panies. you get it, wilijnot enable you : Hood River. He made some fine dersigned has been appointed by the L a w ,” at such value as'might he fixed served a copy o f yoar answer on said County Court o f the State o f Oregon, catches and had a royal time. which will revolutionize the In conclusion, we feel perfectly to get rich. for Wasco County, the administrator by appraisement, and that, pursuant ‘ "ontestant either in person or by regis­ work of making change in every justified in making the statement ma H- if”this Service is made by The man who gets ahead A stewart was a passenger on de bonis non, of the estate o f Joseph R. ti, such application, the land and tim- ‘ her thereon have been appraised, the f tbe delivery o f a copy o f your department of business where it that we ltelieve there is not a is the one who puts aside Huskey, deceased. All persons having, . . . — , . - last night’s local to The Dalles. claims against said estáte are hereby estimated 507,000 toard feet at ‘ he contestant in person, proof of is necessary to make correct higher class industrial being SOM ETHING out o f his L o s t : - A lady S gold bracelet, notified to present the same, properly 76 cents per M, and the land $220.(4'; such service must be either the Said change quickly. launched before the public today, income each month, re­ with diamonds, sapphire and verified, to the undersigned at Mosier, that *alstinaster’a re- Kyne, C . H . D U N S M O R E , lY o p . would dofrat the entry. Breeze,” by Peter B. plants running, a developing ----- the habit". 'i'rtpt for the letter. C W. M oork , and an auxiliary plant. The P ortland , O re ., June 27.- beautifully illustrated in four DEA I KK IN You should state in your answer the Register. colors. “ The Spell,” by C. N. & main plant is in course o f con- Central Oregon will form itspro- name o f the post office to which you Walter -Fessenden returned Fresh and Cured Meats 1 desire future notices to be sent to yoa. A. M. Williamson. H U N T IN G - atruction and it is expected that jected development league late Country Produce yesterday from a month’s visit A good idea —Renew your sub- F IS H IN G - M O T O R IN G -F I C - . they will be turning out the tin- this week at Prineville. A rep- ■C. W. Vonac, with relatives in Kansas. acription to the BULLETIN NOW. , fteglal