School Closed, Basket Social % ■75 or' School was successfully brought Billsaro out announcing a basket ^ c 3 D 2i. p ^ i i to a close in District No. 7b, A _ s S''■-•■■••I l /be given fij Inc citizens d . $80.00 per month sli&ighi sal- known at Groeuwoi d School, on ¡o f Mi >i. r, under the auspices cf »ry and expenses, to men with . Friday, June 9 , by ..1L; Shelton,! ( the ’>> nmeiv al Ci jb, tomorrow rig, to introduce our Poultry,j L c teae. er, wiiupLnn Japicnicj night in Stn up’g Hall. The G IVEN liV THE PEOPDE OF Remedies. Don't- answer unless f*»r hc-r pupils, *. v. r hob’ [ i ladies are a^ked to bring well you mean business. Eunekit *t King TreeCamp” near Indian1 filled baskets which will be auc- Poultry Food M fg Co. (Incorpor- Creek, ten miles from Mosier. } tinned off and a prize given to the Und.r the an. . i •he ÍO: i Tl b f MMEItCI A L CLUB. flatly '..Lose basket brings the uu-.l.i East St. Louis, HI. The sheep herders, in formei ---------- days, girdling a few trees to ! highest price. A program w;M given consisting of music and speeches. ) steel 8^ow where their camp was. t he object o f the meeting is to F o r S a u s :— A Chicag ideal Will sell “ K 'n«' Tree” ¡3 the rno.-t i give the people, especially the Ladies, please bring baskets, vvhieh will he auctioned off and range, little >»sed ! place imaginable for picnicking. I new comers, an opportunity to a prize given for the Vi .h < st priced ba- ket. $heap. Inquire at Bulletin offici ’ it being especially prepared by , become better acipiaintod, to This is E V E R YB O D Y’S Social and everybody should come. F or S a u .:-— A baby buggy Nature—The large, beautiful have a rousing old fashioned practicall“y new, with hcod top f0|.4S‘-i the sweet. fragrant “ sociable” and to introduce to and good springs f l^ h e a p . flowers, the tall and stately while' the public Mr. A. S. Ashley, who Address or phone W.W. Williams iir and yellow pine. And stand -O W W M K tt ',» '-W*4-+*—'iu».C 83044MM i " .1011*4«;. has been secured to BOOST it ranch, Mosier, On . ing upon emerald carpet o f green | Mosier. Mr. Ashley is a man of ! t ---- | grass studded with the beautiful \ large experience in publicity I lines, having been connected! f). D. Hail was a passenger on ¡wild flowers, which are voices of the angels speaking in angelic with several commercial bodies Wednesday for Portland. music to the world, one is filled ! 5 £ in the West, and it is bejieveo J. K. McGregor was a visitor with their beauty and can imagine j S? J 5 that his effo rts'w ill result in in Hood River on Wednesday. they are flying away, /ay, onward ! Ï \ much benefit to Mosier. Mrs. Anna Yarriell, o f Port and upward to Cod’ ’s palace, to a The proceds o f the sale of land, is here v isiting lier mother, the strains o f exquisite itisi te music. * baskets will be used to further • li i , * Mrs. J. P. Carroll. The parents and children began the plans o f the publicity com mittee. P< ter Olsen and daugther, Miss ! to gather at the grounds about Vera, were visitors at The Dalles j 10 a. m., and after many heart.\ . 1 * Don’ t forget tomorrow night! l . k r e t z e r , i greetings and cordial welcom $ Wednesday. g Cast dull care away and come t< E X P E R T W E L L DRILLEFT j ings, the ladies prepared a spread I w the Basket Social prepared t( N o ta r y P u b lic C. Ar MeCargar and family at high noon that was fit for a 0 have the good time you’ll miss it t> 3fre visiting in Portland thisj^j and ng. And the ladies o f Green you don’ t come. All work guaranteed Week. Fire Insurance wood certainly know how to Mosier - Oregon1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Middle- do it. When all were comfort FOUND:- A parcel containing:: swart are visiting their cousin, ably seated at the table o f while vest pocket directory with m at, THE D ALLES - ORE. Bert Middleswart and family, at linen carefully and artistically Address -102 W 7th St. of the city o f Portland, a small These suits o f clothes are bi£ Parkdale. laid upon the ground (that being P acific P hone memorandum hook and a non- Black 1771 W. King Wilson, of Portland, close to Mother Earth), the num i gotiuble order on the Stanley- special values. W e are giving- a*d°bwo nephews from the East, ber was found to be forty, a 15 Smith Lumber CoT, of Hood River, where guests of- A; P. Bateham ' splendid representation, In fact, I £ for $16.25. Owner can have samt NOTICE TO CREDITORS. more for the money in to think o f so many people gather- j last Sunday. by proving property And paying fn the matter o f the estate o f Mrs. for this notice. M. J. Huskey, decer-aed. Geo. Chamberlain and Frank in gat a place so far removed to I Razors put in first-class condition. NO TICE IS H E R E B Y G IVE N that Middleswart left on Tuesday for hold a picnic, and all living in! B o r n :- On Sunday, June 11, b the undersigned has been appointed by j the hills, valleys and mountair a’ fishing and hunting trip to I Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Leininger, the County Court o f the State o f Ore than has been offered in many a I such as are in Oregon, is a sui Badger Lake. an eight and a half pound boy. gon for Wasco county, administrator o f vìi prise. But when the homes of the estate o f Mrs. M. J. Huskey, de Dr. C, A. Macrum and wif< long* day. j the people are seen, it is no| ceased. Patronize Home Industry were up from Portland on Tues wonder they are living in the All persons having claims against day and spent the night at their R. F. R O B iN S O N said estate are hereby notified to pre j hills, for they are all doing, well A * ça«oh near town. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR sent the same, properly verified, to the and seem prosperous and well D AVID ROBINSON, M. D. undersigned at the store o f A. Stewart; J vifk • licet' Middleswart and ¡Satisfied, in fact, they are well i i Mosier, Wasco county, Oregon, Wiring and supplies o f «11 kinds. fllïildrén, of Parkdale, arrived in ! off, for all have nice homes ai d -*++**•- within six months from the datfe o f P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n - ) :ist c lass work 'guaranteed. Mosier Wednesday for a visit tiiey are away from the hum this notice. Drop me a line or leave orders at C T. BENNFJTT, with relatives and friends. drum life of the city, from all Stewart’s store, MOSIER .*NW**aù»* I OREGON Administrator. strife and confusion, and are A. P. Bateham returned Sat O r e g o n Dated June 6, 1911. M O S IE R I urday from Portland, where he where tiiey can live close to attended the graduation o f his Nature and enjoy her beauties. « H. G. K IB B E E « JOHN C. ZOI.LS & SONS S hop M o s ie r S h o e daughter, who accompanied him 1 hey have perfect peace, quietude and happiness. G . L. P E R K I N S . P r o p . Con trac tora in Stone, Brick ana Con home. N O T A R Y P U B L IC Tliedinner was greatly enjoyed S» crete Work rYed Rorden and family, of by all, and the ladies win» so * Hood River - Oregon * Shoe repairing a specialty. M o s ie r - - - O r eg o n Mt. Angel, and Mrs. Robt. Hus | patiently prepared all the dainties Work guaranteed at reason bands o f Hood River, visited here should receive many thanks able prices. Give us a call. Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. A * : from everyone who was present, “ FINE LAU ND RY W O R K ” Geo. Rorden. Done with neatness and dispatch j for tiiey are the ones to whom Located in Marsh building, "Fath er” Jones, o f the Es- (thanks belong, lor it is no easy » Upper Main Street, Hood Rivet Laundry Company C* pi copal Church of Newport, Ore., I task or light work to mast over * IN YO UR J. E. COLE, M o s i e r A g e n t M o s . e r - O r e g o n visited this week with Mr. and the piping hot slove baking cakes Mrs. C. E. Long, at their home j and pies and many other things Ai southeast o f town. Call for Bids ; that can not be prepared other- ■J * 3 j 1 vvise. To say that ail were well Notice is hereby given that bids Henry, Joseph and lien Sel will be received l>v School District L. W . C l y m e r huger are here visiting tlieii pleased and enjoyed themselves 1 * No. 41, up to noon July 5, 1911, for th< V * NOW is an excellent time to' is putting it mildly, for then mother; Mrs. Adeline Sellinger, , construct i( n of a one room frame buiki- P A I N T E R A N D D E C O R A T O R * drop in and renew your subscrip was not enough left al ter the re E . A . f x A C S , M G R . | mg. b'or plans and specifications rail Who ret(lfn6d home from LyU le, I ;7 WORK GUARANTEED 2 ' o i or address H. M. Scearce, Mosier, tion to the B u l l e t in . You want on Tuesday, accompanied by hei past was over to satisfy the A * , Ore. 1 ** g C O N T R A C T S SO LICITED g i birds. In fact, the games and * daughter, Mrs. John Lantry. the paper and we need the' H. M. SCKAItCE, ¡other forms o f amusement were Mr. John VV. Newkirk, Cush- 3 M o s i e r - O r e g o n I money. Clerk. ¡greatly slighted, anil it was r ffer o f the First National Bank, A t> I with great effort that they got and Miss Daisy I iles, o f Port EARN A N ORCHARD i home. All were unanimous in land, were guests o f Mr. and W ell W ork I favor of remembering the picnic H IK 'D R IV E R ORCHARD L A N D Mrs. Ed 1 . Howe for the week’s TH E OAKS for s:-.b by owner; choice t o acres iH | that is sure to come at the close ¿nd. Is (be place to get your choice milts from city, elevation about 1,(500 W ell D o ne - o f the Fall term, for they had a feet, almost level, red shot soil, two F. W. Faulks and wife !e"i ' very enjoyable and much appre C igars , T obacco acres si ■.-year-old trees; balance raw C andy , and S oft D rinks yn Monday for their home at ciated time and all will sure st tie. Price $1.700, easy terms. To The undersigned is thoroughly Reedville, Ore., after a week’ s come again. reliable party will give work clearing T ooi . and B illiards prepared to put down open wells- and earing for adjoining ten acres, visit with Mrs, l aulk's brother A V is it o r . S. E. Francisco, Prop. in any part o f the surrounding amount to ap|4y on purchase price. and sister. William and Eflic country. Has a complete outfit,- Address O. R. R . P. O. Box fill, Port Wright. Oregon including pipe cutting and thread MosicT, We wish to thank those few M O S IE R F R U IT Ì A N D S A S P E C IA L T Y land, or Mosier- Bulletin. ing tools. Does all kinds o f ce-- J. M. Leiter was un fr< m who lake the trouble to send in W e are here to stay know values, and can offer you ment, rock and concrete work. Portia- d last Monday and spent by mail, or otherwise, items of I Has bad 30 years’ experience in reliable service. several hours here looking after local interest which might other the well business. May be found We solicit your business on tin basis o f “ A Square Deal” . hlus i esi interests connected wise escape us. \\ bile a news by addressing him at The Dalles, paper man is supposed to know with his projected railroad up Ore., or inquire at Maier & and hear every thing that goes Schanno’s sto-ip' The Dalles, Or. Mosier Creek. on in the neighborhood,there are A. E. N egus . O. E. Wilson last Friday Brought his family home from often news items that get by Mosier Book Store The Dalles where Mrs. Wilson him, and unless the people put DR. H. L. D U M B LE has been under a physician’s care him wise they fail toappear in the Hooks, Periodicals, Stationery, Novelties, I >cal columns. Therefore, we ask PHYSICIAN and SURGEON for the past six months. Mrs. and School Supplies, o r readers t > s m d in news from HOOD R IV ER : OREGON Wilson has about recovered from their neigh her hot-ds and again Subscriptions for all publications at the lowest rates Will practice in Mosier and her trouble. thank tin s - vh > oc a ionally , o May he reached by long dis A t the annual school meeting M o s ie r : : O rego n : tance phone. Home phone 61. '^•hl last Monday. Dr. Robinson- ---*■-"! -.~:tirrzr.±z ■KE2 ViVSéQüHuTi vilas elected as director for a term rti three years, to succeed Mr. H O O D R i V E R ’S L A R G E S T & B E S T S T O R E Geo. Wood, and J; 1’. Rost was ■ elected as clerk to succeed A, Stewart. Colgate’s talcum powder, 14c white hi i. Values up to $2.50 Liu 1 r s Musliu Drawer», 7ik- gra V, Slip», ÍÍ.00 val. only $1.30 — L O C A L “ Q K r> Special Price $ r. M O S iE R D IS T R IC T On ai! lines for month ' of Stroup s Hall, Tomorrow N ight Must hâve more rconi. $15, $18 and 20.00 Salts Alex. Stewart, Mosier, Oregon. A. E. L A K E ’S Men’s Furnishings Alex. Stewart Goods Store \ jj THE DALLES, OREGON M O SIER B a r b e r Shop $15, $18 3 and $20 Suits J. E. C O LE . We know we can please you if you will only give us the chance. I Ì I Quantity Any ! ¡I Tum-A-Lum I j, ADVERTISE jj i Lumber Co. MOSIE ORE. K. M c G r e g o r & co. REAI, ESTATE Home Paper- T he PINES HOTEL Money to loan on improbad property. JOHN WELLBERG, Prop. Good Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and tip HOSIER, OREGON Troubles nevus- come singly tt< some people. W. E. Huskey, having gone thru Biekness and surgical operations, had the mis fortune last week to fall and break a rib. I>r. Robin ton fixed him up and lie is now progressing finely. What next, Lige? _—.— — Notice to Fruit Growers In order that tmxes can tie or dered, it is very important that your estimates on a!! fruit bo in our office not later than July 1st next. M obiur F ruit G b u w fr s * A sk ’ n . THE PARIS FAIR, Ladies’ Muslin Ladies’ Muslin Underwear I.H.IÍI s’ M u slin N ik i t ,o w n s , rade, o n ly , 75c a m i *o jî.a ile , o n ly t*5c g r a d e , , o n ly 41 I . ibi * * $ ou <• ; $ t 5c îWc 50c 52c RU,« lire •• i5 c 1.48 “ î 8c 2.00 •' •• 91.50 1.75 éì. Ol) Drawers I .tuli- s Masti il Drawt-r». r,m- Rva Same. •• *• •• *• “ •• 7fic g nule, 05c “ $1.00 •• I. là •• 1.25 •• 1.40 ” 1.72 “ 2.00 '• 2.50 • “ only 40c " ôOc *• • Olk* " 78c •• SOc *• 80--90C “ 9b'c “ $1.10 “ 1.48 “ l.tS 2 5c 45c IKK* 2.50 $.00 “ " Princess Slips 1.50 “ 1.90 “ « Arte li a f • " 1.16 “ “ Chemise valu. only $1.25 1.S6 1.65 Lao Brinci» « Sii, s "0 valuta, onl graJc, “ “ 4¿x’ 05c 8lk’ »1.15 l.'k) Children’s Drawers V al Ut. c.iiy «DV 26c S6c Underskirts 1.04 1.75 Ri ir ♦ oc $1.25 3.00 g 25 4.96 val i> a. only 5lk* 98c $ 2.00 2.25 2.50 3. Tal Canvas Oxfords Wp have a »¡icriiii lot o f [Attics' Canvaa Oxforils in blue, white an.I grt-t n. Some have heavy aolta. otiicrs ¡¡giit wtiglit atilt*. Some have buck lea aome ttimaacil a it ' Your choice o f any pair only, 75c C H ILD R E N ’S W H ITE C A N VAS OXFORDS, O N L Y 50c. MEN’S HATS Value* up to $.1.00. OWiee $1.69 In this lot we have the following "• «la ia »; Conqueror, Tig r. Kings- Fury. Hunlman ThoroughbretL all $1 00 hats, now $1.69 .ADIES' B LAC K LACE HOSE ii5c grade, 12e. F rom a l l o v e r 1TIE STORE s p e c ia l s Men's $4 tan shoes. s|>ecial, Sl.Oft Boys' In iian suits, each. Boys’ overalls. 6 to 9 years? • Men's 25c. underwear, special, Men’* 50c. “ “ Boys' halbriggan union suits, Gotxi bed sheet. 68x90. only 80c 25c 17c 37c 25c L A D IE S ’ MARQUISETTE WAISTS. $2.25 Exceptionally pretty waists em - broidered in colored designs in coral, blue, black and white. Your choice, $2.25 LADIES SHIKT WAISTS, of Kona Silk, in colors pongee, blue, black and grey. fres i slock. Your choice, All new. $1.10