~Z.OUI<3 »I s W °/CTUAZ<3 jr -TOoSEPI-fr'- COPYRIGHT 1907 — -it. » o a s-a—rts a z iL L ca. SYNOPSIS. ROYAL PALACE OF MEXICO, BADLY DAMAGED BY EARTHQUAKE. QUAKE KILLS 63 IN MEXICO CITY. Most Disastrous That Has Oc­ curred in Past 20 Years. on the afternoon boat and train for I'arls, that films will be developed on the train and that the pictures will j be exhibited in a Paris theuter by it o’clock the same night. Within less than three days the pic­ tures will be shown In a majority of, the centers of European life, while London theatergoers on the evening of Coronation day will see films cov­ ering the coronation Itself and all re­ lated events. CH INA DEMANDS CO IN. I CHINA PREPARES TO RESIST RUSSIA Czar Continues to Kush Troops to Frontier. " M a d ” D an M aitlan d , on rea ch in g his 1 N ew Y o rk bachelor club, m et an attrac- I tlve you ng w om an at tbe door. Janitor O 'H a K a n assured idtri no one had been i w ithin that day. D an discovered a w o m ­ an ’s ttnger prints In dust on his desk, -i long w ith a letter fro m his a ttorn ey, j d a itlan d dined w ith B annerm an, Ids a t­ torney. D an set out fo r G reenfields, to set Ids fa m ily jew els. M aitland, on reachin g home, surprised lady In g ra y , ra c k in g the sa fe containing his gems. 3he, ap p a ren tly, took him fo r a w ell- now n crook, D aniel A td sty. H a lf- h y p ­ notized, M aitland opened ilis safe, took h erefrom the jew els, and g a v e them to ! er. first fo rm in g a partn ership in crim e. Vhe real Dan A n isty , sought by police o f I .b e w orld, appeared. M a itlan d overca m e -.Im. H e and the g irl w ent to N e w Y ork n her auto. H e hud the Jewels. She vas to m eet him th at day. A “ Mr. sn a lth ’ ’ introduced h im self as a detec- ive. T o shield the g ir l in g ra y , M aitland, -bout to show him tile jew els, supposedly ost, w as felled by a blow from "S n a lth ’s” •ane. T h e la tter proved to be A n isty h im self and he secured the gem s. A n isty, who w as M a itla n d 's double, m asqueraded as tbe la tter. T h e crim in a l kept M ait- and's en ga gem en t w ith the g irl in g ray. H e g a v e h er the gems. T h e g irl in g r a y visited M a itla n d 's a pa rtm en ts during Ills absence and returned gem s. M aitland, w ithout cash, ca lled up ids hom e and neard a w om an ’ s vo ice expostu lating. A n isty. disguised as M aitland, tried to w rin g from her the location o f the gems. A crash w as heard at the fron t door. M aitland o v erw h elm ed the crook, a llo w ­ ing him to escape to shield the Voung wom an. T h e g irl In g r a y m ade her es­ cape, Jumping into a cab. An instant later, b y w ork in g a ruse, A n isty w as at ver side. H e took her to A tto rn e y Bun- nerm an's office. T h ere, by torture, he Irled in va in to w rin g fro m her the lo c a ­ tion o f tile gems. H e le ft her a m om ent and she ‘phoned O 'H a g a n , on ly g e ttin g in tie w ords: " T e ll Mr. M aitlan d under the brass b o w l," the hiding place In the la t­ ter's room s, w hen A n is ty heard her words. B annerm an a lso w as revealed us i crook. H e and A n is ty set out to secure the gem s and lea ve town. T h e g ir l w as M ill im prisoned. Many Soldiers and Women Perish in Ex Member o f Duma Warn* That Wants 12,000,000 Pesos Indemnity Falling Barracks—No Ameri­ Celestial Kingdom Will Be­ From Mexico. cans Injured. come Powerful Factor. Mexico City— An indemnity o f 12, ’ 000,000 pesos will be demanded of Mexico City, June8.- Mexico’« cap­ Mexico by the Chinese government for Victoria.— Russia continues her co- ital today i« a city o f .sorrow. Build­ the slaughter o f Chinese subjects in ! erclve policy toward China, but the CHAPTER XV. Torreon. The demand will be backed ing« and street« gaily garbed in pre­ latter empire Is making a show of The Price. up by a cruiser which is on the way to paration« for great rejoicing at the Slowly Maitland returned to the resistance, according to newspapers advent o f Liberator Madero, the city ’« Mexican west coast points. Three investigators have just re­ brought by the Empress of Japan. study and replaced the lamp upon his people are mourning those who died in the chaos wrought by the mo«t dis­ turned from Torreon and placed in the It Is understood Russia will soon oc- desk; and stood briefly in silence, long astrous earthquake that ha« been ex­ hands o f Shung Hai Sun, charge ! cupy Kildja. The Toklo Yomiurl says fingers stroking his well-shaped chin, d ’affaires o f the Chinese legation, a that although China has conceded to his face a little thin and worn-look­ perienced in Mexico in 20 years. This shows 303 Russia the demunds regarding III, ing. a gleam of pain in his eyes. He So far the death toll has been estab­ detailed report. Chinese were killed and that besides a promises made in the treaty have sighed. lished as 63 souls, but it is believed been unfulfilled, and Russia has de­ So she was gone! bank and club house 50 places o f busi­ that a more complete search o f the termined to send an armed force to He laughed a trace harshly. This ness were sacked. ruins will increase this number con­ 111 aud instead of undertaking fur­ In addition to the indemnity, an ther negotiations, dispatched a note surprise was nothing more than he siderably. Seventy-five are known to be injured and this also probably will apology for insult to the Chinese flag to Pekin giving the reason for oc­ might have discounted, of course; he had been a fool to expect anything be increased when the full detail« are will be demanded; also that aid be ex­ cupying the territory. tended to destitute families o f the vic­ The Japanese paper says this step vise of her, he was enjoying only his known. The loss to property is estimated at tims; that the guilty be punished and was decided upon by Russian War Just deserts both for having dared to $50,000 gold. No property o f Am eri­ the constitutional guarantees o f pro­ Minister Sukhomlikoff after inter­ believe that the good in human na­ tection to Chinese lives and property views with officials In Russian Asia. ture (particularly in woman’s nature) cans was damaged. “ From the fact that the Russian would respond to decent treatment, O f the dead only one person, a Chin­ be made effective. O f the 12,000,000 pesos indemnity, authorities continue to dispatch troops and for having acted on that asinine ese, is a foreigner. More than half to the Russo-China frontiers, it is o f the dead are soldiers, the worst 2,000,000 is for property damage and to be feared that the situation may theory. So she was gone, without a word, effects o f the shock being felt in that the remainder for the loss o f lives. Commenting upon the matter, Mr. assume a serious aspect at any time," without a sign! section o f the city near the Mexican says the Yamluri. He sat down at the desk, sidewise, Central station where also stand the Shung said that, owing to the savage An order for compulsory training manner in which the Chinese were by Russian residents of the maritime one arm extended along its edge, fin­ artillery barracks. killed, there has been no attempt by Another place where the earthquake provinces has been Issued by the gers drumming out a dreary little tune wood; and took its toll o f death in considerable his nation to fix the amount o f the in­ military governor, all residents who on the hard polished have not served with the colors be­ thought it all over from the begin­ numbers was at the power plant o f demnity by prescribed methods, ing ordered to train. Mr. Guchkoff, ning. Nor spared himself. the street railway company. Here LIFE IS L O S T FOR MINE. ex president of the Russian Duma, six were killed and six wounded. Two Why, after all. should it be other­ who has completed a tour in North wise? Why should she have stayed? others were found in debris, consist­ China, telegraphed a warning to Vla­ Prospector Seeking Mica Ledge Diet ing partly o f steel rails, which had Why should he compliment himself divostok that China is strongly pre­ o f Thirst in Desert. been stored in the iron and wood de­ paring to resist. On his arrival at by believing that there was aught partments, and which collapsed. The El Centro, Cal. — Search for the Vladivostok Mr. Guchkoff Joined with about him visible through the veneer victims are inhabitants o f little shacks body o f William Burger, a veteran the governor-general and other offi­ acquired in a score and odd years of built beside the structure. prospector, who had been lost on the cials in a conference with the war purposeless existence, to attract a With these two exceptions, the desert for two weeks, was successful minister to discuss the situation. young and pretty woman's heart? death list was mado up o f single Thursday, i Burger was found dead Mr. Guchkoff says that China is He enumerated his qualities spe­ cases, and in some instances o f two or less than six miles from his camp. making rapid progress and in ten cifically; and condemned them all. Im- three, caught beneath fulling walls in The body was conveyer! to Imperial. years will become the most powerful jrimls, he was a conceited ass. A the poorer buildings o f the district For more than 35 years Burger had country In the Far East, and a con­ fascinating young criminal had but flict with Russia Is inevitable sooner to toss her head at him to make him most seriously affected. searched near Carriso Creek for a It was 4 :46 o ’clock when the first ledge o f mica which he had once dis­ or later. think that she was pleased with him, That China's attitude toward for­ shock was felt. According to the covered when u member o f a survey­ :o make him forget that she was what meteorological observatory, the great­ ing crew, but had been unable to re­ eign Intervention is becoming bolder she was and believe that, because he Is evident ' from Tientsin dispatches, est intensity was reached at the end o f locate later. He le ft his partner, which say that Chao Ehr llsun, the was willing to stoop, she was willing the first minute, but the instruments Thomas Stratton, in camp two weeks new viceroy of Manchuria, has de­ to climb. And he had betrayed him­ continued to record the shocks for ago and started to cross a distant termined to station six army divisions self so mercilessly! How she must four minutes more. in Manchuria and to begin construc­ have laughed in her sleeve ail the ridge. tion of the Klnchou Algun railroad, time, while he pranced and bridled and FILM MAKERS ENERGETIC Jap Poachers Protest. to which Japan and Russia objected preened himself under her eyes, Victoria The Empress of Japan strongly some time ago. blinded to his own idiocy by the flame Coronation Events to Be Reproduced brings news that the Japanese Deep A portion of the new loan will he of a sudden infatuation— how she must Sea Fishing company, owners of the devoted to this work and to making have laughed! Same Night in Paris. sealing schooner Tenyo Maru, 67 tons, a free port at Lienshan, ou the Gulf Undoubtedly she had laughed; and. London.— Fuller and better cinema­ which was seized o ff the Alaskan of Pechlll. measuring his depth— or his shallow­ tographic records will be made of the coast in 1909 and ordered confiscated ness—had determined to use him to forthcoming coronation events than by the I'nlted States court, has ad­ Madero Expects Nomination, her ends. Why not? It had been her was ever before nttcmpled in Great dressed a lengthy petition to Marquis Mexico City Within 15 days a gen­ business, her professional duty, to Britain. Moreover, extraordinary en­ Koiuura, minister of foreign affairs, eral conference o f delegates represent­ make use of him In order to accom­ ergy will be exerted to dlsputeb the asking that compensation be asked ing the political party which has And because records to the principal cities of the from the United States for thw emanated from the revolution will be plish her plundering. schooner. she had not dared to ask him for the world. The iielltlon complains of the "un­ called here to nominate candidates for Jewels when he left her in the morn­ The swiftest steamers and railway (•resident and vice president, preced­ ing, she had naturally returned in the tralus will he employed In sending lawful act” of the American author­ ent to the elections on October 8, Juan evening to regain them, very con­ pictures to New York and Chicago. ities Sanchez Azcona, private secretary to fident. doubtless, that even if surprised It In eX|iected that Impressions of the Francisco I. Madero, announced that a second time, she would get off scot- early scenes on Coronation day will Nome Famine Is Relieved. he probably would resign within the tree. Unfortunately for her, this fel­ be given to half a dozen operators Nome. — The steamship Corwin, next few days, to direct arrangements low Anisty had Interfered. Maitland which sailed from Seattle May 10, for the convention. He declared that presumed cynically that he ought to Fisherman Gets Relics. unquestionably Madero would he nom­ be grateful to Anisty. The unaccount­ Astoria, Or. - While making a and which after u long battle with inated for the presidency. able scoundrel! Why had he returned? d rift in the lower harlxir a couple of the drift Ice landed her passengers How the girl had contrived to es­ days ago Jens Nelson, a gillnetter, on the shore Ice, unloaded her freight, Oil Lassoed From Fira. cape was, of course, more easy to un­ picked up two handaxes ami a buggy mostly provisions, and relieved the Pendleton, Or.— To save the lives o f : derstand. Maitland recalled that sud­ spring that were a part o f the cargo famine. members o f the Pendleton tire depart­ den clatter of hoofs In the street, and o f the old steamer Great Republic, The steamship Umatilla, from San which was wrecked near Sand island Francisco with passengers and freight. ment who were playing streams on the he had only to make a trip to the burning gasoline house o f the Pendle­ window to verity his suspicion that in 1879. The axes were in fairly good 1« due here Monday. condition, considering how long they A rich gold strike on the benches ton Cleaning company. R. Arbuckle. the cab was gone. She had simply had been in the water. The wreck of of Kleary creek In the Skerrel River an ex-cowpuncher, lassoed a scaled 54- overheard his concluding remarks to gallon tank o f gasoline and pulled it the cabby, and taken pardonable ad­ the British bark Delharrie, which was country is reported. back out o f the building. Explosion vantage ot them. Maitland had footed lost below Sand island as she was o f gasoline tired the building, a frame the bill. She was welcome to that, going to sea on March 10, 1880, is Sad Life Story Is Told. structure, early Wednesday evening. however. He. Maitland, was well rid being uncovered by the tides. laindon.—At the festival of the While the firemen trained streams o f of the whole damnable business. Yes. Claremont Central mission. Mr. Par­ water on Arbuckle, the ex-cowboy Jewels and all! Councilmen Must Serve. What were the jewels to him? Be­ Topeka, Kan. Attorney General sons. a workingman, described some went into the gas-tilled building and yond their sentimental associations, he Dawson has notified the five members sad scenes witnessed by the Clare­ with his first toss roped the tank. mont "Crusaders" during their mid­ did not hold them greatly In prize. Of o f the council af Hunnewell, Kan., night work umong the Embankment Full Speed Ahead, Cry. course, since they had been worn by that they must co-operate with the outcasts during the last five years. Boston— ’ ’ Full speed ahead” along his mother, he would spare no ex­ woman mayor of the town, Mrs. Ella "W e see men walking along asleep.” ! Wilson. The attorney general said: salii Mr. Parsons. ” 1 have seen them the lines for social betterment was pense or effort to trace and re-collect the slogan sounded by President Hom­ them, for that dim sainted memory's “ The councilmen may be compelled to I run Into the trees. We have seen attend the official council meetings them asleep on the seats, covered er Folks, o f New York, in formally sake. But In this case, at least, the opening the eighth annual national traditional usage of the Maltlands through a writ ‘o f mandamus. They with snow." conference o f charities and correc­ would never be carried out. It had may be ousted from office for failure tions. Folks said that while many been faithfully observed when, after Strikers Declare Truce. to perform their duties or they may be tried for dereliction in office, which Cleveland Following the killing might be concerned, "le s t by excess hta mother's death, the stones had would subject them to a tine of $1,1)011 of a spectator by a union picket and o f taxation for social purposes and o f been removed from their settings and the riots recently, the leaders of the regulation o f industry for social ends, atored away; but now they would and a year in jail each.” 6000 striking garment workers agreed we may defeat our own purposes," he never be reset, even should he con­ was in favor o f " fu ll speed ahead.” to a truce and peaceable Sunday. Chinese Infect Border, trive to reassemble them, to adorn the The scheduled Sunday gatherings bride of the Maitland heir. For he El Paso, Texas Thirty four I'hinese of the strikers have been cancelled Gates Fights Standard. would never marry. Of course not. are being held here (lending the arriv­ and the strikers ordered to keep Denver The Times says: “ John D. Maitland was young enough to be­ al o f six more from Del Kio within a away from the factory districts and few days. Upon the arrival o f these advised to s|iend the day with their Rockefeller and John W. Gates, own­ lieve. and to extract a melancholy sat- ers o f the two greatest oil concerns in the entire 40 will be sent immediately families in the parks. I (ration from, this. America, are ¡preparing to commence to San Francisco for deportation. Puzzled and aaddened. hit mind a bitter rate war in oil, and the open­ More than 300 Chinese from the in­ Idaho Bank Cloaes Doors. harked back forever to that carklng ing gun is to be fired in Denver. The terior towns o f Mexico have arrivisl Washington—The First National question: Why had she returned? in Juarez the past two days and their Bank of Salmon, Idaho, has been invasion o f Denver territory three What had brought her back to the weeks ago by the Texas Oil company, efforts to get into the United States closed by Its directors. The Institu­ flat? If she and Anlaty were confed­ are giving the customs guards and tion has a capital of $50,000 and a owned by Gates, is said to be the erates. as one was inclined at times to cause o f the proposed fight. surplus of $15,000. inspectors a great deal o f trouble. believe— If such were the case, Anisty Maitland Woke Up. “ What’» That?” He Questioned Sharply. But she had accomplished it; and all for him! If only he could find her, now! There was a clew to his hand in that bag, of course, but by this act she forever removed from him the right to investigate that. If he could only find that cabby. Perhaps If he tried at the Madison square rank, immediately— Besides, it was clearly his fluty not to remain in the flat alone with the Jewels another night. There was but one attainable place of safety for them, and that the safe of a reputable hotel. He would return to the Har- tboldl at once, merely pausing on bis way to inquire of tbe cabmen If they could send their brother-nlghthawk to him. Maitland shook himself into his top­ coat. jammed hat upon head, dropped the jewels into one pocket, the ciga­ rette case into another, and—oA im­ pulse— Anisty's revolver, with Its! two unexploded cartridges, into a third, and pressed the call button for O'Ha­ gan, not waiting, however, for that worthy to climb the stair, but meeting him in the entry hail. "I'm going back to the Bartholdi, O'Hagan, for the night. You may bring me my letters and any messages in the morning. I should like you to sleep in the flat to-night and answer any tele­ phone calls.” "Yiss, Misther Maitland, sor.” "Have the police gone, O'Hagan ?” "There's a whole bottle full yet, sor.” "You’ve not been drinking. I trust?” The Irishman shuffled. "Shure, sor, an' wud that be hosphitible?” I^aughing. Maitland bade him good night and left the house, turning west to gain Fifth avenue, walking slowly because he was a little tired, and en­ joying the rather unusual experience of being abroad at that hour without company. The sky seemed cleaner than ordinarily, the city quieter than ever he had known it, and in the air was a sweet smell, reminiscent of the country-side— reminding one unhappi­ ly of the previous night when one had gone whistling to one's destiny along a perfumed country road. "Good 'eavings. Mister Maitland, sir! It carn't be you!” Maitland looked up, bewildered for the instant. The voice that hailed him out of the sky was not unfamiliar. A cab that he had waited on the corner to let pass, was reined back suddenly. The driver leaned down from the box and in a thunderstruck tone advertised his stupefaction. "It aren't in nature, sir— If yer’ll pardon my mentionin' It. But 'ere I lenves you not ten minutes ago at the St. Luke building and finds yer 'ere, when you 'aven't 'ad time— ” Maitland woke up. “ What’s that?” he questioned, sharply. "You left me where ten minutes— ?” “ St. Luke buildin', corner Broadway an'— ’’ “ I know it,” excited, "but— ” “ —’avin’ took yer there with the young lady—” "Young lady!” " — that comes outer the ’ouse with yer, sir— ” “ The devil!” Maitland hesitated no longer; his foot was on the step as ha spoke. “ Drive me there at once, and drive for all you're wdrth!” he cried. " If there's an ounce of speed In that plug of yours and you don’t get It out— ” "Never fear, sir! We'll make It in five minutes!” “ It’ll be worth your while.” "Right-O!” Maitland dropped into his seat, dumfounded. “ Good Lord!” he whis­ pered; and then, sava.gely: "In the power of that infamou# scoundrel—■!” And felt of the revolver In his pocket. The cab had been headed north; the St. Luke rears Its massive bulk south of Twenty-second street. The driver expertly swung his vehicle almost on dead center. Simultaneously It ca­ reened with the Impact of a heavy bulk landing upon the step and falling in a heap on the deck. "M y worrd, what's that?” came from aloft. Maitland was altogether too startled to speak. The heap sat up, resolving Itself Into the semblance ot a man; who spoke In decisive tones: " If yeh're goln’ there. I'm goin' with yeh, 'r yeh don't go— see?” "The sleuth!" gasped Maitland, as­ tounded. (TO BE CONTINUED.) had the Jewels, and there was nothing advertising It—and get an explana­ else of any particular value so per­ tion. Pending which, he could wait sistently to entice such expert and ac­ a little while. It was not his wish to complished burglars back to his flat. pry Into her secrets, even if— even if— What else had they required of him? It was something to be smoked over. His peace of mind was nothing that Strange how It afTected him to have they could turn into cash; and they in his hands something that she had seemed to have reaved him of nothing owned and touched! else. Opening a drawer of the desk, Mait­ Hut they had that; unquestionably land produced an aged pipe. A brazen jar. companion piece to the ash re­ they had taken that. And still the riddle haunted him: ceiver, held his tobacco. He filled the Why had she come back that night? pipe from the jar, with thoughtful de­ And, whatever her reason, had she liberation. And scraped a match be­ come in Anisty's company, or alone? neath his chair and ignited the tobac­ One minute it seemed patent beyond co and puffed In contemplative con­ dispute that the girl and the great tentment, deriving solace from each plunderer were hand-in-glove; the next mouthful of grateful, evanescent in­ minute Maitland was positively as­ cense. Meanwhile he held the charred sured that thalr recent meeting had match between thumb and forefinger. Becoming conscious of this fact, been altogether an accident. From what he had heard over the telephone, he smiled in deprecation of his absent- he had believed them to be quarreling, minded mood, looked for the ash-re- although at the time he had assigned celver, discovered it in place, inverted to O'Hagan the masculine side of the beneath the book; and frowned, re­ dispute. But certainly there must membering. Then, with an impatient have arisen some difference of opin­ gesture— impatient of his own in­ ion between Anisty and the girl to firmity of mind— for he simply could have drawn from her that frantic neg­ not forget the girl— he dropped the ative Maitland had heard, to have match, swept the book aside, lifted been responsible for the overturning the bowl. After a moment of incredulous awe, of the chair—an accident that seemed to argue something in the nature of a the young man rose, with eyes physical struggle; the chair Itself lay a light and a jubilant song in the upon Its side, mute witness to a hasty heart of him. Now he knew, now un­ and careless movement on somebody's derstood. now believed, and now was justified of his faith! part. After which depression came, with But It was all inexplicable. Event­ ually Maitland shook his head, to sig­ the consciousness that she was gone, nify that he gave It up. There was forever removed beyond his reach but one thing to do— to put It out of and influence, and that by her own mind. He would read a bit, compose willful act. It was her intelligible wish that they should never meet himself, go to bed. again, for, having accomplished her Preliminary to doing so, he would errand, she had flown from the pos­ take steps to insure the flat against sibility of his thanks. further burglarizing, for that night at It was so clear, now! He perceived least. The draught moving through it all, plainly. Somehow (though it the hall stirred the portiere and re­ was hard to surmise how) she had minded him that the window In the found out that Anisty had stolen the trunkroom was still open, an Invita­ Jewels; somehow (and one wondered tion to any enterprising sneak-thief or at what risk) she had contrived to second-story man. So Maitland went take them from him and bring them to close and make It fast. back to their owner. And Anisty had As he shut down the window-sash followed. and clamped the catch he trod on Poor little woman! What had she something soft and yielding. Wonder­ not suffered, what perils had she not ing, he stooped and picked it up, and braved, to prove that there was honor carried it back to the light. It proved even In thieves! It could have been to be the girl's hand-bag. at no inconsiderable danger—a dan­ "Now,” admitted Maitland In a tone ger not incommensurate with that of of absolute candor, "I am damned. robbing a tigress of her whelps—that How in the dickens did this thing get she had managed to filch his loot from there, anyway? What was she doing that pertinacious and vindictive soul, in my trunk closet?” Anisty! Was It possible that she had fol­ lowed Anisty out of the flat by that route? A very much mystified young man sat himself down again in front of his desk, and turned the bag over and over in his hands, keenly scrutin­ izing every Inch of It, and whistling softly. That year the fashion in purses was for capacious receptacles of grained leather, nearly square in shape, and Youngster's Attitude Put Mother In “ Does He know?” Interrupted furnished with a chain handle. This Something of a Dilemma. Frank, “ whether 1 struck Robert or which Maitland held was conspicu­ not, mother?” ously of the mode— neither too large, “ Yes, my son. He knows.” On FYank's fifth birthday his moth­ nor too small, constructed of fine soft | er told him solemnly that hencefor­ "W ell, you Just ask the Lotd U I leather of a gun metal shade, with a ward be must be a man. He must be did, will you?” frame-work and chain of gun-metal I kind and gentle, and. above all. must itself. It was new and seemed well | be perfectly truthful, etc. The Magic Tomato. A few Ailed, weighing a trifle heavy in the | days later on entering the children's Don't give a week'« salary to tha hand. One face was adorned with a playroom she caught her younger son. ticket agent to send you back to tha monogram of cut gun metal, the In­ Robert. In the act of atrlking Frank a old farm. Get a ripe tomato, d p It In itial» "8 ” and "G" and " L " interlaced. blow In the face. salt, close your eyes and take a bite But beyond this the bag was Irritat­ "W’hy do you strike FTank, Robert?" —and In n twinkling you will be stand­ ingly non-committal. ing tn the dear old garden between the mother asked. • Undoubtedly, If one were to go to "H e bit me first," answered Robert tbe house and the orchard, with the the length of unsnapping tbe little, hotly. trumpet vines climbing over the fence frail clasp, one would acquire Informa­ and the hollyhocks rising at the far "Did yon. Frank?" she Inquired. tion; by auch facile meant would much j end. and the dry, sweet, grassy, minty- “ No. I didn't.” asserted Frank. light be shed upon the darknes*. But ! "See here, Frank. " said she sorrow- tomato-vlney smell ot perfect summer Maitland put a decided negative to the fully, "don't you remember what 11 In your nostrils, and a voice will be suggestion. told you— uow you are five years old calling to you from the kitchen door: No. He would give her the benefit —that you must be a man, and must "You let those tomatoes -loan, do of the doubt. He would wait, he would j never tell a lie— tell me— did you yon hear* school himself to patience. Perhaps 1 strike him* Now remember, the Lord A ripe tomato, dipped In aalt, caa she would come back for it—and ex | sees and hears everything you do and outfly the strongest magic carpet la plain. Perhaps he could And her by I say aad— ” | Arabia.— Newark News. REFUSED TO GIVE TESTIMONY