Orteil Southern to Extend H AlL’S ADDITION NO ON j ¿'»1rs. U. id. Ross Entertains i Will Replant Oreo a l orests THE MARKET The Oregonian says: Exten­ Tho home of Mrs. II. M. Possi Corvallis, Ore., April 12 The sion of the Great Southern Rail- Tho lots in Hail's Addition to I v.:.s the ccoiie of a recial cver.t o-■!vition of the problem of mak­ ..Aeitioon. ing the tind er lands of the state l A FEW of Mosier frrmers read from Du fur, its present ter- the Town of f.iooit-r tre < 'in ' lar the price will bej Shortly anor tiie arrival of the! continuously remunerative" w hid having land for sale have Re­ mimi?, to the West end <.i Jtini- sap.riy a,al lected L. H. Leiiiintfer, a pioneer i Per I L L , 40 miles south of Du- advanced as ••«.on as th« i»i -t j m-st.-i tin \ tu: led to die din- ako means the preservation ol fanner of Mosier, as their agent fur, at an approximate nd E. O. Siecke of the U. S. price ol this property will l,e ; ■]-,■ ¡r > i y Mis ■ Government Forest Service was 40 acres raw land, 8 miles south | ° f ' iiy o f Mosier, 80 acres can lie culti- ^*** proposed extension is vat-vU iri.m 2o ; Bii?e! . i.--ss, a dainty added to the faculty, the facili- vated, some young timber, ravine | ahout -10 riiiica loop; and will tap I per cu t lui» h was Served, ties for instruction and for prac- ¡one of the heaviest timbered At the present rate a sufficient Those present were: guest of tical work by the students were running through it. belts in the since after passing number of v i ' h-1 honor, Mrs. r ; Mmes, greatly increased, and some ¡in­ Oí E L. O lpen . r. P. Ross, ri t, ik.viy;ess, Stew- mensely valuable experimental A 14-1M . through a territory that is riel, ¡in three weeks. in agricultural resources. Tin- The lose lot: : ..... en. ’»nson, * ! .• nk- :, ( hoyen, ' work in silviculture has since country in some places is very j earfy terms, Sce .rce, iuicGrt-^ - be en started on Mary’s Peak and S T it A Y t: D — A sorrel pony, ' biuson, LiTliot, elsewhere. weight about to!) lbs. Rope on rugged, but engineers figure ihui I better inve ì um I ISSO ip low and A small fdi-est nursery has neck, branded Ik w hite f<-,L and the new piece of road can be large amt'.:« been started on the camp 3 at f ice. R »ward given for return CuTll at an average expenditure i-,OUU lot ¡I) j; of $25,000 tier mile. A numb; i ' the south of the horticultural t > A rthur K uiin i.il­ of Portland engineering and con­ greenhouses, wli re the classes ho Bulletin. It is report that a biack !i struction firms who intend to in the foot!.fii i. irks • urroi: ia- I in si . i vice Pure have practical C-unty Judge A. E. Lake v, . Mrs. J. N.*M< i r is spending ¿ulimit bids for the work have, lnK tiie .. onto V: nday, 1 alking wf ! c ,n gfow,n? the l™ "« ‘i r a few weeks in Portland. iiad men on the ground to esti­ ’ destroyed much oi thf‘ i n u t . cr from Rowt-na, inspecting est, trees to solve reforestation • ari y •.••gela'- i John Burggraf was a hu.-tinc-ss mate the cost. prohlen s. '¡ hey are taught how­ P. L. K r e t z e r , ,11 :i8- ! one-half to total !o will rosi nc The new extension will take a visitor in Portland this week. to grow tiie si-ci’lit gs, and how | EXPERT VVÏLL DRILLER — to 1 ai sp’ant them successfully, [ W. II. Kerslake was a I us'n.ts ! southerly direction after leaving Notary Public t v ÌT1T \T xvi* h all th-- methods of reforests-1 visitor at The Dalles on Wednes­ Duftir untj will approach the u and I ± i l N »luff after leaving the Deschutes ib'ii in cut-over or l>urn< <’ <1 is-! day. All work guaranteed Pire Insurance River, near Sheurar’s Bridge. " -¡s. T he Austrian ¡,ii.., Ncr-| R< Dr. !). Rqbinson \..as a busi­ 'Yom there it will operate west, Mosier - Oregon • y s. ruce, Emopean larch, ness visitor in Portland last Sat­ massing through Friend, a Kin;.' : <>tch ; inc», w hite pine, Western THE DALLES - ORE. »' • J-a-T "-to-¿V « - i- w -.V“ urday. Aiiiii', .-,s 4u2 W 7th ,St. tigging town, near which iten : red pine, Western red cedar, j Mrs. Annie Hughes left last Lers Tygh Valley, already famed £ ’ J .vk lucust :.rd the Gerald pine. 1 P acific P hone o Black 17 it Sunday for Spokane, where she is a fertile region in which both A * an important timber pine of In­ cree n s will reside. ember and r.pricultui dia w hich is of considerable com- ‘ OPfiU-! 4 mercial value, all are being Mrs. Wni. Johnson and children .unities are abundant. T h k - p: f i-;- - f ® j P7 grown on this nursery plot, spent Sunday with relatives in ont survey follows the general D o o r s W worse of Tygh ( reck arid pro- On Mary’s Peak valuable ex- Tin.* Lalles. Razors put in first-class condition. dues for a t niiiiius at. Wamic, perimenti! work to determine C. L. McKenna, of lo - i’and, ilt-o n logging town, a; proxi- the relative merit of fall and was a visibir i i town between nately 40 miles by tins route .1 1 } Stock. Sizes \t r \ - Measurements spring planting of various kinds trains last Sunday. ti 1C Vein Du fur. of timber was begun last fall, i Will Zolls, of Iirod Rivt r, has “ We expect to have dirt flying and is being continued this For sale by Burggraf <£- Stur- been doing : ome inasi-nr.v work >n the new road in less than 50 J L .-.pring. Experimental plots gess in all parts of Mosier Dis­ for Dr. Robins -n tin's week. p have been sown, both full and “ said Julius vice- f trict. Fine Bargains. See us DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. G spring, to Austrian 1 ine, Norway Mrs. J. E. Cole and three of president of the company, and a before buying elsewhere. We meof the heaviest, stock-hold ov. spruce, European larch and the children sp< n Saturday ;i' <1 Scotch pine. Car ful record will have small and large tracts. Ten P hysician and S urgeon Sunday in Peril nd with rela­ ast night. “ We iiave asked for aero tracts that we can sell you j bids < n the work, and expect to I * be kept of the December and tives. at the right price on easy terms. Ist a contract before the end of f 'arch planting's, through which MOSIER - OREGON r. a . Ge«»rge Rorden vent to T he the month.” All correspondence promptly! it is la ; ed lo ehtain information t Dallei Mo In to attend toj bring all the Dufur Valley and I able for the different varieties* H. G. K IB B E E one of his horses. Dost of the Tygh Valley into di- It is lioped that at some future »•- tir. <* a lui of land v hich cari he ( ’. A. Frey left on Monday forjrect connection with Portland, a * V- N O T A R Y P U E L IC tlu> Hot Springs, near La Grande riving quick mail, freight and The Reliable Dealers -.<1 as a forestry demonstration where he hopes to get relief from | passenger service into that re­ r. t May be a-ided to the cani- MOSIE OREGON : M o s i e r O regon his rheumatism. pus. ......... gion. It will aid to a great de-j - Frank Ginger, the trouble man give in ;. a We affair. Tlx -v dances are visitor here from l'ood Rivi r given every tivo i -oka by the We are here to -, i >, t ' ' • ;. t> o ffer you T. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p. n». , John Carroll is slowly recover- Mosier Dane:; g Ci ;b. i'v!i«d)l i service. K. H. SlCXAFOOSE, ng from an attack of appendici NOW is an excellent time to Owing to the f i l m o f F , . t s. Minister. Vv'e illicit your bocines ■ 1 ; “ A Square Dca^k drop in and renew your subscrip- Alc-rs, the li e lin go1' the 1 adies’ ■ ■ ■ i property. ?:isa Virginia Johnson, of Aid Society was not held tin’s ion to the B u lle tin . Y ou want I HAVE FOR SALE week, but w ill he held at her flood River, was the gu . : oi he paper and we need the 200 Newtown trees, 4 to G ft., : home on Wednesday 01 1 ex I i<-dor friends Weil 11« Sony. j money. W. H. KKRSLAKE, Mgr. at 14c each; 12) Soitzenbergs, 11 week. M o .L c r I ; v ) c ': M ere Í ' •’ or, 8 it., 10c.; 100 Spitz.2 yr., i (T his . Stark and family vk ted J. G. Zolls, of If i ! Diver am! ust ve d i with his sister, Mrs. No. 2 grade, lCc. T'liese trees! We deal in improved nnd unimproved ! Book0-. i ’vV'fi ii • •;, N ovcU ie ;, are good, but I have no ground j fruit lend in Mosier district. Send for J. W. Semen , Slate D.-imly o' V’m. Alters, retuniirjv la me Sun­ 1 S »i l l kA on which to plant them and will; * j the Modern Woodmen, of Port day. W ell W ork sell at above prices if token ai r Brckl* t of Bargains, bind, spent a. part of Wednesday j S,l’j> *fipi i OT . • - mll 11 m 1 ov Y:\te?. \ once. I'd. L. Howe’s conditi* n is re- in t >\vn. Mr. S '-«»ns w; look­ W ell D one C m : ••» C hamberlain . tOSIER. - - ORE. . r •ortf'd as slightly impr, ri . 1 ifilO.rO per mo- th i txMrh' - Portland. A tornado in K;ns::is and Ok- The undersigned is thoroughly ’ :*E LAUNDRY W ORK” ► ’:+S' T anml * ary nnd 1- p ' hm ' s . to men with • ■ -’ - ' * — -■ !- v • *-N-. - t»‘ ; lahoma on Wednesd» y kilPd r.nj ! .... ' i atn w a id Ils - . ih prepared to 1 rt down open wells , J. T. Davenport and wife will rig, to introduce our Poultry A \ in any j art of the surrounding injured a hundred people and de­ flown t< morrow for Tho Dalles, H >od River Latte Iry Company country, lira a complete outfit, , ' ! Remedies. Don’ t an. vver un!< rs stroyed thousands of d liars I where they oil! remain IVr .a J. E. COM?. M ommi A gent includim ;o>« euttirgand thread­ you mean business. Eureka ^ ‘ worth of prop» 1 ty. ¡couple of months. ing t o o ! ! '< es ali kinds of ce­ i Poultry Food MfgCo. (Incorpor­ o p illL l' i » ¿4 «K J ment-, rock a:,,! cor.crcle work. ated.) Ea M St. Lords. HI. V. 0. Brock this week moved Ins had 80 years’ experience in I ' -> I EK nto the Thomas ranch south of he well business. May he found George Chamberlain reports >.v add: him at The Dalles, j own. Mr. Brock has charge of C j tlx» sale this week of ten acres S or inquire at Maier & he improvements being made o f fruit land to J. E. Clark and flehanno’s - ;:ore, 'Hie Dalles, Or. m there. i I'M A ^ £ ten acres to H. Birkner. The Ì A. E. N e g u s . 1 w . 5.. ; m o land is part of a tract owned by I). 0. lirtlsi'n nnd family, of f the Eos* Tfon 1 Lend Co., nnd ¡ Kentucky, started Monday for located in the Grand Vi w ncigh- Medford, after spending a week DR. H. L. DUMBLE hnrlx’od. with relatives here. They were PHYSICIAN and SURGEON aeeompnn.id :s far ns He; d TOOD RIVER V fp OREGON AI 1st »1. enn All- n and i On ( River by his brother, D. V . Hud­ S i- TRI Fr«»d Hill came down fi-om T i e ¡ i n s t e n M ill practice in Mosier and son and dmighter. Miss Mattie May be reached by long dis­ D h II«» s laat S'-r ’ -iy r.-xl removed E4 IM > , 'i 'ml Miss Rose Whitson. tance phone. Home phone 61. t ie be ' • A\ Il b liti n freni ! IB M IW aw w — i Hav. Pie oM 'ievf,>r c - 1 to i -, S pi -X’I \ l Bo;, d Base Boll St; ts IN t' ' -‘Ui.' !’- Cur line of J ohn B. 1 r • 0(1 1 r ’I -V • <•" oleev, J •'!,(- New Summer Underwear for ^ with Sflirt. Pants, Cap nod iET ' -en. Ali KATS include all styk^s and col ft near the I„ s - ors and we have a h t to -ou the hue G Wm. Johnson, The i Sip ;iers. The largest line in up. any face. h<>'!/ w >s in a - ’ n’ e of » T’ MLOb l ll) ; . fii. T ( pre-arcati 01 at 1er s >vt the citv. 1 1 ’ll b A v: tu i y t.» vi r ; BO VS’ CLOTH ES new We years HOUSE DRESSES 10, . are offering in those Ladies’ \\, lay. 1, \ rt prrtd Nteff-r you better rallies playo, bodies <»f l!;c t< tv ns in Central Books. They are free and cer­ í 15. and up. Then if yo 1 w:t- House Dresses at $1.96. These lake them in latest styles and weaves in p .pii; Oregon, t<> lr 0 the Warm aomctliing in «bargain we hav dresses are worth from ?3.50 we i that you B s’ Suits. Our line includes tain just anv amount o f infor­ Springs i n ! ia n R»'«-.-»- ntion some of the higg-'st valu». ;th¡i to $5.00 made up in very neat > u . Ruits eli 1 rices an ’ !cs for alinees cy ir mation that is of Value to every opened to .» • 11 ement This r»»s- yon have ever !v en o* re styles of gingham and Madras voile: A K VI Other 1. a;:- 2 1-2 > ear» ;.p to .o, from ervation romurises tíHO.mnl acr, red suits a! S; vial p» r- materials in colors blue, tan poplir- III llUt.ij/ . uit !>-»,.» i«>. \-’e ka w man. woman and child. of land, of v tiich over I ulf h; 2 O! .00. ^7.,VI nnd on. c»y and white. Special only $1.98. tve can j lease you. o Nen s-irveycd ni«l w!.ich r»»: t v a 1 130,1 j n 9 Û / /a H tilimbi id I f the lend H ooo larg est & best i w i\ L ' h Op *n • 1. it. will ntfo. il j r< s; 1 r " hotnej for thousands of j <- LO CAL rrices On &11 lines for month of A P R ! L. Must have more room. Alex. Stewart, Mosier, Oregon. Alex. Stewart AD VERTUS IN Tn and O' t mit i n cl o w s I MOSIER B arber Shop J. E. COLE. I Tum-A-Lv i Lumber Co. I MOSIER i Burggraf &Sturgess ! I ADVERTISE The M osier Hills, Land & Orchard Company )T h C au, i K i i . J? JOHN WELL BERG, Prop. ceommodations THE D.A ídv-, OREGON c PINES HOTEL nd Rates S1.00 per day and up T IN ? .U \ , Home Pciper