PUBLISHED BULLETIN EVERY FRIDAY BY H. C. KIBBEE, Proprietor SCRIPTION RATES (One Year................................................................ $1.50 | Six Month*................................................................. ” 5 I Three Months.............................................................. Entered as second-class matter March 12, 1909, at the post office at Mosier, Gregor*, under the A ct o f , March *. 187». V O L . I ll MOSIER, W ASCO C O U N T Y , OREGON. F R ID A Y . ADVERTISING RATES Professional Cards.......................... per month f .M One square........................ One-qrarter Column........................ ** ** j ** Oue-haif Column............................. 44 One'Column......................... qq '* 3.0$ ** 5 jq ** M g qq Business lodols will be eharsod at 5 -cents per line for each insertion. Lejjal advertisements will ftn all casee be ch at««d to the party ordering them, at leaml rates, and APR IL 14, 1911 NO. 6 paid for before affidavit» are furnished. -v a v i U 1 , v i v a V i V i V i v a v a v a v a v a 4 IDuu 1 I j AN l) LiLi iE R v^Oiiic ActivKi^ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (PUBLISHER) Portland, Or., April 11 (Special) will enlarge its See Department o f The Interior, U. S. — Wheat growers of 28 counti.s creamery at a cost of $5,000. Land Otliee at The Dalles, Oregon, o f the Pacific Northwest, 13 in At Ontario a pumping plant February 18th, 1911. ]M O L & C O . 1 Oregon, 6 in Idaho and 9 in will be installed to water 10.000 NOTICE Is hereby given that Emma Washington, members o f the acres. O. Jetty, o f Portland, Oregon, who on J April 25th, 1910, made Timber and fa rm ers’ Union, have secured a Frv 'v. aSer has struck artesian lease on Columbia Dock No. 1, water and irrigation from this Stone Entry, No. 06576, for Lot 7, ( G e n t T a l SE.SW; and the SW iSEi, Section 6. f o r the season and propose to j source will reclaim a large ucre- Township 1 North, Range 12 East, Wil j liandle their crop from the field age. Meridian, has filed notice o f in jjj — J lamette to the ships taking it to foreign During March, Portland ex He can make your watch keep time tention to make Final Timber and Stone } Proof, to establish claim to the land markets. ported 729,115 bushels of wheat; : I ^ vvvat-^-i-. vs vvva va-vvva-vasva va va va above described, before the Register The purpose of the move 18,023 barrels o f flour, and 4,539-! \ l e r ( t h a n d i s e and Receiver o f the U. S. Land otliee, is not solely to handle the grain 450 feet of lumber, The"Dalles, Oregon on the 27th day of o f tlm members but to make E. W. McComas. of Pendleton, I April, 1911. a proht out of the traffic. ! estimates the wheat crop o f J Claimant names as witnesses: Walter o s ie r rego n Purchases of grain will be made I Umatilla County this year will H. K rslake, Edwin F. Reeves, J. Her man Reeves, all o f Mosier, Oregon and in the wheat belt just as individ-' amount to 5,000,0( 0 bushels, Robert P. Royce, o f Portland, Oregon. ual firms buy it and plans are be-j The Deschutes Valley is rich C. W. M ooke , o f Mosier, Oregon, ing made for the incorporation j in land plaster and.a mill with a Register. o f a transnortation company. ! capacity of 30 tons daily will be A l l B u s in e s s e n t r u s t e d t o G eo . C h a m b e r e aus For your Drugs, Sundries, Patent Medicines. Station Sales o f wheat will be made on - in operation at Bend by April 15. T h e C a k e Ô f t h e NOTICE F A R PUBLICATION the clock terms being f o b Port-1 Pendleton’ s foremost and old- REAL ESTATE ery, Toilet Articles, Candy and Cigars, IceCream and land. j est industry is its flour milling. ( I T , RUSHER) Fruit .Soda i l ’ater. Everything in the Drug line. Rice in Oregon may soon be-[Its annual shipment ol flour to I >epnit ment of The Interior, of The Dalles, Oregon Lands IT. S. Land Olliceat The Dalles, Ore., • -come an accomplished fact fo r ' the Orient alone came to 400,COO! March 14th, 1911. WILL h a v e PROMPT ATTENTION experiments have been under- sacks. i NOTICE is hereby given that Robert I Specialty taken on a tract of irrigated land I The Dalles had considerable1 , Capital $100,000.00 W. Simpson, of Mosier, Oregon, who -at Stayton, where a dozen vn-1 building activity during the past | Oregon Surplus and -undivid on December 27th, 1904, and additional M o s ifif ed profits 100 , 000.00 vieties o f rice will be planted as j month. March statistics showed on June 28th, 1905, made Homestead, No. 14097 Serial, No. 02437, for SE| soon as the land can be gotten over 100 new houses, valued at j J. S. SCHENCK, P resident N E g , NE SE , and the W l|SK',, Sec- T I C E ! into condition. The work is in $103,375. ; E d . M. W il l ia m s M ax A.’ V ogt w . A. HUSBANDS j tion 11, Township 1 North, Range 11 An immense wool warehouse is charge of Charles Chambliss, a 'Vice Pres. Cashier ; East, Willamette Meridian, has filed B l a c k s m it h government expert in rice cul-j to be erected at Metolius. The j notice o f intention to make Finul five- ture. About ten acres will be town will handle a large part of Beginning M A RC H 1st all busi I year Proof, to establish claim to the Horse Shoeing and General used experimentally, use of the tne wool clip ol Centred Oregon, ai d ab'-ve described, before the Regis ness will be done on a cash or 30 ter in,.I 1 . ceiver o f the U. S. Land Of- Repair Yvork. .tract having been given by the j which am en ts to over 1,000,000 \ 'ice, at The Dalle Oregon, on the 25th owners of the property. The 'pounds annually. clay basis. Satisfaction guaranteen j day o f April. 1911. o lias become a manu-' land will be seeded at once and ¡ OREGON i Claimant names as witnesses: Carl J. MOSIER irrigated throughout its growing factoring- center. If lias 45 fac- On Bills not paid by the 15th ot Fredrickson, Charles Stoltz, Frank ____________________________________ | GAY YOWELL, Mgr. ! (linger, Charles Bennett, all of Mosier, .season. j lories employing 1510 workmen. ' MnTTri? W (xp n u B n oA fT L M Harness and Saddlery Hdoode the following month from date ot • Oregon. Receipts of livestock at the'The monthly payroll is $90,390 NO 1 ICE FOR PUBLICATION j T ( i n t s , Wagon Covers, Etc C. W . M o ore , Portland yards for the first three and the value m he annual prod- j ( publishfr ) i Hand-made Harness a Specialty purchase, credit will be refused un Register. months of the year show great u t is more than t Id ¡ i,(A0, Department o f The Interior, j HOOD.RIVER - OREGON Match 17. April 21 til settlement. gains over the corresponding per-1 Experiments will be made at j U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon io l of last year. Totals were: Stayton on irrigated land to de- j March 17th. 1911. I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ■c.ittle, 7990; sheep, 25,018; hogs, i termine if rice can be grown sue-! NOTICE is hereby given that John | M OSIER M A R K E T 0982. The increase over the first j ce -sfully in Oregon, the inves-| ( p u b l is h e r ) P. Tryon, o f The Dalles, Oregon, as p JT n i T , K , M A T ) p one of the heirs and for the heirs of b . 11. U U INoiM Prop. Department, o f the Interior, quarter o f 1910 is: cattle, 247; dgation is in charge of a Govern-j ? (DEA1 KR IN U. S. Land office, at The Dalles, ore. Richard I). Tryon, deceased, who on sheep, 20,029; hogs, 2053. ment expert on rice culture. April 5th. 19(H), made Homestead _, March 22nd, 1911. The Breeders’ Spring sale of 'TimPor!land Union Stockyards| a (Serial 03870), No. 15055, for Lot 3 and l'osli and Cured Meats NoTicn is h'-rehy given that William blooded horses will be held in ¡ --»how a great .rain in stock slip - Country Produce SE1NW;, Section 19, Township 2 North, __________________ __________________ 0. Gentry, o f Fir, Oregon, who, on Portland April 18-22. Therej ments for the first three months ! April 5th, 1909, made Homestead, No. Range .12 East, Willamette Meridian, 1 promises to be a large showing of 1911 as against the similar The Columbia River Road - Ore eon The vulgar display o f wealth ¡04714, for StSEl-4, Section 22, Town- has filed notice of intention to make Mosier Final five year Proof, to establish claim o f fine horses and some purebred period of 1910. Sheep gain 20,- made by America’s idle rich w h o sh'P l North, Range 11 East, Willam- Efforts are still being made by gO abroad i)as ~-------------«,- given a large pro- : .. ette Meridian, has filed notice t> of inten- to the land above described, before the cattle will also be offered. Ore-j 029 head, hogs 2053 and cattle , Portland capitalists to have the ~ , Register and Receiver, at the U. S. THE OAKS -gon, Montana, California. Iowa 217. I Portland-Hood River road built.1 poruen o f the foreigners a very estld)li(lh , lsimto the ¿ nd above’ de. Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon, on s the place b get yourolo •and Kentucky are among the Grants Pass has adopted a pop- ¡ n js estimated that the building Poor opinion of the breeding and «cribed, before the Register and Re the 24th day o f April, 1911. Claimant names as w itness, s: Thom states'to be represented at the illation of 40,000 by the next cen -j0f the road from Portland to intelligence of the American pen- ! ceiver o f the u. S. Land office, at The C ig a r s , T obacco coming sale. j sus. People of the Soutliern O re-, Multnomah Falls, a distance of pie. It is seldom, however, that Dalles, Oregon, on the 2nd day of May, as Gordon, o f Mosier, Oregon, John C andy , and K oi - t D uim Roberts, o f The Dalh s. Oregon, (,". G. 1 Letters of thanks have been gon cist are not going-to sit down t|iree mj]eSi would cost $10,000. this country is so badly m isrep-i19n- . E. Carlson, Charles T. Bcnrtctt, Wil P o P l and Bn LIMI : received from China by Ben Sell- and wait idly for it to be realized | The fourth'mile beyond the Fails resented by any o f its tourists as ! rua e^ * 7 ^ ' r “ o ™ ^olc-ar^E liom A. Davis, all of Alosfer, Or ot . i S. K. Francisco, ing. who collected the famine re- but will work definitely toward 1 would cost$19,290. The viewers <> is by Albert C. Bostwick, the Wilson, Robert W.’ Simpson,of Mosier! c. w lief timd, and gratitude is ex- end. |say, according to the Hood River Standard Oil magnate who has j Oregon, Walter Gardner, o f Hr, ore- Mosier, < >rti jiressed for the recent contribu- An immense power plant on ¡News: recently arrived at Nice with the K°n- M24— A2t tion of $5,000 made by Portland j the Rogue River near Prospect! “ The proposed road has bee large accompaniment. In addi- C. W. MOORE, Register, people and received in Hong is now under construction -and aurVeyed and staked out along tion to his wife and five children, C. H. . KINS, I). NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Kong for distribution. Since will cost se veral million dollars. the proposed route from Bridal Mr- Bostwick was accompanied Mi h31 Apr 28 that stun was received- a similar, T. , . , . , , ,, (PUBLISHER) 1 V.NTI.ST , i n i. i and i senti, . I he plant, when cornu etc, will Veil and ending at the M u lt n o - by two chauffers, three banjo sum has been collected ' m ! i>\ r it rii Ti.i a he .Department o f The Interior, and contributions are still coming bave three units of 8,9'.>0 horse- mah-Hood River county line. b ^ v e re .tw u n u rse s.fiv e g o v e r- M c N e il P l a c e W il l U. S. Land Ollirt in. ! power each. Complete plats, profile and esti-1 ne3s(‘s- one physician, fourteen At TheMDalles, Oregon, Ottic»* 28 Itesi« 1« B e S o ld Klamath County has set what ! ------ « -------- IH-OD RIVER mate accompany this report. | servants, two automobiles and i March 9th, 1911. appears to be an egg record. T he F ruit F arm at M osier , CASH AND CREDIT “ It is our belief that the said ! seventy-five trunks. The money NOTICE la hereby give n i at • Harry Caden bad 15 ordinary roadnhould be granted. | wasted in this vulgar display of - O re ., and the R esidence P rop - E Cooper, formerly Sarah ! Me . Progress is easily made by hens that laid 256 eggs la.d o f Mosier, Oregon, who on - i l R o b e r t T. N e w h a l l “ While th:> proposed road will i wealth in a single month would EKTY T he D a ll e s , O re ., be- -month. Six of the hens are pul the man who combines good 1904, made Homestead No. I be expensive to build, neverthe- save «cores of better American Ion8>ng to the R oderick M c - lets and did not begin to lav un Representing credit with his working capi rial No. 04133, for SW.!». Section 22, ' less there are no obstacles from citizens from slow starvation and N eil E state will be sold at The ¡Township ^ til after the first week of the I ^()iui North, Range II Lust, tal. M i l t o n N u r s e r y c . o month. an engineering pointof view that ‘ death in any of the big cities Dalles, A pi i I ¿-2nd, at 10 A. M- | will»m«tt«^ Meridian, hn« <il<. d notice of When reverses come it is i rowers o f Reliai ).- Nuis- ’ . . 1 , 4 Visits to all the irrigation pro-j where Standard Oil levies its For further particulars inquire of intention to make Final co i oinmutationi cannot readily be overcome. an excellent thing to have jects in the state will be made - OM'riON j Proof, to establish claim to the I nul HOOD LIVER H enry J. M aier , “ By connecting Hood River heaviest toll on the poor people, some reserve capital or a good during the year by the State ! above described, before the Register Administrator. county with Multnomah it will ~E x. Board. State Engineer Lewis is credit to fall back upon. : and Receiver o f the U. S. Land offn NOTICE FOR PUBLICA i>. K At Maier ¿ Schanno’s office. now planning the inspection, j There are very few who do ill The Dalles, Oregon, on the lath no give the only direct road corn-! The Hood River Glacier says: Several new projects have been j not at some time have use o f April, 1911. ( p u b l is h e r ) munication between The Dalles ! M24-A21 Devlin & Firebaugh, selling taken up that have never been Claimant names as witnesses: Oscar Department o f The Interior. and Portland. There are a num-1 for credit. ! E. Wilson, Gardina F. Godberson, visited by the state officials -as! U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon her o f places and town sites agents for the Hood River Or Cash and credit sunple- yet. March 22nd, 1911. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. naC. Godberson, allof Mosier, Oregon, chard Land Co., report that the along the proposed road that menteach other. With cred William B. Gentry, of Fir, Oregon. Portland had a birthday this NOTICE is hereby given that Hans have rail or water communica opening day of the Mosier View (Publisher.) week, being 60 years old. Its i it you can make more money. C. W. M oore , Register. C. Olsen, o f Mosier. Oregon, who on tion ;that would be greatly liene- municipal government was or Tract will lie held Sunday, April With money you can get | July 6th. 1904, made Homestead, No. Department o f the Interior, U. S. March 17, April 14 fitod by a wagon road outlet.” ganized April 7. 1851. for on that 13*>60 Serial, No. 03245, for Lots 2 and more credit. 16, when a special train will he Land Office at The Dalles, Ori gon, date the first election was held. 3. Section 3, Township 1 North. Haege The board of«viewers call at The M o s ie r V a l l e y B a n k run from Portland for the con March 21st, 1911. Then there was one precinct: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION II East. Willamette Meriiiian, .has hi. d tention to the great scenic value is al.vays glad to make loans Notice is hereby given that Benjam now there are 155. ¡notice o f intention to make Final five of the highway, also that a road venience o f prospective (ISOLATED TRACT) in VV. Veateh, whose post-office ad to persons who are known to year Proof, to establish claim to the land dress is Mosier, Oregon, did, on the existed previous to the building! chasers.” protect their credit, and al | above described, before the K g ist-r PUBLIC LAND SALE Eastern eggs are coming into l ith day o f February, 1911, file in this land Receiver o f the If. S. Land < like, ways makes it a point to ! of the railroad and that it should Portland at the rate o f about one No. 06167 office Sworn Statement and Applica nt The Dalles, Oregon, on t! - “1 -,! <(ay ¡be restored. It is shown by NOTICE 1 OR PUBLICATION carload per day. although thp re look after the needs of its tion, No 03121, to purchase the United States Land Office, o f May, 1911. I plats o f the proposed roads that ceipts o f Oregon eggs are much ( publisher ) depositors firsL SB's NWi, NE .8W4, NE4SE4, and Lot The Dalles, Oregon, Claimant name* aa wit 1, as s heavier than former seasons. the. railroad has appropriated 3, Section 1, Tp. 1 North, Range 11 March 11th, 1911. j P. Snyder, Vincent C. Department o f Tbe Interior, The eggs now l>eing received ! sections o f the old wagon road, U. S. Lfcnci Office at Tin* Dalles, Ore gon j EWM., Notice is hereby given that, as <11 - 1 Fredericson, Charles School Notes from the East are not offered for and the timber thereon, under the pro | which it is believed it could bo April 6th, 1911. rected by the Commissioner o f the G en-: Oregon. sale, but are going into storage NOTH’ L is hen by given that Marie visions of the act o f June 3, 1878, and -Blanche Ross was absent! "orced to replace. It is said by to remain until the usual scare!« arts amendatory, known as the “ Tim Sem'linger, one o f the iitirH and for tin and high prices next Winter will Thursday I the viewers that in no case would heirs o f Gottlob 'ire (z (deceased), of ber and Stone Law,” at such value as j o f Congress approved June 27, 19(6, j —Public No. 303, we will offer ai public I make their sale nrofi table. It M dvr, Oregon, v.ho, on Se^emiier might he affixed by appraisement, and sale, to the highest bidder, at 1 . , j Çdwin Sturgess wns absent the road injure the railroad ai makes hut little difference to the that, pursuant to such application, the that also, no place was found 19th, 1904, made Jiom<-8tead, No. 13798 o ’clock a. m., on the 2nd day o f M .< . 1 Oregon consumer who pays the Wednesday. where damages would have to Serial, No. 01302. for SL1 4NE1-4, Sec. land and timber thereon ha j e been ap 1911, at this office, the follow! 1 tract bill -whether the eggs are used Willie Depee, Robert Ross, I be allowed. Stress is laid on the 10, N 'jN W l-4 , Sec. 14, and NE1-4NE praised, the timber estimated 500,(HH) i o f land, to-wit: NWVNE«f,* See. 14,1 now or next Winter. The fact and Raul Bailey have ueen ab- ^ jan(j owncrg along 1-4, Section 15, Township 1 North, board feet at 60 cents per M, and the ¡T. 1 N., R. 11 East, W. M. that it is necessary to bring eggs land $147.18; that said applicant will .. , I Any persons claiming adversely the! j he puiiiosed road are in favoi Rang' II r.sst, Wiilam»-tte Meridian, i offer final proof in into the country for use at nnv sent this week. has filed notice of intention to make Statement on the ! «»«ve-described lands are advised to j plication and sworn time is conclusive evidence that Fridav, the 14th, is Arbor Day. ! >f it. No grade* \*ould I>e en inal flhe-yeur Iroef, to estalilisi we are not making the most of A program beginning at tw. countered Kreater than ten per cl iin to tile land above described, be i 2n i day o f June, 1911, before the Reg file their claims, or objections, on or ent except at a point near Eagh ! fore the Register and Receiver o f the ister and Receiver o f the U. S. Land before the day above designated for our onportunities. Poultr’’ rais eale. ing has proved an unqualified o ’clock will be given by the pu creek, , the expense o f which U. S. Land Office, at The Dallen, Ore- j Office, at The Dali* e, Oregon. pils of the primary room. Par- C. W. M oorr , Any person is at liberty to protest success in a dozen localities , would fall on Multnomah county, j on. on the lflth day o f May, 1911. 1 this purchase before entry, or initiate . Register. throughout the state, and with ents and patrons are cordially , Here surveys show a 19 per ceni rn.- iit names as witnesses: Char a contest at any time before patent is eggs and chickens a!wavs com invited to be present. j ^rad»* for 1000 feet and 17 pet ley G. Sto!ta, Robert W. Simpson, Carl manding high nrices there is no ______ ••— ----- cent for alxjut 1000 feet. Thu J. Fr, irk son, Tbomaa C. Godberson, sues, by filing a corroborated affidavit I in this office, alleging facts which good reason whv we should not grade can be reduced to 14 per all of Mosier, Oregon. would defeat the entry. Mr. Bilyeu and family are oc- ■produce at least enough to sun- . ; . -| rent, but nut would require a foiio C. W. M oore . cupying the rooms at the rear o f , ro< > k cut, costing aljout $15,000 ply the home demand.—Ore- Register. gonian. the Bulletin office. ! more. April 14- May tt • i 1 Hood L A R Reliable AWAY Rivers Watches, Diamonds, ICH ! Jeweler for Jewelry Go To M The Arthur & Burt Drug Co., - - O First National Bank Prescriptions a Specialty. DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. W. E. CHOWN. Mosier Ore I