PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY -ADVERTISING RATES BY ‘T H. G. K1BBEE, Proprietor ~ 'S . »! W ProiMaiuusl Card*................ .per asAh I SCRIPTJON RATES •One Year......................................................$1.50 Six* Three* Months..................................................................... 50 a 4, Entered as second ela. » matter ' Tarch 12 . the post «»ilice ut M Mer, Orejan, under the Act of March 3. 1**7H. O n* ................................................... **! O ua-quaaU r Colum n....................... - “ “ l . ’* » I.SS Ona-hal# Colum n............................. - - S.M One C olum n. ................................... “ “ • « Buoinooo lo ca l, w ill bo cbmrsad a t S canto « o r D m fo r each Inoottion. L oral advertisem ents w ill In aM Ha—p bo vharrUd VO L. I ll MOSIEIL OUR PORTLAND LETTER t >rs «ere tiie lu st boosters there Portland. O re. . M; T.Iar. 14, (Special) are. Heads of the Portland pa- ,hnnuiivn pers attended the biennal dinner -After a careful and exhaustive :on Study of market conditions in the of the Club and helped with su£- -■ Pacific Northwest during the firestrons for furthering the work. past eight years. President Har- Th?y are among the most active vey Beckwith, of the Portland ones in inis city in t• 11 * i !..• .uni Commercial Club, makes the the same is true .of startling statement that prices throughout Oregon; their w( paid to farmers for eleven dif­ i is incessant and is very effective. The report of Manager C. C. ferent articles of food, all ne­ cessities, advanced 81.4 percent Chapman of the Promotion Com­ between April, 1802 and October mittee of the Club gives due 1910. and he hacks up his state­ credit for this valuable work, ment by quotations fiom market i The co-operation of t he various reports published in Portland commercial bodies of the state t through the Oregon Develop­ during that period. League »am Presi- rresi- ment . . .. was mentioned “ These figures,” said , , ... . . , with anpreciation. as was the as- dent Beckwith, indicate that r, , . a high-priced ... . , markei , s . .lance Portland is . . . or other Coast . cities in „ . . along for farm produce, and the high i helping * ” movements ol i u u - prices are directly chargeable to j ua Y u‘ the great increase in consump-i Pol tland business men " *.« tion over production. The de-| have-contributed to the funds of mands of a rapidly growing pop- ulation have more than kept pace ! j s^own that ^ie,r support has 1 I - ------ ------- with the increase in the quantity ^een a great benefit in building o f essential foodstuffs sent to u9 ^le ^tate at large as well as market by the farmers of the! their own city and the «detailed state, and this condition is on; ^ VV<;1'K s’unvs fhe funds have Den that is not likely to he changed spent. fora long time, if ever, and the Chairman Johnson of the Pro­ situation is a very inviting one notion Committee emphasized to the producer. the great, future of Portland and “ In the table of prices sub­ the Northwest and showed the! mitted herewith are two i-> w- l< ! m ed for continued effort along i which I desire to call particular lines so far followed. The; attention,—eggs and poultry. of the Inquiry Bureau of the There is no good reason why the j Commerciai Club, tin- convention ¡ Pacific Northwest fiiouldno! p n - and indusirial Bureaus ami ih< duce eggs and c h i . i : ; :. ! ¡¡reas bureau was ivviewc-d anil j to fully supply the local demand progress noted in all the varied | and thus relieve the wholesale:s • activities. Ci-atef p’•egress lor from the necessity of ordering I the future is the j ur¡)o:-.e of the j carload after carload from the | Promotion Committee and this! Middle West. There is abso- s *-ition extends throughout the! lately no danger of overproi uc- state. tion in these lines, in fact, there isSittle pros •( ■.■ t that the sun j .. ... • . , No- hw “St s . •■ •. c* Cron will ever exceed, or even equal, the demand. R l|;iS been argued by some! T*'*' Si J I , 5 | t j » -lar» V i f. W ASCO C O U N T Y , OREGON, ' v ' t <• * >->■> Vo -is -i V k V ) Lwi -fe-\ LARAWAY , ,7 ,, ois f Hood Rivers Reliable Jeweler for Watches, Diamonds, jewelry > »Vfes*» fettes» H e can make your watch keep time ^ t- î> r . The Arthur A* Burt Drug Co., o f H osier, Oregon, F or your Drugs, Sundries, Patent Medicines, Station­ ery, Toilet Articles, Candy and Cigars, Ice Cream and Seda W ater. F R ID A Y , M AR CH 17, 1911 NO. 2 to the thirty ortierinr thorn, a t ln ra l Km tea, a U paid fo r before adidavita a rt furnish ad. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO ! COUNTY. Esther McDonald, plaintiff, vs Eugene McDonald, defendant. SUMMONS. To Eugene McDonald, the above named defendant:. In th.- Name o f the State o f Oregon; You are hereby required to appear ami answer the complaint in the above en­ titled suit on or before the expiration . o f six weeks from the date o f the first | - publication o f this summons as herein- ' after stated, ami in case you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the ; relief prayed for in h«o complaint, ! namely: for p. decree forever dissolving the bonds o f matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and i changing the name o f plaintiff to that formerly held by her. A ll B usiness entrusted This summons is served upon you bv publication by order o f the above en­ \ T he C are of the titled court made in said cause on the REAL ESTATE 20th day o f February, lilll, which order j requires this summons to be published Fruit ! for six consecutive weeks in the Mo- Lands » f The D alles/O regfn sier Bulletin, a newspaper o f general a circulation published each week in Was­ WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION co County, Oregon, and said order pre­ Capital - - $100,000.00 scribes that you shall appear anil ans- Mosier Surplus and undivid­ Oregon ; wer said complaint on or before the ex­ ed profits -- 100,'000.08 piration o f six weeks from the date o f the first publication thereof, which said J.- S. SCH ENCK , ’ P resident , \ date is February 24th, 1911. E d M. W illiams .M ax A. Voct W. A. HUSBANDS _____& CO. General Merchandise s M o s ie r - - O regon G eo . C hamberlain First National Bank Everything in the Drug line. Prescriptions a Specialty. Specialty M 1 \ j CE! C a r l t o n I ,. P e p p e r , Beginning MARCH 1st all busi­ ness will be done on a cash or 80 day basis. C a Elis not paid by the 15th of the following month from date of purchase, credit wid be refused un­ til settlement. Attorney for Plaintiff. I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (PUBLISHER) Department ul The Interior, U. S. 1 and Office at The Dalles, Oregon, vVice Pres. B l a c k s m it h Horse Shoeing and General Repair Work. Satisfaction giiArant^eti MOSIER - - OREGON Gashiét DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. February 18th, 1911. CAY YOWEAL/T«|r NOTICE is hereby given that Emma NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ■Harness and Saddlery Goods O. Jetty, o f Portland, Oregon, who on Tent», Wagon Covers, Etc Notice is hereby given that the un- April 2f>th, 1810, made Tim! er and Stone Entry, No. 0C576, for Lot 7, ; dersigned, Adeline Sellinger, adminis­ Hand-made Harness a Specialty SE1SW1 and the SWiSE|, Section 6, tratrix o f the estate o f George Sellin- H O O D fllV ER - OREGON Township 1 North. Range 12 East, Wil­ : ger, deceased, has filed her Final Ac­ count and Report vftth the County lamette Meridian, has filed notice of in- tention to make Final Timber and Stone Clerk o f Wasco County, Oregon, and Proof, to establish claim to the land that Saturday, the 25th day o f March, above described, before the Register 1911, at the hour o f 2 P. M. of- said day C. H. DUNSMORE, P ftp . and Receiver o f the U. S. Land office. in the County Courtroom of the County Courthouse in "Dalles City, Wasco DEALER IN The Dalleq, Oregon on the 27th day o f County, Oregon, has been fixed by the April. 1911. Fresh^and Cured Meats Claimant names as witnesses; Walter coui t as the time and place for hearing “ Let us assume tin t th re are , ’ < ’ ,'K ' ’ i'' ' 1 Country Produce said report. H. Kerslake, Edwin F. Reeves, J. Her­ 5.000 fanners in Oregon and that ' *P,Y , ' ‘ii . ’ l All persons are hereby notified to ap­ Big Electric Power along man Reeves, all o f Mosier, Oregon and j . ... , .. ant of the real conuition ot the NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. at the present time eacn tanner , , . Robert P. Boyce, o f Portland, Oregon. pear at suid time and ^!ace to show (Publisher.) • i • i- oo i a! file market, that t!ie acrea' e Columbia cause, if any there be, why said report as keeping an average ot 20 hens. ,. C. W. M o o r e , Department o f the Interior, U. S. P. umrej Bailey ui o f the Jt is probably fair to estimate estimate' | . ,, , ,l ‘ " Manager « * " » » « IJ. *. me I.mid Office at The Dalles, Oregon, • Register. should not be approved and an order made discharging aaiil administratrix that each hen will raise, during “ ‘ A ' . , ! *” ! ■'' ’ Pacific Power & Light company January 17th, 1911. te, duri and closing said estate. 'would he glutted, resulting in which is the llolfiing Notice is lien by given that Robert the coming Summer, a brood <8 . Is the place to get your choidle . .. .. . ........ "“O ‘ " / " r 'H '"r ! !’? " ;) P. Iiovce, of Portland, Oregon, who, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION A deline S e lling er , ------- . . . . h ea v y lo s s t o th e o r c h a r d is t erwming th e H o o d R iv e r L ig h t & ol viarch 16th, m o , made Timber and ( p u b l is h e r ) C igars , T obacco Administratrix of the estate of ten c h ic k e n s anil ciui in g . ^ According to the reports ; i ! •* «n ■- Power Co., in a sta oment at Die stone application No. «6232, for N1.-2S Department of The Interior, George Setlig^er, deceased. anceof the year will lay 12tloz> n jn e n t a p },]e g-powers and apple Dalles last week . : id in regard El-4, S I.M S ia-4, Section 6, Township v G andy , S o f t -D rinks U. S. I .and Office at The Dalles, Oregon, eggs. The worth chickens !.!•■ to ov r - 1 to tlie big plant the company is !1 N-'ith, Range 12 FWM., has filed P ool and B illiards tainiy lie A! should cents t. cei- ch b , „ y i (.rs js ¡¡.¡p. , • .... , ™ —v --- h - me cuuni. February 4th, 1911. ! notice o f intention to make Final NOTICE is hereby given that Jesse NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION when ready for market, and the A . . ‘' c“ A 1“ .’ ap' completing at White River: S. E. Francisco, Pr' °',vi r machine has o f Api il, 1911. lamette Meridian, has filed notice o f in­ C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. March 9. . .‘ |)e Chicago at -» Oregon. The plans o f the Pacific Power the M osier V alley B ank After 56 years, 6 rnorfihs, and o f land, to-wit: N W g N E * , Sec. 14, brought together for future prac­ St. Louli . . . 32.00 C. W. M oore , & Light company include the 15 days. Deceased was a mild- T. 1 N., R. 11 East, W. M. has ordered an additional Omafte tical and effective co-operation. Register. furnishing of power to many of mannered pirate, with a mouth Any persons claiming adversely the , Kansas 'City high grade fire-proof safe March IT. April 21 — A prominent feature of the re­ above-described lands are ad vis u to ‘St. Fail the ig irrigation p >jec' ; , .ong for whiskey and an eye for equipped with the lat “st im­ corn - ---- ------ otfftl ---------- 4fcla* ----------- ----------------- 0 mm ■> l _ | L ! _ 2 1 ^ . « • f file their claims, or objections, o or and frdm — ------------------------- port of the Promotion Committee th«“ Columbia river between this boodle. He came here at night proved steel Safe Deposit 'You 'Can TR e p a y Fare* before the day above designated lor o f the Portland Commercial Club NOTICE city and Pasco. Arrangements with another man’s wife and Boxes. sale. The Cotsnist fares are Westbound that has just been made to the only, hdt if you have relatives St have also bean made for the The Safe will lie installed Regular services at the Chris­ joined the church at the first C. W . M o o r e , friends or employees in the East whom business men who maintain the erection of a special power lire chance. He owed us seven dol­ tian Church Sdnday. alsiut May 1st, and the boxes Register. you desire to bring to this stats yot work deals with the splendid can deftosit'the value of the fare wife to Cnenowith creek to give power lars on the p:qier. You could will lie rented at a low Msrck IT. April tS Bible School at 10:00 a. m. your local raijfoad agent, u d an orttfe spirit shown by the whole state ami light service to the ranc! hear him pray six blocks away. monthly or yearly rental, fdr a'tlcket will be telegraphed to aS) Pleaching services at 11:15 a. in co-operating with this city. owners of that district. This He died singing, “ Jesus Paid II address desired. sufficient to cover interest on LOCAL TIME-TABLE m. and 7:30 p. m. Tributes to the state press wére 'Let the WORLD knew the investment. Applica­ line will also supply the light All,” and we think he was right, paid, for it was realized that Of odr vaet resources and splendid op­ Subject S u n d a y morning; o. 7 West bound 7:25 a. m. tions may he made now for and power for people wh |,u' as he never paid anything him­ portunities for without its help, little could lie “ Sonship.” o. 1 44 ” 3:H> p. m tin b n o 's ! : t w v il d in g self. He was buried in an as -1 tracts and build in Fruit-! Call on th* undeMigned for good in­ îtueomplksbed in the big develop­ o. 2 East “ 10:36 a. m. Suliject in the e v e n i n g ; i__ ; , . beslos casket and . . his structive prtpted mrftter to’kend E b A , land i . park, which the ur Washing- , . , . frienos “ Excellency of Knowledge.” ment movement under way o. 8 ” 4 4 6:30 p. m. or give him fee addreaeee of those fe , j threw palm leaves into his grave, He whom you would like to have sseh n st- fund u -Oregon Investment thr oughout the Pacific North­ Co. rer re/ . . hc may n w , them> His No. 17, at 5:30 p. m., flag stop er tent. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p. m. j CHOWN, Mosier M O SIER M A R K E T O re M osier - O regon TH E OAKS C O L O N IS T TARES west. It was conceded that the edi- ieck • j purchased from J. A. tombst me is a favorite resting Hood River News. ^ place for hoot owls.” —Ex. on Sundays only for Hood -River Minister. and Portland. K. H. SlCKAFOOSK, ^ Vs.. ... , W m . M c M urr /*