W . will pay an follow s f o r produca o f voad. freah qi all y. aad wo will liul taka olf com . m isaim : block hova............................................................. 10 - c Sm all V eal up to 130 pound* ' .................. 13c L arge live H u n *....................................... ,1 7 c Spring C hickens, liv e ....................... ................... 16c Dresccd C hicken*..................................18c and 19c E g g s, m arket price. Ship ua your ducks, turkeys, geese, pota toes. cabbage, apples and all other kinds o f fruit and vegetables F R A N K L. SM ITH M EAT C A "F l*h t‘ n * the Beef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON W e —ill sell you e g g packers complete with fillers -o r 15c each. w OULD $20 TO $30 WEEKLY ^ r ^ y in your spare hours. N o canvassing or solicit ing. A d dress HOME CIRCLE, BOX 1444. BOSTON. MASS K O D A K S AND KODAK SUPPLIES W r it« for catalogues and literature. Developing •ad printing. Mail orders given prompt attention P o r t l a n d P h o t o Supply C o . 148 T h ird Street P O R T L A N D . ORB. B E A U T I F U L POST CARDS FREE bend 2c stamp for ti\e twtnipletiof our verj t>**et Hold Embossed Birrhduy. I lower mid Good Luck Posts! Cards; beautiful colors hi d lovelies: dtsisus. Ari Pos, Card Club. <4> J.tckso:i tit., i ope kit. Run. m illionaire who dwells In W estchestel county asked her friends to a lun cheon to celebrate the "closed season for books.” The table was round, and In the center stood a Dutch pine tree with a pond containing flth. On the branches o f that tree hung miniature turkeys and sugar plums and fruit, and som ething from it was given to each little guest. And each turkey and sugar plum contained a dainty lit tle gift In jew elry from the hostess. OREGON AND WASHINGTON FARM L ik e C r ic k e t. H u n ter A ccordin g to the new football rules there will he three lnterm lsalons dur ing the game. That’s so much like dear old cricket, don’t you know. The whistle blow s, the game stops, the players fleck the dust from their cuffs. “ Come, boys,” says the trainer— al ways so gentlem anly and thoughtful •—“ com e and take som e tea.” So they trot across to the tiring room and sit around on the cushions, quite com fortably, and sip the fragrant Bohea, or the arom atic Lipton— clear, and with lumps, and when the whistle blow s the recall they put their spoons in their saucers and am ble back to the field prepared to renew the brutal Budging and wrist slapping. It was Just a lovely Idea to make th e on ce vicious sport, a between-tho- tea cups gam e, don’ t you think" e ra se r in Y eon Bldg.. Port.an J. Ore M o th e r s w ill fin d M rs. W t n s ic w "s S outhin g Syrup tu-- b - s t re m e d v to u s e f u l t h e ir c iiL d r e a l u r i n g t h e t e e t h iu g p e r io d . General Resum e o f Important Event Presented in C ondensed Form fo r O ur Busy Readers. EELM0:iT AUTO S C O Y m prt ihe ni si d.u: .‘U k ¡asiitki «u « ¿ri»ir. a* ; , i - !.. 1 if.j: i.»n fv ir ùu i ! 1 l i j n Atie Wufk. drill rrfi' ^ •>,«! iW wAfhie *’ of *"«• -Ah'». • f « e.*«; V* Vt£S\ urne» * $ i 0 wtt*. — rn l U. . r:M•, bELMONT AHT0 SCHOOL A realty C ompany . Last 234 aad Mar .issa, Pwtánd. Cr K T rerr 1 GasoMne and 1 W E S T E R N S K erosen e M A N T L E S L. A. KLEIN £ CO.. Inc.. Dish itili rs 28 Front S treet Portland, O r e ^ f Homesteads and Timber Lands Located It your F a r m or P r o p e r t y is F o r S a * e I Can Sell it QUICK lor CASH Send Description and Price. Address C. A . E L N G T S O N 500 Henry Bldg PO R TLA N D . ORE Skylights Tanks Gutters Down Spouts Steel Ceiling Cynical Florida Buck. / . C. BAYER Mr. B. Beachham, w ho recently re 2 0 4 Matkel Portland. Oregon turned from the forest, am ong other trophies of the hunt brought back a pair o f buck horns, and upon the ex trem e point o f each prong was the M u c h or L l t t l e T perfect form ation of a dog’s head. Mr. T h e new maid seem ed em inently Beacham ’s only reasonable conclusion Satisfactory, but the m istress o f the Ungrateful Baby. W hen a man brings his baby down Is that it 1s the result o f a form er ex bouse thought a few words o f advice tow n, and does the best he can for It. citing chase. A fter having It exquis w ould be Just as w ell. “ And rem em it makes him feel funny when the itely mounted he may present it to b er," she concluded, "that I expect baby sets up a yell and says: "I want the Sm ithsonian Institution at W ash you to be very reticent about what ington.— Orlando Reporter. you hear when you are waiting at m a m m a!” table." "C ertainly, madam, certain ly,” replied the treasure. But then her fa ce lit up with an Innocent cu riosity. "M ay I ask, madam. If there will bo much to be reticent about?” The heart is a wonderful double pump, through the O n ly O n « " B R O V iO Q U IN IN E ” action of which the blood stream is kept sweeping That ¡8 L A X A T I V E B K O M O Q U I N I N E . Look round and round through the body at the rate of seven for the Biirnature o f E . W . G K O V E . Used tlw miles an hour. “ Remember this, that our bodies W orld over to Cure a Cold in One D ay. 26c. will not stand the strain o f over-w ork without good, K in d to A n im a ls . pure blood any more than the engine can run smooth ly without o il.’ ’ A fter many years of study in the R em ove the sting of a wasp or bee active practice of medicine, Dr. R . V . Pierce found with a watch key, pressing the place that when the stomach was out of order, the blood with It; then rub the sting with a impure and there were symptoms of general break slice of raw onion, m oist tob a cco or a down, a tonic made of the glyceric extract o f certain damp blue bag.— Dally Mirror. Press roots was the best corrective. This he called gently, dry, dust with tora cld acid pow der and return It to the bee (or w asp).— Punch The Human Heart Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery Being made without alcohol, this “ Medical Discovery ’ ’ helps the stomach to assimilate the food, thereby curing dyspepsia. It is especially adapted to diseases attended with excessive tissue waste, notably in convalescence from various fevers, for thin-blooded people and those who are always “ catching cold .’ ’ Dr. Pierce’ s Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent on receipt of 31 one- cent stamps for the French cloth-bound book of 1008 pages. Address Dr If. V . Pierce, N o. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N . Y . C a n ary Is la n d T o n se th F lo r a l C o m p a n y CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS WEDDING DECORATIONS Special attention given to ou t-o f-tow n orders. C P C C Boys and g irls! Do you w ant a good m C C camera A B S O L U T E L Y F R E E / Not a toy. Takes good pictures. Send ad dress; wo will forw ard 24 p kgs. o f Postal Cards. Sell them to your friends and neigh bors at 10c per p kg. Return the money to us. W e will then send you this camera A B S O L U T E L Y F R E E . W r ite today. IHE HELPERS. Ellsw orth. Clarke Co.. W ash . 'CARTRIDGE! The straight shooting, hard-hit ting, sure-firing 22*s. A C ork in g G o o d o m o k e ! T h e reason w h y U M C .2 2 Cartridges are the best is that they are made with precisely the same care, the same_tested materials and undergo the same rigid safe guards, as the heavier calibre, big- A. game-shooting U M C ammunition. m M ONUMENTAL FULL 5 f WORTH U M C ,2 2 ’ s are also made with the heavy hollow point bullets, thereby increasing the\r shocking and killing p ow er over the old solid bullet. Write for P rice * ‘find ô o m p le Try Our New ' ‘ Lesmok” 2 2 ’t Sig.ôichel&Co. U M C .2 2 short, .2 2 long, .2 2 long rifle “ Lesm ok," Smokeless and Black P o w d e r — as you PORTLAND “ p,RÉ. W h o lesa le1 A genH •*' • with. Targets Supplied Free ' THE UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. Ageacj : Mexican rebels bring their wounded to the border and Americans take care o f them, but they are not per mitted to return to the rebel ranks. It is alleged that naval secrets have been given to Brazil by Secretary of State Knox in order to secure con tracts for battleships for [American bidders. White settlers on the Siletz reserva tion in Oregon have petitioned Gover nor West to put a stop to lawlessness among the Indians, and threaten to take the law into their own hands if the governor refuses. The National grange has notified the senate finance committee that the pro posed reciprocity treaty has already caused a drop o f 7 cents in the price o f wheat, and that the granges will fight the measure to a finish. What is practically civil war pre vails in the plague stricken district of Manchuria. Thousands of unemployed men have turned bandits and are loot ing villages. Chinese troops sent to stop the plundering have been defeat ed repeately. 299 Broadway, New York City clothes for an hour or two. Afterw ard ’ rv tn the onen elr If possible. STOP THAT — Stomach Trouble before it becom es serious —do it right now. Hos tetler’s Stomach Bitters is the quickest and surest medicine for you to take. Thousands have proven it. Start today. It is for Heartburn, Poor A p petite, Indigestion, Colds ar.d Malaria. INSIST ON GETTING HOSTETTER’S BITTERS Goatherds from the hills around San Ignacio brought news of a severe de feat of government troops by Mexican insurgents. Oregon good roads enthusiasts are rejoicing over the passage by the leg islature o f four most important good roads bills. A memberjof parliament was sus pended for severely criticising the speaker and was obliged to openly apologize to regain his seat. /• am Monroe & Crisell PO H TLAN D , O REG O N DAIRY MACHINERY and SUPPLIES«* H o m e s te a d e r TRY M U R IN E TO LEARN TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AUTOMOBILES. The Rayo Lamp io a high grade lamp, »old at a low price. There are lam ps o* that cost more, but there Is I n<> better lam p made at a n f price. Constructed o f solid brass; n ickel plated—easily kept clea n . an ornament to anv room In any bon*e. The re] "n o th ira known to the art o f lam p-m aking that can add to the ra in e o f the R A T O l-am p a s a i'f b U airin g device. "E ve ry dealer everywhere If not at youra. writ fat descriptive circular to the nearest agency o f the T h is w on defu! man haa m ade a lifa study o f the properties o f Roots, H erb s and Barks, and ie giv in g the world the benefit o f his services. | No Mercery, Poiaeoe I or Drags Deed. No | Operations or C s U la f Guarantees to cure Catarrh. A rh m a, Loner. Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private sea of M r. and Women. Tha '« • « • N e w York N o v e m 1 , 1 9 1 1 , and the Second from S a n ber Francisco. February 17, 1912. , C O F F E E '. T E A S P IC E S CLEVELAND (&% ) BAKING POWDER a EXTRACTS Duration JCffl e l e e U e d r a w n e 110 D ays 90JU n . M e l a n Optional Tours o f 17 DAYS IN INDIA JU S T RIGHT 14 DAYS IN JAPAN. Send for Illustrated Booklet. c u k s e t a DEVE» ^ HAMBUR6-AMERI6AN L I N E 4 1 -4 5 BROADW AY. N E W YORK. ISO’S If * M g ro r TM * b c s C O U C H S t ». oat. J JW TLA N O . « M C M C O lC I N I C O L O B 6 Possibly. Mr. Styles— "I s«e that, on an a v e r i age, over *0 reputed centenarians die each yeer, In England and W ales.* Mrs. Styles— "O h . that’s too bad I Do yon suppose those heavy fogs they have over there have anything to de *U h U? REM EDY SHoiv - K u rc is not a “food” —it is a medicine, and the only medicine In the world for cows only. M a d e for th e c o w a n d , a s Its n a m e In d ica tes, a coui c u r , . B a r r e n n e ss, retain ed a fterb irth , a b o r tio n ,s c o u r s ,c a k t d u d d er, an d all sim ila r a ffection s p o s itiv e ly an d q u ic k ly cu red . No o n e w h o k eep s c o w s , w h e th e r m a n y or few j c a n afford to be w ith o u t ’ 'K o u t - K urm . It it m a d e e s p e c ia lly to keep c o w « h e a lth y O u r book “ W h a t to D o W h e n Y o u r C o w s A r e S i c k ".s e n t free A s k y o u r lo c a l d ea le r for * 'K o w - K u r e , “ or se n d to th e m a n u fa c tu r e r s. Dairy A s s o c ia tio n C o., Lyndonvtlla. VL PORTLAND M AR K ETS. ALCO H O L (u re PUTNAM Hay fed sheep and lambs 50c lower than grain fed. Address Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Binghamton, N . Y . P u z z le B e y o n d S o lu tio n . PILES CU KED IN 6 TO 14 D A Y S . Your drustrist will refund money if P A Z O O IN T - M K N T fsd s to r u r e »n y ense o f Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pilee in 6 to 14 days. 50c. W ithout Falsa 8tart. No man can be happy or successful or o f use to others unless he does what ho la best fitted to do. Instinct will tell hint what that Is. It Is for him to think long and seriously b efore he begins his life work, and then be gin It without any false starts. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, small, suear- couted, easy to take as ciinUy, recuiate and invigorate stomach, liver anil bow els and cure constipation. always do 1 exactly what you 1 expect ot them. For sale \ everywhere. FERRY'S IftU S U B | | ANNUAL Free on request D . M . F E R R Y A C O ,D e tr o it. M M u l B o a r d e r s In the W o rld . The people who live In houses, and sleep on beds, and walk on pavsm .nta, and buy their food from butchers and bakers and grocers, are not the most t o s s e d Inhabitants of this wide and various earth. The circumstances ot their existence are too mathematical and secure for perfect contentment. They live at second or third hand. They are boarders In the world. Everything Is done for them by som e body else— Henry Van Dyke. , “ D o It N o w . " "W ith h old not good from them to whom It Is due, when It Is In tha power of thy hand to do It. Bay not unto thy neighbor: Oo, and coma again, and tomorrow I will give, when thou hast It by thee.”— Proverbs of Solomon III, 27, 18. Bad B LO O D M et Death In Hot staren. A fearful death wns that of a man named John Baird at a mill In New York. As he bent over a large vat filled with boiling starch, he slipped and fell Into the hot mixture. He was literally boiled to death before work men dragged his body from the vat with hooks attached to a rope. The hot starch had reduced the m an’s clothing to fragments. "Before I began nsing Cascarets I had a bad complexion, pimples on my face, and my food was not digested as it should have been. Now I am entirely well, and the pitnplea have all disappeared from my face. I can truthfully say that Cascareia are just as advertised; I have taken only two boxes of them .” Clarence R. Griffin. Sheridan, Ind. PL*aamnt. PmlmtBbla. P otrnL T«at« Good. Do Good. N « v « r Siek«n. W eaken or G rip«, 10c, 26c. 60c. N ever aold in bulk. T*» b *wn- Dina tablet atamped C C G . Guaranteed t*> cure or your money beck. No. «—' l l P N U ii*T woo dM kraal prue !or Rom at the Seattle F.ipaaitiaa Tear. TWy we plantea w Portland' * m dens Lwp iy. ir S0N Heid allait by euren. Send potili lor dialogue toda y. THE THE S SIB ROSE NURSERIES. 1180 C, Mdwaukie A< - Pwtlaad, • O - reitoa W IlKN writing' to advertlsera pl< in «ml Ion this paper. KING 45 CORDS SAWED IN ONE WOODS PO W ER D RAG SAW IN L A T E W INTER Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem, 81c; club, 78c; red Russian, 76-77c; AND EA R L Y SP R IN G W e seld om feel JU S T RIGHT valley, 80c; forty-fold, 78-79c. Barley Feed, $23-23.50 ton; brew A t such a time KASfUILU is the best and ing, nominal. latest Blood Purifier, the moat successful Millstuffs— Bran, $21-22 per ton; prescription for spring humors «nd such middlings, $27-28; shorts, $22-24; lisorders of the blood as boils, pimples, puatiAes, blotches, sores and cutaneoui rolled barley, $25.50-20.50. Com Whole, $28; cracked, $29 ton eruptions. Kasparilla is admitted to b< :he best remedy for that lack of energy Oats— No. 1 white, $27-27.50 ton. the peculiar debility so prevalent Hay—Track prices; Timothy, East ind luring the close o f winter and the opening ern Oregon, No. 1, $19-20; mixed, it spring. For derangements of the di $16-18; alfalfa, $12-12.50; grain hay, gestive organs it is a natural corrective, $13-13.50; clover, $11-12. jperating directly upon the liver and ali Apples— Fancy, $1.50-2.50; choice, mentary canal, gently but persistently ttimulating a healthy activity. lti $1-1.25; common, 50c-$l per box. Green Fruits Pears, $1.50-1.75 per beneficial influence extends, however, to box; cranberries, $13.50 per barrel. ¡very portion of the system, aiding in the processes of digestion and assimilation of Vegetables — Cabbage, $1.25-1.50 | iood, promoting a wholesome, natural per cwt; celery, California, $3-3.25 ippetite, correcting sour stomach, bad per crate; garlic, 10-12c per lb; ireath, irregularities of the bowels, con- pumpkins, 2c; sprouts, 8c; carrots, itipation and the long list of troubles 90c-$l per cw t.; parsnips, $1; tur lirectly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi nips, 90c-$l; beets, $1.25. Potatoes —Oregon, buying prices; ness, headache, backache and despond ency due to inactivity o f the liver, $1.25-1.40 per cwt. kidneys and digestive tract. It is a Onions- Buying price- $2.50 per j strengthening tonic of the highest value. cwt. Poultry — Live: Hens, 18-19c; THE BEST SPRINQ MEDICINE springs, 18-18Jc; turkeys, 20c; UOYT C h em ical C o . Portland, Oregon ducks, 20-23c; geese, 12-12}c' Dressed: Turkeys, choice, 23-25c. Eggs Oregon ranch, candled, 21- 22|c per dozen. Butter—City creamery, extras, 1 1$ our prid#—oop hobby—our study for 7 <’«r* uni and 2-pound prints, in boxes, 33c per ■ow oarfiurcoM, and n u n la the b«-at \ ainl««M work bo found •aywhoro. Bo matter how much yoa pound; less than boxes, cartons and to pay. Compare our Price«. n W * flnlnh pinto and delivery extra. brhltf« work for out- Pork— Fancy, 11-11 Jc per pound. o f-to w n patron« 1 b on« day if deal red. Veal Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, 134- Falnlcaa aitraction frne when platea or 14c per pound. bridge work la order ed. CaaauHatiaa fraa. Hops 1910 crop, 18l-19c; 1909 MolarCrawr.t $ 5 . crop, 12-14c; contracts, 15-16c. 22k Bridie T.etl.4 Wool Eastern Oregon, 12-18c, ac G ol4 .'¡Uisft 1.1 cording to shrinkage; valley, 17-19c; E ssim I Filings 1. O l mohair, choice, 30c per pound. Silver Flltinfs . 5 C Cattle Prime steers, $6-6.85; good 5. CO to choice, $5.75-6; fair to good, $5.25-5.75; common, $4-5; choice to 7.5! prime cows, $5-5.25; good to choice Paini««« Evtr'tlae : 8 beef cows, $4.75-5; common to fair A U w o r k fu lly g u a r a n te e d fo r f lf t s e n years. beef cows, $2-4; choice spayed h eif C o.,i» c. era, $5.25-5.50; good to choice heif ers, $5-5.25; choice to good fat bulls Painless Dentists $4.25-4.50; fair to good fat bulls M i n « Building, Till’ ll roe W ltM ueto. BOSTUN0. 0 W OttlM s . « r . : l l X . k i r . i l l i » 4 * y ..l t * l $3-3.50; good to choice light calves $7.75-8; fair to good light calves, $7 7.50; good to choice light calves $3.75-4,75; good to choice stags, $5 5.25; fair to good stags, $4-4.50;. K ê d e y OPIUM—TOBACCO Habite Positively Cared. Hogs Choice, $8.25-8.75; good to O n l/anthorlsed Keeler f a . choice, $8-8.25; poor, $7-7.50. f ille t s la Oregon. W r it« foe IHaatrated clr»-e 1er. Sheep — Choice yearling wethers, i m i T ia r r T T «T v n i.1 i HI ■ . grain fed, $4.25-4.60; old wethers, grain fed, $4-4.25; choice ewes, grain P o R T L A N t D . 0 R E G O N . fed, $3.50-4.50; fair to medium ewes, grain fed, $2.75-3.25; choice lambs, grain fed, $5.75-6; good to choice, g n in fed, $6.60-5.75; fair to good, $4.50-5.50; poor lambs, $2.50-3.50. l” » deceptive thousands have it and d on ’t know it. I f you w ant „ „ „ I rr„ u lu you can maka no m istake by using Dr. K ilm er’s S w am p -R oot, the great kidney rem edy. A t d ruggists in fifty . cent and dollar sizes. Sam ple bottle by m ail freet also pam phlet telling you how to find ou t if yoa have kidney trouble. The pickpocket business must be In hard lines. One fellow , driven to des peration It would seem, m ade an at tem pt to pick a wom an's pocket In a New York theatre. That he did not find the pocket Is understood without the saying. W h e r e Is He? W h a t has become of the old-fash- loned boy who referred to hla knife as a “ frog sticker?” And what, by the way, has become of the old-fash ioned Barlow knife? Use Rays of 8un. Curved mirrors, concentrating the s e t 's rays upon a point beneath them, constitute a machine being tried out In South Africa to sm elt metals di rectly from the ores. K ID N E Y * T R O I IR I F IIA U U D L E . I The confidence felt by farmers and 1 gardeners In Ferry’s S.-cds to-day i would have been impossible to led in 1 any seeds two score ol years 1 ago. \Jc have made a 1 science of seed 1 growing. T o C le a n E n a m e l. W ise D ental Flret to U .. failing in its works. The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. OREGON A 1 Just received from Pekin. China- safe, n r t and reliable. [ R O U N D the W O R L D A S U R E C A N C E R CURE I f you cannot cat'., w rite fo r sym ptom blank an d circular. Inclose 4 c en ts in «tam ps. C ONSULTATION IHCC ?>« gvd uoi Tn* * ” T t W O G R A N D C R U ISES — ■ ja The Chinese Doctor Automobile School of Oregon PORTLAND, S T A N D A R D OIL C O M P A N Y (Incorporated* C. Gee Wo Thorough, practical and unlimit ed course. W e aaaist students to secure positions as chauffeurs, repairmen, etc. W rite LYE fo r Bed, W eak, W eary, W atery Eyes and G ranulated Eyelids. Murine D oesn’t Sm art— Soothes E ye Pain. D ruggists Sell Murine E ye Rem edy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00 M urine Eye S alve in A septic Tubes, 25c. $1.00. E ye B ooks and E ye A d v ice F ree b y Mall. Murine E ye R em edy Co., Chicago. W e ijrh t lfiftO Ib e .; 4 H . P . W ate rlo o E n g in e , water cooled. P u II h ita e lf fo rw a rd » and b a c k w a rd « . Sled 4x 7 f i c t . U hch o n ly 4 g a l. d is tilla t e p c r d a y a t B H e p er k h I. G e t d e s c rip tiv e ca ta lo g and ap cc ia l p rice « . H ill C a ta lo g fren h o ff p re«n; w r it e fo r one. W e ala* b uild W oll D r illin g Machine»-« R E IE R S O N M A C H I N E R Y C O . 184 Morrison St., Portland W . L. D O U G L A S H s V ij * 2 . 60 » 3 • 3 .» » & * 4 S h o e s 1 1 S T B E W A R E O F M U B 3 T IT U T E M , H |EFUSE all substitutes claimed to be Mjust as good,” the true ralues of which are unknown. You ara _ _____ entitled to the best.« Insist upon having the genuine W . L. Douglas shoes with his name and price on the bottom. W . I«. Dou^la* ahoea cost m ore to m ak e than ordinary ahoca, beenux higher grad e Icatlicra are uaod and «elected with ^r«*ater care ; every y the moat «k illed organ isation delai I In the m aking la watched oyer by untrv. . T h e«« _ are the reason« w h y W .L . ______ tl o f expert alioemakera in thia oountr il their ahape, sh ape, look and fit better 1 m *I Dougina idioe* aro guaranteed to h old and wear longer than an - o th e r ahoea you can buy If your dealer cannot au-vply you with the genuine W.L.I>otur1a* ahoea, write catalog, Hhoea ntioes vent direct uireoi from rrmn factory raciory to n> wearer, all an ehartfe« rnargea . _ B O V ~ S ’ SHOES _ _ for Matt _____ order Caialox. Î VV. ! . . llu u a lM .. ■ 4 A S p a r k « . . . U r .r l . l o n . »1 » . . . « 2 OO, « 2 .5 0 4 S 3 . 0 0 ore paid. < I S * » t ? Painless Dentistry YOUNG MEN WANTED at 1P2. That It Is never too late to work has been proved by Mr. Louis Carpenter, aged 102 years, who bus applied to the Saskatobn Land Office for a hom e stead. Mr. Carpenter Is strong, vigor ous and active, and is anxious to pro cure a preemption in addition.— L on don Standard W hen the enam el becom es d iscol ored, scour it with a dump flannel dipped In garden mold, then rinse It In plenty o f water. In this way the cleaning Is effected without causing scratches o r other damage. Russia disregards the protests of the powers and continues her preparations for war upon China. A guard will protect Count Ap- ponyi, former Hungarian minister, when he appears in Chicago. Our two complete 1911 Catalogs will illus trate and explain the many superior points 0f excellence o f the complete high-grade lines o f Dairy and Creamery Machinery and Supplies and Gasoline Engines which i we carry. These valuable books are com plete guides and are sent postpaid free o f charge upon receipt o f name and address. Send in your request now. State whether you wish Dairy or Creamery Catalog. O n e T h in g That W ill Live Forever, Arbuckle Bros, have a corner on coffee and prices are rising as a re sult. The Oregon legislature has left nine measures to be voted on by referen dum at the 1912 elections. Be One of the First PETTIT’S EYE SALVE, first box sold in 1807, over 1 X) years ago, sales in crease yearly. All druggists or How ard Bros., Buff do, N. Y. W. H. Corbett, president o f the Willamette Iron and Steel works, is dead. Aberdeen, Wash-.^iuillfmen refuse On the Canary Islands the soil Is to buy “ stray” logs, as too many logs <o rich that It Is devoted alm ost ex disappear from the booms and rafts. --------------------------------------------------------- - T à z Congressman Hill, o f Connecticut, prophesies that Taft will hold con gress in session all summer ofj neces sary, to pass a reciprocity measure. S o li. clusively to the cultivation o f the vine and fruits and m ost of the food con sumed has to be Imported. Vegetarian Boeta ana snoee. An enterprising manufacturer has discovered a process w hereby a pass able Imitation o f leather may be man ufactured from a vegetable product The novelty ow es lls Introduction tc London vegetarians, who shuddered at the thought o f the num ber o f anim al: that w ere killed annually to keep hu inanity in boots. The Imitation leatb er Is being used for the manufacture o f boots, shoes, Bible rovers and a hundred other articles usually found In the art leather department. American officers are making the C re a se d G a rm e n ts . Mexican rebels proficient soldiers. Clothes packed away during summer A recurrence o f violent outbreaks are often very creased. T o rem ove the o f cholera is threatened in Southern creases hang the article on a clothes- Italy. l.ne In the bath room , shut door and Impeachment of the Japanese cab window, turn on the hot water tap to inet, headed by Marquis Katsura, is I fill the room with steam, and leave the dem anded by the d iet. INSIST UPON Lau n d ry. One instrument of cleanliness found In a first-class laundry is a rubber eraser. "T hat Is needed to rub the pencil marks from cuffs,” said the manager. “ W e used to throw that kind of correspondence Into soap wa ter and try to wash It clean, but m arks made by som e pencils soaked In Instead o f washing out, and left the cuffs splotched and streaked, so they are now treated to a preliminary dry scrub with an eraser.” Doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. H A R R Y M . C O U R T R IC H T To Brighten Old Gilt. O ld gilt, such as the gilded frame* >f chairs, or cld picture fram es and mirror«, If tley do nSt require re siding entirely, may be brightened by islng an excellent m ixture of three 3uncea of white of e s s and an ounce >f chloride o f potash or soda. This ihould be painted over the surface with a feather or a w ater-color paint brush. ___________________ Tight eaa ccrurs the cliest means a cold on tu lungs. T a ’s h • da ger signal. Cure that cold with Hamlins Wizard Oil before it runs into i oiisiimption or Pneu monia. ___________________ LANDS B o u g h t a n d So.d ■ J u st CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Juvenile Entertainment to Date. The small daughter o f a New York Send Your Produce to FRANK L SM11H “ S P O H N ’S ” A « this very remarkable preparation Is called, is the area tee t Constitutional Remedy ev known for Brood Mare«. Colt«, Stallions and a Other horses; also Dixtemper among Do«rs an Sheep. This compound Is made o f the purest in* gredtents and not an atom o f poisonous ac in Juri- ous nature enter» Into It« composition. Many persons are now taking 8P O H N '8 for LaGripp«k Colds, Coughs, Kidney Trouble, etc., and It la al ways ea e. It expel« the Disca*e Germ» from tha body: act« directly on tho Blood and Glands. RPOHN S Is now sold by nearly every druggiet and harnass dealer In the land, and any can get It for you, or »end with remittance of prico to tho manufacturer«, who will «hip to your order, e x - prens paid. Fifty cents and 91.00 a botUik and 96.00 and 910 the doeen. 'M U 3 Record o f Annual Sales. 1st Y e a r ........................................ i - A ÛUARANTTBD CUfeg A8D PREVENTIVE -T O « -' ' S ' Distemper. InfloeW l tjm. EplioMlc «H CsUerlm« Fever. ' ml m mm î I M h ï - î ! 1,063 Bottlaa Sold 9rd Y m * . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... 9.289 ..................... 19.160 9th Y e a r ...................... ...................... 40.2F4 6th Y e a r ..................... ..................... 72.380 ??h Y e a r ...................... ................... 100, f 82 Sth Y e a r ..................... ..................... 124.500 kih Y e a r ..................... ................... 172.486 221.760 10th Y e a r ..................... 287.620 11th Y e a r ..................... 878.962 *08.720 648.260 14th Y e a r ..................... cm Send for our Booklet of twelve got family and «rock medicines, FREE, uieet y J * SPOHN MEDICAL CO., ¡5 5 8 * 1 ¿y o n * m p io AL "" sei M a — G°»haw, Indiana r a r / 1V Ckenisti u l Badcrifiltfists, GOSHEN, N D , FADELESS U. L L DYES Color m ore Roods brlRhter and faster colors than any other dye. One TOc package t^ojors silk, v rool and cotton K u « l M ^ B o f i S r ¿ « v o I3 c 5 * f MTt, o tiz jm u v