vDOWL him to an abrupt standstill, heart ham muring bUuineiui.y ag&iu. Uamenag hlmsuif to spring, It uuod be, ne crepi back toward the Horary windows, and reconnoitering cautiously uetuim.ueu the taut that the bolls bad Just been withdrawn on the lusldo of one win dow frame, which was swinging Wiue. “ It’s a wise crook that provides hla own quick exit,” considered Maitland. The sagacious one was not, appar­ ently, leaving at that moment. On the contrary, having made all things ready for a burrled flight upon the Ural alarm, the Intruder turned baek, as was clearly Indicated by the motion of the light within. The clink of steel C O »Y W IO H T I 9 Ö 7 — T M l fc O ft ft »- A 4 » * * IL.L. CO. touching steel became audibiei and further evidence; and got his reward Maitland nodded. Hanne-.man was in­ SYNOPSIS. r _____ deed Justified: at that very moment in a sickening gust. **Mad" D an M aitland, on reaching his “ Tank leaked,” he commented with the safe was being attacked. N e w York bachelor club, m et an a ttr a c ­ Maitland returned noiselessly to the tive young w om an at the door. Jan itor brevity. “ Quart of the stuff must have O ’H agan assured him no one had been trickled out right here. Ugh! If it (joor. Ills mouth had settled Into a within that day. Dan discovered a w om ­ an’s finger prints In dust on his desk, goes on at this rate, there'll be another j hard, unyielding, thin line; and a dan­ along w ith a letter from his attorney. breakdown before she gets home.” | gerous light flickered In his eyes. M altl and dined with Banneratnn. his a t­ emporarily the idler had stepped her right, too!” he torney. Dan set out fo r Greenfields, to And, "Serve get his fa m ily jew els. D u rin g his walk aside, giving place to the real man growled, vindictive. to the country seat, he m et the young But for all his Indignation he ac­ that was Maitland—the man ready to woman In g ray, w hom he had seen leav- Ing his bach elors’ club. H e r auto had knowledged a sneaking wish that he light for his o «n , naked hands against broken down. H e fixed it. might be at hand again, in such event, fliearms, if It need be. True, he had CHAPTER II.—Continued. a second time to give gratuitous serv­ but to step into thq gunroom to find weapons In plenty; bnt these mtist be “ Don't!” she Insisted—as much as ice to his gray lady. to aay that he was fabricating and she Analyzing this frame of mind (not then loaded to be of service, and knew It! "W e must hurry, you know, without surprise and some disdain of precious moments wasted In the pro­ because . . . There, I’ve dropped him who weakly entertained it) be cess— moments In which the burglar my handkerchief! Uy the tree, there. crossed the drive and struck in over might gain access to and make off Do you mind— ?” the lawn, shaping his course direct for wtth his booty. Maitland had no notion whatever of "O f course not." He set off swiftly tue front entrance of the house. toward the point Indicated, but on By dead reckoning the hour was permitting anything of the sort to roacblng It cast about vainly for any­ two, or something later; and a chill oecnr. He counted upon taking his thing in the nature of a handkerchief. was stealing In upon the land, wafted enemy unawares, difficult as he be­ In the midst of which futile quest a gently southward from Dong Island lieved such a feat would be. In the change of tempo in the motor's Im­ sound. All the world beside himself case of a professional cracksman. Down the hallway he groped his way patient drumming surprised him. seemed to slumber, breathless, In­ Startled, he looked up. Too late; sensate. Wralth-like, gray shreds of to the library door, his fingers at the girl was In the seat, the car In mist drifted between the serried boles length encountering its panels; it wns motion—already some yards from the of trees, or, rising, veiled the moon’s closed, donbtir-ss secured upon the In­ point at which he had left It. Dis­ wan and pallid face, that now was low side; the slightest movement of the mayed, he strode forward, raising his upon the horizon. In silent rivalry handle was cs'.wlilted to »Jarm tiie __ _ " pTift velvct-hlsrk shadows skulked '’ n r - ‘ H - 'i C — —— Voice In perturbed expostulation. “ But—I say— ! ” Over the rear of the seat a gray gauntlet was waved at him, as tanta­ lizing as the mocking laugh that came to his ears. He paused, thunderstruck, appalled by this monstrosity of Ingratitude. The machine gathered Impetus, drawing swiftly away. Yet In the still­ ness the farewell of the gray girl came to him very clearly. "Qood-by!" with a laugh. “ Thank you and good-by— Handsome Dan!” ^ZOUijdOjíPHÚtíCZ, C H A P T E R dll. “ Handsome Dan.” Standing in the middle of the road, watching the dust cloud that trailed the fast disappearing motor car, Mr. Maitland cut a figure sufficiently for­ lorn and disconsolate to have distilled pity from the least sympathetic henrt. His hands were thrust stiffiy at full arm’s length Into his trousers pockets; a rumpled silk hat was set nwry on the back of his head; his shirt bosom was sadl)^ crumpled; above the kneeB, to a casual glance, he presented the appearance of a man carefully attired In evening dress; below, hts legs were sodden and muddled, his «shoes of patent leather, twin wrecks. Alas for Jaunt iness and elegance, alack for ease and aplomb! "Tricked,” observed Maitland, ens ually, and protruded his lower lip, thus adding to the length of a counten­ ance naturally long. “ Outwitted by a chit of a girl! Dammit!” But this was crude melodrama. Real­ izing which, he strove to smile; a sor­ ry failure. “ 'Handsome Dan,"’ quoted he; and cocking his head to one side eyed the road Inquiringly. “ Where in thun­ der d’you suppose sho gut hold of that name?” Bestowed upon him In callow col­ lege days, It had stuck burr-like for many a weary year. Of late, however, Its use had lapsed among his acquain­ tances; he had begun to congratulate himself upon having lived It down. And now It was resurrected, flung at him In slncerest mockery by a woman whom, to his knowledge, he had never before laid eyes upon. Odious appella­ tion, hateful Invention of an ingenious enemy! At That Very Moment the Sate Was Being Attacked. “ ‘Handsome Dan!’ She must have known me all the time— all the time I ncross the ample breadths of dew- eratlng another and better plan, hav­ was making an exhibition of myself. drenched grass. Somewhere a bird ing In mind a Bhort passageway con­ . . . ’Wentworth?’ 1 know no one of stirred on Its unseen perch, chirping necting library and smoking room. In that name. Who the dickens can sleepily; and In the rapt alienee the the library Itself a heavy tapestry cur­ Inconsiderable Interruption broke with tained Us opening, while an eqttnlly she be?” heavy portiere took the [dace of a door If It had not been contrary to bis stnrtling stress. In time— not long—the house lifted at the other end. In the natural order code of ethics, he would gladly hnve of things a burglar would overlook raved, gnashed his teeth, footed the Into view; a squat, rambling block of this. home-grown architecture with little to dance of rage with hts shadow. In­ Inch by Inch the young man edged recommend It save Its keen associa­ deed, his restraint wns admirable, the circumstances considered. He did tions and Its comfort. At the edge of Into the smoking room, the door to nothing whatever but stand still for u the woods the lord and master paused which providentially stood unclosed. matter of flve minutes, vainly racking Indefinitely, with little purpose, sur­ Once within. It was but a moment's his memory for a clue to the identity veying Idly the pale, columned facade, work to feel his way to the velvet atm wondering whether or not his en­ folds and draw them aside, fortunately of "Miss Wentworth.” At length he gave it up In despair trance nt that ungodly hour would without rattling the brass rings from and abstractedly felt for his watch fob. rouse the staff of house servants. If which the curtain depended. And then Which wasn't there. Neither, Investi­ It did not lie contemplated with mild Mnltland was in the passage, acutely gation developed, wns the wntch. At amusement the prospect of their sur­ on the alert, recognizing from the con­ which crowning stroke of misfortune prise when, morning come, they should tinued click of metal that bis antagon 1st to be was still at his difficult task. — the timepiece must have slipped find the owner In occupation. from his pocket into the water while "Bannerman was right,” ho con­ Inch by Inch— there was the tapestry! Very gently the householder pushed It be was tinkering with that Infamous ceded ; "any— ” aside. carbureter— Maitland turned eloquent­ The syllables died upon his lips; his An Insidious aroma of scorching var­ ly red In the face. gaze became fixed; his heart thumped "The price," he meditated aloud, wildly for an Instant, then rested still; nish (the dark lantern) penetrated the with an effort to resume his pose, "Is nnd Instinctively he heltl his breath, passage while he stood on its thresh­ a high one to pay for a wove of a gray tip toeing to the edge of the veranda glove and the echo of a pretty laugh." the better to command a view of the With which final fling at Fortune he library windows. act off again for Maitland Manor, These opened from celling to floor trudging heavily but at a round pace nnd should by rlRht have presented to through the dust that soon settled his vision a blank expanse of dark upon the damp cloth of his trousers glass. But, oddly enough, even while legs and completed their ruination thinking of his lawyers warning, he But Maitland was beyond being dis­ had fancied. . . . “ A h !” said Only Thing to Do When One Pick« Up Lott Property. turbed by such trifles. A wounded Maitland, softly. vanity engaged hla solicitude to the A disk of white light, perhaps a foot When one Is on the public thorough­ exclusion of all other Interests. or 18 Inches In diameter, had flitted fare or In the street car or train ot At the end of 45 mluutes he had swiftly across the glass and vanished boat and picks up an object that I* covered the remaining distance be­ "Ah, ah! The devil, the devil!" valuable. Is It his? tween Orccnflcld station and Maitland murmured the young man, uncon Manor. For flve minutes more lie True, he may find something which ■etously. strode wearily over the side path by Is too small and trifling to warrant The light appeared again, dancing the box hedge which set aside Ills ances­ searching to find the owner, inch as a tral acres from the public highway. At athwart the Inner wall of the room, handkerchief, a pair of gloves, etc. and waa lost as abruptly as before. On length, with an exclamation, he paused I But when he finds something of value. at the first opening In the living bar- Impulse Maitland buttoned his top­ It Is not his until he has done every­ rler; a wide entrauce from which a coat across his chest, turning up the thing In hi* power to find the owner. blue stone carriage drive wound away collar to hide his linen, darted stealthily The street railways and trains are to the house. Invisible In the waning a yard or two to one side, and with so systematized to-day that If, when one noiseless bound reached the floor light, situate In the shelter of the one finds an object of value, he returns of the veranda. A breath later he It to the company’! representative. It grove of trees that studded the lawn. stood by the front door, where, at "Gasoline! B rrr!” said Maitland, la almost sure to catch up with Its shuddering and shivering with the first glanre. be discovered the meant owner. Every person of Intelligence combination of a nauseous odor and of entrance used by the midnight ma­ knows that the first place to Inquire the night's coolness— the latter by now rauder; the doors stood ajar, a black for It Is at the lost and found depart­ making Itself as uaplearautly promi Interval showing between them. ment. So that, then, waa the way! Cau a* nt as the former. When, however, one Is on the street Though he hated the smell with all lloualy Maitland pul a hand upon the and finds something which, If he loet his heart, manfully Inconsistent he knob and pushed. It himself, he would very much like raised his heart, sauna* the ato lur A sloti u. uuuciraUn* squeak brought | te hare returned, there are the oet- DAILY DOINGS OF OREGON STATE LAWMAKERS AT SALEM S T E A M E R OSKOSH LOST. old, feeling for the electric light switch. Unhappily be missed this at Turns Turtle Off Clatsop Beach— En­ the first cast, and—heard from within gineer Alone Escapes. a quick, deep hiss of breath. Some­ thing bad put the burglar on guard. Astoria, Feb. 14.— The gasoline Another Instant wasted, and It schoner Oskosh, belonging to the El­ Salem, Feb. 10.— With friends o( Salem, Feb. 14.— The senate this would be too late. The young man more fleet of coasting vessels, bound morning cleared away a mass of de­ the Benate good roads bills denounc­ had to chance It. And he did, without 1 from Tillamook to the Umpqua river bris which had accumulated on the ing methods used by some of the further hesitation stepping boldly Into with a small cargo of flour, turned desk. Almost forgotten resolutions, lobbyists who have been working the danger zone, at the same time turtle about 10 o'clock Monday morn- which had lost potency were dragged against them, the house took up con­ ; ing near the striped buoy, half a making one final, desperate pass at the sideration of the subject this morn­ mile south of the end of the Columbia out and given the death thrust, so spot where the switch should have river jetty, and six of her crew, in­ the decks may be cleared for the last ing. The fate of the bills at present been—and missing it. On the Instant cluding the captain, were drowned, rush of legislation. Bills postponed appears to be in doubt and great there came a click of a different cali­ the engineer, George May, being the Indefinitely Included Albee's proposed fear Is now expressed by many of the members that there will be no ber from those that had preceded It. ¡only survivor. She left Tillamook regulation of street paving companies, A revolver had been cocked, some­ early Saturday morning, the fact of by which they would have been re­ good roads legislation at this aesbion. The opponents of the proposed where there in the blank darkness. her being lightly laden no doubt quired to complete contracts within six months, and Abraham's measure measures resorted to desperate meas­ Maitland knew enough not to move. contributing greatly to the disaster. ures last night. One of the stories The lost are: Captain Thomas La­ providing a detailed classification of In another respect the warning came they circulated was that the mem­ railroad rates. too, late; his fingers had found the tham, one of the best known steam­ Another hill put to sleep was Kella- bers of the Umatilla county com­ switch at last, and automatically bad boat men In this section; William R. her’s plan for half rates on long dis­ mittee which came up to urge the Deane, part owner of the vessel and turned It. tance telephone lines during the night passage of the senate bills changed The glare was blinding, momentary ¡engineer; A1 Davis, cook; Gus Chil- hours. minds after reaching the Kellaher made a minority their herg and Gus Ramzager, deckhands, ly; but the flash and report for which ground and went home without urg­ report, but gained little support. all residents of Astoria. Maitland waited did not come. When Representative Clyde’s bill for free ing the passage of the bills. This Is About 11:20 a. m., as they were his eyes had adjusted themselves to nearing the striped buoy off the end text books in the schools came from absolutely denied by Chairman Mann the suddenly altered conditions, he I of the jetty, the vessel suddenly committee without recommendation. of the house roads and highways saw, directly before him and some six ! broached to. She went down by the Patton’s bill placing the surveyor of committee, who Is strongly In favor feet distant, a woman's slight figure, nose slowly, then settled on her side, Marlon county on a salary of $150 of the bills passed by the upper dark cloaked, resolute upon its two and went completely over with a per month was the only new bill house. Governor W est believes that feet, head framed In veiling, features sudden plunge. Mr. May says that passed. By a vote of 4 to 14. the house this house bill 76, which amends section effectually disguised In a motor mask what happened afterward is like a morning passed over Governor West’s 4751 of Lord’s Oregon laws ostensibly whose round, staring goggles shone dream. He managed to reach a beam veto the bill repealing the whipping for the purpose of limiting the gov­ In the floor of the engine room and blankly In the warm white light. ernor in appointing the members of post act On her part, she seemed to recog­ got on top of it, and throwing his The fight to save the hill was led the state board of pharmacy to regis­ arm around the mast held on for life. nize him Instantaneously. On his. . . tered pharmacists actively engaged In The water was up to hla armpits, by its author, Buchanan of Douglas, the retail drug business, affects the It may as well be admitted tha.' but there was about two and a half who commented on the statement section named so that It does not Maitland’s wits were gone wool-gath­ feet of air space. For nearly six made by the governor in his veto ering, temporarily at least; a state of hours he hung on in this manner, message in which he said he had no provide for a state board of phar­ macy and repeals the provisions of mind not unpardonable when it is with his eardrums nearly bursting sympathy for the wife beater. " I also am not in sympathy with the old section providing for the ap­ taken Into consideration that he was from the awful pressure of the air as board <)£ called upon to grapple with and simul­ the hull rolled and tossed, and faint­ the man who will beat his wife,” de­ pointment of a state It practically abolishes taneously to assimilate three momen­ ed with hunger and weariness, until clared Buchanan. "But for my own pharmacy. the state board of pharmacy. tous facts. For the first time in his life the hull was thrown upon the beach respect and for the respect of the At a meeting of. the ways and State I believe this hill should be he found himself nose to' nose with a a short distance south of the jetty. means committee last night the pro­ The wreck was thrown well up on passed. I remember the last time I revolver, and that one of able bodied saw a man whipped and when the posed appropriation of $200,000 for and respect-compelling proportions. the beach and as the water receded process was over there were a dozen an addition to the capitol for the pur­ For the first time In his life, again, ho he realized he was safe. He managed gaping wounds on his hare hack. Is pose of housing the state library was was under necessity of dealing with a to break through a partition and got that civilization?” cut to $150,000. Whether the money •■•••T'jbreaker. But most stupefying out on the beach, none the worse, will be spent for an addition on the physically, except a few bruises and . „u ne found the fact that this housev- Salem, Feb. 13.— Two appropriation present capitol grounds or will In­ from hunger and weariness, for his bills, carrying an aggregate of $120,- clude the purchase of more land Is hreaker, this armed midnight maraud* awful experience. This was about er, was a woman! And so It was not 3:45 p. m. He then made his way to 000, were killed in the senate today yet undecided. One altogether fearlessness that made him the jetty where he was met by George by indefinite postponement. Salem, Feb. 9. — Abandoning all to all intents and purposes Ignore the Flatman, one of the engineers, and was McColloch’s, granting $20,000 for weapon; It Is nothing to his credit for taken on a handcar to the head­ a new bridge over Snake river in hope of increasing the membership Baker county, contingent upon a like of the supreme court and providing courage If his eyes struck past the quarters. appropriation by Idaho, and the other two additional judges for the Mult­ black and dea'dly mouth of the revolver Kellaher's bill appropriating $100,000 nomah county circuit court, the ad­ R E Y E S PR O P O S E S P L A N . and looked only Into the blank and ex­ for a building for the Oregon His­ vocates o f an Increased judiciary pressionless eyes of the wind mask; It have concentrated their efforts and torical society. was not lack of respect for his skin’s Diaz’ Envoy to France Recommends Other bills laid on the shelf by will make a determined fight to se­ Integrity, but the sheer, tremendous indefinite postponement this morning cure one more circuit judge for Conscription for Mexico. wonder of It all, that rendered hla Multnomah county. Paris.— General Bernardo Reyes included Joseph’s bill amending the oblivious to the eternity that lay the registration law, which was prepared Fouts' public utility bill was re­ has completed the first part of his other side of a slender, trembling fin­ military mission from President Diaz, by County Clerk Fields of Multno­ ported today to the house with the mah, and Locke’s bill requiring a de­ recommendation that it be made a ger tip. of Mexico, and gave an outline today posit by abstract companies gradu­ special order. This the house re­ And so he stared, agape, until pres­ of his conclusions. They have to ently the weapon wavered and waS do with the establishment of oblig­ ated upon the population of the vari­ fused to do and it was rereferred to the committee on railways and trans­ ous counties. lowered and the woman’s voice, atory military service in Mexico. The plan for creation of a new portation, to which committee Sen­ touched with Irony, brought him to hi* The general said his ideal was a water division in eastern Oregon was ator Malarkey's bill for a state-wide senses. powerful army based on his sugges­ another bill to feel the sharp edge commission will also be referred “ Oh,” she remarked, coolly, ‘Tt’a tions and that would make possible a when It comes over from the senate. grand homogeneous republic freed of of the ax. only you.” W ith only four votes in favor, the Representative Huntington has in­ Thunderstruck, he was able no more revolution and anarchy. General Reyes said he had no idea senate today turned down the bill troduced a bill abolishing "Blank than to parrot the pronoun: “ You— increasing the membership of the A,” now used by non-reglstered o f returning home now, as his doing you!" so might be interpreted as a desire supreme court by adding two new electors In qualifying as voters, and "W ere you expecting to meet any judges. Governor West had previous- providing that in the future, only on his part to profit politically by the ly announced he is opposed to an In­ registered electors shall be allowed one else, here, to-night?” she inquired present political chaos In Mexico. crease and its passage would have to participate in primary and gen­ In suavest mockery. He said he would recommend to He lefted his shoulders helplessly, Diaz obligatory military service for invited a veto. The vote was 4 to 25, eral elections. with Joseph, Malarkey, Norton and All employers will be required to and tried to school his tongue to co­ two years, with no possibility for the allow their employes not less than herence. “ I confess. . . . Well, richer classes to hire substitutes, as Oliver In favor. Abraham’s bill providing $10,000 for four hours away from their work to certainly I didn’t count on finding you has been the practice in Spain. The greatest difficulty he had found a statue of George H. Williams in vote in every primary, general and here, Miss Wentworth. And the black statuary hall, In Washington, where presidential election if a bill pre­ was the refusal of the educated and cloak, you know— ” each state is allowed to honor two sented by Representative Clyde be­ ‘‘Reversible, of course; gray inside, more prosperous classes to mingle of It»' citizens, was passed with only comes a law. Penalties provided for with the poorer. ns you see— Handsome Dan!” The four votes against it. violation of act are fines of from girl laughed quietly, drawing aside an A bill providing for a second choice $300 to $1000 and county jail im­ M A D E R O S H A V E S ; ES C A P ES . vote for primary candidates when prisonment not exceeding six months. edge of the garment to reveal Its In­ the number of candidates is twice Conflicting reports as to the suit­ ner face of silken gray and the fluted Insurrecto Leader Leaves Whiskers the number of offices to be filled was ability of the site purchased for a ruffles of the gray skirt underneath. introduced Into the house today. It branch Insane asylum at Pendleton and Statement in El Paso. He nodded appreciation of the de Is the idea of Speaker John P. Rusk appeared at the capitol today. The vice, his mind now busy with specula­ El Paso, Tex.— While United States and Is the first bill Introduced by report of the joint legislative com­ tions as to what he should do with the officers were searching this city for him at this session because of his mittee, presented to the legislature, girl, now that he had caught her. At Frencisco I. Madero with a warrant belief that there have been entirely approves the site selected and de­ the same time he was vaguely vexed for his arrest, the self-styled “ pro­ too many presented to the law clares it the most suitable and ap­ by her persistent repetition of the ob­ visional president” of Mexico and makers. propriate of those available. In the leader of the lnsurrectos, was em­ solescent nickname. report filed simultaneously with Gov­ Salem, Feb. 11.— Inability to agree ernor West, the committee, consist­ "Handsome Dan,” he iterated all but ploying shears and a safety razor mechanically. "Why do you call me upon his heard, skipped over Into sin the provisions of Gill’s bill, regu­ ing of former superintendents of the that, please? Have we met before? 1 Mexico. The warrant charging him lating the issuance of bonds by asylum, named on the committee by with organizing a revolution against counties for road building, alone pre­ the governor, finds that the site pur­ could swear, never before this night!" a friendly nation on American soil, vented the enactment by the house chased by the state is not convenient “ But you are altogether too modest," was not served. today of important road legislation. or practicable for the purposes for she laughed. “ Not that it’s a bad trait Besides his whiskers, Madero left Just before the house adjourned un­ which it was bought. in the character of a professional in El Paso a statement to the Amer­ til 10 o’clock Monday morning, after . . . But really! It seems a bit in ican public, which was given out by spending the entire day in the con­ Salem, Feb. 8.— Denounced by sev­ credible that any one so widely ad the insurgent junta. In It Madero ex­ sideration of road legislation, the vertlsed as Handsome Dan Anisty presses regret that his duty to his Gill bill was rereferred to a special eral republicans as a purely political should feel surpise at being recog followers In the movement against committee with instructions to in­ move, backed by the “ old guard," the nlzed. Why, your portrait and biog Diaz does not permit him to remain corporate an amendment which will bill creating the office of assistant raphy have commanded space in every and face the charges. These, he de­ meet the objections of the anti-Good secretary of state and providing that clares, are brought about through Roads association forces. This will yellow journal In America recently!” he shall discharge the duties of the And, dropping the revolver Into a the Diaz administration. He thanks insure the passage Monday of the secretary and sit on the board of the American people for their inter­ bills creating a state highway board, pocket in her cloak, "I was afraid you est in the revolution. providing for a state highway com­ control during his absence, passed might be a servant—or even Malt missioner and state aid In the build­ the house this morning. Thirty-two land,” she diverted the subject, with voted for It and 25 against, indicating ing of permanent highways. a nod. Cost of Living Up to Women. That at least two of the members that it will fall should the governor "But—but If you recognized me as Washington.— Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, of the legislature are opposed to the use his veto power. Anisty, hack there by the ford, didn’t head of the bureau of chemistry and "salary grab” bills for county officers, Most of the morning was consumed pure food expert, who Is about to be which have flooded the house and In the debate, with Fouts, Amme and you suspect I’d drop in on you—” “ Why, of course! Didn’t you all but married after 45 years of bachelor­ the senate during the present ses­ Cottel of Multnomah, Brownhill of hood, declares that the solution of sion, is evidenced In a letter which Yamhill and *Derby of Hood River tell me that you were coming here?” the cost of living problem Is up to the Senator Norton and Representative leading in the attack. Practically all "But— " housewives. ‘‘American women Smith of Josephine have prepared of those who talked In favor of the "I thought perhaps I might get should discharge their cooks and don for the benefit of their constituents. bill were from the ranks of the through before you came. Mr. Anisty; kitchen aprons,” said Dr. Wiley. “ If Abraham's bill classifying railroads “ standpatters.” but l knew all the time that, even II they did they would reduce the waste and setting forth the rates for rail­ Senator Joseph’s anti-trust bill had you did muna.se to surprise me— er— about 25 per cent. Our people should roads receiving a certain percentage no place to lay its head. Uncere­ on the job, you wouldn't call the po­ consume less meat and more vege­ of profits from their operation is moniously thrust forth from the sen­ lice." She laughed confidently, aud tables. Housewives should purchase still In railroad committee of the ate committee on judiciary, where It — oddly enough— at the same time the rawT broken cereals and cook senate, but has not been quiescent had been sleeping since January 23, nervously. "You are certainly a very them at home.” there, as It has resulted In many It was given a glassy stare at the bold man, and as surely a very care door of the revision o f law* commit­ warm arguments and debates. loss one, to run around the way you j With only one or two dissenting tee. The "busy sign” was hung out Mob Spirit Rampant. do without so much as troubling to; votes. Sutton's bill changing the pres­ everywhere. Oklahoma City.— Mob spirit Is ram­ ent method of counting ballots in With consideration of the senate grow a beard or a mustache, after! your picture has been published broad pant in Swanson county as a result primary and general elections, passed good roads bills postponed in the of the fight over the removal of the the house today. It provides that the house until Friday, prospects of their cast.” (T O B E C O N T I N U E D .) county sent from Mountain Park to night election boards. Instead o f tak­ passage are bright. Sentiment among Snyder. County Commissioners Bull ing up their duties when the polls many representatives previously op­ and Thompson and County Clerk are closed, shall report at their re­ posed to them Is changing as a bet­ Bristow are prisoners in the Moun­ spective polling places at 9 o’clock ter understanding o f the bills Is ob­ tain Park jail charged with illegally In the morning of election day tained in the house and in the rural districts. removing the county records to aad immediately begin counting I Snyder. Additional guards were sta Good Roads Bill Again. tioned around the Mountain Park Jail | Picture* For Capitol. today, as it is feared an attempt will j Salem, Feb. 9.— Consideration of all Salem, Feb. 14.— Oil paintings of be made by Snyder residents to re-: senate and house bills pertaining to umns of a newspaper In which to ad lease the prisoners. construction of permanent roads will Frank W. Benson and of Jay Bower- vertlse. be taken up in the house at 10 o’clock man, recent governor and acting If he fails to And the owner after tomorrow morning. Since the first governor, are to be hung on the capi­ Taft Meets Boy Scouts. this then he can rightfully call It hi* Washington.—President Taft, who j of the week the advocates of the tol walls for the benefit of future bills urged by the Good Roads asso­ own nnd have a clear conscience, but is honorary president of the Boy I ciation have made inroads in the op­ generations. The senate this morning If he avoids looking over the lost and Scouts of America, gave evidence of position which for a time threatened passed a house concurrent resolution found columns and falls to do hts part toward finding the owner he Is almost his Interest In »he movement by re­ to defeat these measures. There is calling for Benson and Bowerman to as dishonest as If he took the good* ceiving at the White House Wednes­ still considerable opposition to the be done In oil, six votes being cast in day afternoon the many leaders of bills sent over from the senate and a the negative. Bowerman himself was the organization who are here in at­ lively and protracted debate Is cer­ one of those voting no. and the oth­ Only One Life. The chief of the Are department of tendance on the first meeting of their [ tain to attend their consideration to­ ers were Albee, Calkins, Kellaher, Miller and President Selling. Philadelphia, watching a dangerous national council. The boys, clad In morrow. fire In that city not long ago. was regulation khaki stilts, marched In | Woman Suffrage Action Proposed. amazed by the daring of a recruit in procession from the New Willard New Inheritance T a x Law. Saiem. Feb. 9.— That ever-recurring the service, a young fellow plainly of hotel to the executive mansion. Salem, Feb. 14.— A new Inheritance subject— woman suffrage — has again German origin. Ammunition Blows Up. Invaded Oregon’s legislative halls. tax, framed In the office o f the state After the uew fireman had emerged Managua. Nicaragua.—Three sold Representative Brownhill today In­ treasurer and presented by Represen­ from his perilous position, the chief lers were killed, and It Is estimated troduced a concurrent resolution pro­ tative Beals, passed the honse this met him with many expressions ot 7000 rifles and 10,000.000 cartridges posing the submission to the voters morning, replacing the act at present commendation and admiration. were destroyed, as the result o f an ! In the general election next year of upon the statute books. Acording to "W ell done. Hans, my boy!“ ex explosion In the ammunition barracks a constitutional amendment giving statements made by Beals in the claimed he; "but I never expected to near the palace of the president. The ] women the right to vote. The reso­ house It will Increase the state's rev­ see you alive again!“ barracks were gutted. Search of the lution goes further and would have enue from $50.000 to $75.000 a year. "A llfe again?” repeated the German, ruins disclosed the bodies o f three I the Oregon legislature give Its In­ One new feature Is Intended to pro­ surprised "Vy, I hafn t been dead sentinels, believed to have met in-1 dorsement to the proposed amend tect the state from so-called fraud sunt death. through the transfer of property r a il" — Ksch— a menu 1 r- * Must Attempt to Find Owner «