Cast Ruthlsssly Upon CO STS IJHT l»OT --- T M ! 8YNOPSIS. " M ii” Pan Maitland, on reaching hla New York bachelor dub, met an attrac tive young woman at the door. Janitor O' Hagan assured him no one hail been within that duy. Dan discovered a w o m an's Ungrr prints In dust on his dink, along with a letter from his attorney. Maitland dined with Itannerman, his at torney. Pan set out fur Ureendolda, to g e t his family Jewels. CHAPTER II.— Continued. An errant cabby, cruising aimlessly but hopefully, sighted Maitland's tall figure and white shirt from n distance, and bore down upon him with u gal lant clatter of hoofs. "Kebslr?" ho demanded, breathless ly, pulling In at the corner. Maitland came out of his reverie nnd looked up slowly. “ Why, yea, thunk you,” he assented, amiably. “Where to, sir?" Maitland paused on the forward deck of the craft nnd faced about, look ing the cabby trustfully In the eye. “ I leave It to you,” he replied, politely. •Just as you please.” The driver gasped. "You see,” Maitland continued with • courteous smile, "1 have two engage ments—one at Sherry's, the other with the 10:20 train from Iking Island City. What would you, as man to nmn, ad vise me to do, cabby?" “ Well, sir, seoln' as you put It to me straight," returned the cabby wltb engaging candor, “ I'd go home, sir, If 1 was you, afore I got any worse." “ Thank you," gravely. "Ixing Island City depot, then, cabby." Maitland extended himself languid ly upon the cushions. “ Surely," he told the night, “ the driver knows best —he and llannerman." The cab started off jogging so se dately up Madison avenue that Malt- laud glanced at his watch and elevated his brows dubiously; then with his ■tick poked open the trap in the roof. “If you really think It best for me to go home, cabby, you'll have to drive like hell," he suggested, mildly. “ Yeeslrl" A whiplash crncked loudly over the horse's back, and the hnnsom, lurch ing Into Thirty-fourth street on one wheel, was presently Jouncing eastward ever rough cobbles, at a regardless pace which roused the gongs of the surface cars to a clangor of hysterical expostulation. In a trice the " L " ex tension wns roaring overhead; and a little later the ferry gates were yawn Ing before them. Again Maitland con sulted his watch, commenting briefly: “In time." Yet he reckoned without the ferry, one of whose employes deliberately and Implacably swung to the gates in the very face of the astonished cab horse, which promptly rose upon Its bind legs and pawed the air with ges tures of pardonable exasperation. To so avail, however; the gates remained Closed, the cabby (with language) reined his steed hark a yard or two, and Maitland, lighting a cigarette, composed himself to simulate patience. Followed a wait of ten minutes or SO, In which a number of vehicles tolned company with the cab; the pas senger was vaguely aware of the jar ring purr of a motor car. like that of some huge rat, In the Immediate rear. A circumstance which he had occasion to recall ere long In the course of time the gates were again opened The bridge cleared of lacomlng traffic. As the cabby drove aboard tbe boat, with nice considera tion selecting the cbolcest stand of all, well out upon tho forward deck, a motor car slid In. humming, on the right of the hansom. Maitland sal forward, resting his DAILY DOINGS OF OREGON STATE LAWMAKERS AT SALEM habitations, all wrapped In silence pro MEXICAN REBELS GAIN. found and Impenetrable. Not even a dog howled; not a belated villager was Government Forces Lose Artillery In sight; and It was a moral certainty and Many Men, that the local livery service had closed El Paso, Texas—Galanea and San ,wn for the night. Salem, Jan. 31.— Suggestirns that it cense for country peddlers, the senate Nevertheless, Maitland, with a Buena Ventura are how held oy the desperation bred of the prospective insurrectoe, according to dispatches be prescribed as a penitentiary offense yesterday turned down the bill by 16 to l i . The bill would have rut the li five-mile tramp, spent some ten val from Casas Grandes. Colonel Kabago to kill an elk, and that a closed season uable minutes hammering upon the o f from two to five years he placed on cense for peddlers on foot from $25 to reached Casas Grandes with 150 of the door of the house infested by the pro China pheasants, are some o f the more $10, one horse and wagon from $100 to prietor of the livery stable. He suc 500 men with whom he entered upon important features at a meeting o f the $25 and made the rate for two horses ceeded only In waking the dog, and his campaign on January 6. committee on game tonight, which was or auto $50, instead of $150 for two Inasmuch as he was not on friendly Four battles have been fought, in attended by many sportsmen from all horse and,wagons and $300 for auto terms with that animal, presently three of which the insurrectoB were over the state. mobiles. withdrew at discretion and set his face successful. Colonel Rabago losing the It was also urged that the season on Salem, Ore., Jan. 27.— With only northwards upon the open road. two rapid-fire guns and four pieces of deer be set back a month, opening the It stretched before him invitingly light artillery with which he invaded season September 1 instead o f August ten dissenting votes, the house to 1. This plan, it was said, is to protect day passed Buchanan's bill abolish enough, a ribbon winding silver-white the Galanea district. between dark patches of pine and San Buena Ventura was abandoned the forests from fires, many of which ing the whipping post. By the pro- scrub-oak or fields lush with rustling to the insurrectos Monday and Gal are said to be started by hunters. j visions of the bill, wife-beating Is Heavier bounty on timber wolves, made jiunishable In the same manner corn and wheat. And, having over anea deserted the next day. Federal come his primary disgust, as the blood officials are now busy preparing Casas cougars, and bobcats was asked, as a j as other aggravated cases of assault Willamette val | and battery. The debate on the bill, began to circulate more briskly in his Grandes for a long siege, gathering protection for deer, ley sportsmen want the duck season to | which was defeated in the legisla veins. Maitland became aware that he provisions and fortifying the town. was actually enjoying the enforced ex United States Consul Edwards has extend to March 1 instead of to Feb- tu r e two years ago, was brief. Bu- | chanan argued that the law was a ercise. It could have been hardly made formal demand on the Mexican I ruary 15, as at present. The ways and means committee has j blur on the statute books of the otherwise, with a night so sweet, with authorities at Jumea for an immediate airs so bland and fragrant of tho woods hearing in the case o f William Boykin, deniedjAttorney General Crawford ad state, while its enforcement did not and fresh-turned earth, with so clear the American negro porter arrested ditional assistance and increased pay deter any man from beating his wife. Recommendations that the house a light to show him his way. for complicity in smuggling into Mex for such assistants. In a bill in t r o joint memorial to congress asking for He stepped out briskly at first, ico ammunition found on a south-bound duced by Buchanan the attorney gen $250,000 for the Roseburg federal eral was to be given one deputy at $2,- swinging bis stick and watching his train. building and a memorial asking for 100 per annum, another at $1,500 and the passage of Hawley’s bill in con shadow, a squat, Incredibly agitated a stenographer at $1,200 per annum. silhouette In the golden dust. But W H IS K Y IN S P IR IT S REBELS. gress for the support of the Indian A s reported by the committee this j war veterans, received favorable con gradually and insensibly the peaceful influence of that still and lovely hour Bolstered By 50 Bottles They Face office is given one assistant at $2,000 sideration in the senate today. and a stenographer at $1,080. A move for a joint committee be tempered his heart’s impatience; and Rain With Impunity. To obviate the difficulty o f candi tween Oregon and California to pass he found himself walking at a pace Calexico, Cal.— Sheriff Meadows, o f dates being in the race for the office of on game laws and a re olution for a more leisurely. After all, there was no hurry; he was unwearied, and Mait Imperial county, received a message supreme justice who are not credited statement of increasing and continu land Manor lay less than five miles here stating that a detachment of members of the bar, Senator ing appropriations were given un United States soldiers from San Diego introduced a bill this morning which favorable consideration by the com distant. mittee. Thirty minutes passed; he had not would arrive here in a day or two. provides that no one, who is a candi The house today defeated Bige covered a third of the way, yet re The insurgents have made no move date for justice of the Supreme court, low's hill authorizing the governor mained content. By well-remembered upon Mexicali, just across the border. may have his name written on the bal by special proclamation to create landmarks, he knew he must be near They still maintain their camp about lot unless he is an attorney of five bird and game refuges on state or ing the little stream called, by courtesy, seven miles southwest of Mexicali, years’ standing in the state. private lands. This measure was ob Intending to raise the number of pe jected to from fear that the game Mayannis river; and, in due course, he and have recruited a number o f Coco- pah Indians. titioners required on an initiative pe warden, in recommending the crea stepped out upon the long wooden struc Rain has been falling but, stimu tition from 8 per cent to 20 per cent, tion of these refuges, might trespass ture that spans that water. He was lated by the contents o f 50 bottles of the resolution of Senator Barrett, of too much on the privileges now en closo upon the farther end when— upon a hapchance Impulse—he glanced whisky and as many bottles o f other Washington county, was indefinitely joyed by sportsmen. Civil war veterans will continue to over the nearest guard rail, down at liquor, taken when they sacked M exi postponed today. A report on a reso the bed of the creek. And stopped in cali Sunday, the insurgents do not lution indorsing Representative Haw pay the required peddler's license, seem to mind the weather. ley’s bill in congress to provide pen- the house today killing by indefinite continently, gaping. The members o f the band had been -eions for veterans o f the Indian wars postponement Representative Jones' Stationary In the middle of the de bill exempting old soldiers from the up two nights, and their leaders, El was also adopted. His Own Resources. pression, hub-deep in the shallow wa operation of this statute. General Levy and Simon Berthold, the ters, was a motor car; and It, beyond Los Angeles Socialist, allowed them to Salem, Jan. 30.— Superintendent dispute, was Identical with that which Salem, Or., Jan. 26.— Place all con rest and sleep all day. Scouts, how Steiner, of the Oregon Insane Asylum had occupied his thoughts on the ferry ever, were sent at intervals to M exi and State Treasurer Kay came to the victs on the roads when not needed boat. Less wonderful, perhaps, but to bat for their innings in the asylum for other purposes at the State Pen cali. him amazing enough, It was to dis controversy tonight when they ap itentiary and create a State Highway cover upon the driver’s seat the girl peared beforq the ways and means O STR IC H HERD STAM PEDED. Commission. These are the moves in gray. committee. His brain benumbed beyond further Superintendent Steiner entered into carried in two bills that passed the capacity for astonishment, he accepted Thunder Causes Exciting Time In a general refutation of the charges senate this afternoon after a pro Southern California. made against him on the senate longed fight. without demur this latest and most as Something of the conflict was pre tounding of tbe chain of amazing co Los Angeles— Terrified by a heavy floor and In the report of the legis incidences which had thus far enliv thunder storm, about a dozen large os lative committee and left $1500 with saged when McCulloch of Baker, ob- ened the night’s earlier hours; and triches on one of the local farms stam the ways and means committee to iected to creation of a State Highway stood rapt in silent contemplation, peded, tore down the heavy fence and be given to the Young Men's Chris Commission, as Joseph’s Senate Bill sensible that the girl had been un rushed into East Lake Park, tramping tian Association if a penny's waste N'v 42 came uo for consideration. in his management of the asylum is This bill was passed upon favorably aware of his approach, deadened as and tearing down everything in their by the sena'e, Tuesday, while sitting proved. his footsteps must have been by the path. Even in far-off Norway interest is as a committee of the whole to hear blanket of dust that carpeted both One o f the birds, jumped into the being taken in the spiritual welfare tho pleas of men representing 300 co. road and bridge deep and thick. lake and at every peal o f thunder of the Oregon legislature. leading Portland citizens. Then only On her part she sat motionless, evi ducked his head under the water. He This afternoon members of the sen eight votes were recorded against it. forearms on the apron, and jerked his dently lost in reverie, and momen was rescued with difficulty. The oth ate all received a consignment of ap Passage of the measure was thought cigarette out over the gates; the glow tarily, at least, unconscious of the em ers took to the shrubbery or the Gar- propriate scriptural quotations, the to be comparatively easy today until Ing stub described n llery arc and took barrassing predicament which was vanza hills and were captured only af communication being anonymous, but unexpected opposition appeared. the water with a hiss. Warm whiffs McCulloch declared that from the hers. So complete, indeed, seemed her ter many hours o f hard work. The the postmark was dated at Stordalem, of the river’s sweet and salty breath sagebrush country in Eastern Oregon abstraction that Maitland caught him mounted police, scores o f park employ Norway. fanned Ills face gratefully, and he be What proved to be the most decided there had come down the line the self questioning the reality of her. es and hundreds o f boys took up the came awaro that there was a moon. . . . And well might she have chase. One of the birds showed fight contest of the morning in the senate word that they do not want the High His gaze roving at will, ho nodded an seemed to him a pale little wraith of and kicked a youth, who got too near, developed over Bowerman's bill to way Commission, and that he would create the office of Assistant Secre be compelled to vote against it. even-tempered approbation of the the night, the shimmer of gray that over a fence, doubling him up in a tary of State and empower that of Rigid and thorough investigation night's splendor— In the city a thing she made against the shimmer of light clump of grass on the other side. ficial with all of the duties, privileges of the affairs and management of the unsuspected. on the water— a shape almost trans and powers of the Secretary in the Oregon State Insane Asylum was Never, he thought, had he known parent, slight, and unsubstantial— GRAIN C O M P A N Y FORMED. absence of his superior. ordered by both the senate and the moonlight so pure, so silvery and seeming to contemplate, and as still Frequent clashes between Senators house in resolutions adopted today. strong. Shadows of gates and posts as any mouse. The senate adopted a resolution Eastern Capitalists to Build Elevators Kellaher and Malarkey, intimations lay upon the forward deck like stencils that the members of the Oregon Rail providing for a committee of five Looking more attentively, It became In Washington. of lampblack upon white marble. He road Commission were taking unus members, three from tbe house and evident that her veil was now raised. yond the boat's bluntly rounded nose Seattle— Announcement is made here ual interest in the subject and two from the senate, while the house This was the first time that he had tho East river stretched Its restless, seen her so. But her countenance re of the organization of a grain company charges that if the bill were enacted provided for a special committee of dark reaches, glossy black, woven wltb would prove unconstitutional five of its own members to conduct mained so deeply shadowed by the by Eastern capitalists, who will build it gorgeous ribbons of reflected light visor of a mannish motoring cap that a chain of elevators in Eastern Wash marked the initial public hearing be the inquiry. Both resolutions instruct the inves streaming from pier head lamps on the the most searching scrutiny gained no ington. Among the stockholders are fore the senate railroad committee tonight when Senator Malarkey’s bill tigating committee to make a report further shore. Overhead, the sky, a more than a dim and scantily satisfac J. B. White, of Kansas City, and G. of their findings to the legislature pallid and luminous blue around the J. A. providing for a State Public Service tory Impression of alluring loveliness. M. Dulaney, of Hannibal, Mo. Commission was considered. The prior to adjournment. low swung moon, was shaded to pro Maitland turned noiselessly, rested Pease, of Fort Dodge, la., has been committee will hold further hearings found depths of bluish black toward elbows on the rail, and, staring, made manager of the company, which before reporting the measure to the Salem, Or., Jan. 25.— Sale of the the horizon. Above Brooklyn rested a framed a theory to account for her will establish general offices in Seattle. senate. state pilot schooner San Jose was au- tenuous haze. A revenue cutter, a The first elevators will be built along position, if not for her patience. slim, pale shape, cut across the bows thorized by the house yesterday af On either hand the road, dividing, the Wardner branch o f the Chicago, Salem, Jan. 28. — Conspiracy on ternoon. The hill presented by Lein- like a hunted ghost. Farther out u struck ‘ off at a tangent, down the Milwaukee & Puget Sound railway. the part o f a number o f members of homeward bound excursion steamer, enweber of Clatsop, was unanimously banks and into the river bed. It was the house o f representatives to pre passed after the author had explained tier upon tier of glittering lights, credible to presume that the girl had Tia Juana Fears Attack. vent a session today was followed this that the ship was a dead weight upon drifted slowly toward its pier beneath lost control of the machine temporari San Diego, Cal.— In anticipation of morning by issuance o f warrants for the new bridge, the blare of Its band, ly and that it, taking the bit between an attack upon Tia Juana, Mexican the arrest by the sergeant-at-arms and the hands of the pilot commission. swelling and dying upon the night Clatsop county now awaits only the its teeth, had swung gayly down the officials o f that town are making the an assistant, of seven missing Multno breeze, mercifully tempered by dis signature of the governor to sanction Incline to its bath. bull ring defensible. It is stated that tanco. mah county representatives and any the proposed two and a half mill tax Why she lingered there, however, 50 troopers are on the way from En others he might find in Portland. to raise funds for the Astoria centen Presently Maitland's attention was was less patent. The water, as has senada to Tia Juana. Extra men are The action taken this morning was nial celebration. Senate bill No. 61, distracted and drawn, by the abrupt been indicated, was some inches below being employed by the San Diego & approved by the 37 members who gath authorizing the tax, was approved by cessation of Its motor's pulsing, to the the tonneau; it did not seem reason Arizona Railway company to guard its ered in the assembly hall and who the house, following brief explana automobile on his right. He lifted his able to assume that it should have In property on the Mexican side of the found that they lacked three of a tions by Representatives Leinenweber chin sharply, narrowing his eyes, terfered with either running gear or line. In San Diego the governor of quorum. It is the first time since the and Belland of Clatsop. whistled low; nnd thereafter had eyes motor. The proposal to construct a bridge Lower California was quoted as say- famous “ hold-up” session o f 1897 that for nothing else. At this point in Maitland's medita in ; that 2,500 Mexican soldiers are on such a course has been followed. across the Columbia river at Portland Tho car. ho saw with the experi to connect Oregon and Washington, tions the gray girl appeared to have the way from Manzanillo to En enced eye of a connoisseur, was a re Good roads won a third victory in which was killed at the last session, arrjved at a decision. She straight senada. cent model of one of the most ex the senate yesterday when the bill pro has been revived. Bigelow of Mult ened up suddenly, with a little reso pensive and popular foreign makes; viding the method for bond issues by nomah presented a resolution in the lute nod of her head, lifting one small built on lines that promised a deal in Miscegeny Is Forbidden. counties making effective an amend house, appropriating $5000 for an in- foot to her knee, and fumbled with the the way of speed, nnd furnished with ment to the constitution adopted by the j vestigation by the state engineer to Ren > , N ev.— A law designed to do laces of her shoe. engines that were pregnant with multi people last Novemer, was passed by a learn whether or not the project is away with the marriage of Caucasians Maitland grasped her Intention to plied horse power. All In all not the feasible. The bridge would form a and Asiatics was introduced in the N e vote o f 20 to 8. abandon the machine, with her deter style of ear one would expect to find Only one other good roads measure connecting link for the proposed Pa vada senate by Holmes o f Washoe mination to wade! Clearly this would controlled by a solitary woman, es is left pending in the senate. This is cific highway between the two states. seem to demonstrate that there had county, and will be passed in both pecially after ton of a summer's night. Peterson of Umatilla withdrew the bill which provides for working been a breakdown. Irreparable so far houses of the legislature without op Nevertheless the lone occupant of city and county prisoners on the roads, t house bill No. 49, permitting any per- frail feminine hands were concerned. position. The law is very plain in its this car was a woman. And there was It absolutely senate bill 72, which was found to be | son to serve summons in a legal ae- One shoe removed, Us fellow would terms and very short. 1 tion. Members of the revision of that in her bearing, an Indefinable prohibits marriages o f this kind, and improperly printed and had to be sent follow, and then. . . . Out of sheer laws committee refused to aprove it something whether It lay In the car back to the printer. makes it a felony for any magistrate chivalry, the Involuntary witness was | on the grounds that it might be used riage of her head, which impressed Senator Joseph's naval militia bill, or clergyman to perform such cere moved to earnest protest. ! as a medium of fraud by unscrupu one ns both spirited and Independent, which continues the organization al lous persons. mony. It also prohibits the issuance “ Don't!" he cried, hastily. "I say, or In nn equally certain but loss tan ready formed and restains the present of marriage licenses by the county Bigelow of Multnomah presented a don't w a le !" glide air of self-confidence and re officers in command, went through the resolution asking the five Multnomah clerk in such cases. (TO BE C O N T IN U E D .) liance—to set Mad Maitland's pulses senate yesterday with 21 affirmative county circuit judges to appear be drumming «Ith excitement. For, un votes and seven in the negative. A l fore the committee on judiciary and Woman Gets Vote for Senator. less Indeed he labored gravely under a Denver— A woman was given a vote though Barrett of Washington made a discuss the bill to increase the bench misapprehension, he was observing for United States senator in the Colo hard fight for his bill reducing the li- to seven. her for the second time within the rado legislature. Representative Mc past few hours. Lieutenant-Governor Wanted. House Plans Final Spurt. Kenzie o f Custer county, casting his Could he be mistaken, or wns this In Salem, Jn. 3.— To expedite business ballot for Mrs. Katherine M. Cooke, ' Salem, Or., Jan. 26.— The house to truth the same woman who had (as ex-state superintendent of public day adopted Senator Calkins' joint o f the house, two resolutions were o f ho believed) made herself free of his schools. No election resulted from the resolution proposing a constitutional fered today. One by Carter provides rooms that evening? vote, which was : Democrats— Adams, amendment for a Lieutenant-Gover ha no person, other than a mqmber of « ■ ■ ■ 'V ------------------------------------------------------------------- In eonflrmatlon of such suspicion he 20, Martin 2, Maupin 1, O'Donnell 4, nor. Before doing so the house the legislature, he permitted to ad remarked her costume, which was al At Whan This Wife Failed to Apprecl- "Later a registered letter came from Shafforth 1, Speer 25, Taylor 2, adopted an amendment providing that dress the house In its sessions or while together worked out In soft shades of ate Her Husband’s Pleasantry. her. She had blotted almost every Thomas 4, Ward 5, Cooke 1. Republi the speaker shall be next in the order in committee of the whole, except on gray. Gray was the misty veil, drawn of succession to the Governo’r's chair. vote of two-thirds o f the members. line with tears. What it was all about cans— Dawson 1, Northcutl 30. In and daintily knotted beneath her In event of death, absence from the The author o f the other resolution, "Don't always rely upon the ready 1 could not Imagine. chin, which lent her head and face state or diability, after the Lieuten would lim it the debate on every sub Saw Severs Man’ s Body. wit of a woman," said the man who is "Then my telephone bell rang, and such thorough protection against pry Sheridan, W yo.— The body o f County ant-Governor and president of the ject coming before the house in the sometimes pleased to consider himself when 1 answered I heard my wife's Ing glances; of gray suede were the senate has served. The resolution remaineder of the session to ten min an oracle. "That ready wit business voice speaking over the long distance Commissioner W. H. Robins was com light gauntlets that hid all save the Both resolutions pletely severed here by the circular will be submitted to the people in utes on esch side. Is sometimes prone to get 'way off. 'phone. the general election. November, 1912. slenderness of her small handa; and He ” ‘Oh. John,' said she. 'Is that really saw in a sawmill on Rock creek. the wrap that, cut upon full and flow-1 “ For example, my wife and children slipped on the icy floor, and, falling Ing lines, cloaked her figure beyond , had been staying In the country for you? I thought you had committed Oil Painting of Two Asked. Label Bill Nullified forward, became entangled in the suggestion, was gray. Yet even Its 1 several weeks and I was regular with suicide!’ " clutch o f the carriage. Robins was Salem. Jan. 31.— House bill No. 82 Salem. Or.. Jan. 26.— Through the ample drapery could not dissemble my letters, as every loving husband elected county commissioner o f this adoption of a house concurrent reso practically lost its value this morning the fact that ahe was quite small, should be. Finally on the day before The First Marriage. county last fall. He was a stock- in the senate when it waa reported girlishly alight, like the woman In the my wife was to start for home 1 con lution. introduced by the resolntions A western Judge decides that Adam man and rancher. favorably with amendments. The bill doorway; nor did aught temper her cluded my letter to her with these and Eve were married under the com committee, the house today approved Impersonal and detached composure, words: the purchase by the state of oil provides that all convict-msde goods mon law and legally bound, though Religious Play Forbidden. portraits of ex-Oovemor Benson and shall be so marked. The amendment, which had also been an attribute of " 'This will be the last letter I will there were no witnesses. The vener Philadelphia— As a result o f a pro which waa adopted, modified this by the woman In the doorway. And again write to you for a long, long time.' able rouple on the other tide of the test by clergymen and citizens, the ex-Actlng-Govemor Rowerman. to be providing that no such marking shall exhibited In either the house or sen abe waa alone, uuchaperoned, unpro "When I got down to my office the big divide are thus made to feel police department issued an order pro ate chambers. The resolution goes be required under the present Loewen- tected. next morning 1 found a telegram from easier, and riotous demonstrations on hibiting the presentation in this city to the senate for Its favorable ac- berg Going contract, which covers con Yea? Or no? And. If yea, what to my wife waiting for me. 'What on the part of their descendants In the by Sarah Bernhardt o f the religious iton before the paintings will be or vict-made goods in this state. This do? Waa he to alight and accoat her. earth do you mean? read the dispatch. went nvoided — Detroit Free Press. play. " L a Samaritaine." dered. nullifies the bill indefinitely. arouse her of forcing an entrance to hla rooms for the sole purpose (as far as ascertainable) of presenting him with tbe outline of her hand in the dust of his desk’s top? . . . Oh. hardly! It was all very well to b daringly eccentric and careless of the world's censure; but one scarcely cared to lay one’s self open either to an unknown gtrl'B derision or to a sound pummeling at the hands of fel low passengers enraged by the Insult offered to an unescorted woman. The young man was still pondering ways and means when a dull bump ap prised him that the ferry boat was en tering the Long Island City slip. “ The devil!" he exclaimed In mingled dis gust and dismay, realizing that bis distraction had been so thorough as to permit the voyage to take place almost without his realizing It. So that now — worse luck!— It was too late to take any one of the hundred fantastic steps he had contemplated half seriously. In another two minutes his charming mystery, so bewltchlngly Incarnated, would have slipped out of his life, fi nally and beyond recall. And he could do naught to hinder such a finale to the adventure. Sulkily he resigned himself to the inevitable, waiting and watching, while the boat slid and blundered clumsily, paddle wheels churning the filthy waters over side, to the floating bridge; while the winches rattled, and the woman, sitting up briskly In the driver’s seat of the motor car, bent forward and advanced the spark; while the chain fell clanking and the car shot out, over the bridge, through the gates, and away, at a very consider able, even if lawful, rate of speed. Whereupon, writing finis to the final chapter of Romance, voting the world a dull place and life a treadmill, an athematizing in no uncertain terms his lack of resource and address, Maitland paid off his cabby, alighted, and to that worthy's boundless wonder, walked Into the waiting room of the railway terminus without deviating a hair’s breadth from the straight and circumscribed path of the sober in mind and body. Tho 10:20 had departed by a bare two minutes. The next and last train for Greenfields was to leave at 10:59. Maitland with assumed nonchalance composed himself upon a bench In the waiting room to endure the 37-minute interval. Five minutes later an able- bodied washerwoman with six children in quarter sizes descended upon the game bench; and tho young man In desperation allowed himself to bo dis possessed. The news stand next attract ing him, he garnered a fugitive amuse ment and two dozen copper cents by the simple process of purchasing six “ night extras,” which he did not want, and paying for each with a flve-eent piece. Comprehending, at length, that he had irritated the news dealer, he meandered off, jingling his copper for tune in one hand, lugging Ills news papers In the other, and made a de termined onslaught upon a slot ma chine. The latter having reluctantly disgorged 24 assorted samples of chewing gum and stale sweetmeats, Maitland returned to tho washerwom an, aud sowed dissension In her brood by presenting the treasure horde to the eldest girl with Instructions to share It with her brothers and sisters. It is difficult to Imagine what folly might next have been recorded against him had not, at that moment, a fe rocious and Inarticulate howl from the train starter announced the fact that the 10:59 was in waiting. Hoarding the train In a thankful spirit, Maitland settled himself as com fortably as he might In the smoker and endeavored to find surcease of ennui In his collection of extras. In vain; even a two-column portrait of Mr. Dan Anisty, cracksman, accom panied by a vivacious catalogue of that notoriety's achievements In the field of polite burglary, hardly stirred his in terest. An elusive resemblance which he traced In the features of Mr. Anisty, as presented by the sketch artist-on- the-spot, to some one whom he. Mait land, had known in the dark back wards and abysm of time, merely drew from him tho comment: "Homely brute!" And he laid the papers aside, cradling his chin In the palm of one hand and staring for a weary while out of the car window nt a reeling and moonsmltton landscape. He yawned exhaustively, Ills thoughts astray be tween a girl garbed all In gray, Ban- nernmn's earnest and thoughtful face, and the pernicious activities of Mr. Daniel Anisty, nt whose door Maitland laid the responsibility for this most fatiguing errand. The brnkeman's wolf-like yelp— "Greenfields!" — was ringing in his ears when he awoke and stumbled down alslo and car steps just In the nick of time. The train, whisking round a curve cloaked by a belt of somber pines, left him quite alone In the world, cast ruthlessly upon his own resources. An hour had elapsed; It was now midnight; the moon rode high, a cold white disk against a background of sapphire velvet, Its pellucid rays re vealing with disheartening distinct ness the inanimate and llghtless road side hamlet called Greenfields; Its gen eral store anil poatuffice, Its sol dlsant hotel, Its straggling line of dilapidated Find W oman’s W it Uncertain