PUBLISHED EVERY FRID AY ADVERTISING KATES BY SI ER BULLETIN M. G. KIBREE, Proprietor SCRIPTION RATES One Yaan.....................................................II.SC Six Months......................................................... 75 Three Months...................................................... 50 Entered as second-class matter March 12, 1999, at the post office at Mosier, Oregon, under t!ie Act of March 3.1879. Professional Cards.......................per month $ .5* One square............... ................. M - 1.1« One-quarter Column. One-half Column___ One Column............. 9.U0 Business locals will be charged at 5 cents per lina for each insertion. Legal advertisements will in all cases be charged VO L. II MOSIER, W ASCO C O U N T Y , OREGON, F R ID A Y , FEBRUARY 3, 1911 to the party ordering them, at legal rates, and NO. 48 paid for before affidavits are furnished. Prospeciive Growth oi Oregon NOTICE FOR PU BLICATIO N (PU B L IS H E R ) President Hill has great faith 2 See | Portland, Ore. Jan. 31, (Special) Department o f The Interior, in the future o f the Pacific Nortl - ; —Fruit growers o f the Paci c U. S. Land Office west and particularly of Oregon, Northwest met in Portland dur­ A t The Dalles, Oregon, i and is proving that faith by hit ing the past week to attempt to December 30th, 15)10. works. We quote from Mon­ j NO TICE is hereby given that Robert form a central selling agency for day's Oregonian his views on i W. Simpson, whose |>ost office address the output o f their orchards. the future o f the state: I is Mosier, Oregon, did. on the 21st day This project was not entirely j o f February, 15)10, tile in this of five President Hill, o f the Great successful for the convention j Sworn. Statement and Application, No. Northern Railway, in an inter­ found itself without the neces­ 106008, to purchase the SE1-4SE1-4, view in this cify Saturday, He can make your watch keep time I Section 11, Township 1 North, Range sary authority to represent the stated that with proper publicity 11 Fast, Willamette Meridian, and the fruit growing association o f the methods Oregon can become the . timber thereon, under the provision* of Northwest, the growers coining the act o f June 3, 1878, and acts amen­ home o f 1,500,000 additional peo­ as individuals rather than official datory, known as the “ Timber and ple within the next ten years. representatives o f these organi­ Stone Law ,” at such value as might To show that there was nothing j be fixed by appraisement, ami that, zations. On this account, ad­ unreasonable in such a predic­ pursuant to such application, the land journment was taken until Feb­ tion, Mr. Hill pointed out that in ! and timber thereon have been ap­ ruary 28, when a second meeting Hawai luuu. mtmmmmm 1 praised, the timber estimated 60,000 1 the last ten years some Canadian will he held at Walla Walla. beard feet at ¡fl.oo per M ., end the ; -----■ — — —................... . o f Mosier. Oregon. provinces, less favored by nature A t that time each fruit grow- than Oregon, have advanced in G e o . C h a m b e r l a i n Au- ™ ers’ association is expected to population 700 and 800 per cent, F o r your Drugs. Sundries. Patent Medicines. Station­ cation and sworn statement on the 15th T he C are of the send one authorized delegate am; g easonjng on much the same REAL ESTATE day o f March, 1911, before the Regis-1 ery, Toilet Articles, Candy and Cigars, Ice Cream and the convention, thus having ,ines ag Mr . Hi„ ,)ut using d if_ ter and Receiver, o f the United States First National Bank Fruit Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon. power t<^ act, may proceed s ill» I f eren^ comparisons, Dr. Shafer, Soda Water. Everything in the Drug line. Lands of The Dalles, Oregon Any person is at liberty to protest the organisation. A t the Pott- head o f the history department, this purchase before entry, or initiate a land meeting, which was tilled | ^he University o f Oregon, pre- W IL L HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION a contest at any time before patent is- by President Atw ell of the Ore- Oie- (|jc^s a g growth rowth so ranid rapid “ ' as to i sues, by filing a corroborated affidavit S p ecia,ty I Capital - - $100,000.00 gon State Horticultural Society, i put U8 near the 1 , 500 ,000 mark in this office, alleging facts which Mosier Oregon Surplus and undivid­ considerable progress was made, i by 1920.” L)r. Sbafer lias just would defeat the entry. 100 , 000.00 ed profits for all agreed to the value o f the made an extended trip through C. W . M o o r k , J. S. SCHENCK, P resident W. A. HUSBANDS proposed organization and a num­ the East and Middle West, and Register. E d M. W illiams M ax A. V ogt (First publication Jany. 13, last March 10! B lacksmith ber o f disputed points will be his deductions are intei’esting. --------- . ------------- Vice Pres. Cashier harmonized by the time the Wal- “ Vye said he, “ that Horse Shoeing and General During J A N U A R Y all seasonable ¡NO TIC E FOR PU B LIC A TIO N la Walla meeting is held. Ohio more than doubled her pop-! Repair Work. (P U B L IS H E R ) The Portland Commercial Club, ulation between 1810 and 1820, Satisfaction guaranteed goods will be sold at reduced Department o f The Interior, representing the Oregon Develop- and nearly doubled it again he- MOSIER OREGON U. S. Land Office men t .League, prepared and for- tween 1820 and 1830; that In- prices. A t The Dalles, Oregon, warded during the past week a diana more than doubled in the NOTICE FOR PU BLICATIO N December 9th, 1910. memorial to the Secretary o f the ’303 and fully doubled once more CAY YOWELL, Mgr. Heating Stoves and Ranges at a Interior, asking for the recon- in the ’ 40s; that Illinois nearly! (P U B L IS H E R ) s NO TICE Is hereby given that Oscar Harness and Saddlery Goods sidération of his action in defer­ doubled in the ’40s; that Iowaj E. Wilson, whose post office address is Department o f The Interior, Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc U. S. Land Office at | Mosier, Oregon, did on the 28th tlay o f great saving to you ring apportionment o f available more than trebled i it the ’ 50s, j Hand-made Harness a Specialty. The Dalles, Oregon, : February, 1910, file in this office Sworn | reclamation funds for the West ■ nd more than doubled again in j December 13th, 1910. i j Statement and Application, No. 06103, - OREGON NOTICE is hereby given that Edwin! HOOD RIVER Unit o f the Umatilla Irrigation the ’ 60s; that Wisconsin, Minne-j | to purchase the NEI-4SW1-4, Section F. Reeves, o f Mosier, Oregon, who on ' ■■■. . . . — - .. Project. The memorial contain? sota and Kansas all had their j 28, Township 1 North, Range I I East, February 9th, 1910, made Timber and ; Willamette Meridian, and the timber a comprehensive argument cover- decades o f especially rapid! thereon, under the provisions of the act NÉI-4, and the°E L2SE1--L 's/ction 12^ M O S IE R M A R K E T ing the facts o f the case and was ! growth.” I ownsbip 1 North, Range 11 East, Wil- ) rr t t \ t o t i t i tv o f June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, lamette Meridian, has filed notice o f L . I L D U N o M O E E , P rop . forwarded to the Oregon delega- The states mentioned are all known as the ‘ ‘Timber ami Stone j intention to make Final timber anti tion in both houses o f Congress >(:od states and in their time pro-! D EALER IN Law ,” at such value as might be fixed i stone Proof, to establish claim to the for presentation by them t,o Sec- vided excellent opportunities fori by appraist ment, and that, pursuant to 1 above described, before the Reg- Fresh and Cured Meats retary Ballinger o f the Depart- the newcomers. It is a fact, ' such application, the land and timber j ()fficei Bt The DaUefl> Oregon, on the Country Produce thereon have been appraised, the tim- j 25th day o f February, 1911. ment o f the Interior. lowever, that none of those i Claimant names as witnesses: Ben her estimated 270,000 board feet at $. 50 Friends of the Oregon State stares, when doubling and trebl-J M osier - Oregon cents per M, and thedand $50.00; that Veateh, Roy Abernathey, Chester Kers- lake, J. H. Reeves, all o f Mosier, Ore­ Horticultural Society aré urging ing in population at a period in said applicant vdll offer final proof in gon. the passage of a bill now pend­ their history comparing with the support o f his application and “ we:n C. W. M o o r e , TH E OAKS statement on the 24th day o f February, ing before the legislature asking coming decade in Oregon, had as O ffe r Register. 1911, before the Register and Receiver for the appropriation o f $5000 much to offer the newcomeras is A pleasant place to spend a so (First publication"!).';- S3) o f the U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, The Bulletin has made arrangements with the Portland every two years for necessary j offered him in Oregon. For the cial hour is at Oregon. Evening Telegram whereby we can give subscribers the ad­ expenses of the society, such as farmer, this state ha* plenty of Any person Is at liberty to protest | NOTICE FOR PU B LIC A TIO N S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room vantage o f a gigantic combination offer for a limited period. this purchase before entry, or initiate prizes for exhibits made at the j land which will produce larger (ISOLATED TRACT) You can get a metropolitan evening paper with all the latest a contest at any time before patent is­ annual show, services of exhibits crops than any ever taken from S oft D rinks , C andy , C igars PU B LIC L A N D SA LE news from all over the world and all the news o f M osier in the sues, by filing a corroborated aflidavit committee, judges, salary o f sec- the land situated in the colder No. 06862 in this office, alleging facts which Bvlletin at a remarkably low price. T obacco retary, printing, postage, etc. ! regions o f the Middle West. United States Land Office, would defeat tills entry. The Evening Telegram is the best paper in the state, mar­ The Dulles, Oregon, It is pointed out in the argu­ From dairying in this country! C. W . M o o r e , Oregon Mosier, December 31st, 1910. ments advanced for.the bill that the profits are beyond the belief; ket reports unexcelled, Saturday edition contains a magazine Register. j Notice is hereby given that, as di- Eastern states, with very much o f the dairy maw who has fol-l comic section in colors. First pub'lcftlion Dec. 16 C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. ___ rected by the Commissioner o f the Gen less prominence than Oregon in lowed his calling where severe The Portland Evening Telegram . $5 per year i eral Land Office, under provisions of D entist the fruit growing business, ap­ Winters make feeding necessary; NOTICE FOR PU B LIC A TIO N . Ad o f Congress approved June 27, j OFFICE OVER B UTLER R A N K IN G C O M PAN Y The Bulletin . . . $1.50 per yr propriate large sums annually to ; six months in the year, In fruit, (Publisher.) 1906, Public—No. 308, we will offer at PHONES: promote the growth o f the in- Oregon h as become w o r d-! Department o f the Interior, U. S. public sale to the highest bidder, at 10 Total $6.50 Office 28 Resident’« 28 B Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, o’clock a. m., on the 23rd day o f Feb- famous. We have the greatest dustry. OREGON HOOD RIVER January 17th, 1911. ! ruary 1911 at this office, the following! The very wide extent o f the forests o f standing timber that Both papers through this office Notice is hereby given that Robert tract o f land to-wit: 8E1-4NWI-4, Sec. | Oregon Agricultural College is j can be found any where, and in if paid in advance for 1 year, P. Boyce, o f Portland, Oregon, who, 5, T. 1 N. R. 11 E. W. M. H. G. K IB B E E shown in the report just sub- every branch o f industrial effort j on March 16th, 1910, made Timber and Any persons claiming adversely tie on or before February 15th, Stone application No. 06232, for N1-2S above-described lands are advised to mitted by President K err touch- there are opportunities and open- j 1911. , El-4, SE1-4SE1-4, Section 6, Township file their claims, or objections, on or ing the activity o f the college i»g s far more plentiful or nd- ' NOTARY PUBLIC 1 North, Range 12 EWM., has filed ! before the day above designated for during the two-year period o f vantageoos than those in the notice o f intention to make Final sale. M o s i e r - - - O r e g o n 1908-1910. He shows that dur-, Middle Western States when they YOUR T A X NOTICE NOTICE FOR PU B LIC A TIO N Proof, to establish claim to the land C. W. M oore , Register. ing the past biennium, more than were doubling and trebling their above described, before the Register Will doubtless be received ( p u b l is h e r ) and Receiver o f the U. S. Land Office, 88.000 persons have actually par- population, within the next few days. Department o f the Interior, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 4th day ticipated in the work carried on The views o f Mr. Hill regal'd- U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon of April, 1911. When you get it just remem­ Claimant names as witnesses: February lat, 1911. by the college or under its di- ing the f'fltttVe’ of the state are ber that it will not be neces­ William J. Ray, o f Portland, Oregon, NO TIC E is hereby given that Oscar lection. Many thousands more exceptionally valuable for the and Edwin F. Reeves, Benjamin Veateh sary for you to go to the E. Wilson, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, on and Chester Kerslake, all o f Mosier, have been supplied with bulle- reason that it is in no small part County Seat to make pay­ October 19th, 15K)6, made Homestead, Oregon. tins issued by the college, circu- due to the millions which his C. W . M o o r e , ment nor even to mail your No. 15366 Serial, No. 04011, for SJSEi, Register. lars and personal correspondence, road and his chief competitor are j check. The M o s i e r V a l l e y Sec. 15 and NJNE|, Section 22, Town­ Is the place to visit. Orange grove3 in full bloom, tropical This shows what a great factor spending that this coming de -1 B a n k has arranged with the ship 1 North, Range 11 East, Willam­ ette Meridian, has filed notice o f in­ this institution is in advancing velopment will be made possible, j County Treasurer to receive flowers, famous hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive water­ Cure Your tention to make final commutation the agricultural, horticultural I* Mr. Hi l l s optimistic predic- these payments and to pro­ ing places, delightful climat \ making that favored section the Proof, to establish claim to the land and livestock interests o f the tions for the next decade are cure r e c e i p t s promptly. Rheumatism above described, before the Register Nation’s most popular retreat, You can see it at its best via the borne out, it is not unreasonable state. Bring us your notice and we and Receiver o f the U. S. Land office, A N D OTHER IL L S OF TH E BODY to expect Portland to be the at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 13th day will look after the matter for A Lebanon woman is making largest city on the Pacific Coast o f March, 1911. A T THE you. chickens pay. During last year, Claimant names as witnesses Robert in 1920. Thus far this city has And “ The Road o f a Thousand Wonders" We can he o f service to her 36 hens laid 4804 eggs. One W. Simpson, Carl J. Fredrickson, secured one out o f three o f the! you in many ways if you will o f her pullets laid 520 eggs and Thomas C. Godbersen, Hans C. Olsen, SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO M PAN Y newcomers in the state. I f we Sanatorium give us the opportunity. all o f Mosier, Oregon. another 237. Her total net profit , , c ,, f ., a . » get only one out o f four o f the Up-to-date trains, first-class in every respect, unexcelled C. W. M o o r e , Register. (T h e House o f Efficiency) Your business matters, o f for the year from the nock o f 7 ^ ..... 1,500,000 expected by Mr. Hill, whatever character, a r e H o t Lake, O r e g o n chickens was $154.80, and she dining-car service, quick time and direct connections to all points the population o f the city will he treated in absolute confi­ Immense Loss of Timber has 404iens left. south. carried far past the 500,000 mark THE dence and we are often in po­ It is estimated that 700,000,000 in 1920. We have grown to a SPECIAL ROUND T R IP FARE sition to make suggestions feet o f timber was burned last O R E G O N — W A S H I N G T O N Celebnffe Silver Wedding city o f more than 200,000 people! or procure information which summer in the National forests R A IL R O A D & N A V I- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evans cele­ with the tributary territory only | will save you both trouble o f Oregon and Washington. In G A T IO N CO. brated their 25th wedding anni­ slightly scratched over, and with I and money. Portland to Los Angeles and Return versary last Friday at their vast regions o f richness still un-j I i h. ^ ” 1L re8erVe 160,000 aCTe8 Sells round-trip ticket«, good for ! were burned. touched. Not much sentiment three months, allowing $6.00 home east o f town. The guests With corresponding low fares from all other sections of the NOTICE is necessary to make an optimist j The protection o f the forests worth o f accommodation at were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. John­ out of an Oregonian w ho gives A meeting o f the Horticultural against fire is o f vital importance Northwest. Liberal stop-over in each direction and long limit. the Sanatorium, at Port­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evans, careful consideration to t he Society will 1« held at 1:30 p. m. ias they represent vast wealth to I land and all O.-W. R. Interesting and attractive literature on the various resorts and Mr. and Mrs. T. Lelliott and son sut".i & N. Stations i-> iegar in„ s a e. ¡n i^rnb’s Mall. Questions o f | the country. The laws are per- Jack. Mr. Geo. Denton. Miss attractions of California can be had on application to any S. P. vital importance will he dis-: haps stringent enough, hut ap- f 1IP»k „r ¡nfarmntinn or,.i ¡i Maude Evans and Richard W il-i FOR SALE or O. R. & N. Agent, or from • ¿ « r .re net enforced & 5 M S S 3 & 1 S cox. Household furniture, including sired that there will be a large they should be. Whether this is T. Phy, Medical Supt. and Mgr., The day was passed most solid oak dining table and set o f , attendance, due to an insufficient force o f Hot Lake, Oregon, any O.-W. R. pleasantly and on leaving, the chairs, drerser, rugs, range. forest rangers, or carelessness, & N. Agent, or write to W M . M cM U R R A Y if is ta t n/uif I guests w ished the host and hos- heater, refrigerator, piano, and R- R- Morrison made a brief ^ we donq know, rviif but it most WM- McMURRAY. G E N E R AL PASSENGER AGENT, tess many more years o f happy many other articles. For par- trip to Portland yesterday, re- necessary that steps be taken for C»«n**ral Pa**«nirer Airent PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND. OREGON marrie'd life. ticuiars. apply at Bulletin office, turning last n igh t j better protection o f our forests. OUU PO R T LA N D LE TTE R í\ LARAWAY NICHOL General Merchandise j Hood R ivers Reliable Jeweler for J Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry Go To M o sier O reg o n The Arthur & Burt Drug Co., Prescriptions a Specialty. Special Prices DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. W. E. CHOWN Mosier - - ; Ore Great Combination 5.00 California HOT LAKE SHASTA ROUTE $ 55.00