Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, January 27, 1911, Image 2

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Growers o f Northwest Meet at Port­
land— Committees Named.
P o rtlan d .—R ep resen tin g an aggre-
Salem , Or., Jan . 20.—R ep resen tativ e I gate cap ital of $50,000,000, Invested in
Salem , Or., Jan . 24.—Although both
house» of the leg islatu re w orked In­ Clyde today in troduced a Joint reso­ apple o rch ard s and an o u tp u t of 10.-
dustriously th is m orning, little w as lution proposing
constitu tio n al 000 c ars yearl, h aving a value of
accom plished beyond th e passage of
e $300 p e r­ from $6,000,000 to $8,000,000, more
a few bills of little general im p o rt­
th an 100 applegrow ers from Oregon,
ance. T he good roads e n th u sia sts will
have th e ir Innings In th e se n a te this
T he house has adopted N euner’s W ashington and Idaho g ath ered in the
afternoon, the bills on th a t subject m em orial urging O regon’s delegation Y. M. C. A. auditorium for th e pur­
pose of form ing a N ational selling
being m ade a special order.
A new resolution calling for an In­ In C ongress to w ork for an approp­ agency of sufficient b readth and width
vestigation of affairs a t th e s ta te In­ riation of $250,000 for a F ed eral build­ to control and dispose of th e apples
produced in th e th re e s ta te s m en­
sane asylum w as Introduced by Dlm- ing a t Roseburg.
lck in th e sen ate and w ent to com ­
Bigelow has in troduced In th e
A co m m ittee of 15 w as appointed
m ittee. It d irects p articu lar inquiry
house a resolution in stru c tin g the a t th e close of th e d ay 's w ork to
a s to th e num ber of em ployes and th e
necessity for th e ir em ploym ent and gam e com m ittee to com m unicate w ith p rep are a w orking plan for th e con­ “ M ad” D a n M a itla n d , on r e a c h in g h is
gives pow er to com pel atte n d a n c e of the le g islatu res of C alifornia and sideration of th e convention tom or­ N e w York b a c h e lo r club, m e t a n a tt r a c ­
tiv e y o u n g w om an a t th e door. J a n ito r
w itnesses for tak in g of testim ony on W ashington w ith a view to securing row m orning.
L eading apple c u ltu rists from the O 'H a g a n a ssu r e d him no o n e h a d b een
all phases of th e situation.
uniform legislation by th e th re e th re e s ta te s took p a rt in th e proceed­ w ith in th a t d ay. D a n d isc o v er e d a w o m ­
V erbal clashes of rival in te re sts sta te s reg u latin g th e shooting of
n ’s fin ger p r in ts In d u st on h is desk,
ings. Ex-G overnor Miles C. Moore, of a a lo
cam e last n ig h t In com m ittee m eet­ ducks and o th e r w a te r fowl.
n g w ith a le tte r from hia a tto r n e y .
ings over the sailors' boarding house
The house today Indefinitely p ost­ of Boise, Idaho; Miles Cannon, of
CH APTER I.— Continued.
bill, the eight-hour bill and th e naval poned C ole's bill au th o rizin g the pub­
m ilitia bill. T h e la tte r will come lication of th e O regon Suprem e C ourt W eiser, Idaho; E. C. Benson, of Pros-!
F u rth e r and closer inspection de­
from th e sen ate com m ittee w ith a rep o rts by George W. B ates & Co.
ington S ta te H o rticu ltu re Society; C. veloped the fact th a t the im p rin t had
provision retain in g p resen t officers of
R a th e r th a n allow h e r sterilizatio n E. W hisler, of Medford, rep resen tin g been only recently made. W ithin the
th e reserv e In office.
bill, as vetoed, run th e g a u n tle t of
hour—unless M aitland w ere Indeed
The sen ate passed one bill and k ill­ a tw o-thirds m ajo rity , o r see it de­ th e Rogue R iv er F ru it and P ro d u c e : mad o r dream ing—a woman had stood
ed an o th er th is m orning, but th e se s­ clared dead a s th e possibility has
by th a t desk and rested a hand, palm
sion w as featureless. C om m ittees are been suggested. Dr. Owens-Adalr re ­ Grove, Or., p resid en t of th e Oregon
down, upon It; not yet had the dust
slow In repo rtin g out th e ir bills. The quested S en a to r A lbee to re in tro ­ S tate H o rticu ltu ral Society; J. N .:
Stone, of Milton, O r.; H. C. R ichards, had tim e to se ttle and blur th e sharp
house passed four bills.
duce It a t th is session, and th e bill of N orth Y akim a, W ash.; A. P. Bate-; outlines.
T he legislature w as storm ed today cam e in to the se n a te today, labeled
man, of M osier, Or., and C. H. Sproat,
M aitland shook his head w ith be­
by 300 Oregon advocates of th e Go'
as S en ate Bill No. 90. T his is the
R oads m ovem ent. Two-hundred cam e id entical m easure w ith th a t Introd­ of Hood R iver, Or., w ere am ong t h e : w ilderm ent, thinking of the gray girl.
from P ortland urging th a t M ultnom ah uced and passed a t th e la s t session m ore active sp irits of th e enterprise. B ut no. He rejected his half-formed
T he only opposition to the plan explanation—the obvious one. Besides,
county, by th e term s of the five high­ relatin g to tak in g ste p s for re s tra in ­
w ays bills fram ed by th e Oregon ing th e propagation of crim inal In­ proposed cam e from th e pessim istic w hat had he th ere worth a th ief’s
tone th a t prevailed thro ugh the talk w hile? Beyond a few articles of
Good R oads association, is p resenting sane, im beciles and Idiots.
of E. H. S hepherd, ed ito r of B etter
th e sta te with road m aking funds for
“virtue and bigotry” and his pictures,
F ruit, published a t Hood River. A l-1
th e d irect benefit of every o th er
Salem , Ore., Jan . 19.—One bill was though th e discussion lasted through­ th e re was nothing valuable In th e en­
county bu t w ith in d irect benefit, only
passed by th e sta te se n a te th is m orn­ ou t th e day and th e sp eak ers were tire flat. H is papers? B ut he had
to business in terests.
nothing; a handful of letters, cheque
ing. I t was sen ate bill 26, by Oliver, num erous, Mr. S hepherd could not
book, a pass book, a japanned tin dis­
slm plif>lng th e proof of official docu­
more hopeful in th e plan of creating patch box containing some business
Salem, Jan. 23.—N um erous bills to
a c en tral d istrib u tiv e agency for the m em oranda and papers destined event­
hedge in officials a t s ta te institu tio n s,
He m aintained th a t th e r e ! ually for B annerm an’s hands; but
resolutions calling for in vestigation courts.
of sta te estab lish m en ts from se p a ra te
C hase's bill for sale of tide lands was no w ay for an organization—at nothing negotiable, nothing w orth a
investigatio n s of th e asylum and the w tthln an organized p o rt to po rt com ­ least he had heard of no plan—which 1 burglar's while.
would equalize th e v alues b e tw e e n ; It was a flat-topped desk, of m ahog­
office of in su ran ce com m ission to a
resolution, sw eeping in Its n atu re m issions a t a nom inal price, th e re be­ th e apples produced in the Various any, with two pedestals of draw ers, all
and covering all of th e s ta te In stitu ­ ing now no m an n er in w hich unap­ d istricts. He w as c e rta in th a t th ere locked. M aitland determ ined th is la t­
tions and officials, w ere featu res in p ropriated lands m ay be acquired was no chance for over-production. te r fact by try in g to open them w ith­
both houses today.
from th e s ta te land board, w as sen t T h at h e regarded as a bug-a-boo cre­ out a key; falling, bis key-ring solved
ated by th e railro ad s and th e press.
They m arked a continuance of the
“All G overnm ent sta tistic s,” said j the difficulty In a Jiffy. But the draw ­
sen tim en t which has been expressed back to com m ittee on am endm ent.
forcibly th a t lavish exp en d itu re and It will be am ended by suggestion of th e 8|>eaker, " th a t I have been able to ers seem ed undisturbed; nothing had
extravag an ce have m arked th e con­ Bean to exem pt lands already applied get hold of, all th e Inform ation th a t been eith er handled, or rem oved, or
so far as he could d eter­
1 have g ath ered and all of the in te r- displaced,
d uct of affairs a t th e asylum and for by others.
Von d e r llellen , of Jackson, Intro­ views w ith old-tim e n u rsery men go m ine. And again be wagged his head
th a t th ere Is a possibility of fu rth er
Instances of th is being u n earth ed at duced a bill am en d in g th e law to show th a t over-production Is im ­ from side to side In solemn stupefac­
a g a in st railroad reb ates, use of false possible, In apples a t least. T h ere is tion.
o th e r institutions.
“T his Is beyond you, Dan, my boy.”
S enato r W ood Introduced several w eights o r such classifications of no such a th in g a s over-production In
s ta te
institu tio n s. com m odities as will ch arg e one s h ip th is cou n try in any food product. A nd; “But I ’ve got to know w hat it
T hey have as th e ir end in view the per m ore th a n an o th e r. T he object T h ere may be fau lts of distribution m eans.”
com plete elim ination of possibility of is to in su re cheap tra n sp o rta tio n for for a continuous num ber of years—
In the hall O 'H agan was shuffling
fu tu re deficiencies and would change lim estone rhek, said to be suitab le th a t has n ev er occurred and cannot Im patience. Pondering deeply, M ait­
th e p resen t system of expending pub­ for cem en t m aking, of w hich large occur In any know n food product.”
land relocked th e desk and got upon
R egardless of Mr. S h ep h erd ’s views,
lic money for public Institutions. deposits ex ist In Jack so n county. It
his feet. A sm all bowl of beaten brass,
Dimlck Introduced a bill requiring is sta te d $500,000 is all ready to be the applegrow ers continued in th eir w hich he used as an ash receiver,
delib eratio n s and appo inted the fol­
th a t the secretary of sta te shall m ake in vested in th e in d u stry .
Two of th e good roads bills for­ low ing co m m ittee to d ra ft a plan: H. stood ready to his hand; he took it up,
a personal Inspection of every vouch­
e r draw n and every w a rra n t paid und m ulated by th e Good R oads asso cia­ W. Otis, of W enatchee, W ash.; H. C. carefully blew it clean of dust, and
th a t such shall be signed by him p er­ tion found th e ir way Into th e sen ate Sproat, of Hood R iver; H. C. Lamb, Inverted it over th e p rin t of the hand.
yesterday. B a rre tt, of U m atilla, p re­ of Milton, O r.; John Forbls, of P o rt­ On top of the bowl he placed a
O ne of W oods’ b ills m akes It u n ­ sented th e bill w hich en ab les coun­ land; C. F. W hisler, of Medford, Or.; w eighty afterth o u g h t in the shape of
law ful for any tru ste e o r officer of ties to issue bonds for road build­ A. P. B atem an, of M osier, O r.; Miles a book.
"O ’H ag an !”
any s ta te Institu tio n to allow a de­ ing, ami C arson a bill for w orking Cannon, of W eiser, Idaho; C. L.
ficiency to be created.
Such de­ city and county p riso n e rs on th e Sm ith, of Lew iston, Idaho; W ill F.
“W aitin', sor.”
Rltz, of W alla W alla, W ash.; W. M.
ficiency, th e bill recites, m ust be re­ highw ays.
“Come h ith er, O’H agan. You see
lio tatiu n of n am es on th e prim ary Nelson, of N o rth Y akim a, W ash.; th a t desk?”
paid personally by th e tru ste e re ­
sponsible o r by his bondsm en. An­ ballot is provided in a bill presented George C. E aton, of G ranger, W ash.;
"Y lssor.”
o th er of W oods’ bills provides th a t by th e Judiciary co m m ittee as a sub­ C. H. C lark, of W enatchee, and G. H.
“A re you su re?”
no w arra n t shall be draw n by thu stitu te for 9 in n o tt‘B bill on th e name Sprague, of C ashm ere, W ash.
"Ah, faith—”
T he convention w as called to order
secretary of sta te unless an appro­ line. A bout th e only change is ex­
“I w ant you not to touch It, O’Ha-
priation has been m ade th erefo r, nor tension of th e a re a to all county by P re sid e n t Atwell, of the Oregon
shall any account bo audited and o r­ and d istric t offices. It req u ires th a t S tate H o rticu ltu ral Society, F ran k W. gnn. U nder penalty of my extrem e dis­
dered paid u nless th e ap propriation w hatever th e nu m b er of can d id a tes Pow er, of P o rtlan d , w as m ade sec­ pleasure, don’t lay a finger on it till I
covering the sam e h a s n o t been ex­ fo r' an y p a rtic u la r office, th e nam e retary . A co m m ittee on cred en tials give you perm ission. Don’t d are to
of each candidate sh all a p p ear a t th e w as selected and they m ade a report d u st 1L Do you u n d erstan d ?”
head of tic k e t as m any tim es as th e in th e afternoon. T h e call of the
"Y lssor. Very good, Mr. M aitland.”
convention specified th a t the object
Salem , Ore., Jan . 21.—An a n ti­ nam e of any o th e r candidate.
Two bills w ere passed by th e house
tru s t law, w hich is Intended to h it all th is m orning. T h e first cam e from of th e m eetin g w as to form a co-oper­
com binations In re s tra in t of trade, the Dougins county delegation and Is ativ e selling agency and to provide
w as Introduced In th e sen ate y e ste r­ designed to p ro te c t and p rev en t the som e m eans for apple box legisla­
P annerm an pushed back his ch air a
day by Joseph of M ultnom ah and pollution of th e w ate rs of th e U m p­
to th e b est plan of procedure and few Inches, shifting position the b etter
m ay loom aB one of the large m eas­
qua river.
discussion disclosed the fact th a t the to benefit of a faint a ir th a t fanned
u res of th e session. I t has been
appo in tm en t of a co m m ittee should In through the open window. M ait­
carefully draw n, being on th e lines
land, tw isting th e sticky stem ot a
Salem , Or., Ja n . 18.—R ep re se n ta ­ be made to w ork ou t a plan,
of th e C alifornia law, w hich has been
C. E. W h isler took th e lead in tho liqueur glass betw een thum b and fore­
an effective in stru m e n t In su p p ress­ tive N eu n er’s sta n d in g am ong the
ing com binations of re ta ile rs In th a t school children of th e s ta te will de­ debate and contended th a t th e diffi­ finger, sat in p atien t w aiting for the
cu lties of th e u n d ertak in g w ere, first, law yer to speak.
preciate a b o u t 100 p e r c e n t If th e the m ethod of estab lish in g grades
B ut B annerm an was In no hurry;
Ice tru sts, g ro cers’ com binations,
plum bing com bines and o th e r sim ilar bill he Introduced In th e house to­ and, secoifd, w h at should be done his mood was ra th e r one contem pla­
tive and genial. He was a round and
organizatio n s have been se n t to day becom es a law. T he m easure
cover by the C alifornia law.
The proposes to abolish all school holi­ ceipts of th e selling agency. Should cherubic little m an, with the face of
law covers all com binations hnvlng days. In th is It does n o t even except
a guileless child, the acum en of a suc­
siieaker called it, In w hich all should cessful counsel for soulless corpora­
for th e ir o b ject th e Btlfltug of com ­
tions (th at is to say, of a high order),
V enders of d rugs and n o stru m s It provides, how ever, th a t on th ese ceeds. o r should values be placed no particular sense of humor, and a
will be h ard h it If a bill presented two days exercises a p ro p ria te to th e upon th e apples of each d istric t and g reat appreciation of good eating.
by B a rre tt of W ashington In the occasion shall be hold In th e schools. division of th e receip ts be placed on And M aitland was famous in his day
th is b asis?
In th is debate George
sen ate Is passed. T hursday h e In­
I’rovlslon is m ade th a t gen eral elec­ Aggers, of W hite Salm on; A. F. Hell- as one thoroughly conversant w ith the
troduced a bill w hich will m ake the
license easy for country peddlers. tion o r prim ary day, w hore th e tea c h ­ In well, of W hite Salm on; J. G. T ate, a rt of ordering a dinner.
T h at which they had JuBt discussed
T he drug vender bill, w hich wns In­ e r is a legal voter, school may be of Hood R iver; C. B. C lark, of W en­
troduced by request, goes to the closed at 2:30 o'clock In th e a fte r­ atch e e; J. N. Stone, of M ilton; W. K. had been uncomm on In all respects;
M aitland's schem e of courses and his
o th e r extrem e, im posing th e pro­ noon to en ab le th e te a c n e r to vote.
lem, and o th e rs took part.
specification as to details had roused
hibitory fee of $100 p er month.
In a resolution In th e house today.
lla rre tt also Introduced a bill to
the adm iration of the P rim ordial's chef
legalize th e m aking of deposits of Mahoney, of M orrow, proposes th at
and put him on his m ettle. He had
th e sta te school fund In banks. T his no bill c a rry in g an ap propriation
outdone him self in his efforts to do
is understood to be favored by the shall be Introduced In th e leg islatu re
S eattle.—T h e developm ent of the justice to Mr. M aitland's genius; and
subsequent to F eb ru ary 7.
sta te treasu rer.
an ese port of T au ru g a has made the Prim ordial In Its deadly conserva­
C hairm an M alarkey, of th e se n a te
C alkins of I.ano Introduced a bill
It possible to go around th e world in tism rem ains to this day one of the
m aking th e saloonm an responsible In Judiciary com m ittee, say s th a t a 37 days.
L eaving S eattle or V an­ very few places In New York w here
dam ages to th e wife o r o th e r n ear su b stitu te bill, If passed, probably couver by steam er, a tra v e le r may
relative through sale of liquor to an will be rep o rted fo r P a tto n ’s bill to land In Y okoham a in 12 days. By good, sound cooking is to be had by
the Initiate.
abolish capital punishm ent. T he su b ­
habitual drunkard.
tak in g tra in to T su ru g a and steam er
T herefore B annerm an thoughtfully
A bill by M alarkey, e stab lish in g a s titu te bill will abolish capital pun­ to th e tra n s S iberian R ailroad term ­
s ta te board for exam ination of can ishm ent, b u t will c a rry an added inus and continuing by the fastest sucked a t his cigar and thought
dldates for th e bar, was indefinitely clause providing fo r a restrictio n of tra in to Ixm don he m ay cover the fondly of a salad th at had been to
the pardoning power. U nder th e pro-
distance from Y okoham a in 16 days. ordlnnry salads as his 80-horse-power
M alarkey’s bill rem oving th e five |M>sed plan th e question of pardons By the fnstest steam ers and trnlns he car was to an electric buckboard.
day lim it allowed to a p u rch aser to will be placed larg ely w ith th e Su­ may trav el from London to S eattle in W hile M aitland, with all tim e at his
record a conveyance was passed by prem e C ourt, although th e G overnor a little m ore th an nine days.
purchase. Idly flicked the ash from his
17 to 8 a fte r a d ebate in which the will still sign th e pardons.
cig arette and followed his atto rn e y ’s
W henever new evidence is found,
law yers disagreed.
M alarkey con­
m editative gaze out through th e win­
Jap Socialists Hang.
tended th a t th is would enable a p ur­ a tto rn e y s for th e one d esirin g the
ch a se r to know his title wns good pardon will p re se n t It to th e Su­
Toklo.— D isregarding a stream of
Because of th e heat th e cu rtain s
when he bought, as th e conveyance prem e Court and th a t trib u n al will
first recorded would be the one rec­ pass upon It and h and down an opin­ p ro tests from all over th e world, the w ere looped back, and th ere w as noth­
Jap an ese governm ent wiped out by ing to obstruct th e view. Madison
ognized. A braham . Joseph and N ot­ ion.
The G overnor will be unable to sign m eans of th e gallow s th e lives of square lay ju s t over the sill, a dark
tingham opposed these views, while
‘ Slnnott, B a rre tt of W ashington and th e pardon unless It Is sanctioned by D enjlro K otoku, h is m istress. Surga w ilderness of foliage here and th ere
an opinion of th e court.
Kanno, and 10 o th e r Ja p an ese Social­ m ade livid green by arc lights. Its
C alkins agreed w ith them .
ists convicted in secret sessions of w alks teem ed w ith hum anity. Its
the court, of having conspired against benches were crowded. Dimly from
Bleached Flour Loses Friends.
In vestigate Asylum Site.
Ralem,- Ja n . I 4 - -F o rtlfleiP b y a ile- th e life of th e m ikado. T he hanging Its h eart cam e th e cool plashing of the
Salem . Ore., Jan . 19.—S en ato r Kel-
of the 12 victim s of th e governm ent's
laher, chairm an of th e resolution eislon of th e U nited S ta te s d istric t fear of Socialism began a t 9 o’clock fountain, in lulls that fell unaccount­
com m ittee of the senate, say s the court for th e e a ste rn d istrict of Lonls- In the m orning In th e c en tral prison ably in the roaring rustle of restless
com m ittee is p rep arin g to rep o rt out lana and by a rep o rt of official test and th e tra p w as not sp rung for the feet. O ver across, Broadw ay raised
th e house resolution providing for a w herein rab b its w ere poisoned and Inst one u n til 1 p. m.
g littering walls of glass and stone;
Joint com m ittee to in v estig a te the killed by n itra te s gleaned from bleach­
and thence cam e th e poignant groan
site in easte rn Oregon for a branch ed flour. S en ato r Dan K ellaher Is
and rum ble of surface c ars craw ling
Insane asylum . R eports have been p reparing to wage a w ar on the
Nation to Hide Paroles.
upon th eir w eary and unvarying
circulated th a t th is resolution is lie bleached brands, a s he did a t the
W ashington.—Men who hnve th eir rounds.
Ing held In th e com m ittee because session tw o y ears ago. The bill im- ]
And agntn M aitland thought of the
of opposition of th e Bowerman men. poses a penalty of $100 to $250 fine paroles from F ed eral p risons h ere­ City, and of D estiny, and of the gray
but K ellaher says th is la not correct. for first offense of m an u factu rin g ot I a fte r will step back Into th e world to
He expects th e resolution to come offering for sale th e oleached pro- ! begin life anew u n ad verttsed and girl the silhouette of whose hand was
Im prisoned beneath the b rass bowl on
out with unanim ous rep o rt and to duct In th is stnte. w ith a prison sen ! w ithout th e lim elight of publicity.
his study desk. For by now he was
fence o f from 60 day s to six m onths.
pass w ithout opposition.
A ttorney-G eneral W lckersham and quite satisfied th a t she and none other
Repeal Tax on W ate r Pow er.
R obert W. I-adow, ch airm an of the had trespassed upon th e privacy of his
To Reform Judicial System.
Salem , Ore., Jan. 19.—Ri-jieal of
parole board, h a re decided th a t pub­ rooms, obtaining access to them in his
th e tax on new w ater pow ers Is
in such cases helps to defeat absence by m eans as unguessable as
provided In a bill Introduced in the hensive reform of th e judicial system
h e r motive. M om entarily he consid­
sen ate by C arson, of Marion.
In of th e sta te , w hich is generally re­ the object of th e parole law.
ered taking B annerm an into his con­
stead, it places a g raduated license garded as having been m ade easy by
fidence; but he questioned th e ad­
Gaynor’s Foe in Prison.
tax on all w ater power«, old as well the adoption of sw eeping am endm ents
visability of this. B annerm an was so
aa new. T his la In accord w ith rec­ to th e co n stitu tio n at th e last elec­ New York.—Ja m es J . G allagher, severely practical In his outlook upon
om m endations m ade by S ta te E n ­ tion. S en ato r Wood h as Introduced a who shot M ayor O avnor and S treet
g ineer Lewis. I/ewls arg u es th a t the bill fo r th e appoint m ent of a com ­ C om m issioner E dw ards on a steam ­ life, while th is adventure had been
p resen t tax re ta rd s developm ent of m ittee to devise a new judicial act ship on a dock a t H oboken last Au­ so madly w him sical, so engagingly
new w ater pow er projects, and urges to cover the e n tire field of Jury sy s­ gust. w as tak en to th e New Jersey Impossible. B annerm an would be sure
It would he b e tte r to place a license tem an d courts. T h e bill calis for S tate P rison to serve 12 y ears a t to suggest a call at the precinct police
. . It th e bad m ade way
a com m ission of 30 m em bers.
tax on all w ater pow er.
hard labor.
| •••a*
a Cool Half-Million, While It’s a Drop in the Bucket to
You, Would Cripple Him.”
with anything. It would be different;
but so far as M aitland had been able
to determ ine, she had abstracted noth­
ing, disturbed nothing beyond a few
square inches of dust. . . .
Unwillingly B annerm an put th e
salad out of mind and tu rn ed , to the
business whose im m ediate m om ent
had brought
them together.
bum m ed softly, calling his client to a t­
tention. M aitland cam e out of bis
reverie, vaguely sm iling.
“I'm w aiting, old m an. W hat's up?”
“Tho Graeme business. His law yers
have been a fter me again. I even had
a call from the old man him self.”
“Y es?
The G raem e business?”
M aitland’s expression was blank for a
m om ent; then com prehension inform ed
his eyes. “Oh, yes; in connection with
the D ougherty investm ent sw indle.”
"T h a t's i t G raem e’s pleading for
m ercy.”
M aitland lifted his shoulders sig­
nificantly. “T hat w as to be expected,
w asn’t it? W hat did you tell him ?”
"T h at I'd see you.”
"Did you hold out to him any hopes
th a t I’d be easy on the gang?”
"I told him th a t I doubted If you
could be induced to let up.”
“T hen why— ?”
“Why, because G raem e him self is as
innocent of wrong doing and wrong in­
te n t as you are.”
"You believe th a t? ”
"I do,” affirmed B annerm an. His
fat pink fingers drum m ed uneasily on
th e cloth for a few mom ents. “T here
Isn't any question th a t the D ougherty
people Induced you to sink your money
In th e ir en terp rise with in ten t to de­
fraud yon."
“I should think not,” M aitland In ter­
jected, amused.
“B ut old man G raem e was honest,
In intention at least. He m eant no
h arm : and In proof of th at he offers
to shoulder your loss him self. If by so
doing he can Induce you to drop fu rth ­
e r proceedings. T h at proves h e’s In
earn est. Dan, for although G ream e Is
com fortably well to do. It’s a known
fact th a t the loss of a cool half million,
while It's a drop in the bucket to you,
would cripple him .”
"T hen why doesn't he stand to his
associates, and m ake them each pay
back th eir fair sh are of the loot?
T hat'd bring hts liability down to
about fifty thousand."
“B ecause they w on't give up w ithout
a contest In the courts. They deny
your proofs—you have those papers.
Haven't you?”
“Safe, under lock and key," asserted
M aitland, sententlously. “W hen the
tim e comes I'll produce them ."
"And they Incrim inate Graem e?"
"T hey m ake It look as black for him
as for th e others. Do you honestly be­
lieve him Innocent, B annerm an?”
”1 do, im plicitly. The dread of ex­
posure. the fear of notoriety when the
case com es up in court, has aged the
m an ten years. He begged me with
te a rs in his eyes to induce you to drop
it and accept his offer of restitution.
Don't you think you could do it. Dan?"
“No, I don't.” M aitland shook bis
head w ith decision. "If I let up, th e
scoundrels get off scot free. 1 have
nothing against G raem e; I am w illing j
to m ake It as light a t I can for h im :
but th is business haa got to be aired
in th e courts; th e guilty will have to
suffer. It will be a lesson to the pub­
lic. a lesson to the scam ps, and a les­
son to Graeme— not to lend his nam e
too freely to questionable enterprises."
“And th a t's your final word. Is it? ”
"Final, B annerm an. . . . Yon go
ahead; prepare your case and tak e it
to court. When the tim e comes, as I
say. I'll produce th ese papers. 1 c a n 't
go on th is way, letting people th a t I'm
an easy m ark ju s t because I was un­
fortunate enough to Inherit more
money th an Is good for my w hole­
som e.”
M 3ltland tw isted his eyebrow s in dep­
recation of Ilaunerm an’s a ttitu d e;
signified the irrevocability of his de­
cision by bringing his fist down upon
the table— but not heavily enough to
disturb the other diners; and, laugh­
ing, changed the subject.
For some m om ents he gossiped
cheerfully of his new power boat,
B annerm an attending to the inconse­
quent d etails with an a ir of abstrac­
tion. Once or tw ice he appeared
about to interrupt, but changed his
mind; but because his features were
so wholly infantile and open and can­
did, the tim e came when M aitland
could no longer ignore his evident
“Now w hat’s the trouble?” he de­
m anded w ith a trace of asperity.
“C an't you forget th a t G raem e busi­
ness and—”
"Oh, it's not th at.” B annerm an dis­
m issed the troubles of Mr. Graeme
with an airy wave of a pudgy hand.
“T h at's not my funeral, nor yours.
. . . Only I’ve been w orried, of late,
by your u tterly careless habits.”
M aitland looked his consternation.
“In heaven’s name, w hat now?” And
grinned as he joined hands before him
in sim ulated petition. “ Please don't
read me a lecture ju s t now, dear boy.
If you’ve got som ething dreadful on
your chest w ait till an o th er day, when
I'm m ore In the hum or to be found
fault w ith.”
“No lecture.” B annerm an laughed
nervously. “I’ve m erely been w onder­
ing w hat you have done with the M ait­
land heirloom s.”
“W hat? Oh, those things? T hey're
safe enough—in the safe out a t G reen­
“To be sure! Quite so !” agreed the
lawyer, w ith ironic heartiness. “Oh,
quite.” And proceeded to tak e all
Madison square into his confidence,
addressing it from the window. "H ere's
a young m an, sole proprietor of a
priceless collection of fam ily heir­
looms—diam onds, rubies, sapphires ga­
lore; and he thinks th ey 're safe
enough In a safe a t his country resi­
dence, 50 m iles from anyw here! W hat
a simple, tru stfu l soul it Is!”
“W hy should I bother?” argued
Maitland, sulkily. “It's a good, strong
safe, and—and there are plenty of
“Precisely. Likew ise plenty of bur­
glars. You don’t .suppose a determ ined
crim inal like A nisty, for instance,
would bother him self about a handful
of thick-headed servants, do you?”
“A nisty?”—with a rising inflection
of inquiry.
B annerm an squared him self to face
his host, elbows on table. "You don’t
m ean to say you've not heard of Anis­
ty, the g reat A nisty?” he demanded.
”1 dare say I have,” M aitland con­
ceded, unperturbed. “N ame rings fa­
m iliar, som ehow.”
"A nisty”—deliberately—“is said to
be the g reatest jewel thief the world
has ever known. He has the police of
A m erica and Europe by the ears to
catch him. They have been hot on his
trail for the p ast three years, and
would have nabbed him a dozen tim es
if only he'd had th e grace to stay in
one place long enough. The m an who
made off with the B racegirdle dia­
monds, sm ashing a burglar-proof vault
into scrap iron to get 'em —don’t you
rem em ber?”
“Ye-es; I seem to recall th e affair,
now that you mention It,” M aitland ad­
m itted, bored. “Well, and w hat of Mr.
A nisty?"
“Only w hat I have told you, taken
in connection with the circum stance
th a t he is known to be in New York,
and th a t the M aitland heirloom s are
tolerably fam ous—as much so as your
careless habits, Dan. Now, a safe de­
posit vault—”
“Um-m-m,” considered
M aitland.
“You really believe th a t Mr. Anisty
has his bold burglarious eye on my
“It's a big enough haul to a ttra c t
him ,” argued the lawyer, earnestly;
“Anisty alw ays aim s high. . . .
Now, will you do w hat I have been
begging you to do for the p ast eight
y ears?”
“Seven,” corrected M aitland, punctil­
iously. “I t’s ju s t seven years since I
entered into m ine inheritance and you
becam e my counselor."
“Well, seven, then. But will you
put those jew els in safe deposit?”
“Oh, I suppose so."
“But w hen?”
“Would it suit you if I ran out to­
night?” M aitland dem anded so abrupt­
ly th a t B annerm an was disconcerted.
“I—er—ask nothing b etter.”
“I'll bring them in town to-morrow.
You arrange about the vault and ad­
vise me, will you, like a good fellow?’*
"Bless my soul! I never dream ed
th a t you would be so—so— ”
“Amenable to discipline?” M aitland
grinned, boy-like, and, leaning back,
appreciated B annerm an’s startled ex­
pression w ith keen enjoym ent. “Well,
consider th a t for once you’ve scared
me. I'm off—ju st tim e to catch the
10:20 for Greenfields. W a ite r!”
He scraw led his initials a t the bot­
tom of the bill presented him, and
rose. “Sorry, B annerm an,” he said,
chuckling, “to cu t short a pleasant
evening. But you shouldn’t sta rtle me
so. you know. Pardon m e if I run; I
m ight m iss th a t train.”
“But there w as som ething else— ”
“It can wait."
“Take a la te r train, then.”
“W hat! W ith this grave peril hang­
ing over me? Impossible! ’N ight.”
B annerm an, discomfited, saw Mait­
land's shoulders disappear through the
dining room doorway, m editated pur­
suit, thought b etter of it, and reseated
him self, frowning.
“Mad M aitland, Indeed!” he com­
As for the gentlem an so charac­
terized, he em erged, a m om ent later,
from the portals of the club, still
chuckling m ildly to him self as he
struggled into a light evening over­
coat. H is tem per, having run the
gam ut of boredom, Interest, p ertu rb a­
tion, m ystification, and plain am use­
m ent. was now altogether Inconse­
quential—a dangerous mood for Mait­
Standing on the corner of
Twenty-sixth street he thought it over,
tapping the sidewalk gently with his
cane. Should he or should he not car­
ry out his intention as declared to
B annerm an. and go to G reenfields th a t
sam e night? O r should he keep his be­
lated engagem ent with C ressy's party?
(T O
C O N T IN U E D .)
Father Evidently Had Faith in Daugh­
ter’« Supplications.
husband. “See all those young men
coming to visit u s!”
Mr. B------ glanced out of the win­
Among my esteem ed neighbors there dow, noted the num ber of the Invading
is a fam ily known for th e piety of its force and rem arked, with an air of
m em bers and th eir Im plicit confidence conviction:
"Humph! K ate's been praying again.”
in the efficacy of prayer. One of the
daughters. Miss K ate B------. has al­ —San Francisco Call.
most reached the age when she could
One by Barnacled Ben.
be referred to gallantly as an old maid.
“Yes. m ates.” related Barnacled Ben,
She is the targ et for many a good-
retired seam an, “I certainly did see
natured quip pertaining to her alleged
| some wonderful things when I was
hopes and endeavors in the direction
cruising around the seven seas. Why,
ot m atrim ony.
| once we had a sawfish to follow the
Not long ago a certain society of Nancy Jones for 1,000 miles. We used
young men which had Interested Itself ! to throw off th e leavings from the
in the cam paign for higher saloon li­ galley and when we'd hit a big calm,
cense sen t a com m ittee to visit the why. the sawfish would saw up our
hom es of th e district and obtain signa­ firewood in stove lengths. All we had
tures to a high-license petition. W hen to was to toss th e long sticks over
this com m ittee, num bering a half dozen and he'd saw them up in a jiffy. Then
m em bers, ascended the steps at the we'd take a long rake and rake them
B------ hom e my friend's wife waa the aboard. N ature faking? N ever heard
first to see It through the front win­ | of it. m ate, never heard of 1L"
i And B arnacled Ben lit his pip« and
“Laws, Jo h n !" she exclaimed to her I tDam bled away.