PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RAILS BY H. G. KIBBEE, Proprietor SCR1PTION RATES O o e Y M i ............................................................... $1.50 Six Months................................................................ 75 Three Months............................................................. 50 E nter*! as second - class matter March 12» 19<>9. at the post oltice at Mosier, Oregon, u m k r th e'A ct o f March 3.187#. OUR PORTLAND LETTER MOSIER BULLETIN M 0SIE R , VOL. II W A SC O C O U N T Y , OREGON, F R ID A Y , | | LARAWAY « » 1 , Go To Cold Weather;-- Heating Stoves A good time to select your Heat­ ing Stoves is NOW before the colder weather sets in. Our stock is complete. Prices to fit your pocket hooks W. E. CHOWN, M osier The Baptist Church w a s crowded last Saturday night by the friends and patrons of the Baptist and Methodist Sunda> Schools, who combined in giving a Christmas tree and entertain­ ment for^thechildren. A unique feature of the entertainment was the “ Christmas Home Coming Party” representing the sons and daugtfieYs a n d grandchildrer coming to the old home to cele­ brate 'Christmas with the old folks. Dr. Robinson and Mrs. R. L. Porter played the part of old folks to the queen’s taste. The program was given by the big family; &ite- w'ni h V e pres­ ents were given out. The occa­ sion was one of great joy to the little and pleasure to the older ones who made it possible for the children to enjoy them­ selves. *.......... “ " i m j One-quarter Column. * One-half Column___ ....... " " M One Column................ *• 5.10 » 00 f Business locals will be charged at 5 cents per line I #or each insertion. to the party entering them, a t'leg a l rates, and DECEM BER 30, 1010 NO. 43 paid for before alfiiftmts are furnished. i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION £■ WOMEN Who are able to handle all See business transactions and to make financial investments safely are not very plentiful. The reason for this is obvious i v t if you consider the fact that H ood R ivers Reliable Jeweler for but few girls receive any training along these lines. Watches , Diamonds Jewelry You naturally entertain the hope that your daughter He can make your watch keep time will never be thrown o? her I. •ti,-« own resources but such He estimates that the United things have happened many States will have a nopnlation of times and may happen to her. 113,000.000. T h i s additional We have advised you to nonulatinn. he believes, will pour open an account in the Mo- westward to find an outlet in the s ie r V a l l e y B a n k for your The Arthur & Burt Drug (Co., vacant agricultural lands of the hoy. Now do the same far (Toast states. Nowhere is there o f Mosier, Oregon, the girl and let -her handle a greater area of unclaimed land some real money. This will than in Oregon and the migra­ For your Drugs, Sundries, Patent Medicines, Station­ tion will cover this area as it | be a start toward giving her a training which will be of seeks new territory. t o occupy. ery, Toilet Articles, Candy and Cigars, IceCream and service in many wrays and a The Siuslaw River is due for o da Water. Everything in the Druig line. protection in «case-of emer­ further improvement and army gency. engineers are preparing plans Prescriptions a Specialty. for a north at, the mouth of Successful Boar Hunt that stream. Rids will soon be Last week two of Mosier!« asked for its construction. The sportsmen, who are known when south jettv at the mouth of the j they are following their humble Siuslaw is already under con- occupations of farmers as Ed. Rtruction and the breakwater at Dunsmore and Fred Templemire, tbe north side of the river’ s hied themselves to the wilds mf mouth will be built by govern­ Upper Mosier creek to hunt the noble bear. Many Mosierites ment appropriations, together have hid the iijeasure o f enjoy­ with funds raised hy the port. ing the results of the hunt in the Baker is the first city in Ore­ iuiev bear steaks which were passed out from the meat mar- gon to adopt the commission | ket. plan of government. It. is work­ i The bear was treed 'after a ing successfully and it is likely chase of about a mile by tbe dogs. other communities in this state, Templemire did the brave act of will follow the lead of the Eas-! bringing down Mr. Bear with tern Oregon capital in revising I his 25-2° Winchester. It was a cinnamon or brown the present methods ot admims- hear and ’dressed 170 lbs. Mr. tering affairs. Templemire has the hide as a Eugene celebrated the conclu­ trophy of the hunt. sion recently of a whirlwind cam­ paign for new members o f the Commercial Club that brought - - 150 additional persons into the fold. A banquet marked the T .Ì.U * i* * t j j close of the contest and the cm i ; pf 5 Ceg 0f property in the NOTICE LOCAL TIME-TABLE will enter upon the new year j Mogier Fruit District at reason- annual meeting of the The with a good Heal of enthusiasm. \ abie prices and terms. Give No. 7 West bound 7:25 a. m. Among the big plans now being | complète ‘description, location, stock holders of the Mosier VaL ley Telephone Co. will be held in ^ ° ‘ ^ 4i *' n considered is the erection of a price, terms, etc in first letter. Address Larpb’s Hall Tuesday, January j ^ ° '^ ^ ast 10.50a.m . Commercial "Club building for L. A. MATHEWS, 10th, at 2 p. m. This meeting 'g No. 8 “ “ 6:30 p. m. permanent headquarters. Mosier, Ore., P. 0. Box 21 held for the purpose of election X T r ,, The Oregon National Guard of officers and such other buSi- ^o. P- m-’ S^°P Association will meet at Albany ness as may properly come be- on Sundays only forTIood River January 4 and 5 in the new ar­ I fore the meeting. and Portland. mory recently completed there. D a v i d R o b i n s o n , Secy. Business coming before the state organization will be transacted and a large attendance of 0. N. G. officers is 'expected. Albany people will provide the visitors with special features and enter­ tainment. The Mazamas, the mountain climbing club of Portland, will probably make the ascent of Glacier Peak in the Chelah Lake region next Summer. The Club has about fixed upon Glacier Peak as the objective point of tbe next climb, it being thè cus­ tom to scalea different mountain •each year. Glacier Peak lies in the midst of magnificent moun­ tain scenery and is about 10,000 feet high. ................ per mentii $ SO Legal advertisement:» trill iif all cases be charged Portland, Ore. Dec. 27, (Special) That Oregon will have a popula­ tion of 1,200,000 when the next census rolls round is the predic­ tion » f R. IS. Millar, traffic man­ ager of the Harrimun lines in Tthe Northwest. He bases his figures on the constant western trend of population as disclosed by former census statistics. Klamath Falls will have the first Postal Savings Bank in Ore­ gon. The government is pre­ paring to establish such an in­ stitution there and if this sort of a bank is popular, other Oregon Cities will Bave them. Profesional Cards One square ..., ........ .. Ore | j (PUBLISHER) Depaitmeit of The Interior, U.-S. Land Ottice At The Dallés, Oregon, December 9th, 1910. | NOTICE is hereby given that Oscar I E. Wilson, whose post office address is Mi sier, Oregon, did on the 29th day of j February. 1910, tile in this office Sworn i Statement and.^pplication. No. 06103, . j to purchase the NEI-4SW1-4, Section' j 28. Township 1 Notuh, Range II East, Wdlamette Meridian, and the timber th reon, under the provisions of the ait o f lime 3, 1878, ami acts amendatory, j i known as the ‘ Timber and Stone Law,” at such value as might be fixed by appraisement,'amf that, pursuant to such application, Uhe’ land and timber I , thereon have been appraised, the tim­ ber estimated 270, (ItH) board feet at $. fid cents per M, and the land $50.00; that 1 said applicant will offer final proof in j | support o f his application and sworn l statement on the 24ih day of February, i 1911, before the Registèr and Receiver1 j o f the U. S. Land (.mice at The Dalles, | Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to proteL this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent is­ sues. by filing a corroborated affidavit ! in this office, alleging facts which would defeat this entry. C. W . M o o r e , Register. Firsfc-vh L ib a tion Dec. 16 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i C H O L General Merchandise . M o s ie r O - reg GON on u m R 9 M ll W ashington N ursery Located A-t Toppenish - - Wash. 'Guarantees all its stock true tízname and will replace til tree« or plants, failing to live thef first year, if due care has been exercised. Onr customers are' always Satisfied and repeat their orders. A line dropped to our agent, S. W. Heppnér, at HoOd River, Ore., will bring him at any time to attend>to your wants. First National Bank 100 000.00 I Fir.t publication Dec. 23) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION E d M.' W illiams ‘M a x ‘A. V og T B lacksmith Horse Shoeing and Vice Pres. Cashier General HIDES!! HIDES!! HIDESl! (PUBLISHER) Repair Vi ork. Call at the B ulletin office and Department of the Interior - Satisfaction guaranteea U. S. Land Office at get tags to ship your hides to The Dalles, Oregon, MOSIER OREGON Kauffman, Davidson, Semmel, of December 7th, 1910. NOTICE is hereby given that Walter Portland. Gardner, of Fir, Oregon, who on May 10th, 1909, made Homestead, No. 04852, for NVV1-4NE1-4, Section 8, Township 1 North, Range* 11 East, Willamette C. H. D U NSM OR E, P lo p .1 Meridian, has tiled notice of intention DEALER IN to make Final commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above d< s- Fresh and Cured Meats iribed, before the Register and Re­ Country Prodyce Manufacturer ■ é* ceiver, of the U. S. Land office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 18th day of January, 1911. FINE MISSION FURNITURE Claimant names as witnesses: Wil­ liam B. Gentry, Ernest Cole, Nicholas And Cabinet Work of all kinds Jacob, Ira Dungey, all of Fir, Oregon. C. W. M o o r e , Register. MOSIER MARKET W . H. Huffines Mosier Oregon THE OAKS A pleasant place to spend a so COLE'S B A R B E R SHOP cial hour is at Mosier - - Oregon S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room New Pow er Sprayer Will be on demonstration in Oregon S oft D rinks , C andy , C igars C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. T obacco Mosier, I ’ regon D entist OFFICE OVER BUTLER BANKING COMPANY [■HONES: DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. O ffice 28 Resilience 28 H HOOD RIVER OREGON H. G. K lB B E E GAY YOWELL, Mgr. Harness anil Saddlery Goods Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc N O T A R Y P U B L IC Hand-made Harness a S;>#> ialty O regon HOOD RIVER - OREGON M o s i e r California !is the place'-to visit. Oraffge groves in full filoom, tropical flowers, famous hole's,*historic Old Missions, at­ tractive watering places, delightful climate, making that favored section the Nation’sTrvolt popular’ retreat. You can see it át its best via the Shasta R o u t e On Tuesday and Wednesday, January 3d and 4th And “ The Road o f a Thousand W on ders’ SOUTHERN PACIFIC Do not fail to see this sprayer wonder COMPANY Up-to-date trains, first-clare in every respect, unexcelled dining-car service, quick time and direct connections to all points south. 'SPECIAL J ohn D eere P low C ompany Portland Oregon ROUND TRIP FARE $ 5 5 .1 ) 1 » Portland to Ix>s Angelos and Return With corresponding low fares from all other sections of the Northwest. Liberal stop-overs in each direction and long limit. Interesting and attractive literature on the various resorts and attractions of Californiacan be had on application to any S. P. or O. R. & N. Agent, or from W IL L IA M M c M U R R A Y . -GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT. MMX I (PUBLISHER) I Department of The Interior, U. S. Land Office ‘at 'Ihe Dulles, Oregon, December 13th, 1910. NOTICE is hereby given that Edwin _____ _ _ . . . ____ - - - - F. Reeves, of Mosier, Oregon, who on February 9th, 1910, liiade Timber and /-i / 'i , , . »», ALL B usiness entrusted to Stone application No. 06986, for E l-2 (jhrO. L H A M B E R L A l N NEI-4, and the E 1-2SEI-4, Section 12, T he C are of the township 1 North, Range U East, Wil REAL ESTATE iamettv Meriuian, has tiled notice of intention to make Final timber and stone Proof, to establish claim to the Fruit of The Dalles, Oregon land above described, before the Kog- Lands Hter and Receiver of the U. S. Land a WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION () hce, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 2 th day of February, 1911. Specialty ;Capita| $100,000.00 Cla mant ni mes as witnesses: Ben Veutcu, Roy Ab Tnatht y, Chester Kers- Mosier Oregon Surplus and undivid­ lake, J. H. Reeves, all of Mosier, Ore­ ed profits , gon. C. W. M o o r e , J. S. SCHENCK, PRESiDteNT W. A. HUSBANDS Register. I Attention Orchardists M osier N nmamamtzjk PORTLAND. OREGON.