Utterly Wretched TH E OLD Painless R ELIA B LE Dentists PATENTS COPYRIGHTS AND TRADE MARKS i secured. Book o f accurate _______ 3 ___________ i information free on request. J. K. MOCK. 719 Board ol Trade Bid«.. Portland. Or. (Late of IL 8. Patent Ottiee, V\ uwhiiiKiou. 1>. 0.) Ill F I U C I |1 broken machinery and castings IT W IT C L U o f all kinds by a new process, making them a^«:ood as new. Machine work of all kinds. W e fix any old thinpr. Cortland Oiy-Acdylca» Wekfag Company, 305 (Juan St PUoe Main 6769. Pnrtland. Or. 00 YOU WART AN INCOME? Th e V ia va Remedies cure backache, nervous­ ness, fem ale troubles and rectal diseases. Send fo r our book free. W e w ant good women agents everyw h ere. Make money at home. W rite for particulars. The V ia v i Co., 609 Rothchild Build­ ing. Portland, Oregon. We Positive')! Pay High­ est Prices for R A W FURS Write lor Pur,her Information N . M. U N G A R CO., Inc., F U R R IE R S 109 Seventh St.. P O R T L A N D , O R E . The Philosopher of Folly, "Tim e has more lives than a oat,” says the Philosopher of Folly. " I ’ve killed It a thousand times myself, but eternity doesn't seem a minute nearer.” __________________ Little Real Difference. “ Tough luck for Jim. The girl he married turned out to be a profes­ sional pickpocket." “ Gee. The rest of us drew some pretty clever ama­ teurs. though."—Cleveland Leader. SHOWS SAGACITY OF SHEEP PORTLAND COLLECTION AGENCY 317 A lisk y Building. Portland, Oregon. AIL DEBTS COLLECTED. NO COLLECTION NO CHARCE PUBLIC L A N D S A d vice given on all matters pertaining to Home­ stead. D esert Land, Tim ber Claims. Mining. Irri- gation. Etc. Appeals prepared: S tate your case; w rite fo r information. G R O V E R L A N G M A D E , Attorney, •• F I L L Y O U R O W N T E E T H ” W ashington, D. C. Form erly L A W E X A M IN E R ; Land Office. W ash­ ington, D. C. F IL L -O I f you have acning teeth or cavities and you are too nervous fo r the dental ordeal, try Fill-O. the home d en tist A t druggists or by mail, 50c. FILL-0 MFG CO.. 351 Empire Bid«.. Seattle. Wash. Blumaer-Frank Drug Co., distributors for Oregon * C0FFEEC TEA SPICES THEVERYBEST BAKING POWDER • K » EXTRACTS i u JUST RIGHT dentistry on the P a cific O a s t is executed here. W e have bu ilt up our reputation on i t Y o n can depend on g u a fiy and cannot g e t better painless «work anywhere, no m atter how much you pay. ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I 1 H R W e finish plate and | bridge work for out- 0 o f • town patrons in Bone day I f desired. | Painless extraction 1 free when plates or I bridge work is order- led . Consultation free. | Molar Crown» $ 5 . 0 0 jj 22k Bridge Teeth 4 . 0 0 j Gold Filling, 1 .0 0 Enamel Filling» I Silver Filling» .5 0 It is the easiest thing in the world to make this negligee, and it is a most be­ coming one. Make it of warm, cozy flannel, or crepe de chine, challis or lawn ; it is equally suitable for any of these mater­ ials The trimming may oe plain or a bit fancy, if desired. -^ bbobse D S 4 CUJS3E T a DEVER fortiand . oat,' ) L E »A L > LOO Per Cent P ro te in — 1 0 Per Cent gacious, hut the following Incident will show that they are not devoid of In­ telligence A ewe gave birth to s lamb which was totally blind. The ewe soon realized that something waa wanting In her off-sprlng, and be­ stowed especial care on it, so that It grew up a fine, healthy animal. One day the farmer was driving ths owes and lambs to a field of fresh pastor«. On the way they had to cross a small river by a rude bridge that bad no railing or defence of any kind at tho side. The farmer forgot all about tho blind lamb, but the mother ewe did n ot On reaching the bridge she turn­ ed quickly round and, seizing her off­ spring by the ear, walked slowly back­ ward over the bridge, drawing tho lamb after her and making a mur­ muring noise all the while. Nor did ehe quit her hold till safe on tho other side, while tho fanner looked on In amazement GENERAL FARM N O T »». _ 46 Fat W. L. D O U G L A S *3 3 .5 0 *4 FIGHTING THE DENTAL TRUST teg~ Special Xmas Prices Until January 1. $100 reward to anyone who can show that we a sk or r e c e iv e more than the following p ric e s : 22K Gold Crowns, molars, $4.00 Plates— None better can be made. 22K Gold Crowns, all others The Teeth we guarantee never ooi; Vt’ i j ■ ’ j .......* ? ° ° t0 * 3’ 75 to break o ff.......... »7.50 per set 22K Gold Bndgework, per tooth ........ . ........... $3.00 gi]ver F)1Ia................... 25c to 75c Porcelain Bndgework, per to o th .......................... ...... »3.00 All other work as low. All work guaranteed both painless and for 15 years. W>- have lived in Portland over 25 years. You cannot obtain better dentistry of better materials if you pay 10 times as much. L o w East Side sic cense is why we can afford these prices. We always do just as we advertise—we hire no traveling dentists, nor do we have students— w e do all our own work, every part o f it. BIG ONE-PRICE EAST SIDE DENTISTS DRS. K ELSA Y & PITTENGER Cor. Union Ave. and East Morrison, East Side. p N u No. TAKE S O - ’ lO ’ HEX writing to ndTertlseru pi ■sentina this papar. [Ë A DOSE OF p i s o ’S ^ fo r C O U C H » 6 CO UPS interesting. “ Do you enjoy going to banqueter“ “W ell. I can’t say that I enjoy them particularly; but they are always la- ! terestlng.” “ Always T” | “ Yea. I never get tired noticing how well the old stories go if they are ' cleverly told.” Mothers w in And Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup tut- b- st remedy to use tot th eirch lW ien lu rin g the teething period. fo r Our Busy Readers. Stockmen of the Walla Walla valley, Wash., have organized for mutual ben­ efit. The Portland Railway, Light & Power company has increased its stock from $15,000,000 to $25,000,000. President T a ft is delighted with pro­ gress of efforts to endow the National Red Cross society with $2,000,000. Internal* of Ocean Greyhound. In a big Atlantic ltner there ere over one thousand tone of piping of various kinds. The boiler tube« tf placed end to end would stretch about ten miles, the condenser-tubes over twenty five miles. The condensers pump up more than fifty thousand tons of water a day, and the furnaces con­ sume about eight million cublo feel of air per hour. No fewer than 6k,VOO separate pieces of steel are used In the muln structure of the ship. The residence o f the Italian consul T o U rea l in N e w S hoes. at Seattle was wrecked by a bomb, be­ Always shake la AUeu'r Foot-Eaae, a p o w d er, lieved to have been placed by personal it euros lu-t. sweating, achtag, swollen feet. L'ures corn», ingrowing n a ils a n d bu n ion s. A t enemies. til druggUls and shoo sterns, ‘¿Sc. Dont secept *nj- substitute. Sample pie tu mol led FitEK A d d The “ bath tub trust,” including 16 A lle n ti. O lm sted, La Roy, N. Y. firms and 32 individuals, is under in­ The Charm of Woman. dictment by the Federal grand jury of The society of women la usually Michigan. sought by men during hours of mental The gunboat El Cano, captured from relaxation, and we naturally find such Spain during the war in the Philip­ a charm In their mere presence, eepe pines, has been repaired and added to dally when they are graceful or beau the U. S, navy. tlful, that we are not very severe oi Two brothers, aged 77 and 73 years, even accurate Judges of the abstract met in the Soldiers' home at Roseburg, Intellectual quality of their talk.— Phil Ore., where they are now both resi­ Ip Gilbert Hamerton. dents, after a separation of 50 years. A Natural Presumption. A committee of the chamber of dep­ When Edna's mother wished the lit­ uties of France favorably reported a tle girl many happy returns of the bill conferring on women the right to day on the morning of her fifth birth­ vote for city, communal and depart­ day. the child said thoughtfully: mental councillors, and making them ” T'm five years old today and now. 1 eligible for election to these offices. 'spose I'll Just keep on being fiver and About 40 persons were injured, sev­ fiver and fiver every day, till I'm __________________ eral o f them fatally, in a collision on six.” an English railroad. Only One Thing to Do. Th National Immigration commis­ An Omaha doctor says bolting food sion recommends increased restrictions Increases human mortality. There are and exclusion of Hindus. so many theories on this thing now­ An Umpqua Indian known as Indian adays that we've come to the conclu­ Dan died on the SiuBlaw reservation in sion that the only thing to do with food Is to eat It. Oregon at the age o f 115 years. A new gem recently discovered has Only Real Seourlty. been named “ morganite” in honor of Irresistible power and great wealth J. P. Morgan. It is a brilliant rose may up to a certain point give us se­ color. curity, but the security of men in gen­ Broker James A. Patton and others eral depends upon the tranquillity of have been indicted on a charge of at­ their souls and their freedom from tempting to monopolize the cotton in­ ambition.— Epictetus dustry. The War department has discovered and is manufacturing a new and very powerful explosive for use in sub­ marine mines. Catherine Barker, aged 14, of Chi cago, has become heiress to $30,000,- 000 by the death of her father, a rich car manufacturer. £we*a Care of Blind Lamb Proof They The District Court o f Appeals at Are Not Devoid of In­ Washington has decided that a person telligence. with one-sixteenth negro blood is a ne­ Sheep ere not usually considered sa­ gro under the law. Daisies are a nuisance In as I Plain 5 .0 0 tare. I Best Red Rubber . . A T H E W O R L D ’S B E S T Plate» 7 .5 0 Be careful not to churn the batter FOR SR.W.A. WISE, P«ai«sT«e Maun Painless Extr'tion . 5 0 Into a lump. COWS, P O U L T R Y - »» tram iiimukio is w h a m B t » T METHODS There Is no pleasure or money tn A l l w o r k fu lly g u a ra n teed fo r fift e e n y< a l l FARM ANIMALS keeping unprofitable sheep. ‘ ‘I t is almost w ithout an equal as a concentrated W i s e D e n t a l C o . , me. f e e l . ” —U . S. A gricu ltu ral Dept. Bulletin N o. 58 Corn should contain sufficient mois­ and 372. Painless Dentists ture to pack well Into the silo. SO LD B Y A L L D E A LE R S . faWa$ Building, Third and Washington . PORTLAND, ORE. PACIFIC OIL MILLS, Seattle. We.h. ¿files Hour»:- • M. to 8 P.M . Sunday». • to 1 Something should be done to have the young pigs get plenty of exercise Always strain the cream Into the churn to remove any particles of curd or dried cream. Fall plowing for alfalfa la reoom * & S H O E S jmnom I n mended by the best authorities where B oys - S hoes , *2 .0 0 , * 2 .5 0 ^ *3.00. B e s t in the W orld . the Reed Is to be sown early In the I T h e b o n e f l f e o f f r e e h ld e a . w h ic h a p p ly p r l n - i D (,J T ; c l p a l ly t o a o tm le a lh e r , a n d th e r e d u c e d t a r i f f f spring. o n ao/a le a t h e r , n o w anublam mm t o g iv a th e A wire stretched across the hern w e a r e r m o r e v a lu e f o r him m o n e y , b e t t e r a n d lo n g e r w a r . : * g S 3 , S 3 . S O a n d * 4 a h e e a t h a n behind the cows for a lantern la uen- / c r. [ ^ r ^ o v jo u ^ jt ^ ^ h ^ J t a H f ^ jr e v h d o n ^ ally In evldenoe on well-manured fo r over 30 rears, that I m ake and sell m ore $3.00, $3-50and $4.00 shoes farms. than anv oth er m anufacturer in the U .8..am l that l> o!1iir f o r D o lla r . I G u a r a n t e e M y S h o e s to hold th eir shape, look and fit better, ami Dandelions are not a weed whan wenr longer than any other $3.00, $3.50 or $4.00 shoe? you can buy ? found In the pasture, because their O u alitv h is mad** my shoes T h e L e a d e r s o f t h e W o r ld . You w ill be plea-etl when you buy my shoes because <»f the p rte tu irn i medicinal qualities are very beneficial fit and appearance, and when It conies tim e fo r you to purchase to live stock. another pair, you w ill be m ore than pleased because the last Ir v v ^ fthoe Co. ones w ore so w ell, ami ga ve you so much com fort. Bee-keeping, for those Inclined that r A IIT IA M | N nc genuine wlthont W I. Itontfle« T A K E N O S U B S T I T U T E way, la certainly a well paying busi­ C A U T I O N ! •lamp und prife »tamped on the Ntffom. ■ * 1 * w 11 jo t liefer cannot .apply M m ness. aa there la less competition In raising bees and producing honey than In any other aide line of farming. ■ Good Rubber Qenerml Return« o f Important Events Presented In Condensed Form Government officials seized 5,000 poundB o f “ cannned” eggs in Chicago and declared them unfit for use. A test showed 34,000,000 bacteria in a single teaspoonful. Sportsmen about Spokane are to en­ gage in a hunting contest for the ex­ termination o f animals that prey upon others, such as cougars, wildcats, lynx, mink, coyotes and hawks. An auto containing five persons plunged over a 200-foot cliff near Santa Barbara, Cal. Three o f the party escaped by jumping but the other two were badly injured. The ’National Cloak, Suit & Skirt Manufacturers’ association announces that the hobble skirt will be discarded, and that something new, decidedly unique and vastly better has been in­ vented to take its place. CONSTIPATION Munyon's Paw- Paw Pills are un­ like ail other laxa­ tives or cathartics. They coax the liver into activity by geWle methods, they do not scour; they do not gripe; they do not weak­ en ; but they do start ail the secre­ tions of the liver and stomach in a way that soon puts these organs in a healthy condition and corrects constipation. Munyon’s Paw-Paw Pills are a tonic to the stomach, _ liver and nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken­ ing; they enrich the blood instead of impoverishing it ; they enable the stom­ ach to get all the nourishment from food that is put into it. These pills contain no calomel, no dope, they arc soothing, healing and stimulating. They school the bowels to act without physic. Price 25 cents. KIDNEY TROUBLE CAUSES LUMBAGO Remarkable Story About Great Remedy The election campaign in England is marked by a radical change of policy I cannot refrain from writing to say that your Swamp-Root has benefited me by the Tories. | greatly. Last year I had a severe at­ Disastrous storms have swept the tack of lumbago. Was bad for a long Philippines, killing many natives and time, and on seeing your advertise­ doing great property damage. ment, 1 determined to give it trial. I General Wesley Merritt, [commander did so and in two weeks was cured. I gave a bottle to a poor woman who o f the land forces in the Philippines could scarcely walk. She came to me during the Spanish war, is dead. in four days to tell me she was ail It is said President T a ft is making right, and most thankful. I had another every effort to bring about peace be­ attack last November and was so bad tween the different Republican fac­ that I could not rise from my chair without assistance, and could hardly tions. lace up my boots. I at once sent for A clairvoyant medium in San Fran­ more Swamp-Root and after taking two bottles, I am more than glad that I am cisco has been sentenced to five years’ well again. My age being seventy- imprisonment for swindling a patron three, I am the more convinced of the out o f $150. excellence of Dr. K ilm er’s Swamp Boot. Yours very truly, Robert E. Davis, aged 23, known as HENRY 8EARLE, the “ boy broker” o f New York, has 1410 Arch street, Little Rock, Ark. disappeared with several hundred Lattar ta Dr K lln i«r k Co. thousand dollars belonging to investors. otfHtfw It is reported that the Mexican reb­ els have control o f 200 miles o f coun­ try and many important towns. Fltneaa In Life. The New York express drivers’ Build n*>w domes of thought In your mind, and presently you will find that | strike has been settled, the men win­ Instead of your finding the eternal ning all but the closed shop principle. life the eternal life has found you.— Unionists have made great gains in Jerkin T.lo-d .Tones. Britiah elections. New York Journalism. A private yacht drawing 17 feet of “ 8ee this society belle about her water navagated the Panama canal rumored engagement" “ Yes, etr." "If from the Atlantic aide aa far as the she admits I t get ten lines. If she big Gatun dam. denies It, get half e column and her Two girl strikebreakers in the gar- photograph.” ! ment worker« strike in Chicago were Hotel Room Card. One Ring—Ten cents to the bell brutally beaten by two men and one’ s purse was taken. boy. Two Rings— Fifteen cents to tho Chicago garment workers have no chambermaid. faith in Mayor Busae’ a efforts to effect There Rings— A quarter to the por­ | a settlement, and are preparing for an ter 1 indefinite struggle. O SO d 55.00 Cad « Firrdia Fddta 01 • Site FiflMct mb SOcall hda. FU I i C ur W ork G uaranteed perfect Hpnclal attention to out-of-town patrons. I>rop ua a I'OHt h 1 lo r appointm ent. Out-of-town work com pleted iu a day No y e lte r work uujr- w h er« Modern equipment, kvery operator a epeeialist. Lady attendant. THE NEW YORK DENTI 8 T 8 OK. H A »TU ED IVAM T, Mgr Haart: 8 s. k . I» 8 ». a.. Sondayi 9 L ». k 1 $ ■ N. L Car. Fourth I K ç e le y ALCOHOL iu re O P IU M — TO B AC C O IlsbUs Positively Cared. Only authorised Keeler In« stitute In Oruoon. W rite fo r 11 lastrated circular. U n iY institute . 71L11THH. O r e g o n . The Famous J&xyfa Does Not S train the Eyes Don’t use a small, concentrated light over one shoulder. It put9 an unequal strain on your eyes. Use a diffused, soft, mellow light that cannot flicker, that equal­ izes the work of the eyes, such as the Rayo Lamp gives, and avoid eye strain. The Rayo is designed to give th* best light, and it does. It has a strong, durable shade-holder that is held firm and true. A new burner gives added strength. Made of solid brass and finished in nickel. Easy to keep polished. The Rayo is low priced, but no other lamp gives a better light at any price. Once a Rayo User, Always One. - Dialers Everywhere. If not ct yours, write fo r descriptive y circular to the nearest agency of the Standard Oil Company (In c o rp o ra tad) Comfort and a Pious 8oul. Susan's only comfort under the etr- cumatancea was to reflect that Sir Guy waa certainly going, at no distant date, to a place where hls rank would not be cestry would bo nothing compared to the period for which he would be doomed to suffer torment.— Prom James Payne's “ Gwendoline's Har­ vest.” __________________ Parent's Complaint. There is at least one man In Michi­ gan who Is determined that hls son shall havo as good an education as hls own. He recently sent the following communication to the superintendent of schools; “ Dear Sir, my boy come home today with hls head broke open by a bigger boy. I wish you would look Into it. My boy comes to school to learn brains, and not to have them knocked out” Hla Panatella. "So you are tn love, ehT" sneered She Needed a Wringer. the first smoker. "W ell, a woman Is "Oh, yea,” said Mrs. Bright, "I got only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke." “ My girl is of rather a pana­ home all right, but when I reached th* tella shape.” responded the second door I found I hadn’t my latchkey. I smoker. "That la what attracted me thought I should never get In, for Mr. to her >n the first place.” — Louisville Bright was In the bath-tub and 1 had to ring him out!” Courier-Journal. Men to Be Deaplied. We ought to despise the man who will not help others and also despise the fakers who pretend to be helping others whll* only helping themselves. —Leslie's. Canadian Enalgn. The Canadian ensign Is a flag of red. having a union Jack in the upper can­ ton, or corner, next the mast, and the Dominion coat-of-arms In the fly or field of the flag. A EYING MACHINE FREE! TO BOYS AND GIRLS 2 ^ 4 Minute 0 * Minute CO LUM BIA Indestructible Records Fit aajr nuke o f phonograph or graphophone Brilliant Tone Never Break Never W ear Out Send us your name and address and Bend you 24 packaKCR o f poHtcnrda to sell Return the money you tret fo r them to ua, w ill «rive you a real Flyingr Machine that propelling, uteerinic and balancing itself. we will for ua. and w • wiM fly, WESTERN NOVELTY SUPPLY CO., Merced, Cal ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT KATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY P ain less E x t r a c t io n .......Free S ilver F illin gs ..................... 50e i O d d F illin g s ........................75c 22 K. Gold C r o w n s ............... $8 Porcelain C r o w n s ............... $3 M olar Gold C ro w n s ..............$4 Bridge W o r k , 22 K. G o ld ... .$8 In la y Fills, Pu re G o l d ........ $8 V e r y Nice Rubber P is te ... M B est R ubber P la te on E a rth ................................ $7 A L L T H IS W O R K IS G U A R A N TE E D . SOLD DY YOUR HOME DEALER OR COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. P O R T LA N D , O R EG O N . Don’ t throw you r money away. A dollar eared is t wodoliara earned. O ur origin al reliable Modena Painless Methods and our p erfected office equip* ment saves us tim e and your money, BOSTON DENTISTS. 5th « N o rris e n . P ert le a d entrance 291 Morrison, opposite Postoffice and Meier A j Frs.tk. Established in Portland 10 years. Open t ! until 8 and Sunday» until 12:90. for people who work. Dry Your Clothes on a Wet Washday W it h a N e w P erfection Oil H eater -arTsfrj.^ E. Binghamton. W T President Diaz waa again inaugura­ ted aa president o f Mexico. This is his eighth term. O.50 » BJ» Id tott* Pitta mb J IM ltd Ute ruio. aW .IAM Co Id m For coda C m is a very hard task for any man or wom an whose sys­ tem has become weakened on account of some illness of the stomach, liver and bowels. It is to those per­ sons that Hostetter’s Stom­ ach Bitters will appeal very forcibly, because it will tone and strengthen the organs of digestion, make plenty of rich, w arm blood and thus prevent Chills, Colds and Grippe. A trial today will convince you of its merit. A ll Druggists and Dealers. Prove What Swamp-Root Wig Do for Yoe Send to I>r. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, tell­ ing all about the kidneys and bladder. The Chicago garment workers’ When writing, be sure and mention thle For sale at all drug stores. ■trike has finally reached the point of paper. arbitration, and a settlement has been Price fifty-cents and one dollar. reached with one o f the largest cloth­ ing manufacturing concerns. Young Amorlea. Elizabeth was sewing. Sh* saw mi making a buttonhole and wantad ti make one, but I thought It Uttl* to« bard for her; ah* said: "Why, mamma that Isn't hard; you Just maha *y< winkers all around that hola."— Ex change. REAS0NAILI RATH Id <0t 4 To* mh SAM trite wwt m Too* wZk ^ Kyrle Bellew, a noted actor, will fit up a large steamer with a complete theater and make a world tour, cover­ ing three years, carrying two theatri­ cal companies. The Navy department opened bids- for two new Dreadnaughts, one to cost $5,760,000. RELIABLE DENTISTRY TO KEEP WELL < FASHION HINTS Joings of the World at Large Told in Brief. Aims Mater. It mar not be generally known that the term "alma mater.” which la uni­ versally applied to colleges and uni­ versities where men receive their scholastic training, Is of purely Cath­ olic origin. It had Its source at tae University of Bonn, and drew Its In­ spiration from the beautifully chiseled statue of the mother of Christ—known as the Alma Mater— placed over the principal portal of that celebrated soat of learning—Rosary Magazine. O U nion D ental C o . CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK C L Kind Word Never Mlepiaced. DEVELOPING LOVE OF ART Alway» say a kind word If you can, If only that It may came In, perhaps W , want everyth in g in the pruduee line for Have Children During Their School- with singular opportuneness, entering our Christmas trade. day* Acquire the Habit of Visit­ Send us your tuilceya. some mournful man's darkened room d us your chickens ing Picture Galleriee. like a beautiful firefly, whose happy A n d your ducks and geese A nd your veal and pork. convolutions he cannot but watch, for We can use your pruduee any day in the A small lassie was conducted by her getting his many troubles.—Arthur year. Address all shipments mother on a tour of the Layton gallery Helps. FRAIV K L. S M IT H M E A T C d and the established etiquette for art “rig h tin g the Beef Trust" galleries In general waa being Includ­ PORTLAND . OREGON ed as a part of her Instruction for the day. Standing before a particularly Nervous Prostration L o n g Endured prosale-looking canvas, she found It B efore Rem edy w a s Found. Miss Minerva Reminder, Upper Bern. convenient to divert her mind by Pa., writes: "For several years 1 had utilizing the brass railing as a trap­ nervous prostration, and was utterly eze— thereby developing the muscles N ot only do w e miarantee our work, but w e j promise to do it quickly, painlessly and carefully. wretched. I lived on bread and beef \ of her back and arms. tea because my stomach would not re­ The below prices speak fo r themselves. “ What are you doing?” the fond tain anything else. I took many rem­ SEE U S A N D E N J O Y C O M FO RT. edies, but obtained no relief until I mother Inquired. “ Do you think this took Hood’s Sarsaparilla, when I began It a gymnasium? You don’t come to to gain at once. Am now cured.’* Pure, rich blood makes good, strong an art gallery to swing on a railing. nerves, and this is why Hood’s Sarsa­ You come to look at the pictures. parilla, which purifies and enriches the Stand up there, If you want to come blood, cures so many nervous diseases. The Implied threat as a Get it today in usual liquid form or again.” chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs* finality was effective so far that there was no question In the onlooker’s mind as to the treat the little lady evident­ Children’s Dresses. Full Set o f T e e th ......................................... . .$5.00 j A good Idea for mothers who like ly regarded a visit to the gallery. That B ridge W ork or Teeth W ithout P la te s .....................................................$3.50 to $5.00 to have souvenirs of their little one's is the great point—to have children Gold C row n s...................................... $3.50 to $5.00 j during their schooldays acquire the Porcelain C ro w n s .............................. $3.50 to $5.00 | childhood is to paste In a book sam­ Gold or Porcelain F illin g s ............................. $1 Up ples from every new dress or suit, habit of visiting picture galeries. S ilver F illin g s .......................................... 50C t o $ l with a picture of the pattern If possi­ Then It will be but a matter of time 15 Y E A R S ’ G U A R A N T E E . ble. Not only Is this Interesting for for the development of discriminative Hours. 8 A . M. to 8 P. M „ Sundays, 9 to 12. both mothers and children In time to appreciation. That and real affection come, but It forms a valuable history for the truly beautiful will follow log­ P A I N L E S S D E N T IS T S . of costumes for the period, and Is of ically. F irst and Morrison Sts. P O R T L A N D . ORE. practical service as well as Insuring variety In dress from year to year. Standing Room Only. Record Stage Kiss. The regular umpire was sick and a In a musical comedy called “ The kind old geDtleman from the country agreed to do the best he knew how. Waltz Dream,” there was Introduced In All went well until the fifth Inning Mew York some years ago the longest when, with the bases full, the pitcher ■tage kiss ever kissed behind the got wabbly and put over four wide 'ootllghts. The kiss lasted 45 seconds. ones and the batter started to take his It lasted to muslo. A full 16 bars of base. “ What will we do with the nuslo. young feller,” asked the old man of Pettit’s Eye Salve for 25c the pitcher. “We ain’t got no place to relieves tired or overworked eyes, put him.”— Success Magazine. stops eye aches, congested, inflamed or sore eyes. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Rapidly Multiplying. “ Judging from the advertising pages Alone. of the magazines,” remarked the Ob­ “What we must do,” thundered ths server of Events and Things, “ It seems to me that there Is a new safe­ politician, walking rapidly down ths ty razor Invented every minute.”— street beside his bored acquaintance, “ what we Englishmen must do Is tc Yonkers Statesman. put our foot down firmly on these (or elgn Imports.” And to show that he XT’ n n A IT C a n d k o d ak could practise as well as preach, at Ik v U f l l a O S U P P L I E S that moment he put his foot down on W rite for cataloRues and literature. Developing the skin of an Imported banana; and and printing. Mail orders given prom pt attention hls friend walked on alone.—London Portland Photo Supply Co. 149 Third Street P O R T L A N D . ORE. Globe. __________________ CHRISTMAS POULTRY When clothes can’t be bwng outside, and must be dried in a room or cellar, the New Perfection Oil Heater quickly does the work of sun and air. You can hang up the wet clothes, light your Perfec­ tion Oil Heater, open the damper top, and the heat rises and quickly dries the clothes. Do not put off washing to await a sunny day in order to avoid mildew. Dry your washing *ny day with hot air from a 'E R F E C T I O ; S m o k c u d d ‘ A bsolutely smokeless en d odorless It gives |ust as much heat as you desire. It Is safe, odorfes» and amokeless. it has an automatic-locking flam e spreader, which revents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and easy to remove and drop back, so tne wick can be quickly cleaned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, be­ cause of a new device In construction, and can always be easily unscrewed for rewicking. LAZY LIVER E “ I find Cava ret« to good that 1 would not be without them. I was troubled a rest deal with torpid liver and headache, E wsince taking CascareU Candy Cathar­ tic 1 feel very much better. I shall cer­ tainly recommend them to my friends as the best medicine I have ever seen ” A n iva BazincL Osborn Mill He. 3. Fall River, P I— — n t Pais tabic. P o ta n t Taato Good. Do Good. N « v « r Sicken. W aakaa or ( M p e 10c. £hc. 60c Navar sold In balk. The | t o oina tablet stamped C C C ea r« or ro a r m on w back. PUTNAM C o lo r m o - « g o o d » t r lg lit a r a n d a n d is g u a r a n t e e d t o g i v a ----- ■ hew to dyo, bUadt and ■ An Indicator show* the amount of oil In the font. Filler-cap does not need to be screwed down, but Is put in like a cork In a bottle, and i* attached to tho font by a chain. Plniihed In (span or nickel, strong and durable, well-made, buIN for service and yet light and ornamental. It baa a cool handle and a damper lop. Standard Oil Company FADELESS DYES any other dye. On* 10c package colon ellk, w o o l wad cotton - w . w tu • • ad y ß f t & X ¿ o o ,-