PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RATES BY W H. G. K1BBEE, Proprietor SCRIPTION RATES O n e Y e a r ........................................................................ $1.5f S ix M o n th s ........................................................................ 75 T h ree M on th s .............................................. 50 \ I §S ^ B I 1 Æ B J Y Y p B S| 'V j 1 " ^ t ì k ¡L e g j ^ i âP SR "W " T g Ay H P rof«.l»n«I C «rd ............................ p O T M t k f . l t I |\ T M ^ l j S L s l One- hal f Column............................. M O -* * -* ................. t L - £ M IN “ I for each insertion. YOL. II . r • --------------------- MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, -— - --^ -r= r. OREGON, . LARAWAY J Hood Rivers Reliable Jeweler for j Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN and Get Results. Go To The Arthur & Burt Drug Co., Prescriptions a Specialty. Cold Weather;- Heating Stoves J. II. Fredricy, agent for the O. R. & N. at Hood Ri' *r, re­ turned Saturday from a three months’ trip to the East, where he visited friends and relatives. Mr. Fredricy said that business conditions were good all over the East except in Kansas and Ok­ lahoma. whe re the crops were a failure this year. He was roy- ai|. ed and ha i a good ; ¿j. “ I found a keen interest gen- eially in tho Pacific Northwest among all classes of people,” saiti M r. r re incy. Bu nt\>3 A good time to select your H eat­ ing Stoves is NOW before the colder weather sets in. Our stock is complete. Prices to fit your pocket books W. E. CHOWN, ■Mosier - - — FRIDAY, seemed thai the Mosier fruit was OUK PORTLAND LETTER See Portland, Ore. Dee. 6, (Si ecial) found in every class, the curious — Benefit following the Oregon reporter to the daily patters had Development League convention it that Mosier sent down 250 last week at Salem will be state] boxes. So far as can he ascer­ wide. Probably never before in tained there were over a hundred i * Oregon’s history has there been boxes exhibited. Tuesday even­ manifested such spontaneous ei - ing everything was in proper thusiasm for a greater state. place and polished up and laid Every delegate from the 62 Uiv-| with all due care and skill. He can make your watch keep time gon communities represented Wednesday the show opened and l went back home with new re- the public came in to help the solves, determined to accomplish judges judge, io their eyes one apple looked nearly as good as greater things for the state. “ The knowledge and courage i another apple, hut not so to the delegates will take back to .their j eye of Prof. Van Deman. When homes is one o f the great results he saw the Mosier district ex­ of the convention,” said C. C. hibit he said, “ Youu land is too Chapman, secretary-treasurer of ¡ rich and well cultivated and your the League. "‘The meeting was] apples too large for exhibition.” a tremendous success from [ever, According to his judgment the standpoint, but the greatest ac­ perfect apple was found in the complish of all was the bringing size ¡38 and any larger apple was together of 62 communities and scored down on account o f size. unifying them f o r a tremen­ The exhibit o f Ed. L. Howe, o f Mosier, Oregon, dous campaign of development.” nineteen boxes in all and every one 54 size, was therefore Oregon’s revenues from the P or your Drugs, Sundries, Patent Medicines, Station­ counted out by the judge, and in sale of timber in the national the Mosier exhibit three o f the ery, Toilet Articles, Candy and Cigars, Ice Crcatn and forests for the fiscal year ending five sots were not considered on June 30 amount to $39,635.87, Soda Water. Everything in the Drug line. account of size, those of Ed. L. which is an increase of about 50 Howe, Dr. Robinsoj and F. A. percent over last year’s receipts. . Shogren. The last, however, McMinnville will plant roads ¡ was 72 and losing only 10 points leading to the city with walnut] on that won second prize. The men, and people o f means, want more people than ever before trees for a distance of at least a ] other winners of the Mosier Dis­ It to get away from the cold ch­ visited a similar exposition. mile from town, making that trict were: C. A. MeCirga •, firs', ínate and the congested business is estimated that in the two place truly the walnut center of v. A. Shogren, second; and J. E. weeks the show was in progress conditions o f the East. While 250,000 persons paid admissions Oregon. Carpenter, third. Hood River was pretty well to the Coliseum, where the ex­ Astoria has plans well along The closest contest o f t h e known everywhere I went, yet hibits were arranged. Of these, for its 1911 Centennial. Tlu whole exhibit was that for the all o f the places in the North­ I am sure that 75,000 heard the project ha3 been launched with ive best, boxes of S'pitzorborgs, west were inquired about. I lectures on Oregon and Wash­ considerable enthusiasm and at­ where again F. A. Shogren won talked Hood River everywhere I ington given by the agents o f our tention will be attracted to it second prize and the scoring on went, and was on a conservative road. We distributed thousands from all parts of the United that was so close that if he had basis, fortifying myself with upon thousands of pieces of lit­ erature to people who were in­ Stales. Tiie celebration of the not been marked down for size literature and proof o f the state­ terested in the Northwest from a planting of the first American lie would probably have taken: ments I made. I found the standpoint o f probable future colony on the Pacific Coast will first prize. No other apples blit keenest interest in this country, investments. appeal to the whole country and Hood River and Mosier Spitzen- and the Commercial Club, to “ That people did not take our the anniversary can be made o; bergs were in the contest. , whom I referred inquiries for advertising matter for the mere national interest. Asturians say ] In the contest for the best five further information, will no purpose of looking at the pictures members o f the Aster family boxes o f Yellow Newtowns both doubt receive many letters from and reading the descriptive por­ tions for the entertainment they will participate in the celebra­ the five entered by Mr. Howe] those I talked to. offered, is evidenced by the fact tion. and Dr. Robinson were too large “ From the time I left Chey­ that wherever one went he was This is prize year for Oregon, Í to win the prize; for the same enne I distributed literature, col­ sure to see others eagerly scan­ and the taking of premiums at j reason three splendid boxes en­ onist folders, etc., to those on ning the pages, studying the il­ outside shows seems to have no tered by Mr. McCargar in the the train and at the depots, all lustrations and making inquiries. end. Hood River not only took, one box contest for best box of the way to the Atlantic coast. — Oregonian. the first prize at Spokane for ap­ Yellow Newtowns were ruled On the train I was kept busy out. E. T. Chase won first prize ples but followed it up with cap­ telling about this country, and ] SUCCESS turing the sweepstakes at Chica­ for the best box o f Baldwins soon was known as “ Spitzen-1 Is not achieved by calling go in competition with the whole grown east of the Cascade moun­ berg” to the passengers. Com-! country. Medford took first j tains. In this class was a box of ing home, a party o f Seattle1 attention to the faults and short-comings of the other prize at the Canadian National, 54 entered by George Evans boosters got on the train at Apple Show at Vancouver, B. C., which were again too large for Salt Lake and we debated the j fellow. That c o m m u n i ty a Madras man took first honors perfection. merits of our respective sections ] where this is the rule is tak­ at the Dry Farming Congres:,1 Among the most beautiful of all the way home. I think I got] ing a short cut for the rear of the procession. at Spokane with an exhibit,, and the Mosier exhibits was a N>x of the best o i the argument, how­ A man helps himself by now comes a Heppner stock Red Check Pippins, exhibited by ever, in the judgment of the, The best breeder who receives the highest ¡ Ross Ross. This box failed also passengers. Clinching the argu-1 helping others. ment as to which was the best success is achieved in this average price paid for Shorthorn because o f size, being so much apple district, Hood River or the catile at the International Live- j larger than the others in that Washington country, I had a tel- j way and the extent o f the success should he measured stock Show at Chicago. O ne: class. Mr. J. E. Carpenter had egram from Spokane announcing two-year-old heifer sold for $675. twenty boxes of different va­ tho winning of the sweepstakes. ] by the extent of the service. The only excuse for the ex­ The average prize received was rieties and certainly showed We also got the Denver and Salt some handsome fruit. As we Lake papers giving the particu­ istence o f a semi-public in­ $380. lars, and after that I had it all have seen already he took third stitution or business is that Intensive development o f the my own way.” prize in the Mosier district. it may render service. Willamette Valley is assured on According to this standard The size c f the apples in the a great scale. The Oregon Land Show Great Boost To we think the existence of the Mosier exhibit finally drew at­ Power Company is undertaking Oregon tention to them and there were MOSIER VALLEY BANK extensive improvements and ex­ “ Oregon has received more] has been abundantly justi­ many favorable comments made tensions to its plan!s throughout advertising from the United] the valley that will mean rn ex­ on them by the judges, the daily States Land and Irrigation Ex-] fied, and if we are to judge by the success attained we papers, and the public, many of penditure of ¿$1.-300,000, Elec­ jxjsitif n just closed in Chicago we have Jieen o f service to whom came specially to see the than from any other method that tric and gas lighting plants in many o f our citizens and apples that were all too large for has been at'empted up to this the various cities will he enlarged have helped to advance the premiums. time,” said Wm. McMunay, gen­ and many water powers devel­ eral pas enger agenf for the O. interests of the community. The Hood River exhibit was oped. A few of our citizens have wonderful for its size end the R. & N. Co. and the Southern ¡ The second semi-annual State not yet found it convenient beauty o f the apples. They have Pacific lint's in Oregon, upon his return from Chicago yesterday threshers Convention will he to carry their accounts with been in competition for prizes so morning. held at LaGrande Dec. 9 and 10 us. We will be in better po­ long that they know how to put “ It was the greatest land show ] and every thresherman and grain them on exhibition. They have over held” , declared Mr. Me-] sition to serve you if you can grower in the state is invited to the apples and one can easily Murray, “ and was attended by ¡ arrange to’ do this. attend. Bills to he submitted to recognize that they nr? “ past the coming Legislature in the in­ Grand Masters” in the art of dis- terest of threshermen will be playing their products. Mosier framed and many matters of can learn a great deal from our] common interest discussed. Good good neighbors on the west. roads legislation will l>e given ----------------- — « » ---------- -------- - considerable attention. East Lookiiig Toward West. ----------» » — ---- Portland Apple Show The annual meeting o f the Oregon State Horticultural So­ ciety and the Apple Show con­ nected therewith was one of the most successful that Oregon has yet known. As the general description of what happened there has been given in the Port­ land patters we will confine our­ selves chiefly to the part of the exhibit in which Mower figured prominently. The day before the fair opened seven Mosier .men were busy putting in exhibits and as it TET Business locals will be char veil at & cents par Una _ _ _ __---------- --— E n te r e z a s second-class m atter M arch 1909, at tlie post office at M osier, Orcgror, under the A c t o f M arch 3. 1*79. f T |F Ore -------------- ---------- --------------- ---- ■ ■-—■■■- DECEMBER 9, 1910 ■ ............. ...... Legal advertisements will in all eases be charged NO. 40 Commercial Club Meets T1 e Mosier Commercial Club met in Stroup’ s Hall last Monday night to hold the annual election of officers and to hold a smol er. Ti e officers elected for the en­ suing year are: President, Dr. N. Johnson; Vice-President, A. P. Bateham; Secretary, Dr. D. Robinson; Financial Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. R. M. Ross. The Board of Directors are: Dr. Johnson, A. P. Bateham, Ed. L. Howe, J. IC. McGregor and John Burggraf. The meeting, while not largely o s ie r regon attended, was harmonious and enthusiastic. Various subjects of vital interest were discussed, as were also the ways and means of carrying out the different propositions. J. K. McGregor, the retiring president, made a Located At few remarks, stating what had been attempted and accomplished in the way of public interest dur­ Guarantees all its stock true to nameand will replace afl ing his incumbency in office, and trees or plants, failing to live the first year, if due care has said that, tho now a layman, he been exercised. Our customers are always satisfied and would work just as energetically repeat their orders. A line dropped to our agent, S. W. Heppner, at Hood for the welfare of the club, town River, Ore., will bring him at any time to attend to your and district as when holding o f­ wants. fice. His remarks were full of enthusiasm and optimism. Es­ pecially did he dwell on the im­ portance of pushing the matter G e o . C h a m b e r l a i n o f the “ Mosier Loop Road,” run­ REAL ESTATE ning up the Columbia to The Dalles and back by the Seven Fruit Mile road. This road would he Lands If you have a bargain of immeasurable benefit to Mo­ sier as well as to The Dalles, let me know. I will Specialty opening up a thoroughfare of handle it quicker than Oregon wonderful scenic beauty along Mosier any other dealer. the river that would become the DON’T K N O C K BOOST most traveled road in the coun­ W. A. HUSBANDS try, furnishing a delighful and OREGON ! MOSIER - B l a c k s m it h easy mode o f transit for the thousands of tourists who will Horse Shoeing and General HIDES!! HIDES!! HIDESJ2 Repair Work. pour into the country from all Call at the B ulletin office and parts o f the union, and ail easy Satisfaction guaranteed get tags to ship your hides to method for the farmer to get to MOSIER - - OREGON Kauffman, Davidson, Semmel, o f and from the county seat. It j Portland. would also establish closer and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. more friendly relations between Department o f the Interior, United States Land Office, The Dalles and Mosier. The At The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 5, 1910. speaker also dwelt on the neces­ NOTICE is hereby given that Frank sity of t a k i n g immediate L. Farris, of Mt. Hood, Oregen, who measures to establish a boat on June 80, 1906, made homestead en­ Manufacturer of landing at Mosier, as it would try No. 15246, (Serial No. 08950), for greatly stimulate business and Lot 4, Section 19, and Lot 1, Section FINE MISSION FURNITURE reduce the cost on freight rates. 80, Township 1 N., Range 11 East. Most particularly, however, did Willamette Meridian, hus filed notice And Cabinet Work of all kinds o f intention to make Final commutation he dwell on the great importance Proof, to establish claim to the land o f unanimity of feeling and ac­ above described, before F. A. Dishop, tion in the publicity work that is a U. S. Commissioner at his office, at COLE'S B A R B E R SH O P being mapped out for the coming ilood River, Oregon, on the 26th day Mosier - - Oregon year. Without the generous December, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: spirit, the hearty co-operation, Edmon C. Miller, and Armand 1’ater- the laying aside of petty jeal­ eau, o f Mt. Hood, Oregon, and Charles C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. ousies and private feelings can Rathbum and Clarence C. Piper, of much good he accomplised. Mr. j Hood River, Oregon. D entist C. W. MooRll, Register. McGregor’s spirited talk did! OFFICE OVER BUTLER BANKING COMPANY much to encourage the members' PHONES: o f the club in their efforts for the ! Office 28 Residence 21 B HOOD RIVER - OREGOH up-building of Mosier, and he] proved conclusively that, tho no] C. H . D U N SM O R E, Prop. longer an officer, he was heart D E A LE R IN and soul in the work. Fresh and Cured Meats We believe that the Club has Country Produce made a wise choice in selecting! N O T A R Y PUBLIC Dr. Johnson as its president, as I he is a man o f large experience m o s ie r - - - O regon and great energy, and will un­ doubtedly have tne hearty sup­ port o f the entire Club as well as community. Messrs. McCargar, Ross, Bate­ ham, Mosier, Hai1 and others made ramarks that were all to the point. Is the place to visit. »range groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous hole f , historic Old Missions, at­ tractive watering places, delightful climate, making that favored section the Nation’s most popular retreat. You can see it at its best via the & CO. NICHOL General Merchandise M . - - O W a s h in g t o n N u rse ry Toppenish - - Wash. D. D. HAIL REAL ESTATE W. H. Huffines MOSIER MARKET H. G . K I B B E E Mosier - Oregon California DAVENPORT PIARNESS Co. Route And " The Read o f a Thousand Wonders" CAY YOWELL, Mgr. Harness and Saddlery Goods Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc ] Hand-made Harness a Specialty HOOD RIVER Shasta OREGON THE OAKS A pleasant place to spend a so cial hour is at S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room SOUTHERN PACIFIC COM PANY Up-to-date trains, first-cla s in every respect, unexcelled dining-car service, quick me and direct connections to all points south. SPECIAL R( ND TRIP FARE $ 55.00 Portland to Los Angelos and Return With corresponding low fares from all other sections of the Northwest. Liiteral stop-overs in each direction and long limit. Interesting and attractive literature on the various resorts and attractions of California can be had on application to any S. P. or O. R. & N. Agent, or from S oft D rinks , C andy , C igars T obacco agent . Mosier, Oregon