CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK iloings of the World at Large Told in Brief. JAIL PALACE FOR FOUR. Convicted Cattle Kings to C hef in Prison. Hava Jap Omaha — W. G. Comstock, Bartley R. Charles Richards, Charles Jamison and Aquila Triplet, land barons and millionaire cattle kings o f Nebraska, were convicted in the Federal court of fencing government land and sen­ tenced to one year in the county jail. A fter spending a month visiting the various county jails in the state they departed for Hastings. There they w ill become inmates of the'Adam s county jail. The four men are not to be treated like ordinary prisoners. With them they took a Japanese chef, who will do their cooking. They have ordered expensive furniture and carpets sent to the Hastings jail as furnishings for their rooms. In addition they pur­ chased and sent out a large and well selected library. They have subscrib­ ed for a number o f daily papers and many o f the leading magazines. The windows o f their rooms have been hung with expensive lace curtains. The floors are carpeted and in a gene­ ral way, it is said, the cells have the appearance o f well appointed club rooms. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE TA X AM EN D M EN T CARRIES. Official TH E QUICKENING 3 X X FINE P O T n « o U n w P G n O fid . Figures Reverse First ports o f Result. raraatae; and It was nearing mldmgnt when be won back, pacing steadily past the Deer Trace end Woodlawn gates and holding his way down the pike to Gordonla. The railway station was his goal; and when he had aroused the eleepy night operator and gained admittance, he sat at the telegraph table to write a message. It wae to Norman, ad­ dressed to Intercept the salesman at the breakfast stop. “Cancel Pennsylvania date and come In at once to take managership of plant." was the wording of It; and at the breakfast-table the following morn­ ing Tom announced his Intention of leaving the Industrial plow In the fu-- row while he should go to Boston to complete hie course In the technical Re­ Indian Farmers Make Good Showing =BY= On Newly-Cleared Ground. Compilation o f the official vote on Chemawa — The Indian boys o f the the various initiative and referendum farm department o f the Chemawa In­ measures, as canvassed by the county dian school have this year harvested Ganeral Resume o f Important Events Copyright. 1906. by Francis Ljrnd# election boards, reverses the result one of the finest crops o f potatoes ever Presented In Condensed Form heretofore announced on the county gathered in this section. While the fo r Our Busy Readers. taxation amendment that appeared un­ crop here this year is somewhat below der the ballot numbers 326 yes and 327 an average crop, the Indian farmers school. (T o be continued.) no. Instead of having been defeated, under the direction and instruction o f An explosion in an Oklahoma coal CH APTER XX. and outspoken with your banker. As the complete figures show that the John Westley, have an exceptional mine killed 13 men. When-Tom, seated on Saladln. over­ I have said, the venality of these men WOMEN IN V AD IN G BUSINESS. measure has carried by a majority of yield. took Ardea on the morning after the with whom you are dealing Is most de­ A big rush is expected among Spo­ plorable, but • • •” 1,655. E m p lo y ra e u t o f W a n t A d One of the Twenty-four acres o f newly cleared night of offenses, she greeted him quite kane women when the registration There was some further glozlng over P r in c ip a l K a te r in a W e d g s e . books open. The amendment carried is the most land yielded more than 200 bushels an ae If nothing had happened, challeng­ ing him gaily to a gallop with the val­ of the putrid fact, a good bit of It, and The present day woman In business radical and sweeping o f the three tax acre, the potatoes being o f exceptional ley head for lte goal, and refuting to be Tom sat back In his chair and listened, Madero's brother says the Mexican employs Just as up-to-date methods as revolt is gaining and that President amendments submitted. Two that size and quality. F ive early rose po­ drawn Into anything more serioue than outwardly respectful. Inwardly hot- a man, declares Prof. Charles Zueblln hearted and contemptuous. Was this joyous persiflage until they were re­ Diaz is badly scared. were proposed by the legislative as­ tatoes weighed 19 pounds four ounces, turn:, ig at a walk down a boulder- smooth-spoken, orac ilar prince of the In the Delineator. When she goes A bank at Bath, Me., has failed-on sembly in response to a movement fos­ and five Burbanks weighed 16 pounds strewn wood road at the back of the market-place a predetermined hypo­ after a position she does so with all account o f competition, after 42 years tered by the state grange were defeat­ 10 ounces. It required only 19 o f the Dabney horae pasture. Then, and not crite. shaping his words to lit the mon- her might. The frank adoption of Burbanks to make a bushel. The larg till then, wae the question of Nancy ey-gatherlng end without regard to masculine methods In order to beat of succeessful career. ed. These amendments removed the est potato was an early rose, weighing Bryerson's future suffered to present their demoralizing effect? Or was he the men at their own game. Is mod­ The German leather industry is en­ only a subconscious Pharisee, self-de­ estly exemplified by the young Bryn restrictions in the constitution on ex­ five pounds one ounce. The ground Itself. dangered by the high price o f the ceived and complacent? Tom’s thought “I thought of It last night,” said A r­ empting certain classes of property or was newly cleared upland and the Mawr graduate who published the fol­ American hide supply. dea, nodding toward a cabin near the ran lightning-like over the long list of on levying a less rate o f taxation on one planting was done the last of May and Major's kennels. "It Is Just the place the Vancourt Hennlkers: men of the lowing enticing advertisement: the first part o f June. Dry farming Austria refuses to discontinue dis­ "Situation wanted— Are you look­ class of property than on another. for Nkncy, If she can not. or will not. business world successful to the Croe­ crimination against American oil and methods were followed all through go back to her father. After break­ sus mark, large and liberal benefactors, ing for brains? For an experienced The county tax as it is commonly July, August and September. its products and a diplomatic conflict fast. I shall send Dinah and a man up founders of colleges, libraries and hos­ correspondent who can write convinc­ known, was submitted through the in is on. to set things In order, and she can come pitals, gift-givers to their fellow men. ing letters, letters that get what they itiative by the labor organizations of ae soon as she llkea She won’t mind Irreproachable In private life, and yet are sent to get? A clever woman Lebanon Paper Mills Resume, Louis Brandeis, o f Boston, asserts the state. It tukes from the legisla­ the loneliness. Japheth will go after apparently «tone blind on the side of HONDUHAIN P O R T S TAK E N . Lebanon— The paper mills at this her when we are ready; and If you are the larger equities. Could It be possi­ who can write clever ads. or clever that American railroads could save $1,- ture all power to pass laws regulating 000,000 a day by scientific manage­ taxation or exemptions and gives that place have started their mills at full prudently wise you will havebuslneas ble that such men deliberately admit­ talks on any subject and from any Revolutionists Under Bonilla Win power solely to the people, although capacity, after a shutdown of nearly In South Tredegar for the next few ted and accepted the doublt standard point of view? Borne one expert In ment. In morals? It seems fairly Incredible, the use of stenography and typewrit­ the legislature may submit such laws four monthB on account o f some trou days.” Important Points. The proposed river and harbor bill “That looks like dodging; and I don’t and yet their lives appeared to pro­ ing? A hybrid from the university ble with the land owners north of the for approval or rejection at the polls. to be placed before the coming session San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua — Ad­ claim It. and business world? One who knows mill on account o f the waste from the like to dodge." o f congress carries appropriations ag­ vices received from Tegucigalpa state Each county is permitted to regulate Having obtained the sinews of war, people and conditions and who can "You will have to do many things mill running through their land. It taxation within its borders as it sees gregating {30,000,000. Tom kept the appointment with N or­ you don't like," the remarked. "But that the Atlantic ports o f Honduras fit. The levying of poll tax is prohib­ looked at one time as if Lebanon meet all combinations of the two with you shall be permitted to carry your man, and their Joint discussion of the Rate experts testifying on behalf of and the department of Comayagua, ited. might lose this mill on account o f this full share of the burden. I mean to let business situation made him too late unwreckable savolr faire? That de­ shippers before the Interstate Com­ The bill is regarded as having been trouble. It is said that four other you give me eotne money. If you can for the early dinner at Woodlawn. To scribes me exactly. Address B A 281, have been captured by revolutionists merce commission declare the proposed complete the delay, the evening train Tribune.” designed as an entering wedge for cities had made bids for the mills and afford It. and I'll spend It for you.” rate increases were unjust and unfairly under the leadership o f former presi­ “ single tax” measures. Under its one city had offered the company a "Charity Itself couldn't be kinder," lost half an hour with a hot box at a Is It surprising that she was swamp­ dent Manuel Bonilla. distributed. provisions a county whose voters were bonus o f $50,000 and a free Bite and to he asseverated. "And, luckily. I can point a mile short of Gordonla. Two ed with answers? things came of these combined time- afford It But----- " Government forces sent to retake so disposed might adopt that system, pay the freight to the new location. Women who attain success In the The report o f the Washington state He was looking at her wistfully, and killings: a man Tn a slouched hat and most masculine of Industries and even though the measure could not board o f control on the insane aslyum the terrritory joined the enemy. the brown Jeans of the mountaineers, the old longing for sympathy, for the Hunting Good in Klamath. General Bonilla brought about an muster strength in the state at large . shows that the cost o f living has in­ sympathy which has been quite to who had been watching the Woodlawn financial positions are evidently mul­ The follow­ Klamath Falls— The shooting season the bottom of the well where truth lies, gates since dusk from his hiding-place tiplying. The statistician who pre­ creased out o f all proportion to the in­ unsuccessful revolt against the govern­ to be made a state law. ment o f President Davila last summer. ing are the measures that have been has been at its best for two weeks. was about to cry out against this riv­ behind the field wall across the pike, pares the annual report on the cotton crease in wages. Later he sought refuge in Guatemala, adopted and majority on each: Several hunting parties have come in eting of the fattens of misunderstand­ got up stiffly and went away; and Tom crop for the government Is a woman, Mexican rebels at Chihuahua have from which country he was deported. reached home Just In time to Intercept who Is said to have Increased her In­ An act authorizing the location, from Portland and California cities, ing and false accusation. been reinforced and a big battle is ex­ Recently he was reported to be in New construction and maintenance o f a In every instance the members o f the But you w'ould rather spend it your- Ardea on the steps of the picturesque come from $8 a week to $10,000 a veranda. pected. Orleans organizing an expedition which branch insane asylum in Eastern Ore­ parties succeeded in bagging the eelfT" she broke In. fancying she had “ Been visiting the little mother?" he year. limit. The local birds are still in the divined hit thought. ’That can not be. Trenton, N. J., has recently reported The commission form o f government was to attack the Atlantic coast of gon, 7,587. asked, when she paused on the step The one condition on which I shall con­ A bill providing for the support and marshes and the northern birds have haB failed to cut down municipal ex­ Honduras. Bonilla’s cause was helped fifteen business women whose occupa­ sent to help Is the completest Isolation above him. somewhat by the rebellion of General maintenance o f the Monmouth normal been brought in by the recent rains, for Nan. You must promise me you penses in Tacoma. "Yes—no; I ran over to tell you that tions are scarcely feminine. They in­ Jose Valladares, the governor o f the school, 10,361. The excellent hunting found in Klam­ will not try to see her. I am hoping we moved Nancy to-day." clude barboring, wholesale tobacco, The physical valuation o f railroads island of Amapala. The latter was A constitutional amendment empow­ ath county is one o f the assets o f the against hope that none of the Mountain "Oh! Well, that’s comfortable. Sho real estate, undertaking, pharmacy. is believed to be a long step towards recently deposed and came to this ering the people o f each county to reg­ country. View avenue people will find out what was willing?" Jewelry, piano dealing, Insurance, shoe regulation of rates. you did last night" ”Y-es: almost, at first; and altogeth­ repairing country. ulate taxation and exemptions within banking, charcoal, etc. 111 keep out of her way. If you can er willing when I told her that I—that South Chicago’s situation Is more Elgin Apples to Be Shown. the county regardless o f constitutional Traffic was tied up for two hours oh restrictions or state statutes, and abol­ ELGIN B U TTE R MEN A T WAR. a Seattle suburban line by a riot which Elgin — Sherman Chappie, o f the keep her out of mine. All I care Is to she—” There was an embarrassed mo­ spectacular, If less creditable. In ad­ know that the Is comfortably provid­ ment and then the truth came out. ish poll tax, 1,655. followed a dispute over a 10-cent fare. fruit packing firm of Chappie & Whit­ ed for." "Perhaps I should have asked you first: dition to women doctors and police, a Home rule liquor bill, 4,547. ing, will start in a few days with a car In the comment of the simpler-mind­ but she was quite satisfied when I told woman runs the worst saloon and an­ In a Buburb of Berlin 2,500,000 gal­ ’ •Insurgents” Say Prices Have Been Employers’ liability law, 22,112. o f apples to points in the Middle West, ed Gordonla folk, the iron-master’ s ioi) her that she owed her changed condi­ other the best undertaking establish­ "F ix ed ” for Years. lons of benzine exploded. No one was A bill prohibiting the taking o f fish where he expects to sell trial orders had Anally "made It up" with Nancy, tion to the person whose duty It was to killed, but the property loss is $350,- Chicago— An "insurgent” movement from the Rogue river except by hook for the purpose o f advertising the pro­ and here the note of approval wae .»ot provide for her. You don’t mind, do ment, so that, from birth to death, even by “ the broad way which leadeth 000. on the part of Chicago members o f the and line, 16,203. duct of this section and to secure or­ wholly lacking. There were good- you?” to destruction,” a feminine hand may “ No, I don’t mind,” he »aid, absently, A theatrical magnate of Baltimore Elgin Butter board has brought into Good roads amendment, 18,028. ders for fancy apples. In the mean­ hearted souls to say that boys will he guide. has given $100,000 to build a hospital the limelight alleged manipulation of Presidential primary law, 1,679. time he will represent the Elgin Com­ boys, and to express the hope that Tom and the under-thought dealt savagely W a y -K o or W m ck-K et and industrial home for crippled chil­ prices by that body, and assures a bit­ Three-fourths jury amendment, 6,- mercial club at the Chicago Interna­ would go on from this beginning and with Nan—with a woman who. for the make an honest woman of Nanoy by Bake of the loaves and the fishes, and ter fight for control at the annual elec­ 238. dren. Every town has Its right to pro tional Irrigation and Land exposi­ marrying her. the shielding of the real offender, would tion to be held December 19. The greatest number o f votes cast tion. But Tom did not know of 1L Ho suffer an Innocent man to go to the so­ nounce Its name In Its own way, but The government has begun a second For more than a quarter o f a cen­ wae In the crucial month of the panic, cial gallows for lack of the worif which Texans never seemed to get together desperate fight ugainst the sugar trust, tury the quotations of the Elgin board on any measure was on the prohibition year, striving desperately to maintain would have cleared him. He laughed on the pronunciation of the name Bids for Supplies December 20. consisting of nearly 30 separate con­ have served as a basis on which butter law, which received a total of more the foothold given to him by the pipe­ rather bitterly and added, out of the ‘Waco.” Years ago Texas was repre­ than 106,000. The bill is defeated by Salem— Bids will be opened Decem­ cerns. is bought and sold in practically 20,915. Approximately 11,000 votes casting Invention, and he had little heart of the under-thought: "I’m gla i ber 20 for six months’ supplies for the time for the amenities. So It came I’m not naturally Inclined to be pes­ sented by two rather ancient sena­ The British parliament haH been dis­ every part o f the United States. fewer than those cast for candidates state institutions at Salem, including tors, one of whom called the town about that he escaped for the moment; simistic.’’ It is charged by the “ insurgents” for governor were polled on this bill. solved, and one faction threatens to re­ "Way-ko,” whereas the other Insisted the state hospital for the insane, the or, which wae quite the same, he did “What makes you say that?” bel if home rule wins in the coming that the butter board is manipulated Statewide prohibition as provided mute school, the blind school, the in­ not know he wae pursued. Another “Because, after hearing”—he changed It was “ Wauk-ko.” solely in the interests o f a clique that elections. for by constitutional amendment was The reading clerk had a merry time. Northern city, with Its full complement his mind suddenly, and transferred the has been in control of the official ma­ defeated by 17,846 in a total o f more stitute for the feeble-minded and the of grafting officials, was In the mar­ hard word from Nan to Mr. Vancourt If the word were read one way the open air sanatorium for the treatment All hope of finding B. G. Corbin, the chinery for years, and that prices are than 104,000 votes recorded on the o f indigent pulmonary tuberculosis ket for some train-loads of water- Hennlker—"after what I’ve been hear­ opposing senator would make a com­ missing Boise, Idaho, banker, has made by the quotation committee with amendment. mains, and again Thomas Jefferson ing this afternoon I find myself more plaint, and vice versa. It recalls the victims. been abandoned. He went hunting a a view to pleasing one butter company. was fighting the old battle of con­ In the notion of weeping with the an­ time when Arkansas was represented The highest majority polled for or week ago and no trace of him can be science against expediency, this time in gels than of laughing with the devils.” In the senate by Garland and Walker. against any measure was on the bill found. Improving Water System. the evll-smelllng ditches where the "What has happened?" she asked, providing that Baker county should Masked Men Rob Mine. sympathetically alive to his need :n One Insisted that the state should be Harrisburg— The city council is hav­ dead and wounded Its. The absconding teller of a Los An­ just as It Is Winncmucca, Nev.— Three masked pay $1 ,000 yearly to the judge of the ing large additions made to the water "You are sure you went Into It thor­ one breath, and keenly apprehensive called "Arkansas,” geles bank, who disappeared Sept. 17 The other always Insisted men who broke into the tunnel o f a Eighth judicial district in addition to system. Four new hydrants are being oughly, Norman r he demanded of his for her own peace of mind In the next. spelled. with $100,000 o f the bank's funds, tel­ John J. Ingalls, rich gold mine near here overlooked the annual salary of $3,000 received by placed in residence sections. Sewer lieutenant, when the latter return'd “An exceedingly small thing, as Ahs upon "Arkaosaw.” egraphed that he was starving in a In a total of from a personal reconnaissance of the world's measurements go. I was In who was presiding officer of the sen­ $8,000 worth of high grade ore. The him from the state. extensions costing $1,500 are under Mexican prison and $100 was sent him. field. "The break they are making at town, and made a business call on Mr. ate in those days, had the matter robbers broke down four heavy doors about 84,000 votes there is a majority way. us seems almost too rank to be taken Hennlker. He's a member of your down to such a nicety that he would Political factions had h fierce fight at the entrance to the tunnel. Meet­ Hgainst the bill of 58,368. at Its face value.” church, Isn't he? I needed some money On woman’s suffrage 94,659 votes ing Bix miners, they made them face on the streets of Cork, Ireland. "Oh. yes; I dug It up from the bot­ to bribe a lot of political grafters in a recognize the one as “ the senator PO R TLA N D M ARKETS. the wall. While one of the intruders were registered and the amendment tom." said the henchman. "It’s rotten Pennsylvania city where Pm trying to from ‘Arkansas,’ ” and the other as Twenty-five persons lost their lives stood guard, the other two searched for was defeated by 22,259. and riotous. The political machine sell a bill of water-pipe. I went to Mr. 'the senator from ’Arkansaw,’ ’’ being in a box factory fire at Newark, N. J. Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem, runs the town, and the bosses own the Hennlker to borrow i t ” very careful to give each senator hi9 treasure. In their haste they did not Governor Clark, of Alaska, says Pin- notice the rich ore that had alreay been 79c; club, 77c; red Russian, 74c; val- machine. So much to this one, so pronunciation.—Washington "And, of course, he wouldn’t let you favorite G IA N T PA R S N IP IS GROW N. much to that, so much to half a dozen have It for any such wretched pur­ correspondence St. Louis Star. chotism is the curse of that territory. ely, 78c; 40-fold, 78c. packed in sacks and was standing in others, and ws get the contract" pose!" she flamed out. Barley— Feed, $20.50((i>21 per ton. Michael Cudahy, founder o f the the slope. The identity of the robbers Rich Chemawa Soil Yields Vegetable "That cornea straight does it?" T h e S t w lie n . “ No, you are mistaken; It's Just the Millstuffs— Bran, $25 per ton; mid­ great Cudahy Packing company is is said to be known. Weighing 20 3-4 Pounds. "As straight as a ihot out of a gun. Of the late Atherton Blight, one ot dlings, $33; shorts, $27; rolled barley, They got together on It eight of tbe other way around. I told him what It dead. was for, hoping rather vaguely, I think, Chemawa— Twenty and three-quar­ $24(u 25. Caspian Gale Disastrous. big bosses, called me In and told ,ne that he’d sit on me and make the crime the founders of fashionable Newport, King George, o f England, will aid ters pounds is the weight of a giant Hay— Track prices: Timothy, W il­ flat-footed what we had to do,” said Impossible. But he didn't. He took a Philadelphian said at the Ritten- Astrakhan, Russia— During a sudden the Liberals if they win the coming parsnip which was taken from the lamette valley, $19(ci,20 per ton; East­ the salesman. "Oh. I tell you. thoes the trouble to try to explain away my house Club: tempest in the Caspian sea a landing elections. gardens o f the Chemawa Indian school. ern Oregon, $21@22; alfalfa, new, $15 fellows are on to their Job.” "Mr. Blight was amused by the scruples; made It seem quite a virtu­ stage on which were 300 Persian dock The Internal Revenue department No chance to go behind the returns ous thing before he got through. You antics of the militant suffragettes. At workers, was dragged from its moor­ This great vegetable is one of many @16; grain hay, $14. ■ays illicit distilling in largely on the a Christmas luncheon at the Bellevue Corn— Whole, $31; cracked, $32 ton. and stir up popular Indignation, as we wouldn't believe it now, would you?” ings and swept out to sea. The storm almost as large taken from a half-acre did In Indiana?" suggested Tom. "But, Tom! you didn't take the mon­ he once sat next to a lady with suf­ increase in Prohibition Btates. of especially productive soil. From Oats— $27<*f>28 per ton. was so violent that attempts at rescue No show on top of earth. The ring ey?” fragette notions. Plovers' eggs, hard Poultry— Hens, 17c; springs, 1 5 ^ @ owns or controls two of the dallies, and I t is claimed that several thousand were futile and all hope that any of this one little spot have been taken al­ "How could I refuse so good a man? babies are starving in Chicago as the the men will be saved has been aban­ ready 300 bushels of parsnips, enough 16c; ducks, white, 16c; geese, 11c; hae the other two scared. Besides, Norman Is on his way to Pennsylvania boiled, formed one course, and the to give the Indian students o f the turkeys, live, 20(u22c; dressed, 25(a) they've Juat had their municipal elec­ at this present moment, with a letter of lady called Mr. Blight's attention to result of the garment workers’ strike, doned. Scores of ships, several with tion." credit in hie pocket big enough to make the high cost of plovers' eggs this which is no nearer settlement than their crews on board, were sunk at school all the parsnips they will need 26c; squabs, $2 per dozen. To prepare for the new exigency, the mouth of even a professional graft­ year. Eggs —Oregon ranch, candled, 40(3) their moorings at different Caspian this winter. ever. John Wesley, school gardener,'says 42b.c; Eastern, Aprils, 30(d32c; East­ Tom took the afternoon local for South er Water. At least, I hope It Is big “ ’Even though.’ she said, ’they have Tredegar. The lump sum required for enough.” Count Nascimento, of Portugal, was coast towns. Seven towns along the this parsnip is the largest ever taken ern fresh, 36(jC. to be shipped from England, I don't coast were flooded, hundreds of inhab­ the bribery was considerably In excess not satisfied with the $1,000,1)00 dower out in this section. He attributes the She was hurt, shocked, horrified, and see why their price should have near­ Butter— City creamery, solid pack, of his balance In bank. Notwithstand­ of his prospective American bride, and itants taking refuge on haystacks. I o v it o n i r o t o t ^ p fio t i pf>?l iq ’,c '* per p«und; prints, 37(r?37'jc; out­ ing the stringency of the times, he he knew It and found pleasure of a cer­ ly doubled, do you?' the g ir l’s father has declared the found in the Chemawa i rdens. Only side creamery, 85(*c per high sense of persona) honor and In­ but what 1s the use of trying to put It mand of Captain Robert F. Scott, has I acre. pound; sprouts, 7(08c; squash, 1(0 tegrity which must be the corner-stone In words; you know—you have always do not exchange photographs with General Madero, the Me .ican revolu­ ■ailed from Port Chalmers for the Ant­ of any successful buetneee career. This their admirers. In Japan until now ISiC; tomatoes, $1.25 per box; carrots, known. And now It Is too late.” tionary leader ir reported to be wound­ arctic. The Terra Nova sailed from Chemawa Orchards Give Fine Fruit there has not been sny trouble about $1«( 1.25 per hundred; parsnips, $1(0 state of affairs which you describe le For a single Instant Vincent Farley's ieplorabl»—most deplorable; but— well, London on June I last and gradually Chemawa — Under the direction of ed. courting, and this Is the first evidence 1.25; turnips, $1. chance of marrying the Deer Trace coal we may think of euch obstacles as we worked her way south. Captain John Wesley, chief o f the department Cattle— Beef steers, good to choice, do of toll-gates on the highway. The lands trembled In the balance. Ardea that the Japanese maidens need In­ Berlin police have warned women Scott, who joined the vessel in New ; of gardening ?*»« r 'l - m « » » Indian against wearing dangerously long hat Zealand, hopes to reach the South Pole school, the orchards of the school are $5.25(06.65; fair to medium, $4.50(0 road la a public utility, and It should forgot him, forgot Nan. thought of struction In affairs of the heart. 5; choice spayed heifers. $4.75( ment: but an hour later. William A new patty knife, the Invention of in the Brasilian navy. The men de­ the City hall, it was announced that recent arrival in Oregon from Idaho, is best valley ewes, $3.60(34: lambs, "You are young In business, but you Bayne. driving homeward from South manded more pay and the abolition of the taxicab strike had been practically a cigar manufacturer of many years' choice mountain, $5.25(45.75; choice have learned the first lesson In ihe Tredegar, overtook him plodding alow- a New Yorker, haa a scraper attached book of success -to bo perfectly open | ly southward far beyoud the head sf to remove the surplus putty corporal punishment. settled. valley, $4.75(45. experience. F R A N C IS L Y N D E ( XX