— LOCAL — FOR SALE One team 6-ypar-old horses, eolor, one sorrel, one black. Weight 2800 lbs. Guaranteed good workers, double or single. Apply to Geo. Chamberlain, Mo­ sier, Ore. 10-14 tf FOR SALE Good wheat hay at $16.50 per tfen at Mosier. Inquire of V. C. Young or at the Bulletin of­ fice. ll-1 8 tf Now is the time to look up yt*up- sttbkcriptions for Maga­ zines. Ask for catalog of Cut Rates. tf M o s ie r B o o k S t o k e . FO U N D .—A whip. Owner can have same by calling at this office, proving property and pay­ ing for this notice. F O U N D .—A chi-'d’s glove. Owner cdn have same'by calling at the Bulletin office and proving property and paying for this ad. W a n t e d :—A good homestead relinquishment.* Call at Bulletin office or write, stating price and giving full description. Who found the glove? Dr. C. A. Macrum, of Portland. Visited his ranch near town yes­ terday. Dr, rhimblo, of Hood River, was a professional caller in town Tuesday. E. N. Stroup was a business visitor at the county seat on Wednesday. Sirs. H. Pickering was shop­ ping in town Wednesday from the ranch southeast of town. C. O. Perley and wife left on Wednesday for Blaine, Wash., vv'bere they will spend a few months. Mrs. W . A. Stark came up from Hood River yesterday and will visit several days here with relative. MID-SUMMER APPLE EXHIBIT School Notes Nov. 16th, 1910. Dewey Woods has stopped ! Editor Bulletin, school. Dear Sir:— Grace Bailey was absent Tues­ I noticed in an article in the day. tOregonian, sometime ago, writ- Lloyd Fisher w a s absent | ten by Mr. Lonsdale, who is a Wednesday and Thursday. | large fruit grower in Southern James Carroll and Robert Ross Oregon, where he advised the have been absent all week. orchardists of Oregon to ascer­ Orvil and Paul Bailey and Ber­ tain the particular varieties of fruit which were suited to their nice Fisher were absent Monday Henry Page was tardy Tues- several districts. This was good advice and I have no doubt that day morning, the first tardiness it was followed by many people this month. in the orchard business. On Dec. 10, in Stroup’s Hall, The foregoing led me to the the Mosier school will give a doll thought that the best keeping auction, other attractions in- and finest flavored apple will al- eluded, and an oyster supper. ways command the market’s The proceeds will be added to highest price. As yet we have the entertainment fund. From not demonstrated which district thjs fund money has been taken in Oregon is the best for the for library books, organ, drum, keeping quality of the apple. report cards, exhibit paper and True we have many apple stair matting. We now want' shows in the apple season, at- more books, a few good pictures, which all varieties show to ad and material far supplementary vantage, This is hardly justice, ! work. however, to the intending in- j Next Wednesday will be Pa- Christian Church Raliy, Nov. 21-2 Third National Apple Show P rogram The Oregon Railroad & Navi­ gation Co. will sell tickets for the' Third National Apple Show, which will be held Monday night, Nov. 21 7 :30 Devotional Service 8:00 Address, Oregon Mis­ sions, C. F. Swander 8:30 Address, Work o f the C. W. B. M., Mrs. Ellen Hunter Tuesday, Nov. 22 9:45 Devotional Service 10:00 Conference on State Missionary W ork, by C. K 12:00 Dinner 2:00 Devotional Service 2:30 Conference on C. W. B. M. Work, by Mrs. Ellen Hunter 3:30 Social half-hour 4:00 Conference on Christian Endeavor Work, by Mrs. Mary D. Benton (Members of the C. E. are requested to come to this conference immediately a f t e r scy,0O|) A T COST wash., November i4 * S T D uring the. month o f October I will self. elusive, at a rate of one first-class f o r Cash, Studebaker W agons, H acks fare and one third for the round trip, with a minimum of $1.00 for adults and 50 cents for children. The sale dates from The Dalles. Ore., and stations east thereof, Nov. 13 to 18 inclusive. From stations west of The Dalles, Nov. 13 to 14. No stop-overs either going or coming. Final return limit Nov. 24, or, tickets sold at The Dalles and stations east; Nov. 24, on tickets sold at stations west of The Dalles. N18 and Buggies at prices below:— Reg. Price 2 1'2 in. Wagons with bolster spring and spring seat, $ ICO. CO 110.00 2 3-4 in. Wagons, same as above,. 3-in. Wagte«J by a hfteen-cent Maga- , .. . . . Il .he will locate. Izine. A series of 16-page arti- pie Exhibit? It would he a distinguished himself and re ! cles, describing and picturing I Razor« put in first-class condition. i the wonderful attractions of the great feature for Oregon as an j fleeted great credit on his in- I. M. Thomas, a former For sale by Burggraf & Stur- Mo- P a c i f i c C o a s t c o u n t r y . ■idvertisement, particularly instructors in the art of packing Pictures and Picture Frames* Oregon apples are today one of apples. At the apple packing sierite, now living at Alsea, Ore., PRINTED IN FOUR COLORS. gess in all parts of Mosier Dis­ trict. Fine Bargains. See us- the foremost products of our! contest at Spokane on Wednes- arrived in town yesterday for a The Series begins in November: Oregon—“ Where Rolls the before buying elsewhere. W e State and destined in the future ¡day, W. L. Dresbach, of Mosier. few days’ visit. packed four boxes in 26 minutes Mrs. Henry Sensei and Miss De-*sfl‘fer: San Francisco ‘ •The City have small and large tracts. Ten to lead as such. That Is acre tracts that we can sell you me that an a p -' and 48 seconds. He scored Anna Bauer, of Portland, arrived January: Los Angeles—"Homeland’ ' It appears to ! at the right price on easy terms. one or more of points out of 400, winning over in Mosier Wednesday Mrs. Sen- pie show held in Many other strong features in­ D AVID ROBINSON, M. D. All correspondence promptly I lie large cities in mid-summer 21 contestants'.’ The judges said sel will visit a week or two with cluding- a fascinating serial novel would ere;it a lively interest, and it was the best work they ever j the Bauer family, and Miss Bauer of California, “ The Spell,” by ! answered. W e will take care of j Land & Orchard Mosier, Oregon. Company First National Bank Alex. Stewart $25,000 Fruit MOSIER Lands B a r b e r Shop / . E. Mrs. Jack Burchett presented l do not see any reason why this saw in a similar contest. ‘Rah will reside on her homestead this | C. N. and A. M. Williamson, a u -1 y °11 her husband with a daughter thors of "T h e Lightning Conduc­ winter. could not be done. We claim for Dresbach. list Saturday morning. All three tor,” Etc., will contribute to / that we have the keeping quali­ hake SUNSET M AGAZINE the are doing well. The Reliable Dealers ties why not demonstrate it in best value of the year. J. Sendlinger left on Tuesday the season that would prove it MOSIER - - OREGON Try It Three Months for Portland, where he will spend md awaken the most interest for « W O N D E R K t f ï the winter working at his trade our most famous product the T H E H K IG H a K ST L IG H T ! T H K W H I f h S i' L IG H T ! T H K N TK ON GG M L IG H T ! of cabinet making. JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS A N D S U P P L IE S O F Oregon Apple? T U G rH K A I’ F M L IG H T ! T U G C L K A N E bT L IG H T ! Yours truly, SUNSET M AGAZINE Six tim es brigh ter than e le c ­ yC. V. Bauer left last Friday Contractors in Stone, Brick and Con- I tricity, g»H or ordinary oil lamps. A L L K IN D S IN S T O C K 313 Batter Stieri, San Francisco J. K. McGKifPK. CORNS COMMON KFKOSKWE; . afternoon for his home in Port­ Burggraf & Sturgess LA M PS land, after spending a week on the ranch with his mother. Special 2 5 California: Please send me “ SUNSET” for Hood River three months in accordance with your special offer. Enclosed find twenty-five cents (Stamps or Coi l) Name ____ __________________ — Address ___ ,----- ------------------------------- 1 Town Statc SHUPLr.F.t.FC,CANNOT EXPLORE. An A II-O r««s Lamp, Hand- ■omely Made. For H om es, Stores. Sch ools, H alls and Churches. -+■ • Cents crete Work- Oregon CO P hysician and S urgeon MOSIER - OREGOM Mosier Lumber Co. G eo . H aacke , Pres. AH kinds of Building Material on hand, in­ cluding lath and shingles Business men should read and J A S Ëi C O L E , A gen t Estimates given for ma­ CUTS LIGHTING SILLS M HALF? ponder on the following: When __ 100-Candlo Power, fi hour« for Why ruin your . W ell W ork Wood are attending court at The who expects to remain in busi­ W e have the Best. A lso Books, Pictures rpul All the big. successful Dalles this week. The latter re­ ness? W ell D one : Picture Frames, Post Cards and Novelties For in­ turned home yesterday, hut Mr. concerns advertise. A nd a complete line o f School Supplies Husbands will remain several stance, look at Montgomery, The undersigned is thoroughly Ward & Company. They are ad­ E. N. STROUP, Prop’r days yet. M o s ie r B o o k S to r e , prepared to put down open wells vertising wherever they can get MOGIER : : OREGON S. E. Pisherwent to Vancou­ in any part of the surrounding A place where all may enjoy a quiet hourat pool or card tal le. space. They are now reaching ver on Tuesday to see about the country. Has a complete outfit, A tine line o f Cold Soft i »l inks. Cigars anu Tobacco on hand. out after the country newspaper, including pipe cutting and thread­ lumber for his barn. He is ex­ W e treat our patrons courteously and invite the public to drop snd they arc* getting space, too. ing tools. Does all kinds of ce­ ; periencing the same difficulty in and make themselves at home. Last week in one of our country KSnkMSáH»- ment, rock and concrete work. ►at** -ö ■»++»- Remember the place, downstairs, under Stroup s Hall. that many others have contended « Has had 30 years’ experience in exchanges we noticed on a cer­ with this season —inability to get the well business. May be found MOSIER - - - OREGON tain page two ads, one was a by addressing him at The Dalles-, his order filled on time. .VI on (gomeay, Ward & Company Ore., or inquire at Maier & Thirty-three Odd Fellows of id, and just above it wns a quar­ Schanno’s store, The Dalles. Or. Beacon ¿odge went to The Dali*« ter page from a local merchant A. E. N egus . d i : \ i i : r in Monday night to attend a Dis­ •nd his ad was headed like this: trict Convention of Odd Fellows "Going out of business” . Why, 11 of Wasco, Hood River and Sher­ to he sure, it is a natural result. DR. H. L. D U M B L E A JOHN WELL BERG, Prop. man counties. A large delega­ If the country and village mer­ * tion from each county was pres­ chants do not wish to insure PH YSICIAN amo SURGEON ent and a rousing time was had. their business and incidentally Mrs. John Davenport returned help the local newspaper, the HOOD RIVER : OREGON mail order houses will and home on Friday last from The anxious to do so. Adv Dalles, where she has liecn stay­ business insurant* Will practice in Mosier and ing with her mother, Mrs. Geo. sure your business. Ex May lie reached by long dis­ Krause, who was quite ill for ( l,o to the Mosier Lumber ( o Ë several weeks. Mrs. Kraus * ac­ tance phone. Home phone 61. for • your sash. ,1* >rs. súmensete, f « companied her daughter lioim V «, rrTtt'W-*'-* — . « « l 2 3 ’f » •T’V ilTYS'; VKEKt ! U-i* - .va’: CEMB fll and will remain here some time. A large shipment of W. E. Huskey was brought \V.i have just received a nice line of home last Saturday from The ■flades, where he was op •rat-1 ju?t received. AH kinds of pretty China. on for api»endlcitis two weeks For M« » Second Floor. H O O D R I V E R ' S L A R G E S T £: B E S T S T O R E ago. He recovered nicely trou til- operation hut is now sutler B o O K 5 A fine line-of Jersey and Canvas LEGGIN3 at lowest é&CilSi) ing with rheumatism of the In our Book D< partment. second floor, will le found a complete line pri ces. o f Bibles as well as a tine lino of GIFT BOOKS Suitable i* r YOUNG nerves and is still confined to hi: -ne LADIES’ AND MISSES’ HOSE J. V I V *7« and OLD bsd. * LADIU " HOSE, extra heavy, part wool, the pair 15c UMBRE!.I AS ■ I niost comjfi -t * line in the city and at anv The h ? The Eastern Stock Co. j raw LA DIE !M8E, all wool, well si pped and made extra big A fine assortment ft r men. women ar.d ehildur Small ni s for the -h t * pay. In Missis’ Dresses you will he two performance in M s,* r. one* 5 price you value, the piir - - - - . 25c dren for 4Cc,-4To, 5(-c and C5c. I :hi (* what 'ine dn*ss, s yo i can get for so little s rprisefi last Friday nigh! and on« 1 on Extra large ones for the buggy, well h ed a:.d mail for $1.03, LADIES’ HuSE. fine cps Onere: a fust class h< se in every •igl-i no in 'y!e amfof the newest Wvftvef* moi cy* n Monday night, to v e r y j $1.10, ai d $1.25. way an i ope: ha will w *ar well, full fa hioned. high spliced . .¡ u m take a f< w minutes and 1 ok them over .a-lb ' ‘«it«*' Medium sized, 24 inch. 23 inch and 28 for *0e. 60e, 75c $1 and houses considering the fact that he a an 1 .¡»jhL* sole, s fiendid values in each kind. up t.) x!t Silk or. *s. many peoplesverc out ■>,' town o i ¿ 0 % 4 5 : and 50c O n op» F U R S A ND FUR S ET S both occasions. l N«>\ v that Mr. CHILDREN'S HOSE, winter weights in ! eavy cotton One o f the best lines in the city. Sets for lad es and t'dldren ¡rom Stroup has enlarged the capacity ar .I Miss, s W o o l and \\ itu proof Caps ilo* “ I ■„ in w»-*l or cash nere. H >se that will stand the $1.25 up to $35 of his hail, ther-* will b> n wear and k TOQUKS-AND CARS All colors, for men. wome i and child, *n ‘ or them warm. Double he« s and oe 3 f< r the •s, vatu a A) gj*'«atar inducetnant for first class 25c. 35c 46c-and up. for 0c lfia 2f c and 25c ah-« vt t> m\k? this town. mamsat ADVERTISE The A. E. LAKE : Paper Pa s s- T irne i The Popular Clothier" Men’s Clothing, Furnishings f and Shoes I H 1 HE Good Accommodations S H ,? ) THE DALLES, OREGON Rates $1.00 per day and up , , „ j Corner 2nd and Washington Sts. OREGON Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes and Misses' Suits and Coats and Capes Drcs ;cial 15c THE PARIS FAIR Fancy China